Re: add_branch_dependences in sched-rgn.c

2014-04-10 Thread Kyrill Tkachov

On 10/04/14 02:50, Maxim Kuvyrkov wrote:

On Apr 9, 2014, at 4:15 AM, Kyrill Tkachov  wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking at some curious pre-reload scheduling behaviour and I noticed this:

At the add_branch_dependences function sched-rgn.c there is a comment that says 
"branches, calls, uses, clobbers, cc0 setters, and instructions that can throw 
exceptions" should be scheduled at the end of the basic block.

However right below it the code that detects this kind of insns seems to only 
look for these insns that are directly adjacent to the end of the block 
(implemented with a while loop that ends as soon as the current insn is not one 
of the aforementioned).

Shouldn't the code look through the whole basic block, gather all of the 
branches, clobbers etc. and schedule them at the end?

Not really.  The instruction sequences mentioned in the comment end basic block by 
definition -- if there is a jump or other "special" sequence, then basic block 
can't continue beyond that as control may be transffered to something other than the next 

Makes sense for things like branches, calls and potential exception-throwers, 
but how can clobbers and uses change the control flow?

Thanks for the help,

   Add_branch_dependencies() makes sure that scheduler does not "accidentally" place 
something after those "special" sequences thus creating a corrupted basic block.

Maxim Kuvyrkov

Code emitted was bloated with no optimisation.

2014-04-10 Thread Umesh Kalappa
Hi there,

we ported gcc 4.8.1 to our ptivate target and the code is bloated for
the array access as shown below

C file :
int a[10];
int i;
a[9] = 10;
a[i] = 20;

xgcc -O2 -S test.c

ld  (_a+18), 10 ;a[9] = 10;

ld  WA, (_i) ; a[i] = 20;
add WA, WA
add WA, _a
ld  HL, WA
ld  (HL), 20

.comm   _i, 2,2
.comm   _a, 20,20

The above generated code looks  better when compare to below generated
code with no optimisations

xgcc -S test.c

.comm   _a, 20,20
.comm   _i, 2,2

.type   _test, %function
sub SP, 4
ld  WA, 10
ld  (_a+18), WA  ; a[9] = 10;

ld  WA, (_i) ;code bloated here for a[i]
ld  IX, WA
ld  BC, 15
cal _C87C_shris
ld  IY, WA
ld  DE, WA
ld  HL, BC
ld  WA, IX
add WA, IX
ld  DE, WA
ld  WA, DE
ld  BC, HL
ld  HL, 1
ld  (SP+2), HL
cmp WA,IX
j   lt,_.L2
ld  DE, 0
ld  (SP+2), DE
ld  DE, WA
ld  HL, BC
ld  BC, IY
add BC, IY
ld  HL, BC
ld  WA, DE
ld  BC, HL
ld  DE, (SP+2)
add DE, BC
ld  BC, DE
ld  HL, WA
ld  (SP+0), HL
ld  WA, 20
ld  HL, (SP+0)
ld  (a+i), WA
add SP, 4

when you access the array with the constant index i.e a[9] the
generated code was better.

but could not track why the code is bloated for the a[i] access.

Please somebody from the group can share their thoughts and will be
appricate the same.

Thank you

Re: Code emitted was bloated with no optimisation.

2014-04-10 Thread Andrew Haley
On 04/10/2014 04:12 PM, Umesh Kalappa wrote:

> Please somebody from the group can share their thoughts and will be
> appricate the same.

But unoptimized code is expected to be large.  Why do you expect


Re: add_branch_dependences in sched-rgn.c

2014-04-10 Thread Maxim Kuvyrkov
On Apr 11, 2014, at 2:47 AM, Kyrill Tkachov  wrote:

> On 10/04/14 02:50, Maxim Kuvyrkov wrote:
>> On Apr 9, 2014, at 4:15 AM, Kyrill Tkachov  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm looking at some curious pre-reload scheduling behaviour and I noticed 
>>> this:
>>> At the add_branch_dependences function sched-rgn.c there is a comment that 
>>> says "branches, calls, uses, clobbers, cc0 setters, and instructions that 
>>> can throw exceptions" should be scheduled at the end of the basic block.
>>> However right below it the code that detects this kind of insns seems to 
>>> only look for these insns that are directly adjacent to the end of the 
>>> block (implemented with a while loop that ends as soon as the current insn 
>>> is not one of the aforementioned).
>>> Shouldn't the code look through the whole basic block, gather all of the 
>>> branches, clobbers etc. and schedule them at the end?
>> Not really.  The instruction sequences mentioned in the comment end basic 
>> block by definition -- if there is a jump or other "special" sequence, then 
>> basic block can't continue beyond that as control may be transffered to 
>> something other than the next instruction.
> Makes sense for things like branches, calls and potential exception-throwers, 
> but how can clobbers and uses change the control flow?

It might be that uses and clobbers are leftovers from before-data-flow 
infrastructure.  You can try removing them from add_branch_dependencies and see 
what happens.

Maxim Kuvyrkov

gcc-4.8-20140410 is now available

2014-04-10 Thread gccadmin
Snapshot gcc-4.8-20140410 is now available on
and on various mirrors, see for details.

This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 4.8 SVN branch
with the following options: svn:// 
revision 209284

You'll find:

 gcc-4.8-20140410.tar.bz2 Complete GCC


Diffs from 4.8-20140403 are available in the diffs/ subdirectory.

When a particular snapshot is ready for public consumption the LATEST-4.8
link is updated and a message is sent to the gcc list.  Please do not use
a snapshot before it has been announced that way.