Re: [ #222786] GCC Testsuite Tests Exclude List Contribution to FSF

2005-04-05 Thread toon via RT
Peter Brown via RT wrote:

> Dear Swami,
> Sorry for our delay in responding to your request. FSF's Assignment
> Administrator is currently unavailable, and we expect there to be a
> delay in processing your request for at least another week.
> Please bear with us whilst we arrange for additional help.

We (the GNU Fortran folk) are in trouble too:  We're awaiting 
affirmation of the receipt of Thomas Koenig's papers (sent from Germany 
on the 19th of March).  He has quite a few patches to gfortran in the 
queue and GCC 4.0 (the first GCC release to contain gfortran) is 
scheduled for the 15th of April.

Please help.

Thanks !

Toon Moene - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
A maintainer of GNU Fortran 95:
News on GNU Fortran 95:

Re: [ #222786] GCC Testsuite Tests Exclude List Contribution to FSF

2005-04-05 Thread toon via RT
Peter Brown via RT wrote:

> Dear Swami,
> Sorry for our delay in responding to your request. FSF's Assignment
> Administrator is currently unavailable, and we expect there to be a
> delay in processing your request for at least another week.
> Please bear with us whilst we arrange for additional help.

We (the GNU Fortran folk) are in trouble too:  We're awaiting 
affirmation of the receipt of Thomas Koenig's papers (sent from Germany 
on the 19th of March).  He has quite a few patches to gfortran in the 
queue and GCC 4.0 (the first GCC release to contain gfortran) is 
scheduled for the 15th of April.

Please help.

Thanks !

Toon Moene - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
A maintainer of GNU Fortran 95:
News on GNU Fortran 95: