libarchive and WITHOUT_CRYPT

2012-03-15 Thread Oliver Lehmann


has someone ever tested to compile world with WITHOUT_CRYPT set
in /etc/src.conf? It stops at:

In file included from  
/usr/src/lib/libarchive/../../contrib/libarchive/libarchive/archive_hash.h:129:20: error: sha1.h: No such file or  
/usr/src/lib/libarchive/../../contrib/libarchive/libarchive/archive_hash.h:166:20: error: sha2.h: No such file or  
In file included from  
/usr/src/lib/libarchive/../../contrib/libarchive/libarchive/archive_hash.h:129:20: error: sha1.h: No such file or  
/usr/src/lib/libarchive/../../contrib/libarchive/libarchive/archive_hash.h:166:20: error: sha2.h: No such file or  

mkdep: compile failed

So it obviously does not work correctly :(

   Greetings, Oliver
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system hangup - I'm lost

2008-09-29 Thread Oliver Lehmann

My fileserver has sporadical hangups running 6.3:

FreeBSD 6.3-STABLE #0: Thu Jun 19 00:21:00 CEST 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/i386-pentium3-6.3/usr/src/sys/NUDEL

The exact release doesn't matter since it happened before. It always
happens afer some time of having some load on the system (I'm building
ports with tinderbox and during the build process it just hangs up).

The system does nothing write out on the console, neither the CRT, nor
the serial console.

The system itself is:

CPU: Intel Pentium III (845.64-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x683  Stepping = 3
real memory  = 805240832 (767 MB)
avail memory = 778481664 (742 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  1
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  0
ioapic0  irqs 0-23 on motherboard

while the diskspace is provided by an 3ware RAID:

twa0: <3ware 9000 series Storage Controller> port 0x2400-0x24ff mem 
0xf4101000-0xf41010ff,0xf480-0xf4ff irq 18 at device 11.0 on pci0
twa0: INFO: (0x04: 0x0053): Battery capacity test is overdue: 
twa0: INFO: (0x15: 0x1300): Controller details:: Model 9500S-4LP, 4 ports, 
Firmware FE9X, BIOS BE9X

da0 at twa0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da0: 100.000MB/s transfers
da0: 715224MB (1464778752 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 91178C)

I had - in the past - sometimes messages left which where indicating,
that the system was not able to allocate swap space fast enough if I
recall it correctly (_not_ out of swap space!) but the RAID is kinda
fast imho.

  Any idea what I could do to shed some more light on this behaviour?
  Why it is happening and what really is causing it?
  Would enabling the kernel debugger really help here? I mean the system
  is really hanging up - except ping response it is not responding to
  anything except the reset switch ;)

   Greetings, Oliver

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:39:27PM +0200, Bartosz Stec wrote:
> > Personally I'd rather bet on some hardware problem (overheating?) Try to  
> > install mbmon from ports. I had also similiar problems with old  
> > motherboards with swelled capacitors.
> Be careful with mbmon and healthd -- just because they compile and run
> does not mean they're working properly (the values shown may be
> completely unreliable/incorrect).
> It's best to check such things in the system BIOS, unless you have
> absolute certainty that your motherboard is supported by mbmon/healthd.

The systems chipset (440GX - board is is not
supported by mbmon. All I can check is the temperature of the harddrives
and they are between 30 - 45 °C. Which just means nothing for the CPUs ;)

make world for example does not break the system down - I only encounter
this during my tinderbox runs - who knows what stresses it then that much.

I'll now make a kernel with all the debugging stuff in it...

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
John Baldwin wrote:

> (CTRL+ALT+ESC) and run 'panic' to generate a crash dump.

problem here is, that after some memory upgrade my swapspace is no longer
bigh enough to cover the memory size. I'll try this as a last resort if
the interactive work with kdb does not provide any help and will remove
some memory before it then...

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> I can't find anything on Intel's site that clues me in; all the PDFs
> are vague as far as what chips are on the board.

Have you tried the Product specifications?

Beginning on page 33 (43 of the pdf)

It has 3 different Server Management busses. the temperature part is
handled within a Baseboard Management Controller. This BMC is implemented
using a DS82CL10.
Because it is a Server Board it offers a lot of managing features and
other nice things like serial console at bootup and system monitoring
features... but all unsupported withn FreeBSDs software ;)

> P.S. -- You're the 2nd person I've encountered in under a week who's
> using 440BX/GX-based hardware in present day.  I would not be
> surprised if the board is simply going bad/failing due to age.  :-)

Hm - I'd wonder if this would be the case. I mean I'm using older
hardware (Tyan Tsunami S1830S, PII300, DAC960P, RAID-1 2*IBM DFHS S2W)
without any problems as router ;)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-10-01 Thread Oliver Lehmann
unt 1, writecount 0, refcount 4 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc51f5d68 ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc5cd8d80 (pid 72603)
ino 9213777, on dev da0s1g

0xc498a990: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 4 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc5c4839c ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4e5e000 (pid 57770) with
1 pending ino 9213027, on dev da0s1g

0xc4ac5330: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 5 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc51f5dec ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4e4a000 (pid 72715) with
1 pending ino 9213787, on dev da0s1g

0xc4ac5110: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 5 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc51f6000 ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a35300 (pid 78289) with
1 pending ino 9214698, on dev da0s1g

0xc4ad8770: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 5 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc51f6084 ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a35600 (pid 78290) with
1 pending ino 9214827, on dev da0s1g

0xc4766880: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 5 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc5976108 ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a36a80 (pid 57759) with
1 pending ino 9214859, on dev da0s1g

0xc5502000: tag ufs, type VREG
usecount 0, writecount 0, refcount 4 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc6979528 ref 0 pages 10
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc6cd9900 (pid 57765) with
1 pending ino 9213198, on dev da0s1g

0xc7327cc0: tag ufs, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 3 mountedhere 0
flags ()
v_object 0xc73d439c ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc47f7780 (pid 897)
ino 19661150, on dev da0s1g

0xc6447770: tag ufs, type VREG
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 1 mountedhere 0
flags ()
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a36a80 (pid 57759)
ino 9213267, on dev da0s1g

0xc47d1dd0: tag null, type VDIR
usecount 2, writecount 0, refcount 2 mountedhere 0
flags (VV_ROOT)
v_object 0xc51f5d68 ref 0 pages 2
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc5cd8d80 (pid 72603)
vp=0xc47d1dd0, lowervp=0xc47d2000

0xc594f110: tag null, type VDIR
usecount 2, writecount 0, refcount 2 mountedhere 0
flags ()
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a36a80 (pid 57759) with
1 pending vp=0xc594f110, lowervp=0xc4766880

0xc7096660: tag null, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 1 mountedhere 0
flags ()
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a35600 (pid 78290) with
1 pending vp=0xc7096660, lowervp=0xc4ad8770

0xc6183660: tag null, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 1 mountedhere 0
flags ()
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4a35300 (pid 78289) with
1 pending vp=0xc6183660, lowervp=0xc4ac5110

0xc6f2e220: tag null, type VDIR
usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 1 mountedhere 0
flags ()
 lock type ufs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4e4a000 (pid 72715) with
1 pending vp=0xc6f2e220, lowervp=0xc4ac5330

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-10-01 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 06:53:09AM +0200, Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> > Because it is a Server Board it offers a lot of managing features and
> > other nice things like serial console at bootup and system monitoring
> > features... but all unsupported withn FreeBSDs software ;)
> Really?  That's interesting, because Charles Sprickman told me that
> there is no hardware monitoring information in the BIOS if you go in
> there.  Most motherboards provide that in the BIOS as a centralised
> place above all else.

You are right - I could have sworn that there was such an screen in the
BIOS but all I can see is for setting up stuff like enabling eventlog and
posting it through a modem connection and so on - server specific stuff -
but no display screen for "health information"...
So you where right ;)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-10-02 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Hi,
> today I'd a crash again - I was not able to get a crash dump (thought a
> "panic" at the end of the kdb would do it but didn't - should have called
> dumpon before ;)) - so here now the information I was able to retrieve:
> Ok, what I've got so far is wrinting stuff out to the console when the
> system hangs up:
> swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 2, size: 4096
> swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 2, size: 4096
> swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 2, size: 4096
> swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 2, size: 4096
> ...
> and now the debugger stuff:
> [snipped]

So.. no idea? anyone?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-10-02 Thread Oliver Lehmann
John Baldwin wrote:

> Sounds like your disk has died, or perhaps the controller is hung and not 
> completing disk I/O requests anymore.

Hm - the 3ware eventlog does not shed any light on this - no events
occured. So I can just guess that the controller and the disks are fine
(I had once a hard failing disk and the controller detected it correctly)

Do you have an idea how to debug this further?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: system hangup - I'm lost

2008-10-03 Thread Oliver Lehmann
cpghost wrote:

> If it's PATA, check the cabling, then check it again, and just to
> make sure, replace the cable even if the system used to work flawlessly
> in the past. I've had this on a few servers, but replacing the cables
> always fixed the problem for me.

It's SATA - it's a 3ware 9500S-4LP controller. I can just hope it would have
detect any drive problem (even if it would result because of bad cabeling). If
not I don't know why I had a raid controller anyway ;)
The only other disk drive I've on that system is an USB attached hdd for backup
purpose... So I can't realy try having the swap somewhere else..

//nudel> /c0 show all
/c0 Driver Version =
/c0 Model = 9500S-4LP
/c0 Available Memory = 112MB
/c0 Firmware Version = FE9X
/c0 Bios Version = BE9X
/c0 Boot Loader Version = BL9X
/c0 Serial Number = D19004A5300589
/c0 PCB Version = Rev 019
/c0 PCHIP Version = 1.50
/c0 ACHIP Version = 3.20
/c0 Number of Ports = 4
/c0 Number of Drives = 4
/c0 Number of Units = 1
/c0 Total Optimal Units = 1
/c0 Not Optimal Units = 0 
/c0 JBOD Export Policy = off
/c0 Disk Spinup Policy = 1
/c0 Spinup Stagger Time Policy (sec) = 2
/c0 Cache on Degrade Policy = Follow Unit Policy

Unit  UnitType  Status %RCmpl  %V/I/M  Stripe  Size(GB)  Cache  AVrfy
u0RAID-5OK -   -   64K 698.461   ON OFF

Port   Status   Unit   SizeBlocksSerial
p0 OK   u0 232.88 GB   488397168 WD-WCANK1079272 
p1 OK   u0 232.88 GB   488397168 WD-WCANK1120378 
p2 OK   u0 232.88 GB   488397168 WD-WCANK1120936 
p3 OK   u0 232.88 GB   488397168 WD-WCANK1120805 

Name  OnlineState  BBUReady  StatusVolt Temp Hours  LastCapTest
bbu   On   Yes   OKOK   OK   25524-Aug-2008  


 Oliver Lehmann
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3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-10-29 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I've problems with my 3ware controller. Havingg heavy I/O load (e.g.
running 40 port builds the day over with tinderbox which involves
un-taring a whole FreeBSD tree 40 times), my system hangs with the well

swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 2, size: 4096
swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 2, size: 4096

error. I'v opened a ticket at 3ware and after half a month of
dummy-testings (are your drives fine, can you run a stress test), it
looks like i was redirected to someone from the 2nd lvl support and he
told me:

  There are 2 things that you can try,
  1, disable apic in your bootloader.conf file, or RMA the controller.

  The error that you have is generally caused by an interrupt problem,
  defective backplane, bad drive or bad controller.

and after I told him that I intend to use the 2 CPUs I have and not
falling back to one CPU for ever he responded:

  Yes I do understand about disabling APIC, but the feature is sometimes
  not stable in all dual proc systems.  There are many variables, the
  CPU's have to be matched down to the Lot #, the motherboard must have a
  good design and the kernel supporting APIC must be stable. But, it is a
  good test to see if it is software or hardware.

So what I did now, was compiling a kernel w/o apic/smp and I'm running
this configuration now for 3 days stressing the system w/o running into
the swap_pager problem. Can it be still a controller problem or is it
more likley a problem of FreeBSDs smp/apic implementation or the board
I'm using (Intel L440GX).

I'm asking because I'm not sure which problem it is now and before
telling it 3ware and having them responding "ok it is a FreeBSD problem"
or "ok it is a board problem" I'd like to know what can be the case here.

(please keep me CCed, I'm not subscribed to smp@)

Further information (and the history) on this topic can be found here
(and following):

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-10-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Philip,

Philip Murray wrote:

> Might not be your problem, but it's worth a shot if all else fails.

I've tried this, and the system still hangs up :(

I'll move on with SMP/single CPU tests

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-10-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Scott Long wrote:

> or put a spare ATA
> drive in the chassis and set it up as a dump partition, then get a
> crashdump of the system when it gets into this state.

The system is not panicing itself so I've tried debugging some time ago
with KDB by panicing it by hand after it got stuck again. Here is what I
did back then (but I guess this isn't telling much)

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libzfs: vmem.h missing

2008-11-09 Thread Oliver Lehmann

when I try to compile an actual 7 STABLE Im getting:

===> cddl/lib/libzfs (depend)
rm -f .depend
mkdep -f .depend -a-DZFS_NO_ACL 
 /../cddl/contrib/opensolaris/lib/libzfs/common -D_SOLARIS_C_SOURCE 
In file included from 
 error: vmem.h: No such file or directory
In file included from 
 error: vmem.h: No such file or directory

why is vmem.h missing?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: libzfs: vmem.h missing

2008-11-09 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Hi,
> when I try to compile an actual 7 STABLE Im getting:

> why is vmem.h missing?

My cvsupfile only contained src-sys... so vmem.h got probably removed,
but zfs_context.h got not updated....

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-11-12 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Philip Murray wrote:

> I used to get this (FreeBSD 6.1 days) all the time, the controller  
> would just lock up almost on a daily basis (and have to wait for the  
> fsck 4 out of 24 hours in the day).
> Anyway, I stopped running 3dmd (or 3dm2 I think it's called now) to  
> monitor it, and the crashes went away. It's had hundreds of days  
> uptime since.
> I've never been game enough to try newer versions of 3dm, but a  
> cronjob of tw_cli allows me to monitor it now without the lockups.
> Might not be your problem, but it's worth a shot if all else fails.

Ok, it realy looks, like 3dm2 is causing the same problems here too.

I've tried several 3dm2 versions and beginning with the version released
with the system is crashing on high i/o loads. The previous
release included in 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 (made in 2004 iirc) is not crashing.
Every release which was made later causes system crashes as well.

I'll see what the support staff responds to that

What cronjobs are you running in particlular to "replace" 3dm2?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 3Ware 9000 series hangs under load

2008-11-16 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Jo Rhett wrote:

> The driver logs all useful stuff, and the SEC logfile surfer does a  
> good job of notifying you quickly.   I can send you an SEC  
> configuration for that if you want.

Hm - what is SEC?

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recently happend kernel panics regarding usb

2009-01-25 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I'm experiencing recently happend kernel panics while making bacula
backups on my external USB harddisk. It first happened some days ago
while I was running 6.4-PRERLEASE. I then updated to 6.4-STABLE and
enabled all the kernel debugging stuff.

I've uploaded "screenshots" (including backtrace) here:

I'm now not sure if the external USB-case, the PATA harddisk or the USB
controler is dying - or if it is a FreeBSD problem. The USB case which I
had before died after 1.5 years of usage without any notice from one day
to another... maybe this one here is now dying too but with some noise?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: recently happend kernel panics regarding usb

2009-01-26 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Markus Hitter wrote:

> If you throw the EHCI driver out of the kernel your drive will use  
> either OHCI or UHCI (both are slow). This seems to help, at least for  
> the limited things I use this pen drive now.

I'm not sure, that this g_vfs_done is related to the panic. I've attached
the drive to an uhci drived port on the same machine, started an fsck and
I've got an immediate panic:

trying to sleep while sleeping is prohibited

If I remember it correctly. The driver has some power saving feature
which shuts the drive down if it is not used for some time and spins it
up when a request arrives. But yesterday I powered the drive up... waited
some secunds and started then a fsck. So I guess it was not in a
"shutdown" state - So I wonder who requested a sleep ;)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8.0-RELEASE completed...

2009-11-27 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Ken,

Ken Smith wrote:


Just a small typo on that page - not a big deal:

The press release contains more information on this relese.

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8-STABLE broken on amd64

2009-12-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I've cvsuped my 8-STABLE yesterday und successfully upgraded my i386
Now I tried to upgrade my amd64 system but it failes with:

/usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc -O2 -pipe 
-I/usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf/../../libc/include -std=gnu99  -Wsystem-headers 
-Werror -Wall -Wno-format-y2k -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings 
-Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Wunused-parameter -Wchar-subscripts -Winline 
-Wnested-externs -Wredundant-decls -Wno-pointer-sign -c 
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:27: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `mov'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf.
*** Error code 1

Is this known or has it already been fixed?
I also tried /usr/bin/cc if someone might think that ccache could
have caused this - same error.

Line 24-30 of crt1.s

movl(%rsp), %ebx
leaq8(%rsp), %r12
movl %edx,%rdi
movslq  %ebx,%rax
testl   %ebx, %ebx

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE broken on amd64

2009-12-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc -O2 -pipe 
> -I/usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf/../common  
> -I/usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf/../../libc/include -std=gnu99  -Wsystem-headers 
> -Werror -Wall -Wno-format-y2k -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes 
> -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type -Wcast-qual 
> -Wwrite-strings -Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Wunused-parameter 
> -Wchar-subscripts -Winline -Wnested-externs -Wredundant-decls 
> -Wno-pointer-sign -c /usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf/crt1.c
> {standard input}: Assembler messages:
> {standard input}:27: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `mov'
> *** Error code 1

Compiling without any optimization (removing -O2) makes the error
go away by the way

Then the asm part gets to:

    movl %edx,-8(%rbp)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE broken on amd64

2009-12-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann

Jeremy Chadwick writes: 

On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 04:52:57PM +0100, Oliver Lehmann wrote:

Compiling without any optimization (removing -O2) makes the error
go away by the way 

Then the asm part gets to: 

movl %edx,-8(%rbp)

Does this happen if you remove ccache from the picture, and/or remove
/usr/obj/* prior to building?

As said in my intial posting, using base cc causes the same error.
Except when I remove -O2 - then both, ccache and base-cc works. And since
the error is in the generated asm code I'm not sure how anything in 
/usr/obj would affect this It seems to be just gcc's optimizer which 
creates invalid ASM code here... for whatever reason.

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Re: 8-STABLE broken on amd64

2009-12-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann
One more

/usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc -O2 -pipe -I/usr/src/lib/libc/include
-I/usr/src/lib/libc/../../include -I/usr/src/lib/libc/i386 -DNLS
-D__DBINTERFACE_PRIVATE -I/usr/src/lib/libc/../../contrib/gdtoa -DINET6
-I/usr/obj/lib32/usr/src/lib/libc -I/usr/src/lib/libc/resolv
-D_ACL_PRIVATE -DPOSIX_MISTAKE -I/usr/src/lib/libc/locale -DBROKEN_DES
-DSYMBOL_VERSIONING -std=gnu99 -fstack-protector -Wsystem-headers -Werror
-Wall -Wno-format-y2k -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-pointer-sign -c fork.S
fork.S: Assembler messages: 
fork.S:3: Error: invalid character '_' in mnemonic 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/lib/libc.

Is maybe

WITH_LIB32= yes

in my make.cfg causing this? I have it a long time in it and it worked
at least with 7....

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE broken on amd64

2009-12-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> {standard input}: Assembler messages:
> {standard input}:27: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `mov'
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf.
> *** Error code 1

I deinstalled ccache, ran a make clean cleandepend, removed any .o file
below /usr/src, ran a new cvsup and now the error is gone.

 Oliver Lehmann
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problems with SATA controller after recent RELENG_8 upgrade

2009-12-15 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I've just upgraded my 8 from around the 6th of december 2 days ago. Now
the system won't boot up. When it is going to mount the rootfs, it
receives some ICRC error and the harddisk gets accessed massivly. The the
error shown on the screenshot is repeating and repeating. Apart from my
custom kernel I also compiled and tried the GENERIC kernel with some
additional modules (ipfw, dummynet, smb, intpm, pcfclock - nothing which
should interfear)
The filesystem is labeled with glabel/tunefs.

Could you advise me what to do next? Right now I'm using the old kernel...

Screenshot (where I tried to reach at least single user):

The controller and harddisk in question:

atapci1:  port 0xec00-0xec7f,0xe800-0xe8ff 
mem 0xffaff000-0xffaf,0xffac-0xffad irq 11 at device 17.0 on pci0
atapci1: [ITHREAD]
atapci1: [ITHREAD]
ata2:  on atapci1
ata2: SIGNATURE: 0101
ata2: [ITHREAD]
ata3:  on atapci1
ata3: [ITHREAD]
ata4:  on atapci1
ata4: [ITHREAD]

ad4: 238475MB  at ata2-master SATA300
GEOM: ad4s1: geometry does not match label (255h,63s != 16h,63s).
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ufs/root

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: problems with SATA controller after recent RELENG_8 upgrade

2009-12-16 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Alexander,

Alexander Motin wrote:

> --- ata-promise.c.prev  2009-12-15 21:35:43.0 +0200
> +++ ata-promise.c   2009-12-15 21:35:24.0 +0200
> @@ -957,6 +957,7 @@ ata_promise_mio_dmainit(device_t dev)
>  ata_dmainit(dev);
>  /* note start and stop are not used here */
>  ch->dma.setprd = ata_promise_mio_setprd;
> +ch->dma.max_iosize = 65536;
>  }

I applied the patch and then the error went away and the system boots up
successfully. To be sure it was no other (build related) problem I
removed the line again, did a make kernel again and then I got the same
error as before.
So - this line definitly makes my system work again. If you want to add a
comment (so none else removes it in the future again ;)) - my exactl
model is "Promise SATA300 TX2+"

atap...@pci0:0:17:0:class=0x018000 card=0x3d73105a chip=0x3d73105a rev=0x02 
vendor = 'Promise Technology Inc'
device = 'SATAII 300 TX2+ (PDC40775)'
class  = mass storage

 Oliver Lehmann
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8-STABLE: support for this SMB controller?

2009-12-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I got a new system (LGA-1366) with an X58 chipset.
The SMB controller seems not to be supported? At least the smb driver
does no good:

no...@pci0:0:31:3:  class=0x0c0500 card=0x3a301849 chip=0x3a308086 rev=0x00 
vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
device = 'SMB controller  (50011458)'
class  = serial bus
subclass   = SMBus

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE: support for this SMB controller?

2009-12-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Andriy Gapon wrote:

> You need ichsmb(4) driver for this hardware.


now I got

ichsmb0:  port 0x400-0x41f mem 
0xfb9fe000-0xfb9fe0ff irq 18 at device 31.3 on pci0
ichsmb0: [ITHREAD]
smbus0:  on ichsmb0
smb0:  on smbus0

Any idea how to get mbmon to work?

r...@kartoffel olivleh1> mbmon 
No Hardware Monitor found!!
InitMBInfo: Unknown error: 0
Exit 1
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> 

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE: support for this SMB controller?

2009-12-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Andriy Gapon wrote:

> BTW, mbmon haven't seen any updates in quite a long while, so it's missing
> support for many newer chips.
> Unfortunately, state of hardware/sensors monitoring is relatively poor in 
> FreeBSD.

Hm so I guess there is no other way in determining the CPUs temperature?
Why do we have the ichsmb driver then anyway? ;)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE: support for this SMB controller?

2009-12-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> If all you're looking for is CPU temperature, try looking at ACPI
> thermal zones.  Some BIOSes/mainboard manufacturers implement this on
> workstations.  Otherwise, if you have a Intel Core, C2D, or C2Q CPU,
> load the coretemp(4) driver.

i7-920 in my case... and seems to work ;)

olivl...@kartoffel olivleh1> sysctl dev.cpu | grep temp
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 52.0C
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 53.0C
dev.cpu.2.temperature: 48.0C
dev.cpu.3.temperature: 48.0C
dev.cpu.4.temperature: 53.0C
dev.cpu.5.temperature: 53.0C
dev.cpu.6.temperature: 49.0C
dev.cpu.7.temperature: 49.0C

I should probably disable HyperThreading...

> Re: HW monitoring: bsdhwmon can talk to smb(4) (thus ichsmb), but is
> only intended for server boards (at the time of this writing only
> supporting Supermicro).

And it looks like it has been canceled :(
"The bsdhwmon project has been cancelled, and is no longer maintained."
on their webpage..

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE: support for this SMB controller?

2009-12-22 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> Is the board you're using a i7-920 in a server-class board?  If so, let
> me know the manufacturer, exact model/revision number, and the output
> from "kenv | grep smbios" and I'll see if I can wrangle details out of
> them.

Hm... it is not. It is a Desktop board - ASRock X58 Extreme.

smbios.bios.vendor="American Megatrends Inc."
smbios.chassis.maker="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.chassis.serial="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.chassis.tag="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.chassis.version="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.planar.product="X58 Extreme"
smbios.planar.serial="  "
smbios.planar.version="  "
smbios.system.maker="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.system.product="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.system.serial="To Be Filled By O.E.M."
smbios.system.version="To Be Filled By O.E.M."

 Oliver Lehmann
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don't know how to make /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/lib/libusbhid.a

2009-12-31 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I'm trying to build the 7 world from yesterdays CVSup but I'm

===> usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol (all)
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=pentium3 -DBTHIDCONTROL=1 
-I/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd -Wsystem-headers 
-Wno-pointer-sign -c /usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/bthidcontrol.c
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=pentium3 -DBTHIDCONTROL=1 
-I/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd -Wsystem-headers 
-Wno-pointer-sign -c /usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/hid.c
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=pentium3 -DBTHIDCONTROL=1 
-I/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd -Wsystem-headers 
-Wno-pointer-sign -c lexer.c
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=pentium3 -DBTHIDCONTROL=1 
-I/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd -Wsystem-headers 
-Wno-pointer-sign -c parser.c
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=pentium3 -DBTHIDCONTROL=1 
-I/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd -Wsystem-headers 
-Wno-pointer-sign -c /usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/sdp.c
make: don't know how to make /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/lib/libusbhid.a. Stop

I remember that I had the error in June also but then I just
disabled building bthidcontrol to work it around. Now I want
it fixed ;)


 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: don't know how to make /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/lib/libusbhid.a

2009-12-31 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Ronald Klop writes: 

Some of the regular tips:
- Make clean or rm -r /usr/obj
- Remove the /usr/src/* and csup/cvsup some fresh src.

Yeah tried this (I probably did this in June with the same error as well). 
Now I'm getting: 

===> usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol (depend)
lex -t  /usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd/lexer.l > lexer.c
yacc -d -o parser.c 

rm -f .depend
mkdep -f .depend -a-DBTHIDCONTROL=1 
/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/hid.c lexer.c parser.c 
/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/bthidcontrol.c:41:20: error: 
usbhid.h: No such file or directory
/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/hid.c:38:20: error: usbhid.h: No 
such file or directory
/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/../bthidd/parser.y:44:20: error: 
usbhid.h: No such file or directory
/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/sdp.c:40:20: error: usbhid.h: No 
such file or directory

mkdep: compile failed
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol.
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth.
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /usr/src/usr.sbin.
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1 

Stop in /usr/src.
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Re: don't know how to make /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/lib/libusbhid.a

2009-12-31 Thread Oliver Lehmann
I think that this error might be related to my "special" src.conf. Maybe 
WITHOUT_USB is causing this - but - this shouldn't be - right? 

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Re: don't know how to make /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/lib/libusbhid.a

2009-12-31 Thread Oliver Lehmann
N.J. Mann wrote:

> I think bluetooth depends on USB.  Try adding WITHOUT_BLUETOOTH=1.

That did the trick!

 Oliver Lehmann
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RELENG_7 changes for rc.d/named

2010-01-01 Thread Oliver Lehmann

since my last RELENG_7 update a new rc.conf variable named_conf appeared.

How is this supposted to work with a chroot named? I guess not at all?

I have in my rc.conf:

named_flags="-u bind -c /etc/named/named.conf"

When I now try to start named:

# /etc/rc.d/named start
/usr/chroot/named/etc/named/named.conf:12: change directory to '/etc/named' 
failed: file not found

/usr/chroot/named/etc/named/named.conf:12: parsing failed
/etc/rc.d/named: ERROR: named-checkconf for $named_conf failed
Exit 3

Of cource /etc/named does not exists because when the configuration file
is used, /etc/named is for named in reality /usr/chroot/named/etc/named...

To illustrate how it is implemented and how it would work if it gets right:

# named-checkconf /usr/chroot/named/etc/named/named.conf
/usr/chroot/named/etc/named/named.conf:12: change directory to '/etc/named' 
failed: file not found

/usr/chroot/named/etc/named/named.conf:12: parsing failed
Exit 1
# named-checkconf -t /usr/chroot/named /etc/named/named.conf

Could this please be fixed so it works with a chrooted named too?
I now have to change the rc.d file on my own to get named to startup
(Luky me I added backup resolvers in resolv.conf before I rebooted the system)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: RELENG_7 changes for rc.d/named

2010-01-01 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Did that and used your new script - now it works.

One small thing is left, rndc.key gets always created on start.
There is a typo in line 188+189 of rc.d/named:

if [ -s "${named_confidr}/rndc.key" ]; then

case `stat -f%Su ${named_confidr}/rndc.key` in

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Re: RELENG_7 changes for rc.d/named

2010-01-01 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Doug,

Doug Barton wrote:

> Your
> suggestion that I've simply foisted some untested crap onto the
> FreeBSD community is at best, rude. At worst, it's just plain stupid
> given that named is chroot'ed by default, and has been for years.

I was not trying to blame you in person for anything which might have
been wrong in rc.d/named or not. If you've read that out of my mail it
must have been my english knowledge which might be insufficient. My
intention was just to bring up a point which may also disencourage other
I was just wondering why the chroot option of named-checkconf was not
used with the specified chroot-dir. Then named-checkconf would have
picked up the specified configuration file.
This was all what I was trying to mention in the first place... But It
looks like this was the wrong "solution" to my problem. This is OK for

> Furthermore, you might want to reconsider your tone the next time you
> ask people who are volunteering their time to help you with problems
> that you've created for yourself.

I will, but please also consider that a foreigner must not have the same
english skills you have and that it is easy to get the tone wrong
unintentionally. At least in german it is kinda easy ;)

> > named_flags="-u bind -c /etc/named/named.conf"
> Neither of those are necessary, and they should be removed. I've
> updated the comments in /etc/defaults/rc.conf to indicate that
> named_flags should not be used for -u and -c. I'll MFC that ASAP.

removed it

> > #named_conf="/etc/named/named.conf"
> The latter is correct. Everything should be specified relative to the
> chroot directory.

used that

> You can fix
> this in your situation by removing whatever is there for /etc/named
> and creating the symlink yourself before trying to start it up again.

Did that and used your new script - now it works.

> What I recommend to people is that
> they start with the default named.conf and then use include statements
> for local options.

Hmm ok... But  I'm using this configuration/setup since 03/2003 without
problems and just adjusted it from time to time to meet the new
requirements (bind 8->9 switch and so on)
I'm using "named" instead of "namedb" because the whole directory is kept
in a local cvs and I just wanted it "out" of the FreeBSD related files to
make sure there is no interference at all.

  Greetings, Oliver
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smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset

2010-01-05 Thread Oliver Lehmann

has anyone tried using the nfsmb(4) driver for the Nvidia ION chipset's
SMB controller?

no...@pci0:0:3:5:   class=0x0b4000 card=0x83f91043 chip=0x0aa310de rev=0xb1 
vendor = 'Nvidia Corp'
device = 'NVIDIA nForce System Management Controller (nForce)'
class  = processor

I could try to just change one of the device IDs in pci/nfsmb.c to 0x0aa3
and see if it works but if someone has already tried this and says "won't
work" I can avoid maybe crashing my box ;)

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset

2010-01-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Hi,
> has anyone tried using the nfsmb(4) driver for the Nvidia ION chipset's
> SMB controller?
> no...@pci0:0:3:5:   class=0x0b4000 card=0x83f91043 chip=0x0aa310de 
> rev=0xb1 hdr=0x00
> vendor = 'Nvidia Corp'
> device = 'NVIDIA nForce System Management Controller (nForce)'
> class  = processor
> I could try to just change one of the device IDs in pci/nfsmb.c to 0x0aa3
> and see if it works but if someone has already tried this and says "won't
> work" I can avoid maybe crashing my box ;)

Adjusting the driver was kinda easy

but now I'm stuck with no idea what "-c" argument I should use for mbmon..

nfsmb0:  port 
0x4900-0x493f,0x4d00-0x4d3f,0x4e00-0x4e3f irq 20 at device 3.2 on pci0
smbus0:  on nfsmb0
nfsmb1:  on nfsmb0
smbus1:  on nfsmb1
smb0:  on smbus0
smb1:  on smbus1
r...@nudel nfsmb> mbmon -S -s0 -d
SMBus[NVidia nForce2] found, but No HWM available on it!!
InitMBInfo: Device not configured
Exit 1
r...@nudel nfsmb> mbmon -S -s1 -d
SMBus[NVidia nForce2] found, but No HWM available on it!!
InitMBInfo: Device not configured
Exit 1
r...@nudel nfsmb> mbmon -S -s1 -c8 1
InitMBInfo: Device not configured
Exit 1
r...@nudel nfsmb> 

ru@ provided an smbtest.c to find out where the slave devices are when he
initially made the nfsmb driver but the file is gone from his freefall
Maybe someone saved it somewhere?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset

2010-01-06 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset writes: 

It's easy to get confused by the state of hardware monitoring on not
only FreeBSD but other OSes as well; they all make it sound like
monitoring things "just magically works with SMBus", and that isn't the

This is what I was thinking so far - yeah exactly ;)
I'v now went deeper into mbmon's source and found that stuff out sorta... 

Looks like I've to do some more research what really is on my board first. 

Using the ISA-IO access method mbmon thinks I've a LM78 and mbmon even 
works but I'm getting false numbers for probably just everything... 

r...@nudel xmbmon205> mbmon 

Temp.= 185.0,  0.0,  0.0; Rot.=  835, 30681, 18750
Vcore = 1.10, 1.81; Volt. = 3.39, 4.95,  8.21,  -7.51, -3.24
r...@nudel xmbmon205> mbmon -d
SMBus[NVidia nForce2] found, but No HWM available on it!!
Using ISA-IO access method!!
* Nat.Semi.Con. Chip LM78 found.
r...@nudel xmbmon205> 

When working with mbmon -S it comes to the conclusion that I have a lm75 
(or maybe it thinks just that because it is the last of the supported HWM 
entries in the HWM_module array) but when probing it in lm75_probe it 

   i = set_smb_Extemp(LM75_ADDR_START, LM75_ADDR_END,
   &smb_wbtemp1, &smb_wbtemp2);
   temp1_flag = i >> 1;
   temp2_flag = i & 0x01; 

   if (temp1_flag && temp2_flag)
   return 0; 

it returns 0 there and this is what probe_HWMChip does not like (it expects 
!= 0). 

I'll go and find some information about what HWM chip is tied on that 

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Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset

2010-01-07 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset writes: 

I'll go and find some information about what HWM chip is tied on that 

regarding to 

It got an ITE 87 sensor... This is what Linux detects: 

Driver `it87':
 * ISA bus, address 0x290
   Chip `ITE IT8720F Super IO Sensors' (confidence: 9) 

Driver `coretemp':
 * Chip `Intel Core family thermal sensor' (confidence: 9) 

So now I just need to find out why the it87 gets not choosen by mbmon... 
maybe the 8720 is just not supported right now - I'll probably have to take 
a look at Linux lm-sensors since it is working there... 

"Int.Tec.Exp. Chip IT8705F/IT8712F or SIS950"
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Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset

2010-01-07 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> If you'd like, I can code up something that uses LPC/ISA to communicate
> with this IC via port 0x290 based on the datasheet.

I now was able to "hack up" mbmon to communicate with my it8720 sensor.
I've attached the patch for sens_it87.c
I also added to Makefile to the DEFS = line "-DIT8720" of course. This
made mbmon working with ISA-IO mode working. I'm now getting the
following outputs:

Temp.= 32.0, 34.0, 22.0; Rot.= 4591, 1298,0
Vcore = 1.10, 1.81; Volt. = 3.39, 4.95, 11.93, -11.93, -4.99

I can nearly verify all values with the BIOS and they are matching. I
XXed in the following output (same as above) all values out I was not
able to verify because the BIOS-HWM does not show their values:

Temp.= 32.0, XXX, XXX; Rot.= 4591, 1298,0
Vcore = 1.10, ; Volt. = 3.39, 4.95, 11.93, -11.93, X

For the remaining values I'm pretty sure they are correct.
I enabled the 16Bit RPM mode for the 8720. In this case no devisor is
needed for calculating the RPM. I was not able to get the 2nd FAN-RPM
right in the 8Bit mode. The 1st one was correct even in the 8Bit mode.
About the voltage multipliers... I'm not sure about the last one because
I'm not able to verify this (I could with a multimeter of course but this
would create other deviations).
I'm also not sure why the multipliers (for my board?) are different. I
wonder why they are hardcoded there anyway. I can imagine that they are
depending the board layout or am I mistaken? I mean the IT spec says only
that the input of the pins need to be in the range between 0 and VCC. So
I can choose whatever multiplier I like as long as the resulting voltage
keeps within this range. Keeping the measured voltage somewhere in the
middle of 0 and VCC with the multiplier for the expected value makes
sense but this is no "must be" I guess

Now - since ISA-IO is working I want to get smbus working too ;)
First I patched src/sys/pci/nfsmb.c to detect the known remaning nforce
SMB controllers including mine.
I then added the device-id of this controller to the pci_pm.h file of
mbmon to make it detect my controller.
But now it still fails to find the it87 sensor on the bus. I guess the
bus can have many "slaves" and mbmon just needs to test all to find out
which identifies itself as it87? (reading from Adress 0x58 should return
0x90 - at least in ISA mode)

r...@nudel xmbmon205> ./mbmon -S -D -p it87
Probe Request: it87
>>> Testing Reg's at SMBus <<<
 SMBus slave 0xA0(0x50) found...
 SMBus slave 0xA2(0x51) found...
 SMBus slave 0xA4(0x52) found...
 SMBus slave 0xA6(0x53) found...
 SMBus slave 0xA8(0x54) found...
 SMBus slave 0xAA(0x55) found...
 SMBus slave 0xAC(0x56) found...
 SMBus slave 0xAE(0x57) found...
SMBus[NVidia nForce2] found, but No HWM available on it!!
InitMBInfo: Device not configured
Exit 1
r...@nudel xmbmon205> ./mbmon -S -s1 -D -p it87
Probe Request: it87
>>> Testing Reg's at SMBus <<<
 SMBus slave 0xA0(0x50) found...
 SMBus slave 0xA2(0x51) found...
 SMBus slave 0xE0(0x70) found...
SMBus[NVidia nForce2] found, but No HWM available on it!!
InitMBInfo: Device not configured
Exit 1
r...@nudel xmbmon205> 

But it looks like at least the smb detection code for it87 is not working
for mine...

Any ideas how to proceed here?

(I have basic C skills and know something about electronics (can build a
Z80 SBC for example ;))

 Oliver Lehmann
--- sens_it87.c.orig	2010-01-07 19:34:04.0 +0100
+++ sens_it87.c	2010-01-07 19:15:11.647304000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Integrated Technology Express IT8705F/IT8712F hardware monitor chip
+ *
+ ***
+ * Before calling these routines, one must call method->Open() *
+ * After calling these routines, one must call method->Close() *
+ ***
+ *
+Integrated Technology Express
+ Chip TempVoltFan SMBus   IOport
+it8705 3   8   3   yes yes
+it8712 3   8   3   yes yes
+ Chip TempVoltFan SMBus   IOport
+sis950 3   8   3   yes yes
+ *
+ * by YRS
+ */
+#include	"sensors.h"
+/* external (global) data */
+extern int smb_slave;
+extern LM_METHODS method_isa, method_smb;
+extern int numSMBSlave, canSMBSlave[128];
+#define	IT87_ADDR_START		0x50	/*0x50-0x5E*/
+#define	IT87_ADDR_END		0x5E
+#define	IT87_SMBADDR	0x48
+#define	IT87_REGCHIP	0x58
+#define	IT87_CHIPID		0x90
+/* temp nr=0,1,2; volt nr=0,1,...6; fan nr=0,1,2 */
+#define	IT87_TEMP(nr)	(0x29 + (nr))
+#define	IT87_VOLT(nr)	(0x20 + (nr))
+#define	IT87_FAN(nr)	(0x0D + (nr))
+#define IT87_FANX(nr)   (0x18 + (nr))
+#define	IT87_FANDIV		0x0B

Re: smb driver for Nvidia ION (intel ATOM) chipset

2010-01-07 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> I've attached the patch for sens_it87.c

Which was broken I attached the correct one.

 Oliver Lehmann
--- sens_it87.c.orig	2003-10-13 09:11:20.0 +0200
+++ sens_it87.c	2010-01-07 19:55:47.0 +0100
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
 #define	IT87_TEMP(nr)	(0x29 + (nr))
 #define	IT87_VOLT(nr)	(0x20 + (nr))
 #define	IT87_FAN(nr)	(0x0D + (nr))
+#define IT87_FANX(nr)   (0x18 + (nr))
 #define	IT87_FANDIV		0x0B
+#define IT87_FANDIV16		0x0C
 static	int		it87_probe(LM_METHODS *);
 static	float	it87_temp(LM_METHODS *, int);
@@ -151,13 +153,26 @@
 			fac = 0.016 * 1.68;
 		case 4:
+#ifdef IT8720
+			fac = 0.016 * 5.524;
 			fac = 0.016 * 3.80;
 		case 5:
+#ifdef IT8720
+			fac = - 0.016 * 5.524;
 			fac = - 0.016 * 3.477;
 		case 6:
+#ifdef IT8720
+			fac = - 0.016 * 2.31;
 			fac = - 0.016 * 1.505;
 	return (float) method->Read(IT87_VOLT(no)) * fac;
@@ -191,6 +206,7 @@
 	if (no < 0 || 2 < no)
 		return 0x;
+#ifndef IT8720
 	n = method->Read(IT87_FANDIV);
 	div[0] =  n & 0x07;
 	div[1] = (n >> 3) & 0x07;
@@ -210,6 +226,17 @@
 	} else if (r == 0) {
 		return 0x;
+	div[no] = 1;
+	method->Write(0x0C,1|0x07);
+	n = method->Read(IT87_FANDIV16);
+	if(n & 0x07) {
+		r  = method->Read(IT87_FAN(no));
+		r |= method->Read(IT87_FANX(no))<<8;
+	}
+	if(r == 0 || r == 0x)
+		return 0x;
 	return 135 / (r * (1 << div[no]));
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Fw: 8-STABLE: gmirror segfaulting

2010-01-15 Thread Oliver Lehmann
I picked the wrong list *sigh*

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 16:33:50 +0100
From: Oliver Lehmann 
Subject: 8-STABLE: gmirror segfaulting


sorry for the long story following but I think this is important to get
the picture ;)

I had the following setup:

2 harddisks ada0, ada1 mirrored with gmirror as gm0
1 2.7TB twa-RAID as da0

the da0p1 partition had a gjournal on gm0s1fh
the gm0s1f partition had a gjournal on gm0s1fg

I tried to label (tunefs -L) da0p1.journal as "files" and gm0s1f.journal
as "usr" but the label was everytime gone after a reboot for whatever

Later I also felt mad about the massive bad write performance on my

Finally I decided to remove the journaling today to get my performance
back ;)

This is where the problems have started.

I was not able to remove the journaling wile the mirror was still intact
because it always tried to resolve my previous given "usr" label which
existed on the disks ada0+ada1 below gm0 but never where mapped to the
front (gm0s1f.journal) again somehow. That always failed.

So I did gmirror remove ada0+ada1 until gm0 was gone and I had back ada0
and ada1 as single disks. I then rebooted into single user again and did
gjournal stop for all three journals (breaking gmirror created 2 journals
on both RAID-1 hdds of course for ada0s1f and ada1s1f) and then did a
gjournal clear. That clear failed on da0p1 (maybe because the gm0s1h
journal also devided into ada0s1h and ada1s1h - who knows) so I again
rebootet but then having my system waiting forever "root mount waiting
for: GJOURNAL". I felt a bit pissed off I must admit because at first I
thought that I've dumped my system :(

Fortunally I had gjournal loaded as kernel module only so I rebooted once
more and just loaded the kernel w/o every module. I then was able to make
gjournal clear da0p1 while the gjournal module was not loaded.

Now the journals on all harddisks where gone. I also did a tunefs -J

I now wanted to recreate my gmirror with

sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=17
gmirror label -vb round-robin gm0 ada0

This creates a massive printout of debug messages on my console and
finally ended up with "gmirror: Segmentation fault". Then I'm left with a
system responding to every command with "Device not configure" So all I
had left was power-cycling the system.

This is repeatable I really want my gmirror back. Any advice?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8-STABLE: gmirror segfaulting

2010-01-15 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Alexander Motin wrote:

> Interesting story, but I've lost the track. I can't say for sure what
> crashed gmirror without seeing any messages, but I suppose that after so
> dirty deconstruction of mirror and journals

Hm.. dirty? I used the standard tools ;)

> you may left some
> meta-information on devices. Restoring gmirror could make it accessible
> again. I would try to explicitly clear last few sectors of every
> disk/partition where something was living with dd to be sure that
> nothing left there.

Right now I've cleaned the whole ada1 disk, recreated the filesystems and
dump+restoreing the filesystems from ada0 to ada1. Then I'll switch ada1
andada0 and continue cleaning up the remaining disk. Then I'll gmirror
them again.

I could try to reproduce the error with my testsystem (have around 10 2GB
SCSI disks waiting for such a task) and log every command I typed. But -
is someone interested in fixing this? I already opened a PR for glabel
not working on top of gjournaled devices but it is open w/o any comment
for 2 month. Before I try to find a way of reproducing it I would know
that someone would work with the PR I'll create then. I don't like
feeding black holes ;)

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Re: immense delayed write to file system (ZFS and UFS2), performance issues

2010-01-19 Thread Oliver Lehmann

it seems that I'm not experiencing this at all...

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> WD10EACS   - WD Caviar Green,   1TB, 16MB, variable rpm

have one (external HDD, "always" powered on)
Model = WDC WD10EAVS-00D7B1
Firmware Version = 01.01A01
Power_On_Hours  5757
Power_Cycle_Count   75

> WD10EADS   - WD Caviar Green,   1TB, 32MB, variable rpm

have four, got them in Sep/09.
one is RMAed right now because it had defective sectors in Dec/09 (surprisingly
the first WDC I encountered problems so far).
All four are used as a RAID-5 configured with my 3ware 9500-4LP. I don't know
if the controller requests data from the drives in a very short period of time.
I'm MRTGing some SMART attributes which should at least query the drive every
minute. The ata idle feature is not supported at all trough the 3ware

For the remaining 3 drives:
Model = WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
Firmware Version = 01.01A01
Power_On_Hours  2538
Power_Cycle_Count   140
Power_On_Hours  2526
Power_Cycle_Count   133
Power_On_Hours  2490
Power_Cycle_Count   126

So - I'm not experiencing this problem at all but I "feel" that the
drives are reacting more slowly than my previous WD2500KS-00MJB0 are.
changing a directory and then typing ls takes some time until the result
is displayed... I can live with that but it doesn't feel "good"
And - it is not really something I would call "fast" - but it saves
power :)

The 3ware RAID-5 over 4 disks (using the EAVS from above as replacement
right now until WDC sends a new drive back):
Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
nudel.salatschue 6G89  99 76321  38 29285  21   249  99 111225  33 201.7  13
Latency   106ms 247ms1155ms   63744us 145ms 382ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
nudel.salatschuesse -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16   571   6 + +++  1095   8   617   6 + +++   611   5
Latency   523ms  61us 125ms 103ms  87us 159ms

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error in src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal

2008-04-28 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Mike,

with todays update I got version of src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal
for my RELENG_6 system today when I cvsuped my source.

# $FreeBSD: src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal,v 2008/03/20 10:53:18 mtm Exp $

C src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal,v RELENG_6 . 2#871#110#12060103985#143213#555 2008. 2#871#110#12093647233#9833#755

I checked on cvsweb, and with you've introduced an error. If
mount returns an error, "stop_boot true" gets called. But stop_boot itself
calls checkyesno which only allows yes or no as a valid parameter - which
true isn't obviously. So in case mounting the filesystems produced an
error, you are left with the error message
  "$true is not set properly - see rc.conf(5)"
not telling you anything about the real error.
Took me some time to find out that a filesystem entry in /etc/fstab for
a filesystem which is disconnected right now was the cause here.

Could you please fix this?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: error in src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal

2008-04-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Mike Makonnen wrote:

> I'm not sure what you mean. The checkyesno() routine considers "true" a 
> valid parameter. Could you please post the exact error you're getting.

I already posted it... I'm getting:

$true is not set properly - see rc.conf(5)

This is because:

you call "start_boot true"
start_boot itself calls checkyesno $1 - so it calls "checkyesno true"

checkyesno then defines _value with "eval _value=\$${1}" so _value gets
$true which is not an allowed value.

let me past the comment of checkyesno:

# checkyesno var
#   Test $1 variable, and warn if not set to YES or NO.
#   Return 0 if it's "yes" (et al), nonzero otherwise.

A variablename has to be handed over to checkyesno, not a value like
"true" or "yes" or whatever else. You see the error?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: error in src/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal

2008-05-01 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Mike Makonnen wrote:

> Please try the attached patch.
> Thanks!

I cannot really test the patch because this involves rebooting the system
which is not that easy as it sounds ;)
You can just test it yourself. Put some garbage in /etc/fstab reboot w/o
your patch - see the strange error message - apply your patch and reboot
once more...

 Oliver Lehmann
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restart a script in etc/rc.d

2009-03-02 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I've below etc/rc.d bacula-fd and I copied it to bacula-fd2 because I
need to run 2 file daemons.
I'Ve modified every variable for the 2nd start script to be independent
from the first one.
It works so far but when I issue etc/rc.d/bacula-fd restart it also stops
the process started by bacula-fd2 probably because 

+ _find_processes /usr/local/sbin/bacula-fd . -ax

gets executed or whatever.

Is there a way in the rc.d scope to define to only look for the pid in
the pid file (why do we have them anyway when we search everytime) and
only kill the PID listed in the pid file?

r...@nudel olivleh1> cat /var/run/bacula-fd.910  
r...@nudel olivleh1> cat /var/run/bacula-fd.910*
r...@nudel olivleh1> ps auxww | grep bacula-fd | grep -v SsJ
root 33076  0.0  0.4  8160  2980  ??  Ss4:31PM   0:00.02 
/usr/local/sbin/bacula-fd -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd.conf
root 33125  0.0  0.4  8160  2980  ??  Ss4:35PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/bacula-fd -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd2.conf
r...@nudel olivleh1> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bacula-fd restart
Stopping bacula_fd.
Starting bacula_fd.
r...@nudel olivleh1> ps auxww | grep bacula-fd | grep -v SsJ
root 33151  0.4  0.4  7136  2968  ??  Ss4:36PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/bacula-fd -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd.conf
r...@nudel olivleh1> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bacula-fd2 restart
bacula_fd2 not running? (check /var/run/
Starting bacula_fd2.
r...@nudel olivleh1> ps auxww | grep bacula-fd | grep -v SsJ
root 33170  0.5  0.4  7136  2968  ??  Ss4:36PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/bacula-fd -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd2.conf
root 33151  0.0  0.4  7136  2968  ??  Ss4:36PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/bacula-fd -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd.conf

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: restart a script in etc/rc.d

2009-03-02 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Doug,

Doug Barton wrote:

> Also, the assignment of pidfile should really come after the defaults are 
> set.
> If you do all that and it still doesn't work, send a diff of your two rc.d 
> scripts to the list.

PROVIDE is in both cases "utility" (probably a generic unchanged default)
 - I've changed it to utility2 for bacula-fd2 with no changes. Here the diff:

r...@nudel rc.d> diff -u bacula-fd*
--- bacula-fd   2009-02-15 23:25:03.0 +0100
+++ bacula-fd2  2009-03-02 20:22:40.0 +0100
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
 . /etc/rc.subr
 load_rc_config $name
-: ${bacula_fd_enable="NO"}
-: ${bacula_fd_flags=" -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd.conf"}
-: ${bacula_fd_pidfile="/var/run/"}
+: ${bacula_fd2_enable="NO"}
+: ${bacula_fd2_flags=" -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd2.conf"}
+: ${bacula_fd2_pidfile="/var/run/"}
 run_rc_command "$1"
Exit 1
r...@nudel rc.d> grep bacula_fd /etc/rc.conf
bacula_fd2_flags=" -u root -g wheel -v -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-fd2.conf"
r...@nudel rc.d> 

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: restart a script in etc/rc.d

2009-03-02 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Doug Barton writes: 

You missed the bit where I said that this should come after the
assignment of the defaults below.

Ok, but... 

Have you confirmed that the two pid files exist, and that they contain
the right information?

Yes they both exists (probably because I define the variable in rc.conf
too). See my initial mail where I cat the contents of both files - they
both contain the right PID for their specific process. 

So - where is the problem now?
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Re: restart a script in etc/rc.d

2009-03-02 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Doug Barton wrote:

> Artis Caune wrote:
> > There is logic error in bacula rc.d script. It should first set
> > default variables and only then use them.
> > pidfile="${bacula_fd_pidfile}"
> > : ${bacula_fd_pidfile="/var/run/"}
> > 
> > If you don't set pidfile in rc.conf, pidfile is "" so it kills all 
> > bacula-fd's
> Yes, I tried to convince the OP to fix this, but he thought he had it
> covered, so I'm giving him the opportunity to prove me wrong. :)

Yeah this did it - Its working now.
I thought you where just telling me that to have another pidfile for the
2nd start script - I missed the point that it was empty for the first one
and because of that it is falling back to ps...

I'll probably write a PR and commit it after aproval for PROVIDE and the
pidfile setting...

 Oliver Lehmann
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dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-20 Thread Oliver Lehmann

as I found out in the meantime - the following described problem can be
only worked around when 'Load   "dri"' is removed from the server
section, and 'Option "DRI"   "true"' is removed from the Device
section. Otherwise:

I've synced my pre-drm-changes 7-STABLE to the latest 7-STABLE. Now the
grafic performance in xorg decreased dramatically. Moving a window or
resizing a window makes me feel sent back 15 years ago ;). I can "see" the
window resizing. The popup of an window is fast, but moving it around or
scrolling... jesus that is what I call slow. Firefox is nearly not usable
for example :(

I wonder what is causing this. I'm using a ATI Radeon HD3850 in it's AGP
version (probably kinda uncommon).

olivl...@kartoffel olivleh1> dmesg | grep drm
drm0:  on vgapci0
vgapci0: child drm0 requested pci_enable_busmaster
info: [drm] AGP at 0xd800 128MB
info: [drm] Initialized radeon 1.29.0 20080528
info: [drm] Setting GART location based on new memory map
info: [drm] Loading RV670 CP Microcode
info: [drm] Loading RV670 PFP Microcode
info: [drm] Resetting GPU
info: [drm] writeback test succeeded in 1 usecs
drm0: [ITHREAD]
olivl...@kartoffel olivleh1> pkg_info | grep radeon
xf86-video-radeonhd-1.2.5 X.Org ati RadeonHD display driver
olivl...@kartoffel olivleh1> 

>From my xorg.conf:

Section "Module"
Section "Device"

Identifier  "ATI1"
BoardName   "ATI Radeon"
Driver  "radeonhd"
BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"
Option  "Monitor-DVI-I_1/digital"  "Syncmaster DVI1"
Option  "Monitor-DVI-I_2/digital"  "Syncmaster DVI2"
Option  "DRI"   "true"

the whole xorg.conf can be found here:

Is this expected to happen with DRI enabled?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann
xe4000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xe5000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xe6000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xe7000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xe8000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xe9000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xea000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xeb000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xec000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xed000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xee000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xef000/0x1000 BIOS uncacheable fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware active 
0xf/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf1000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf2000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf3000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf4000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf5000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf6000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf7000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf8000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xf9000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xfa000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xfb000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xfc000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xfd000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xfe000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0xff000/0x1000 BIOS write-protect fixed-base fixed-length set-by-firmware 
0x0/0x8000 BIOS write-back set-by-firmware active 
0xd800/0x800 drm write-combine active 
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> 

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann

Warren Block wrote:

> No DRI Section?

>From what I understood in the past is, that this section is just
optional. I had it once in the past but removed it and nothing changed so
far without having it.

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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Ronald Klop wrote:

> is quite good in autodetecting your hardware and running without a  
> config. It works for me out-of-the-box with my Radeon HD 2400 XT and  
> Radeon HD 2600 XT. (But I'm not using agp.)
> You can also try the xf86-video-ati driver. It works very well with 2d  
> accell. (I'm using it also.)

When I tried xf86-video-ati in the past, it didn't deteced my ChipID so I
was forced to use the radeonhd driver (I even have to manually patch the
official generic AMD/ATI Windows XP driver to get support for my
card ;)).
I now retested the driver and my Xorg was left unresponsible after my
loginmanager slim tried to fire up my windowmanager. I only could kill it
from an other system, switching back to the console and back to X11 left
my Xorg in an unkillable state while eating up all my CPU time. So for my
xf86-video-ati is not an option :(

I'm also not sure how the RV610 or RV630 chipsets are different to my

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-21 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Robert Noland wrote:

> but you need to be setting Option "AccelMethod"
> "EXA" on your hardware as well.

(**) RADEONHD(0): Option "DRI" "true"
(**) RADEONHD(0): Selected EXA 2D acceleration.
(II) RADEONHD(0): Unknown card detected: 0x9515:0x1787:0x0028.

Great - this did the trick. Now the system works like it was before and I
can enjoy DRI - resizing videos and so on works now like a charm - like
some years ago with my old ATI2950 ;)
Resizing windows, scrolling content is now fast.

Is there a FAQ list where I could have found it by searching on my own?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-24 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Robert,

there is one problem left here. When changing from inside X11 to the
console (Ctrl+F1), and then changing back to X11 (Alt+F9), the the
monitor keeps being black. From a remote login I can see, that Xorg is
now unkillable and eats all my CPU. dmesg shows:

info: [drm] wait idle failed status : 0xA0003030 0x0003

over and over (looks like the buffer can only keep 1090 lines ;))

All I'm left with is rebooting the system :(

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-24 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Robert,

Robert Noland wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 15:11 +0200, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> >
> > info: [drm] wait idle failed status : 0xA0003030 0x0003
> Which chip is this with? 

vgap...@pci0:1:0:0: class=0x03 card=0x00281787 chip=0x95151002 rev=0x00 
vendor = 'ATI Technologies Inc'
class  = display
    subclass   = VGA

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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-25 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Robert Noland wrote:

> Hrm, that is an HD 3850... Same as I am running now...
> Do you have to remain on console for a period of time, or does just
> switching back and forth crash the gpu?

just switching back is enough.

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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-25 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Robert Noland wrote:
> > Hrm, that is an HD 3850... Same as I am running now...
> > 
> > Do you have to remain on console for a period of time, or does just
> > switching back and forth crash the gpu?
> just switching back is enough.

I'm not sure if this is important or if this is standard. When switching
back to the console I get a "[drm] Resetting GPU" (or something like
this) line.
And - it is the AGP version as stated in the initial posting of this

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-26 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Robert Noland wrote:

> It also just occurred to me... I'm running radeonhd right now... I will
> switch off to radeon in a bit and see if things change.

Ok So I don't need to force it to PCI mode now? ;) If I should
nevertheless - how do I do this?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-26 Thread Oliver Lehmann
By the way:

- it also happens with the "radeon" driver (tried it once).
- It does not happen when I just exit Xorg normally, and then restart it.
- It only happens on switching while Xorg is running to console and then
  back to Xorg.
- While then back in Xorg, Xorg remains unkillable, sometimes I can see my
  mouesecursor (which I can move around) but the screen is not correctly
  re-initialized (I can see artifacts and sometimes the console output
  somewhere in the middle of the screen).

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-26 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Robert,

Robert Noland wrote:

> It still might be useful... Option "BusType" "PCI"

With "radeon" driver:

When xorg is started, my 2nd monitor keeps being black. The 1st one is
working. It looks like the hardware acceleration is not being used as
moving windows on the remaining monitor is really slow again. xrandr
lists the 2nd monitor. Switching to console and back does work - but the
2nd monitor remains black (no signal).
On Xorg Startup I get:

info: [drm] Setting GART location based on new memory map
error: [drm:pid728:r600_do_init_cp] *ERROR* Need gart offset from

in Xorg.log:
(II) RADEON(0): AGP card detected
(**) RADEON(0): Forced into PCI mode

pro: switching works
contra: no hardwareaccel., no dualhead

With "radeonhd" driver:

BusType seems to have no impact. The same behaviour like without.
Switching to console and back makes Xorg hang.

in Xorg.log
(II) RADEONHD(0): AGP Card Detected

Nothing about PCI mode.

pro: dualhead, hardwareaccel,
contra: no switching

Without the "busstype" Option, the radeon driver seems to be a bit more
performant for me because switching between my virtual desktops makes the
system hang for about 1-2 sec. with the radeonhd driver sometimes...

I've uploaded both Xorg.log files here:

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: dri + ATI: dramatic performance slowdown

2009-04-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Robert

Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Robert Noland wrote:
> > It still might be useful... Option "BusType" "PCI"

any new here?

 Oliver Lehmann
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2009-09-27 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I try to glabel (tunefs -L) my gmirror RAID-1. After labeling
the /usr, /tmp, /var partition, glabel status shows the labes are being
assigned to the mirror/gm0s1* partitions.
I then changed my /etc/fstab to use the ufs/ devices instead of
the mirror/gm0s1* devices.
After the system got rebootet, the system is now unable to mount the
partitions and puts me into the single user mode.
glabel status shows me now, that the labels are all assigned to da0s1*
instead of mirror/gm0s1*. How did this happen? glabel never shows the
mirror/gm0s1* partitions anyhow - only after labeling them. But after
reboot the labels are reassigned to da0s1* and glabel does not show any
mirror/gm0s1* label.

How can I prevent this to happen?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: glabel+gmirror (8.0-RC1 problem)

2009-09-27 Thread Oliver Lehmann

that gmirror together with glabel cannot be used looks like a problem
introduced with 8.0-RC1 to me.

What I did:

2. Installation
3. reboot
4. mirror Root-hdd
sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=17
gmirror label -vb round-robin gm0 da0
gmirror load
echo 'geom_mirror_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf
echo 'geom_label_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf

5. adjust fstab
vi /etc/fstab

6. reboot

7. mirror Root-hdd
gmirror insert gm0 da1
gmirror status

8. wait until gmirror is done

9. reboot

10. glabel status

With 8.0-RC1 I see only da0s1a, da0s1d, da0s1e and da0s1f as Components
shown by glabel(8).
With 8.0-BETA3 I see mirror/gm0s1a, mirror/gm0s1d, mirror/gm0s1e and
mirror/gm0s1f as Components which would be correct here.

I use old IBM 2GB DFHS harddisks for that tests. I have a bunch of them
so I used for both tries "fresh" drives.

I can't see what has changed here between BETA3 and RC1 but something
must have changed in a way which renders gmirror together with glabel on
RC1 non-working.

I just did that as testing the configuration I want to use for my
fileserver when the new harddisks arrived but now I'm not sure If I
should rely on gmirror+glabel

Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Hi,
> I try to glabel (tunefs -L) my gmirror RAID-1. After labeling
> the /usr, /tmp, /var partition, glabel status shows the labes are being
> assigned to the mirror/gm0s1* partitions.
> I then changed my /etc/fstab to use the ufs/ devices instead of
> the mirror/gm0s1* devices.
> After the system got rebootet, the system is now unable to mount the
> partitions and puts me into the single user mode.
> glabel status shows me now, that the labels are all assigned to da0s1*
> instead of mirror/gm0s1*. How did this happen? glabel never shows the
> mirror/gm0s1* partitions anyhow - only after labeling them. But after
> reboot the labels are reassigned to da0s1* and glabel does not show any
> mirror/gm0s1* label.
> How can I prevent this to happen?
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Re: glabel+gmirror (8.0-RC1 problem)

2009-09-28 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Pawel,

Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:

> Does anything change between you upgrade from BETA3 and RC1? For example
> gmirror was compiled into the kernel before and now is loaded as module
> or something similar?

Nope, it was a clean BETA3 installation with the default GENERIC kernel
which has afaik geom_label in kernel, but not geom_mirror (nevertheless I
loaded geom_label.ko at boottime as well as geom_mirror)
The same with RC1 - clean and fresh installation with the default GENERIC
kernel and geom_label in kernel (default), but still loaded as module at
boottime as well as geom_mirror.

> Could you test this patch:

This makes gmirror+glabel work again on RC1

One thing which I noticed. I labeled in single user mode, my root
partition with tunefs - as well as all my other partitions. After this
was done, I remounted my root partition (mount -rw /) and changed my
fstab to use the new geom labels instead. But somehow this "killed" the
new root-label of my mirror/gm0s1a partition. After I rebooted, the label
was gone and I had to manually specify the root partition
ufs:mirror/gm0s1a to mount. All the labels of my other mirrored
partitions where there (usr, tmp, var). I then rebooted once more into
single user mode (specified once more the root partition manually) and
did a tunefs -L once more. Then I rebooted directly and the label is now

Is it possible that mount -rw / (which remounts /dev/mirror/gm0s1a) could
have been killed the freshly given label?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: glabel+gmirror (8.0-RC1 problem)

2009-09-28 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:

> Yes. tunefs(8) updates only on-disk super-block, but the kernel holds
> super-block that was read before. Now when you do 'mount -rw /' the
> in-kernel super-block is stored to the disk, and there is nothing about
> your label in there, so it gets overwritten.

Ok this sounds familar to me - maybe I have read about this before ;)
What would be the prefered way to label the root partition and changing
fstab without entering the root partition at bootup manually at least
once? Is there a way to do so?

I noticed that even when I boot in multiuser, change fstab, then return
into single user mode and remount / read-only, the label cannot be set.
I need to boot directly into single user mode. Looks like writing the
label is denied when the partition was once mounted rw before - even if
it is actually mounted ro.

 Oliver Lehmann
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(no subject)

2009-09-29 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I got 4 new SATA disks (WD Green, 1TB, WD10EADS) I want to use to replace
my old 250GB disks attached to my 3ware controller.
I want to reuse the old 250GB disks in some systems running old PATA disks
ight now as system drives. So what I did now was gathering SATA performance
tatistics with the new 1TB drive to just find out what would be the maximum
performance I would get out of these disks to compare them later with my
3ware when they are configured as RAID-5. 

A colleague of mine has the same disks in a new Nvidia Atom 330 system and
he told me that he reaches around 70MB/sec write speed with a single large
file on a single disk running linux 2.6. 

I hooked the disk up to my client: 

FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #0: Tue Jul 28 12:59:47 CEST 2009
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ (2200.10-MHz K8-class CPU)
usable memory = 2138615808 (2039 MB)
atapci0:  port 

-0xb4ff irq 20 at device 15.0 on pci0
ad4: 953869MB  at ata2-master SATA150 

because the on-board controller is a VIA 6420 I had to set the SATA150
Jumper on the harddisk to have the controller detect the drive. 

On FreeBSD I used gpart+gpt to create a 1TB partition and then simply ran
newfs /dev/ad4p1 and mounted the new filesystem afterwards.
I then ran a dd in=/dev/zero of=/mnt/tmp/test.dd bs=1M count=4069 and dd
reported me a write speed of around 25MB/sec. This made me feel kinda bad
so I gave bonnie++ a try. The result was: 

Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- 
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- 
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec 
kartoffel.salats 4G   548  96 28924   3 14617   2  1141  96 36869   3 199.7 

Latency   167ms   71702us1759ms   23957us   75351us   2286ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random 
kartoffel.salatschu -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- 
files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec 

   16   552   1 + +++  1486   2   531   1 + +++  1278 1
Latency 91403us 156us   28424us   22901us  87us  22820us

This also did not look that good comparing to the bonnie output the
colleague gave me from his shiny new ION system. 

I then booted the latest knoppix (Also a 2.6.whatever linux kernel),
created a filesystem on /dev/sd1a (mkfs.ext3 /dev/sd1a) and mounted the
filesystem as well. The same dd I ran on FreeBSD I also ran on Knoppix
and this gave me 57.3MB/sec (wow compared to 25MB/sec). I then also
started bonnie++ just to see that this one is also much better: 

Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- 
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- 
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec 
Microknoppix 4G   305  99 55905  18 31896   9   959  98 80414  10 211.7 

Latency 28579us1075ms1046ms   26376us   20962us272ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random 
Microknoppix-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- 
files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec 
   16 27135  59 + +++ + +++ 29369  62 + +++ + 

Latency 23535us9969us9927us   11680us1182us   9985us

Does anyone know if there is something I can tune on FreeBSD to get more
speed? hw.ata.wc is enabled of course. 

hw.ata.wc: 1
hw.ata.atapi_dma: 1
hw.ata.ata_dma_check_80pin: 1
hw.ata.ata_dma: 1 

I'll retest both setups with a plugged in Promise SATA300 PCI controller
but I doubt that it will get faster. I tried the controller before, and
on an dual PIII-850 system with L440GX chipset and 2GB of RAM the
controller gave me around 40MB/sec on write and on my amd64 system I also
only got around 25MB/sec (even this makes no sense to me why my old PIII
is faster then my much newer amd64) but I'll come back with better
numbers for this controller later.
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Re: SATA is to slow comparing with linux

2009-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Daniel O'Connor writes: 

In the end I got a PCI Silicon Image 3114 based controller and it worked 

I thought about getting a controller with a SiL-Chil too because they are 
kinda cheap and another system I intend to use with SATA harddisks has no 
SATA on-board. But then I searched through the web and read many posts 
telling me "stay away from Silicon Image controllers" so I did as 

I got a Promise SATA300 TX2plus instead. I'll rune some tests with later 
(when I'm back home ;))

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Re: SATA is to slow comparing with linux

2009-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Robert Noland writes: 

On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 09:53 +0200, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
I got a Promise SATA300 TX2plus instead. I'll rune some tests with later 
(when I'm back home ;))

I would also be curious how that ahci driver from -CURRENT is performing
relative to other implementations.

So there is a new driver - never heard about ahci ;)
Is it sufficient to boot 8.0-RC1 livefs? It looks like ahci is not included 
in GENERIC so I have to load the module in the 2nd bootloader I guess. 
Something else like disabling the old ata driver? Or will the new driver be 
used automatically. I was not sure about the man page what "this one" means 
(the ataahci or the ahaci?): 

AHCI hardware is also supported by ataahci driver from ata(4) 

If both drivers are loaded at the same time, this one will be given
precedence as the more functional of the two.
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Re: SATA is to slow comparing with linux

2009-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Robert Noland wrote:

> I would also be curious how that ahci driver from -CURRENT is performing
> relative to other implementations.

I tried 8.0-RC1-i386.iso but the ahci driver didn't picked up my promise
nor my VIA controller. So all the numbers now for the "old" ata driver.

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ (2200.10-MHz K8-class CPU)
usable memory = 2138615808 (2039 MB)

ad4: 953869MB  at ata2-master SATA300

ad10: 953869MB  at ata5-master SATA150

A simple "dd if=/dev/zero of=/mntpoint/test.dd bs=1M count=4069" showed:

FreeBSD 8.0-RC1-i386 (LiveCD)
Promise:42 MB/sec
VIA:43 MB/sec

FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE-amd64
Promise:39 MB/sec
VIA:40 MB/sec

Knoppix Linux 2.6 (LiveCD)
Promise:52 MB/sec
VIA:57 MB/sec

I only have bonnie results for Knoppix (where installing aplications works)
and FreeBSD 7.2 since 8.0 was a LiveCD...

FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE-amd64 Promise:
Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
kartoffel.salats 4G   588  99 41062   5 17618   2  1150  97 47672   3 201.2   2
Latency 26548us   72687us1032ms   31840us   75449us2497ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
kartoffel.salatschu -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16   956   1 + +++  1921   2  1022   1 + +++  1800   2
Latency 32679us  73us   56709us   41386us 154us3340us

FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE-i386 VIA:
Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
kartoffel.salats 4G   507  99 41771   5 18176   2  1031  96 47754   4 204.7   2
Latency 27839us   92373us1027ms   59450us   75962us 192ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
kartoffel.salatschu -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16  1006   1 + +++  1937   2  1029   1 + +++  1908   3
Latency 38776us  97us   77620us   39084us  60us3998us

Knoppix Linux 2.6 (LiveCD) Promise:
Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
Microknoppix 4G   337  99 49887  15 30244   8   940  97 80670  10 213.8   3
Latency 32400us1258ms1080ms   60634us   35019us 317ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
Microknoppix-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16 24364  46 + +++ + +++ 29360  56 + +++ 30707  50
Latency 31943us   33392us   33427us   18530us   33391us   33425us

Knoppix Linux 2.6 (LiveCD) VIA:
Version  1.96   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency   1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
Microknoppix 4G   355  99 6  16 31982   8  1098  97 80977  10 215.4   2
Latency 25281us1307ms 703ms   37743us   30772us 299ms
Version  1.96   --Sequential Create-- Random Create
Microknoppix-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16 14013  27 + +++ + +++ 31883  60 + +++ + +++
Latency 36642us2973us   30053us   12843us   30014us   30030us

As you can see linux has a much higher data transfer rate on both
controller than FreeBSD offers. Any sugestions?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: SATA is to slow comparing with linux

2009-09-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Andriy Gapon wrote:

> What mode do you have set for your controllers in BIOS?
> AHCI or IDE/Legacy/etc?

Yeah I read about this too but my BIOS offers only "RAID" and "SATA" -
tried both so I think AHCI is just not supported on my K8T800Pro chipset
for the SATA controller.

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: glabel+gmirror (8.0-RC1 problem)

2009-10-05 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 08:37:56PM +0200, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> > Hi Pawel,
> > 
> > Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> > 
> > > Does anything change between you upgrade from BETA3 and RC1? For example
> > > gmirror was compiled into the kernel before and now is loaded as module
> > > or something similar?
> > 
> > Nope, it was a clean BETA3 installation with the default GENERIC kernel
> > which has afaik geom_label in kernel, but not geom_mirror (nevertheless I
> > loaded geom_label.ko at boottime as well as geom_mirror)
> > The same with RC1 - clean and fresh installation with the default GENERIC
> > kernel and geom_label in kernel (default), but still loaded as module at
> > boottime as well as geom_mirror.
> > 
> > > Could you test this patch:
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > This makes gmirror+glabel work again on RC1
> Thanks for confirmation.

gjorunal is also affected. I tried to use one partition of my gmirror
disk as journal device for my 3ware raid-5 device which works until I
reboot - the journal is then gone as well.
Is this patch likly to fix this as well? Will it be included in a future
RC? Until now I've stayed away using glabel+gmirror but I didn't knew
that gjournal is affected as well so I'm now left with warning that the
journal provider is gone wile booting - and more tragically I'm left
without journaling at all (which hurts on a 2.7TB partition when the
system was not cleanly shut down)

 Oliver Lehmann
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samba - SIGABRT

2009-10-07 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I wonder what may have caused this and how should I debug it to find the
source? I Installed samba 3.3.7 on a clean 8.0-RC1 and I upgraded then my
system to the latest RELENG_8.
Since I've not the time searching much longer for the error I'll just go
to upgrade to 3.3.8 (recompile it...) tomorrow but I'm curious what it
may have caused and how I would have been able to find the cause

r...@nudel samba33> /usr/local/sbin/smbd
Exit 134

r...@nudel samba33> gdb
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd".
(gdb) exec /usr/local/sbin/smbd
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/local/sbin/smbd 

Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
The program no longer exists.
You can't do that without a process to debug.
(gdb) q   
r...@nudel samba33> ktrace /usr/local/sbin/smbd
Exit 134
r...@nudel samba33> kdump
  2605 ktrace   RET   ktrace 0
  2605 ktrace   CALL  execve(0xbfbfed83,0xbfbfec50,0xbfbfec58)
  2605 ktrace   NAMI  "/usr/local/sbin/smbd"
r...@nudel samba33> mount -t procfs /dev/null /proc
r...@nudel samba33> truss -fad /usr/local/sbin/smbd
truss: can not get etype: No such process
Exit 2
r...@nudel samba33> dmesg | tail -1
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_delay: 1000 usec  bundle_max: 6
r...@nudel samba33> ldd /usr/local/sbin/smbd
/usr/local/sbin/smbd: => /lib/ (0x281aa000) => /usr/lib/ (0x281c3000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x281cb000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x288d2000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x281d6000) => /lib/ (0x28091000) => /lib/ (0x281df000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x289d1000)
r...@nudel samba33> ls -l /lib/ /usr/lib/ 
/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ 
/usr/local/lib/ /lib/ /lib/ 
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1144500 Oct  5 16:40 /lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel32060 Oct  5 16:41 /lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   119372 Oct  5 16:41 /lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel28424 Oct  5 16:42 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel40636 Oct  4 19:59 /usr/local/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1050349 Oct  4 19:41 /usr/local/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel39876 Oct  4 19:52 /usr/local/lib/
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel39623 Oct  4 20:00 /usr/local/lib/*
r...@nudel samba33> ls -l /usr/local/sbin/smbd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  6698391 Oct  4 20:30 /usr/local/sbin/smbd*
r...@nudel samba33> file /usr/local/sbin/smbd
/usr/local/sbin/smbd: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 
(FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for FreeBSD 8.0 (800107), not 
r...@nudel samba33> 

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: samba - SIGABRT

2009-10-07 Thread Oliver Lehmann
jhell writes: 


This was caused by your setting of the following: 


You can reset that value to 1 and you should be alright to operate like 
normal otherwise you will have to compile samba over again with the above 
mentioned configure options.

Yeah this caused the problem. I wonder how I could have
find this by myself (google is not counting ;)) I mean,
the Abort message is not very verbose what the problem
is here.
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Re: 8.0: glabel on a gjournaled FS is broken

2009-10-23 Thread Oliver Lehmann
And one adition:

I also have an external harddisk /dev/da1s1 which I labled with "backup"
with RC1. I unfortunally got a /dev/ufs/backup as well as
a /dev/ufs/backupd for the 4th partition of the 1st slide /dev/da1s1d.

I wanted to fix this (label da1s1d as backup) and booted into the single
user mode, and typed "glabel destroy backup". The two backup+backupd
entries in /dev/ufs where gone.
I then rebooted once more into the single user mode and now I have backup
+backupd again. Something seems to be definitly broken here :(

No - I have not mounted that filesystem at any time.

 Oliver Lehmann
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8.0: glabel on a gjournaled FS is broken

2009-10-23 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I updated my RC1 box now to the latest RELENG_8 code to get my gmirror
+glabel setup working.
Since gjournal was now supposed to work as well I set this up once more.
This was not so easy as I thought because cleaning the metadata on my
previously journaled filesystems (but not working because of the bug) was
a pain. With geom_journal.ko loaded at the boottime the system was not
able to boot up - waiting infinitly for the nonexisting journal to show
up spamming my screen with timeout messages. What a mess
Finally I got the module disabled in the bootloader (I guess I'll never
ever compile this directly into the kernel if it can cause my system not
to come up again)

Now I have two partitions in a journaled state. What I did was:

gjournal load

gjournal label da0p1 mirror/gm0s1h
tunefs -J enable -n disable da0p1.journal

gjournal label mirror/gm0s1f mirror/gm0s1g
tunefs -J enable -n disable mirror/gm0s1f.journal

Then I rebooted into single user mode again to label the filesystems.
Then I did:

glabel label swap   mirror/gm0s1b
tunefs -L root  mirror/gm0s1a
tunefs -L var   mirror/gm0s1d
tunefs -L tmp   mirror/gm0s1e
tunefs -L usr   mirror/gm0s1f.journal
tunefs -L files da0p1.journal

/dev/ufs and /dev/label contained all the given label. Then I rebooted
once more - again into the single user mode.

Now ufs/files and ufs/usr is gone so glabel in conjunction with
gjournal is broken

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8.0: glabel on a gjournaled FS is broken

2009-10-23 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Adam Vande More wrote:

> You want clear for changes to persist.

Yeah tried this too without much success - how should I proceed?

r...@nudel /root> ls -l /dev/ufs/backup* /dev/da1*
crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  98 Oct 23 18:26 /dev/da1
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 101 Oct 23 18:26 /dev/da1s1
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 108 Oct 23 18:26 /dev/da1s1d
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 107 Oct 23 18:26 /dev/ufs/backup
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 117 Oct 23 18:26 /dev/ufs/backupd
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear da1s1
Can't clear metadata on da1s1: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear da1s1d
Can't clear metadata on da1s1d: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear da1
Can't clear metadata on da1: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear backup
Can't clear metadata on backup: No such file or directory.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear backupd
Can't clear metadata on backupd: No such file or directory.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear ufs/backupd
Can't clear metadata on ufs/backupd: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear ufs/backup
Can't clear metadata on ufs/backup: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1

r...@nudel /root> glabel stop backup

r...@nudel /root> ls -l /dev/ufs/backup* /dev/da1*
crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  98 Oct 23 18:26 /dev/da1
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 139 Oct 23 18:28 /dev/da1s1
crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 140 Oct 23 18:28 /dev/da1s1d
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear da1s1
Can't clear metadata on da1s1: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear da1
Can't clear metadata on da1: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear da1s1d
Can't clear metadata on da1s1d: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear backup
Can't clear metadata on backup: No such file or directory.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear backupd
Can't clear metadata on backupd: No such file or directory.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear ufs/backupd
Can't clear metadata on ufs/backupd: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> glabel clear ufs/backup
Can't clear metadata on ufs/backup: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@nudel /root> 

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8.0: glabel on a gjournaled FS is broken

2009-10-23 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Adam,

Adam Vande More wrote:

> sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=17

I also tried this in the meantime. The behaviour is still the same. I
also attached the disk to a FreeBSD 7.2 system - same problem:

r...@kartoffel olivleh1> glabel status
  Name  Status  Components
ufsid/49f8856ee7867c4f N/A  da0s1
ufs/backup N/A  da0s1
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=17
kern.geom.debugflags: 0 -> 17
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> glabel stop backup
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> glabel status
  Name  Status  Components
ufsid/49f8856ee7867c4f N/A  da0s1
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> glabel clear -v da0s1
Can't clear metadata on da0s1: Invalid argument.
glabel: Not fully done.
Exit 1
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> glabel status
  Name  Status  Components
ufsid/49f8856ee7867c4f N/A  da0s1
ufs/backup N/A  da0s1
r...@kartoffel olivleh1> 

You see? while trying to clear the data, the label is back

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8.0: glabel on a gjournaled FS is broken

2009-10-24 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> tunefs -L usr mirror/gm0s1f.journal
> tunefs -L files   da0p1.journal
> /dev/ufs and /dev/label contained all the given label. Then I rebooted
> once more - again into the single user mode.
> Now ufs/files and ufs/usr is gone so glabel in conjunction with
> gjournal is broken

This worked by the way in BETA3 - this was when I tested this setup
before setting up the fileserver so this is a regression to me.

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: 8.0: glabel on a gjournaled FS is broken

2009-10-26 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

[glabel with gjournaled device not working]

So should I create a PR for that since none responded to that topic?

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: [HEADS UP] perl symlinks in /usr/bin will be gone

2005-01-29 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Anton Berezin wrote:

> In practical terms this will mean a one-time sweep of your scripts in
> order to convert them, in a typical case, from #! /usr/bin/perl to
> #! /usr/local/bin/perl.

Wouldn't that break most of the 3rd party scripts out in the world?

 Oliver Lehmann
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writeprotected floppy not unmountable on STABLE

2005-01-30 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I mounted a write-pretected floppy on 5-STABLE and now I'm not able to
unmount the floppy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root> mount_msdosfs  /dev/fd0 /mnt/tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root> touch /mnt/tmp/test
touch: /mnt/tmp/test: Read-only file system
Exit 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root> mount
/dev/ad0s1a on / (ufs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad0s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s1f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s1d on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s3e on /usr/home (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s4e on /mnt/movies (ufs, local, soft-updates)
file:/usr/ports on /usr/ports (nfs)
file:/usr/src on /usr/src (nfs)
file:/mnt/backups on /mnt/backups (nfs)
file:/mnt/documents on /mnt/documents (nfs)
file:/mnt/files on /mnt/files (nfs)
www:/usr/local/www on /mnt/www (nfs)
/dev/fd0 on /mnt/tmp (msdosfs, local)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root> umount /mnt/tmp
umount: unmount of /mnt/tmp failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
Exit 1

what works is

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root> umount -f /mnt/tmp

CURRENT correctly detects that the floppy is write-protected, and fails to
mount it unless -o ro is specified. umount on CURRENT is also possible.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root> uname -a
FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE #0: Sun
Jan 16 15:35:29 CET 2005
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KARTOFFEL  i386

please keep me CCed - I'm not subscribed

 Oliver Lehmann
___ mailing list
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problems with nfs+TCP - Resource temporarily unavailable

2005-05-25 Thread Oliver Lehmann

I'm getting the following error when dding a big file on an nfs mount
which is mounted using TCP.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/files/ bs=32k
dd: /mnt/files/ Resource temporarily unavailable
639+0 records in
638+0 records out
20905984 bytes transferred in 15.066490 secs (1387582 bytes/sec)
Exit 1

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/files/ bs=32k
dd: /mnt/files/ Resource temporarily unavailable
1035+0 records in
1034+0 records out
33882112 bytes transferred in 14.698220 secs (2305185 bytes/sec)
Exit 1

dmesg gives me "nfs send error 35 for server file:/mnt/files"

fstab entry on kartoffel and dill:
file:/mnt/files /mnt/files nfs tcp,nfsv3,soft,bg,rw,noauto 0 0

 - kartoffel is an amd64 system with an onboard re0
 running CURRENT from May 24th evening.
 - dill  is an alpha system with an xl0
 running 5.4 STABLE from May 20th
 - file  is an i386 SMP system with an xl0
 running 5.4 STABLE from May 20th

 - dill and file are connected directly through an switch
 - kartoffel and file are connected through an router+switches.

 - kartoffel and nudel are running rpc.lockd and rpc.statd
 - dill doesn't run rpc.lockd neither rpc.statd

Switching from nfsv3 to a nfsv2 mount is much slower and breaks sooner or
later with an error too. It doesn't give me an "error 35" on client side,
but an "nfsd send error 32" on server side and a slightly different error

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/files/ bs=32k
dd: /mnt/files/ Operation timed out
67+0 records in
66+0 records out
2162688 bytes transferred in 6.221855 secs (347595 bytes/sec)
Exit 1

Switching from TCP to UDP makes this error gone.

Any ideas how to fix this properly?

(please CC me, I'm not subscribed to stable@)

 Oliver Lehmann
___ mailing list
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Re: problems with nfs+TCP - Resource temporarily unavailable

2005-05-25 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Hi Mohan,

Mohan Srinivasan wrote:

> Is this consistently reproducible ?

it is - everytime

> I tried reproducing this with this morning's
> current,

it also happens with STABLE

> How big was your file that you tried to dd ? I need to reproduce this here
> in order to track it down.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/usr/ bs=512k count=200

> Also, can you try the test without using the soft mount option ? I don't see 
> soft causing this, but just to eliminate those code paths.

I removed soft and bb, but still the same results:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/files/temp bs=32k
dd: /mnt/files/temp: Resource temporarily unavailable
1797+0 records in
1796+0 records out
58851328 bytes transferred in 33.651500 secs (1748847 bytes/sec)


I tried the same with an other nfs server (using dill as nfs server this
time - system description is in my 1st mail, same mount options like /
mnt/files). And guess what? dill rebooted immediate... dd came never
back, gave no output

dill's dmesg shows me:

fatal kernel trap:

trap entry = 0x4 (unaligned access fault)
faulting va= 0xfc0006b6f44d
opcode = 0x28
register   = 0x5
pc = 0xfc541e08
ra = 0xfc541df4
sp = 0xfe000a0f9b70
usp= 0x11ffea80
curthread  = 0xfc000f91ee10
pid = 343, comm = nfsd

panic: trap
Uptime: 3d14h15m51s
Dumping 253 MB
 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240
Dump complete


[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp> kgdb vmcore.1 /usr/obj/alpha-5.4/usr/src/sys/DILL/
kernel.debug kgdb: bad namelist
Exit 1

and damn! yes that panic is reproduceable!

2nd try writing on dill:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/www/temp bs=32k
dd: /mnt/www/temp: Resource temporarily unavailable
387+0 records in
386+0 records out
12648448 bytes transferred in 11.766768 secs (1074930 bytes/sec)

So.. using i386 as an tcp nfs-server - the only thing which happens is
that dd gets interruped, using alpha as an tcp nfs-server makes the alpha

And now it looks I should at first unmount the tcp mount, and then let my
alpha system come back online ;) (which is of course not possible w/o the
nfsd available of course)

May 26 00:59:44 dill rpcbind: cannot create socket for udp6
Starting mountd.
NFS on reserved port only=YES
Starting nfsd.
Starting local daemons:
fatal kernel trap:

trap entry = 0x4 (unaligned access fault)
faulting va= 0xfc000f908929
opcode = 0x28
register   = 0x5
pc = 0xfc532164
ra = 0xfc532138
sp = 0xfe000a1118c0
usp= 0x11ffea80
curthread  = 0xfc000f91f950
pid = 409, comm = nfsd

panic: trap
Uptime: 8m17s
Dumping 253 MB
 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240
Dump complete
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds - press a key on the console to abort
*** keyboard not plugged in...

halted CPU 0

halt code = 5
HALT instruction executed
PC = fc5bfac0
*** no timer interrupts on CPU 0 ***

CPU 0 booting

If someone want me to test sth.. let me know Systems available are 6.0/
i386, 6.0/amd64, 5.4-SMP/i386, 5.4/i386, 5.4/alpha, 4.11/i386

 Oliver Lehmann
___ mailing list
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Re: problems with nfs+TCP - Resource temporarily unavailable

2005-05-25 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> So.. using i386 as an tcp nfs-server - the only thing which happens is
> that dd gets interruped, using alpha as an tcp nfs-server makes the alpha
> panic.

Ok, maybe the alpha has other problems... Disk worked for 7 years without
problems but I just rebooted the system once more and now I'm getting
several SCSI CAM messages

(da0:sym0:0:0:0): Retrying Command (per Sense Data)
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 57 72 80 0 0 20 0 
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): MEDIUM ERROR info:577280 asc:11,0
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): Unrecovered read error field replaceable unit: e4
actual retry count: 257

So - it looks like I need a new disk... damn

so drop that alpha problem for now

 Oliver Lehmann
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Re: problems with nfs+TCP - Resource temporarily unavailable

2005-05-26 Thread Oliver Lehmann
Oliver Lehmann wrote:

> Hi Mohan,
> Mohan Srinivasan wrote:
> > Is this consistently reproducible ?
> it is - everytime

I found out that I can reproducible make it work by writing on an other

file:/mnt/files   151368706 109165638 30093572  78%  /mnt/files
file:/usr/ports18162862   8410690  8299144   50%  /usr/ports
file:/mnt/backups  19324310  17016301   762065   96%  /mnt/tmp

writing to /mnt/files... we know what happend. But writing to /usr/ports
works w/o an error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> umount /usr/ports/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> mount_nfs -T -3 -o soft,bg nudel:/usr/ports
[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/usr/ports/ bs=32k
3200+0 records in
3200+0 records out
104857600 bytes transferred in 9.905884 secs (10585385 bytes/sec)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/usr/ports/ bs=32k
3200+0 records in
3200+0 records out
104857600 bytes transferred in 9.566243 secs (10961210 bytes/sec)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> umount /mnt/backups/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> mount_nfs -T -3 -o soft,bg file:/mnt/backups
[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/backups/
dd: /mnt/backups/ Resource temporarily unavailable
674+0 records in
673+0 records out
22052864 bytes transferred in 16.141799 secs (1366196 bytes/sec)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> dd if=/usr/ of=/mnt/backups/
dd: /mnt/backups/ Resource temporarily unavailable
242+0 records in
241+0 records out
7897088 bytes transferred in 7.301958 secs (1081503 bytes/sec)

on file (which is a nickname for nudel)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] olivleh1> df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 257838132236   10497656%/
devfs1 10   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1d 257838 22888   21432410%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f   18162862   8410690  829914450%/usr
/dev/ad0s1e 25783822   12609047%/var
/dev/ad5s1   151368706 109198438 3006077278%/mnt/files
/dev/ad6s119324310  17023989   75437796%/mnt/backups
/dev/da0s1e4304663   2568753  139153765%/mnt/documents

ad0: 19092MB  [38792/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
ad5: 152627MB  [310101/16/63] at ata2-slave
ad6: 19470MB  [39560/16/63] at
ata3-master UDMA66

atapci0:  port
0xf000-0xf00f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 7.1 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci0
ata1: channel #1 on atapci0

atapci1:  port 0x8800-0x880f,0x8400-0x8403,
0x8000-0x8007,0x7c00-0x7c03,0x7800-0x7807 mem 0xe0405000-0xe04050ff irq 
16 at device 13.0 on pci0
ata2: channel #0 on atapci1
ata3: channel #1 on atapci1

dmesg shows me no errors neither regarding ad5 nor ata2-master. smartctl
shows no recorded errors for ad5 for example. I'm wondering what is wrong
with atapci1

Any ideas whats going wrong?

 Oliver Lehmann
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