Re: Translating by using Launchpad

2009-12-16 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, T, 2009-12-15 kell 12:35, kirjutas Khaled Hosny:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Michael Moroni  wrote:
> >Hi you all. I'm a GNOME user and I cannot think using another DE. However, I
> >cannot translate any application because it is not so automatic: you have to
> >save the file, open it, translating all the keys, be aware about the sintax,
> You shouldn't edit PO files using a plain text editors, there are plenty
> of specialized PO editor that take care of syntax etc. I'd suggest
> Virtaal myself.
> As for launchpad, I personally find it badly organized and doesn't
> encourage communication between translators, Pootle is, IMO, much
> better.

Have you tried using poedit, gtranslator or something similar? It pops
off some points in between.


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Strings "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste"

2010-01-16 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, L, 2010-01-16 kell 12:01, kirjutas Erdal Ronahi:
> Hi, 
> in which template are the strings "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" as they
> appear in Nautilus with a right click? They appear untranslated in
> Nautilus (Kurdish), so we wanted to translate them, but could not find
> them. They are neither in Nautilus nor in GTK+. 

These strings appear both in libgnomeui and gtk+, I am not sure which
one Nautilus uses.

> Best,
> Erdal
> -- 
> Mozilla Firefox a kurdî: . Niha daxe.
> ___
> gnome-i18n mailing list

gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Should we really translate legal notices?

2010-05-05 Thread Mattias Põldaru
I am no expert but the first thing that comes to mind is adding an extra
disclaimer, which states, that in cases where translation differs from
the original, the original superseedes any translation.


Ühel kenal päeval, T, 2010-05-04 kell 14:41, kirjutas Ihar Hrachyshka: 
> Hello!
> I'd like to raise a question which was already discussed in gnome-i18n
> with no end result [1] in hence this email.
> Recently one of Gnome localizers, Andika Triwidada, asked in gnome-i18n
> if we should really translate legal notices found in Gnome software
> translation catalogues. He stated that there is a policy for this in
> Fedora Project [2] which states that asks translators not to translate
> legal notices since such translations are risky if not approved by
> professional lawyers (which is of course not the case for 99% of Gnome
> translations).
> Localization participants tried to find any related policy on Gnome Wiki
> pages with no success. Some translators stated that they translate
> everything put in translation catalogues, legal notices included.
> It would be great if Gnome legal experts will discuss this problem in
> more detail and end up with final policy for translators.
> Below are some examples of such translation messages. They are quite
> common in Gnome applications translation catalogues.
> #: ../src/brasero-app.c:1153
> msgid ""
> "Brasero is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 
> "
> "terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software "
> "Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later "
> "version."
> msgstr ""
> #: ../src/brasero-app.c:1158
> msgid ""
> "Brasero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY "
> "WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS "
> "FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more "
> "details."
> msgstr ""
> #: ../src/brasero-app.c:1163
> msgid ""
> "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
> "
> "Brasero; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin "
> "Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
> msgstr ""
> [1]:
> [2]:
> ___
> gnome-i18n mailing list

gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Complaint of the Slovak coordinator

2010-05-16 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, P, 2010-05-16 kell 21:55, kirjutas helix84: 
> Dear gnome-i18n members,
> I'm a member of the Slovak team. All the problems I can currently
> think of have already been summed up in this thread so I won't repeat
> it here. We may discuss them one by one, but as I see it, all of them
> boil down to one thing:
> current coordinator stated the rules and all team members have to
> either abide or leave.
> As practice has shown, there is very little a discussion with him can
> achieve - it always introduced only minor changes where, as I believe,
> team members disagree with him fundamentally. Therefore I agree with
> replacing the coordinator, because I do not identify with his way of
> leading the team. There's no need for hard feelings because of that,
> we simply elected someone else for  this position. I wish he would
> understand and step down respectfully.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84

This is rather not my business, but here come my 50 cents.

To me Marcel's explanation sounds reasonable, as well as his concerns
about the quality.
On the other hand Peter is young and he is in rush to get the good work
done as fast as possible.

Not to waste any resources (which voting one or the other out would do,
not sure about Marcel, but Peter probably would leave because of that,
just my impression), you could have two subteams, both coordinate their
work to their best.

Set up local svn server and give any translator account and the right to
commit there. When commit is done, the server sends emails with diff [1]
to the team. Anyone can review and respond.

Let's say Peter is the first warden of svn for he's subteam and when he
responds to an e-mail of diff with "approved to be committed upstream"
message, Marcel either commits it as it is without reading, or if he
stumbles upon mistakes, he could ask these to be fixed.

At least this is how our team works (minus the subteams stuff).


[1] For diff to be more useful, our team does msgconv --no-location to
drop source references.

> P.S. I'm not subscribed to gnome-i18n, please CC me or gnome-sk-list
> when responding. 
> ___
> gnome-i18n mailing list

gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Complaint of the Slovak coordinator

2010-05-16 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, E, 2010-05-17 kell 02:16, kirjutas helix84:
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 02:04, Mattias Põldaru  wrote:
> > Ühel kenal päeval, P, 2010-05-16 kell 21:55, kirjutas helix84:
> > Not to waste any resources (which voting one or the other out would do,
> > not sure about Marcel, but Peter probably would leave because of that,
> > just my impression), you could have two subteams, both coordinate their
> > work to their best.
> As I understand what you wrote, you may have missed that Peter was
> already elected. This topic was raised because current coordinator
> refused to step down.
> > Set up local svn server and give any translator account and the right to
> > commit there. When commit is done, the server sends emails with diff [1]
> > to the team. Anyone can review and respond.
> >
> > Let's say Peter is the first warden of svn for he's subteam and when he
> > responds to an e-mail of diff with "approved to be committed upstream"
> > message, Marcel either commits it as it is without reading, or if he
> > stumbles upon mistakes, he could ask these to be fixed.
> Basically, nothing prevents this workflow currently as Peter has had
> reviewer rights for some time. The problem is translations are stuck
> in the "Committing" state because Marcel won't commit them without
> going through them completely.
> Even in the case you suggested the bottleneck remains. But this was
> not the only issue with the current coordinator.

No-no. The main idea was that he would give up the head reviewer role
for some amount of modules, so whenever your subteam head says some of
your modules is ready, it is to be committed or mistakes pointed out in
reasonable time (whatever time you agree upon, three workdays?).

What this also means, is that Peter would then be responsible for the
quality of he's subteam modules. So I bet you will have hard times with
all the fixing, because I have no doubt Peter will bring reviewing to a
whole new level both speed and quality wise.

Also you could have nice and friendly race for quality among teams :)

With best regards

> Regards,
> ~~helix84

gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Complaint of the Slovak coordinator

2010-05-17 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, E, 2010-05-17 kell 10:23, kirjutas Jiri Eischmann:
> __
> > Od: "Mattias Põldaru" 
> > Komu:
> > CC:,
> > Datum: 17.05.2010 02:35
> > Předmět: Re: Complaint of the Slovak coordinator
> >
> >Ühel kenal päeval, E, 2010-05-17 kell 02:16, kirjutas helix84:
> >> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 02:04, Mattias Põldaru  wrote:
> >> > Ühel kenal päeval, P, 2010-05-16 kell 21:55, kirjutas helix84:
> >> > Not to waste any resources (which voting one or the other out would do,
> >> > not sure about Marcel, but Peter probably would leave because of that,
> >> > just my impression), you could have two subteams, both coordinate their
> >> > work to their best.
> >> 
> >> As I understand what you wrote, you may have missed that Peter was
> >> already elected. This topic was raised because current coordinator
> >> refused to step down.
> >> 
> >> > Set up local svn server and give any translator account and the right to
> >> > commit there. When commit is done, the server sends emails with diff [1]
> >> > to the team. Anyone can review and respond.
> >> >
> >> > Let's say Peter is the first warden of svn for he's subteam and when he
> >> > responds to an e-mail of diff with "approved to be committed upstream"
> >> > message, Marcel either commits it as it is without reading, or if he
> >> > stumbles upon mistakes, he could ask these to be fixed.
> >> 
> >> Basically, nothing prevents this workflow currently as Peter has had
> >> reviewer rights for some time. The problem is translations are stuck
> >> in the "Committing" state because Marcel won't commit them without
> >> going through them completely.
> >> Even in the case you suggested the bottleneck remains. But this was
> >> not the only issue with the current coordinator.
> >
> >No-no. The main idea was that he would give up the head reviewer role
> >for some amount of modules, so whenever your subteam head says some of
> >your modules is ready, it is to be committed or mistakes pointed out in
> >reasonable time (whatever time you agree upon, three workdays?).
> >
> >What this also means, is that Peter would then be responsible for the
> >quality of he's subteam modules. So I bet you will have hard times with
> >all the fixing, because I have no doubt Peter will bring reviewing to a
> >whole new level both speed and quality wise.
> >
> >Also you could have nice and friendly race for quality among teams :)
> I don't see the point of doing this. I think the result is more than obvious. 
> Marcel's part would have no or very little progress as it has had for several 
> years and Peter's part would have dynamic progress, but some people will 
> always question quality. And they would not have hard times with all the 
> fixing. The Czech team has worked Peter's way for several years and we don't 
> have a higher number of bug reports and the Czech translations are considered 
> much better than the Slovak ones. For a user, it's much better to have 
> 100-percent translated UI with 80-percent quality than 40-percent translated 
> UI with >90-percent quality. The Slovak team will NEVER reach a higher 
> percentage of translations the current way. One thing is the bottleneck 
> caused by the fact that all translations have to be reviewed by the 
> coordinator and the other thing is that the team will not keep translators 
> because who would want to wait for several months until his translations are 
> committed. Marcel wo
>  d have to work on it fulltime to achieve a reasonably long time.
> Users are not satisfied with the current situation, most translators as well, 
> so why to choose a kind of half-solution you propose? And if your solution is 
> chosen what will be metrics to decide which way will have turned out to be 
> better? Will it be a rise in percentage of translations? I think no one here 
> doubts that Peter's way will have better progress. Will it be a number of bug 
> reports? It might be a sign that users have started using the Slovak 
> translations again and work done in the bazaar way gets better over time 
> mainly due to response from public. To decide what subset of the team works 
> better is not that easy. At last but not at least most translators will be in 
> Peter's team. As they have already mentioned 6 translators voted for Peter, 3 
> were for M

Re: Identify Mallard documents (was: Re: New strings in gnome-system-tools)

2010-08-24 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, T, 2010-08-24 kell 08:41, kirjutas Shaun McCance:
> On Sat, 2010-08-21 at 11:54 +0200, Claude Paroz wrote:
> > Le samedi 21 août 2010 à 10:44 +0200, Mario Blättermann a écrit :
> > > Am Samstag, den 21.08.2010, 09:50 +0200 schrieb Claude Paroz:
> > > > Le vendredi 20 août 2010 à 12:15 +0200, Jorge González a écrit :
> > > 
> > > > > It would be nice to have a flag, an icon, or something at DL, showing
> > > > > which manuals are outdated, so teams won't lose time translating them.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Claude?
> > > > 
> > > > Well, no problem technically speaking. But experience shows that this
> > > > sort of information which has to be manually maintained is
> > > > time-consuming and rarely up-to-date.
> > > > 
> > > To decide whether a manual is out of date or not, is difficult and takes
> > > some time, I agree. I know about some teams (Galician an Dutch anyway)
> > > that they want to translate docs, but don't want to waste their time
> > > with old stuff. In my mind, we can assume that all docs which have
> > > already migrated to Mallard are up to date. Well, highly under
> > > construction in most cases, and somewhat incomplete, but not as old as,
> > > for example, the gnome-system-tools manuals. Wouldn't it be an idea to
> > > mark these modules which are already include »mallardized« manuals with
> > > a small duck symbol [1]? However, at this way we don't get really
> > > recognizable information about the state of the docs, that's a task for
> > > the GDP guys and girls. But it could help the teams willing to translate
> > > manuals to make their decisions what they want to do first.
> > 
> > I just committed a fix to display the mallard icon for Mallard
> > documentation. See e.g.
> >
> Thanks, Claude. That's awesome.
> But could we instead use the real Mallard logo drawn by
> Andreas? That pile of pixels was a joke. Here's an SVG
> file for the logo:

I suppose it is pretty much impossible to use it at full size, but
current one is resized in browser from 18×18px to 16×16px, which indeed
looks bad.


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: String and hard code freeze break requests for Empathy

2010-09-15 Thread Mattias Põldaru
Ühel kenal päeval, K, 2010-09-15 kell 14:14, kirjutas Milo Casagrande:

> Since I asked for it: yes, it is a problem for Italian (we use two
> different verb forms for such strings), not critical since it was
> already translated that way for 2.30, but worth fixing at least for
> us.

It is the same for Estonian.


gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: keywords in gnome-control-center

2012-03-03 Thread Mattias Põldaru

03.03.2012 07:04, Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy kirjutas:


How are they used, for example "Wallpaper;Screen;Desktop;"? In
Vietnamese, a word can consist of many "English words" (i.e. spaces
are part of a word). When I translate keywords, should I also replace
these spaces with semicolons?
Unity and gnome-shell use these keywords to match applications. So if 
you type the application name or any of these keywords, that app shows 
up. If it is relevant, you can even add more keywords and aliases, if 
you language has many alternative translations for some of these words.

But as Funda noted, you need to keep the semicolons.

gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: merge two po files

2013-11-24 Thread Mattias Põldaru

24.11.2013 15:15, Alexandre Franke kirjutas:

I would like to merge my work on the good file without loss.

You should be able to use msgmerge for that task. man msgmerge will
help you with the syntax.
You also could update both files with the same .pot file and use e.g 
meld to view differences between them.

gnome-i18n mailing list