Re: Removing "Severity" from New Bug form

2015-12-08 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 08. 12. 15 14:16, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
>> Dropping it is ok I think.
> Yes, even for the valid "enhancement" cases a maintainer who triages
> the report could set that easily enough.

If maintainers still use the severity field to triage bugs, then it
should not be dropped. It would be much easier to restrict the ability
to edit the severity field to users with editbugs privs (basically users
with a account + a few other accounts).


Who played with the GCC Bugzilla git repo?

2016-10-16 Thread Frédéric Buclin

Someone played with the GCC Bugzilla git repo last week with no real reason:

Author: root 
Date:   Fri Oct 7 15:28:43 2016 +


Looks like the goal was to drop all CSS and JS files in data/assets/.
Why? There is no reason to play with the data/ directory. This directory
contains data generated by Bugzilla and is automatically cleaned up (and
regenerated) by when needed and so doesn't need to be
cleaned up manually, and definitely not via git. data/ is in .gitignore
for a reason!

Moreover, this means that the GCC Bugzilla git repo is no longer in sync
with the upstream Bugzilla git repo, because the one who played with git
also committed my local changes (I didn't do it for a reason). I can no
longer view my local changes, nor can I easily sync both repos with a
fast-forward merge (I think).

Could these changes be reverted to the exact point I left Bugzilla in
May, i.e. 5.0.3 + my patch only?


New anti-spam extension enabled on GCC Bugzilla

2014-08-31 Thread Frédéric Buclin

I just enabled an extension on GCC Bugzilla which automatically disables
reporter's account if their bugs are marked as INVALID and are in the
'spam' component. So if you have enough privileges on GCC Bugzilla to
close a bug as INVALID and to move it in the 'spam' component (in the
'gcc' product), you can help disabling these user accounts. It doesn't
matter if the bug is closed as RESOLVED or CLOSED. What matters is the
INVALID resolution. Note that you won't see any notification that the
account has been disabled. That's expected. :)

I re-enabled user account creation a few minutes ago, and already 2 new
accounts have been created. Both are spammers. I have disabled them already.

Note that my extension only disables reporters. It doesn't disable
commenters who are also spammers (because we have no way to mark a
comment as spam yet. This feature will come with Bugzilla 5.0). For
them, admins will have to disable these accounts manually:

You type the email address of the user you want to find, then click on
it and type some text in the "Disable text" field. You can also click
the "Bugmail Disabled" checkbox to prevent the spammer from getting any
new bugmail. Do not forget to click the "Save Changes" once you are done.

Good luck!


PS: Do not hesitate to email me if there is something wrong with my

Account creation disabled on GCC Bugzilla

2014-09-01 Thread Frédéric Buclin

I again disabled account creation on GCC Bugzilla due to spammers being
still very active. 117 user accounts have been created since yesterday.
102 have been identified as spammers and have been disabled. For the
remaining 15 accounts, I have no evidence that they are spammers. At
least one of these 15 accounts is valid, so I don't want to blindly
disable them all, see for the list
of still enabled accounts.

311 bugs have been created on GCC Bugzilla since yesterday. Only 2 are
valid bugs. The remaining 309 ones are all spam and have been moved into
the 'spam' component and marked as INVALID.


Re: Spam again

2014-09-02 Thread Frédéric Buclin
I added code to GCC Bugzilla last night to collect IP addresses from
requests for new accounts. 80% - 90% of requests are coming from the
following IP ranges:

62.122.72.x - 62.122.79.x
185.44.77.x - 185.44.79.x
188.72.126.x - 188.72.127.x
195.34.78.x - 195.34.79.x
195.78.108.x - 195.78.109.x

All of them asked for a account. If some of you want to play
with these IP ranges, I would be curious to know where they are coming
from. Maybe Russia?

GCC Bugzilla is still under attack currently. Bugzilla reports 3-4 new
user account creation attempts every *minute*, all for a
account. But is blacklisted for the last 7 hours so all
these attempts fail. Sorry for this morning, I wasn't around to
blacklist this email domain sooner. So far, Bugzilla blocked 650
requests for a new account, mostly all for

I also patched Bugzilla to no longer email the GCC mailing-list when a
bug is moved into the 'spam' component.


Definition of the Host, Target and Build fields in Bugzilla

2014-09-14 Thread Frédéric Buclin

Could one of you give me a short and clear description of each of the
Host, Target and Build fields used in GCC Bugzilla? Currently, hovering
the field label for these fields in bug reports gives no useful
description besides the default message "A custom Free Text field in
this installation of GCC Bugzilla". This would help users known what to
write into these fields when reporting new bugs.

I already fixed the description for the "Known to fail", "Known to work"
and "Last reconfirmed" fields.


Re: GCC Bugzilla disables caching of linked content

2014-11-11 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 11. 11. 14 20:11, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> At some point GCC's bugzilla started taking ages to load, because
> every single .css and .js file gets a query appended to the URL:
> skins/contrib/Dusk/global.css?1368269827
> This causes Firefox to constantly re-fetch those pages again and
> again, so it takes several seconds to load every. single. page.
> Do you know why this is?

1368269827 is the timestamp when these files were last modified. It's
appended to the URL so that your web browser doesn't refetch them if it
already has them in cache with this timestamp. So if your web browser
refetches them all the time, then you have something wrong with your
browser. In my case, pages load very quickly because none of the CSS or
JS files are reloaded. You cannot disable this feature.


Re: Confirming a bug in new bugzilla?

2011-04-10 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 10. 04. 11 02:19, Joseph S. Myers a écrit :
> Likewise.  We don't use VERIFIED and CLOSED in GCC, proper text should 
> reflect the existence of only one closed state with a genuine meaning and 
> not mention the others (ideally they'd be completely hidden).

That's not true. VERIFIED and CLOSED are valid bug statuses used in the
GCC Bugzilla. There are 517 bugs with one of these statuses.

In reply to Gerald, Bugzilla 4.2 will contain a hook which will let us
easily customize the
page. For now, if changes are wanted on this page, a bug should be filed
in GCC Bugzilla (please CC me) and the template modified via a patch.
The patch will have to be backed out before we upgrade to 4.2.


Re: Confirming a bug in new bugzilla?

2011-04-10 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 11. 04. 11 01:33, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> Most of those cases are the reporter changing the status to VERIFIED
> after a gcc maintainer has set it to RESOLVED.  That doesn't mean the
> maintainers use VERIFIED of that keeping it is useful.

If they are useless, then they should be removed to avoid confusion and
to make queries easier. But if we keep them, then they should be
described as any other bug status. An external user cannot guess that
they have no special meaning for you.


Re: Bugzilla: Perl error Can't locate in @INC

2011-08-03 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 26. 01. 11 17:04, Frank Ch. Eigler a écrit :
 Can't locate in @INC
> This may be fixed now, with a hand-made dummy file.

I think I know what's wrong. I will paste what I wrote at requires Email::Reply which requires Email::Abstract which
requires mro since 3.003. So if you have Email::Abstract 3.002 or older,
you shouldn't get this error. If you have Email::Abstract 3.003 or
newer, then this means MRO::Compat (which has "mro") is not correctly


Re: Bugzilla shouldn't mangle patches

2011-11-15 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 15. 11. 11 10:50, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> So I clicked on the attachment link, and I get the patch viewer,
> showing me a coloured, side-by-side diff.  Very pretty, but no use if
> I want to download it to apply it to the GCC source.
> So I clicked on the "Raw Unified" link above the side-by-side view.
> That doesn't give me the original patch, it gives me some mangled
> version.

The pretty diff view is useful for reviewers, which is why the link in
the comment points to it. If you want to see or download the original
patch, either click on the attachment name in the attachments table
itself, or click the View link at the top of the pretty diff page. Being
myself a heavy user of Bugzilla for 7 years now, I never used the Raw
Unified link. Maybe I should just remove this link from upstream, to
avoid this kind of confusion.


Re: Bugzilla shouldn't mangle patches

2011-11-15 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 15. 11. 11 13:25, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> unified link would be useful.  For GCC unified diffs are the norm, so
> having an extra link to show it in that form (but not accurately) does
> seem unhelpful.

Feel free to file a bug on GCC Bugzilla, and assign it to me, so that I
can remove this link independently of what I decide upstream. :)


Re: gcc bugzilla upgrade

2010-09-07 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 07. 09. 10 18:41, NightStrike a écrit :
>>> I was working on a gcc bugzilla project upgrade under Daniel Berlin's
>>> guidance but have not been able to contact him in a long while.
>>> Can anyone give me a current address for him or another dev's name who I
>>> can work with?
>> I thought Frédéric Buclin  (copied) is now working
>> on this?  Perhaps the two of you can sync?
>> Gerald
> Heh.. I was, too :)

Looks like several people offered their help to upgrade GCC Bugzilla,
but the process never completed. :) I hope I will be luckier. I filed a
bug, see There is
some traction there.


Re: gcc bugzilla upgrade

2010-09-07 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 07. 09. 10 18:51, NightStrike a écrit :
> Well, I've been working on it since I got the approval.  I just
> haven't posted patches yet.  Should I stop?

If your patches are based on Bugzilla 3.6.x, no way! :)

Could you please attach them to bug 43011?


Re: gcc bugzilla upgrade

2010-09-07 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 07. 09. 10 19:14, NightStrike a écrit :
> So for instance, instead of 2.20+ > 3.6.1, I was doing 2.20 > 2.21, etc.

Wow, iterating this way is too long (and 2.21 is a development snapshot,
not a stable release). We must jump directly from 2.20 to 3.6.2, else we
will go nowhere. The code is definitely too different between 2.x and
3.x to iterate.


GCC Bugzilla upgrade to version 3.6.2 in progress

2010-09-10 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Hi all,

A test installation based on a copy of the GCC Bugzilla database
(snapshot taken yesterday, September 9) and upgraded to Bugzilla 3.6.2
is now live at

Please give it a look, and file bugs related to missing or broken
customizations in the new "Bugzilla" product on the test installation,
i.e. using this link:

Note that I didn't port *any* customization yet, so you probably have a
lot to say. ;)

Those of you who are used to report bugs on installations running
Bugzilla 3.x will already be familiar with the new UI. Those who only
know Bugzilla 2.x may feel a bit lost at first, but you will quickly see
the numerous advantages and features of Bugzilla 3.6 over the old
Bugzilla 2.20 one. I will try as much as possible to convert hacks
implemented by GCC in 2.20 to supported features, extensions and hooks
available in Bugzilla 3.6, to 1) ensure that customizations do not
generate unexpected behaviors or bugs, and 2) to make the code more
easily maintainable and portable to future releases of Bugzilla.

For a list of new features available in Bugzilla 3.6.2, see the release
notes at

To track progress on the GCC Bugzilla upgrade, our meta bug is

Have fun testing the new Bugzilla,


PS: Those of you who cannot log into
because your password is less than 6 characters long must click the
"Forgot password" link. You will get an email with a link to follow,
from where you will be able to enter a new password (which must be at
least 6 characters long, for obvious security reasons. This minimum
value of 6 is the standard value for all new Bugzilla installations
around the world, not only GCC).

For help, you can find me on in the #overseers channel.

Re: GCC Bugzilla upgrade to version 3.6.2 in progress

2010-09-10 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 10. 09. 10 12:22, Richard Guenther a écrit :
> So - can you enumerate the customizations you didn't bring over?

I have no official list of customizations to port to the newer Bugzilla.
All I have in hands are the two patches attached to bug 43011, see These patches are a
diff between the official 2.20 release and what GCC Bugzilla currently
has. So I will have to read these patches carefully, extract what's
still relevant for 3.6.2, and try to understand what each hack is trying
to achieve and port it over to 3.6.2. Based on some discussions I
already had, some customizations are no longer needed because they were
either rarely used, or nobody understood what they were trying to do. :)

A list of already reported bugs is available here:


GCC Bugzilla upgrade to version 3.6.2 ready

2010-09-20 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Hi all,

I'm done with the implementation of customizations for the 3.6.2
Bugzilla installation. The test installation, which is based on a copy
of the GCC Bugzilla database (snapshot taken on September 9), is live at

Please test it, and file bugs related to missing or broken
customizations in the new "Bugzilla" product on the test installation,
i.e. using this link:

I prefer you to report bugs *before* the upgrade, not after. If
something broken is found after the upgrade, don't complain. :)

If nothing severe is found in the coming days, we will probably upgrade
the production installation later this week. I think Ian will keep you
informed about this.

Have fun testing the new Bugzilla,


Re: GCC Bugzilla upgrade to version 3.6.2 ready

2010-09-20 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 21. 09. 10 01:18, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> Oops, I didn't realise that changes to the test installation get
> emailed to gcc-bugs and to the users who reported the bug or are CC'd
> on it

Yeah, it's a production-ready installation, with all features enabled.
:) Only bugs filed in the Bugzilla product are not emailed to the GCC
mailing-list. I could create a "Test" product, if you want to.


Re: Bugzilla outage Thursday, September 23, 18:00GMT-21:00GMT

2010-09-25 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 25. 09. 10 17:10, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> Was it a conscious decision for the "Add me to CC list" checkbox to be
> ticked by default?

Yes, because most of the time, when you comment on a bug, other users
may react to your comment, or ask for more information, etc... In that
case, it's important that you see these comments. But note that Bugzilla
3.6 is controlled by several default user preferences (like this one),
which can be overridden by your own preferences. Simply visit this page,
and set your user preferences as you like them:

Of course, these preferences are per user, and will only affect your
account (unlike parameters which are global and can only be accessed by
administrators). ;) In this specific case, look at the "Automatically
add me to the CC list of bugs I change" user preference, and set it to

There are other great features in Bugzilla 3.6. Should I enumerate some
of them? :-D


Re: Bugzilla not whining [was Re: Bugzilla outage Thursday, September 23, 18:00GMT-21:00GMT]

2010-09-28 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 28. 09. 10 11:25, Dave Korn a écrit :
>   Before I start, I'd like to thank Frédéric for having done all this work and
> got us a nice shiny new bugzilla.  Thank you!

Thanks again. :)

>   One minor thing appears to have failed in the transition: although all my
> saved searches and whine settings have come across cleanly, I'm no longer
> receiving my nightly emails that the whine is supposed to be sending me.  Is
> it just me, or is something broken?

It's not just you, nor is it broken. Last Friday, Daniel Berlin asked me
what to do with the cron job for, because this script was
running from his own account, and while I did the upgrade, I enforced
security on Bugzilla which doesn't let him run this script himself
anymore. We have to run from another account, which I have
access to. I thought Daniel would do it himself, but from what you say,
he didn't. :) Unless someone from #overseers wants to set the cron job
himself, I can do it. #overseers: please let me know. (note that we
should add as well to the cron job, to collect data for
old and new charts.)

>   (While looking for where to report this, I noticed that the "Bugzilla"
> product category wasn't carried over from the test installation;

Yeah, the initial plan was to create a "Bugzilla" product, move the
already filed bugs to this product, and use it for Bugzilla-specific
bugs. But when I looked at the older bugs specific to Bugzilla, I
realized that it would be a very low-usage product, so I didn't create
it, and we use gcc/web instead. If there is enough interest in a
separate product for Bugzilla, it would be easy to set it up. Just let
me know (again for #overseers).


Re: Bugzilla not whining [was Re: Bugzilla outage Thursday, September 23, 18:00GMT-21:00GMT]

2010-09-28 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 28. 09. 10 11:25, Dave Korn a écrit :
> I'm no longer
> receiving my nightly emails that the whine is supposed to be sending me.

This should be fixed now. Let me know if you still don't get nightly emails.


Re: GCC Bugzilla upgrade to version 3.6.2 ready

2010-10-04 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 05. 10. 10 06:53, Florian Weimer a écrit :
> It seems that the new Bugzilla does not set a Message-ID header when
> sending mail.

You come a bit late in the game, see ;)


Re: Bugzilla: Perl error Can't locate in @INC

2011-01-26 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 26. 01. 11 11:29, Tobias Burnus a écrit :
> Can't locate in @INC is part of the core code of Perl since version 5.9.5. So it's not
available here as sourceware has Perl 5.8.5 installed. Where is this
script located? And did you get the exact line and script which threw
this error?


Re: Bugzilla new bug page

2012-10-18 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 18. 10. 12 14:06, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> Other bugzillas I've used have a big red text box that very
> prominently tells the submitted to search for existing bugs.

Do you have an example of such Bugzillas? Mozilla and RedHat have no
such big red box. KDE has something closer.

> I'd do it myself but I don't know where the relevant pages are. Are
> the bugzilla templates in CVS, or only on the server?

Only on the server.

Re: Bugzilla new bug page

2012-10-18 Thread Frédéric Buclin
Le 18. 10. 12 14:27, Jonathan Wakely a écrit :
> I'll prepare some mockups for people to look at and see if they like it.

Please file a bug and CC me. It's much easier to track progress in
Bugzilla than per email.


Re: Bug repositories

2013-01-28 Thread Frédéric Buclin
(Igor jumped into the Bugzilla developers IRC channel, so that's why I
heard about this thread.)

Ian said:

"I'm willing to provide you with a dump of gcc's bugzilla database if
you can give me the exact command to run."

Sorry, but I have to object! It's not ok to give anyone a plain dump of
the GCC Bugzilla database for studies or any other reason without some
sanity check. The Bugzilla database contains all the user account
passwords and preferences, as well as group permissions. Such a copy of
the DB would give the possibility to try to crack the passwords locally,
though the encryption is supposed to be very secure. This means that a
local access to the DB allows one to skip throttling when someone starts
typing the wrong password again and again, decreasing the time needed to
crack passwords. Moreover, having access to group permissions means to
be able to know who are admins and to try to abuse these accounts in GCC
Bugzilla itself. This is a security breach.

Bugzilla offers no special tools to generate a sanitized copy of the DB,
so one shouldn't try to create a dump of the DB and spread it without a
very good knowledge of Bugzilla internals.
