Re: [Freesurfer] Troubleshooting -parallel flag for Freesurfer, error in the cortical ribbon mask stage during recon-all {Disarmed}

2020-11-03 Thread Andy Worth
External Email - Use Caution


We've experienced random crashes when using the -parallel flag with
the official FS docker container at
  It looks like this issue:

Is there a fixed recon-all that I can use with that image (or maybe a new
image coming soon)?

Andy Worth
Scientific Solutions Engineer
he, him, his
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Flywheel is Hiring

2020-11-11 Thread Andy Worth
External Email - Use Caution

Hello Freesurfer and Neuroinformatics Experts,

At Flywheel 
 we are developing a data sharing and
distributed computing platform serving biomedical imaging and life sciences
research. We are hiring
grow our Scientific Solutions Engineering team of PhDs and Engineers.

Specifically, we are looking for coders with mad skills in reproducible
scientific cloud computing (python, Docker), workflow / pipeline
implementation (NiPype, CWL, Toil, Cromwell, Snakemake, Nextflow, Galaxy,
SevenBridges, Arvados, COINSTAC, etc.), Machine Learning workflows
(Kubeflow, Airflow, SKLearn, MLflow, etc.), and a research background in
medical imaging or bioinformatics. Knowledge of the Brain Imaging Data
Structure (BIDS) standard is a huge plus. Compensation is competitive,
company is inclusive, and we are open to hire remotely (half of us are).

If you are interested, please have a look at our job ad here
you know someone who might be interested, please pass along the link.

We really do cool things.

Andy Worth
Scientific Solutions Engineer
he, him, his
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Cannot find rh.white.H

2021-01-19 Thread Andy Worth
External Email - Use Caution


We're seeing this error a lot: "Cannot find rh.white.H" which is generated

It does not occur if -parallel is turned off.

I see that reconbatchjobs does "exec" on the commands sequentially in the
order of the list, but it runs each in the background:

exec $JOB >> $LOG 2>&1 &

so I thought it might just be slightly possible that these two commands:

  set cmd1 = (rm -f $hemi.white.$suffix)

  set cmd2 = (ln -s $hemi.white.preaparc.$suffix $hemi.white.$suffix)

could end up in a race condition where the file is linked and then
immediately removed if somehow the ln command is executed before the rm

However, I tried reproducing this behavior with a test script but the rm
always happens before the ln.

Any help would be appreciated!


Andy Worth
Scientific Solutions Engineer
he, him, his
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Cannot find rh.white.H

2021-01-20 Thread Andy Worth
External Email - Use Caution

Hi Bruce,

From recon-all.log:

 mris_curvature -w -seed 1234 rh.white.preaparc

setting seed for random number generator to 1234

total integrated curvature = 21.097*4pi (265.116) --> -20 handles

ICI = 150.9, FI = 1460.6, variation=23079.795

writing Gaussian curvature to ./rh.white.preaparc.K...done.

writing mean curvature to ./rh.white.preaparc.H...done.

 rm -f rh.white.H

 ln -s rh.white.preaparc.H rh.white.H

 rm -f rh.white.K

 ln -s rh.white.preaparc.K rh.white.K

 mris_curvature -seed 1234 -thresh .999 -n -a 5 -w -distances 10 10

setting seed for random number generator to 1234

normalizing curvature values.

averaging curvature patterns 5 times.

sampling 10 neighbors out to a distance of 10 mm

252 vertices thresholded to be in k1 ~ [-0.15 0.35], k2 ~ [-0.07 0.04]

total integrated curvature = 0.687*4pi (8.638) --> 0 handles

ICI = 1.5, FI = 8.6, variation=149.492

128 vertices thresholded to be in [-0.01 0.01]

writing Gaussian curvature to ./rh.inflated.K...thresholding curvature at
99.90% level

curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.001

132 vertices thresholded to be in [-0.09 0.18]


writing mean curvature to ./rh.inflated.H...curvature mean = -0.015, std =


PIDs (2310 2313 2316 2319 2322 2325 2328 2331 2334 2337 2340 2343)
completed and logs appended.


Cannot find rh.white.H

So mris_curvature writes rh.white.preaparc.H and then the ln command
creates the symbolic link, "rh.white.H".  See this line of recon-all

It is hard to see how this works at all when using the -parallel flag
since reconbatchjobs runs all these commands in parallel.  The commands are
all launched in sequence using "exec" (see here
but since they are run in the background, the quicker jobs will finish
first.  I wrote a short test script to check that.  I suppose it could work
if mris_curvature creates the file when it starts up.  Then the symbolic
link could be created.  Perhaps there is a race between
creating rh.white.preaparc.H and when the ln -s rh.white.preaparc.K
rh.white.K command.  Or am I missing something here?

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 5:37 PM Fischl, Bruce 

> Hi Andy
> I think the rh.white.H is generated by mris_curvature. Does that help?
> Cheers,
> Bruce
> *From:* <
>> *On Behalf Of *Andy Worth
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 19, 2021 5:29 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Freesurfer] Cannot find rh.white.H
> *External Email - Use Caution*
> Hello,
> We're seeing this error a lot: "Cannot find rh.white.H" which is generated
> here
> <>
> .
> It does not occur if -parallel is turned off.
> I see that reconbatchjobs does "exec" on the commands sequentially in the
> order of the list, but it runs each in the background:
> exec $JOB >> $LOG 2>&1 &
> so I thought it might just be slightly possible that these two commands:
>   set cmd1 = (rm -f $hemi.white.$suffix)
>   set cmd2 = (ln -s $hemi.white.preaparc.$suffix $hemi.white.$suffix)
> could end up in a race condition where the file is linked and then
> immediately removed if somehow the ln command is executed before the rm
> command.

[Freesurfer] Shiny new 7.2!

2021-08-31 Thread Andy Worth
External Email - Use Caution

Is it true that all that is needed for a new official FS docker container
to come into existence is to merge pull request #866
  That would be
so very nice.  We like the official release!  4.1K pulls of previous
versions on dockerhub can't be wrong.

Kind regards,
Andy Worth
Senior Scientific Solutions Engineer
he, him, his
Freesurfer mailing list