[Freesurfer] fcseed-sess problem

2015-08-11 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
I've completed steps 1 thru 4 successfully (i think). When I run the 
fcseed-sess with the segid for the left insula I'm getting an 
segmentation fault. I've tried both segids 7 and 19 and have the 
same result. Selecting other seed regions (left posterior cingulate) 
generates a 1d file timecourse.
the error log was the same both times:
MRIalloc(0, 1, 1): bad parm
Any ideas on what to do?
Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] fcseed-sess problem

2015-08-12 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw

frame  0
nErode3d   0
nErode2d   0

Binarizing based on matching values
nMatch 1
binvalnot 0
Found 0 values in range
Counting number of voxels
Found 0 voxels in final mask
mri_binarize done
mri_segstats --i 
--id 1 --sum 

$Id: mri_segstats.c,v 2013/02/16 00:09:33 greve Exp $
cmdline mri_segstats --i 
--id 1 --sum 

sysname  Darwin
hostname phhp-chazgay-mb.ad.ufl.edu
machine  x86_64
user chaz.gay
UseRobust  0

Voxel Volume is 27 mm^3
Generating list of segmentation ids
Found   1 segmentations
Computing statistics for each segmentation
  0 1  0   0.000
MRIalloc(0, 1, 1): bad parm

Reporting on   0 segmentations
Computing spatial average of each frame

Writing to 

Segmentation fault

On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 10:40:14 -0400, Douglas N Greve wrote:

Hi Chaz, we'll need more info. Please see

On 08/11/2015 11:40 PM, Gay,Charles Wysaw wrote:

I've completed steps 1 thru 4 successfully (i think). When I run the
fcseed-sess with the segid for the left insula I'm getting an
segmentation fault. I've tried both segids 7 and 19 and have the
same result. Selecting other seed regions (left posterior cingulate)
generates a 1d file timecourse.
the error log was the same both times:
MRIalloc(0, 1, 1): bad parm
Any ideas on what to do?
Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2

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The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to 
whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and 
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contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to
you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender
and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Description: Binary data
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
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Re: [Freesurfer] fcseed-sess problem

2015-08-12 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
Thank you. issue resolved.

On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 11:20:53 -0400, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> The problem is that you are using the wrong segmentation number for 
> left
> insula. You used 19, which is reasonable given that
> FreeSurferColorLUT.txt lists that as left insula, but the one you 
> want
> is actually 1035.
> doug
> On 08/12/2015 11:09 AM, Gay,Charles Wysaw wrote:
>> Hi Doug -
>> Here is some of the information:
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer
>> Build stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>> Kernel info: Darwin 14.0.0 x86_64
>> -
>> Please include the following additional information in your report:
>>   1) subject name: B113v1
>>   2) the entire command-line executed:
>> [phhp-chazgay-mb:Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project] chaz.gay% 
>> fcseed-sess
>> -s B113v1 -cfg mean.L_Insula.config
>>   3) the error message generated: see below -
>>   4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log: 
>> attached.
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/subjects
>> Logfile is
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/log/fcseed-sess.L_Insula.dat.log.B113v1
>> Wed Aug 12 11:03:33 EDT 2015
>> Darwin phhp-chazgay-mb.ad.ufl.edu 14.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 
>> 14.0.0:
>> Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64 
>> x86_64
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/subjects
>> cd /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/fsfast/bin/fcseed-sess
>> -s B113v1 -cfg mean.L_Insula.config
>> freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>> Wed Aug 12 11:03:33 EDT 2015
>> Darwin phhp-chazgay-mb.ad.ufl.edu 14.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 
>> 14.0.0:
>> Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64 
>> x86_64
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/subjects
>> cd /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/fsfast/bin/fcseed-sess
>> -s B113v1 -cfg mean.L_Insula.config
>> freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>> mri_label2vol --seg
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/subjects/B113v1/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz
>> --reg
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/register.dof6.dat
>> --temp
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/template.nii.gz
>> --fillthresh .5 --o
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.55576/seg.nii.gz
>> --pvf
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.55576/pvf.nii.gz
>> PVF
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.55576/pvf.nii.gz
>> Number of labels: 0
>> Annot File:  (null)
>> Template Volume:
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/template.nii.gz
>> Outut Volume:
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.55576/seg.nii.gz
>> Registration File:
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/001/register.dof6.dat
>> Fill Threshold: 0.5
>> Label Vox Vol:  1
>> ProjType:   (null)
>> ProjTypeId: 0
>> ProjStart:  0
>> ProjStop:   0
>> ProjDelta:  0.1
>> Subject:  (null)
>> Hemi: (null)
>> UseNewASeg2Vol:  1
>> DoLabelStatVol  0
>> LabelCodeOffset  0
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer/subjects
>> $Id: mri_label2vol.c,v 2012/06/08 17:31:03 greve Exp $
>> Template RAS-to-Vox: 
>> -0.333   0.000   0.000   40.000;
>> -0.000  -0.000  -0.333   40.000;
>> -0.000   0.333  -0.000   19.000;
>>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
>> Template Voxel Volume: 27
>> nHits Thresh: 13.5
>> Loading registration from
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSu

[Freesurfer] fast_selxavg3 ( ) failed\n

2015-08-18 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
Hi -
I've encountered an error in step 8 of the functional connectivity 

here is some of the information requested with errors:

Build stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0

Kernel info: Darwin 14.0.0 x86_64

Please include the following additional information in your report:

   1) subject name: B113v1
   2) the entire command-line executed: selxavg3-sess -s B113v1 -a 
fc.linsulaseed.surf.lh   %
   3) the error message generated :Started at Wed Aug 12 12:56:41 EDT 
Ended   at Wed Aug 12 13:11:49 EDT 2015
preproc-sess done
Wed Aug 12 13:11:50 EDT 2015
anadir = 
DoGLMFit = 1
DoContrasts = 1
UpdateNeeded = 1
--- matlab output 
matlab: Command not found.
ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n
   4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log: I included 
the recon-all.log and selxavg3-sees-rest-fc...log

On A previous post I saw the command which matlab was asked: below is 
the result when I entered it:which matlab
matlab: Command not found.
Thanks for assistance,

Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] fast_selxavg3 ( ) failed\n

2015-08-28 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
Hi Doug -
I've been experimenting with different approaches to link freesurfer 
with matlab but to no avail. Any assistance would be greatly 
The most recent attempt used the following code.

In a fresh terminal window (tsch) I'd set the environment for 
FREESURFER_HOME and SUBJECTS_DIR and link source with 
In addition i would set the path to matlab and make it possible to call 
matlab from the terminal when i type 'matlab' with the code below:
alias matlab /Applications/MATLAB_R2014b.app/bin/matlab -nodesktop
I'd go to the appropriate folder 'Projects' and rerun the same 
fast-selxavg3 script.
I'd get the same error message, i.e. matlab: command not found
again any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

On Fri, 21 Aug 2015 14:15:05 -0400, Douglas Greve wrote:
> Do you have matlab installed? If so, is it in your path?
> On 8/18/15 4:54 PM, Gay,Charles Wysaw wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I've encountered an error in step 8 of the functional connectivity
>> analysis.
>> here is some of the information requested with errors:
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer
>> Build stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>> Kernel info: Darwin 14.0.0 x86_64
>> -
>> Please include the following additional information in your report:
>> 1) subject name: B113v1
>> 2) the entire command-line executed: selxavg3-sess -s B113v1 -a
>> fc.linsulaseed.surf.lh   %> -analysis
>> fc.linsulaseed.surf.lh -surface fsaverage lh -fwhm 5 -notask 
>> -taskreg
>> L_Insula.dat 1 -nuisreg vcsf.dat 5 -nuisreg wm.dat 5 -mcextreg 
>> -polyfit
>> 5 -nskip 4 -fsd rest -TR 2 -per-session  %which completed 
>> successfully>
>> 3) the error message generated :Started at Wed Aug 12 12:56:41 
>> EDT
>> 2015
>> Ended   at Wed Aug 12 13:11:49 EDT 2015
>> preproc-sess done
>> ---
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1
>> Wed Aug 12 13:11:50 EDT 2015
>> anadir =
>> /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/Project/B113v1/rest/fc.linsulaseed.surf.lh
>> DoGLMFit = 1
>> DoContrasts = 1
>> UpdateNeeded = 1
>> --
>> --- matlab output 
>> matlab: Command not found.
>> --
>> ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n
>> 4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log: I 
>> included
>> the recon-all.log and selxavg3-sees-rest-fc...log
>> On A previous post I saw the command which matlab was asked: below 
>> is
>> the result when I entered it:which matlab
>> matlab: Command not found.
>> Thanks for assistance,
>> chaz
>> ___
>> Freesurfer mailing list
>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to 
> whom it is
> addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and 
> the e-mail
> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
> HelpLine at
> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to
> you in error
> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender
> and properly
> dispose of the e-mail.

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] preproc-sess and stc question

2015-11-03 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
Hi -

1) I am trying to perform preprocessing steps on functional task data that was 
acquired on a Phillips scanner using an interleaved acquisition. There are 42 
slices and the order is 
 I've tried
 -slice order followed by the sequence but that didn't seem to work. And I 
wasn't able to find anything in stc-sess -help that explained how to enter the 
exact sequence order.
If you could show me how to add/change the tutorial code below, that would be 
great. Thanks.
2) Do I need to modify the onsets in the paradigmfile?


preproc-sess -s sess01 -fsd bold -stc up -surface fsaverage lhrh -mni305 -fwhm 
5 -per-run
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

[Freesurfer] mri_glmfit fsgd and matrix problems

2015-11-09 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
Hi Freesurfer group -

I am receiving errors each time I try to run mri_glmfit. It appears to be the 
way I set up either the fsgd or mtx file. Any assistance would be greatly 

Hypothesis for the contrast in the mtx file: Is there an average affect of heat 
threshold regressing out the effect of gender and age?
Command-line executed:

mri_glmfit \--y lh.heatthreshold.thickness.10.mgh \--fsgd heatthreshold.fsgd 
dods \--C g1g2.heatthreshold.age.mtx \--surf fsaverage lh \--cortex \--glmdir 

I seem to be getting 1 or 2 errors
1: gdfReadHeader: reading heatthreshold1.fsgd

INFO: ignoring tag B113v1

INFO: ignoring tag B036V1

INFO: ignoring tag B015v1

INFO: ignoring tag B006v1

WARNING: gdfReadV1: class Male is defined but not used.

INFO: DeMeanFlag keyword not found, DeMeaning will NOT be done.

Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)

0 HeatThreshold nan nan

1 Age nan nan

Class Means of each Continuous Variable

1 Male  nan  nan

2 Female  nan  nan

INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods

Reading source surface 

Number of vertices 163842

Number of faces327680

Total area 65416.648438

AvgVtxArea   0.399267

AvgVtxDist   0.721953

StdVtxDist   0.195470

$Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2012/11/01 18:51:41 greve Exp $


cmdline mri_glmfit --y lh.heatthreshold.thickness.10.mgh --fsgd 
heatthreshold1.fsgd dods --C g1g2.heatthreshold.age.mtx --surf fsaverage lh 
--cortex --glmdir lh.gender.heatthreshold.age.glmdir

sysname  Darwin

hostname phhp-chazgay-mb.ad.ufl.edu

machine  x86_64

user chaz.gay

FixVertexAreaFlag = 1

UseMaskWithSmoothing 1

OneSampleGroupMean 0


logyflag 0

usedti  0

FSGD heatthreshold1.fsgd


maskinv 0

glmdir lh.gender.heatthreshold.age.glmdir

IllCondOK 0

ReScaleX 1

DoFFx 0

Creating output directory lh.gender.heatthreshold.age.glmdir

Loading y from 

INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods

Saving design matrix to lh.gender.heatthreshold.age.glmdir/Xg.dat

Normalized matrix condition is 1e+08

Design matrix --

ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno = 1e+08

Possible problem with experimental design:

Check for duplicate entries and/or lack of range of

continuous variables within a class.

If you seek help with this problem, make sure to send:

  1. Your command line:

mri_glmfit --y lh.heatthreshold.thickness.10.mgh --fsgd heatthreshold1.fsgd 
dods --C g1g2.heatthreshold.age.mtx --surf fsaverage lh --cortex --glmdir 

  2. The FSGD file (if using one)

  3. And the design matrix above

 And 2

gdfReadHeader: reading heatthreshold.fsgd

ERROR: gdfReadV1: Input line 1, subjid = B113v1

   Found 242 variables, expected. 2

FSGDF Format Error: file = heatthreshold.fsgd, tag=Input

I attached both the .mxt and fsgd files
Thanks again,

FREESURFER_HOME: /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer

Build stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0

Kernel info: Darwin 14.5.0 x86_64


Please include the following additional information in your report:

  1) subject name

  2) the entire command-line executed

  3) the error message generated

  4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log

Description: heatthreshold.fsgd

Description: g1g2.heatthreshold.age.mtx
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

[Freesurfer] Error viewing uncorrected sign map with freeview

2015-11-10 Thread Gay,Charles Wysaw
Dear Freesurfer group -

I am receiving the following error when I try view results of a mri_glmfit. Any 
assistance would be greatly appreciated.

freeview -f 
 -viewport 3d

Unrecognized sub-option flag 'annot_outline'.

FREESURFER_HOME: /Volumes/projects/painimaging/Bishop/FreeSurfer_R01/freesurfer

Build stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0

Kernel info: Darwin 14.5.0 x86_64


Please include the following additional information in your report:

  1) subject name

  2) the entire command-line executed

  3) the error message generated

  4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.