Re: Automatically generated ChangeLog files - script

2020-05-26 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Hello Martin,

First, thank you for your work on this new ChangeLog workflow. :-)

I’d like to report a “regression”: I can’t push the attached patch:

remote: *** ChangeLog format failed:
remote: ERR: changed file not mentioned in a ChangeLog:"gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb"
remote: ERR: changed file not mentioned in a ChangeLog:"gcc/ada/sem_ch7.adb"
remote: ERR: changed file not mentioned in a ChangeLog:"gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb"
remote: ERR: changed file not mentioned in a ChangeLog:"gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb"
remote: ERR: changed file not mentioned in a ChangeLog:"gcc/ada/sem_type.adb"
remote: ERR: changed file not mentioned in a ChangeLog:"gcc/ada/sem_util.adb"
remote: Please see:
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master

It looks like the hook does not accept multi-line ChangeLog entries 
affecting multiple files:

* contracts.adb, einfo.adb, exp_ch9.adb, sem_ch12.adb,
sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch7.adb, sem_ch8.adb, sem_elab.adb,
sem_type.adb, sem_util.adb: Reuse Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package
where possible (similarly, reuse Is_Concurrent_Type if it was
possible in the same expressions).

Would it be possible to enhance the hook to support that?


Pierre-Marie de Rodat
>From 557b268fdeb0980a17411f458eee333f55c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Piotr Trojanek 
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 11:45:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [Ada] Reuse Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package where possible

2020-05-26  Piotr Trojanek  


	* contracts.adb, einfo.adb, exp_ch9.adb, sem_ch12.adb,
	sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch7.adb, sem_ch8.adb, sem_elab.adb,
	sem_type.adb, sem_util.adb: Reuse Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package
	where possible (similarly, reuse Is_Concurrent_Type if it was
	possible in the same expressions).
 gcc/ada/contracts.adb |  2 +-
 gcc/ada/einfo.adb | 22 +++---
 gcc/ada/exp_ch9.adb   |  2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb  |  2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb   |  2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch7.adb   |  6 +++---
 gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb   |  6 +++---
 gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb  |  2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_type.adb  |  2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_util.adb  |  6 +++---
 10 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/ada/contracts.adb b/gcc/ada/contracts.adb
index 981bb91..d58f136 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/contracts.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/contracts.adb
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ package body Contracts is
   --Part_Of (instantiation only)
-  elsif Ekind_In (Id, E_Generic_Package, E_Package) then
+  elsif Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id) then
  if Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Abstract_State,
diff --git a/gcc/ada/einfo.adb b/gcc/ada/einfo.adb
index 98b508f..1df8ed0 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/einfo.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/einfo.adb
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ package body Einfo is
function Abstract_States (Id : E) return L is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Generic_Package, E_Package));
+  pragma Assert (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id));
   return Elist25 (Id);
end Abstract_States;
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ package body Einfo is
function Body_Entity (Id : E) return E is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Package, E_Generic_Package));
+  pragma Assert (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id));
   return Node19 (Id);
end Body_Entity;
@@ -1424,8 +1424,8 @@ package body Einfo is
function First_Private_Entity (Id : E) return E is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Package, E_Generic_Package)
-   or else Ekind (Id) in Concurrent_Kind);
+  pragma Assert (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id)
+   or else Is_Concurrent_Type (Id));
   return Node16 (Id);
end First_Private_Entity;
@@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@ package body Einfo is
function Package_Instantiation (Id : E) return N is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Package, E_Generic_Package));
+  pragma Assert (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id));
   return Node26 (Id);
end Package_Instantiation;
@@ -3883,7 +3883,7 @@ package body Einfo is
procedure Set_Abstract_States (Id : E; V : L) is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Generic_Package, E_Package));
+  pragma Assert (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id));
   Set_Elist25 (Id, V);
end Set_Abstract_States;
@@ -4006,7 +4006,7 @@ package body Einfo is
procedure Set_Body_Entity (Id : E; V : E) is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Package, E_Generic_Package));
+  pragma Assert (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id));
   Set_Node19 (Id, V);
end Set_Body_Entity;
@@ -4593,8 +4593,8 @@ package body Einfo is
procedure Set_First_Private_Entity (Id : E; V : E) is
-  pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Package, E_Generic_Package

Re: Automatically generated ChangeLog files - script

2020-05-26 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

On 26/05/2020 15:09, Martin Liška wrote:

I see, but as mentioned it makes the parsing of the list files much more
complicated. Feel free to provide a patch that will support multi-line

Thanks! As long as there is no objection to support this, I have no 
problem giving it a try. :-) I just sent two patches on gcc-patches@. By 
the way, is there a delay between the time the gcc-changelog scripts are 
updated and the time they are used in pre-commit hooks?

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Uninitialized registers handling in the REE pass

2015-07-06 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat


The attached reproducer[1] seems to trigger a code generation issue at 
least on x86_64-linux:

$ gnatmake -q p -O3 -gnatn
$ ./p

raised PROGRAM_ERROR : p.adb:9 explicit raise

The bottom line is that when Success is False in Q.Get (q.adb, around 
line 40) its value is clobbered during return. If we build with 
-fno-ree, we can see in the assembly code (near the return point for 
q__get) the following sequence:

movzwl  (%rax), %epb
movzwl  %bp, %ebp
salq$16, %rax
orq %rbp, %rax

However, without the -fno-ree switch the instruction:

movzwl  %bp, %ebp

is merged with its definition (the first movzwl instruction) by the REE 
pass. This is wrong since the definition does _not_ dominate this 
zero-extension: the first movzwl instruction can be by-passed through 

I started to investigate this issue: the REE pass is currently not aware 
of this by-pass code path because it is reached by no proper definition 
(it brings an uninitialized %rbp register to the zero-extension). This 
happens in ree.c:get_defs; in our case (insn=second movzwl, reg=BP) 
DF_REF_CHAIN contains only one definition: the movzwl instruction.

Given the "somelabel" code path, I would rather expect DF_REF_CHAIN to 
hold a NULL reference to materialize the lack of initialization in one 
path. I found the DF_LR_IN/DF_LR_OUT macros from df.h: they provide 
information about uninitialized variables but the associated comment 
says they should not be used ("This intolerance should eventually be 
fixed."). Besides, they provide a basic-block-level information whereas 
we are rather interested in instruction-level information in REE.

I was thinking that REE may not be the only optimization pass needing 
this kind of information but I found no other one, so I'm not sure how 
this ought to be handled. Can anybody confirm my intuition about the 
NULL reference in DF_REF_CHAIN? I'm willing to implement it but I prefer 
first to be sure this is the right approach.

Thanks in advance!

[1] It's in Ada. I tried to translate it into C but any change in 
register allocation makes the issue disappear...

Pierre-Marie de Rodat
with Q; use Q;

procedure P is
  B : Boolean;
  E : Enum;
  Get ("four", E, B);
  if B = True then
raise Program_Error;
  end if;
  Get ("three", E, B);
  if B = False then
raise Program_Error;
  end if;
A : Enum_Boolean_Array (One .. E) := (others => True);
Set (A);
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Containers;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Hash;

package body Q is

   type Enum_Name is array (Enum) of access constant String;

   Enum_Name_Table : constant Enum_Name := (
  One   => new String'("one"),
  Two   => new String'("two"),
  Three => new String'("three"));

   package String_To_Enum_Map is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps
  (Key_Type => String, Element_Type => Enum,
   Hash => Ada.Strings.Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "=");

   function Fill_Hashed_Map return String_To_Enum_Map.Map is
  Res : String_To_Enum_Map.Map;
  use String_To_Enum_Map;
  for I in Enum_Name_Table'Range loop
Kind : constant String := Enum_Name_Table (I).all;
Res.Insert(Key => Kind, New_Item => I);
  end loop;
  return Res;

   String_To_Enum : constant String_To_Enum_Map.Map := Fill_Hashed_Map;

   procedure Get (Kind : String; Result : out Enum; Success : out Boolean) is
  X : constant String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (Kind);
  use String_To_Enum_Map;
  Curs : constant Cursor := String_To_Enum.Find (X);
  Success := Curs /= No_Element;
  if Success then
 Result := Element(Curs);
  end if;

   procedure Set (A : Enum_Boolean_Array) is null;

end Q;
package Q is

   type Enum is (One, Two, Three);
   for Enum'Size use 16;

   type Enum_Boolean_Array is array (Enum range <>) of Boolean;

   procedure Get (Kind : String; Result : out Enum; Success : out Boolean);

   procedure Set (A : Enum_Boolean_Array);

end Q;

Re: Uninitialized registers handling in the REE pass

2015-07-07 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

On 07/07/2015 05:02 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

Can you please file this as a bug in bugzilla so that can get tracked?

Sure, it's there: <>.

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Re: GCC 6 Status Report (2015-10-16)

2015-10-20 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Hi Richard,

On 10/16/2015 05:09 AM, Richard Biener wrote:

This means it is time to get things you want to have in GCC 6 finalized
and reviewed.  As usual there may be exceptions to late reviewed features
but don't count on that.  Likewise target specific features can sneak in
during Stage 3 if maintainers ok them.

This is just to point out I have series of DWARF-related patches 
awaiting reviews for several months. I plan to rebase against trunk, 
retest and resubmit them shortly but here’s an overview:

  * The patch series for transition to standard DWARF for Ada 
( There are 8 
patches, each one depending on the previous one, except the 6/8 one 
( which could 
go on its own.

  * Fix DW_AT_static_link generation in DWARF 
( The 
corresponding support in GDB is in the development branch.

  * Track indirect calls as call site information in DWARF 

  * Materialize subprogram renamings in Ada as imported declarations in 
DWARF ( The 
corresponding support in GDB is in the development branch.

If there is anything I should do to ease the review process, please let 
me know. :-) Thank you in advance!

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Re: GCC 6 Status Report (2015-10-16)

2015-10-20 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

On 10/20/2015 12:01 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

   * The patch series for transition to standard DWARF for Ada
( There are 8
patches, each one depending on the previous one, except the 6/8 one
( which could
go on its own.

   * Track indirect calls as call site information in DWARF

I've been leaving all that stuff to Jason & Jakub.  My knowledge of
dwarf, both the specs and our implementation is so limited that my
review would be worthless.

Thank you for your quick answer!

Regarding the long standard DWARF patch series, Jakup told me in July 
that he would not have time to review dwarf2out patches and advised me 
to ping Jason and Cary instead (which I did since then ;-)).

On the indirect calls tracking side (affecting both dwarf2out and 
var-tracking), Richard told me in August that he’s not the correct 
person to ping for dwarf2out patches, so I did ping you for the 
var-tracking part and Jason for the dwarf2out part afterwards.

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Trouble trying to test GCC on a simulator

2014-09-08 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat


I would like to test a GCC patch on the platform it is supposed to 
affect (PowerPC). In order to to this, I'm using the following 

However, after fresh CVS checkouts (even without my changes on the GCC 
tree) and the corresponding combined tree creation, I cannot manage to 
get a build:

$ ../combined/configure --prefix=$TOP/install --enable-languages=c,c++ 
--target=powerpc-eabisim --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --enable-checking

[runs fine]
$ make
make[4]: Entering directory `/.../build/binutils'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../combined/binutils  -I. 
-I../../combined/binutils -I../bfd -I../../combined/binutils/../bfd 
-Dbin_dummy_emulation=bin_vanilla_emulation  -W -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wshadow -Werror -g -O2 -MT 
bucomm.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/bucomm.Tpo -c -o bucomm.o 
../../combined/binutils/bucomm.c:130:7: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 
'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'VPARAMS'
../../combined/binutils/bucomm.c:141:11: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 
'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'VPARAMS'

make[4]: *** [bucomm.o] Error 1

The use of an undefined macro (VPARAMS) looks quite strange to me: is it 
a known issue? Or maybe is the documentation obsolete?

Thanks in advance!

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Re: Trouble trying to test GCC on a simulator

2014-09-08 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

On 09/08/2014 12:26 PM, Tristan Gingold wrote:

CVS ?  Binutils (and gdb) are now using git:

Huh! I knew this, but not being a daily CVS user, I though the commands 
in the documentation would get a binutils version that was somehow 
tailored for GCC's needs. Anyway, here is what I just tried instead:

# Get newlib and the simulator
cvs -d co newlib sim
# Get binutils
git clone git://

# Create the combined tree
rm -rf combined
mkdir combined
cd src  && find . -print | cpio -pdlm  ../combined && cd ..
cd binutils-gdb && find . -print | cpio -pdlmu ../combined && cd ..
cd gcc  && find . -print | cpio -pdlmu ../combined && cd ..

# Same build/test procedure...

It seems to work fine! (I'm running tests, now...) So thank you very 
much, Tristan. I'm going to submit a website patch to update the 
documentation according to this.

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Re: Pierre-Marie de Rodat appointed Ada co-maintainer

2017-09-17 Thread Pierre-Marie de Rodat

On 09/15/2017 07:22 PM, David Edelsohn wrote:

I am pleased to announce that the GCC Steering Committee has
appointed Pierre-Marie de Rodat as Ada co-maintainer.

Please join me in congratulating Pierre-Marie on his new role.
P-M, please update your listing in the MAINTAINERS file.

Thank you for your trust! I just committed the following as r252902 and 

2017-09-18  Pierre-Marie de Rodat  

* MAINTAINERS: Add myself as a maintainer for the Ada front 

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c58444c74ad..e4a8d0184d6 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2017-09-18  Pierre-Marie de Rodat  
+   * MAINTAINERS: Add myself as a maintainer for the Ada front end.
 2017-09-15  Nathan Sidwell  

* MAINTAINERS: Remove myself as a vxworks maintainer.

index 8a69787ed21..99babdc3ab7 100644
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ cygwin, mingw-w64   Jonathan Yong 

 C front end/ISO C99Joseph Myers
 Ada front end  Arnaud Charlet  
 Ada front end  Eric Botcazou   
+Ada front end  Pierre-Marie de Rodat   
 BRIG (HSAIL) front end Pekka Jääskeläinen 

 BRIG (HSAIL) front end Martin Jambor   
 c++Jason Merrill   

Pierre-Marie de Rodat