JavaScript/EcmaScript interpreter

2017-04-17 Thread Sławomir Lach

I am Lach Sławomir from Poland, Bytom. I am beginner developer in
C/C++, Python, TypeScript, EcmaScript, etc.

I'm wonder how wonderful stuff can be done if GNU Compilers Collection
allow developers to use JavaScript inside other language code as

- Developer could use arrays
- Developer could use more generalized functions
- Developer could use custom code analyze (as compiler extensions)
- JavaScript will be ran in sandbox, so maybe use it instead configure
scripts and instead make?
- Developer could use JavaScript regular expressions to replace text in
- Possible many others

I think, you could use modified version of node.js as C/other language
preprocessor. I don't have idea how things should be done yet, but I'm
ready for discussions.

One example:
#JS_DEFINE("UNPACK",['string','string'], function(a, b)
   unpacked_symbols[unpacked_symbols.length] = b;
   document.write("#define b a . b");

#JS_DEFINE("}", [], function() {

  for (a in unpacked_symbols)
 document.write("#undef a");
  delete unpacked_symbols;

That's very simple example. Could it be useful?

Best regards,
Lach Sławomir.

Re: JavaScript/EcmaScript interpreter

2017-04-17 Thread Sławomir Lach
Sorry, but my code have two bugs. I correct it in this mail.

Sławomir Lach.

W dniu 17.04.2017, pon o godzinie 10∶20 +0200, użytkownik Sławomir Lach
> Hi.
> I am Lach Sławomir from Poland, Bytom. I am beginner developer in
> C/C++, Python, TypeScript, EcmaScript, etc.
> I'm wonder how wonderful stuff can be done if GNU Compilers
> Collection
> allow developers to use JavaScript inside other language code as
> preprocessor.
> - Developer could use arrays
> - Developer could use more generalized functions
> - Developer could use custom code analyze (as compiler extensions)
> - JavaScript will be ran in sandbox, so maybe use it instead
> configure
> scripts and instead make?
> - Developer could use JavaScript regular expressions to replace text
> in
> files
> - Possible many others
> I think, you could use modified version of node.js as C/other
> language
> preprocessor. I don't have idea how things should be done yet, but
> I'm
> ready for discussions.
> One example:
> #JS_DEFINE("UNPACK",['string','string'], function(a, b)
> {
>    unpacked_symbols[unpacked_symbols.length] = b;
>    document.write("#define b a . b");
> })
> #JS_DEFINE("}", [], function() {
>   for (a in unpacked_symbols)
>   {
>  document.write("#undef" + a);
>   }
>   delete unpacked_symbols;
>   document.write("}");
> }
> That's very simple example. Could it be useful?
> Best regards,
> Lach Sławomir.

About new possibilities.

2018-07-17 Thread Sławomir Lach
This message ( just reminder 
me about my idea to allow using JavaScript with regular expression with 
connection to C preprocessor to make things easier in C? For example - define 
macro-definition, with adds builds structure definition based on information 
gained before structure definition. Currently it's quite umplesant. It will 
allow to do in C things like with usage of Class/Function templates from C++.

For example:
/* File a.h */
#js generate-struct(name) {
   let output = "struct " + name + '}'; 
   if (definied(name # "_is_list") {
  output += "struct " + name + " *next;";
  list_types[list_types.length] =  "struct " + name;
  return output;
/* Another file */
#include "a.h"
#js put_all_list_procedure {
  let output = '';
  for (a in list_types) {
   // We now create prepend, append, get_next, etc. functions, for example
  output += list_types[a] + "*get_next(" + list_types[a] +"*prev) { return 
prev->next; }";

  return output;

I can work on it, but I'm lack of free time, resources and good hardware. I 
have downloaded gcc sources previousle and there's too many files - compiling 
it will take eras! And of course - somebody should give me a free hand.

Lach Sławomir.

C language extension - Automatically cast

2021-05-02 Thread Sławomir Lach
In desperation made by programming in GTK+ I realized, some of object 
languages could been implemented in C, but only these not require to made 
changes in programs in runtime (compiler output).

One of items is automatically cast. For example I declared variable called 
Button of GtkButton and pass it to function requires GtkWidget. Why do not 
automatically cast to GtkWidget (like in class hierarchy or conversion 
operator in C++ or some extra constructors)? But .. it's rather conversion 

It could looks like:
__gcc_parent_type GtkWidget __gcc_parent_type_for GtkButton, GtkLabel, 
__gcc_parent_type GtkBin __gcc_parent_type_for GtkWindow, GtkBox

What do you think?

It makes sense, because in this case there's no way to made mistake by 
avoiding extra conversion. Function expected any of GtkWidget (for example), 
so passing GtkButton is good. Code would be cleaner, hands will be in better 
shape and we save programmers time.

Save/Store information, which variable are not initialized

2022-03-04 Thread Sławomir Lach
I known, IDE will detect cases, whereas variable is not initialized, but some 
developers still have problems with variable initialization.

I suppose gcc do not support any run-time sanitizer, because I do not found 
any information.

So: gcc will introduce hidden array of variables for each context. One bit 
stores information about one variable in current scope. So, if it is set - 
variable was initialized. In other case, variable is not initialized. When new 
scope is created, gcc will allocate this array and set each element to 0. When 
program set variable, also bit is set.

Each structure will contains this array at top of self. GCC must hack access 
to this struct in some way. That is big problem to handle this case, because 
some languages allow to free memory access. Maybe for struct store information 
about fields state in different part of memory?

Idea was inspired by way to detect cases, where return address was written.
Programmer should compile program with special switch to enable this mode.

GDB could support this feature of gcc and read, which variable was not set.

Learning hardware optimization patch

2022-11-15 Thread Sławomir Lach
I am wonder if this will be good choice to allow gcc to generate AI data about 
best optimization approach on user computer.

Yes. GCC team will provide source code for some examples and (once low 
hardware consumption) made gcc to compile these sources with various 
optimization patch. It will take avg run time of each patch. Of course - it 
will run compilation once there is many free resources on computer.

Why? To allow user select --best-optimiation-speed-for-my-machine or another 
optimization criteria, which will depends on AI data sheet.

What do you think?

Another idea is to allow adding feature point to program. Program will report 
that user is using some feature. In next step, linker could made optimization 
based on this - by simply, compiles only functionality, which is used by user. 
Rest functions will be put into shared objects and special code to load this 
shared object could been injected to executable.

I am not very good in programming, but have had crazy ideas about lot of 

Best regards,
Lach Sławomir.

Re: Learning hardware optimization patch

2022-11-15 Thread Sławomir Lach
Dnia wtorek, 15 listopada 2022 19:42:13 CET Sławomir Lach pisze:
> I am wonder if this will be good choice to allow gcc to generate AI data
> about best optimization approach on user computer.
> Yes. GCC team will provide source code for some examples and (once low
> hardware consumption) made gcc to compile these sources with various
> optimization patch. It will take avg run time of each patch. Of course - it
> will run compilation once there is many free resources on computer.

Not patch, but path - sorry. Applying different patch, which have optimization 
is bad idea, because it forces developer to carry out many path :-D .

> Why? To allow user select --best-optimiation-speed-for-my-machine or another
> optimization criteria, which will depends on AI data sheet.
> What do you think?
> Another idea is to allow adding feature point to program. Program will
> report that user is using some feature. In next step, linker could made
> optimization based on this - by simply, compiles only functionality, which
> is used by user. Rest functions will be put into shared objects and special
> code to load this shared object could been injected to executable.
> I am not very good in programming, but have had crazy ideas about lot of
> stuff.
> Best regards,
> Lach Sławomir.

can-be-null can-not-be-null break-instruction for better handling pointers.

2023-04-27 Thread Sławomir Lach
I am not C expert, so be polity. I do not see something similar in C world, 
but similar techniques in other languages, such like Vala.

I suggest to create two new pointer type:
1. can-be-null
2. cannot-be-null
(You must find other words to describe it behavior).

First enforces to compiler checking it is not null, when it was used (by -> 
operator) or used, when cannot-be-null is excepted. Of course, user can cast 
to cannot-be-null to avoid checking. So:
1. Usage with -> operator, or * must be placed inside conditional block, with 
contains null check in condition
2. Passing as cannot-be-null (except explicit conversion) will requires to put 
in block as above

The same restrictions apply to put normal pointer in case, when cannot-be-null 

Additionally, break-instruction word will be reserved for functions, so exit 
will be traded as end of control-flow and further code will be traded as 

Imagine assert will be traded as break-ins

This code:

int get_vector_size(struct vector cannot-be-null *vec)
   assert(vec != NULL)

   return vec->size;

Will be correct, because assert macro will (possible) be extended to:

if (!(vec != NULL)) {
puts("assertion error: vec != NULL");

And exit will be break-instruction.

We could use cannot-be-null in some cases, such like:

int year;

scanf("How old are you:%d", &year);

But user could pass NULL as second parameter.

When pointers in scanf parameters are cannot-be-null, the compiler will 
disallow pass null by us.

Of course - inside scanf must check if each parameter are not NULL.

Another code:

void error(const char *message)

And perror will have cannot-be-null word describe one's parameter.
This will cause compile-time-error, because message was passed to function, 
which parameter is cannot-be-null.

Programmer should do:
void error(const char *message)
   if (NULL != message)

What do you think. This will solve a lot of problems,

It could be also great to introduce function checking if any of it parameter 
are null, but I do not known how to make it good-quality (simple in usage). 
Programer should propably pass number of passed parameters, or type of 
parameter before each.