Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI 2 policy for portage tree

2008-12-09 Thread Graham Murray
"Robert R. Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 3)  perform the bugfix with a version bump and upgrade to the latest EAPI
> Options 1 and 2 are how most updates are done, the user can mask the latest 
> version or upgrade. Option 3 allows the user to continue using the previous 
> version while they decide to update to a portage version that supports the 
> new EAPI.
> I would prefer that option 3 be made policy because I run several ~arch 
> packages that either don't have a stable version (kradio) or have a feature 
> that I need (gentoo-sources), and will not be pushed to stable immediately 
> for various reasons from lack of maintainer time to everybody says it 
> conflicts with major pieces of the system (Firefox 3, 64 bit netscape-flash, 
> and xorg).

Another reason for preferring option 3 for bug fix (but not for
'cosmetic' changes or ones which prevent some users from installing the
package) is that (~arch) users will already have the pre-bug fixed
version installed and portage will not install the bug fix unless either
the version is bumped or USE flags have changed and the --newuse emerge
option is used.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Digest of issue 653 (33679-33728)

2008-12-09 Thread Douglas Anderson

[gentoo-dev] Re: Digest of issue 653 (33679-33728)

2008-12-09 Thread Douglas Anderson
blah (switching emails, sorry for that)

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Douglas Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:


[gentoo-dev] Re: app-admin/eselect needs YOUR help

2008-12-09 Thread Steve Long
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> Donnie Berkholz wrote:
>> > I hadn't heard of it before, thanks for the ref. What was the reason
>> > for forking the codebase? It gets pretty annoying to copy across
>> > useful changes, especially while eselect is stuck in svn.
>> Ease of getting things done. Going through Gentoo requires finding a
>> Gentoo maintainer, endless bikeshed arguments about how to implement
>> things like the new alternatives framework and then months of waiting
>> for approval.
> Open and public debate about the right way to do things does take
> longer, and it's something you certainly participate in quite frequently
> so I'm surprised to hear you badmouth it when it comes to your own
> ideas.
You should have posted this to -project imo, as it's not about any technical
points, but rather about non-technical aspects of development.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: disable python and perl USE flags in profile

2008-12-09 Thread Daniel Gryniewicz
On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 04:09 +0200, Petteri Räty wrote:
> Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> > Following advise from, I'm 
> > bringing it here.
> > 
> I think this is probably a good idea after EAPI 2 is stable and we
> eliminate built_with_use usage from the tree. I think having stuff build
> out of the box instead of dying in the middle of emerge outweighs
> pulling in some extra stuff with default settings.
> Regards,
> Petteri



Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI 2 policy for portage tree

2008-12-09 Thread Jan Kundrát

Jean-Marc Hengen wrote:
tree and my policies (more precisely: I can't keep current stable 
portage and cmake-2.6.2). My solution to the problem, was to copy the 
ebuild in /var/db/pkg to my local overlay and I'm fine with it for now. 
The drawback of this workaround is, I could miss important fixes, like 
security fixes.


the cmake-2.6.2 ebuild. This has the advantage, that people with a setup 
like mine can continue to use, what they already use and work on the 
cmake ebuild can continue in the new revision. If the new revision fixes 
a security issue, one can mask the old version, with a message with bug 
telling this.

Just FYI, there's no difference -- when you've chosen to use the ~arch 
version, you *have* to follow any updates to it as soon as possible if 
you want to be reasonably sure you aren't affected by a security bug, as 
our security team doesn't issue GLSAs for ~arch packages. Sticking with 
a version that works for you doesn't mean you're somehow protected form 
security bugs.

So to put this into perspective with cmake -- if there was a security 
bug in current version (which you'd keep as you don't want to upgrade 
Portage) and the fix for this bug would be using EAPI=2 (which is not an 
unrealistic situation), you'd be affected.


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: add a compiler-version entry to pkg db

2008-12-09 Thread Gordon Malm
Should be able to find which gcc was used by checking LDPATH in the 
environment.bz2.  I believe it is about the only gcc version information 
recorded in /var/db/pkg/// though.

Gordon Malm (gengor)

On Monday, December 8, 2008 16:44:16 Federico Ferri wrote:
> Hello,
> today I hit this annoyance, because my laptop hung in the middle of an
> 'emerge -e @world' (checking that my world set compiles with
> gcc-4.3... stopped at ~ 300 of 700  :S )
> I was looking for an entry in /var/db/pkg// that could have
> told me the compiler used to build the package, but couldn't find any.
> indeed it would be a fairly useful feature to have, both for testing
> purposes, and for user's everyday maintenance.
> please criticize this with anything constructive you can think of.
> thanks

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics: xf86-input-synaptics-0.99.2-r1.ebuild ChangeLog

2008-12-09 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On 16:18 Tue 09 Dec , Tony Vroon (chainsaw) wrote:
> chainsaw08/12/09 16:18:50
>   Modified: ChangeLog
>   Added:xf86-input-synaptics-0.99.2-r1.ebuild
>   Log:
>   More helpful FDI file comments by Bernard Cafarelli 
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> so users can modify the FDI file easier. 
>   Removed the HAL USE-flag, upstream behaviour changes mean you need 
>   it now. Added messages to that effect. Revision bumped. (Portage 
>   version: 2.1.6/cvs/Linux 2.6.28-rc7-00200-gf7a8db8-dirty x86_64)


Have you sent the comments upstream?


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal for flag-o-matic.eclass (append-ldflags)

2008-12-09 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On 10:33 Mon 08 Dec , Jeremy Olexa wrote:
> Hello,
> I am seeking a positive code review on the following change to
> flag-o-matic.eclass, diff is below (reasons are below that):
> %% cvs diff
> Index: flag-o-matic.eclass
> ===
> RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/flag-o-matic.eclass,v
> retrieving revision 1.126
> diff -u -r1.126 flag-o-matic.eclass
> --- flag-o-matic.eclass 3 Nov 2008 05:52:39 -   1.126
> +++ flag-o-matic.eclass 25 Nov 2008 18:36:04 -
> @@ -417,7 +417,8 @@
>for x in "$@" ; do
> -   test-flag-${comp} "${x}" && flags="${flags}${flags:+ }${x}"
> +   test-flag-${comp} "${x}" && flags="${flags}${flags:+ }${x}" 
> || \
> +   ewarn "removing ${x} because ${comp} rejected it"
>echo "${flags}"
> @@ -656,7 +657,7 @@
>ewarn "Appending a library link instruction
> (${flag}); libraries to link to should not be passed through LDFLAGS"
> -   export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} $*"
> +   export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} $(test-flags "$@")"
>return 0
>  }

I like the consistency with other flags:

comet $ grep FLAGS.*test-fl /usr/portage/eclass/flag-o-matic.eclass 
export CFLAGS=$(test-flags-CC ${CFLAGS})
export CXXFLAGS=$(test-flags-CXX ${CXXFLAGS})
export FFLAGS=$(test-flags-F77 ${FFLAGS})
export FCFLAGS=$(test-flags-FC ${FCFLAGS})


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: add a compiler-version entry to pkg db

2008-12-09 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On 01:44 Tue 09 Dec , Federico Ferri wrote:
> today I hit this annoyance, because my laptop hung in the middle of an
> 'emerge -e @world' (checking that my world set compiles with
> gcc-4.3... stopped at ~ 300 of 700  :S )
> I was looking for an entry in /var/db/pkg// that could have
> told me the compiler used to build the package, but couldn't find any.
> indeed it would be a fairly useful feature to have, both for testing
> purposes, and for user's everyday maintenance.
> please criticize this with anything constructive you can think of.

As I mentioned on IRC, I think this isn't a very general use case (given 
the existence of --resume, --keep-going, etc.) so code to accomplish it 
would be better put into a custom portage bashrc than into portage 

ISTR that you could no longer resume for some reason. Perhaps what you 
really wanted was a way to save the resume list across multiple emerges?


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI 2 policy for portage tree

2008-12-09 Thread Petteri Räty
Robert R. Russell wrote:
> My personal opinion on this matter is pick one of the following:
> 1)  perform the bugfix without a version bump and remain at the current EAPI 
> version
> 2)  perform the bugfix with a version bump and remain at the current EAPI 
> version
> 3)  perform the bugfix with a version bump and upgrade to the latest EAPI
> Options 1 and 2 are how most updates are done, the user can mask the latest 
> version or upgrade. Option 3 allows the user to continue using the previous 
> version while they decide to update to a portage version that supports the 
> new EAPI.

The current policy states that ebuilds should only be bumped if the
installed files change. Changing EAPI from 1 to 2 has no effect outside
the vdb so the current policy means developers should use option 3.
There was a bug in stable Portage when EAPI 2 went in the tree that made
Portage stack trace but that's a problem with Portage not with the
policy in general.

> I would prefer that option 3 be made policy because I run several ~arch 
> packages that either don't have a stable version (kradio) or have a feature 
> that I need (gentoo-sources), and will not be pushed to stable immediately 
> for various reasons from lack of maintainer time to everybody says it 
> conflicts with major pieces of the system (Firefox 3, 64 bit netscape-flash, 
> and xorg).

Why should we prefer making it a little bit easier for stable users over
making ~arch users needlessly recompile stuff?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: add a compiler-version entry to pkg db

2008-12-09 Thread Federico Ferri
Hash: SHA1

Petteri Räty wrote:
> Federico Ferri wrote:
>> Hello,
>> today I hit this annoyance, because my laptop hung in the middle of an
>> 'emerge -e @world' (checking that my world set compiles with
>> gcc-4.3... stopped at ~ 300 of 700  :S )
> Consider using emerge --keep-going next time.
>> I was looking for an entry in /var/db/pkg// that could have
>> told me the compiler used to build the package, but couldn't find any.
>> indeed it would be a fairly useful feature to have, both for testing
>> purposes, and for user's everyday maintenance.
> But the idea isn't that bad imfo. Maybe save the output of emerge --info
> in general and it could be easily made available for bug filing. If it
> was a while since you emerged the package your emerge --info could now
> be different from the merge time and now for example reflect your use
nice point!
I didn't see the whole potential of my proposal :-D

- --
Federico Ferri
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [gentoo-dev] Linux 2.6.27 stabilisation plans

2008-12-09 Thread Daniel Drake

Daniel Drake wrote:
I'm tentatively planning to request that gentoo-sources-2.6.27 gets 
marked stable on x86+amd64 on December 15th, assuming we have fixed all 
regressions (we have some open, which will hopefully be fixed soon).

We're still on track for December 15th stabling, so please make sure 
your package is tested and fixed in the stable tree:

Kernel-dependent packages that are broken by this upgrade are tracked at
Please help us fix these in the stable tree in advance of the stabling 

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: add a compiler-version entry to pkg db

2008-12-09 Thread Federico Ferri
Hash: SHA1

Gordon Malm wrote:
> Should be able to find which gcc was used by checking LDPATH in the
>  environment.bz2.  I believe it is about the only gcc version
> information recorded in /var/db/pkg/// though.
$ find /var/db/pkg -name environment.bz2 | wc
- -l
$ find /var/db/pkg -name environment.bz2 -exec bzgrep -q LDPATH '{}'
';' -print | wc -l

sorry, that appears to be of little help

- --
Federico Ferri
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: add a compiler-version entry to pkg db

2008-12-09 Thread Federico Ferri
Hash: SHA1

Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 01:44 Tue 09 Dec , Federico Ferri wrote:
>> today I hit this annoyance, because my laptop hung in the middle
>> of an 'emerge -e @world' (checking that my world set compiles
>> with gcc-4.3... stopped at ~ 300 of 700  :S )
>> I was looking for an entry in /var/db/pkg// that could
>> have told me the compiler used to build the package, but couldn't
>> find any. indeed it would be a fairly useful feature to have,
>> both for testing purposes, and for user's everyday maintenance.
>> please criticize this with anything constructive you can think
>> of.
> As I mentioned on IRC, I think this isn't a very general use case
> (given the existence of --resume, --keep-going, etc.) so code to
> accomplish it
the point was not resuming my emerge because the laptop hung.
was more like: tracking which compiler built which package or vice-versa
> would be better put into a custom portage bashrc than into portage
>  proper.
yes, that makes sense.
it could be an external tool, like revdep-rebuild is, which queries
compiler by pkg, and eventually rebuilds packages (not) matching a
certain compiler.

but to accomplish this, an information about the compiler (in the pkg
record) should be there.
something like /var/db/pkg///COMPILER

- --
Federico Ferri
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal: add a compiler-version entry to pkg db

2008-12-09 Thread Marius Mauch
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:21:24 -0800
Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 01:44 Tue 09 Dec , Federico Ferri wrote:
> > today I hit this annoyance, because my laptop hung in the middle of
> > an 'emerge -e @world' (checking that my world set compiles with
> > gcc-4.3... stopped at ~ 300 of 700  :S )
> > 
> > I was looking for an entry in /var/db/pkg// that could have
> > told me the compiler used to build the package, but couldn't find
> > any. indeed it would be a fairly useful feature to have, both for
> > testing purposes, and for user's everyday maintenance.
> > 
> > please criticize this with anything constructive you can think of.
> As I mentioned on IRC, I think this isn't a very general use case
> (given the existence of --resume, --keep-going, etc.) so code to
> accomplish it would be better put into a custom portage bashrc than
> into portage proper.
> ISTR that you could no longer resume for some reason. Perhaps what
> you really wanted was a way to save the resume list across multiple
> emerges?

For the given use case it might also be an option to use the AgeSet
handler in portage-2.2, e.g.
   emerge -p '@old{class=dbapi.AgeSet,age=2}'
to list all installed packages that have been installed more than two
days ago.


[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/antixls: ChangeLog antixls-0.3b.ebuild

2008-12-09 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On 22:37 Sun 07 Dec , Patrick Lauer (patrick) wrote:
> 1.1  app-text/antixls/antixls-0.3b.ebuild
> file : 
> plain: 

> src_install() {
>   mv "${DISTDIR}/${P}.perl" ${PN}
>   dobin ${PN}

You probably want to die if these fail.


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux

Description: PGP signature