[Freesurfer] problems with getting started with freesurfer

2009-05-21 Thread Mayuresh Korgaonkar

Dear Freesurfer authors and users,

I recently installed the CentOS 4*86_64 Freesurfer v4.3.0 on a RedHat machine. 
After following each installation step, I have reached the testingFreesurfer 
module. However I seem to be having problems in running the first few steps. On 
running the "tkmedit bert orig.mgz" & "tkmedit bert norm.mgz -segmentation 
aseg.mgz $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt" commands, all I get is 
"Setting subject to bert" and nothing happens following that. 

Now, when I run the "tksurfer bert rh pial" I get errors (see at end of email). 
Any ideas whats going on and how I could fix this?


*** error 

[r...@localhost ~]# tksurfer bert rh pial
surfer: current subjects dir: /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer: /root
surfer: all rgb files written to /root
surfer: Reading header info from /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/bert/mri/T1..mgz
surfer: vertices=131860, faces=263716
Loading /usr/local/freesurfer/surface_labels.txt
surfer: ### redraw failed: no gl window open
surfer: single buffered window
surfer: tkoInitWindow(bert)
Tk_Init failed: this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black"
Tix_Init failed: this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black"
surfer: using interface /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
Error sourcing /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl:
this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black"
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus 
mg_InflatedVSetLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_InflatedVSetLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_PialVSetLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_PialVSetLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_TimeCourseLoaded 
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_TimeCourseLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_OverlayLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_OverlayLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_CurvatureLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_CurvatureLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_LabelLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_LabelLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_FieldSignLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_FieldSignLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus mg_FieldMaskLoaded 0:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_FieldMaskLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command UpdateUndoItemLabel "Nothing to Undo":
invalid command name "UpdateUndoItemLabel"
surfer: Error sending tcl command tkm_SetEnableGroupStatus 
mg_OriginalVSetLoaded 1:
can't read "glEnableGroups(mg_OriginalVSetLoaded)": no such variable
surfer: Error sending tcl command LblLst_SetStructures { 0 Unknown 1 
G_cingularis 2 G_cuneus 3 G_frontalis_inf-pars_opercularis 4 
G_frontalis_inf-pars_orbitalis 5 G_frontalis_inf-pars_triangularis 6 
G_frontalis_medius 7 G_frontalis_sup-pars_lateralis 8 
G_frontalis_sup-pars_medialis 9 G_frontomarginalis 10 G_hippocampi 11 
G_insularis_breves 12 G_occipitalis_inf 13 G_occipitalis_medius-pars_inf 14 
G_occipitalis_medius-pars_sup 15 G_occipitalis_sup 16 G_lateralis 17 
G_lingualis 18 G_parahippocampi 19 G_orbitalis 20 G_paracentralis 21 
G_parietalis_inf-pars_angularis 22 G_parietalis_inf-pars_supramarginalis 23 
G_parietalis_sup 24 G_postcentralis 25 G_precentralis 26 G_precuneus 27 
G_rectus_and_S_orbitalis_medialis 28 G_rectus_and_S_orbitalis_medialis2 29 
G_subcentralis 30 G_supracingularis 31 G_temporalis_transversalis 32 
G_temporalis_inf 33 G_temporalis_medius 34 G_temporalis_sup-pars_lateralis 35 
G_temporalis_sup-planum_polare 36
 G_temporalis_sup-planum_temporale 37 Plica_falciformis 38 Polus_occipitalis 39 
Polus_temporalis 40 S_temporalis_transversalis 42 S_angularis 43 S_calcarinus 
44 S_centralis_insulae_&_G_insularis_longus 46 S_centralis 47 S_cingularis 48 
S_cingularis-pars_marginalis 49 S_circularis_insulae_ant 50 
S_circularis_insulae_inf 51 S_circularis_insulae_sup 52 S_corpori_callosi 53 
S_diagonalis 54 S_frontalis_inf 55 S_frontalis_medialis 56 S_frontalis_medius 
57 S_frontalis_sup 58 S_frontomarginalis 59 S_intermedius_primus 60 
S_intermedius_secundus 61 S_intracingularis 62 S_intraoccipitalis_medius 63 
S_intraoccipitotemporalis_lateralis 64 S_intraparietalis 65 
S_lateralis-pars_ant-ramus_horizontalis 66 
S_lateralis-pars_ant-ramus_verticalis 67 S_lateralis-pars_horizontalis 68 
S_lateralis-pars_post 69 S_luna

[Freesurfer] exporting surface as an image volume

2009-06-10 Thread Mayuresh Korgaonkar

Dear Freesurfer users and authors,

Is it possible to export a surface (eg. ?h.thickness) to an image volume - 
something which could be read into SPM? 
I came across mri_surf2vol function, however I am not to familiar with the 
usage. I understand that a volume registration file is required, what exactly 
is this file? If anyone can suggest an example usage of mri_surf2vol that will 
be very helpful.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Freesurfer] exporting surface as an image volume

2009-06-14 Thread Mayuresh Korgaonkar

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for your reply. I was planning on doing 1. voxel based statistics with 
our data in SPM, and 2. Overlaying the thickness data in original subject 
space. But I realised I could do the same statistics using Qdec.

I had a few naive questions/clarifications about the ascii file generated for 
thickness, inflated and sphere surfaces.
1. The order of vertices in each of these files is the same? i.e. row 3 in 
thickness file should represent the same point on row 3 in the inflated and 
sphere files.
2. My understanding is that the coordinates are in the RAS space in each of the 
3. The coordinates in "sphere.reg" file are in some average space? Is this MNI 
space? This would mean that the same coordinate in the sphere.reg files of 
different subjects represent the same anatomical area, right?

Best regards,


--- On Thu, 11/6/09, Bruce Fischl  wrote:

> From: Bruce Fischl 
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] exporting surface as an image volume
> To: "Mayuresh Korgaonkar" 
> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Date: Thursday, 11 June, 2009, 8:45 PM
> Hi Mayuresh,
> what do you want  to do with it in SPM? The thickness
> can be converted to 
> a volume format, but it will actually be a 1 x n vector,
> where n is the # 
> of vertices in the surface. Not sure if that will be useful
> or not. For 
> example from the surf dir you could do:
> mris_convert -c thickness lh.orig lh.thickness.mgz
> mri_convert lh.thickness.mgz lh.thickness.nii
> to create a niftii file
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Mayuresh Korgaonkar wrote:
> >
> >
> > Dear Freesurfer users and authors,
> >
> > Is it possible to export a surface (eg. ?h.thickness)
> to an image volume - something which could be read into
> SPM?
> > I came across mri_surf2vol function, however I am not
> to familiar with the usage. I understand that a volume
> registration file is required, what exactly is this file? If
> anyone can suggest an example usage of mri_surf2vol that
> will be very helpful.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Mayuresh
> >
> >
> >      Explore and discover exciting
> holidays and getaways with Yahoo! India Travel http://in.travel.yahoo.com/
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Freesurfer mailing list
> > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> >
> >
> >

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[Freesurfer] 4D to 3D

2009-07-09 Thread Mayuresh Korgaonkar

Dear Freesurfer authors,

I have been working with the command line group analysis tutorial from the 
freesurfer wiki website. Unfortunately I did not "qcached" my data with 
recon-all. So I ran the "mris_preproc" and "mri_surf2surf" commands from the 
tutorial (see below) at the end of which I get a single 4D file 
"lh.gender_age.thickness.10B.mgh" concatenated over all subjects
Is there a way to split this file into 3D files so that I have a thickness file 
for each individual subject?


mris_preproc --fsgd gender_age.fsgd \
  --target fsaverage --hemi lh \
  --meas thickness \
  --out lh.gender_age.thickness.00.mgh

mri_surf2surf --hemi lh \
  --s fsaverage \
  --sval lh.gender_age.thickness.00.mgh \
  --fwhm 10 \
  --cortex \
  --tval lh.gender_age.thickness.10B.mgh

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[Freesurfer] Incorrect hemispheres

2009-12-01 Thread Mayuresh Korgaonkar

Hello Freesurfer authors,

I have processed a few datasets without realising that the hemispheric 
orientation was provided incorrectly i.e the labelled left hemisphere is 
actually the right hemisphere. 
Does this mean all the analysis is incorrect and unusable? What should I do to 
correct for this hemispheric flip?

Thanks in advance,

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