Re: Setting up editors for the GNU/GCC coding style?

2022-08-01 Thread Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus via Gcc
On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 08:53:37PM +0100, Jonathan Wakely via Gcc wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 20:49, Tim Lange wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 28 2022 at 02:46:58 PM -0400, David Malcolm via Gcc
> >  wrote:
> > > Is there documentation on setting up text editors to work with our
> > > coding style?  A lot of the next generation of developers aren't using
> > > vi or emacs; they's using VS Code, CLion, and other editors.  Does
> > > anyone have docs on e.g. how to set up VS Code, CLion, etc (IntelliJ
> > > ?)
> > > to work well on GCC's own code base.  FWIW I use Emacs; I've dabbed
> > > with VS Code but haven't used it "for real".
> >
> > I did prepare my first patch(es) with vscode. For debugging, I set up
> > vscode to launch gcc with gdbserver as wrapper and then let the vscode
> > debugger to connect to the gdbserver. At first, I tried to get the gnu
> > coding style to work in the hacky way by using tabSize=8 and rebinding
> > tab to 2 spaces but later ditched that because it bothered me more than
> > doing just spaces and replacing 8 spaces with 1 tab before sending the
> > patch. That still wastes time because all files that I didn't touch
> > look ugly unless I temporarily change the tabSize and some comments
> > don't use tabs so I can't just replace all 8 spaces with 1 tab.
> That's what unexpand(1) is for:

I gave unexpand from GNU coreutils 8.32 a try.  Looks like it cannot
deal with form feeds or maybe I'm missing something?

$ bash -c "printf 'foo\n\f\nbar\n'" | unexpand -
unexpand: input line is too long

Re: Setting up editors for the GNU/GCC coding style?

2022-08-01 Thread Martin Liška
On 7/28/22 21:49, Tim Lange wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 28 2022 at 02:46:58 PM -0400, David Malcolm via Gcc 
>  wrote:
>> Is there documentation on setting up text editors to work with our
>> coding style?  A lot of the next generation of developers aren't using
>> vi or emacs; they's using VS Code, CLion, and other editors.  Does
>> anyone have docs on e.g. how to set up VS Code, CLion, etc (IntelliJ ?)
>> to work well on GCC's own code base.  FWIW I use Emacs; I've dabbed
>> with VS Code but haven't used it "for real".
> I did prepare my first patch(es) with vscode. For debugging, I set up vscode 
> to launch gcc with gdbserver as wrapper and then let the vscode debugger to 
> connect to the gdbserver. At first, I tried to get the gnu coding style to 
> work in the hacky way by using tabSize=8 and rebinding tab to 2 spaces but 
> later ditched that because it bothered me more than doing just spaces and 
> replacing 8 spaces with 1 tab before sending the patch. That still wastes 
> time because all files that I didn't touch look ugly unless I temporarily 
> change the tabSize and some comments don't use tabs so I can't just replace 
> all 8 spaces with 1 tab. For reference, my config files for gcc are available 
> at [0].

There's a vscode issue that is about the unsupported expansion of 8 spaces to a 

Btw. can we for the future leave this weird mix usage? Is it really an useful 


> - Tim
> [0]
>> I'm hoping to add this to my newbies guide.
>> Thanks
>> Dave

Re: Setting up editors for the GNU/GCC coding style?

2022-08-01 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 09:24, Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus wrote:
> I gave unexpand from GNU coreutils 8.32 a try.  Looks like it cannot
> deal with form feeds or maybe I'm missing something?
> $ bash -c "printf 'foo\n\f\nbar\n'" | unexpand -
> foo
> unexpand: input line is too long

Which linux distro are you using? I see this error on Fedora and
Centos 8 but not on recent Debian or Ubuntu systems.

I've reported a bug:

Re: Setting up editors for the GNU/GCC coding style?

2022-08-01 Thread Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus via Gcc
On Mon, Aug 01, 2022 at 12:25:21PM +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 09:24, Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus wrote:
> > I gave unexpand from GNU coreutils 8.32 a try.  Looks like it cannot
> > deal with form feeds or maybe I'm missing something?
> >
> > $ bash -c "printf 'foo\n\f\nbar\n'" | unexpand -
> > foo
> > unexpand: input line is too long
> Which linux distro are you using? I see this error on Fedora and
> Centos 8 but not on recent Debian or Ubuntu systems.

I can reproduce this on Fedora {33,34,35} and on Ubuntu 20.04 it seems
to work.

[no subject]

2022-08-01 Thread Raja Raju via Gcc

Re: Setting up editors for the GNU/GCC coding style?

2022-08-01 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 13:16, Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 01, 2022 at 12:25:21PM +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> > On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 09:24, Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus wrote:
> > > I gave unexpand from GNU coreutils 8.32 a try.  Looks like it cannot
> > > deal with form feeds or maybe I'm missing something?
> > >
> > > $ bash -c "printf 'foo\n\f\nbar\n'" | unexpand -
> > > foo
> > > unexpand: input line is too long
> >
> > Which linux distro are you using? I see this error on Fedora and
> > Centos 8 but not on recent Debian or Ubuntu systems.
> I can reproduce this on Fedora {33,34,35} and on Ubuntu 20.04 it seems
> to work.

There's a fix in Fedora rawhide now, which will also make it into
RHEL, CentOS, and (I assume) F35 and F36.

Possible wrong-code bug in GCC?

2022-08-01 Thread Haoxin Tu via Gcc
Dear developers,

May I seek your confirmation to check whether the following program
triggers a true wrong-code issue in GCC? The following piece of code looks
too simple and I am not quite sure whether it's a bug or not.

Here is the test program (s.c):
int a = 0, b = 0;
int main() {
for (; a <= 6; a++) {
if (b) {
goto c;
return 0;

$ gcc-trunk  -O1 s.c ; ./a.out
(infinite loop)
$ gcc-trunk -O2 s.c ;./a.out


I guess the behavior of -O2 is normal as the if statement inside the
for-loop will be 0 after certain iterations. It's worth noting that almost
all versions of GCC behave the same in this case. Also, note that LLVM
behaves the same under the two optimization options; they all terminate the
execution in seconds.

So, before I make any noise in the GCC bug repo, may I quickly check with
you and see whether the `s.c` is a potential wrong code bug in GCC, or
did I miss any important information here? I will file a new bug report
for this issue if it is a true bug.

Thank you so much and looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,

Re: Possible wrong-code bug in GCC?

2022-08-01 Thread Haoxin Tu via Gcc
Oh, sorry for the noise, there is an integer overflow that may cause
undefined behavior.

Haoxin Tu  于2022年8月2日周二 11:23写道:

> Dear developers,
> May I seek your confirmation to check whether the following program
> triggers a true wrong-code issue in GCC? The following piece of code looks
> too simple and I am not quite sure whether it's a bug or not.
> Here is the test program (s.c):
> ```
> int a = 0, b = 0;
> int main() {
> for (; a <= 6; a++) {
> c:
> b++;
> if (b) {
> goto c;
> }
> }
> return 0;
> }
> ```
> $ gcc-trunk  -O1 s.c ; ./a.out
> (infinite loop)
> $ gcc-trunk -O2 s.c ;./a.out
> Godbolt:
> I guess the behavior of -O2 is normal as the if statement inside the
> for-loop will be 0 after certain iterations. It's worth noting that almost
> all versions of GCC behave the same in this case. Also, note that LLVM
> behaves the same under the two optimization options; they all terminate the
> execution in seconds.
> So, before I make any noise in the GCC bug repo, may I quickly check with
> you and see whether the `s.c` is a potential wrong code bug in GCC, or
> did I miss any important information here? I will file a new bug report
> for this issue if it is a true bug.
> Thank you so much and looking forward to your reply!
> Best regards,
> Haoxin

Re: Possible wrong-code bug in GCC?

2022-08-01 Thread Jonathan Wakely via Gcc
On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 at 05:45, Haoxin Tu via Gcc  wrote:
> Oh, sorry for the noise, there is an integer overflow that may cause
> undefined behavior.

You should check with UBsan before reporting something as a bug:

s.c:5:2: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 2147483647 + 1 cannot
be represented in type 'int'