[Freesurfer] tkmedit --> tksurfer (tkmedit points not being saved)

2008-06-16 Thread Aaron Shmookler
Although new to Freesurfer, I have in the past been able to save points on
tkmedit and bring them up on an inflated tksurfer image. However, now this
is not happening.  When I click on Save Point or go to Tools>Save Point in
tkmedit, no coordinates are brought up in the tkmedit Terminal window.  So,
when I try to bring up points on tksurfer (goto saved point) no points are

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] tkmedit reconstruction to perpendicular axes of ROIs

2008-07-25 Thread Aaron Shmookler
Is it possible to reconstruct an MRI such that the images in tkmedit are
perpendicular to the axis of a particular region such as in my ROI the
temporal pole?  As I see them the tkmedit MRIs are oblique slices with the
dorsal regions appearing caudally on the tksurfer (volumetric) images
relative to the ventral regions.
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] importing vertices and applying path_new_path_from_marked_vertices

2008-07-28 Thread Aaron Shmookler

Here's what I did:

1) mris_convert ?h.inflated file.asc
2) extract vertices of interest into file2.asc

Here is what I want to do:
I want to import the vertices from file2.asc into tksurfer and apply
the *path_new_path_from_marked_vertices
*function so that I can then create a label.  How might I do this?

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] importing vertices and applying path_new_path_from_marked_vertices

2008-07-28 Thread Aaron Shmookler
Can you elaborate on what you mean by making a label "out of the interior?"
Also, how would you make a label from my list?
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] importing vertices and applying path_new_path_from_marked_vertices

2008-07-30 Thread Aaron Shmookler
Do the vertex numbers mean anything significant or can they be any number?

Also, it appears that there are two different sets of vertices in an
mris_convert asc file of ?h.inflated.  What are these vertices and what do
they mean?
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] importing vertices and applying path_new_path_from_marked_vertices

2008-07-31 Thread Aaron Shmookler
So far I have been able to take my ?h.inflated file and turn it into a label
file from my vertices of interest.  That is, what I thought are my vertices
of interest, namely a closed path around the caudal temporal pole.  Given
one vertex point I manually choose I want to generate a list of vertices
holding 'z' constant and ordered in a clock (-y to +y).  While I am getting
vertices, the label I am getting is in the occipital lobe.  Even after
manipulating the numbers and vertices I still cannot manage to put a label
on the TP, let alone outside the occipital lobe.  Any thoughts and comments
you may have would be greatly appreciated.   Thanks!  ~Aaron

<---begin script here (I am trying to make this work for one subject)--->

#!/bin/tcsh -ef

# acquire all vertices from lh.inflated file (when I execute this script I
replace $subj with the actual subject, so this line of code works)
mris_convert $subj/surf/lh.inflated ~/Desktop/test.asc

# extract vertices outlining the temporal pole caudal border given constant
# The constant 'z' I think exists only once; other points along the path
have a slightly different 'z'.
# Therefore, I give a very small range of 'z' values that I hope are close
enough to represent the caudal border
# The 'z' coordinate is -61.0105, so search from -62 to -61
# sort the second column, which contains 'y' values
cat ~/Desktop/test.asc | awk '{ if($3 > -62 && $3 < -61) print $1, $2, $3,
$4}'  | sort -n -k2 > ~/Desktop/extract.asc

#echo header 1st line, label information, into label file
echo '#! label , from subject $SUBJ/ vox2ras=TkReg coords=white' >

#echo header 2nd line, the number of ROI vertices, into label file
cat ~/Desktop/extract.asc | awk 'END{print NR}' >>

#echo ROI vertices into label file with number lines (cat -n) substituting
for vertex numbers
cat -n ~/Desktop/extract.asc >> ~/Desktop/caudal_border.label

#mris_anatomical_stats the label file -- to be written once appropriate
label has been acquired
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