
2010-07-17 Thread Rick Hodgin
To my knowledge, GCC does not currently support any edit-and-continue 
abilities.  Is this still true?  And if so, are there any plans to introduce it 
at some point?

- Rick C. Hodgin

Re: Edit-and-continue

2010-07-18 Thread Rick Hodgin

The idea is to create a program database of the compiled program on a full 
compile. Then when asked to re-compile with the edit-and-continue switch, it 
only looks for changed code and compiles those few lines. Everything else it 
needs to carry out compilation is there from previous full-compile as was 
originally parsed, or from subsequent edit-and-continue compiles which updated 
the database.

The resulting changes are passed to gdb for insertion into the running 
program's memory in real-time.

On Sun Jul 18th, 2010 2:45 AM EDT Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

>Rick Hodgin  writes:
>> To my knowledge, GCC does not currently support any edit-and-continue 
>> abilities.  Is this still true?  And if so, are there any plans to introduce 
>> it at some point?
>I don't see how it makes sense to add edit-and-continue to gcc.
>Compilation times are too slow, but they aren't *that* slow.  Are you
>thinking about gdb?  Or the linker?

Re: RFC: -Wall by default

2012-04-04 Thread Rick Hodgin
An idea whose time has come.

--- On Wed, 4/4/12, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> For GCC-4.8, I would like to turn on -Wall by default.
> Comments?

Switch statement case range

2012-04-08 Thread Rick Hodgin
What are the possibilities of adding a GCC extension to allow:

switch (foo) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3 to 8:
case 9:

in C/C++ case statements?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: Switch statement case range

2012-04-08 Thread Rick Hodgin
Thank you!

I'd like to find out some day exactly how much I _don't_ know. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

--- On Sun, 4/8/12, Marek Polacek  wrote:

> From: Marek Polacek 
> Subject: Re: Switch statement case range
> To: "Rick Hodgin" 
> Cc: "gcc" 
> Date: Sunday, April 8, 2012, 12:05 PM
> On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 08:59:46AM
> -0700, Rick Hodgin wrote:
> > What are the possibilities of adding a GCC extension to
> allow:
> > 
> > switch (foo) {
> > case 1:
> > case 2:
> > case 3 to 8:
> > case 9:
> > default:
> > }
> This already exists (and is a GNU extension):
>   switch (foo)
>     {
>     case 1:
>       break;
>     case 3 ... 8:
>       break;
>     default:
>       break;
>     }
>     Marek

Re: Switch statement case range

2012-04-08 Thread Rick Hodgin
As comprehensive as that list is (and it is indeed quite impressive), it is yet 
a small subset I assure you. LOL! :-)

I have to be honest ... the more I learn about GCC the more impressed I am.  I 
think it is, without a doubt, the best GNU project in history.

Has there ever been any talk of nominating Richard Stallman for the Nobel Peace 
Prize (seriously)?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

--- On Sun, 4/8/12, Oleg Endo  wrote:

> From: Oleg Endo 
> Subject: Re: Switch statement case range
> To: "Rick Hodgin" 
> Cc: "Marek Polacek" , "gcc" 
> Date: Sunday, April 8, 2012, 12:14 PM
> On Sun, 2012-04-08 at 09:07 -0700,
> Rick Hodgin wrote:
> > Thank you!
> > 
> > I'd like to find out some day exactly how much I
> _don't_ know. :-)
> > 
> Knock yourself out ;)
> http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C-Extensions.html
> Cheers,
> Oleg

Re: Switch statement case range

2012-04-12 Thread Rick Hodgin
I was wondering if anyone had a response to this?  No one responded on- or 
off-list, which was both surprising and confusing.

Thanks! :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

--- On Sun, 4/8/12, Rick Hodgin  wrote:

> From: Rick Hodgin 
> ...I think [GCC] is, without a doubt, the best GNU
> project in history.
> Has there ever been any talk of nominating Richard Stallman
> for the Nobel Peace Prize (seriously)?
> Best regards,
> Rick C. Hodgin

Re: Switch statement case range

2012-04-13 Thread Rick Hodgin
--- On Fri, 4/13/12, Jonathan Wakely  wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone had a response to this?  No
> > one responded on- or off-list, which was both surprising
> > and confusing.
> Why? What sort of response were you expecting?

I didn't have a particular expectation (outside of just some kind of response). 

> What has GCC or GNU got to do with "fraternity between
> nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies
> and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses"?

Well, GCC is part of GNU.  GNU is of the Free Software Foundation.  The FSF was 
started by Stallman on principles which were contrary to seemingly fundamental 
mindsets of the time (and today).  His was an ideology organized into a 
specific thing thta grew into far more than I think even he envisioned.  The 
off-shoots of his creation are powering the world's economy today, powering 
virtually every machine ever built (at least as an option to do so).

Were it not for free software, our world would be markedly different in 2012.

Now, specifically to GCC, Linux is built on it.  Stallman initially wrote the 
compiler, debugger, etc., and in so doing got the ball rolling.  He's since 
moved on to the more philosophical end regarding software patents, intellectual 
property, and the need for free software on principles.  He's also devoted his 
life pretty much exclusively toward this end since 1983/4.

> More to the point, RMS hasn't added code to GCC for many years,
> it's been the work of lots and lots of others for years. 
> Where's my nobel prize?

Free Software exists as it does today because of Stallman.

And I wasn't suggesting RMS get the Nobel Prize for GCC, or even specifically 
for GNU, but rather for the ideology and philosophical contributions to the 
world the FSF has created.  His initial contributions to all of those (then) 
fledgling efforts which have panned out into a diverse machine encompassing 
millions of developers world-wide.

Is it not single greatest humanitarian effort begun by a person with an 
ideological philosophy?  His is of such a creation, offered up unto humanity in 
a way which is unlike other efforts, one where the free labor of literally 
millions of people across the globe, their skills, their talents, the best they 
have to offer in many cases, is literally handed over to everyone else for 
free.  And the philosophy behind the GPL ensures that those offerings cannot be 
retracted at a future date.

The Nobel Prize honors people who have changed the world in positive ways, 
contributing something which makes human life better.  RMS has done that with 
the FSF, GNU in general, and also its offerings (like GCC, surely the 
fundamental backbone of nearly all free software in existence).

I don't think it would be out of line at all to consider the ramifications RMS 
has had upon this world.  He has maintained his vision to free software (and 
not open source) all along, because he believes and pushes that the right to BE 
ABLE to share and to have the contributions of your neighbors (both near and 
far) added to prior work by yourself and others is paramount to having a great 

What better type of improvement is ther than to take the work of millions and 
offer it for billions to use or improve upon (should they choose)?

Name another endeavor piloted by a single individual, especially one which has 
faced such staunch and continuous opposition at every point, which has then 
reached such a scope as to touch literally billions of lives, giving every one 
of them the chance to improve what they have today (should they choose to do 

I'm simply not aware of any efforts of similar scope.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Add corollary extension

2012-06-28 Thread Rick Hodgin
I'd like to add an inverse definition to an existing BOOL/bool type, one which 
the compiler is natively aware of.

bool isSystemOpen;

I can reference this in the manner in which it's defined:
if (isSystemOpen)
if (!isSystemOpen)

However, there are times when it's more desirable to reference it in the 
opposite manner as it makes more logical sense to humans.

The compiler is aware of the boolean nature of that variable, so I would like 
to be able to create a new form which is aware of the inverse boolean condition 

Example syntax:
bool isSystemOpen[.isSystemClosed.];

This new syntax creates one physical variable, and two logical ways to 
reference the same variable in memory, but always tests for the inverse 
condition correctly, such as:
if (isSystemClosed)

Which would be the same logically as:
if (!isSystemOpen)

Any ideas on how to best / easily implement this? :-)  I had the idea of just 
writing a pre-processor to look for those references and swap them out with the 
opposite condition.  But it seems GCC should be able to do this natively.


Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: Add corollary extension

2012-06-28 Thread Rick Hodgin
> Why do you want to bother with a non-standard,
> unportable extension instead of just writing:
> inline bool isSystemClosed()
> { return !isSystemOpen; }
> Which is simple, conventional, easy to understand
> and portable.
> Or in C++ just define a suitable type, instead of
> needing changes to the core language:
> struct inv_bool {
>   bool& b;
>   operator bool() const { return !b; }
> };
> inv_bool isSystemClosed = { isSystemOpen };

There are certain fundamentals in data processing.  The inverse bool is one of 
them.  Why not be able to reference it more naturally in code utilizing 
something the compiler already knows about and can wield effortlessly?

I've thought more about the syntax, and I see this making more sense:
bool isSystemOpen[!isSystemClosed];

As the inverse bool relationship is fundamental in software, I hope this will 
become a C/C++ standard.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin