GCC 5.5.0 successfully built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

2018-01-18 Thread Martin Kunz

Following the suggestion at
https://gcc.gnu.org/install/finalinstall.html I report a successful
build of GCC 5.5.0 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.


./gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../gcc5/configure
Thread model: posix
gcc version 5.5.0 (GCC)

Set of languages built: default

mkunz@pc028:/Net/Groups/BSY/people/mkunz/repositories/gcc5Build/bin> cat
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3  (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).

uname -a
Linux pc028 3.0.101-0.47.71-default #1 SMP Thu Nov 12 12:22:22 UTC 2015
(b5b212e) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

mkunz@pc028:/Net/Groups/BSY/people/mkunz/repositories/gcc5Build/bin> rpm
-q glibc

All the building went smoothly on the first attempt. Thanks for GCC and
the helpful installation guide at https://gcc.gnu.org/install/index.html !



Martin Kunz
Field Experiments and Instrumentation
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Hans-Knöll-Str. 10, 07745 Jena, Germany
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 100164, 07745 Jena, Germany
Phone: +49-3641-576314

Re: Google Summer of Code 2018: Call for mentors and ideas

2018-01-18 Thread Martin Liška
On 01/17/2018 11:16 PM, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> We have a tool that aggregates the output of simulator trace logs
> and generates coverage reports directly. It can also generate
> gcov output but there are some anomalies when gcov generates reports
> from our input that don't match the truth of the traces.
> We just need someone who can explain what is wrong so it can be fixed.


I have quite some knowledge about gcov infrastructure and I've applied various
patches in the tool for upcoming GCC 8 release. Can you please define more
specifically what you'll need and what's limitation of current gcov 

If that would lead in a topic for GSoC, I can mentor that.


Re: Google Summer of Code 2018: Call for mentors and ideas

2018-01-18 Thread Martin Liška
On 01/17/2018 06:54 PM, Martin Jambor wrote:
> Hi,
> following a discussion at IRC about an upcoming deadline to register GCC
> as an independent organization for Google Summer of Code 2018 (GSoC), I
> have volunteered to serve as the org-admin for GCC if:


I would like to thank you Martin that I decided to take care of GSoC.
Hopefully we'll find some newcomers for the projects.

>   - there is not another volunteer (so step up if you are!),
>   - the community does not object (so let me and/or the steering
> committee know if you think I am not the right person!), and
>   - we have at least 4 good project ideas together(!) with willing
> mentors by next Monday January 22 (the deadline is on Tuesday).  I
> will be very happy if we have more.
> There are project ideas on our GSoC wiki page
> (https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode) but those are not associated
> with a willing mentor and it is basically an idea dump, it is often not
> clear how up to date the proposals are and often they are just a bit too
> terse.
> Therefore I would like to ask all seasoned GCC contributors who would
> like to mentor a GSoC student to send a reply to this thread with their
> idea for a project.  If you have an idea but you do not want to be a
> mentor then I will consider it only if it is really interesting, really
> specific (e.g. improving -O2 -g *somehow* is not specific) and I would
> have to be reasonably confident I'd find a good mentor for it.  So far I
> have the following ideas from the IRC discussion:
> 1) Jakub is willing to mentor (with someone from GDB but I reckon that
>we will find someone) a project implementing OMPD.
> 2) Martin Liška is willing to mentor either:
>2a) -fsanitize=type (He provided URL https://reviews.llvm.org/D32197
>but it gives me a 404 error) or its prototype, or
>2b) bash code completion like:
>but frankly I am afraid it is too small to be a GSoC project, or
>2c) textual representation of LTO stream a.k.a. lto-dump tool

If there's an interest, I can specify in more detail these topics. Note that
David Malcolm is also interested in 2b) and he's willing to be co-mentor.
The topic 2b) can be enlarged to an overhaul of option handling, with possible
rewritten of current AWK scripts.


> 3?) Joseph Myers brought up idea to do "built-in functions for TS 18661
> floating-point functions - which has the feature that there are a
> lot of similar built-in functions for C99/C11 functions to serve as
> a guide for how to implement things)" ...Joseph, would you be
> willing to mentor it?
> Please send me your idea for a project you'd like to mentor.  Also feel
> free to comment on other proposals including those above.  I intend to
> put successful project ideas from this thread into a prominent position
> on the wiki page.  Remember, I want at least four plausible ones with
> willing mentors until Monday, January 22nd 23:59 CET.
> All sorts of information are available from the GSoC web page at
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/, for example guides for mentors are
> at
> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/resources/guide#mentor_manual
> Thanks,
> Martin

Re: GCC 7.3 Release Candidate available from gcc.gnu.org

2018-01-18 Thread Bill Seurer

On 01/17/2018 10:46 AM, Richard Biener wrote:

A release candidate for GCC 7.3 is available from


and shortly its mirrors.  It has been generated from SVN revision 256792.

I have so far bootstrapped and tested the release candidate on
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.  Please test it and report any issues to

If all goes well I'd like to release 7.3 on Wednesday, January 24th.

Everything looks good with this for powerpc64.

-Bill Seurer

Re: Bugzilla timing out

2018-01-18 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler

msebor wrote:

> I'm having trouble bringing up bugs or updating them.  Has anyone else
> noticed Bugzilla (and/or other services running on gcc.gnu.org) being
> very slow or timing out?

One failed disk in the server has been replaced yesterday.  Please let
us know if problems persist or reoccur.

- FChE

Re: Google Summer of Code 2018: Call for mentors and ideas

2018-01-18 Thread Eric Gallager
On 1/17/18, Martin Jambor  wrote:
> Hi,
> following a discussion at IRC about an upcoming deadline to register GCC
> as an independent organization for Google Summer of Code 2018 (GSoC), I
> have volunteered to serve as the org-admin for GCC if:
>   - there is not another volunteer (so step up if you are!),
>   - the community does not object (so let me and/or the steering
> committee know if you think I am not the right person!), and
>   - we have at least 4 good project ideas together(!) with willing
> mentors by next Monday January 22 (the deadline is on Tuesday).  I
> will be very happy if we have more.
> There are project ideas on our GSoC wiki page
> (https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode) but those are not associated
> with a willing mentor and it is basically an idea dump, it is often not
> clear how up to date the proposals are and often they are just a bit too
> terse.
> Therefore I would like to ask all seasoned GCC contributors who would
> like to mentor a GSoC student to send a reply to this thread with their
> idea for a project.  If you have an idea but you do not want to be a
> mentor then I will consider it only if it is really interesting, really
> specific (e.g. improving -O2 -g *somehow* is not specific) and I would
> have to be reasonably confident I'd find a good mentor for it.  So far I
> have the following ideas from the IRC discussion:
> 1) Jakub is willing to mentor (with someone from GDB but I reckon that
>we will find someone) a project implementing OMPD.
> 2) Martin Liška is willing to mentor either:
>2a) -fsanitize=type (He provided URL https://reviews.llvm.org/D32197
>but it gives me a 404 error) or its prototype, or
>2b) bash code completion like:
> http://blog.llvm.org/2017/09/clang-bash-better-auto-completion-is.html
>but frankly I am afraid it is too small to be a GSoC project, or
>2c) textual representation of LTO stream a.k.a. lto-dump tool
> 3?) Joseph Myers brought up idea to do "built-in functions for TS 18661
> floating-point functions - which has the feature that there are a
> lot of similar built-in functions for C99/C11 functions to serve as
> a guide for how to implement things)" ...Joseph, would you be
> willing to mentor it?
> Please send me your idea for a project you'd like to mentor.  Also feel
> free to comment on other proposals including those above.  I intend to
> put successful project ideas from this thread into a prominent position
> on the wiki page.  Remember, I want at least four plausible ones with
> willing mentors until Monday, January 22nd 23:59 CET.
> All sorts of information are available from the GSoC web page at
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/, for example guides for mentors are
> at
> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/resources/guide#mentor_manual
> Thanks,
> Martin

Would it make sense to recycle old GSoC projects that never got
completed? I'm wondering about the "replace libiberty with gnulib" one

Re: Google Summer of Code 2018: Call for mentors and ideas

2018-01-18 Thread Joseph Myers
On Thu, 18 Jan 2018, Eric Gallager wrote:

> Would it make sense to recycle old GSoC projects that never got
> completed? I'm wondering about the "replace libiberty with gnulib" one

I'd like to see that finished, but I'm not convinced it makes a good GSoC 
project, given how it involves tricky portability and build system issues 
and the need to test for lots of different configurations including 
Canadian crosses.  It would really need someone particularly interested in 
that area, and a build machinery maintainer actively involved.

Joseph S. Myers

Re: Google Summer of Code 2018: Call for mentors and ideas

2018-01-18 Thread Andi Kleen
Martin Jambor  writes:
> Therefore I would like to ask all seasoned GCC contributors who would
> like to mentor a GSoC student to send a reply to this thread with their
> idea for a project.  If you have an idea but you do not want to be a
> mentor then I will consider it only if it is really interesting, really
> specific (e.g. improving -O2 -g *somehow* is not specific) and I would
> have to be reasonably confident I'd find a good mentor for it.  So far I
> have the following ideas from the IRC discussion:

Here's an idea:

fuzzers like csmith are fairly good at finding compiler bugs.  But they
only generate standard C, but no extensions. gcc has many extensions,
which are not covered. It would be good to extend a fuzzer like csmith
to fuzz extensions like OpenMP, __attributes__, vector
extensions, etc. Then run the fuzzer and report
compiler bugs.

I'm not a seasoned gcc contributor, but would be willing to mentor
such a project.


Development mission

2018-01-18 Thread Boris Jaulmes
Hi everyone,

Happy new year 2018.

I don’t know if it’s the right place to post this, but I’m looking for someone 
proficient with gcc and debug, to help our business with a development need.

Mission offer is in the frame below.

Feel free to come back with any question if interested.

Have a nice day,

Boris J.

Laoviland Experience

« Post-mortem » debug for Qt 5.10 / C++ under Windows (GCC 7.2 / Msys2)

Working on a large and complex graphical creation software, we need to be able 
to target and resolve all the bugs/crashes that occurs at a remote client’s 

To achieve that goal, we are interested in the “post-mortem debug” approach, 
like described in this article : 

To summarize, we are looking for:

1.  A piece of C++11/14 code that we can put into our client software and 
which can:
1.  Catch any unhandled exception, in any thread, anywhere in the 
program (whatever it’s a segmentation fault, a floating-point exception, an 
assert, or just a “throw 42;” uncatched line somewhere in the program)
2.  In the handler for this exception, generate an exception log 
containing at least the addresses of the stack frames of the exception. Values 
of the local variables and some system info (RAM used, disk free, and so on) 
would be a plus.
3.  Send it as a crash report to our cloud servers (we already have 
this code and it works, so no need to code the transfer; we just need the log 
file with precious info about the crash).
2.  A C++11/14 program that can read/parse this crash report and match it 
with our source code, giving us for each stack frame level the exact C++ source 
line corresponding, if available (we understand that it’s only possible for our 
code, and not for the core Qt libraries, for instance). To make it simple, we 
want to get as close as possible to the power of debugging with GDB, but with 
an on-site client crash, where there’s no debugger and obviously no symbol or 
function name inside the compiled program (as we absolutely want to avoid 
reverse engineering).
3.  Knowledge transfer. We don’t want only the code, we want to be able to 
understand it, well enough to dissect it, and adapt it on our other future 
Note : This is nothing like a course, we already have a solid basis on C++, we 
just don’t know anything about core dumps and all the hard-level debug stuff, 
so a heavily commented or a page or two of explanation will be OK.

Our constraints:

*   Platform: Windows 64-bits executable compiled with GCC (MinGW-w64, as 
packaged in the Msys2 project : http://www.msys2.org/  )
Portable code that could be easily ported under Linux and MacOS would be a 
great plus (this is the reason why we work with Qt).
*   Language / technology: Qt 5.10, over C++14. Standard C++11 and 98 Is 
also accepted.
*   Source code of our software and function names / symbols can’t be 
shipped in any form with the final client executable.
*   But we have to be able to get the exception stack with source files and 
*   Deadline and payment: to discuss.

About us:

Laoviland Experience S.A.S. based in Juvignac, France. busin...@laoviland.com