how can I contribute to your organisation

2021-09-27 Thread Aditya Saini
Hey ,I am Aditya saini  and I can code in c/c++  .I want to be a part of your 
organization so please guide me how can I contribute to your organization .
Thank you

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Re: Attn:

2023-02-27 Thread Aditya saini via Gcc
Hi , Carolyn Clarke
I am interested to participate in the GSOC 2023.
Sorry for the late reply, I don't know why this mail is in my spam folder..
Please guide me with the next step.
Aditya Saini..

On Tue, 21 Feb, 2023, 9:50 PM Carolyn Clarke via Gcc, 

> Good day to you,
> I've viewed your profile on LINKEDIN, regarding a proposal that is in your
> name. Kindly respond back urgently for more details on this proposal
> Regard,
> Carolyn Clarke