[gentoo-dev] [PATCH] eutils.eclass: Document optfeature suggests packages not installed

2017-09-03 Thread Chris Mayo
Please consider this clarification of optfeature.


 eclass/eutils.eclass | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eclass/eutils.eclass b/eclass/eutils.eclass
index fe4339f6b89..f35fa5980d7 100644
--- a/eclass/eutils.eclass
+++ b/eclass/eutils.eclass
@@ -827,8 +827,8 @@ use_if_iuse() {
 # @FUNCTION: optfeature
 # @USAGE:   [other atoms]
-# Print out a message suggesting an optional package (or packages) which
-# provide the described functionality
+# Print out a message suggesting an optional package (or packages)
+# not currently installed which provides the described functionality.
 # The following snippet would suggest app-misc/foo for optional foo support,
 # app-misc/bar or app-misc/baz[bar] for optional bar support

Re: [gentoo-dev] [PATCH 2/2] git-r3.eclass: Explicitly warn about unsecure protocols

2017-09-03 Thread Andrew Savchenko
On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 15:51:25 +0200 Michał Górny wrote:
> W dniu śro, 23.08.2017 o godzinie 11∶46 +0300, użytkownik Andrew
> Savchenko napisał:
> > On Sat, 19 Aug 2017 10:25:02 +0200 Michał Górny wrote:
> > > Explicitly warn about any URI that uses an unsecure protocol (git, http)
> > > even if it's a fallback URI. This is necessary because an attacker may
> > > block HTTPS connections, effectively forcing the fallback to
> > > the unsecure protocol.
> > 
> > [...]
> > > + local r
> > > + for r in "${repos[@]}"; do
> > > + if [[ ${r} == git:* || ${r} == http:* ]]; then
> > > + ewarn "git-r3: ${r%%:*} protocol in unsafe and may be 
> > > subject to MITM attacks"
> > > + ewarn "(even if used only as fallback). Please use 
> > > https instead."
> > > + ewarn "[URI: ${r}]"
> > > + fi
> > > + done
> > > +
> > 
> > Sigh... https also makes MITM attacks possible, especially if SSL
> > or TLS < 1.2 is used or are allowed and protocol version downgrade
> > attack may be performed.
> > 
> > Such messages create a false impression of a safety of https.
> > Safety more or less can be gained by verifying GPG signatures and
> > fingerprints of the upstream commits, if upstream supports this. Of
> > course using https is better than using http or git, but better
> > only by a bit.
> > 
> Yes, we can do a whole long debate about problems with HTTPS. Yes, we
> can do an even longer debate about all those fancy solutions that solve
> all the problems in the world, except they're completely not applicable
> in practice. People will become a lot wiser and/or depressed.
> However, I'd rather do what I can practically do to make a real
> difference. And I believe that making things a little safer is better
> than claiming that nothing is safe, so let's just abandon all hope
> and continue using completely unsecured protocols.

I agree that better to have some improvement rather than nothing.

> Nevertheless, I've changed the wording a bit to avoid giving this 'false
> impression' that https is entirely secure.

Thanks, that was my main intent: to have correct docs.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] [PATCH 2/2] git-r3.eclass: Explicitly warn about unsecure protocols

2017-09-03 Thread Andrew Savchenko
On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 17:46:01 +0200 Hanno Böck wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Aug 2017 11:46:02 +0300
> Andrew Savchenko  wrote:
> > Sigh... https also makes MITM attacks possible, especially if SSL
> > or TLS < 1.2 is used or are allowed and protocol version downgrade
> > attack may be performed.
> None of that is true.
> You're probably referring to attacks that were specific to certain
> browser weaknesses, but they're irrelevant for this use case.
Some attack are indeed implementation specific, but there are
several which are design flaws, e.g.:

1) BEAST attack[1]: TLS 1.0 is vulnerable regrardless of
implementation (and all SSL versions).

2) BREACH attack[2]: basically this is a side-channel attack for
compressed traffic. All TLS versions are still vulnerable, the only
practical mitigation is to disable compression. It can be argued if
this is a vulnerability in TLS or TLS protocol has nothing to do
with side channels, but if a protocol is vulnerable to a
side-channel implementation-agnostic attack, it is considered by
many as a protocol misdesign.

Really SSL/TLS are very good examples of how crypto solutions should
not be designed and implemented.

[1] https://www.gracefulsecurity.com/what-is-beast/
[2] http://breachattack.com/

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] sys-boot/grub:0 (GRUB legacy) sunset planning

2017-09-03 Thread Hanno Böck

On Sat, 2 Sep 2017 15:56:04 +
"Robin H. Johnson"  wrote:

> - Are there other use cases that need grub-static?

I have used grub-static to boot Gentoo Systems built with Address

I have to check whether it's feasible to replace that with grub2, but
it will probably be complicated. The problem is that you can't build
full grub with asan, but you also cannot build the parts that require
external libraries (notably ncurses) without asan.

If grub-static gets last-rited from main gentoo I'll probably just keep
a copy of it in the asantoo overlay.

Hanno Böck

mail/jabber: ha...@hboeck.de
GPG: FE73757FA60E4E21B937579FA5880072BBB51E42

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] [PATCH] eutils.eclass: Document optfeature suggests packages not installed

2017-09-03 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 09/03/2017 11:56 AM, Chris Mayo wrote:
>  #
>  # The following snippet would suggest app-misc/foo for optional foo support,
>  # app-misc/bar or app-misc/baz[bar] for optional bar support

Would the @EXAMPLE tag[0] make sense here?

[0] https://devmanual.gentoo.org/eclass-writing/index.html

[gentoo-dev] Re: Categories for GUI stuff x11 and wayland

2017-09-03 Thread Duncan
Kent Fredric posted on Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:44:00 +1200 as excerpted:

> On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 14:01:08 -0400
> "William L. Thomson Jr."  wrote:
>> Examples
>> x11-libs/gtk+
>> x11-terms/terminology
> "desktop" came to mind for me for some reason.
> "desktop-apps/"
> "desktop-libs/"
> "desktop-terms/"
> "desktop-themes/"
> All appeal more to me than
> "gui-apps/"
> "gui-libs/"
> "gui-terms/"
> "gui-themes/"
> "Gui" just seems too vague and generic here, and also feels like
> double-dipping. 

Vague/generic agreed in general.  I'm not sure enough what you meant
by double-dipping (tho I have a couple ideas) to say I agree there.


> And it will be additionally confusing if any of those apps don't have
> any GUI, like for instance:
>   gui-apps/xset
> That just seems backwards to me.
> Alright, I guess.
> Maybe a category for non-graphical desktop-related tools should exist
> instead.

How many of these xorg-suite apps have-been/will-be actually ported to
wayland?  I was under the impression that most of them will not be
ported, and it'll be the up to whatever compositor and accompanying
toolkit you choose to provide that functionality, as they generally
already do... to a point.  Certainly the compositor (aka
super-window-manager) is the only app allowed to control/delegate many
of the functions xset, xrandr, etc, set for xorg in common, for
security reasons, because wayland simply doesn't let one app mess with
and spy on another app's input stream, for instance, as X does.  If only
the compositor and/or apps it specifically authenticates for the purpose
are allowed to do such settings, it quickly becomes a toolkit/DE function,
and generic versions don't make a lot of sense as they simply won't work.

In which case, keeping the "legacy" x11-* names for such x-specific apps,
the better to eventually deprecate, mask, and send off to the
user-maintained "X-sunset" overlay, may make the most sense and will
almost certainly be less trouble.

And where there is a port, as presumably there is or will be for
many of the x11-libs, does it make sense to keep separate x11-*
and wayland-* categories where they differ, or throw them all together
in a heap?

Meanwhile, the objection to "desktop-*" is that it may well look about
as relevant in a few years as "mainframe-*" would look today, due to
mobile, wearables, and possibly ultimately injectibles.

> IDK.
> I'm not committed to anything I've said here, just food for thought.

Same here.  My biggest concern is simply avoiding, if possible, setting
up new categories now, only to have to redo them in 2-5 when hindsight
makes them look stupid.  It may not be possible, but to the extent it
is...  Other than that, I've no particular shed color preference, other
than don't make it 50 characters long or something so exotic we
have to refer to it as "the category formerly known as x11-*." =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

[gentoo-dev] Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker, for the week ending 2017-09-03 23:59 UTC

2017-09-03 Thread Robin H. Johnson
The attached list notes all of the packages that were added or removed
from the tree, for the week ending 2017-09-03 23:59 UTC.

dev-lang/gnat-gcc20170830-18:50 pacho  7276e4d8650
virtual/gnat 20170830-18:50 pacho  7276e4d8650

app-doc/votca-csg-manual 20170903-14:08 junghans   ee25acf25bc
app-text/coolreader  20170830-16:24 grozin 8a74b3274e7
dev-lua/luacheck 20170825-18:34 mgorny 291aaa6f249
dev-python/deprecation   20170828-21:32 prometheanfire f6223f7603f
dev-python/os-traits 20170830-20:54 prometheanfire b40eee97dd3
dev-python/ovsdbapp  20170830-19:13 prometheanfire 2d1f3f7e1fd
dev-python/pyperclip 20170828-18:16 prometheanfire 0f61be24d61
dev-python/pypowervm 20170830-21:05 prometheanfire cc2ff570e61
dev-python/python-zunclient  20170830-21:39 prometheanfire bf7ca7eb0af
dev-ros/imu_complementary_filter 20170830-09:17 aballier   0aa380e1ad1
dev-ros/imu_filter_madgwick  20170830-09:23 aballier   dcc28968055
dev-ros/rviz_imu_plugin  20170830-09:27 aballier   c95c902cf7e
net-irc/atheme-services  20170623-02:56 mgorny bd0cdb2fe6e
ros-meta/imu_tools   20170830-09:29 aballier   1b7c139263b
sci-biology/bcftools 20170902-12:33 soap   a26495e2ae6
sci-chemistry/votca-ctp  20170903-14:38 junghans   2dab70fd225
sci-libs/votca-moo   20170903-14:38 junghans   0dfe99169e1
sys-apps/crazydiskinfo   20170831-20:29 monsieurp  7636ed80f7c
www-client/luakit20170825-18:35 mgorny 80113224e3c

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer
E-Mail : robb...@gentoo.org
GnuPG FP   : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED  F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85
Removed Packages:
Added Packages:


[gentoo-dev] Heads-up on PATH changes in baselayout-2.4

2017-09-03 Thread Mike Gilbert
If you haven't noticed, there was a change in baselayout-2.4 that
moved the default PATH setting from /etc/profile into
/etc/env.d/50baselayout. This change allows other packages to prepend
or append their PATH settings by installing files before or after
sequence 50 in /etc/env.d. See bug 255695.

This has the immediate effect of moving the toolchain-related PATH
settings (00glibc, 04gcc, 05binutils) to the left of the "default"
system PATH. This wasn't necessarily intentional, but it should make
for a minor performance improvement since gcc-wrapper is bypassed. I
haven't noticed any problems.

More generally, this change occurred a couple of months ago, and there
doesn't appear to have been any major fallout in ~arch. However, bug
629846 was opened today, which made the suggestion that we make a more
public call for testing.

So, if you maintain a package that installs a PATH setting in
/etc/env.d, please check it to ensure that it is not causing conflicts
with binaries that live in the default PATH. If needed, consider
moving them to the right by choosing a number higher than 50.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Categories for GUI stuff x11 and wayland

2017-09-03 Thread Kent Fredric
On Sun, 3 Sep 2017 23:37:34 + (UTC)
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> Vague/generic agreed in general.  I'm not sure enough what you meant
> by double-dipping (tho I have a couple ideas) to say I agree there.

Yeah. To an extent these days its just "app" practically *implies* a

It doesn't, strictly, speaking, but its just such a generic term I have
a hard time imagining somebody using it as a classifier.

> How many of these xorg-suite apps have-been/will-be actually ported to
> wayland?  I was under the impression that most of them will not be
> ported, and it'll be the up to whatever compositor and accompanying
> toolkit you choose to provide that functionality, as they generally
> already do... to a point.  Certainly the compositor (aka
> super-window-manager) is the only app allowed to control/delegate many
> of the functions xset, xrandr, etc, set for xorg in common, for
> security reasons, because wayland simply doesn't let one app mess with
> and spy on another app's input stream, for instance, as X does.  If
> only the compositor and/or apps it specifically authenticates for the
> purpose are allowed to do such settings, it quickly becomes a
> toolkit/DE function, and generic versions don't make a lot of sense
> as they simply won't work.

Well, in this case it was more an example of "a tool that has some
desktop mechanics, but does not in fact have any Graphical User

"xset" augments *the environment itself*

And I simply reasoned that, this, being Unix, we'd likely have
equivalent, GUI-less applications that perform various display related
services, like xbacklight, or transset, or xrandr. 

I'm not saying those binaries would literally be ported, only that
their utility is such that I'd expect to see equivalents/analogues
emerge for wayland.

( intel-gpu-tools for example have neither GUI, or really X specific
behaviour aside from its gpu-overlay )
> In which case, keeping the "legacy" x11-* names for such x-specific
> apps, the better to eventually deprecate, mask, and send off to the
> user-maintained "X-sunset" overlay, may make the most sense and will
> almost certainly be less trouble.
> And where there is a port, as presumably there is or will be for
> many of the x11-libs, does it make sense to keep separate x11-*
> and wayland-* categories where they differ, or throw them all together
> in a heap?

Right, there's going to be plenty of examples of things that aren't
portable, and will need to stay in perpetuity in x11-* . x11-drivers
are probably a good example. Though I'm in no hurry to deprecate X11,
wayland will take even longer than systemd for me to go "Ok, yes, now
we should switch everyone to this"

> Meanwhile, the objection to "desktop-*" is that it may well look about
> as relevant in a few years as "mainframe-*" would look today, due to
> mobile, wearables, and possibly ultimately injectibles.
> > IDK.
> > 
> > I'm not committed to anything I've said here, just food for
> > thought.  
> Same here.  My biggest concern is simply avoiding, if possible,
> setting up new categories now, only to have to redo them in 2-5 when
> hindsight makes them look stupid.  It may not be possible, but to the
> extent it is...  Other than that, I've no particular shed color
> preference, other than don't make it 50 characters long or something
> so exotic we have to refer to it as "the category formerly known as
> x11-*." =:^)

Yeah. At this point there's not much value in a switch. And I'm not
entirely happy with either "gui-" or "desktop-". "x11-" is, for all its
warts, more useful than either of those still.

I'm tempted to suggest something like "ux-", which conceptually
encompasses GUI/UI/Display concerns, and having an "x" gives a nod to
its legacy as being "x" without it being part of the definition :)

Its also nice to keep the sort ordering reasonably close:




Which should help anyone confused why the category they're looking for
isn't in /usr/portage any more when they throw an `ls` down there.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Categories for GUI stuff x11 and wayland

2017-09-03 Thread R0b0t1
On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 12:48 AM, Kent Fredric  wrote:
> I'm tempted to suggest something like "ux-", which conceptually
> encompasses GUI/UI/Display concerns, and having an "x" gives a nod to
> its legacy as being "x" without it being part of the definition :)

UX is overly broad, as I could, for example, design a CLI user
experience. Nothing says I need to use images or a mouse. There is
also the unrelated concern of mine that UX is a fake term that people
made up so that they could charge consulting fees to people who don't
know any better.

Inasmuch as my membership to this list makes my opinion valid, I think
"desktop-*" is a very good solution. A desktop is a paradigm that some
would say is intrinsically linked to a graphical user interface.
People who use tiling or other experimental window managers might see
a desktop as something a graphical input system can implement, in
which case "gui-*" could be the most technically generic term. I see
no problem with putting programs like `xset` into "gui-tools/*".

There may not be any reason to change, as the distinctions in place
seem to already be quite arbitrary. Having nested package namespaces
might make things better because then you are forced to define the
logical relationships between namespaces in a way that is not open to
as much interpretation.
