[Freesurfer] A question about hippocampal subfield segmentation

2012-08-30 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi, freesurfer experts,

I have a question about how to convert a segmented hippocampal subfield
file into a ROI.

After -hippo-subfields processing using recon-all command, I have got
several files named posterior_left/right_**.mgz. And the segmented volume
just coverd a small area in subject's whole brain volume. Now i want to
convert the segented volume into subject's whole brain volume space and I
can use it as a ROI. Is there any solution to do that?

Hope for the reply.

Best regards,
Lijie Huang
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[Freesurfer] VBM in SPM and FreeSurfer

2011-02-18 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi, FreeSurfer and VBM experts

I'm a newer in the field, and not sure if this question is relevant to the
list - any help will be appreciated.

I am wondering about the difference between the data of FS and that of VBM
in SPM. After searching in Google, I find a topic following, url:
and have some different opinions.

In the discussion in above link, all believe that FS and VBM could give the
same measurement - volume, yet I don't think so. I admit that we could get
the volume of specific ROI by multiplying the thickness by the surface area,
but through VBM in SPM, we get the mass( something like it) of the gray
matter( multiply the density of gray matter by the volume). They have
different meaning, to the best of my knowledge.

I don't know if I get the right understanding.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Lijie Huang
email: huanglijie.s...@gmail.com
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning
Beijing Normal University
Beijing China
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[Freesurfer] A question about make_average_subject

2011-03-31 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi all:

Recently, I have a question about some details of the function
make_average_subject, which creates some average surfaces and volumes based
on the specified subjects' files.
And I'm wondering how it make an average one.
In my opinion, every specified subject's volume and surface register to a
existed template( something like fsaverage) and we can acquire a transform
matrix or something like it. According to the transformation, we can
register them roughly. And then we can average them to a mean one.
I don't know whether my thought right or not. Can anyone give me some tips?

Thanks in advance

Lijie Huang
Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] A question about make_average_subject

2011-03-31 Thread soft.join Huang
Ah, I think I got the point.
Thank you for your quick reply. :)

Lijie Huang

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:

> Hi Lijie, we have a default surface template that we use. When you create
> an average subject from a group, a template based on those subjects is
> created at the same time. This can be used as a registration target.
> doug
> On 3/31/11 9:03 PM, soft.join Huang wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Douglas.
> I also have something unclear, that which target is used when we register
> one subject's surface to a 'template', a default surface in the FreeSurfer
> or something else, like one surface selected randomly from my specified
> subjects.
> Best Regards,
> Lijie Huang
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 5:34 AM, Douglas N Greve  > wrote:
>> Hi Lijie, yes, for the volume averages that is the process (uses the
>> linear 12 DOF registration to the MNI305). For surfaces, the average
>> surfaces are created based on the non-linear surface transformation (not
>> from the average volume).
>> doug
>> soft.join Huang wrote:
>>>  Hi all:
>>>  Recently, I have a question about some details of the function
>>> make_average_subject, which creates some average surfaces and volumes based
>>> on the specified subjects' files.
>>> And I'm wondering how it make an average one.
>>> In my opinion, every specified subject's volume and surface register to a
>>> existed template( something like fsaverage) and we can acquire a transform
>>> matrix or something like it. According to the transformation, we can
>>> register them roughly. And then we can average them to a mean one.
>>> I don't know whether my thought right or not. Can anyone give me some
>>> tips? :)
>>>  Thanks in advance
>>>  Lijie Huang
>>> ___
>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
>> --
>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422
>> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
>> FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
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[Freesurfer] A problem about mri_glmfit result

2011-04-29 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi all,

I'm working on a group analysis using mri_glmfit.
 In analysis directory, I got a X.mat file which containing the matrix X (
size 50x4 ) used to regress analysis, also the beta value from beta.mgh
Strangely, I loaded the X.mat in Matlab and recalculated the beta using
function regress in matlab, but got a different result from that of
I don't know where the problem is, is there any difference in algorithm
between mri_glmfit and matlab function regress( regress(Y,X) )? or I made
some mistakes during the procedure.
The X.mat file and the dependent variable Y.mat are in the attachment.

Thanks in advance

Lijie Huang

Description: Binary data

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Re: [Freesurfer] A problem about mri_glmfit result

2011-05-02 Thread soft.join Huang

Thanks for your reply.
I recalculated the beta value and got the same results as the Matlab does,
but be different from the mri_glmfit's. I can not figure out where the
problem is.
Details following:
 I use the command
  mri_glmfit --table lh.volume.txt --fsgd volume.gender.fsgd doss
--C gender.diff.mtx --glmdir lh.vol.glmdir
 to finish regression analysis. and got the beta value ( beta1 =
1.9781e+03, beta2 = 2.0639e+03, beta3 = 110.9220, beta4 = 5.1964e-04 ) from
beta.mgh file.
 Using X.mat file and the same dependent variable Y.mat as mri_glmfit's,
I got totally different results in Matlab( beta1 = 5.19e+02, beta2 =
4.44e+02, beta3 = 90.32, beta4 = 0.0015 ).
I don't know how it happened...

Hope for your reply.
The data I used are all in the attachment.

Best Regrads,

Lijie Huang
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:45 PM,  wrote:

> Lijie,
> I don't know what the matlab regress() function does. mri_glmfit is just
> solving the GLM equation, which you can do easily in matlab:
> beta = inv(X'*X)*X'*y;
> try that and see if you get the same as mri_glmfit.
> doug
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm working on a group analysis using mri_glmfit.
> >  In analysis directory, I got a X.mat file which containing the matrix X
> (
> > size 50x4 ) used to regress analysis, also the beta value from beta.mgh
> > file.
> > Strangely, I loaded the X.mat in Matlab and recalculated the beta using
> > function regress in matlab, but got a different result from that of
> > mri_glmfit.
> > I don't know where the problem is, is there any difference in algorithm
> > between mri_glmfit and matlab function regress( regress(Y,X) )? or I made
> > some mistakes during the procedure.
> > The X.mat file and the dependent variable Y.mat are in the attachment.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Lijie Huang
> > ___
> > Freesurfer mailing list
> > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
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lh.aparc.volume lh_bankssts_volume
S0295   2613
S0057   3172
S0138   3267
S0139   2962
S0104   3071
S0230   2852
S0032   3434
S0165   3181
S0338   2629
S0099   2891
S0004   3382
S0296   3208
S0105   2067
S0036   2826
S0279   3148
S0140   3162
S0085   2364
S0311   2723
S0037   2085
S0166   2223
S0038   1999
S0231   2429
S0232   3004
S0167   1964
S0108   2850
S0141   2949
S0135   2213
S0322   2053
S0142   1983
S0098   2608
S0282   2047
S0101   2652
S0005   3261
S0299   2793
S0143   2478
S0109   2956
S0312   3468
S0271   2669
S0168   3649
S0323   3097
S0283   2921
S0144   1560
S0284   3081
S0255   2717
S0001   2880
S0324   2771
S0285   2989
S0256   3164
S0111   4366
S0233   2446

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Re: [Freesurfer] A problem about mri_glmfit result

2011-05-03 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi, doug.

Thanks for your suggestion, but it does not seem to work.
After having divided the ICV by 1e6, I reculated the betas, and got the
similar results as before in Matlab, just the beta4 -- correspondent to ICV
-- multiplied a 10^6.
And then I computed the rank of matrix X that the value is 4, indicating
that each 2 variables in design matrix do not highly correlated.
Also I have finished an regress analysis including one class variable and
one continuous variable using mri_glmfit, got the same result in Matlab.
A wired situation...
Is it any additional constrains in mri_glmfit when doing regression

Lijie Huang

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Douglas N Greve

> I think the problem may be that your data are "badly scaled" meaning that
> one column is much greater than another column. Try dividing the ICV by 1e6
> and see if you get more similar results.
> doug
> soft.join Huang wrote:
>> Doug,
>>  Thanks for your reply.
>> I recalculated the beta value and got the same results as the Matlab does,
>> but be different from the mri_glmfit's. I can not figure out where the
>> problem is.
>> Details following:
>> I use the command
>>  mri_glmfit --table lh.volume.txt --fsgd volume.gender.fsgd doss
>> --C gender.diff.mtx --glmdir lh.vol.glmdir
>> to finish regression analysis. and got the beta value ( beta1 =
>> 1.9781e+03, beta2 = 2.0639e+03, beta3 = 110.9220, beta4 = 5.1964e-04 ) from
>> beta.mgh file.
>> Using X.mat file and the same dependent variable Y.mat as
>> mri_glmfit's, I got totally different results in Matlab( beta1 = 5.19e+02,
>> beta2 = 4.44e+02, beta3 = 90.32, beta4 = 0.0015 ).
>> I don't know how it happened...
>>  Hope for your reply.
>> The data I used are all in the attachment.
>>  Best Regrads,
>>  Lijie Huang
>>  On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:45 PM, > gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>I don't know what the matlab regress() function does. mri_glmfit
>>is just
>>solving the GLM equation, which you can do easily in matlab:
>>beta = inv(X'*X)*X'*y;
>>try that and see if you get the same as mri_glmfit.
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm working on a group analysis using mri_glmfit.
>>>  In analysis directory, I got a X.mat file which containing the
>>matrix X (
>>> size 50x4 ) used to regress analysis, also the beta value from
>>> file.
>>> Strangely, I loaded the X.mat in Matlab and recalculated the
>>beta using
>>> function regress in matlab, but got a different result from that of
>>> mri_glmfit.
>>> I don't know where the problem is, is there any difference in
>>> between mri_glmfit and matlab function regress( regress(Y,X) )?
>>or I made
>>> some mistakes during the procedure.
>>> The X.mat file and the dependent variable Y.mat are in the
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Lijie Huang
>>> ___
>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
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>>but does not contain patient information, please contact the
>>sender and properly
>>dispose of the e-mail.
> --
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422
> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
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Re: [Freesurfer] A problem about mri_glmfit result

2011-05-04 Thread soft.join Huang
Oh, sorry, Greve. I misunderstood your suggestion.
Now I get the same resulte in both mri_glmfit and matlab. Thanks a lot!
But there is still a question about how it happened. Why I have to do so to
get the correct result? There is nothing relevant between the number scale
of one variable and the beta values of other variables theoretically. Is it
any relevance to the data size of data structure in mri_glmfit?

Best Regards,
Lijie Huang

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Douglas N Greve

> sorry, I mean to do it for both the FSGD file and the matlab script. I just
> tried it with your data and it works.
> doug
> soft.join Huang wrote:
>> Hi, doug.
>>  Thanks for your suggestion, but it does not seem to work.
>> After having divided the ICV by 1e6, I reculated the betas, and got the
>> similar results as before in Matlab, just the beta4 -- correspondent to ICV
>> -- multiplied a 10^6.
>> And then I computed the rank of matrix X that the value is 4, indicating
>> that each 2 variables in design matrix do not highly correlated.
>> Also I have finished an regress analysis including one class variable and
>> one continuous variable using mri_glmfit, got the same result in Matlab.
>> A wired situation...
>> Is it any additional constrains in mri_glmfit when doing regression
>> analysis?
>>  Lijie Huang
>>   On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Douglas N Greve <
>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>I think the problem may be that your data are "badly scaled"
>>meaning that one column is much greater than another column. Try
>>dividing the ICV by 1e6 and see if you get more similar results.
>>soft.join Huang wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.
>>I recalculated the beta value and got the same results as the
>>Matlab does, but be different from the mri_glmfit's. I can not
>>figure out where the problem is.
>>Details following:
>>I use the command
>> mri_glmfit --table lh.volume.txt --fsgd
>>volume.gender.fsgd doss --C gender.diff.mtx --glmdir lh.vol.glmdir
>>to finish regression analysis. and got the beta value (
>>beta1 = 1.9781e+03, beta2 = 2.0639e+03, beta3 = 110.9220,
>>beta4 = 5.1964e-04 ) from beta.mgh file.
>>Using X.mat file and the same dependent variable Y.mat as
>>mri_glmfit's, I got totally different results in Matlab( beta1
>>= 5.19e+02, beta2 = 4.44e+02, beta3 = 90.32, beta4 = 0.0015 ).
>>I don't know how it happened...
>> Hope for your reply.
>>The data I used are all in the attachment.
>> Best Regrads,
>> Lijie Huang
>>On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:45 PM, ><mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>><mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>> wrote:
>>   Lijie,
>>   I don't know what the matlab regress() function does.
>>   is just
>>   solving the GLM equation, which you can do easily in matlab:
>>   beta = inv(X'*X)*X'*y;
>>   try that and see if you get the same as mri_glmfit.
>>   doug
>>   > Hi all,
>>   >
>>   > I'm working on a group analysis using mri_glmfit.
>>   >  In analysis directory, I got a X.mat file which
>>containing the
>>   matrix X (
>>   > size 50x4 ) used to regress analysis, also the beta value
>>   beta.mgh
>>   > file.
>>   > Strangely, I loaded the X.mat in Matlab and recalculated the
>>   beta using
>>   > function regress in matlab, but got a different result
>>from that of
>>   > mri_glmfit.
>>   > I don't know where the problem is, is there any difference in
>>   algorithm
>>   > between mri_glmfit and matlab function regress(
>>regress(Y,X) )?
>>   or I made
>>   > some mistakes during the procedure.
>>   > The X.mat file and the dependent variable Y.mat are in the
>>   attachment.
>>   >
>>   > Thanks in advance
>>   >
>>   > Lijie Huang

Re: [Freesurfer] Making a custom experimental template

2011-05-17 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi doug,

I read your instructions on how to make an average subject, it looks quite
But I still have two questions about the procedure.
1. During the processing, every subject's surface need to register to a
common target, and where the target comes from, it is an existed template in
FreeSurfer or randomly selected from the pool of subjects, or something
2. In order to get a well-established or accurate average template, how many
times does the function make_average_subject need to run?

Thanks in advance,
Lijie Huang

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 3:28 AM, Douglas N Greve

> Hi Joakim,
> here are some instructions on what to do (some of which you've already
> done):
> doug
> # Create an average subject (Creates $SUBJECTS_DIR/newtemplate)
> make_average_subject --out newtemplate --subjects subj1 subj2 subj3 ...
> # Register each subject to the new template (do for both lh and rh)
> # Creates lh.sphere.reg.newtemplate and rh.sphere.reg.newtemplate
> foreach subject (subj1 subj2 subj3 ...)
> cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/subject
> mris_register -curv surf/lh.sphere \
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/newtemplate/lh.reg.template.tif \
> surf/lh.sphere.reg.newtemplate
> end
> # Get thickness values in the newtemplate space for GLM analysis
> mris_preproc --surfreg sphere.reg.newtemplate --s subj1 --s subj2 --s
> subj3 ...
> # Create another average template based on the previous one:
> # (Creates $SUBJECTS_DIR/newnewtemplate)
> make_average_subject --out newnewtemplate --surf-reg
> sphere.reg.newtemplate \
> --subjects subj1 subj2 subj3 ...
> Joakim Vinberg wrote:
> > Doug,
> > Thanks! I just took a look at make_average_subject, and that looks
> > quite a bit more streamlined--I think I'll just do that.
> > Looking at make_average_subject, this should make the replacement for
> > fsaverage. Following that, I would want to run mri_surf2surf to
> > generate all of the surfaces in our new template space?
> > Thanks!
> > Joakim
> >
> > 
> > *From:* Douglas N Greve [mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
> > *Sent:* Fri 5/6/2011 9:46 AM
> > *To:* Joakim Vinberg
> > *Cc:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> > *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] Making a custom experimental template
>  >
> > You are correct. If you run make_average_subject, it will create the
> > template for you (as well as all the other files in a typical subject
> > dir -- you'll need these to do a simple replacement for fsaverage).
> >
> > doug
> >
> > Joakim Vinberg wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi FS crowd,
> > >
> > > I just want to make sure that I have the process correctly described
> > > for setting up a custom experimental template. I am basing this off of
> > > the SurfaceRegAndTemplates
> > > (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SurfaceRegAndTemplates), and
> > > a hypothetical experiment with 10 subjects (s1, s2, …s10). I apologize
> > > if this has been well-covered—I couldn’t quite match it on the website
> > > or the archives.
> > >
> > > For the prep step, I believe my commands would be:
> > >
> > > mris_make_template lh sphere s1 custom_template_lh_0.tif
> > >
> > > mris_make_template rh sphere s1 custom_template_rh_0.tif
> > >
> > > which would result in two new template files names
> > > custom_template_lh_0.tif and custom_template_rh_0.tif
> > >
> > > For Round 1, I would first create another registration for each
> subject:
> > >
> > > mris_register s1/surf/lh.sphere custom_template_lh_0.tif
> > > s1/surf/lh.sphere.regcustom_0
> > >
> > > mris_register s1/surf/rh.sphere custom_template_rh_0.tif
> > > s1/surf/rh.sphere.regcustom_0
> > >
> > > …
> > >
> > > mris_register s10/surf/lh.sphere custom_template_lh_0.tif
> > > s10/surf/lh.sphere.regcustom_0
> > >
> > > mris_register s10/surf/rh.sphere custom_template_rh_0.tif
> > > s10/surf/rh.sphere.regcustom_0
> > >
> > > And then create another custom template:
> > >
> > > mris_make_template lh sphere s1 s2 s3 … s10 custom_template_lh_1.tif
> > >
> > > mris_make_template rh sphere s1 s2 s3 … s10 custom_template_rh_1.tif
> > >
> > > For round 2, I would repeat Round 1, generating a new set of
> > > sphere.reg files, and then a new template, except substitute the
> > > custom template from round 1 (custom_template_lh_1.tif and
> > > custom_template_rh_1.tif).
> > >
> > > Then, I would register all of my data to the custom_template_lh_2.tif
> > > and custom_template_rh_2.tif generated at the end of round 2. From
> > > there, I am assuming that I could be able to use this new template as
> > > I would fsaverage. Am I correct, or have I missed a step?
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance for all of your help!
> > >
> > > Joakim
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Freesurfer mailing list
> > > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> > > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> >
> > --
> > Douglas N. Greve,

[Freesurfer] A question about the coords of the vertex

2011-06-11 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi all,

I have a question about the coords of vertex in ?h.white file.
I load the ?h.white file in Matlab and get a variable called vertex_coords,
and I'm wondering what kind of coords they are, MNI or something else?
Also how can I get the MNI coords of the vertex?

Thank in advance,

Best Regards,

Lijie Huang
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