Re: In future, to replace autotools by cmake like KDE4 did?

2007-12-07 Thread Marco Costalba
On Dec 7, 2007 3:42 PM, J.C. Pizarro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A powerful tool can do better things that old generators-based tools
> (as autotools).
--- cut ---

> * Later: (with the powerful tool that had cached many predefined variables in

Insisting on highlighting your proposal as "powerful tool" vs what is
in git now (on which people spent long hours to tune it out) will give
you hard times on this list ;-)

Just my guess...


Re: Git and GCC

2007-12-08 Thread Marco Costalba
On Dec 8, 2007 8:53 PM, Joe Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mr. Pizarro has endless ideas, and he'll give you some new ones every day.

That's true.

> He thinks that no one else knows any computer science, and he will attempt
> to teach you what he knows,

It's not the only one ;-) is in good and numerous company.

>  But he's not interested in
> actually DOING the work, mind you; that's up to you.

Where did have you read this ? I missed that part.

>  When you object
> that he's wasting your time, he'll start talking about freedom of speech.

Actually he never spoke like that (probably I missed that part too).
