Re: [GNC] latest gnucash release (3.1) feedback

2018-05-08 Thread Peter Jackson
So, how do I create a custom CSS file for Windows 10.


On 8 May 2018 at 06:19, Adrien Monteleone 

> You can tailor the colors and fonts to your liking using a custom CSS
> file. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘layout’ but the new Gtk+3 version does
> have more padding in many areas. I don’t think this is easily changeable,
> but it might be possible.
> I’m not sure what is causing your flickering issues though. (I’m using
> High Sierra on a Mac Mini and don’t see any such issues) Those would
> probably be worth filing bug reports over. However, there’s a good chance
> those are video card related and might not be necessarily solvable via
> GnuCash code. Do you use any other Gtk+3 apps on your Mac? (if so and those
> apps don’t flicker, then that would help to show it is a GnuCash problem
> and not a Gtk problem)
> Finally, note that there is a more recent version of 2.6, The latest out
> is 2.6.21. It fixes several bugs from that 2.6.19-1 release. (The 2.6.20
> had some major issues precipitating the 2.6.21 ‘final’ 2.6 release)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On May 7, 2018, at 5:36 PM, Scott Cason via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
> >
> > I have been using Gnucash for a while now on a OSX laptop.  So far I
> have been satisfied with all its nuances.  However, this latest release I
> am more than unhappy with.  I don't know if my issues are the same between
> all OS' but as for my Mac I have gone back to v2.6.19-1.
> > What I do not like about the new 3.1 is:(1) there seems to be a lot of
> graphics issues at launch,,, page flickers and windows flash(2) basically,
> I do not like the way the color scheme works;  colored tabs almost makes it
> impossible to read the tab.  this is unlike prior versions where tab color
> did not interfere with tab titles(3) overall, I do not like the new
> layout/color/font... the look is totally different and I do not like it.(4)
> Maybe if there weren't issues 1 and 2, #3 would not be quite so noticeable
> and I might not have even noticed.
> >
> > Thanks,Scott
> > ___
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[GNC] Trouble installing

2018-05-08 Thread jnbernier
I am unable to install on my Mac.  I run the dmg file fine, it opens a dialog 
box that says “verifying Gnucash.  Then the next dialog box says "Gnucash is an 
application dowloaded form the Internet. Are you sure you want to open?"  I 
confirm by clicking “open” and then the file closes/crashes.  I can’t get past 
this point.

Julie Bernier

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Re: [GNC] latest gnucash release (3.1) feedback

2018-05-08 Thread Anthony Dardis
I had similar experiences with 3.1 on OS X 10.13.4 on a 2015 MacBook 
Air. My standard setup opens 4 accounts and one report, a version of 
Balance Sheet that presents an overview. With 2.6.19, they all open at 
once; with 3.1-1, they open in sequence (is there also a redraw in there 
somewhere?) which gives an impression of "flashing".

My impression is that the colors/fonts/UI/etc are better in 3.1-1 (that 
is: they look great!) but the system is working harder to make this 
happen and so it "feels" less robust.

(One bit of UI that I missed: in 2.6.19 a "swipe left" mouse pad gesture 
in the tab bar brings you to the left (or to the leftmost tab); 3.1 
seems not to have this any more?)

I had the "can't parse user file" issue with 3.0-1, and it went away 
with 3.1-1.

I had a crash, though, which put me back to 2.6.19. I was reconciling 
each of my high activity accounts at beginning of month last week; the 
first two went smoothly; I opened the account to reconcile the third, 
clicked the Reconcile button, and GnuCash crashed "completely", just 
disappeared and stopped. The Apple crash dialog came up, but I wasn't 
sure if there was value in sending anything to Apple. No data loss, but 



On 5/8/18 1:19 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

You can tailor the colors and fonts to your liking using a custom CSS file. I’m 
not sure what you mean by ‘layout’ but the new Gtk+3 version does have more 
padding in many areas. I don’t think this is easily changeable, but it might be 

I’m not sure what is causing your flickering issues though. (I’m using High 
Sierra on a Mac Mini and don’t see any such issues) Those would probably be 
worth filing bug reports over. However, there’s a good chance those are video 
card related and might not be necessarily solvable via GnuCash code. Do you use 
any other Gtk+3 apps on your Mac? (if so and those apps don’t flicker, then 
that would help to show it is a GnuCash problem and not a Gtk problem)

Finally, note that there is a more recent version of 2.6, The latest out is 
2.6.21. It fixes several bugs from that 2.6.19-1 release. (The 2.6.20 had some 
major issues precipitating the 2.6.21 ‘final’ 2.6 release)


On May 7, 2018, at 5:36 PM, Scott Cason via gnucash-user 

I have been using Gnucash for a while now on a OSX laptop.  So far I have been 
satisfied with all its nuances.  However, this latest release I am more than 
unhappy with.  I don't know if my issues are the same between all OS' but as 
for my Mac I have gone back to v2.6.19-1.
What I do not like about the new 3.1 is:(1) there seems to be a lot of graphics 
issues at launch,,, page flickers and windows flash(2) basically, I do not like 
the way the color scheme works;  colored tabs almost makes it impossible to 
read the tab.  this is unlike prior versions where tab color did not interfere 
with tab titles(3) overall, I do not like the new layout/color/font... the look 
is totally different and I do not like it.(4) Maybe if there weren't issues 1 
and 2, #3 would not be quite so noticeable and I might not have even noticed.

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[GNC] Gnucash 3.1: Missing Account Tree

2018-05-08 Thread emmanuel
Hello, up until recently I was running GnuCash 2.4 and just upgraded to 
3.1. (The GnuCash 2.6 reports didn't work on NixOS, so I stayed with 
2.4). Unfortunately, I can no longer see the account tree (see attachment).

Is this change on purpose? If so, what's the new way of getting to the 
transactions of a specific account?

Perhaps related, I noticed that when creating new accounts I can only 
choose a parent from those same top-level accounts.

Thank you,


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Re: [GNC] latest gnucash release (3.1) feedback

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone

I see what you mean about the tabs loading. I have the CoA, Receivable & 
Payables aging reports, and a Current Period Income Statement report on 
startup. Each load one by one after the main window appears. I just tested with 
my 2.6.21 copy and while the main window opened with everything already loaded, 
this happened because the reports were ‘built’ while the splash screen was 
still up. And it took much longer on 2.6 to build the reports than with 3.1. So 
3.1 is much faster to load my reports, and the main window appears sooner. 
While I wouldn’t call it a ‘flicker’ it does appear different to the user. I 
normally don’t notice it since I started using 3.1 because I rarely close the 
application so I rarely re-start it.

I haven’t noticed any sluggishness during regular use save for the context-menu 
in registers and invoices which sometimes seems to take a few seconds to ‘wake 
up’ and become active after appearing. I had a bug report on another issue with 
that menu so I suppose I need to file another to address that point.

That crash report would possibly have been useful in a bug report or help here 
on the list. It’s probably still available from

I too had a crash right after using 3.0, but it turned out to be a mouse event 
that whacked the application and wasn’t a repeatable event. It ran fine 

Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to start a thread about your crash and attach your 
crash report as a .txt file.


> On May 8, 2018, at 6:56 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
> I had similar experiences with 3.1 on OS X 10.13.4 on a 2015 MacBook Air. My 
> standard setup opens 4 accounts and one report, a version of Balance Sheet 
> that presents an overview. With 2.6.19, they all open at once; with 3.1-1, 
> they open in sequence (is there also a redraw in there somewhere?) which 
> gives an impression of "flashing".
> My impression is that the colors/fonts/UI/etc are better in 3.1-1 (that is: 
> they look great!) but the system is working harder to make this happen and so 
> it "feels" less robust.
> (One bit of UI that I missed: in 2.6.19 a "swipe left" mouse pad gesture in 
> the tab bar brings you to the left (or to the leftmost tab); 3.1 seems not to 
> have this any more?)
> I had the "can't parse user file" issue with 3.0-1, and it went away with 
> 3.1-1.
> I had a crash, though, which put me back to 2.6.19. I was reconciling each of 
> my high activity accounts at beginning of month last week; the first two went 
> smoothly; I opened the account to reconcile the third, clicked the Reconcile 
> button, and GnuCash crashed "completely", just disappeared and stopped. The 
> Apple crash dialog came up, but I wasn't sure if there was value in sending 
> anything to Apple. No data loss, but concerning.
> Cheers,
> Tony
> On 5/8/18 1:19 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> You can tailor the colors and fonts to your liking using a custom CSS file. 
>> I’m not sure what you mean by ‘layout’ but the new Gtk+3 version does have 
>> more padding in many areas. I don’t think this is easily changeable, but it 
>> might be possible.
>> I’m not sure what is causing your flickering issues though. (I’m using High 
>> Sierra on a Mac Mini and don’t see any such issues) Those would probably be 
>> worth filing bug reports over. However, there’s a good chance those are 
>> video card related and might not be necessarily solvable via GnuCash code. 
>> Do you use any other Gtk+3 apps on your Mac? (if so and those apps don’t 
>> flicker, then that would help to show it is a GnuCash problem and not a Gtk 
>> problem)
>> Finally, note that there is a more recent version of 2.6, The latest out is 
>> 2.6.21. It fixes several bugs from that 2.6.19-1 release. (The 2.6.20 had 
>> some major issues precipitating the 2.6.21 ‘final’ 2.6 release)
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On May 7, 2018, at 5:36 PM, Scott Cason via gnucash-user 
>>>  wrote:
>>> I have been using Gnucash for a while now on a OSX laptop.  So far I have 
>>> been satisfied with all its nuances.  However, this latest release I am 
>>> more than unhappy with.  I don't know if my issues are the same between all 
>>> OS' but as for my Mac I have gone back to v2.6.19-1.
>>> What I do not like about the new 3.1 is:(1) there seems to be a lot of 
>>> graphics issues at launch,,, page flickers and windows flash(2) basically, 
>>> I do not like the way the color scheme works;  colored tabs almost makes it 
>>> impossible to read the tab.  this is unlike prior versions where tab color 
>>> did not interfere with tab titles(3) overall, I do not like the new 
>>> layout/color/font... the look is totally different and I do not like it.(4) 
>>> Maybe if there weren't issues 1 and 2, #3 would not be quite so noticeable 
>>> and I might not have even noticed.
>>> Thanks,Scott
>>> ___
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>> To up

Re: [GNC] Trouble installing

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Usually when this happens I just launch again after confirming I want to open 
and it works the second time. (this isn’t unique to GnuCash)

Does it get as far as showing you the contents of the bundle? You’ll see 
‘’, ‘FinanceQuote’ and a few .txt files. If you get that 
far, drag and drop the file to your Applications folder.

If not, perhaps try deleting that copy and re-downloading. Make sure you get it 
from the official source via the links on:

You should also ‘verify’ the download using the hashes given for the .dmg on 
the download page. There are plenty of resources on how to do so if you aren’t 
familiar with the process. If you need help, ask us here on the list.


> On May 8, 2018, at 5:49 AM, jnbernier  wrote:
> I am unable to install on my Mac.  I run the dmg file fine, it opens a dialog 
> box that says “verifying Gnucash.  Then the next dialog box says "Gnucash is 
> an application dowloaded form the Internet. Are you sure you want to open?"  
> I confirm by clicking “open” and then the file closes/crashes.  I can’t get 
> past this point.
> Julie Bernier
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.1: Missing Account Tree

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone

I’ll let a developer give you a better answer, but I’ll hazard a guess.

First, run ‘Check & Repair’ in the Actions menu.

If that doesn’t fix it, then my guess is that you need to first open your file 
with a 2.6 version before moving to 3.1.



> On May 8, 2018, at 7:34 AM, emmanuel  wrote:
> Hello, up until recently I was running GnuCash 2.4 and just upgraded to 3.1. 
> (The GnuCash 2.6 reports didn't work on NixOS, so I stayed with 2.4). 
> Unfortunately, I can no longer see the account tree (see attachment).
> Is this change on purpose? If so, what's the new way of getting to the 
> transactions of a specific account?
> Perhaps related, I noticed that when creating new accounts I can only choose 
> a parent from those same top-level accounts.
> Thank you,
> Emmanuel
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
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> -
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.1: Missing Account Tree

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I knew I had read this somewhere. Read this section of the FAQ on the GnuCash 

—particularly, the second question.


> On May 8, 2018, at 7:34 AM, emmanuel  wrote:
> Hello, up until recently I was running GnuCash 2.4 and just upgraded to 3.1. 
> (The GnuCash 2.6 reports didn't work on NixOS, so I stayed with 2.4). 
> Unfortunately, I can no longer see the account tree (see attachment).
> Is this change on purpose? If so, what's the new way of getting to the 
> transactions of a specific account?
> Perhaps related, I noticed that when creating new accounts I can only choose 
> a parent from those same top-level accounts.
> Thank you,
> Emmanuel
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
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[GNC] Crash log for event on 3.1-1

2018-05-08 Thread Anthony Dardis
Attached is a crash log for a 3.1-1 crash on OS X 10.13.4 on MacBook Air 

Context: I was reconciling each of my high activity accounts at 
beginning of month last week; the first two went smoothly; I opened the 
account to reconcile the third, clicked the Reconcile button, and 
GnuCash crashed "completely", just disappeared and stopped.

Process:   Gnucash [14341]
Path:  /Applications/
Version:   3.1 (3.1)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:??? [1]
Responsible:   Gnucash [14341]
User ID:   501

Date/Time: 2018-05-03 14:05:18.948 -0400
OS Version:Mac OS X 10.13.4 (17E202)
Report Version:12
Anonymous UUID:8B811A27-0D23-6691-DE87-BA0D1C10FDEA

Sleep/Wake UUID:   66CAACF6-0821-4104-BA67-8BD2B8C71866

Time Awake Since Boot: 83000 seconds
Time Since Wake:   9800 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes:   KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0028

Termination Signal:Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason:Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process:   exc handler [0]

VM Regions Near 0x28:
__TEXT 000101487000-00010149a000 [   76K] r-x/rwx 
SM=COW  /Applications/

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   libgtk-3.0.dylib0x0001019d7b84 gtk_box_pack + 36
1   libgncmod-gnome-utils.dylib 0x0001045642c3 
gnc_xfer_dialog_add_user_specified_button + 163
2   libgnc-gnome.dylib  0x00010152e403 
gnc_reconcile_interest_xfer_run + 611
3   libgnc-gnome.dylib  0x00010152ee2c startRecnWindow + 
4   libgnc-gnome.dylib  0x00010152e6e5 recnWindow + 453
5   libgnc-gnome.dylib  0x000101514820 
gnc_plugin_page_register_cmd_reconcile + 272
6   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102419e42 g_closure_invoke + 
7   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102430db9 
signal_emit_unlocked_R + 1865
8   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102431c30 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 2288
9   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102432316 g_signal_emit + 134
10  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x00010195e2c4 
_gtk_action_emit_activate + 68
11  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101bfc57e button_clicked + 30
12  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241a0aa _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 314
13  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102431931 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 1521
14  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102432316 g_signal_emit + 134
15  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x0001019e924b 
gtk_real_button_released + 187
16  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241a0aa _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 314
17  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102431931 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 1521
18  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102432316 g_signal_emit + 134
19  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x0001019e7ce6 
multipress_released_cb + 38
20  libffi.6.dylib  0x000106baa83c ffi_call_unix64 + 76
21  libffi.6.dylib  0x000106ba9d2a ffi_call + 922
22  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241b563 
g_cclosure_marshal_generic_va + 1667
23  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241a0aa _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 314
24  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102431931 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 1521
25  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102432316 g_signal_emit + 134
26  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101aa9751 
gtk_gesture_multi_press_end + 81
27  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241d334 
g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXEDv + 180
28  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241a0aa _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 314
29  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102431931 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 1521
30  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x000102432316 g_signal_emit + 134
31  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101aa63fb 
_gtk_gesture_check_recognized + 123
32  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101aa7989 
gtk_gesture_handle_event + 297
33  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101aab0b5 
gtk_gesture_single_handle_event + 549
34  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101a758ab 
gtk_event_controller_handle_event + 107
35  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101c4f43b 
_gtk_widget_run_controllers + 171
36  libgtk-3.0.dylib0x000101af661c 
_gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXEDv + 188
37  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010241a0aa _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 314
38  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib

Re: [GNC] Handling VISA Debit Accounts

2018-05-08 Thread Mike or Penny Novack

On 5/7/2018 8:45 PM, randix wrote:

Did VISA debit cards do somethin' to you as a child, why are you pickin' on
them (that reply is to no one in particular, only the thread, so pleeze, no
one get defensive)?

A debit card [to me] is a non-existent entity, it has no business having its
own "account".

My schwab checking account has a VISA debit card

THAT is what the question was about. YOUR debit card is associated with 
a checking account. That is one common type. But there are OTHER sorts 
of debit cards. There are ones associated with what are more like 
savings accounts (no checks, the debit card is used for all 
withdrawals). There are "free standing" debit cards (pre-paid debit 
cards) that are stand alone, associated with no bank account and which 
should be handled like "gift cards", just not tied to a particular 
vendor. And then there are "debit cards" associated to virtual accounts 
<< some agency might be adding so much per month to the debit card 
balance >>

YOUR type of debit card would/should have no existence in the CoA. Some 
of these other sorts (I will avoid the word "type") would.

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Handling VISA Debit Accounts

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone

VISA is just a payment network. They are not a credit card company. They don’t 
issue cards, or extend credit to anyone. Banks do that part and VISA allows 
them to use the VISA brand on the bank’s cards. (which means payments will go 
through the VISA network) Those cards can come in many forms. You’re probably 
most familiar with the credit type associated with the brand, but branded debit 
cards have been around since at least the early 90s. (I had one in ’92) Branded 
gift/pre-paid cards are also now ubiquitous and are available at nearly any 
retailer, grocery store and convenience store. MasterCard and AMEX also have 
branded cards. I’m not aware of Discover having any cards other than the credit 
type. (also VISA/MasterCard is pretty much the same company now)

On that note, here’s how you handle each type:

Credit - create a Credit Card type account. (you can just use a plain liability 
account if you like, but GnuCash has a Credit Card type for you)

Debit - nothing special. It is merely a means to access your 
checking/savings/money-market/other account, so just create one GnuCash account 
for each real-world account. The fact that the account has an associated card 
doesn’t affect this.

Gift/Pre-paid - Create a Current Asset account, potentially one for each card.

I have mine set up as Assets:Current Assets:Prepaid Expenses:Gift Cards & 
Pre-paid Cards, and then under that various purposes like ‘restaurants’, 
‘groceries’, ‘shops’, ‘movies’, et cetera, with an account under each of those 
for each individual card. (so I can track the remaining balance easily) Some 
people lump all their pre-paid cards together since they are usually not 
reloaded (though you can) and discarded when empty. I don’t mind having them 
separate, not just because I don’t usually spend them all in one shot and like 
to see the balance at a glance, but also because I have several that are 
received as recurring gifts so the GnuCash account tends to hang around for 
many years.

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Re: [GNC] latest gnucash release (3.1) feedback

2018-05-08 Thread John Ralls
There’s no point in sending the crash report to Apple, but there is a point to 
sending it to us. Please file a bug report and attach it. As Adrien says, you 
can find it using /Applications/Utilities/Console under “User Diagnostics”. 
Control-click the report in the sidebar and select “show in finder” to see 
where it’s actually located.

John Ralls

> On May 8, 2018, at 4:56 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
> I had similar experiences with 3.1 on OS X 10.13.4 on a 2015 MacBook Air. My 
> standard setup opens 4 accounts and one report, a version of Balance Sheet 
> that presents an overview. With 2.6.19, they all open at once; with 3.1-1, 
> they open in sequence (is there also a redraw in there somewhere?) which 
> gives an impression of "flashing".
> My impression is that the colors/fonts/UI/etc are better in 3.1-1 (that is: 
> they look great!) but the system is working harder to make this happen and so 
> it "feels" less robust.
> (One bit of UI that I missed: in 2.6.19 a "swipe left" mouse pad gesture in 
> the tab bar brings you to the left (or to the leftmost tab); 3.1 seems not to 
> have this any more?)
> I had the "can't parse user file" issue with 3.0-1, and it went away with 
> 3.1-1.
> I had a crash, though, which put me back to 2.6.19. I was reconciling each of 
> my high activity accounts at beginning of month last week; the first two went 
> smoothly; I opened the account to reconcile the third, clicked the Reconcile 
> button, and GnuCash crashed "completely", just disappeared and stopped. The 
> Apple crash dialog came up, but I wasn't sure if there was value in sending 
> anything to Apple. No data loss, but concerning.
> Cheers,
> Tony
> On 5/8/18 1:19 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> You can tailor the colors and fonts to your liking using a custom CSS file. 
>> I’m not sure what you mean by ‘layout’ but the new Gtk+3 version does have 
>> more padding in many areas. I don’t think this is easily changeable, but it 
>> might be possible.
>> I’m not sure what is causing your flickering issues though. (I’m using High 
>> Sierra on a Mac Mini and don’t see any such issues) Those would probably be 
>> worth filing bug reports over. However, there’s a good chance those are 
>> video card related and might not be necessarily solvable via GnuCash code. 
>> Do you use any other Gtk+3 apps on your Mac? (if so and those apps don’t 
>> flicker, then that would help to show it is a GnuCash problem and not a Gtk 
>> problem)
>> Finally, note that there is a more recent version of 2.6, The latest out is 
>> 2.6.21. It fixes several bugs from that 2.6.19-1 release. (The 2.6.20 had 
>> some major issues precipitating the 2.6.21 ‘final’ 2.6 release)
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On May 7, 2018, at 5:36 PM, Scott Cason via gnucash-user 
>>>  wrote:
>>> I have been using Gnucash for a while now on a OSX laptop.  So far I have 
>>> been satisfied with all its nuances.  However, this latest release I am 
>>> more than unhappy with.  I don't know if my issues are the same between all 
>>> OS' but as for my Mac I have gone back to v2.6.19-1.
>>> What I do not like about the new 3.1 is:(1) there seems to be a lot of 
>>> graphics issues at launch,,, page flickers and windows flash(2) basically, 
>>> I do not like the way the color scheme works;  colored tabs almost makes it 
>>> impossible to read the tab.  this is unlike prior versions where tab color 
>>> did not interfere with tab titles(3) overall, I do not like the new 
>>> layout/color/font... the look is totally different and I do not like it.(4) 
>>> Maybe if there weren't issues 1 and 2, #3 would not be quite so noticeable 
>>> and I might not have even noticed.
>>> Thanks,Scott
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Re: [GNC] Crash log for event on 3.1-1

2018-05-08 Thread John Ralls

> On May 8, 2018, at 5:56 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
> Attached is a crash log for a 3.1-1 crash on OS X 10.13.4 on MacBook Air 2015.
> Context: I was reconciling each of my high activity accounts at beginning of 
> month last week; the first two went smoothly; I opened the account to 
> reconcile the third, clicked the Reconcile button, and GnuCash crashed 
> "completely", just disappeared and stopped.

It’s much better to use the bug tracker for crash reports. Mailing list 
articles tend to get forgotten about.

I’m not sure how reliable that backtrace is, the libraries on the left don’t 
match up well with the functions on the right.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Handling VISA Debit Accounts

2018-05-08 Thread jeffrey black
On 05/07/2018 01:39 AM, Karen Stingel wrote:
> This is a Fix of my previous thread ... Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 
> 182, Issue 8,
> apologies for not clarifying the subject line last time.
> How does gnc handle the Case of a VISA Debit card?
> Technically, this is a BANK account with a VISA enabled card and a 
> $0.00 Credit Limit
> Should it just be created as a normal BANK account type?
> Are there any plans to include this as a new Asset Account type in 
> future editions of gnc?
> Are Python Bindings enabled in the Windows binaries, and could this 
> Account type be added via writing a Python script?
> ___
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> .

Unless for some specific reason you need to monitor the use of your 
debit card(s), don't.  Your transactions related to the debit card 
should show up on your bank statement.  The only reasonable case I can 
think of where a separate account is warranted is using re-loadable pay 
as you go cards.

Instead, I recommend utilizing the "Num" field to identify how each 
transaction was handled.  You can easily design your own schema.  In my 
case I use:

 for checks (the actual check number)

dbt for debit transactions (things like buying gasoline)

eft for electronic fund transfers (transfer electronically to a merchant 
and ach transactions that are not paid by check)

txfr to transfer money between accounts within the same financial 

dep for deposits.

atm for well atm transactions.

Just my 2 cents worth.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Crash log for event on 3.1-1

2018-05-08 Thread John Ralls
> On May 8, 2018, at 7:30 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
> Sorry, Adrien Monteleone suggested I post the crash log there at 
> gnucash-user; I'll put it at the bug tracker next time.
> Is there a better / more reliable thing to get out of Mac OS than one of 
> these crash logs? I just selected and copied the text from the crash log.

> On May 8, 2018, at 7:42 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
> should I just attach the .crash file rather than making a .txt file?
> On 5/8/18 10:14 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On May 8, 2018, at 5:56 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
>>> Attached is a crash log for a 3.1-1 crash on OS X 10.13.4 on MacBook Air 
>>> 2015.
>>> Context: I was reconciling each of my high activity accounts at beginning 
>>> of month last week; the first two went smoothly; I opened the account to 
>>> reconcile the third, clicked the Reconcile button, and GnuCash crashed 
>>> "completely", just disappeared and stopped.
>> It’s much better to use the bug tracker for crash reports. Mailing list 
>> articles tend to get forgotten about.
>> I’m not sure how reliable that backtrace is, the libraries on the left don’t 
>> match up well with the functions on the right.

Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

The “.crash” is a plain text file, so no transformation is necessary. The only 
thing to do is to set the file type to “text/plain” when you upload it to 
bugzilla so that it’s readable in the browser.

There’s a little more data you can collect: You can run GnuCash from the 
command line with the --debug and --extra options and crash it again--assuming 
that there’s something about the data that caused the crash rather than some 
random problem in Gtk--and attach the resulting trace file to the bug, pasting 
in any output in the Terminal window as well.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Trouble installing

2018-05-08 Thread jnbernier
Hi Adrien,
Responses are below

Julie Bernier

> On May 8, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> Julie,
> Usually when this happens I just launch again after confirming I want to open 
> and it works the second time. (this isn’t unique to GnuCash)
I have tried launching and confirming about 8 times.

> Does it get as far as showing you the contents of the bundle? You’ll see 
> ‘’, ‘FinanceQuote’ and a few .txt files. If you get 
> that far, drag and drop the file to your Applications folder.
Yes, it opens the window with the content bundle.
I went back and tried to drag the application into the applications folder and 
tried to run it from there.  The same thing happens.
It tells me its not from the App Store and asks if I’m sure I want to open it.  
When I say confirm, it just shuts down.

> If not, perhaps try deleting that copy and re-downloading. Make sure you get 
> it from the official source via the links on:
I had tried this already.  When I go to and click to download, it 
redirects me to Sourceforge and automatically downloads.

> You should also ‘verify’ the download using the hashes given for the .dmg on 
> the download page. There are plenty of resources on how to do so if you 
> aren’t familiar with the process. If you need help, ask us here on the list.
Yeah, I have no idea what this means??  :(

Many thanks
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On May 8, 2018, at 5:49 AM, jnbernier  wrote:
>> I am unable to install on my Mac.  I run the dmg file fine, it opens a 
>> dialog box that says “verifying Gnucash.  Then the next dialog box says 
>> "Gnucash is an application dowloaded form the Internet. Are you sure you 
>> want to open?"  I confirm by clicking “open” and then the file 
>> closes/crashes.  I can’t get past this point.
>> Julie Bernier
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Re: [GNC] Tax Report Options not working

2018-05-08 Thread Tom Charles
Thanks David!  I downgraded to version 2.6.21 and IT WORKS!!!, i.e. the
entity type now "sticks" and I can run the report just fine!

Must be a bug in the v3.x version for Windows 10.

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 12:48 AM, David Carlson 

> I cannot say whether version 3.x is different as I have not tried that,
> but in the 2.6.x versions it is necessary  to use the tax report options
> configuration to assign a tax form, line number and copy number to each tax
> worthy account individually before it will appear in the Tax report.  Since
> it is impossible to do this to more than one account at a time, it is very
> tedious to set up initially, but it is nice once it is working.  In my case
> I am in the US and using the US forms. I started with accounts that are
> assigned to the basic income lines on the 1040 form.  If your tax situation
> involves as many forms and lines as mine, it will probably take several
> trials to find all the accounts that are tax worthy and get them correctly
> assigned.
> Once you feel that you are close you can check the Tax Info Column in the
> Chart of Accounts to verify whether any given account is configured for the
> tax report.
> Since you state that you did those things but the information is not
> 'sticking', that is probably a bug in the 3.x release.  I know that others
> have reported bugs with various reports in v3.x
> Lets hear from others who have migrated with a previously configured tax
> report.
> David C
> On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 10:52 PM, Tom Charles 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using v3.1 of GNUCash and I  am try to set up the Tax Schedule Report
>> and cannot figure out why I cannot get the report to run and give me the
>> expected data.   The message I get is the following:
>> Period from 2018-Jan-01 to 2018-Dec-31
>> Tax Year 2018
>> Tax Entity Type: *None specified*
>>  All amounts in USD unless otherwise noted
>> The Income Tax Report is only available for valid Income Tax
>> Entity
>> Types. Go to the Edit->Tax Report Options dialog to change your Income Tax
>> Entity Type selection and set up tax-related accounts.
>> I did use the Edit->Tax Report Options to set the tax related information
>> for my accounts.
>> In the dialog box I select Edit. Then I set the "Type" to "Individual,
>> Joint, etc. - Files US Form 1040 Tax Return", then clicked apply.
>> I then went through and for each account that I wanted in the report I
>> selected the "Tax Related" box, then selected the TXF category for each. I
>> then clicked OK.
>> I noticed when I looked at the accounts in the "Accounts" page it stated
>> (under the "Tax Info" heading) for each account that the "Tax Entity Type
>> was not specified" for every account I set up.  This seems to relate to
>> the
>> notice I get when I run the report.
>> What am I missing? Any help would be much appreciated!
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Tom
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Re: [GNC] Tax Report Options not working

2018-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens

I'm glad you got it working.

I have just tried this on my Fedora linux system and there the tax entries do 
stick. I tried with both an xml based file and a sqlite3 based one.

So I don't know why it's not on your system.


Op dinsdag 8 mei 2018 22:29:56 CEST schreef Tom Charles:
> Thanks David!  I downgraded to version 2.6.21 and IT WORKS!!!, i.e. the
> entity type now "sticks" and I can run the report just fine!
> Must be a bug in the v3.x version for Windows 10.

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Re: [GNC] Tax Report Options not working

2018-05-08 Thread David Carlson
 Tom ,  Since you are using Windows 10 the issue must be a Windows thing.
Are you using the official release or one of the nightly builds?

I don't know if the developers would suggest trying one of them for this
issue, but I see that there is a May 6 build in the nightly directory. <> I guess I would stay with
2.6.21 for a while.

David C

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 3:43 PM, Geert Janssens 

> Tom,
> I'm glad you got it working.
> I have just tried this on my Fedora linux system and there the tax entries
> do
> stick. I tried with both an xml based file and a sqlite3 based one.
> So I don't know why it's not on your system.
> Geert
> Op dinsdag 8 mei 2018 22:29:56 CEST schreef Tom Charles:
> > Thanks David!  I downgraded to version 2.6.21 and IT WORKS!!!, i.e. the
> > entity type now "sticks" and I can run the report just fine!
> >
> > Must be a bug in the v3.x version for Windows 10.
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Re: [GNC] Tax Report Options not working

2018-05-08 Thread Tom Charles
I used the official 3.1 release...will stay with 2.6.21 for a while, thx!

On Tue, May 8, 2018, 5:38 PM David Carlson 

> Tom ,  Since you are using Windows 10 the issue must be a Windows thing.
> Are you using the official release or one of the nightly builds?
> I don't know if the developers would suggest trying one of them for this
> issue, but I see that there is a May 6 build in the nightly directory. <
>> I guess I would stay with
> 2.6.21 for a while.
> David C
> On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 3:43 PM, Geert Janssens  > wrote:
>> Tom,
>> I'm glad you got it working.
>> I have just tried this on my Fedora linux system and there the tax
>> entries do
>> stick. I tried with both an xml based file and a sqlite3 based one.
>> So I don't know why it's not on your system.
>> Geert
>> Op dinsdag 8 mei 2018 22:29:56 CEST schreef Tom Charles:
>> > Thanks David!  I downgraded to version 2.6.21 and IT WORKS!!!, i.e. the
>> > entity type now "sticks" and I can run the report just fine!
>> >
>> > Must be a bug in the v3.x version for Windows 10.
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Re: [GNC] Crash log for event on 3.1-1

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Sorry, my bad. I’ve seen it done both ways. Certainly, Bugzilla is the way to 
go and what the devs prefer.


> On May 8, 2018, at 11:13 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On May 8, 2018, at 7:30 AM, Anthony Dardis  wrote:
>> Sorry, Adrien Monteleone suggested I post the crash log there at 
>> gnucash-user; I'll put it at the bug tracker next time.

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Re: [GNC] Trouble installing

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
First, now that you’ve verified you want to open the app, try opening it with a 
left-click from LaunchPad or left double-click from the Applications folder. Be 
sure not to try launching the app from within bundle. Only launch from 
LaunchPad, the Applications Folder, or your Dock if you’ve placed it there. If 
that still doesn’t work, read on...


Since that didn’t work, let’s make sure the download is proper.

This might seem complicated at first, but it is in fact very easy with very 
little typing. (the worst parts you get to drag and drop)

Open Finder to your Downloads folder (or wherever you downloaded the .dmg to) 
and move it to one side.

Open your web browser and move it aside.

Open a window and position it so you can see it with the other two 
windows on the screen. You can find it in Launchpad > Utilities, or use 
Spotlight [CMD-Space] and search for and launch it. (It’s also in 
Applications > Utilities from Finder)

At the command prompt (which ends in a ‘$’ sign) type:

openssl sha256

followed by a space, then click and drag the .dmg file from your Downloads 
folder and drop it after that space. (this will copy the full path to where 
that dmg is stored on your machine at the end of the command)

Then type another space and then a “pipe” character (looks like this-> | and is 
located above the enter key, you’ll have to use SHIFT to get it) followed by 
another space, then the word grep followed by another space.

Then in your browser, go to the main project page on SourceForge for GnuCash: 

Click the Files tab.

Click ‘gnucash (stable)' folder.

Click the folder for the version you downloaded, in this case, probably the 
’3.1’ folder.

After the file listing, you’ll see a listing of ‘hashes’ which are long strings 
of letters and numbers with the corresponding file name next to them. Find the 
one for the .dmg you downloaded.

Double-click the hash to select it.

Now, carefully click and drag it onto the window. (you can 
alternatively use the right-click menu on the hash to copy, and then again to 
paste at the end of the terminal command)

The final command you’ve created should look like something like this:

openssl sha256 /Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg | grep 

(that’s really one line, it may or may not wrap depending on how wide your window is) ‘yourname-here’ would be replaced by the name of the 
logged in user on your Mac. (probably ‘julie’)


After a few seconds or so, you should get a response like this:


followed by the command prompt.

If all you get is your command prompt back instead, then the hashes don’t 
match. (be sure you copied the right one) You’ll need to try the download again 
and re-verify till they do. You can just hit the up-arrow key in the terminal 
to repeat the last command after the new download, but be sure to delete the 
bad download first or sometimes the file gets renamed with a ‘-1’ or something 
similar after it and the command will give you a “no such file or directory” 


Okay, that looked really technical, but wasn’t too hard to pull off. What you 
did was run a command to calculate the hash of the already downloaded file and 
then compare it to the one it was supposed to calculate. If they matched, it 
spat the hash back at you. If they didn’t, it does nothing. A matching hash 
means your download was complete and uncorrupted. (there really should be a 
simpler way to do this, I admit)

If the hashes matched and you still can’t get it to open after dropping the in the Applications folder and right-clicking to open and confirm 
followed by a left-click to launch normally, then I’m stumped.


> On May 8, 2018, at 12:36 PM, jnbernier  wrote:
> Hi Adrien,
> Responses are below
> Julie Bernier
>> On May 8, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>  wrote:
>> Julie,
>> Usually when this happens I just launch again after confirming I want to 
>> open and it works the second time. (this isn’t unique to GnuCash)
> I have tried launching and confirming about 8 times.
>> Does it get as far as showing you the contents of the bundle? You’ll see 
>> ‘’, ‘FinanceQuote’ and a few .txt files. If you get 
>> that far, drag and drop the file to your Applications folder.
> Yes, it opens the window with the content bundle.
> I went back and tried to drag the application into the applications folder 
> and tried to run it from there.  The same thing happens.
> It tells me its not from the App Store and asks if I’m sure I want to open 
> it.  When I say confirm, it just shuts down.

Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.1: Missing Account Tree

2018-05-08 Thread emmanuel
Thank you for the upgrade process, Adrien. I went ahead and followed 
through successfully.

It turns out the tree expand/collapse UI is not visible, yet it's there 
and functional. Perhaps it's a GTK3 theme issue, although I've tried a 
few different themes with the same result. I've attached a screenshot.

On 05/08/2018 08:56 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

I knew I had read this somewhere. Read this section of the FAQ on the GnuCash 

—particularly, the second question.


On May 8, 2018, at 7:34 AM, emmanuel  wrote:

Hello, up until recently I was running GnuCash 2.4 and just upgraded to 3.1. 
(The GnuCash 2.6 reports didn't work on NixOS, so I stayed with 2.4). 
Unfortunately, I can no longer see the account tree (see attachment).

Is this change on purpose? If so, what's the new way of getting to the 
transactions of a specific account?

Perhaps related, I noticed that when creating new accounts I can only choose a 
parent from those same top-level accounts.

Thank you,


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Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.1: Missing Account Tree

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone

I was going to link another discussion thread for one of my replies on custom 
CSS for theming, but it doesn’t seem to exist. (oddly) So I’m going to send 
this to you privately in a separate e-mail. (if that message ever makes it 
through, I’ll post the reference link to it here in this thread as well.) For 
anyone else reading this, just check out the FAQ on the Wiki about customizing 
colors and fonts and follow the links from there. (my message had several of 
those links included, so perhaps the mailing list software had erroneously 
flagged it as spam.)

I’ll note otherwise, that there are some bugs concerning dark themes and 
GnuCash 3.1. But I don’t think this one has been reported yet. It looks like 
the expansion triangles are the same color as the background. Please check out 
the Bugzilla for GnuCash and if this specific UI issue has not been reported, 
please do so.


> On May 8, 2018, at 9:05 PM, emmanuel  wrote:
> Thank you for the upgrade process, Adrien. I went ahead and followed through 
> successfully.
> It turns out the tree expand/collapse UI is not visible, yet it's there and 
> functional. Perhaps it's a GTK3 theme issue, although I've tried a few 
> different themes with the same result. I've attached a screenshot.
> On 05/08/2018 08:56 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> I knew I had read this somewhere. Read this section of the FAQ on the 
>> GnuCash wiki: 
>> —particularly, the second question.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On May 8, 2018, at 7:34 AM, emmanuel  wrote:
>>> Hello, up until recently I was running GnuCash 2.4 and just upgraded to 
>>> 3.1. (The GnuCash 2.6 reports didn't work on NixOS, so I stayed with 2.4). 
>>> Unfortunately, I can no longer see the account tree (see attachment).
>>> Is this change on purpose? If so, what's the new way of getting to the 
>>> transactions of a specific account?
>>> Perhaps related, I noticed that when creating new accounts I can only 
>>> choose a parent from those same top-level accounts.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Emmanuel
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Re: [GNC] Trouble installing

2018-05-08 Thread John Ralls

> On May 8, 2018, at 6:20 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> First, now that you’ve verified you want to open the app, try opening it with 
> a left-click from LaunchPad or left double-click from the Applications 
> folder. Be sure not to try launching the app from within bundle. Only launch 
> from LaunchPad, the Applications Folder, or your Dock if you’ve placed it 
> there. If that still doesn’t work, read on...
> --
> Since that didn’t work, let’s make sure the download is proper.
> This might seem complicated at first, but it is in fact very easy with very 
> little typing. (the worst parts you get to drag and drop)
> Open Finder to your Downloads folder (or wherever you downloaded the .dmg to) 
> and move it to one side.
> Open your web browser and move it aside.
> Open a window and position it so you can see it with the other 
> two windows on the screen. You can find it in Launchpad > Utilities, or use 
> Spotlight [CMD-Space] and search for and launch it. (It’s also 
> in Applications > Utilities from Finder)
> At the command prompt (which ends in a ‘$’ sign) type:
> openssl sha256
> followed by a space, then click and drag the .dmg file from your Downloads 
> folder and drop it after that space. (this will copy the full path to where 
> that dmg is stored on your machine at the end of the command)
> Then type another space and then a “pipe” character (looks like this-> | and 
> is located above the enter key, you’ll have to use SHIFT to get it) followed 
> by another space, then the word grep followed by another space.
> Then in your browser, go to the main project page on SourceForge for GnuCash: 
> Click the Files tab.
> Click ‘gnucash (stable)' folder.
> Click the folder for the version you downloaded, in this case, probably the 
> ’3.1’ folder.
> After the file listing, you’ll see a listing of ‘hashes’ which are long 
> strings of letters and numbers with the corresponding file name next to them. 
> Find the one for the .dmg you downloaded.
> Double-click the hash to select it.
> Now, carefully click and drag it onto the window. (you can 
> alternatively use the right-click menu on the hash to copy, and then again to 
> paste at the end of the terminal command)
> The final command you’ve created should look like something like this:
> openssl sha256 /Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg | grep 
> 71d06ea408302defacf08dcc8343ade86eeb2298b8b33e75a6e240754c2faf7f
> (that’s really one line, it may or may not wrap depending on how wide your 
> window is) ‘yourname-here’ would be replaced by the name of the 
> logged in user on your Mac. (probably ‘julie’)
> Hit ENTER.
> After a few seconds or so, you should get a response like this:
> SHA256(/Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg)= 
> 71d06ea408302defacf08dcc8343ade86eeb2298b8b33e75a6e240754c2faf71
> followed by the command prompt.
> If all you get is your command prompt back instead, then the hashes don’t 
> match. (be sure you copied the right one) You’ll need to try the download 
> again and re-verify till they do. You can just hit the up-arrow key in the 
> terminal to repeat the last command after the new download, but be sure to 
> delete the bad download first or sometimes the file gets renamed with a ‘-1’ 
> or something similar after it and the command will give you a “no such file 
> or directory” error.
> --
> Okay, that looked really technical, but wasn’t too hard to pull off. What you 
> did was run a command to calculate the hash of the already downloaded file 
> and then compare it to the one it was supposed to calculate. If they matched, 
> it spat the hash back at you. If they didn’t, it does nothing. A matching 
> hash means your download was complete and uncorrupted. (there really should 
> be a simpler way to do this, I admit)
> If the hashes matched and you still can’t get it to open after dropping the 
> in the Applications folder and right-clicking to open and confirm 
> followed by a left-click to launch normally, then I’m stumped.


In addition to the README.txt file on Sourceforge the sha256 hashes are also in 
the release announcements at 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Trouble installing

2018-05-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Thanks John,

I knew they were there. I only pointed her to SourceForge because she’d been 
there already.

I should have also pointed out the announcement thread and/or the posting of 
the announcement directly on the GnuCash site. There’s always more than one way 
to tackle something.

Since you brought it up, I know you’re really good about syncing info, but is 
there a ‘best place’ to pull the hashes from, just in case one source might be 
errant? And, not that you need to, but I know some publishers (Canonical comes 
to mind) also publish a hash file with a gpg signature. If you do that 
somewhere, certainly, that would be the first stop for users to make.


I see also on SourceForge that the ‘i’ button-link on the right of that screen 
(if you have JavaScript active) shows the sha1 and md5 hashes for each file 
which is also an option for anyone interested. 

As well, there are more methods than the one I listed in my reply on how to 
verify. (with MacOs in particular there is also the ‘shasum’ command.) 
Personally, I use a download plugin for Firefox (Downthemall) that offers the 
option to input the hash, specify the algorithm, and it verifies when the 
download is done.

If you’re downloading via torrent, the Transmission client (as I’m sure others) 
also offers a verification option, though I’ve yet to figure out how it does it 
since I don’t specify the hash file or sequence. (perhaps the hash is 
referenced by the torrent file itself?)


> On May 8, 2018, at 10:24 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On May 8, 2018, at 6:20 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>  wrote:
>> First, now that you’ve verified you want to open the app, try opening it 
>> with a left-click from LaunchPad or left double-click from the Applications 
>> folder. Be sure not to try launching the app from within bundle. Only launch 
>> from LaunchPad, the Applications Folder, or your Dock if you’ve placed it 
>> there. If that still doesn’t work, read on...
>> --
>> Since that didn’t work, let’s make sure the download is proper.
>> This might seem complicated at first, but it is in fact very easy with very 
>> little typing. (the worst parts you get to drag and drop)
>> Open Finder to your Downloads folder (or wherever you downloaded the .dmg 
>> to) and move it to one side.
>> Open your web browser and move it aside.
>> Open a window and position it so you can see it with the other 
>> two windows on the screen. You can find it in Launchpad > Utilities, or use 
>> Spotlight [CMD-Space] and search for and launch it. (It’s also 
>> in Applications > Utilities from Finder)
>> At the command prompt (which ends in a ‘$’ sign) type:
>> openssl sha256
>> followed by a space, then click and drag the .dmg file from your Downloads 
>> folder and drop it after that space. (this will copy the full path to where 
>> that dmg is stored on your machine at the end of the command)
>> Then type another space and then a “pipe” character (looks like this-> | and 
>> is located above the enter key, you’ll have to use SHIFT to get it) followed 
>> by another space, then the word grep followed by another space.
>> Then in your browser, go to the main project page on SourceForge for 
>> GnuCash: 
>> Click the Files tab.
>> Click ‘gnucash (stable)' folder.
>> Click the folder for the version you downloaded, in this case, probably the 
>> ’3.1’ folder.
>> After the file listing, you’ll see a listing of ‘hashes’ which are long 
>> strings of letters and numbers with the corresponding file name next to 
>> them. Find the one for the .dmg you downloaded.
>> Double-click the hash to select it.
>> Now, carefully click and drag it onto the window. (you can 
>> alternatively use the right-click menu on the hash to copy, and then again 
>> to paste at the end of the terminal command)
>> The final command you’ve created should look like something like this:
>> openssl sha256 /Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg | grep 
>> 71d06ea408302defacf08dcc8343ade86eeb2298b8b33e75a6e240754c2faf7f
>> (that’s really one line, it may or may not wrap depending on how wide your 
>> window is) ‘yourname-here’ would be replaced by the name of the 
>> logged in user on your Mac. (probably ‘julie’)
>> Hit ENTER.
>> After a few seconds or so, you should get a response like this:
>> SHA256(/Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg)= 
>> 71d06ea408302defacf08dcc8343ade86eeb2298b8b33e75a6e240754c2faf71
>> followed by the command prompt.
>> If all you get is your command prompt back instead, then the hashes don’t 
>> match. (be sure you copied the right one) You’ll need to try the download 
>> again and re-verify till they do. You can just hit the up-arrow key in the 
>> terminal to repeat t

Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 9 mei 2018 03:31:09 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> Apologies Dennis, my bad Geert, I missed the missing "install" when
> editing the page.
> David
Don't worry. You've been excellent at guiding Dennis to a successful build :)


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