Is anyone awere if the "Asus AC50 USB" Wireless card (RT2870)

2014-07-22 Thread Miguel Clara
Wonder if anyone knwos if there's support for this card on current?

Tried 10 and its seems it not, It seem to be a Ralink RT2870 or now
Mediatek and they seem to provide linux support:

So I was hopping maybe it works on current and I'll give it a chance, If
not I guess I'll try ndis!


Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*
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Re: Is anyone awere if the "Asus AC50 USB" Wireless card (RT2870)

2014-07-23 Thread Miguel Clara
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Kevin Lo  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 03:31:58AM +0100, Miguel Clara wrote:
> >
> > Wonder if anyone knwos if there's support for this card on current?
> >
> > Tried 10 and its seems it not, It seem to be a Ralink RT2870 or now
> > Mediatek and they seem to provide linux support:
> >
> >
> > So I was hopping maybe it works on current and I'll give it a chance, If
> > not I guess I'll try ndis!
> The Asus AC50 wlan dongle (mt7610u chip) is currently not supported
> by FreeBSD.
Thanks for the reply, I wanted to try ndis but the windows package comes in
a setup.exe which I'm not able to decompress with either 7zip or cabextract.

 > Thanks
> >
> > Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
> > ---
> > *Miguel Clara*
> > *IT - Sys Admin & Developer*
> > *E-mail:*
> >
> Kevin
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FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-07-29 Thread Miguel Clara

I just brought a TP-Link N600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adpater (model
TL-WDN3200) and its correctly recognized in FreeBSD as a ranlink.

Dmesg shows:
wlan0: Ethernet address: e8:94:f6:12:98:9d
run0: firmware RT3071 ver. 0.33 loaded

So the module and firmware seem to be loaded fine and I'm able to connect
to my 2.4g wireless fine.

However I'm having no luck connecting to the 5G network, I've pasted the
scans and wpa_supplicant log, and I see:
"wlan0: Authentication with 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4 timed out.
Added BSSID 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4 into blacklist"
which I'm guessing means that for some reason the auth time-out, but I
don't really know why, all other 5G devices connect fine!

(Also if its important the router is a RT-N66U running the latest
Asus-Merlin firmware)

First Scan:

~% ifconfig wlan0 scan
**  a4:b1:e9:ef:1c:681   54M -36:-68  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
**  9c:97:26:34:b7:cd   11   54M -41:-78  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
**  24:ec:99:39:4a:12   11   54M -33:-62  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
**  26:ec:99:39:4a:13   11   54M -31:-60  100 ES   HTCAP WME
**  10:fe:ed:c3:77:517   54M -40:-76  100 EPS  RSN HTCAP
Mynetwork5G 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4   44   54M -12:-20  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME

Second Scan

% ifconfig wlan0 scan
**  a4:b1:e9:ef:1c:681   54M -36:-68  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
**  9c:97:26:34:b7:cd   11   54M -41:-78  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
**  24:ec:99:39:4a:12   11   54M -33:-62  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
**  26:ec:99:39:4a:13   11   54M -31:-60  100 ES   HTCAP WME
**  10:fe:ed:c3:77:517   54M -40:-76  100 EPS  RSN HTCAP
Mynetwork5G 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4   44   54M -12:-20  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
Mynetwork   60:a4:4c:28:13:c03   54M -18:-32  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME

log from --> wpa_supplicant -i wlano -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -d
NOTE: while doing this in wpa_supplicant.conf I only have my 5g network!

wpa_supplicant v2.0
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Initializing interface 'wlan0' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver
'default' ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A'
Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' -> '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Priority group 145
   id=0 ssid='PissnLove5G'
wpa_driver_bsd_capa: drivercaps=0x0d85c501,cryptocaps=0x001b
wlan0: Own MAC address: e8:94:f6:12:98:9d
bsd_set_key: alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
bsd_del_key: key_idx=0
bsd_set_key: alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
bsd_del_key: key_idx=1
bsd_set_key: alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
bsd_del_key: key_idx=2
bsd_set_key: alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=3 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
bsd_del_key: key_idx=3
wpa_driver_bsd_set_countermeasures: enabled=0
wlan0: RSN: flushing PMKID list in the driver
wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 10 usec
WPS: Set UUID for interface wlan0
WPS: UUID based on MAC address - hexdump(len=16): 49 97 f8 d3 b1 d4 56 1d
94 a4 d0 76 2e 1d 81 b3
EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
wlan0: Added interface wlan0
Scan SSID - hexdump_ascii(len=11):
 50 69 73 73 6e 4c 6f 76 65 35 47  PissnLove5G
wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID
wpa_driver_bsd_set_wpa: enabled=1
wpa_driver_bsd_set_wpa_internal: wpa=3 privacy=1
EAPOL: disable timer tick
EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
Received 2464 bytes of scan results (9 BSSes)
wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 1
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 0 BSSID 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4 SSID 'PissnLove5G'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 1 BSSID 60:a4:4c:28:13:c0 SSID 'PissnLove'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 2 BSSID 24:ec:99:39:4a:12 SSID 'NET'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 3 BSSID a4:b1:e9:ef:1c:68 SSID 'casabessa'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 4 BSSID 10:fe:ed:c3:77:51 SSID 'PQTP'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 5 BSSID 9c:97:26:34:b7:cd SSID 'Vodafone-34B7CD'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 6 BSSID 00:05:ca:64:7b:e8 SSID 'ZON-7BE0'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 7 BSSID 26:ec:99:39:4a:13 SSID 'MEO-WiFi'
wlan0: BSS: Add new id 8 BSSID 00:05:ca:64:7b:e9 SSID
BSS: last_scan_res_used=9/32 last_scan_full=0
wlan0: New scan results available
WPS: AP 24:ec:99:39:4a:12 type 0 added
WPS: AP a4:b1:e9:ef:1c:68 type 0 added
WPS: AP 10:fe:ed:c3:77:51 type 0 added
WPS: AP 9c:97:26:34:b7:cd type 0 added
WPS: AP 00:05:ca:64:7b

Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-07-29 Thread Miguel Clara
Also just noticed that even if it conencts to the 2.4g the performence is
very low, I also tested in my main Laptop with FreeeBSD 10, same result.

Simple iperf tests on my main laptop:

Client connecting to RALINK CARD IP, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 3.07 MByte (default)

[  3] local port 65530 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  27.1 MBytes  22.7 Mbits/sec

Client connecting to ath(Atheros AR946x/AR948x>) CARD IP, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 3.07 MByte (default)

[  3] local port 65528 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  94.8 MBytes  79.4 Mbits/sec

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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-12 Thread Miguel Clara
Sorry for the delay in replying, I was out of the office for the last week,
I'm recompiling now to try this and will give feedback ASAP.

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Lo  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 03, 2014 at 11:05:54PM +0800, Kevin Lo wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 11:35:00PM +0100, Miguel Clara wrote:
> > > Hi,
> >
> > Hi Miguel,
> >
> > >
> > > I just brought a TP-Link N600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adpater (model
> > > TL-WDN3200) and its correctly recognized in FreeBSD as a ranlink.
> > >
> > > Dmesg shows:
> > > wlan0: Ethernet address: e8:94:f6:12:98:9d
> > > run0: firmware RT3071 ver. 0.33 loaded
> > >
> > >
> > > So the module and firmware seem to be loaded fine and I'm able to
> connect
> > > to my 2.4g wireless fine.
> > >
> > > However I'm having no luck connecting to the 5G network, I've pasted
> the
> > > scans and wpa_supplicant log, and I see:
> > > "wlan0: Authentication with 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4 timed out.
> > > Added BSSID 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4 into blacklist"
> > > which I'm guessing means that for some reason the auth time-out, but I
> > > don't really know why, all other 5G devices connect fine!
> > >
> > > (Also if its important the router is a RT-N66U running the latest
> > > Asus-Merlin firmware)
> > >
> > >
> > > First Scan:
> > >
> > > ~% ifconfig wlan0 scan
> > > **  a4:b1:e9:ef:1c:681   54M -36:-68  100 EP   RSN
> > > **  9c:97:26:34:b7:cd   11   54M -41:-78  100 EP   RSN
> > > **  24:ec:99:39:4a:12   11   54M -33:-62  100 EP   RSN
> > > **  26:ec:99:39:4a:13   11   54M -31:-60  100 ES   HTCAP
> > > **  10:fe:ed:c3:77:517   54M -40:-76  100 EPS  RSN
> > > Mynetwork5G 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4   44   54M -12:-20  100 EP   RSN
> > >
> > > Second Scan
> > >
> > > % ifconfig wlan0 scan
> > > **  a4:b1:e9:ef:1c:681   54M -36:-68  100 EP   RSN
> > > **  9c:97:26:34:b7:cd   11   54M -41:-78  100 EP   RSN
> > > **  24:ec:99:39:4a:12   11   54M -33:-62  100 EP   RSN
> > > **  26:ec:99:39:4a:13   11   54M -31:-60  100 ES   HTCAP
> > > **  10:fe:ed:c3:77:517   54M -40:-76  100 EPS  RSN
> > > Mynetwork5G 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4   44   54M -12:-20  100 EP   RSN
> > > Mynetwork   60:a4:4c:28:13:c03   54M -18:-32  100 EP   RSN
> > >
> > >
> > > log from --> wpa_supplicant -i wlano -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -d
> > > NOTE: while doing this in wpa_supplicant.conf I only have my 5g
> network!
> >
> > I have the same wlan dongle as yours but I have no problems connecting to
> > the TL-WDR4300 on the 5 GHz band.  This email is sent over the 5 GHz.
> > I'll investigate further, thanks.
> >
> > # dmesg | grep run0
> > run0: <1.0> on usbus0
> > run0: MAC/BBP RT5592 (rev 0x0222), RF RT5592 (MIMO 2T2R), address
> > f8:1a:67:2a:df:3f
> > run0: firmware RT3071 ver. 0.33 loaded
> >
> > # ifconfig wlan0
> > wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu
> 1500
> >  ether f8:1a:67:2a:df:3f
> >  inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
> >  nd6 options=29
> >  media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11a
> >  status: associated
> >  ssid wng_5g channel 149 (5745 MHz 11a) bssid 64:66:b3:c2:3b:d4
> >  country US authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
> >  TKIP 2:128-bit txpower 0 bmiss 7 mcastrate 6 mgmtrate 6
> > scanvalid 60
> >  wme roaming MANUAL
> Please try Akinori Furukoshi's patch, thanks.
> Index: sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_run.c
> =

Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-13 Thread Miguel Clara
Hi, just wanted to report that the patch made no difference.

However I created a guest network in my router with the same password and
also using WPA2, and it connects to it.

the only difference is the BSSID, so I wonder if this is a issue with wpa
and nothing to to with the driver?

But the performance is still horrible!
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-14 Thread Miguel Clara
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Miguel Clara 

> Hi, just wanted to report that the patch made no difference.
> However I created a guest network in my router with the same password and
> also using WPA2, and it connects to it.
> the only difference is the BSSID, so I wonder if this is a issue with wpa
> and nothing to to with the driver?

NOTE: it works well if using ath driivers so the problem is probably in the
driver indeed!

> But the performance is still horrible!
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-14 Thread Miguel Clara
Duh, I figured it out... by default the Asus Guest netwroks are created in
"auto" mode, so both N and legacy, while my 5G network was set to N only
(2.4 is set to auto too).

This also explain the poor performance now... for some reason 11n is not
working only 11g/a.

ifconfig wlan0 mode 11na or 11ng gives me device is not configured (This
works fine for the ath card tough)!

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Miguel Clara 

> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Miguel Clara 
> wrote:
>> Hi, just wanted to report that the patch made no difference.
>> However I created a guest network in my router with the same password and
>> also using WPA2, and it connects to it.
>> the only difference is the BSSID, so I wonder if this is a issue with wpa
>> and nothing to to with the driver?
> NOTE: it works well if using ath driivers so the problem is probably in
> the driver indeed!
>> But the performance is still horrible!
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-16 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Kevin Lo  wrote:

> All USB wifi dongles in FreeBSD don't support 11n yet.
> Kevin
 I was not aware of that, is this really true for all USB wifi dongles or
do you mean ralink only?
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-17 Thread Miguel Clara
Thanks for clarifying Kevin.

I wonder whats the reason for this? Since its in all I guess something in
the kernel makes this harder? or is it just lack of time/resources?


Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Kevin Lo  wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 09:07:29PM +0100, Miguel Clara wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Kevin Lo  wrote:
> >
> > > All USB wifi dongles in FreeBSD don't support 11n yet.
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > >
> > >
> >  I was not aware of that, is this really true for all USB wifi dongles or
> > do you mean ralink only?
> It's true for all USB wifi dongles in *BSD...
> Kevin
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-19 Thread Miguel Clara
Would hardware donation help? At least in you're case I mean :)

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Kevin Lo  wrote:

> Since there is no data sheets available, looking throught the source code
> from the vendor makes slower development and is very time-consuming,
> at least in my case.
> Kevin
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 05:03:50PM +0100, Miguel Clara wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for clarifying Kevin.
> >
> > I wonder whats the reason for this? Since its in all I guess something in
> > the kernel makes this harder? or is it just lack of time/resources?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
> > ---
> > *Miguel Clara*
> > *IT - Sys Admin & Developer*
> > *E-mail:*
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Kevin Lo  wrote:
> >
> > > On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 09:07:29PM +0100, Miguel Clara wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Kevin Lo  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > All USB wifi dongles in FreeBSD don't support 11n yet.
> > > > >
> > > > > Kevin
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >  I was not aware of that, is this really true for all USB wifi
> dongles or
> > > > do you mean ralink only?
> > >
> > > It's true for all USB wifi dongles in *BSD...
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > >
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
> >
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Re: TL-WN722N support on FreeBSD.

2014-08-26 Thread Miguel Clara
Well the page states "The AR7010 and AR9271 NICs are not yet supported -
the USB glue needs writing for ath(4)."

So it might happen :)

Ofc only the maintainer can tell, and he was already done some many and
great work on this.

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:45 PM, atar  wrote:

> Ok, I've understood the point. So probably there's no way to use this
> popular TP-LINK dongle with FreeBSD. Very alas. Disappointed.
> > On 26/08/2014 08:32, atar wrote:
> >> Hi there!
> >>
> >> According to what's written in the following URLs:
> > > ,
> > >
> > > (under the 'Chipsets I won't be working on' section) the
> > > TL-WN722N TP-LINK wireless dongle isn't supported on freeBSD
> > > since its chipset is based on the AR9271 chipset which isn't
> > > supported by FreeBSD.
> >>
> >> Now, my question is, since the above mentioned device is supported
> > > by Linux via a special atheros firmware module, and since FreeBSD
> > > provides a Linux virtualization, will this device work on a FreeBSD
> > > system by its Linux virtualization capability?
> >
> > I'm not familiar with the Atheros firmware, but the likely answer is no.
> Linux virtualization (probably better described as emulation) is at the
> user space level, i.e. it mimics the interface of Linux syscalls. Device
> drivers work in kernel space, and the FreeBSD kernel has very different
> internals from Linux.
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-30 Thread Miguel Clara
Sorry to bring this one up again, but since there was some discussing about
11n support I wonder if this means that there are some plans to at least
try it?

I guess what I'm asking is basically if there's after any any hope of 11n
support for usb on FreeBSD?
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Re: FreeBSD current RT3071 can't connect to 5G network

2014-08-30 Thread Miguel Clara
Lol yeah but that was what I meant ... if some is interested in coding it
... are you for example?

Judging for the amount of work you have with ath etc I guess not, and I got
a feeling this would be "fun" to do :)

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 9:22 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> The hope is "someone has to code it." net80211 supports 11n fine. :)
> -a
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"run" card (RT3071) very slow connection

2014-11-27 Thread Miguel Clara
I've mailing the list before about and issue with 5Ghtz which I then found
was actually the fact that 11n is not supported on USB cards!

Still I have a 100/10 fibre connection, and I've been testing some FreeBSD
11-current stuff on the laptop with this card (the on-board card is not
supported by freebsd)

I'm very close to the router and can't get a better connection than 7-8M
download and on local speeds its not better than that (tested with iperf).

The on-board card is a Broadcom 4333 and I got better performance with this
one (using ndis) but it crashes a lot so its not really a better option.

To be clear the card is connected to the 2.4Ghtz network which accepts
N/G/B, I have the 5Ghtz set to N only as this is currently the only device
at home using 2.4Ghtz.

I don't expect getting the full 54M limit but this is really poor!

What info can I post to better investigate?

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
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Re: "run" card (RT3071) very slow connection

2014-11-27 Thread Miguel Clara
No. that was about 11n support as I've explain in this thread I understand 
there's no 11n support for USB 

I'm posting about poor performance on 11b/g so it is indeed a different issue. 
Sorry if I was not clear enough in the report.

On 28 November 2014 01:39:58 WET, Kevin Lo  wrote:
>On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 05:08:15PM +, Miguel Clara wrote:
>> I've mailing the list before about and issue with 5Ghtz which I then
>> was actually the fact that 11n is not supported on USB cards!
>> Still I have a 100/10 fibre connection, and I've been testing some
>> 11-current stuff on the laptop with this card (the on-board card is
>> supported by freebsd)
>> I'm very close to the router and can't get a better connection than
>> download and on local speeds its not better than that (tested with
>> The on-board card is a Broadcom 4333 and I got better performance
>with this
>> one (using ndis) but it crashes a lot so its not really a better
>> To be clear the card is connected to the 2.4Ghtz network which
>> N/G/B, I have the 5Ghtz set to N only as this is currently the only
>> at home using 2.4Ghtz.
>> I don't expect getting the full 54M limit but this is really poor!
>> What info can I post to better investigate?
>We answered your question, no?
>> Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
>> ---
>> *Miguel Clara*
>   Kevin

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-01-31 Thread Miguel Clara
I've just upgrade to the latest 10/stable.

trying to git clone a repo was giving me horrible speed, and I honestly
tough it was at their side, until I noticed issues while browsing and this
in dmesg:

ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called

Speedtest either gives me and ok result or very poor, and pings also prove
that something is not quite right:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=59 time=18.096 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=59 time=149.083 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=59 time=18.376 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=59 time=19.084 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=59 time=18.305 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=59 time=18.140 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=59 time=16.700 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=59 time=105.554 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=59 time=34.336 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=59 time=76.410 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=59 time=34.400 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=59 time=73.521 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=59 time=154.728 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=59 time=126.120 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=59 time=170.920 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=22 ttl=59 time=137.330 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=59 time=17.424 ms

(tried other host with similar results)

It seems to settle for a while but randomly comes back..

uname -a
FreeBSD r2d2 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #7 r277979M: Sat Jan 31
16:05:30 WET 2015 root@r2d2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-02-13 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> Hi,
> please try updating to -HEAD. It's possible that'll fix things.


I've update to head and still see the messages in dmesg.

And the same slowness... rebooting seems to fix the issue, but it was the
same in 10 and randomly (surely there's a reason only I'm not noticing
what) it goes back to this state.

Is there any debugging I can try to figure whats going on when this happens?

> On 31 January 2015 at 09:19, Miguel Clara  wrote:
> > I've just upgrade to the latest 10/stable.
> >
> > trying to git clone a repo was giving me horrible speed, and I honestly
> > tough it was at their side, until I noticed issues while browsing and
> this
> > in dmesg:
> >
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >
> > Speedtest either gives me and ok result or very poor, and pings also
> prove
> > that something is not quite right:
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=59 time=18.096 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=59 time=149.083 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=59 time=18.376 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=59 time=19.084 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=59 time=18.305 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=59 time=18.140 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=59 time=16.700 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=59 time=105.554 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=59 time=34.336 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=59 time=76.410 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=59 time=34.400 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=59 time=73.521 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=59 time=154.728 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=59 time=126.120 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=59 time=170.920 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=22 ttl=59 time=137.330 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=59 time=17.424 ms
> >
> > (tried other host with similar results)
> >
> > It seems to settle for a while but randomly comes back..
> >
> > uname -a
> > FreeBSD r2d2 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #7 r277979M: Sat Jan 31
> > 16:05:30 WET 2015 root@r2d2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-02-15 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 2:40 AM, Miguel Clara 

> On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> please try updating to -HEAD. It's possible that'll fix things.
> Hi,
> I've update to head and still see the messages in dmesg.
> And the same slowness... rebooting seems to fix the issue, but it was the
> same in 10 and randomly (surely there's a reason only I'm not noticing
> what) it goes back to this state.
> Is there any debugging I can try to figure whats going on when this
> happens?

Also just now I lost network and saw this in dmesg:
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR

It was just during a few seconds.

>> On 31 January 2015 at 09:19, Miguel Clara  wrote:
>> > I've just upgrade to the latest 10/stable.
>> >
>> > trying to git clone a repo was giving me horrible speed, and I honestly
>> > tough it was at their side, until I noticed issues while browsing and
>> this
>> > in dmesg:
>> >
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
>> >
>> > Speedtest either gives me and ok result or very poor, and pings also
>> prove
>> > that something is not quite right:
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=59 time=18.096 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=59 time=149.083 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=59 time=18.376 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=59 time=19.084 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=59 time=18.305 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=59 time=18.140 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=59 time=16.700 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=59 time=105.554 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=59 time=34.336 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=59 time=76.410 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=59 time=34.400 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=59 time=73.521 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=59 time=154.728 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=59 time=126.120 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=59 time=170.920 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=22 ttl=59 time=137.330 ms
>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=59 time=17.424 ms
>> >
>> > (tried other host with similar results)
>> >
>> > It seems to settle for a while but randomly comes back..
>> >
>> > uname -a
>> > FreeBSD r2d2 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #7 r277979M: Sat Jan 31
>> > 16:05:30 WET 2015 root@r2d2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>> > ___
>> > mailing list
>> >
>> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-02-15 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> On 15 February 2015 at 10:47, Miguel Clara  wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 2:40 AM, Miguel Clara 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Adrian Chadd 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> please try updating to -HEAD. It's possible that'll fix things.
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I've update to head and still see the messages in dmesg.
> >>
> >> And the same slowness... rebooting seems to fix the issue, but it was
> the
> >> same in 10 and randomly (surely there's a reason only I'm not noticing
> what)
> >> it goes back to this state.
> >>
> >> Is there any debugging I can try to figure whats going on when this
> >> happens?
> >
> >
> > Also just now I lost network and saw this in dmesg:
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> > ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
> >
> >
> > It was just during a few seconds.
> Ok, so that happens because you haven't heard a beacon for a while,
> and the "TSF out of range" interrupt has fired.
> Try creating the VAP again, but this time do it with -bgscan -powersave .
> I just did that manually and added "-bgscan -powersave" to rc.conf.

Is there a way I can verify those changes were applied?

ifconfig wlan0 doesn't show anything related.

> -adrian
> >>
> >>>
> >>> On 31 January 2015 at 09:19, Miguel Clara 
> wrote:
> >>> > I've just upgrade to the latest 10/stable.
> >>> >
> >>> > trying to git clone a repo was giving me horrible speed, and I
> honestly
> >>> > tough it was at their side, until I noticed issues while browsing and
> >>> > this
> >>> > in dmesg:
> >>> >
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> > ar9300_Stub_GetAntennaSwitch: called
> >>> >
> >>> > Speedtest either gives me and ok result or very poor, and pings also
> >>> > prove
> >>> > that something is not quite right:
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=59 time=18.096 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=59 time=149.083 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=59 time=18.376 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=59 time=19.084 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=59 time=18.305 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=59 time=18.140 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=59 time=16.700 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=59 time=105.554 ms
> >>> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=59 time=34.336 m

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-02-15 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> ifconfig -v wlan0 ; if you see powersave CAM rather than powersave
> NONE, then it's trying to do powersave.
>  ifconfig -v wlan0|eg 'powersave|bgscan'
AES-CCM 2:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 20
scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250

this is after the "-bgscan -powersave" of course.. I see OFF so assuming
its correct.

> -a
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-02-15 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Miguel Clara 

> On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>> ifconfig -v wlan0 ; if you see powersave CAM rather than powersave
>> NONE, then it's trying to do powersave.
>>  ifconfig -v wlan0|eg 'powersave|bgscan'
> AES-CCM 2:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 20
> scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
> this is after the "-bgscan -powersave" of course.. I see OFF so assuming
> its correct.

Keeps happening

Feb 15 19:08:25 r2d2 kernel: ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR
Feb 15 19:08:27 r2d2 last message repeated 4 times
Feb 15 20:14:11 r2d2 kernel: ath0: ath_intr: TSFOOR

 uname -a
FreeBSD r2d2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r278691+b56b2f6(master)

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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-02-15 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> I bet your environment is quite noisy and the ar9300 HAL is just not
> coping well. :(
> Could be, I have a laptop and a cell phone just close by and the TV is
also using wireless, but those are on 2.4Ghtz... and ... Oooh
I just noticed its connected to "PissnLove" and not "PissnLove5G".

wpa_supplicant sometimes fails on selecting the on with higher priority.

I'll force it back to the 5G and see if this goes away and if so I guess
you are correct :)

> -adrian
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-19 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Miguel Clara 

> On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>> I bet your environment is quite noisy and the ar9300 HAL is just not
>> coping well. :(
>> Could be, I have a laptop and a cell phone just close by and the TV is
> also using wireless, but those are on 2.4Ghtz... and ... Oooh
> I just noticed its connected to "PissnLove" and not "PissnLove5G".
> wpa_supplicant sometimes fails on selecting the on with higher priority.
> I'll force it back to the 5G and see if this goes away and if so I guess
> you are correct :)

Been busy for the last weeks, I wanted to update/sync my src before posting
more feedback on this.

# uname -a
FreeBSD r2d2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #5 r280238+2c4b57d(master):
Thu Mar 19 03:09:58 WET 2015 root@r2d2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC-NODEBUG

Note: the following test were done with only 2 wireless devices connect to
the router and while doing the tests on the laptop in turned wifi off in
the smartphone.
Also the smartphone was even a little bit more distant from the router than
the laptop (not much)

The issue is clear not with the 5G/2.4G as I get about the same performance
with boot see iperf results:

iperf3 -c _server_
Connecting to host yoda, port 5201
[  4] local port 48073 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]   0.00-1.00   sec  1.67 MBytes  14.0 Mbits/sec
[  4]   1.00-2.00   sec  1.67 MBytes  14.0 Mbits/sec
[  4]   2.00-3.00   sec  1.35 MBytes  11.4 Mbits/sec
[  4]   3.00-4.00   sec  1.56 MBytes  13.1 Mbits/sec
[  4]   4.00-5.00   sec  1.35 MBytes  11.4 Mbits/sec
[  4]   5.00-6.00   sec  1.73 MBytes  14.5 Mbits/sec
[  4]   6.00-7.00   sec  1.93 MBytes  16.2 Mbits/sec
[  4]   7.00-8.00   sec  1.65 MBytes  13.8 Mbits/sec
[  4]   8.00-9.00   sec  1.15 MBytes  9.65 Mbits/sec
[  4]   9.00-10.00  sec  1.38 MBytes  11.6 Mbits/sec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]   0.00-10.00  sec  15.4 MBytes  13.0 Mbits/sec  sender
[  4]   0.00-10.00  sec  15.4 MBytes  12.9 Mbits/sec

That's to a local Wired (1Gbit) connected iperf3 server.

In comparison I get 100+ Mpbs on my One Plus One device in an internet
speedtest, proof here:

And an iperf3 test on the same smartphone to the server:
Connecting to host local_server, port 5201
[ 4] local port 52337 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 4] 0.00-1.01 sec 11.8 MBytes 98.4 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 1.01-2.00 sec 13.4 MBytes 113 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 2.00-3.00 sec 13.6 MBytes 114 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 3.00-4.00 sec 13.3 MBytes 112 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 4.00-5.00 sec 14.1 MBytes 117 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 5.00-6.00 sec 13.6 MBytes 115 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 6.00-7.00 sec 13.7 MBytes 115 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 7.00-8.00 sec 13.4 MBytes 113 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 8.00-9.00 sec 13.7 MBytes 115 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 9.00-10.00 sec 13.2 MBytes 111 Mbits/sec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 4] 0.00-10.00 sec 134 MBytes 112 Mbits/sec sender
[ 4] 0.00-10.00 sec 134 MBytes 112 Mbits/sec receiver

So it seems that the performance is indeed very low and only on the ath,
and not due to to much clients in either 5g or 2.4g

If important:
ath0@pci0:2:0:0:class=0x028000 card=0xe052105b chip=0x0034168c
rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Atheros Communications Inc.'
device = 'AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter'
class  = netw

# cat /var/run/dmesg.boot  | grep ath

ath0:  mem 0xc040-0xc047 irq 19 at device
0.0 on pci2
ath0: [HT] enabling HT modes
ath0: [HT] enabling short-GI in 20MHz mode
ath0: [HT] 1 stream STBC receive enabled
ath0: [HT] 1 stream STBC transmit enabled
ath0: [HT] 2 RX streams; 2 TX streams
ath0: AR9460 mac 640.2 RF5110 phy 0.0
ath0: 2GHz radio: 0x; 5GHz radio: 0x

Any more info I should add to help track this?

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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-19 Thread Miguel Clara
On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> Whilst running this, can you run 'athstats 1' on the freebsd box?
> i wonder what the signal level and retransmit rates are.

Not sure hwo to do that... do I need ath_debug?

I did found '/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats' and tried to "make"

clang -O2 -pipe   -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"'
-I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -DATH_SUPPORT_ANI -DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA
-DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"' -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
-I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -std=gnu99 -fstack-protector
-fbracket-depth=512 -Qunused-arguments  -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats
main.o athstats.o -L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats

I installed bsdstats but after make clean;make  I still get the same.

> -a
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-19 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Miguel Clara 

> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>> Whilst running this, can you run 'athstats 1' on the freebsd box?
>> i wonder what the signal level and retransmit rates are.
> Not sure hwo to do that... do I need ath_debug?
> I did found '/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats' and tried to "make"
> clang -O2 -pipe   -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"'
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -DATH_SUPPORT_ANI -DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA
> -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"' -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -std=gnu99 -fstack-protector
> -fbracket-depth=512 -Qunused-arguments  -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats
> main.o athstats.o -L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat
> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
> invocation)
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> make: stopped in /usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
> I installed bsdstats but after make clean;make  I still get the same.

Oh wait:
-L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat

Should it look in /usr/private?

Or maybe not... I saw this:
commit 050d4409aa855fa1f82f6ca0dbb7e0c865c05e32
Author: bapt 
Date:   Tue Nov 25 22:37:27 2014 +

Convert to LIBADD

svn path=/head/; revision=275084

diff --git a/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
index 8d1bfa6..a7ff43b 100644
--- a/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
+++ b/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ CFLAGS+=-DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA

 CFLAGS.clang+= -fbracket-depth=512


echo "#define AH_DEBUG 1" > opt_ah.h

reverting gives me this:

[...]ib/private -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats main.o athstats.o
athstats.o: In function `athstats_new':
athstats.c:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `bsdstat_init'
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see

If I can get arround this I'd love to post those stats

> Thanks,
>> -a
___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-19 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Miguel Clara 

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Miguel Clara 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>>> Whilst running this, can you run 'athstats 1' on the freebsd box?
>>> i wonder what the signal level and retransmit rates are.
>> Not sure hwo to do that... do I need ath_debug?
>> I did found '/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats' and tried to "make"
>> clang -O2 -pipe   -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"'
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -DATH_SUPPORT_ANI -DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA
>> -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"' -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -std=gnu99 -fstack-protector
>> -fbracket-depth=512 -Qunused-arguments  -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats
>> main.o athstats.o -L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat
>> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat
>> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
>> invocation)
>> *** Error code 1
>> Stop.
>> make: stopped in /usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
>> I installed bsdstats but after make clean;make  I still get the same.
> Oh wait:
> -L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat
> Should it look in /usr/private?
> Or maybe not... I saw this:
> ##
> commit 050d4409aa855fa1f82f6ca0dbb7e0c865c05e32
> Author: bapt 
> Date:   Tue Nov 25 22:37:27 2014 +
> Convert to LIBADD
> Notes:
> svn path=/head/; revision=275084
> diff --git a/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
> b/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
> index 8d1bfa6..a7ff43b 100644
> --- a/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
> +++ b/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
> @@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ CFLAGS+=-DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA
>  CFLAGS.clang+= -fbracket-depth=512
> -
> +LIBADD=bsdstat
>  opt_ah.h:
> echo "#define AH_DEBUG 1" > opt_ah.h
> #
> reverting gives me this:
> [...]ib/private -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats main.o athstats.o
> athstats.o: In function `athstats_new':
> athstats.c:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `bsdstat_init'
> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
> invocation)
> If I can get around this I'd love to post those stats
Sadly I'm no C expert... I'm not even a coder but "bsdstat_init" defiantly
exists and the include bsdstat.h is in athstats.h...
makes no sense (to me) :|

>> Thanks,
>>> -a
___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-19 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Miguel Clara 

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Miguel Clara 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Miguel Clara 
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Adrian Chadd 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Whilst running this, can you run 'athstats 1' on the freebsd box?
>>>> i wonder what the signal level and retransmit rates are.
>>> Not sure hwo to do that... do I need ath_debug?
>>> I did found '/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats' and tried to "make"
>>> clang -O2 -pipe   -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"'
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -DATH_SUPPORT_ANI -DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA
>>> -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"' -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -std=gnu99 -fstack-protector
>>> -fbracket-depth=512 -Qunused-arguments  -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats
>>> main.o athstats.o -L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat
>>> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat
>>> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
>>> invocation)
>>> *** Error code 1
>>> Stop.
>>> make: stopped in /usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
>>> I installed bsdstats but after make clean;make  I still get the same.
>> Oh wait:
>> -L/usr/src/lib/libbsdstat -lbsdstat
>> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbsdstat
>> Should it look in /usr/private?
>> Or maybe not... I saw this:
>> ##
>> commit 050d4409aa855fa1f82f6ca0dbb7e0c865c05e32
>> Author: bapt 
>> Date:   Tue Nov 25 22:37:27 2014 +
>> Convert to LIBADD
>> Notes:
>> svn path=/head/; revision=275084
>> diff --git a/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
>> b/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
>> index 8d1bfa6..a7ff43b 100644
>> --- a/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
>> +++ b/tools/tools/ath/athstats/Makefile
>> @@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ CFLAGS+=-DATH_SUPPORT_TDMA
>>  CFLAGS.clang+= -fbracket-depth=512
>> -USEPRIVATELIB= bsdstat
>> -
>> +LIBADD=bsdstat
>>  opt_ah.h:
>> echo "#define AH_DEBUG 1" > opt_ah.h
>> #
>> reverting gives me this:
>> [...]ib/private -rpath /usr/lib/private -o athstats main.o athstats.o
>> athstats.o: In function `athstats_new':
>> athstats.c:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `bsdstat_init'
>> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
>> invocation)
>> If I can get around this I'd love to post those stats
> Sadly I'm no C expert... I'm not even a coder but "bsdstat_init" defiantly
> exists and the include bsdstat.h is in athstats.h...
> makes no sense (to me) :|
In the mean time I checked out a version before bsdstat and I was able to
complie, output follows
% sudo athstats
athstats: ioctl: ath0: Invalid argument <-- Is this
athstats: ioctl: ath0: Invalid argument
990785   data frames received
559194   data frames transmit
7602 tx frames with an alternate rate
27634short on-chip tx retries
100075   long on-chip tx retries
374  tx failed 'cuz too many retries
24   mib overflow interrupts
3tx linearized to cluster
MCS3 current transmit rate
17   beacon miss interrupts
31173rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC
114  rx failed 'cuz of PHY err
5OFDM restart
109  CCK restart
247  periodic calibrations
-0/+0TDMA slot adjust (usecs, smoothed)
28   rssi of 

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-19 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> What's the output of ifconfig -v wlan0 ?
> and run athstats 1 for a while whilst doing traffic, say speedtest,
> and paste the results from there.
> ]# ifconfig -v wlan0

wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether e0:06:e6:aa:bf:5b
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
nd6 options=29
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11na
status: associated
ssid PissnLove5G channel 48 (5240 MHz 11a ht/40-) bssid
regdomain 108 country DEBUG indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i -wps
-tsn privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
AES-CCM 2:128-bit
AES-CCM 3:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 30
txpowmax 50.0 -dotd rtsthreshold 2346 fragthreshold 2346 bmiss 7
11a ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
11b ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
11g ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
turboA  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
turboG  ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
sturbo  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
11naucast NONEmgmt 12 MCS  mcast 12 MCS  maxretry 6
11ngucast NONEmgmt  2 MCS  mcast  2 MCS  maxretry 6
halfucast NONEmgmt  3 Mb/s mcast  3 Mb/s maxretry 6
quarter ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
roam:11a rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
roam:11b rssi7dBm rate  1 Mb/s
roam:11g rssi7dBm rate  5 Mb/s
roam:turboA  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
roam:turboG  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
roam:sturbo  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
roam:11narssi7dBm  MCS  1
roam:11ngrssi7dBm  MCS  1
roam:halfrssi7dBm rate  6 Mb/s
roam:quarter rssi7dBm rate  3 Mb/s
-pureg protmode CTS ht htcompat ampdu ampdulimit 64k ampdudensity 4
amsdu shortgi htprotmode RTSCTS -puren -smps -rifs wme burst -dwds
roaming MANUAL bintval 100
AC_BE cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
  cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm
AC_BK cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
  cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm
AC_VI cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm ack
  cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm
AC_VO cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm ack
  cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm
groups: wlan

Going to recompile and I'll re-run athstats

> -a
> On 19 March 2015 at 20:17, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
> > Ah, add ATH_DEBUG, AH_DEBUG and AH_DIAGAPI to your kernel and recompile!
> >
> >
> > -a
> >
> >
> > On 19 March 2015 at 19:32, Miguel Clara  wrote:
> >>
> >> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Miguel Clara 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Miguel Clara 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Miguel Clara  >
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Adrian Chadd 
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Whilst running this, can you run 'athstats 1' on the freebsd box?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> i wonder what the signal level and retransmit rates are.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Not sure hwo to do that... do I need ath_debug?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I did found '/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats' and tried to "make"
> >>>>>
> >>>>> clang -O2 -pipe   -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"'
> >>>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
> >>>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../common
> >>>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys
> >>>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath
> >>>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/dev/ath/ath_hal
> >>>>>
> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats/../../../../sys/contrib/dev/ath/ath_hal
> >>>>> -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats -DATH_SUPPORT_ANI
> >>>>> -DATH_DEFAULT='"ath0"' -I/usr/src/tools/tools/ath/athstats
> >>>>> -I/usr/sr

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-20 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:25 AM, Miguel Clara 

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>> What's the output of ifconfig -v wlan0 ?
>> and run athstats 1 for a while whilst doing traffic, say speedtest,
>> and paste the results from there.
>> ]# ifconfig -v wlan0
> wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
> ether e0:06:e6:aa:bf:5b
> inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
> nd6 options=29
> media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11na
> status: associated
> ssid PissnLove5G channel 48 (5240 MHz 11a ht/40-) bssid
> 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4
> regdomain 108 country DEBUG indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i -wps
> -tsn privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
> AES-CCM 2:128-bit
> AES-CCM 3:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 30
> txpowmax 50.0 -dotd rtsthreshold 2346 fragthreshold 2346 bmiss 7
> 11a ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
> 11b ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
> 11g ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
> turboA  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
> turboG  ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
> sturbo  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
> 11naucast NONEmgmt 12 MCS  mcast 12 MCS  maxretry 6
> 11ngucast NONEmgmt  2 MCS  mcast  2 MCS  maxretry 6
> halfucast NONEmgmt  3 Mb/s mcast  3 Mb/s maxretry 6
> quarter ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
> scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
> roam:11a rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
> roam:11b rssi7dBm rate  1 Mb/s
> roam:11g rssi7dBm rate  5 Mb/s
> roam:turboA  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
> roam:turboG  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
> roam:sturbo  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
> roam:11narssi7dBm  MCS  1
> roam:11ngrssi7dBm  MCS  1
> roam:halfrssi7dBm rate  6 Mb/s
> roam:quarter rssi7dBm rate  3 Mb/s
> -pureg protmode CTS ht htcompat ampdu ampdulimit 64k ampdudensity 4
> amsdu shortgi htprotmode RTSCTS -puren -smps -rifs wme burst -dwds
> roaming MANUAL bintval 100
> AC_BE cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
>   cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm
> AC_BK cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
>   cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm
> AC_VI cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm ack
>   cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm
> AC_VO cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm ack
>   cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm
> groups: wlan
> Going to recompile and I'll re-run athstats

Hum it seems that after the recompile/reboot things are a bit better...

[miguelc@r2d2:~ ]% speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 22.599 ms
Testing download speed
Download: 91.17 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..
Upload: 9.48 Mbits/s
[miguelc@r2d2:~ ]% speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 5.164 ms
Testing download speed
Download: 93.21 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..
Upload: 10.65 Mbits/s

[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]   0.00-1.01   sec  1.42 MBytes  11.8 Mbits/sec
[  4]   1.01-2.00   sec  5.66 KBytes  46.7 Kbits/sec
[  4]   2.00-3.00   sec  3.94 MBytes  33.1 Mbits/sec
[  4]   3.00-4.00   sec  4.15 MBytes  34.8 Mbits/sec
[  4]   4.00-5.00   sec  4.52 MBytes  37.9 Mbits/sec
[  4]   5.00-6.00   sec  4.44 MBytes  37.3 Mbits/sec
[  4]   6.00-7.00   sec  4.44 MBytes  37.3 Mbits/sec
[  4]   7.00-8.00   sec  4.36 MBytes  36.6 Mbits/sec
[  4]   8.00-9.00   sec  6.67 MBytes  55.9 Mbits/sec
[  4]   9.00-10.00  sec  5.45 MBytes  45.7 Mbits/sec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]   0.00-10.00  sec  39.4 MBytes  33.1 Mbits/sec  sender
[  4]   0.00-10.00  sec  38.9 MBytes  32.6 Mbits/sec

( First Iperf was

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-20 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Miguel Clara 

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:25 AM, Miguel Clara 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>>> What's the output of ifconfig -v wlan0 ?
>>> and run athstats 1 for a while whilst doing traffic, say speedtest,
>>> and paste the results from there.
>>> ]# ifconfig -v wlan0
>> wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu
>> 1500
>> ether e0:06:e6:aa:bf:5b
>> inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
>> nd6 options=29
>> media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11na
>> status: associated
>> ssid PissnLove5G channel 48 (5240 MHz 11a ht/40-) bssid
>> 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4
>> regdomain 108 country DEBUG indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i -wps
>> -tsn privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
>> AES-CCM 2:128-bit
>> AES-CCM 3:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 30
>> txpowmax 50.0 -dotd rtsthreshold 2346 fragthreshold 2346 bmiss 7
>> 11a ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> 11b ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> 11g ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> turboA  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> turboG  ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> sturbo  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> 11naucast NONEmgmt 12 MCS  mcast 12 MCS  maxretry 6
>> 11ngucast NONEmgmt  2 MCS  mcast  2 MCS  maxretry 6
>> halfucast NONEmgmt  3 Mb/s mcast  3 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> quarter ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>> scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
>> roam:11a rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>> roam:11b rssi7dBm rate  1 Mb/s
>> roam:11g rssi7dBm rate  5 Mb/s
>> roam:turboA  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>> roam:turboG  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>> roam:sturbo  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>> roam:11narssi7dBm  MCS  1
>> roam:11ngrssi7dBm  MCS  1
>> roam:halfrssi7dBm rate  6 Mb/s
>> roam:quarter rssi7dBm rate  3 Mb/s
>> -pureg protmode CTS ht htcompat ampdu ampdulimit 64k ampdudensity
>> 4
>> amsdu shortgi htprotmode RTSCTS -puren -smps -rifs wme burst -dwds
>> roaming MANUAL bintval 100
>> AC_BE cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
>>   cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm
>> AC_BK cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
>>   cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm
>> AC_VI cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm ack
>>   cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm
>> AC_VO cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm ack
>>   cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm
>> groups: wlan
>> Going to recompile and I'll re-run athstats
> Hum it seems that after the recompile/reboot things are a bit better...
> [miguelc@r2d2:~ ]% speedtest
> Retrieving configuration...
> Retrieving server list...
> Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
> Selecting best server based on latency...
> Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 22.599 ms
> Testing download speed
> Download: 91.17 Mbits/s
> Testing upload speed..
> Upload: 9.48 Mbits/s
> [miguelc@r2d2:~ ]% speedtest
> Retrieving configuration...
> Retrieving server list...
> Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
> Selecting best server based on latency...
> Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 5.164 ms
> Testing download speed
> Download: 93.21 Mbits/s
> Testing upload speed..
> Upload: 10.65 Mbits/s
> ###
> [ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
> [  4]   0.00-1.01   sec  1.42 MBytes  11.8 Mbits/sec
> [  4]   1.01-2.00   sec  5.66 KBytes  46.7 Kbits/sec
> [  4]   2.00-3.00   sec  3.94 MBytes  33.1 Mbits/sec
> [  4]   3.00-4.00   sec  4.15 MBytes  34.8 Mbits/sec
> [  4]   4.00-5.00   sec  4.52 MBytes  37.9 Mbits/sec
> [  4]   5.00-6.00   sec 

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-21 Thread Miguel Clara
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Miguel Clara 

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Miguel Clara 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:25 AM, Miguel Clara 
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Adrian Chadd 
>>> wrote:
>>>> What's the output of ifconfig -v wlan0 ?
>>>> and run athstats 1 for a while whilst doing traffic, say speedtest,
>>>> and paste the results from there.
>>>> ]# ifconfig -v wlan0
>>> wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu
>>> 1500
>>> ether e0:06:e6:aa:bf:5b
>>> inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
>>> nd6 options=29
>>> media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11na
>>> status: associated
>>> ssid PissnLove5G channel 48 (5240 MHz 11a ht/40-) bssid
>>> 60:a4:4c:28:13:c4
>>> regdomain 108 country DEBUG indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i -wps
>>> -tsn privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
>>> AES-CCM 2:128-bit
>>> AES-CCM 3:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 30
>>> txpowmax 50.0 -dotd rtsthreshold 2346 fragthreshold 2346 bmiss 7
>>> 11a ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> 11b ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> 11g ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> turboA  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> turboG  ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> sturbo  ucast NONEmgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> 11naucast NONEmgmt 12 MCS  mcast 12 MCS  maxretry 6
>>> 11ngucast NONEmgmt  2 MCS  mcast  2 MCS  maxretry 6
>>> halfucast NONEmgmt  3 Mb/s mcast  3 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> quarter ucast NONEmgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
>>> scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
>>> roam:11a rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>>> roam:11b rssi7dBm rate  1 Mb/s
>>> roam:11g rssi7dBm rate  5 Mb/s
>>> roam:turboA  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>>> roam:turboG  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>>> roam:sturbo  rssi7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
>>> roam:11narssi7dBm  MCS  1
>>> roam:11ngrssi7dBm  MCS  1
>>> roam:halfrssi7dBm rate  6 Mb/s
>>> roam:quarter rssi7dBm rate  3 Mb/s
>>> -pureg protmode CTS ht htcompat ampdu ampdulimit 64k
>>> ampdudensity 4
>>> amsdu shortgi htprotmode RTSCTS -puren -smps -rifs wme burst
>>> -dwds
>>> roaming MANUAL bintval 100
>>> AC_BE cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
>>>   cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm
>>> AC_BK cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
>>>   cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm
>>> AC_VI cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm ack
>>>   cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm
>>> AC_VO cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm ack
>>>   cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm
>>> groups: wlan
>>> Going to recompile and I'll re-run athstats
>> Hum it seems that after the recompile/reboot things are a bit better...
>> [miguelc@r2d2:~ ]% speedtest
>> Retrieving configuration...
>> Retrieving server list...
>> Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
>> Selecting best server based on latency...
>> Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 22.599 ms
>> Testing download speed
>> Download: 91.17 Mbits/s
>> Testing upload speed..
>> Upload: 9.48 Mbits/s
>> [miguelc@r2d2:~ ]% speedtest
>> Retrieving configuration...
>> Retrieving server list...
>> Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
>> Selecting best server based on latency...
>> Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 5.164 ms
>> Testing download speed
>> Download: 93.21 Mbits/s
>> Testing upload speed

Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-21 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 1:09 AM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> Tsfoor means that it didn't receive enough beacons before a timeout.
> I've fixed the messages in head but they're not important. Its doing
> something, like scanning or something, which is generating those messages.
> Do athstats 1 for a while both before and afafter it happens.

Well before are basically the ones I've posted earlier now it would be

with a speedtest in the middle:
% speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 6.847 ms
Testing download speed
Download: 23.44 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..
Upload: 8.20 Mbits/s
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-21 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 3:58 AM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> Ok, hm. There's a lot of short retry errors / CRC errors during what
> I'm guessing is the speed test, which is odd if it's on 5GHz.
> It did change when I got back to the laptop, but it on 5g since then... I
need to see if I figure out why wpa_supplicant does that... or maybe just
remove the 2.4g for the list, its usefull if I need to take the laptop to
the bedroom, cause 5g won't reach there... while 2.4 does, but those are
really rare occasions...

I'm 99% sure it wasn't connected to the 2.4g when I run the results, but I
admit at the time I didn't look into ifconfig... since I had it cahnge to
5G just before...

In any case this is from now just to be sure:

wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether *:5b
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
nd6 options=29
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11na
status: associated
ssid ssid5G channel 48 (5240 MHz 11a ht/40-) bssid 60:*
regdomain 108 indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON
deftxkey UNDEF AES-CCM 2:128-bit AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 30 bmiss
mcastrate 6 mgmtrate 6 scanvalid 60 ampdulimit 64k ampdudensity 4
shortgi wme burst roaming MANUAL
groups: wlan

% speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 5.68 ms
Testing download speed
Download: 33.00 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..
Upload: 6.91 Mbits/s

athstats 1 ->

cat /var/run/dmesg.boot |grep ath
ath0:  mem 0xc040-0xc047 irq 19 at device
0.0 on pci2
ath0: [HT] enabling HT modes
ath0: [HT] enabling short-GI in 20MHz mode
ath0: [HT] 1 stream STBC receive enabled
ath0: [HT] 1 stream STBC transmit enabled
ath0: [HT] 2 RX streams; 2 TX streams
ath0: AR9460 mac 640.2 RF5110 phy 3118.4
ath0: 2GHz radio: 0x; 5GHz radio: 0x
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-21 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 4:15 AM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> Hm, it's possible the AR9462 needs a bunch more attention. The driver
> I got from QCA in 2011/2012 era timeline was early-ish and I think a
> bunch of fixes/changes were done since then. But I don't know what
> those are.
> Yeah, just disable 2GHz for now and see if that helps.
> When I get a spare moment I'm trying to get the tools updated for the
> AR9380 and later chips so it's easier to debug stuff. But this can all
> get very time consuming and it's all stuff I'm doing for fun/free. :(

I get that... It does seem that rebooting helps, so I can live it that, and
don't mind the wait...

there's probably more important stuff to do..

I have another laptop where I need to use  a USB card (usb ralink -
 rt3071) and I can't get much better than ~9Mb download...
802.11n on USB cards which I gather is lacking in FreeBSD, seems more
important... (well to me at least lol)

All I can do is test and donate to the FreeBSD foundation (which I do), but
sometimes I do feel like it would be good if we could do more direct

I'm not saying it in the sense that if I donate to say... you... you maybe
do this faster... not at all, but at the same time it is true that in my
specific case I beneficent from a lot of you're work (the same can be said
about other projects) and I would mind donating to those project
directly... but AFAICT that can't be done, except by companies who sponsor
specific projects of course.


> -adrian
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-21 Thread Miguel Clara

On March 22, 2015 4:29:20 AM WET, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>Oh erm, if rebooting helps, try
>sysctl dev.ath.0.hal.force_full_reset=1

Will try that next time just rebooted 

>then down/up the interface (which does a reset) and see.
>As for donating: please donate! But also drop them a line and tell
>them what you'd really appreciate there being focus on. You can't tell
>them what you want them to do with your money, but you can tell them
>what's important to you!

Very nice to know,  usually I just say thanks and never though of that  :) 


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-22 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> Hi,
> * use force_full_reset at startup - maybe put it in /etc/sysctl.conf
> * upgrade to what I just committed to net80211 today.
> It turns out that after some recent changes in -HEAD, 11n aggregation
> wouldn't happen if you tried using it > 10 minutes after boot.
> Grr.

Haha!! So that's why it was switching to the 2.4 network and 11g...

Thanks for the fix, compiling now, and I'll still keep ath_debug stuff
present, might be useful.
I need to read up on athstats and other tools, which seem to be quite
interesting for analyses/debugging... guessing this is the best place to
look --> ?

> (Now i Have to update all the wifi APs in my apartment.)
> -a
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-23 Thread Miguel Clara
Was link aggregation the only fix?

% speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 18.06 ms
Testing download speed
Download: 104.07 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..
Upload: 9.06 Mbits/s

% speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Retrieving server list...
Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 9.814 ms
Testing download speed
Download: 107.18 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..
Upload: 9.54 Mbits/s

I'm back to awesome performance... it can't get better than that since my
link is Fibre 100/10 :)

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Miguel Clara 

> On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> * use force_full_reset at startup - maybe put it in /etc/sysctl.conf
>> * upgrade to what I just committed to net80211 today.
>> It turns out that after some recent changes in -HEAD, 11n aggregation
>> wouldn't happen if you tried using it > 10 minutes after boot.
>> Grr.
> Haha!! So that's why it was switching to the 2.4 network and 11g...
> Thanks for the fix, compiling now, and I'll still keep ath_debug stuff
> present, might be useful.
> I need to read up on athstats and other tools, which seem to be quite
> interesting for analyses/debugging... guessing this is the best place to
> look --> ?
>> (Now i Have to update all the wifi APs in my apartment.)
>> -a
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-24 Thread Miguel Clara
th0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=127, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf8006b484400 len 137
TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
0] WEP [IV 08 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
 8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 7010   0801
0020    0300  0800
ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=198, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80022d4a700 len 208

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:

> A-MPDU support makes 11n surprisingly fast. :)
> -a
> On 23 March 2015 at 09:48, Miguel Clara  wrote:
> > Was link aggregation the only fix?
> >
> > ##
> > % speedtest
> > Retrieving configuration...
> > Retrieving server list...
> > Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
> > Selecting best server based on latency...
> > Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 18.06 ms
> > Testing download speed
> > Download: 104.07 Mbits/s
> > Testing upload speed..
> > Upload: 9.06 Mbits/s
> >
> > % speedtest
> > Retrieving configuration...
> > Retrieving server list...
> > Testing from Vodafone Portugal (
> > Selecting best server based on latency...
> > Hosted by Vodafone PT (Porto) [16.63 km]: 9.814 ms
> > Testing download speed
> > Download: 107.18 Mbits/s
> > Testing upload speed..
> > Upload: 9.54 Mbits/s
> > 
> >
> > I'm back to awesome performance... it can't get better than that since my
> > link is Fibre 100/10 :)
> >
> >
> > Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
> > ---
> > Miguel Clara
> > IT - Sys Admin & Developer
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Miguel Clara 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Adrian Chadd 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> * use force_full_reset at startup - maybe put it in /etc/sysctl.conf
> >>> * upgrade to what I just committed to net80211 today.
> >>>
> >>> It turns out that after some recent changes in -HEAD, 11n aggregation
> >>> wouldn't happen if you tried using it > 10 minutes after boot.
> >>>
> >>> Grr.
> >>
> >>
> >> Haha!! So that's why it was switching to the 2.4 network and 11g...
> >>
> >> Thanks for the fix, compiling now, and I'll still keep ath_debug stuff
> >> present, might be useful.
> >> I need to read up on athstats and other tools, which seem to be quite
> >> interesting for analyses/debugging... guessing this is the best place to
> >> look --> ?
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> (Now i Have to update all the wifi APs in my apartment.)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -a
> >>
> >>
> >
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Re: ath0 performence issues "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout" "ar9300_Stub_GetCTSTimeout

2015-03-24 Thread Miguel Clara
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 5:26 AM, Miguel Clara 

> It seems re-aggregation for 11n is still broken, as I just faced the same
> issue...
> I had to connect to the 2.4 network since I have 5g set only to n.
> truning on ath.0.hal.debug i see this:
> getchannels: cc 0 regDmn 0x1ff mode 0xff ecm
> getregstate: cc 0 rd 0x1ff
> getchannels: !avail mode 0x1f800d (0x2) flags 0x2150
> getchannels: too many channels for channel table
> getchannels: cc 0 regDmn 0x1ff mode 0xff ecm
> getregstate: cc 0 rd 0x1ff
> getchannels: !avail mode 0x1f800d (0x2) flags 0x2150
> getchannels: too many channels for channel table
> wlan0: link state changed to UP
> wlan0: link state changed to DOWN
> getchannels: cc 0 regDmn 0x1ff mode 0xff ecm
> getregstate: cc 0 rd 0x1ff
> getchannels: !avail mode 0x1f800d (0x2) flags 0x2150
> getchannels: too many channels for channel table
> with dev.ath.0.debug I see a lot of this:
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=86, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf800308a2e00
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf800308a2e00 len 96
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 04 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 3010  
> 0401 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=1504, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf80009800600
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80009800600 len 1514
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 05 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 4010  
> 0501 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=1504, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf80096b04b00
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80096b04b00 len 1514
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 06 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 5010  
> 0601 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=1445, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf80080644200
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80080644200 len 1455
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 07 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 6010  
> 0701 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=127, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf8006b484400
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf8006b484400 len 137
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 08 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 7010  
> 0801 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=198, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf80022d4a700
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80022d4a700 len 208
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 09 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 8010  
> 0901 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=86, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf800099caa00
>  [51/4841]
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf800099caa00 len 96
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 03 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 2010  
> 0301 0020    0300  0800
> linux: pid 81570 (sublime_text): syscall inotify_init not implemented
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=86, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf800308a2e00
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf800308a2e00 len 96
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 04 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 3010  
> 0401 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=1504, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf80009800600
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80009800600 len 1514
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0] WEP [IV 05 01 00 00 00 00 KID 0] 1M
>  8841  60a4 4c28 13c0 e006 e6aa bf5b 60a4 4c28 13c0 4010  
> 0501 0020    0300  0800
> ath0: ath_tx_tag_crypto: hdrlen=26, pktlen=1504, isfrag=0, iswep=64,
> m0=0xf80096b04b00
> ath0: ath_tx_dmasetup: m 0xf80096b04b00 len 1514
> TODS e0:00:00:00:00:5b->60:00:00:00:00:c0(60:00:00:00:00:c0) data QoS [TID
> 0

Re: Atheros AR9460 and Acer Aspire V17 Nitro on FreeBSD 11 not working

2015-06-06 Thread Miguel Clara
This the same card I have on a Acer S3 391 (which would be much
cheaper for you Adrian, in case anyone wants to buy you one with this
cards  sadly I don't have the money)

Anyway I see this issue but not always and there was a time where it
worked fine, (I've mailled about this before, and I'm not sure if
there's a PR) list scan seems to work but list only a few networks
(but I guess this means at some point scan got some results)
Also, If you know the netwroks detail you can at least add them to
wpa_supplicant.conf and it works fine for both 2.4 and 5Ghtz.

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
Miguel Clara
IT - Sys Admin & Developer

On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry - it's likely something silly like rfkill, but I'd have to
> fiddle around with the laptop to make it work. They're unfortunately
> $1200, so I can't just go and buy one to make it work.
> If someone's willing to buy me and ship one to me, I'll go figure out
> what the deal is.
> Thanks,
> -adrian
> On 6 June 2015 at 02:55, Anders Bolt-Evensen  wrote:
>> Is there any news regarding an eventual solution to my problems with the
>> Atheros AR9460 driver not working?
>> Over a couple of weeks I ran Ubuntu on this machine, the Atheros driver on
>> Linux seems to work fine, before I decided to switch back to FreeBSD.
>> On 03/23/2015 20:02, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>>> No, it's something in the ath driver and ath_hal code.
>>> I'm sorry, I've been busy debugging other things in my limited spare
>>> time; I just haven't had the chance to sit down and look at the rfkill
>>> code. :(
>>> -a
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Re: Atheros AR9460 and Acer Aspire V17 Nitro on FreeBSD 11 not working

2015-06-06 Thread Miguel Clara
On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
> If I had to hazard a guess, it's either:
> * a verison of the NIC that has some funky support that I haven't seen
> yet, and I have to port from ath9k, and/or
> * it has rfkill enabled by default somehow, and I have to go fix that.
> I know these are expensive, but this is what it's like doing hardware.
> :) Matt Dillon @ DragonflyBSD bought me the Asus zenbook so I could
> fix the wifi there, and that's why the zenbook works great now.

Want to trade the zenbook for the Acer S3 391? :P

I was acctually considering buying a zenbook and selling this one to
get the If I get a good deal, I want moaaar RAM and this can't have
more than 4G

But seriously now,  the this model should be less than 600$, so its
half the price of the V17 Nitro, I can't buy one but maybe someone

> -adrian
> On 6 June 2015 at 08:29, Miguel Clara  wrote:
>> This the same card I have on a Acer S3 391 (which would be much
>> cheaper for you Adrian, in case anyone wants to buy you one with this
>> cards  sadly I don't have the money)
>> Anyway I see this issue but not always and there was a time where it
>> worked fine, (I've mailled about this before, and I'm not sure if
>> there's a PR) list scan seems to work but list only a few networks
>> (but I guess this means at some point scan got some results)
>> Also, If you know the netwroks detail you can at least add them to
>> wpa_supplicant.conf and it works fine for both 2.4 and 5Ghtz.
>> Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
>> ---
>> Miguel Clara
>> IT - Sys Admin & Developer
>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Adrian Chadd  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm sorry - it's likely something silly like rfkill, but I'd have to
>>> fiddle around with the laptop to make it work. They're unfortunately
>>> $1200, so I can't just go and buy one to make it work.
>>> If someone's willing to buy me and ship one to me, I'll go figure out
>>> what the deal is.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -adrian
>>> On 6 June 2015 at 02:55, Anders Bolt-Evensen  wrote:
>>>> Is there any news regarding an eventual solution to my problems with the
>>>> Atheros AR9460 driver not working?
>>>> Over a couple of weeks I ran Ubuntu on this machine, the Atheros driver on
>>>> Linux seems to work fine, before I decided to switch back to FreeBSD.
>>>> On 03/23/2015 20:02, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>>>>> No, it's something in the ath driver and ath_hal code.
>>>>> I'm sorry, I've been busy debugging other things in my limited spare
>>>>> time; I just haven't had the chance to sit down and look at the rfkill
>>>>> code. :(
>>>>> -a
>>>>> ___
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