zfs, nfs and zil

2011-03-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
I've setup a server with FreeBSD 8.2 (prerelase) and patched zfs to
ver. 28. The server has 11 disks each 2 TB in raidz2. The performance
is very good and I've got approx. 117 MB/s on plain GB nics using

I'm mounting the FreeBSD-server from a couple of vmware esxi 4.1
servers using nfs, but when there is alot of i/o the server becomes
unresponsive, easily triggered by installing ie. ms-sql. The server
itself is up but is not reachable from the network. When I take the
nic down and up again connection to the network is reestablished

A friend of mine has suggested that I disable the zil. The page
http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSTuningGuide says 'Disabling ZIL is not
recommended where data consistency is required (such as database
servers) but will not result in file system corruption.'

Has anyone tried to disable zil and achieved better performance and
still maintain a consistent filesystem?


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Re: zfs, nfs and zil

2011-03-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> I'm mounting the FreeBSD-server from a couple of vmware esxi 4.1
>> servers using nfs, but when there is alot of i/o the server becomes
>> unresponsive, easily triggered by installing ie. ms-sql. The server
>> itself is up but is not reachable from the network. When I take the
>> nic down and up again connection to the network is reestablished
>> (ip-wise).
>> A friend of mine has suggested that I disable the zil. The page
>> http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSTuningGuide says 'Disabling ZIL is not
>> recommended where data consistency is required (such as database
>> servers) but will not result in file system corruption.'
>> Has anyone tried to disable zil and achieved better performance and
>> still maintain a consistent filesystem?
> The ZIL is not linked to NIC down/up events. It is a completely different
> topic. I suggest to find the real problem instead of doing some random
> tuning (which is not tuning in this case but foot-shooting).

I'm aware of that, but the only way the problem shows up is when a
windows machine performs an installation or a windows update (and has
alot of updates in the pipeline). When traffic (i/o) is low to
moderate it justs goes along without any issues. And if the same
virtual windows-installation is on an iscsi-partition (mounted by the
vmware-server) I can't reproduce the problem. So if disabling the zil
did make a difference I would install a dedicated zil-ssd-device. And
if that did alleviate my problem the issue could be related to windows
performing alot of small reads and writes. Hence why I wanted to
disable the zil.

> FYI: disabling the ZIL is someting to do if you are desperate, do not care
> about production incidents, and everything else (if the ZIL is the problem
> -- which most probably it isn't by reading your message -- a (maybe write
> optimized) SSD as a log device could be a solution) does not solve the
> issue.

Thank you for your input. I will get a ssd-drive.


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Re: zfs, nfs and zil

2011-03-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
> If your disk controller has a lot of cache on it, and a battery
> backup, then enabling the write cache and disabling the ZIL can be
> faster, without sacrifising consistency (the write cache on the
> controller acts like a ZIL).  There's several threads on the
> zfs-discuss mailing list where this is discussed.

It's an areca sata-controller with 512 MB battery backed cache.

> However, the better solution, and the one most recommended for those
> using NFS with ZFS, is to install a small, write-optimised, SLC-based
> SSD to the system as a separate log (SLOG/ZIL) device.
> NFS is a very sync-heavy protocol, and having a super-fast ZIL sitting
> on a separate SSD will greatly improve things.

Thank you. I'll get a ssd-drive (also suggested by Alexander).


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Re: zfs, nfs and zil

2011-03-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> I'm mounting the FreeBSD-server from a couple of vmware esxi 4.1
>> servers using nfs, but when there is alot of i/o the server becomes
>> unresponsive, easily triggered by installing ie. ms-sql. The server
>> itself is up but is not reachable from the network. When I take the
>> nic down and up again connection to the network is reestablished
>> (ip-wise).
> So, is it just NFS that wedges or all IP activity and does NFS come
> back to life after the "ifconfig XX up"?

All ip-activitiy, dns, ssh etc. on the interface (ip-address) that is
mounted. So whenever I test I log in to the server using the other
ip-address and whenever it stops responding to ping or my screen
session stops I reload the interfaces and the traffic resumes.


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Re: zfs, nfs and zil

2011-03-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> All ip-activitiy, dns, ssh etc. on the interface (ip-address) that is
>> mounted. So whenever I test I log in to the server using the other
>> ip-address and whenever it stops responding to ping or my screen
>> session stops I reload the interfaces and the traffic resumes.
> Are the two NICs the same brand/driver/board? If not, could you try to
> switch the networks on them and test if the problem persists? It would also
> be nice if you could tell which driver/chip the NIC with the problem is.

It's a supermicro server with dual igb-nics on the mainboard. I did
try other cables and other ports on the switch (hp procurve). I don't
have access to the server atm. but I'll get the chip-info in a day or
two. Both ip-addresses are on same subnet.

Speed is autonegotiated to 1 GB full duplex on server and switch. No
errors detected using netstat or on switch.


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Re: zfs, nfs and zil

2011-03-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> It's a supermicro server with dual igb-nics on the mainboard. I did
>> try other cables and other ports on the switch (hp procurve). I don't
>> have access to the server atm. but I'll get the chip-info in a day or
>> two. Both ip-addresses are on same subnet.
>> Speed is autonegotiated to 1 GB full duplex on server and switch. No
>> errors detected using netstat or on switch.
> Something tells me (gut feeling) the virtualisation part is probably
> somehow responsible for the problem, quote:
>> I'm mounting the FreeBSD-server from a couple of vmware esxi 4.1
>> servers using nfs, but when there is alot of i/o the server becomes
>> unresponsive, easily triggered by installing ie. ms-sql. The server
>> itself is up but is not reachable from the network. When I take the
>> nic down and up again connection to the network is reestablished
>> (ip-wise).
> Can you remove ESXi from the picture and see if the problem continues?
> If it does, we should probably pull Jack Vogel into the discussion, as
> Supermicro predominantly uses Intel-based NICs.  He'll need output from
> "pciconf -lvcb" and "dmesg" to assist.
> But before pulling him in, please see if you can remove ESXi from the
> picture.

I've done some testing i Feb. when I initially installed the server
with samba and iscsi from a windows 7 client and managed to get
approx. 118 MB/s on plain GB nics. I copied some 30-40 GB and never
had a hickup. Then I mounted iscsi from vmware and migrated some
windows-servers and it behaved well.

When we moved to nfs the peculiar problems began to arise. I will redo
my testing from my windows 7 client to verify that my memory do not
put a spell on me!

I've also begun to move some virtual windows-servers back to iscsi and
mount the iscsi-volume from several vmware-servers. Vmfs is
cluster-aware and should handle it just fine. In a few days I'll move
a server I know causes problems to iscsi and I'll post the results.

Thank you for your input! :-)


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Re: 8.2: ISCSI: ISTGT a bit slow, I think

2011-04-04 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I testing the maximum throughput from ISCSI, but I've reached only
> ~50MB/s (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da13 bs=1M count=2048) with crossover
> 1Gb/s cabel and raw disk. Both machines are FreeBSD 8.2-stable with
> istgt and the Onboard ISCSI initiator

I've reached almost 118 MB/s but I don't have access to the
configuration atm. This was from a windows 7 client. From vmware I've
gotten 107 MB/s during a debian 6 server installation. I'll post the
settings when I get back to work. You could verify that there are no
mismatch between the nics.

Have you tried a plain scp of a large file and some rsync of ie. the
ports-tree (with distfiles)?


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Re: 8.2: ISCSI: ISTGT a bit slow, I think

2011-04-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> I've reached almost 118 MB/s but I don't have access to the
>> configuration atm. This was from a windows 7 client. From vmware I've
>> gotten 107 MB/s during a debian 6 server installation. I'll post the
>> settings when I get back to work.
> that would be nice. I will test also a Windows7 client, maybe the initiator 
> aren't the best, from Ubuntu and FreeBSD.

The only setting I changed was:

  QueueDepth 64

This was commented out (as I recall it). Other (global) settings
related to iscsi has been left at their default values. One LUN

  Comment "LogicalUnit1 Sample"
  TargetName disk1
  TargetAlias "Data Disk1"
  Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
  AuthMethod CHAP
  AuthGroup AuthGroup1
  UseDigest Auto
  UnitType Disk
  QueueDepth 64
  LUN0 Storage /dev/zvol/data/iscsi/disk1 Auto


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Re: ZFS with compression causes deadlock

2011-04-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Today I had deadlock on several machines. Almost all processes stucked in
> [tx->tx_cpu[c].tc_lock]. Machines were helped only `reboot -n'.
> I've created new gzip-ed filesystem a few days ago. I didn't have any
> problems with ZFS before.
> System was built from svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/8@215508.
> Machines have 24Gb RAM, 4 SATA 500Gb disks in raidz.
> loader.conf:
> ahci_load="YES"
> zfs_load="YES"
> vfs.zfs.arc_max="2G"
> vfs.zfs.cache_flush_disable="1" # default: 0
> vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable="1"    # default: 0
> vfs.zfs.txg.timeout="5"         # default: 30
> vfs.zfs.zio.use_uma="0"         # default: 0 (earlier was 1)

Have you tried to remove vfs.zfs.* in rc.conf? Newer versions of zfs
may not need tuning except in specific cases now.

I've had problems using compression in (much) earlier zfs-versions
some years ago and avoided this feature. A few days ago I've setup
FreeBSD current with zfs. ver. 28 and enabled compression and have
performed a zfs receive with approx. 660 GB of data that boils down to
350 GB without problems.


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Re: Hard drive detection

2011-05-12 Thread Claus Guttesen

>> How about Solaris?  :-)
> Good idea, I've sort of given up on Solaris thanks to Oracle, but that's a 
> better
> bet for a test if it's a Sun box.

You can try openindiana.


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Re: em0 timeout disconnects server

2011-08-01 Thread Claus Guttesen
Do you happen to run nfs on the server?

I had weird problems with igb-timeouts when many nfs-reads occured and a down 
and up on the interface would restore the network connection for a while. I had 
vmware-servers on a nfs-share and either when booting or installing programs 
from windows


Sendt fra min iPhone

Den 02/08/2011 kl. 00.27 skrev Willem Jan Withagen :

> A server just all of a sudden dropped from the network.
> uptime was 26days.
> This got my ZFS server hanging:
> Aug  1 23:39:58 zfs kernel: em0: Watchdog timeout -- resetting
> Aug  1 23:39:58 zfs kernel: em0: Queue(0) tdh = 942, hw tdt = 977
> Aug  1 23:39:58 zfs kernel: em0: TX(0) desc avail = 985,Next TX to Clean
> = 938
> Aug  1 23:43:24 zfs kernel: em0: Watchdog timeout -- resetting
> Aug  1 23:43:24 zfs kernel: em0: Queue(0) tdh = 147, hw tdt = 163
> Aug  1 23:43:24 zfs kernel: em0: TX(0) desc avail = 1006,Next TX to
> Clean = 145
> ifconfig down/up did not fix anything, un/plugging the ethernet did not
> do anything either. rebooting did fix it.
> Serious maintenance jobs only starts after 0:00.
> --WjW
> uname -a:
> FreeBSD zfs.digiware.nl 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #10: Wed Jul  6
> 21:57:36 CEST 2011
> r...@zfs.digiware.nl:/home/obj/usr/src/src8/src/sys/ZFS  amd64
> pciconf -lv:
> hostb0@pci0:0:0:0:  class=0x06 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29e08086
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = 'X38/X48 (Bearlake) Processor to I/O Controller'
>class  = bridge
>subclass   = HOST-PCI
> em0@pci0:0:25:0:class=0x02 card=0x10bd15d9 chip=0x10bd8086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = 'Intel 82566DM Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (82566DM)'
>class  = network
>subclass   = ethernet
> uhci0@pci0:0:26:0:  class=0x0c0300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29378086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB Universal Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> uhci1@pci0:0:26:1:  class=0x0c0300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29388086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB Universal Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> uhci2@pci0:0:26:2:  class=0x0c0300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29398086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB Universal Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> ehci0@pci0:0:26:7:  class=0x0c0320 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x293c8086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> none0@pci0:0:27:0:  class=0x040300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x293e8086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller'
>class  = multimedia
>subclass   = HDA
> pcib1@pci0:0:28:0:  class=0x060400 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29408086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x01
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) PCIe Root Port 1'
>class  = bridge
>subclass   = PCI-PCI
> uhci3@pci0:0:29:0:  class=0x0c0300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29348086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB Universal Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> uhci4@pci0:0:29:1:  class=0x0c0300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29358086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB Universal Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> uhci5@pci0:0:29:2:  class=0x0c0300 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29368086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB Universal Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> ehci1@pci0:0:29:7:  class=0x0c0320 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x293a8086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IB/IR/IH (ICH9 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller'
>class  = serial bus
>subclass   = USB
> pcib4@pci0:0:30:0:  class=0x060401 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x244e8086
> rev=0x92 hdr=0x01
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801 Family (ICH2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9,63xxESB) Hub
> Interface to PCI Bridge'
>class  = bridge
>subclass   = PCI-PCI
> isab0@pci0:0:31:0:  class=0x060100 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29168086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
>device = '82801IR (ICH9R) LPC Interface Controller'
>class  = bridge
>subclass   = PCI-ISA
> atapci1@pci0:0:31:2:class=0x010601 card=0xd98015d9 chip=0x29228086
> rev=0x02 hdr=0

Re: Strange 'hangs' with RELENG_9

2012-01-19 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Recently I updated my RELENG_8 to RELENG_9. Since then, the server hangs
> from time to time for 5 minutes. When I run a top in a remote terminal,
> I can see that it hangs so strong, that the clock hangs too. When it
> continues to run , the time continues from the when it 'hanged'. TCP
> connections are also dropped with timeout at that time. However, no
> kernel panic, and i can't see anything in the dmesg log too.
> ...
> /etc/make.conf, the kernel was compiled with this settings:
> CPUTYPE?=athlon64
> I'd highly appreciate any help, as I am clueless with this one.

It may not help at all, but you could try to change scheduler from ULE to BSD.


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Re: Why Are You Using FreeBSD?

2012-05-31 Thread Claus Guttesen
>>> A regular debian update is 5 minutes + reboot
>>> A regular FBSD update is about 1.5 hour + 3 reboots (after
>>> installkernel, installworld, rebuild of ports)
>> But how often do you need to
> As a matter of fact, too often, that's te problem.
> We have > 800 servers and I can't argue that debian's update process is much 
> simpler and faster.

Take a look at freebsd-update:
This tracks release.


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get ram usage using getrusage()

2010-12-19 Thread Claus Guttesen

I'm trying to read how much ram an app is using reading
from ru.ru_maxrss. While ru.ru_maxrss gives me used accurate ram-usage
when memory increases it doesn't immediately count down when memory is

So I tried to get a more accurate reading using this using
/usr/src/sys/kern/kern_clock.c as example:

struct thread *td;
td = curthread;
p = td->td_proc;
vm = p->p_vmspace;
rss = pgtok(vmspace_resident_count(vm));

Curthread is not defined, I searched google but can't find any references.

But is this the proper way to get an apps memory usage?


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Re: get ram usage using getrusage()

2010-12-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > I'm trying to read how much ram an app is using reading
> Could you phrase that question more precisely?
> It might be helpful to know *WHY* you are interested
> in the app's RAM usage, in order to be able to give the
> most appropriate advice.

I'm testing the redis key-value-store with the (upcoming 2.2)
maxmemory directive and redis - at least on FreeBSD - seems to report
less ram used than what is shown in top (SIZE column). ru.ru_maxrss is
more accurate at least when redis grows.

Redis is useful with an expire in the key (setex) in my case where I
want to store as much as
possible and retain used key and have redis delete unused keys (LRU)

In freeMemoryIfNeeded() redis deletes keys until allocated memory <
maxmemory. I used ru.ru_maxrss for testing allocated memory but I
ended up deleting all keys since ru.ru_maxrss is not counting down
"fast enough", probably for quite reasonable reasons. But not what I
wanted. :-)

When I used redis zmalloc_used_memory() the server starts swapping.

> > struct thread *td;
> > td = curthread;
> > p = td->td_proc;
> > vm = p->p_vmspace;
> > rss = pgtok(vmspace_resident_count(vm));
> That's a piece of kernel source code.  It won't work in
> user space.

Saw #ifdef _KERNEL in older versions of sys/pcpu.h that explicitly
told it was kernel-related code
(http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/sys/pcpu.h?v=FREEBSD70) but not on

> I think asking for an app's "memory usage" is not proper in
> the first place.  :-)

Maybe the reason userland apps have their own accounting system? Can
you elaborate? :-)


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Re: get ram usage using getrusage()

2010-12-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> The "SIZE" column of top(1) is the same as the "VSZ" column
> of ps(1):  It displays the virtual process size.  Basically
> this is the sum of all VM mappings that are assigned to the
> process.  It has _nothing_ to do with the RAM usage.
> Somewhat more useful for your purpose is the resident set
> size ("RES" in top, "RSS" in ps).  This is the amount of
> memory actually in use.  But this also includes files that
> were mmap()ed, including libraries shared between many
> processes.  I'm not sure this is what you want.  Another
> problem is that the resident set size does NOT include
> pages in swap.  So, if your process is swapped completely,
> the RSS is zero, as you can see here:
> 14388 olli       1   5    0 3864K  0K ttyin 0:00  0.00% 

Thank you (vielen dank :-) ) for your explanation.

> If you free an object with the free() function, the pages
> are not necessarily unmapped immediately.  This depends on
> the malloc implementation and configuration.  Also, even
> if it is unmapped, the rusage statistics are not updated
> immediately (this depends on the statclock, see ``sysctl
> kern.clockrate'').
> I think that applications should better track their memory
> usage themselves, so it is portable and independent of
> implementation details of the VM system and malloc library.
> That's what most applications do, for example squid.

I get a clearer picture (had to read your reply a couple of times) but
I'm on my way.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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Re: How to disable NFS fnctl in /etc/fstab?

2008-09-04 Thread Claus Guttesen
> For some reason we want to disable fnctl lock for NFS
> mounted partition. We can achieve this by the following
> command: mount_nfs -T -L server:/home /mnt
> However after several time of failure tests, we still
> can not make it work in /etc/fstab.

According to man mount_nfs:

 -L  Do not forward fcntl(2) locks over the wire.  All locks will be
 local and not seen by the server and likewise not seen by other
 NFS clients.  This removes the need to run the rpcbind(8) service
 and the rpc.statd(8) and rpc.lockd(8) servers on the client.
 Note that this option will only be honored when performing the
 initial mount, it will be silently ignored if used while updating
 the mount options.


 Historic -o Options

 Use of these options is deprecated, they are only mentioned here
 for compatibility with historic versions of mount_nfs.

 bg Same as -b.


 lockd  Same as not specifying -L.

If you do not specify lockd on the client and don't run rpcbind on the
server it may run as you require. But I haven't tried myself. If my
assumption is correct you only need to make shure that rpcbind is not
running on the server.


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Re: bad NFS/UDP performance

2008-09-26 Thread Claus Guttesen
>There seems to be some serious degradation in performance.
> Under 7.0 I get about 90 MB/s (on write), while, on the same machine
> under 7.1 it drops to 20!
> Any ideas?

Can you compare performanc with tcp?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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Re: bad NFS/UDP performance

2008-09-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
> it more difficult than I expected.
> for one, the kernel date was missleading, the actual source update is the 
> key, so
> the window of changes is now 28/July to 19/August. I have the diffs, but 
> nothing
> yet seems relevant.
> on the other hand, I tried NFS/TCP, and there things seem ok, ie the 'good' 
> and the 'bad'
> give the same throughput, which seem to point to UDP changes ...

Can you post the network-numbers?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: bad NFS/UDP performance

2008-09-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Danny Braniss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > it more difficult than I expected.
>> > for one, the kernel date was missleading, the actual source update is the 
>> > key, so
>> > the window of changes is now 28/July to 19/August. I have the diffs, but 
>> > nothing
>> > yet seems relevant.
>> >
>> > on the other hand, I tried NFS/TCP, and there things seem ok, ie the 
>> > 'good' and the 'bad'
>> > give the same throughput, which seem to point to UDP changes ...
>> Can you post the network-numbers?
> [again :-]

Thank you. :-)

Was not shure whether tcp gave you same performance compared to udp or
tcp-performance was stable throughout the same period where udp would

>> > Writing 16 MB file
>> > BSCount / 7.0 --/ / 7.1 -/
> should now read:
>/ Aug 18 --/  /--- Aug 19 /
>> >1*512  32768 0.16s  98.11MB/s  0.43s 37.18MB/s
>> >2*512  16384 0.17s  92.04MB/s  0.46s 34.79MB/s
>> >4*512   8192 0.16s 101.88MB/s  0.43s 37.26MB/s
>> >8*512   4096 0.16s  99.86MB/s  0.44s 36.41MB/s
>> >   16*512   2048 0.16s 100.11MB/s  0.50s 32.03MB/s
>> >   32*512   1024 0.26s  61.71MB/s  0.46s 34.79MB/s
>> >   64*512512 0.22s  71.45MB/s  0.45s 35.41MB/s
>> >  128*512256 0.21s  77.84MB/s  0.51s 31.34MB/s
>> >  256*512128 0.19s  82.47MB/s  0.43s 37.22MB/s
>> >  512*512 64 0.18s  87.77MB/s  0.49s 32.69MB/s
>> > 1024*512 32 0.18s  89.24MB/s  0.47s 34.02MB/s
>> > 2048*512 16 0.17s  91.81MB/s  0.30s 53.41MB/s
>> > 4096*512  8 0.16s 100.56MB/s  0.42s 38.07MB/s
>> > 8192*512  4 0.82s  19.56MB/s  0.80s 19.95MB/s
>> >16384*512  2 0.82s  19.63MB/s  0.95s 16.80MB/s
>> >32768*512  1 0.81s  19.69MB/s  0.96s 16.64MB/s
>> >
>> > Average:   75.8633.00


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Re: error during buildworld on 7.1 beta

2008-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> Did a fresh FreeBSD 7.1 install using the beta on amd64 from disc1. I
>> did a standard-install with sources, performed a csup against RELENG_7
>> and then a buildworld. It stops at:
>> mv -f term.h.new term.h
>> cc -m32 -march=nocona -mfancy-math-387 -DCOMPAT_32BIT  -iprefix
>> /usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/  -L/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/lib32
>> -B/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/lib32 -o make_keys -O2
>> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I.
>> -I/usr/obj/lib32/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../ncurses
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../ncurses
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../ncurses
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/include
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/ncurses -Wall
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/ncurses/tinfo/make_keys.c
>> ./make_keys keys.list > init_keytry.h
>> ELF interpreter /libexec/ld-elf32.so.1 not found
>> Abort trap
>> *** Error code 134
> My guess: when you installed 7.1, you did not choose to install lib32
> for 32-bit compatibility (so you can run 32-bit binaries on a 64-bit
> arch).

I choose 'Custon Installation' and item 5 Distributions and then item
4 Developer which I have done for many years now. :-) So there may
some changes to the installation-process which is differen from 7.0.

> But when building world, you did not set WITHOUT_LIB32=true in
> /etc/src.conf, so the system is trying to make use of the 32-bit ld.so
> shim that does not exist since you didn't install it.

ls -l /etc/src.conf
ls: /etc/src.conf: No such file or directory

So this file probably needs to be installed as part of a install with
the above mentioned entry in order not to stop buildworld  if lib32 no
longer is installed, unless chosen, during install.

Is this a post-configuration option?

>> NO_LPR= true# do not build lpr and related programs
>> NO_SENDMAIL=true# do not build sendmail and related programs
> These have been renamed, and go into /etc/src.conf, not make.conf.  You
> should use this in /etc/src.conf:
> See src.conf(5) for details.

Thank you for your pointers. My make.conf can probably celebrate it's
5'th anniversary with minor changes to CPUTYPE and commenting -O2 out.
I'll create src.conf accordingly.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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Re: error during buildworld on 7.1 beta

2008-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> Did a fresh FreeBSD 7.1 install using the beta on amd64 from disc1. I
>> did a standard-install with sources, performed a csup against RELENG_7
>> and then a buildworld. It stops at:
>> mv -f term.h.new term.h
>> cc -m32 -march=nocona -mfancy-math-387 -DCOMPAT_32BIT  -iprefix
>> /usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/  -L/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/lib32
>> -B/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/lib32 -o make_keys -O2
>> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I.
>> -I/usr/obj/lib32/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../ncurses
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../ncurses
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../ncurses
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/include
>> -I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/ncurses -Wall
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/ncurses/tinfo/make_keys.c
>> ./make_keys keys.list > init_keytry.h
>> ELF interpreter /libexec/ld-elf32.so.1 not found
>> Abort trap
>> *** Error code 134
>> Stop in /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses.
>> *** Error code 1
>> Stop in /usr/src.
>> *** Error code 1
>> Stop in /usr/src.
>> *** Error code 1
>> Stop in /usr/src.
>> *** Error code 1
>> Stop in /usr/src.
>> 3145.054u 524.920s 1:02:45.53 97.4% 6442+7634k 30091+9519io 3045pf+0w
>> My /etc/make.conf is:
>> CPUTYPE=nocona
>> NO_LPR= true# do not build lpr and related programs
>> NO_SENDMAIL=true# do not build sendmail and related programs
>> Do I have to make any changes to make.conf?
> First of all - check if
> /libexec/ld-elf32.so.1

ls -l /libexec
total 224
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  196792 Sep  7  2008 ld-elf.so.1

It does not exist. Is it located on CD disc2? Can it be generated on a
fresh system or shall I copy it from another (7.x) server?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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error during buildworld on 7.1 beta

2008-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen

Did a fresh FreeBSD 7.1 install using the beta on amd64 from disc1. I
did a standard-install with sources, performed a csup against RELENG_7
and then a buildworld. It stops at:

mv -f term.h.new term.h
cc -m32 -march=nocona -mfancy-math-387 -DCOMPAT_32BIT  -iprefix
/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/  -L/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/lib32
-B/usr/obj/usr/src/lib32/usr/lib32 -o make_keys -O2
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I.
-I/usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/ncurses -Wall
./make_keys keys.list > init_keytry.h
ELF interpreter /libexec/ld-elf32.so.1 not found
Abort trap
*** Error code 134

Stop in /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
3145.054u 524.920s 1:02:45.53 97.4% 6442+7634k 30091+9519io 3045pf+0w

My /etc/make.conf is:

NO_LPR= true# do not build lpr and related programs
NO_SENDMAIL=true# do not build sendmail and related programs

Do I have to make any changes to make.conf?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: error during installworld on 7.1 beta (was: error during buildworld on 7.1 beta)

2008-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
During installworld I get:

cat /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/ncurses.3x
> ncurses.3
sh /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh
tr: not found
cannot open unsorted26711: No such file or directory
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/lib/ncurses.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/lib.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
1.031u 2.341s 0:04.44 75.9% 203+2259k 53+201io 530pf+0w

So it seems that $PATH is partially lost during installworld. A
unified diff for ./contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh is

diff -u ./contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh.org
--- ./contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh.org 2008-03-01
06:27:53.0 +0100
+++ ./contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh 2008-03-01 06:28:55.0 +0100
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 s/ bool/   /p
 s/ num /   /p
 s/ str /   /p
-" |sed -e 's/^$/../' | tr "\134" "\006" >$unsorted
+" |sed -e 's/^$/../' | /usr/bin/tr "\134" "\006" >$unsorted

 rm -f $sorted
 rm -f $temp
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 done <$unsorted
 test $saved = yes && sort $temp >>$sorted

-sed -e 's/^\.\.$//' $sorted | tr "\005\006" "\012\134"
+sed -e 's/^\.\.$//' $sorted | /usr/bin/tr "\005\006" "\012\134"
 cat $tail

These are the files I added complete path for:


Should I post the diff for the remaing files?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: error during installworld on 7.1 beta (was: error during buildworld on 7.1 beta)

2008-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> During installworld I get:
>> cat /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/ncurses.3x
>> > ncurses.3
>> sh /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/terminfo.head
>>  /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/include/Caps
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/terminfo.tail
>> >terminfo.5
>> tr: not found
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh:
>> cannot open unsorted26711: No such file or directory
>> *** Error code 2
>> So it seems that $PATH is partially lost during installworld.
> What makes no sense to me is why I've never seen this.  How exactly
> are you doing the installworld?  Are you booting into single-user like
> you're supposed to?  Is root's shell /bin/csh?  Have you modified
> /root/.cshrc to do odd things?
> I can't approve the diffs because they're not what's truly causing the
> problem here.
> What is your $PATH, and from what sort of environment are you running
> installworld?  Are you using sudo, su2, su, or something along those
> lines?  Is this a cronjob?  Etc...

I discovered that the time on the server was not set so I synced it
against a ntp-server. Incorrect time has been the cause during
buildworld previously. I can try to perform a complete re-install and
see if I can reproduce the problem tomorrow.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: error during installworld on 7.1 beta (was: error during buildworld on 7.1 beta)

2008-10-16 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> During installworld I get:
>> cat /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/ncurses.3x
>> > ncurses.3
>> sh /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/terminfo.head
>>  /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/include/Caps
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/terminfo.tail
>> >terminfo.5
>> tr: not found
>> /usr/src/lib/ncurses/ncurses/../../../contrib/ncurses/man/MKterminfo.sh:
>> cannot open unsorted26711: No such file or directory
>> *** Error code 2
>> So it seems that $PATH is partially lost during installworld.
> What makes no sense to me is why I've never seen this.  How exactly
> are you doing the installworld?  Are you booting into single-user like
> you're supposed to?  Is root's shell /bin/csh?  Have you modified
> /root/.cshrc to do odd things?

You're correct. I found this thread which concludes with 'CHECK DATE


I synced time and moved /usr/src and did a new csup against RELENG_7.
Did a build- and installworld and it works like a charm. :-)

I do a 'su -' before doing world and have not made any changes to the
.cshrc. Sorry for the noise.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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qlogic qle2462 hba and freebsd stable on a dl360 g5

2008-11-13 Thread Claus Guttesen

I'm looking at a qlogic qle2462 hba for my dl360 g5. The thread
mentions a deadlock when system is loaded. Has this issue been
resolved? Are there other PCI Express hba's which are known to work
with freebsd stable and dl360 g5?


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: Will XFS be adopted

2008-11-19 Thread Claus Guttesen
>>> [...] I would wait until it has been considered stable and moved into
>>> the 7-STABLE tree before deploying a production server.
>> ZFS has been in 7 for over a year.
>> DES
> Yes, it's in STABLE, however zfs module says:
>   This module (opensolaris) contains code covered by the
>   Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL)
>   see http://opensolaris.org/os/licensing/opensolaris_license/
>   *WARNING: ZFS is considered to be an experimental feature in FreeBSD.*
> So ZFS in 7.X should not be considered as STABLE for now.

Install a server with zfs and test it. Then let it handle tasks that
are not critical. And if it works for you proceed and deploy it. It's
somewhat difficult to say that it works for your particular workload.
Some have rather positive experience and others are very reluctant.

I use it as an internal samba-server and the issues I have are related
to the external sas-cabinet rather than zfs itself.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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Re: NFS Performance Issue

2008-11-26 Thread Claus Guttesen
> We recently found that the Performance of the NFS Client in FreeBSD is
> worse than that in Linux.

What OS is your nfs-server running?

> It's about 1/3 of NFS client in Linux. We have tuned TCP recv/send
> buffer, and got no gain. The mount parameters are: (We use amd)
> rw,nfsv3,lockd,grpid,intr,soft,cache,nodev,resvport,timeo=10,retrans=3,async,rsize=1024,wsize=1024,noatime
> Does anyone has any suggestion to get the performance better? Thank you all!

You can ommit read- and write-size using tcp-mounts. From 'man mount_nfs':

 -w  Set the write data size to the specified value.  Ditto the com-
 ments w.r.t. the -r option, but using the ``fragments dropped due
 to timeout'' value on the server instead of the client.  Note
 that both the -r and -w options should only be used as a last
 ditch effort at improving performance when mounting servers that
 do not support TCP mounts.

I have a solaris 9 nfs-server with vxfs and I used to mount using udp
but then I ran into 'server not responding' and changed to
tcp-nfs-mount instead. I just copied a 200 MB file to the nfs-server
in 7.5 sec. which is 26.6 MB/s.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: Make world builderror on 7.1-BETA2 with latest cvsup

2009-01-01 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I have a compile error/problem when building world.
> My uname -a output is:
> FreeBSD barabolaptop 7.1-BETA2 FreeBSD 7.1-BETA2 #0: Thu Dec  4 20:52:35
> CET 2008 r...@barabolaptop:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BARABOLAPTOP  i386

Sync the time on your computer and try the buildworld again.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Error in make buildworld

2009-01-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  I'm a new member of this list and I have a problem when execute
> a make buildworld in my FreeBSD. I'm using
> FreeBSD user.domain.local 7.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE #1:
> r...@user.domain.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

I ca't help you with the error below unfortunately. You can try to
update to the latest source by issuing 'csup /etc/release-supfile' and
then retry your buildworld. Remember to remove /usr/obj/* before



> The error returned is
> cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -DIN_GCC -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
> -DPREFIX=\"/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr\"
> -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../cc_tools
> -I/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../cc_tools
> -I/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcc
> -I/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcc/config
> -I/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcclibs/include
> -I/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcclibs/libcpp/include
> -I/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcclibs/libdecnumber
> -I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include -c
> /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcc/c-pretty-print.c
> /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_tools/../../../../contrib/gcc/config/i386/i386.md:
> In function 'insn_default_latency':
> /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_tools/../../../../contrib/gcc/config/i386/
> i386.md:209: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault: 11
> Please submit a full bug report,
> with preprocessed source if appropriate.
> See http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.
> *** Error code 1
> 1 error
> *** Error code 2
> 1 error
> *** Error code 2
> 1 error
> *** Error code 2
> 1 error
> *** Error code 2
> 1 error
> In attach the buildworld output.
> Anyone can help-me
> tank's for atention
> --
>   dieggo.rbo at gmail dot com
>   FreeBSD-BR User: #1047
>   Linux User:  #395884
>  www.linkedin.com/in/diegodias
>   Limeira - SP -  []
> ___
> freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-stable
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When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
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Re: Error in make buildworld

2009-01-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Hi Claus, thanks for return. I'm tried this steps below before send the
> first email and not resolve my problem =/

I notice you run a pre-release of 7.1. Did you update to the latest 7.1-release?

> make cleandir && make cleandir
> rm -rf /usr/obj/*
> make -j6 buildworld
> but...the segmentation fault persist.
> I have more logs of buidworld, if you want, I send  :D
> any idea? and thanks again.

Could you try a buildworld without the -j parameter? If it still fails
but in different stages of the buildworld it could be bad/overheated
ram as mentioned by pluknet.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I've updagraded a test-webserver to 7.1 when it was released. After a
> few days I upgraded a production-webserver to 7.1 on Jan. 8'th and it
> has been running without any problems. The webserver is not heavily
> loaded (load at 2-3 on average). I have made a buildworld -j 8 and it
> runs fine.
> If the reported lockup is due to i/o a buildworld will not be able to
> reproduce it.
> It has performed a buildworld without problems and I'll be doing some
> buildworlds throughout the day.
> This is on a HP c-class-blade with 8 GB ram, 2 x quad-core and the
> build-in p200-controller with 64 MB ram.

Forgot to add that CPUTYPE=nocona in /etc/make.conf.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.

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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> I am also surprised that this isn't more widely reported, as
>> the hardware is very common. The only oddity with ym compile
>> is that I set the CPUTYPE to 'core2' - that shouldnt have an effect, but
>> I will remove it anyway, just so I am actually building a completely
>> vanilla amd64. That way I should have what everyone else has, and since
>> I don't see anyone else saying they have isues then maybe mine will
>> go away too (fingers crossed)
>Intel suggests nocona for x86_64 platforms and prescott for x86
> (i386) based platforms on the 4.2 line, because they best matched the
> cache size and featureset of the Core2 processors.
>I don't think that core2 support was fully completed in 4.2 (in
> fact I believe it was just started), and I don't think that our
> binutils supports it properly.
> Some thoughts,
> -Garrett

I've updagraded a test-webserver to 7.1 when it was released. After a
few days I upgraded a production-webserver to 7.1 on Jan. 8'th and it
has been running without any problems. The webserver is not heavily
loaded (load at 2-3 on average). I have made a buildworld -j 8 and it
runs fine.

If the reported lockup is due to i/o a buildworld will not be able to
reproduce it.

It has performed a buildworld without problems and I'll be doing some
buildworlds throughout the day.

This is on a HP c-class-blade with 8 GB ram, 2 x quad-core and the
build-in p200-controller with 64 MB ram.


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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> It has performed a buildworld without problems and I'll be doing some
>> buildworlds throughout the day.
>> This is on a HP c-class-blade with 8 GB ram, 2 x quad-core and the
>> build-in p200-controller with 64 MB ram.

I've performed five buildworlds decrementing -j from 16 to 6 and I
can't lock up the server.


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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I have similar problems. The last "good" kernel I have from stable brach,
> october the 8. Then in next upgrade, I saw big problems with performance.
> I tried ULE, 4BSD etc, but nothing helps, only downgrading system back.
> Now I am trying 7.1-p1 and problems are here again. Mysql is waiting a lot
> of time with status "waiting for opening table" or "waiting for close
> tables"
> I have 32bit FreeBSD with PAE, 1x xeon 5420, supermicro motherboard, areca
> SATA controller. Could not be problem in "da" device for example?

It was mentioned previous in this thread that CPUTYPE could be an
issue. Did you change this if you customized your kernel?


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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-13 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> Mine never lock up doing buildworlds either. They only lock up when they are
>> sitting there more of less idle! The machines which have never locked up
>> are the webservers, which are fairly heavlt loaded. The machine which locks
>> up the most frequently is a box sitting there doing nothing but DNS, which is
>> the most lightly loaded of the lot.

The server has been idle for a day now and is up and running. I have
then copied a file to generate some i/o and it copies without

for ((a=0;a<10;a++))
  cp netbeans-6.5-ml-macosx.dmg ${a}.dmg &

I can't  (fortunately) make it lock up. I have a DL360 G5 which is
unused atm. and can test on it if needed.


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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-14 Thread Claus Guttesen
> my problem in with others under the asusmption that it's all the same. This
> is onbiously pretty rare - out of 24 of the HP servers the problems only crops
> up on 4 of them. But there is nothing dfferent about those 4.

Could it be different bios/firmware on the hp-servers?

Mr. Aliyev was unable to install 7.1 release on amd64 on a DL380 G5.


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Re: Big problems with 7.1 locking up :-(

2009-01-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> My previous upgrade was FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Tue Jul 22, and worked
>> perfectly fine with exactly the same software configuration.
>> Now i have FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE #0: Mon Jan5, and the situation is
>> disastrous.
> Makes you wonder on on earth could have changed that much between
> 7.0/7.1 Nice upgrade.. This should not happen on the same hardware!

There will always be changes when new features/options/enhancements
are introduced. Me for my part have never had any serious trouble with
FreeBSD what so ever since FreeBSD 5.1/2 when some kernel-limits had
to be changed. My problem was solved with the help from this list.


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Re: Installing packages using ports after freebsd-update doesn't work on amd64

2009-01-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> If you haven't already you have to remove and reinstall _all_ of your
>> ports after doing a major version upgrade (6.x -> 7.x).
> Prior to starting the upgrade I did a pkg_delete -a. I wanted a clean
> system (just like a reinstallation). How do I ensure that all packages
> were removed by pkg_delete -a ?
> Running pkg_delete -a returns "pkg_delete: no packages installed"



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Re: Installing packages using ports after freebsd-update doesn't work on amd64

2009-01-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> Prior to starting the upgrade I did a pkg_delete -a. I wanted a clean
>> system (just like a reinstallation). How do I ensure that all packages
>> were removed by pkg_delete -a ?
>> Running pkg_delete -a returns "pkg_delete: no packages installed"
> The steps I followed were:
> 1. check if the system has an amd64 FreeBSD installation
> 2. remove all installed packages by pkg_delete -a
> 3. freebsd-update: upgrade from 6.3 to 7.0 and reboot
> 4. freebsd-update: upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1 and reboot
> 5. install packages from ports.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Sorin.

Did you also update the ports-tree? If not, please do so and try to
install portupgrade again.


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Re: sendmail replacement

2010-01-13 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I would like to know if there is a way to completely
> replace the base sendmail with a ports one. The goal
> is to have corresponding files on the traditional places
> (not in /usr/local) and to use the system sendmail
> startup script but not /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sendmail.sh.

postfix? Very nice sendmail-replacement.


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Re: HP ProLiant DL360 G5 success stories?

2008-03-12 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  What I'm looking at is a DL360 G5, probably with one E5335 (quad 2.0)
>  and 4G of RAM and 4x 146Gb SAS disks on the Smart Array P400i card.
>  I've googled and looked through the list archives trying to find
>  success stories/problem reports using FreeBSD on this box, but haven't
>  found very much.. Only thing was 
> http://www.freebsd.org/platforms/amd64/motherboards.html
>   which says "Functional" which isnt very informative ;)
>  So.. Does anyone have any experience with this combo (DL360 G5 / P400i)?
>  Furthermore, anyone run 7.0 on this? Or should I still stick with
>  6.3... Load will be a couple of jails mainly running apache + php +
>  mysql (or at least thats where the load will be).

Works like a charm. I have one DL360 with 2 x quad-core (E5345) with
16 GB ram and one p400i- and one p800-controller. This is running
FreeBSD 7.0 release. This is running postgresql 8.3. I have another
DL360 with 8 GB ram and one p400i-controller runnning apache. No
hassles with the server.

I also have a DL380 which ran 7.0 beta2 without problems.


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freebsd 7 and areca controller

2008-03-26 Thread Claus Guttesen

I'm looking at deploying a freebsd 7-release server with some storage
attached to an areca ARC-1680 controller. But this card is not
mentioned in 'man 4 arcmsr'
Areaca's website does mention freebsd as a supported OS

Has this card been tested on freebsd 7-release?


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Re: freebsd 7 and areca controller

2008-03-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  > The id's are in the source so I expect it should just work.
>  > PCIDevVenIDARC1680
>  >
>  > Areca support on FreeBSD has been very good, they are our
>  > RAID supplier of choice.
>  >
>  I've just added the card to the manpage, thanks for the notice!

Thank you! I've also got it confirmed from Areca (through the
reseller) that the card should work with FreeBSD 7.


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Re: Don't recognizing SMP...

2008-03-31 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I installed FreeBSD 7.0 on HP DL 380.
>  As you saw this result, it is not recognized as 2 CPUs. it recognized
>  Only one CPU...

If this is a DL380 G2 you may have to enable smp by choosing either
windows, solaris or linux as os from bios before you get both cpu's.


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Re: Latest stable release

2008-04-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  Kindly send information regarding FreeBSD STABLE version and from which site
>  i can download all ISO cDs .

You can take a look at freebsd.org, especially freebsd.org/where.html.


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hp blade bl460c and FreeBSD 7.0 (amd)

2008-04-09 Thread Claus Guttesen

I found this thread
discussing ethernet-connectivity on the blade.

I'm looking at the bl460c (xeon e5430). Is anyone using the bl460c on
either a c7000 or c3000 chassis using the ethernet switch for the
c7000 chassis? :-)


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Re: NFS and /etc/exports

2008-04-14 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  I have an issue with NFS /etc/exports file. The entry in my exports file
>  is as below:
>  /usr -alldirs -maproot=0:0 zerg hulk protoss terran
>  OK just tested again, this only happens right after freshly booting
>  'build'. If I do
>  kill -s HUP `cat /var/run/mountd.pid`
>  to reread the /etc/exports fileon 'build', then I have no problem
>  mounting the shared directory from the first host in the list. Is this a
>  bug or is the entry in the /etc/exports file is wrong?

Do you have any errors when you reboot related to nfs?


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Re: NFS and /etc/exports

2008-04-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  > Do you have any errors when you reboot related to nfs?
>  >
>  LOL! I forgot to check the console at boot. Been administering all the
>  machines remotely and you forget to do the most basic thing. *sigh*
>  Anyways, yes there was an error when starting mountd. It takes a few
>  seconds to start but then it failed giving mount[618] error saying it
>  can't resolve the first host in /etc/exports file.
>  I add the first host in /etc/hosts file and reboot but then mountd can't
>  resolve the second host in the list. So right now I use the machines IP
>  addresses in /etc/exports file and it works flawlessly.
>  Perhaps I need to set mountd to start later in the boot process so that
>  it can resolve the hostnames in /etc/exports file?

I had similar problems a while ago with nfs not mounting but that was
related to the spanning-tree-algorithm on our switches which made the
first nfs-mount incomplete. So I added this entry to root's crontab:

@reboot /sbin/mount -a

>  Thanks though. Really appreciate your tip!



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Re: ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?

2008-04-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  > http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSKnownProblems
>  >
>  > This looks like #1.
>  >
>  Hmm.. I don't think there's a large amount of transfer between UFS & ZFS,
>  unless the client is using /tmp a lot, it should all be on ZFS.
>  I noted #4 as well, and therefore tried disabling prefetch.  I can't seem to
>  get it to hang now.  I queued up a bunch of different torrents (full freebsd
>  7 amd64 & i386, some other random things), and they all completed without
>  leading to me being locked out or any processes waiting on zfs.
>  I'll try some testing this weekend to see if I can reproduce the lock-up
>  again by re-enabling prefetch.  Perhaps we can confirm that issue?  Should I
>  bother with trying to run CURRENT or should any testing I do be done with
>  STABLE.  I don't see any indication that there might be experimental patches
>  for dealing with this or related issues.

Were you able to reproduce the lock-up by re-enabling prefetch?


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php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3

2008-04-17 Thread Claus Guttesen

I have installed php5 with support for postgresql (php5-pgsql). If I
install postgresql-client ver. 8.2.7 or 8.3.x apache (httpd)
core-dumps. If I install postgresql-client 8.1.11 or 8.2.6 apache does
not core-dump.

This is the output (backtrace) from gdb:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00080651c340 in ?? ()
#1  0x00080094ebd5 in puts () from /lib/libc.so.7
#2  0x00080094f1ee in gethostbyname () from /lib/libc.so.7
#3  0x0041ee80 in ap_get_local_host ()
#4  0x0041e131 in ap_fini_vhost_config ()
#5  0x0040de35 in ap_read_config ()
#6  0x004156f1 in standalone_main ()
#7  0x00416e2c in main ()

I have confirmed that it's postgresql which makes apache core dump by
commenting out pgsql.so in /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini. This -
off-course - prevents me from connecting to my db. :-/

Apache is ver. 1.3.41 from ports with no changes to the default-values
during portinstall. PHP is ver. 5.2.5_1.


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Re: php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3

2008-04-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  I have installed php5 with support for postgresql (php5-pgsql). If I
>  install postgresql-client ver. 8.2.7 or 8.3.x apache (httpd)
>  core-dumps. If I install postgresql-client 8.1.11 or 8.2.6 apache does
>  not core-dump.
>  This is the output (backtrace) from gdb:
>  (gdb) bt
>  #0  0x00080651c340 in ?? ()
>  #1  0x00080094ebd5 in puts () from /lib/libc.so.7
>  #2  0x00080094f1ee in gethostbyname () from /lib/libc.so.7
>  #3  0x0041ee80 in ap_get_local_host ()
>  #4  0x0041e131 in ap_fini_vhost_config ()
>  #5  0x0040de35 in ap_read_config ()
>  #6  0x004156f1 in standalone_main ()
>  #7  0x00416e2c in main ()
>  I have confirmed that it's postgresql which makes apache core dump by
>  commenting out pgsql.so in /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini. This -
>  off-course - prevents me from connecting to my db. :-/
>  Apache is ver. 1.3.41 from ports with no changes to the default-values
>  during portinstall. PHP is ver. 5.2.5_1.

Replying to myself (and others :-) ). When compiling php5 statically
with postgresql-support apache no longer core dumps. I added
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-pgsql to /usr/ports/lang/php5/Makefile.


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Re: php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3

2008-04-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > Replying to myself (and others :-) ). When compiling php5 statically
> > with postgresql-support apache no longer core dumps. I added
> > CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-pgsql to /usr/ports/lang/php5/Makefile.
>  Not sure if this would make much of a difference in your case, but have you
> tried moving the line for pgsql.so up higher in extensions.ini?
>  I've documented the issue here:
>  http://www.pingle.org/2006/10/18/php-crashes-extensions
>  http://www.pingle.org/2007/09/22/php-crashes-extensions-workaround
>  More info can be found in the archives as well.
>  If that does alleviate your problem, let me know and I'll add notes for
> pgsql.so to my workaround.

I did read this (or a similar) thread during my troubleshooting and
started with pgsql.so at the top and gradually moved it down to the
bottom and (re)starting apache and everytime it core dumped.

Thank you for the pointer though.

Forgot to mention that this is is the amd64-version of FreeBSD 7.0.


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Re: ZFS & Bittorent -> Hang?

2008-04-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
>  OK.  I've been able to reproduce the issue.
>  Conditions:
>  - Stock shipped kernel and modules from RELENG 7.0
>  loader.conf settings:
>  - zfs prefetch enabled
>  - zfs zil disabled
>  - vm.kmem_size_max="1073741824"
>  - vm.kmem_size="1073741824"
>  AMD64 on Core 2 Duo w/ 4 GB RAM
>  raidz across 4 disks, using root on zfs (also experienced this hang with zfs
>  just on /usr)
>  How To Reproduce
>  - install transmission-daemon, run transmission-daemon (it will daemonize,
>  automatically backgrounding)
>  - grab a torrent, such as KNOPPIX (http://torrent.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/)
>  - transmission-remote -a  (add the torrent)
>  - transmission-remote -s all  (start all the torrents)
>  wait hours to a day or so with whatever you want logging things running and
>  active since anything that hits disk after the hang will get hung as well
>  I've just done this twice.  It doesn't seem to happen with zil enabled and
>  prefetch off.
>  Expected Behavior
>  No hang.

Thank you for spending time on this. I'm getting some jbod-storage in
a few weeks and will spend some time using various block-sizes and
share partitions across nfs. I'm somewhat confident that zfs on
FreeBSD will work fine but Solaris is (of course) also an option. This
will be approx. 7 TB to begin with and growing upwards to some two
digit TB's.

What is the largest storage zfs on FreeBSD has been used on? I tried
it for some month on 8 TB.


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Re: php5 and postgresql 8.2/8.3

2008-04-21 Thread Claus Guttesen
> this problem is very old for me. it goes, at least from
>  http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=97272
>  I found a workaround: you simply should set
>  ServerName foobar.emxample
>  in httpd.conf
>  i don't know why missing ServerName causes coredump of apache in case of
> php+php_pgsql, but this works for me

Thank you for your tip. I will try that on a test-server. Maby some
reverse dns-lookup-issue which blocks correct unloading which then
leads to a core-dump?


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Re: Best-performing disk I/O options for a DBMS server on 7-STABLE

2008-05-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
> What's the best option?
> Assume PCI/Express bus, having to buy a card AND disk(s) are fine.
> I assume SCSI is the best path forward (either SA/SCSI or traditional) but
> have been out of the loop on the card(s) that work properly for a good long
> while.
> What's my best option?

I have a HP DL360 G5 with an addon p800-controller with battery-backed
cache, a msa70-cabinet and 11 2,5" sas-disks @ 15K in raid-6 and one
hotspare. The controller has 512 MB and is performing satisfactory.
This is on FreeBSD 7.0 release and postgresql 8.3.1.

I've heard many positive remarks on areca's raid-controllers as well,
vendor-support on FreeBSD and good performance.


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Re: ciss(4) not coping with large arrays?

2008-05-16 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Running today's RELENG_7 (although 7.0-RELEASE has the same problem),
> GENERIC kernel on an amd64 and I can't seem to get a da(4) device for
> any arrays bigger than 2TB.

In earlier releases (5 and 6 at least) you couldn't create partitions
larger than 2 TB. I don't know whether work has been to circumvent
this in 7 but tools like fsck has to be changed as well. Have you
tried zfs?

> dmesg:
> <...>
> ciss0:  port 0x4000-0x40ff mem 
> 0xfdf0-0xfdff,0xfdef
> -0xfdef0fff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci10
> ciss0: [ITHREAD]
> <...>
> da0 at ciss0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
> da0: 135.168MB/s transfers
> da0: 953837MB (1953459632 512 byte sectors: 255H 32S/T 65535C)
> da1 at ciss0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
> da1:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
> da1: 135.168MB/s transfers
> da1: 953837MB (1953459632 512 byte sectors: 255H 32S/T 65535C)
> da2 at ciss0 bus 0 target 2 lun 0
> da2:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
> da2: 135.168MB/s transfers
> da2: 1907675MB (3906918832 512 byte sectors: 255H 32S/T 65535C)
> (da3:ciss0:0:3:0): got CAM status 0x4
> (da3:ciss0:0:3:0): fatal error, failed to attach to device
> (da3:ciss0:0:3:0): lost device
> (da3:ciss0:0:3:0): removing device entry
> (da4:ciss0:0:4:0): got CAM status 0x4
> (da4:ciss0:0:4:0): fatal error, failed to attach to device
> (da4:ciss0:0:4:0): lost device
> (da4:ciss0:0:4:0): removing device entry
> <...>
> The arrays I'm testing with:
> da1 = 1 x 1TB
> da2 = 2 x 1TB
> da3 = 3 x 1TB
> da4 = 4 x 1TB
> Also:
> # camcontrol devlist
>  at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,da0)
>  at scbus0 target 1 lun 0 (pass1,da1)
>  at scbus0 target 2 lun 0 (pass2,da2)
>  at scbus0 target 3 lun 0 (pass3)
>  at scbus0 target 4 lun 0 (pass4)
> # camcontrol readcap pass2
> Last Block: 3906918831, Block Length: 512 bytes
> # camcontrol readcap pass3
> (pass3:ciss0:0:3:0): SERVICE ACTION IN(16). CDB: 9e 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
> c 0 0
> (pass3:ciss0:0:3:0): CAM Status: CCB request completed with an error
> Is it possible to get FreeBSD to recognize arrays > 2TB?
> Are there any further diagnostics I can provide?
> --Emil
> ___
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Re: ciss(4) not coping with large arrays?

2008-05-16 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> In earlier releases (5 and 6 at least) you couldn't create partitions
>> larger than 2 TB. I don't know whether work has been to circumvent
>> this in 7 but tools like fsck has to be changed as well. Have you
>> tried zfs?
> zfs has nothing to do with this.  The driver is not properly dealing with
> the large volume.
> set the kernel tunable in loader.conf
> kern.cam.da.3.minimum_cmd_size=16
> kern.cam.da.4.minimum_cmd_size=16

Yes, of course. I was off-course. :-)


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Re: possible zfs bug? lost all pools

2008-05-18 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> Did you run '/etc/rc.d.hostid start' first?
>> IIRC, it is needed before zfs will mount in single-user mode.
> Just curious, as I've been wanting to fiddle around with ZFS in my spare
> time...  what is the solution here if you have failed hardware and you want
> to move your ZFS disks to another system (with a different host id)?

'zpool import' possible with a -f.  man 1m zpool.


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Re: ZFS version 8 on stable?

2008-06-13 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> So either I want to downgrade the zpool, or upgrade zfs on FreeBSD.
>> Does anyone know if I'll be able to import zfs v8, or am I wasting my
>> time? I'd prefer to follow -stable, but if I must follow -current,
>> then golly goshkins, I'll have no choice!
> I don't know what the current migration status is of ZFS on FreeBSD to a
> newer version.  I don't think -CURRENT/HEAD has a newer ZFS either, so I
> think you're out of luck with regards to an "easy" migration.
> If I was in your shoes, I would not downgrade the pool -- I would simply
> stop using ZFS and use a filesystem that is fully compatible between OS
> X and FreeBSD.  *cue someone chiming in with the usual "ZFS is
> experimental on FreeBSD, blah blah blah" rhetoric*  :-)

I tried to create a zfs-pool on Solaris and was unable to import it to
FreeBSD. So there are still some issues in relation to
OS-platform-migrations. But other than that is this not a somewhat
pessimistic approach not to try things out? :-)

Many years ago (os x 10.0 or 10.1 I think) I tried to create an
UFS-volume on os x but this was not recognized by FreeBSD (ver. 4.x).
What other fs-type will work between os x and FreeBSD? FAT comes to my


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Re: tracking -stable in the enterprise

2008-06-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> FWIW, Yahoo! tracks -stable branches, not point releases.
> I'm curious about this (and stealing the dead thread).
> How does one track -stable in an enterprise environment?  I assume that what
> you mean is "we pick points in -stable that we believe are stable enough and
> create a snapshot from this point that we test and roll out to production"
> ...?  Am I wrong?
> I mean, I guess Yahoo has enough resources to literally run every commit to
> -stable through a full test cycle and push it out to every machine, but my
> mind boggles to imagine the manpower cost of doing so.  (and to justify the
> manpower cost versus the gain from doing so...)

I only have a handfull of web-servers so I do a 'make buildworld' and
-kernel on one server and then nfs-mount it from the other servers
(remember mount-root-option if doing this). I don't have any problems
running stable if it works. So I usually just upgrade one server to
whatever stable is at that moment and if it runs without problems for
a while I upgrade the remaining servers a few days apart.

When it comes to our db-server I usually track release, but since my
web-servers and db-server is the same hardware I'm somewhat confident
that an upgrade to stable  will work if the need to do so arises.


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zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Guttesen

I installed FreeBSD 7 a few days ago and upgraded to the latest stable
release using GENERIC kernel. I also added these entries to


Initially prefetch was enabled and I would experience hangs but after
disabling prefetch copying large amounts of data would go along
without problems. To see if FreeBSD 8 (current) had better (copy)
performance I upgraded to current as of yesterday. After upgrading and
rebooting the server responded fine.

The server is a supermicro with a quad-core harpertown e5405 with two
internal sata-drives and 8 GB of ram. I installed an areca arc-1680
sas-controller and configured it in jbod-mode. I attached an external
sas-cabinet with 16 sas-disks at 1 TB (931 binary GB).

I created a raidz2 pool with 10 disks and added one spare. I copied
approx. 1 TB of small files (each approx. 1 MB) and during the copy I
simulated a disk-crash by pulling one of the disks out of the cabinet.
Zfs did not activate the spare and the copying stopped until I
rebooted after 5-10 minutes. When I performed a 'zpool status' the
command would not complete. I did not see any messages in
/var/log/message. State in top showed 'ufs-'.

A similar test on solaris express developer edition b79 activated the
spare after zfs tried to write to the missing disk enough times and
then marked it as faulted. Has any one else tried to simulate a
disk-crash in raidz(2) and succeeded?


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Re: zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-07-25 Thread Claus Guttesen
>> I installed FreeBSD 7 a few days ago and upgraded to the latest stable
>> release using GENERIC kernel. I also added these entries to
>> /boot/loader.conf:
>> vm.kmem_size="1536M"
>> vm.kmem_size_max="1536M"
>> vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable=1
>> Initially prefetch was enabled and I would experience hangs but after
>> disabling prefetch copying large amounts of data would go along
>> without problems. To see if FreeBSD 8 (current) had better (copy)
>> performance I upgraded to current as of yesterday. After upgrading and
>> rebooting the server responded fine.
>> The server is a supermicro with a quad-core harpertown e5405 with two
>> internal sata-drives and 8 GB of ram. I installed an areca arc-1680
>> sas-controller and configured it in jbod-mode. I attached an external
>> sas-cabinet with 16 sas-disks at 1 TB (931 binary GB).
>> I created a raidz2 pool with 10 disks and added one spare. I copied
>> approx. 1 TB of small files (each approx. 1 MB) and during the copy I
>> simulated a disk-crash by pulling one of the disks out of the cabinet.
>> Zfs did not activate the spare and the copying stopped until I
>> rebooted after 5-10 minutes. When I performed a 'zpool status' the
>> command would not complete. I did not see any messages in
>> /var/log/message. State in top showed 'ufs-'.
> That means that it was UFS that hung, not ZFS.  What was the process
> backtrace, and what role does UFS play on this system?

Arghh.. Typo, I meant 'zfs-'. Pardon.

My boot-disk is plain ufs2 but the disk I pulled out was in the raidz2-pool.


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Re: zfs, raidz, spare and jbod

2008-08-06 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I installed FreeBSD 7 a few days ago and upgraded to the latest stable
> release using GENERIC kernel. I also added these entries to
> /boot/loader.conf:
> vm.kmem_size="1536M"
> vm.kmem_size_max="1536M"
> vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable=1
> Initially prefetch was enabled and I would experience hangs but after
> disabling prefetch copying large amounts of data would go along
> without problems. To see if FreeBSD 8 (current) had better (copy)
> performance I upgraded to current as of yesterday. After upgrading and
> rebooting the server responded fine.
> The server is a supermicro with a quad-core harpertown e5405 with two
> internal sata-drives and 8 GB of ram. I installed an areca arc-1680
> sas-controller and configured it in jbod-mode. I attached an external
> sas-cabinet with 16 sas-disks at 1 TB (931 binary GB).

Replying to my own mail! :-) I believe I have found at least a
work-around to alleviate this issue. First of all I upgraded to zfs
ver. 11 by using Pawels patch. The upgrade itself does not solve any
issue. Then I upgraded the firmware as advised by Areca-support. The
firmware-upgrade has minor changes related to disk-temperature-reading
and will probably not change anything either.

I changed the configuration on each disk on the areca
arc-1680-controller to passthrough-mode and rebooted. After
re-creating the zpool I have not had any errors while copying 718 GB
of small files from my solaris-nfs-server. I'm performing a local copy
atm. and have 'zpool offline'd one disk and 'zpool replace'd with the

While the replace is in progress write-performance naturally takes a
hit but the resilver-progress is progressing steadily and will use
approx. 2 hours and 45 minutes in total to complete.


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Re: UFS2 optimization for many small files

2007-07-01 Thread Claus Guttesen

We're going to build a server with some 1Tb of over 500 million small
files with size from 0,5k to 4k.  I'm wonder if the ufs2 can handle
this kind of system well. From newfs(8) the min block size is 4k. This
is not optimal in our case, a 1k or 0,5k block is more effective IMHO.
I'd be happy if anyone can suggest what does fragment (block/8) in the
ufs2 mean and how this parameter works. I know It's better to read the
full ufs2 specification, but hope that someone here can give a hint.
Please advice with optimizations or tricks.
Thank you very much.

Try zfs on amd64 unless your app doesn't work well with zfs or your
organization doesn't allow current. Current is remarkably stable
taking into account zfs is fairly new and ported from solaris and
running on current. I'm using it on a 8.2 TB nexsan storage and no
crashes during testing and a limited time in production.

Some years ago I used FreeBSD (5.2) as nfs-server (using ufs2) on
approx. 15 partitions ranging from 400 GB to 2 TB in size.  If the
server for some reason had crashed the webservers were unable to
access the nfs-mounted partitions during the period the server did a
snapshot of a partition, in order to perform a background-fsck and
thus our website was down. So ufs2 does not scale well.


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Re: UFS2 optimization for many small files

2007-07-01 Thread Claus Guttesen

> approx. 15 partitions ranging from 400 GB to 2 TB in size.  If the
> server for some reason had crashed the webservers were unable to

the question is about the reason it crashed...

> access the nfs-mounted partitions during the period the server did a
> snapshot of a partition, in order to perform a background-fsck and
> thus our website was down. So ufs2 does not scale well.

Reasons not related to the nfs-server itself. FreeBSD itself was
rock-solid. It was firmware-related on the storage-side.


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Re: UFS2 optimization for many small files

2007-07-01 Thread Claus Guttesen

> Try zfs on amd64 unless your app doesn't work well with zfs or your

does zfs have RELIABLE and USABLE software allowing to efficiently backup
large filesystems to other media? (DVD's, tapes, other hard discs)

Zfs has send/receive where you can do snapshots and send them to a
different host. This could be your backup-host. I'm considering this
solution myself where FreeBSD and zfs is my primary host and my
nightly backups will be send to my solaris-host. Solaris has the
required lto-3-drivers.


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Re: postfix not starting

2007-08-10 Thread Claus Guttesen
> This is a newly installed stable machine, cvsupped and rebuilt this weekend.
> I have installed postfix with amavisd-new and clamav.
> They are all set for startup in /etc/rc.conf and sendmail is appropriately 
> marked out, I have set up quite a few of these in the recent past.

I assume it's postfix_enable="YES" and yes for the other options and

> However neither amavis, clamav or postfix start automatically, they can all 
> be started manually.
> I have turned on rc_debug, but they are not mentioned at all, their scripts 
> are all in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. The only script mentioned in the debug output 
> is fetchmail, which is not enabled in the rc.conf.
> They are all freshly install from ports.
> Where can I start looking to get this running?

What does /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postfix rcvar say?


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Re: large RAID volume partition strategy

2007-08-17 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I have a shiny new big RAID array.  16x500GB SATA 300+NCQ drives
> connected to the host via 4Gb fibre channel.  This gives me 6.5Tb of
> raw disk.
> I've come up with three possibilities on organizing this disk.  My
> needs are really for a single 1Tb file system on which I will run
> postgres.  However, in the future I'm not sure what I'll really need.
> I don't plan to ever connect any other servers to this RAID unit.
> The three choices I've come with so far are:
> 1) Make one RAID volume of 6.5Tb (in a RAID6 + hot spare
> configuration), and make one FreeBSD file system on the whole partition.
> 2) Make one RAID volume of 6.5Tb (in a RAID6 + hot spare
> configuration), and make 6 FreeBSD partitions with one file system each.
> 3) Make 6 RAID volumes and expose them to FreeBSD as multiple drives,
> then make one partition + file system on each "disk".  Each RAID
> volume would span across all 16 drives, and I could make the volumes
> of differing RAID levels, if needed, but I'd probably stick with RAID6
> +spare.
> I'm not keen on option 1 because of the potentially long fsck times
> after a crash.

If you want to avoid the long fsck-times your remaining options are a
journaling filesystem or zfs, either requires an upgrade from freebsd
6.2. I have used zfs and had a serverstop due to powerutage in out
area. Our zfs-samba-server came up fine with no data corruption. So I
will suggest freebsd 7.0 with zfs.

Short fsck-times and ufs2 don't do well together. I know there is
background-fsck but for me that is not an option.


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Re: large RAID volume partition strategy

2007-08-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > If you want to avoid the long fsck-times your remaining options are a
> > journaling filesystem or zfs, either requires an upgrade from freebsd
> > 6.2. I have used zfs and had a serverstop due to powerutage in out
> > area. Our zfs-samba-server came up fine with no data corruption. So I
> > will suggest freebsd 7.0 with zfs.
> But, if I don't go with zfs, which would be a better way to slice the
> space up: RAID volumes exported as individual disks to freebsd, or
> one RAID volume divided into multiple logical partitions with disklabel?

If you want to place data and the transaction-log on different
partitions you want to be shure they reside on different physical
disks so you probably want option 1.


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Re: [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?

2007-08-28 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Recently I am considering to move to another MTA. At one time I was
> wondering what mail server big ISP are running. I can't decide postfix
> or qmail.
> Which one is best MTA for me?

I've been using postfix since it was called vmailer.


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Re: Panic with RELENG_6_2 on DELL PE 4600 with PAE

2007-10-04 Thread Claus Guttesen
> >>Why would there be no space when I have 24GB of memory?
> >
> >1. Any process, including the kernel can only allocate up to 4 GB of
> >memory on a 32-bit system (since a 32-bit integer can only hold that
> >many values)
> >2. The kernel is further constrained so the user programs can get enough
> >memory
> >3. Kernel structures for tracking and using memory are also stored in
> >kernel memory. 24 GB of memory with PAE probably "eats up" a lot of
> >those. I think you'll need to increase kmem_size (see
> >http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSTuningGuide for an example - ignore
> >ZFS-specific things).
> It made no difference. Still the same error.
> Is anyone actually using PAE with FreeBSD 6.2? I have found practically
> no information using
> google.

But why use i386 with so much ram? Wouldn't it make more sense running
amd64 instead?


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Re: can I do 6.1-RELEASE to 6.2 via cvsup

2007-10-15 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I should just be able to change the TAG in standard-supfile from 6_1 to 6_2,
> do a cvsup, and the builds etc to end up with 6.2-RELEASE right?
> yes? no?


1. make buildworld
2. make buildkernel (add KERNCONF=mykernel to /etc/make.conf)
3. mergemaster -p
4. make installkernel
5. shutdown -r now and boot into single user
6. mount -a (if /usr/src and /usr/obj resides on their own partitions)
7. mergemaster
8. make installworld
9. reboot

I usually omit 5 and 6 because most of the time it works fine.


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Re: Best way to use more that 4 gigs of memory ?

2007-11-04 Thread Claus Guttesen
> 1) amd64 kernel + 64 bit processes
> 2) amd64 kernel + 32 bit processes
> 3) i386 kernel with PAE and 32 bit processes
> I was initially thinking that option 1 was the best, but benchmarking it
> the programs take 3 times longer to run that option 2! This astounds me
> and I intend to investigate why, but given it is rue then that rules it out
> as a viable solution for deploying stuff.

How did you benchmark? Maby there are some hints on tune/optimize?


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Re: Harddisk failure causes system crash, please help

2007-11-08 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I have been using this laptop for a few months now with FreeBSD without any
> problems with the hard disk however today as I installed editors/vim the
> system crashed (without a core dump or any message).
> When ever the system boots (and proceeds to do a fsck on ad0e (/usr)) it
> also crashes without any message.  I have tried the following commands:
> # dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/null bs=1M ( System crashes)
> # smartctl -C -t short ( Succeeds )
> # smartctl -C -t long ( Failes with a message: ad0: FAILED - SMART timed
> out)

Corrupt disk?


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Re: FreeBSD 6.3 or FreeBSD 7.0

2007-11-14 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I see that 6.3 and 7.0 is comming. Now I'm using 6.2-RELEASE for
> my servers. To what should I upgrade? Which of them will be stable
> or production release?

I'm deploying FreeBSD 7 on my webservers, because they are
loadbalanced. But I will not deploy ver. 7 on my db-server until I get
to ver. 7.1. Other than that ver. 7 is very stable and I have not had
any reboots (using ufs as fs).

So if the server is very critical I would stay on the 6.x release-branch.


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impressive buildworld time

2007-11-14 Thread Claus Guttesen

Just installed a new DL360 with 8 cores at 2.33 Ghz and 8 GB ram and
15K rpm sas-disks. When I installed the beta2 from cd 'make -j 9
buildworld' took approx. 20 min. After a recompile of userland and
kernel and switch to ULE it went down to:

>>> World build completed on Wed Nov 14 17:44:08 CET 2007
3552.428u 1298.485s 16:15.89 497.0% 6156+1325k 25257+8117io 3368pf+0w

Not very scientific and only one run but none the less my fastest
buildworld time ever on FreeBSD. :-)


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Re: 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD

2007-11-19 Thread Claus Guttesen
On Nov 19, 2007 2:32 PM, Alexey Popov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a large pool of web backends (Apache + mod_php5) with
> 2 x Xeon 3.2GHz processors and 2 x Xeon 5120 dual-core processors. The
> workload is mostly CPU-bound. I'm using 6-STABLE-amd64 and also tried
> Now I'm trying to use new hardware with 2 x Xeon 5320 (quad-core), but
> it can not work under the same load as dual-core. It shows up to 80%
> system CPU load in top:
> last pid:  3850;  load averages: 22.51, 19.75, 12.18

Very high load. Could it be the raid-controller? I had a db-server
with horibble performance due to a cheap raid-controller. Moving to a
ciss-controller (DL380 G5) solved all my issues. My load decreased 100


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Re: 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD

2007-11-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > Thank you for your research. I think you can get more %sys with 4-core
> > processors. For me 2xquad-core systems are now completely unusable as
> > PHP backends.
> I am getting very alarmed by this discussion as we just took delivery
> of ten 2x quad core systems to be deployes as heavy webservers in order to
> replace the dual core ones. probably under 7.0 as 6.3 wont boot PAE and
> they have 16 gigs of memory.

I'm running two DL360 G5 webservers each with two quad-core cpu's.
Each have 8 GB of ram, one is 2 Ghz and the other is 2.33 Ghz. They
run just fine. These two webservers have twice the weight of three
opterons with two dual-core cpu's on our coyote load-balancer.

The servers are so fast I had to adjust the read- and write-size in
fstab for the nfs-mounts. Using 8kb I got the 'nfs server not
responding - alive again' during peak on the new servers. Using a 2kb
size instead solved my problem. They handle twice as much traffic as
the 4-way-opterons.

The quad-cores run 7.0 beta2 with ule, php, apache.


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Re: 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD

2007-11-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > FWIW, we are seeing 2 x quad-core 2.66GHz outperform (per core) 2 x
> > dual-core 3GHz on the same type of m/b, apparently because of better
> > bandwidth to memory. However, this is on a compute-intensive workload
> > running 1 job per core so would be pretty insensitive to
> > scheduler/locking issues.
> Alexey's problem is pretty specific to filesystem performance.  Good to
> hear though :)

If that is the conclusion, wouldn't it make sense trying a different
disk-controller then?


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Re: 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD

2007-11-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> The issue in this thread is not if they are fast, but could they be made
> faster by shortening sys time :)

Yes, I'm aware of that. :-) The comment was related to the former mail
where some uncertainty came along when he read this thread.

> (btw. what is your sys time under stress?)

I'll take a look on sunday. That is our busiest day (evening).


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Re: Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core

2007-11-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I think I also just came up against the same effect that the original poster
> saw. I have two sets of machines here - one is a pair of dual core Xeons,
> the other a pair of quad core Xeons. They are HP servers, more or less
> identical apart from the processors I belive.
> Both have 7.0-BETA3 installed, and the same config on them with the
> same files.  I am trying to delete a gigabyte of files using 'rm -rf'
> On the dual core processors this takes about 20 seconds. On the quad
> cores it takes about 3 minutes! This is true for both the 32 and 64 bit
> versions of FreeBSD :-(

ULE- or 4BSD-scheduler?

Bit OT: Are the servers DL360 or DL380 (G5)? I will upgrade a DL380
server from 6.2 to 7.0 (beta3) in order to gain some performance


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Re: Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core

2007-11-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > ULE- or 4BSD-scheduler?
> 4BSD - am just running GENERIC on both system. Should I try ULE?

ULE has shown several improvements compared to 4BSD with more than one
cpu. It's worth trying but may not improve the rm-rimes.

> > Bit OT: Are the servers DL360 or DL380 (G5)? I will upgrade a DL380
> > server from 6.2 to 7.0 (beta3) in order to gain some performance
> > tomorrow.
> Both the old and new are DL360 G5 according the the iLo. Let us know
> how the upgrade goes.

I will.


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Re: Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core

2007-11-29 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Thing is that GENERIC as installed out of the box should not take two minutes
> to delete a gig of files off a 15k RPM SAS drive! especially not
> when identical hardware with half the number of processor cores only takes
> eleven seconds to do the same job. Something is wrong somewhere if doubling
> your CPU's results in a factor of 12 slowdown surely?

Is it possible to disable one of the quad-core cpu's from bios? I have
a couple of DL360's myself but I haven't had the need to disable one
of the cpu's.

If so it could be interesting to see whether the specific task goes


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Re: Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core

2007-11-30 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > Yes, if the claim is that the hardware is absolutely identical apart
> > from one having two quad-core CPUs instead of two dual-core, the next
> > step is to disable half of the CPUs and confirm that the problem goes away.
> Just comming back to this today, will do a side by side compare of the dmesg
> later to make sure that they *are* identical as claimed, but the idea of
> disabling half the CPU's is an excellent one!
> Aha, brilliant idea!
> > Check dmesg for the APIC numbers corresponding to the CPUs you want to
> > disable and add the corresponding entries to /boot/loader.conf, e.g.:
> You mean this bit?
> FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 8 CPUs
>  cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
>  cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
>  cpu2 (AP): APIC ID:  2
>  cpu3 (AP): APIC ID:  3
>  cpu4 (AP): APIC ID:  4
>  cpu5 (AP): APIC ID:  5
>  cpu6 (AP): APIC ID:  6
>  cpu7 (AP): APIC ID:  7

For completeness sake :-) you could try to disable the second
quad-core-cpu completely rather than 2 cores on each unit and redo the


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Re: Anyone else seeing this on a make release of 7?

2007-12-05 Thread Claus Guttesen
> cc -Os -pipe -Wsystem-headers -Werror -Wall -Wno-format-y2k -W

What happens if you revert to default optimization to -O2?


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Re: Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core

2007-12-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Just as a followup to this - I soent some time going through all
> the suggestions and advice that people gave me regarding this problem.
> It turns out that the newer servers shipped by HP have different cache
> settings to the older ones on their RAID controllers, plus I get very
> different results from my benchmarks depending on how long the machines
> have been booted for and what activity has occurred on them (probably due to
> things ending up in cache).

What settings are there on the cache? I have a DL 380 G5 with 2 x
dual-core woodcrest and 512 MB BB cache running as a db-server
(postgresql) and two DL 360 G5 with with 2 x 4-core and 256 MB BB
cache running as web-servers.

> Upshot - if the machines are configured identically, and an identical install
> is made and an identical test doen then we get identical performance as
> expected.
> Part of the reason for posting this though is that a lot of people have bbeen
> worrying about 8x CPU performance, and this thread won't have helped. So
> I wanted to say that now I am convinced that (for my workload) these machines
> are fine. To the point where I have installed 7.0-BETA4 on the ten new
> 8 core servers for a very large load on th webfarm this morning. I'm pleased
> toio say that it went off perfectly, the servers took the load and we had
> no problems at all. We are running CGI scripts against mySQL under apache22
> basically - which is a pretty common thing to do. Ia m using ULE and tthe
> amd64 version of the OS.

I will second this even though I do not have hard facts to base this
assumption on. I have - as mentioned above - two web-servers running
7.0 beta 2 on a 8-core and is satisfied with the performance. But my
only comparison are two 2 x dual-core opterons (4-way) where the
8-core handles approx. twice as much load. But maby I should expect
2.5 as much performance since the quad-core is a newer cpu and the
opterons are getting two years old.

I also upgraded our db-server from 6.2 RC1 to 7.0 beta 3 on our DL 380
G5 (4-way) because the server was getting constrained on ressources. I
could either replace my 10K rpm drives (in raid 1+0) with 15K ditto
which would require a downtime which we could not afford at this time
or I could upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0. The upgrade took 10 min. Kernel
and userland had all ready been compiled on the web-server. The
upgrade was worthwhile and the db-server is performing better. On
Sunday I will have some load-numbers and post them on Monday.


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Re: 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,

2007-12-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I know FreeBSD 4.x is old..., but we are using on a production system
> with postgres and apache. The above message
> is appearing periodically. I googled for the message but found no
> recommendation for adjusting it.

Is the sysctl kern.vm.pmap.shpgperproc available on 4.x? This can be
configured in /boot/loader.conf.


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Re: 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,

2007-12-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
> >> But you can put that option into the kernel config file:
> >>
> >>   options PMAP_SHPGPERPROC=...
> >>
> >> and build a new kernel with it.
> >
> > You are correct. My question is more how much should I increase it. The
> > current default in the 4.x LINT file
> > is "options PMAP_SHPGPERPROC=201" should I double it? Increase it by 50
> > to 251? Should it be a prime number?
> > I am just asking for information.
> The settings in the LINT file are not necessarily the defaults, rather
> mere examples.  The default value for PMAP_SHPGPERPROC is 200 (defined
> in the source file /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/pmap.c).  I would recommend to
> increase it by 100 until the messages stop.  We use 300 on our servers,
> for instance.

I do recall I had the same message on a 5.x-server (running
postgresql-server I think, some years ago now :-) ) once in a while. I
think I raised it twice to 400. I remember that the recommendation was
not to raise it too high in order not to make the kernel panic during


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Re: Performance!

2007-12-20 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I have read all related threads about performance problems with multi
> core systems but still have no idea what to do to make thinks better.
> Below are results of testing postgresql on HP DL380G5 using sysbench.
> The results are comparable to:
> http://blog.insidesystems.net/articles/2007/04/11/postgresql-scaling-on-6-2-and-7-0
> but the same tests running on the same hardware using Linux (kernel
> 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5 SMP x86_64) are very different.
> PostgreSQL is tuned equal.
> results:
> FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4 amd64 (cvsup on 20.12) GENERIC with SCHED_ULE
> #threads#transactions/sec   user/system
> 1   500 7.4%,5.3%
> 5   199030.9%,23.4%
> 10  251039.9%,35.0%
> 20  254944.5%,43.5%
> 40  192129.8%,59.4%
> 60  158022.7%,70.6%
> 80  134118.9%,75.9%
> 100 122716.5%,79.3%
> Linux
> #threads#transactions/sec
> 1   693
> 5   3539
> 10  5789
> 20  5791
> 40  5661
> 60  5517
> 80  5401
> 100 5319
> What can be done to improve these results?

What postgres-version did you use for this benchmark? Eventhough this
is a synthetic benchmark the difference in performance may indicate
some penalties on 8-core servers on FreeBSD.

According to http://people.freebsd.org/~kris/scaling/mysql.html mysql
scale the same until until 8 clients on both Linux and FreeBSD. This
is an older test though and Linux has probably done some

Could be interesting so see whether the results differ if you disable
one of the cpu's and rerun the tests.


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Re: SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?

2007-12-22 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I will need to build several Web caches over the next few months,
> and just took advantage of the Christmas lull (and a snowy day,
> when I couldn't work outside) to test FreeBSD 7.0 BETA 4 to see how
> it will perform at this task. I built up a 4 core FreeBSD box, and
> asked a friend who's a Linux fanatic to do the same with Linux on
> identical hardware. I didn't watch closely how he installed
> everything, but asked him not to tune  it beyond setting it up
> properly for SMP.
> We then ran a test suite in which a client starts several
> processes. Each uses wget to fetch a series of objects in rapid
> succession via the cache. The fetches done by each process are the
> same batch of URLS, but shuffled differently, so each URL will get
> a miss the first time and then hits each time it comes up
> thereafter unless the cache overflows. We're doing all GETs, with
> no tricky stuff like subranges.
> As has been reported in some other messages on this list, Linux is
> currently blowing FreeBSD away. It's taking as much as 20% less
> time to get through the benchmark, depending on exactly how the
> random shuffle came out. This is with 4 GB RAM, the GENERIC FreeBSD
> SMP kernel (using SCHED_ULE), and aufs as the storage schema for Squid.
> It appears, though I'd need to instrument the code more to be sure,
> that the slowdown is coming from file I/O. Could it be that there
> less concurrency or more overhead in FreeBSD file operations than
> there is in Linux? Even with SoftUpdates turned on, the cache
> volume mounted with -noatime, and aufs (which uses kqueues -- a
> FreeBSD invention -- to optimize multithreaded disk access), the
> benchmark shows FreeBSD losing out. Why?

I have noticed an entry in GENERIC called

device cpufreq

Could this have any influence on the performance (on FreeBSD)?

I saw this device late in the 7.0 release-process and I since I'm
accustomed to comment out any devices and options I don't need I have
commented this out as well. So I haven't performed any tests with and
without this device.


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Re: SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing? [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2007-12-22 Thread Claus Guttesen
> > > It appears, though I'd need to instrument the code more to be sure,
> > > that the slowdown is coming from file I/O. Could it be that there
> > > less concurrency or more overhead in FreeBSD file operations than
> > > there is in Linux? Even with SoftUpdates turned on, the cache
> > > volume mounted with -noatime, and aufs (which uses kqueues -- a
> > > FreeBSD invention -- to optimize multithreaded disk access), the
> > > benchmark shows FreeBSD losing out. Why?
> >
> > I have noticed an entry in GENERIC called
> >
> > device cpufreq
> >
> > Could this have any influence on the performance (on FreeBSD)?
> >
> > I saw this device late in the 7.0 release-process and I since I'm
> > accustomed to comment out any devices and options I don't need I have
> > commented this out as well. So I haven't performed any tests with and
> > without this device.
> >
> Cpufreq is for CPU frequency scaling.  In the linux world, the cpufreq
> daemon allows you to control your cpu speed and voltage using power
> profiles and such, which makes it a definite power saving tool for
> laptops.  The cpufreq driver is already included with the Linux kernel,
> so I'm going to assume that they've just implemented the cpufreq driver
> in the kernel recently :)
> If enabled, it probably would have an impact on performance, however I
> have lost the ability to test such a function since my laptop decides
> not to POST anymore.

Yes, I did figure out what the purpose of this device was. :-) My
point was that this could lead to lower benchmarks on servers if
GENERIC is used.


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Re: Performance! [SOLVED]

2008-01-11 Thread Claus Guttesen
> >> I have read all related threads about performance problems with multi
> >> core systems but still have no idea what to do to make thinks better.
> >> Below are results of testing postgresql on HP DL380G5 using sysbench.
> >> The results are comparable to:
> >> http://blog.insidesystems.net/articles/2007/04/11/postgresql-scaling-on-6-2-and-7-0
> >>
> >> but the same tests running on the same hardware using Linux (kernel
> >> 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5 SMP x86_64) are very different.
> >> PostgreSQL is tuned equal.
> Just to summarize some discussion we had off-list, this problem is now
> resolved.  It turned out to have two causes:
> 1) sysbench on linux was defaulting to using a unix domain socket to
> communicate with pgsql, but FreeBSD was using TCP to  TCP has
> much more overhead so performance was lower.  Using --pgsql-host="" in
> sysbench is the fix for this.
> 2) pgsql was not compiled with thread support enabled, which caused lots
> of bad interactions with the threaded sysbench client.  This probably
> would have caused data corruption too (silent in this case because
> nothing was checking the query responses).  The fix was to recompile the
> pgsql client and server with the THREADSAFE option enabled.
> Krassimir reports that with these two fixes, the standard 7.0 kernel has
> performance:
> #threadstransactions/sec
> 1   755
> 8   7129
> 40  6580
> 100 6768
> compared to Linux:
> Linux (2.6.18)
> #threads#transactions/sec
> 1   693
> 5   3539
> 10  5789
> 20  5791
> 40  5661
> 60  5517
> 80  5401
> 100 5319
> Linux (2.6.23)
> #threads#transactions/sec
> 1   740
> 5   2675
> 10  6486
> 20  6893
> 40  6623
> 60  6623
> 80  6522
> 100 6417
> I think this is a satisfactory resolution :)

Thank you so much! (both of you and those who helped along the way) :-)

On monday I will start testing a setup where we are moving from four
10K rpm sas disk in raid 1+0 to eight 15K rpm sas disks in raid 1+0 as
well. The former is a ciss p400 controller with 512 MB bbc and the
latter is a p800 with 512 MB bbc and an external msa-box.

I will test with 7.0 and postgresql 8.2 from ports. Should I test with
stable or release? Are there any patches I can apply? Our current
db-server is a DL380 G5 woodcrest at 3 Ghz and my test-server will be
a 8-core DL360 G5 at 2.4 Ghz (I think). I will log the queries from
our live-server and repeat them on the test-server, use pgbench on
FreeBSD, Solaris and Linux.

I was getting a bit worried when the number varied so much between
Linux and FreeBSD.


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garbled message from p800-controller

2008-01-17 Thread Claus Guttesen

I've upgraded to FreeBSD stable as of Jan. 16'th 2008, doen a make
world/kernel. The server is a DL360 G5 with a builtin p400i controller
and a p800 controller as well. Upon boot I get a garbled dmesg from
the p800 controller:

da1 at ciss1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
dSaM1P::  A Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
da1: 135.168MB/s transfers

I recall a similar thread was brought up just before xmas but I can't
find the thread.


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Re: apache 2.0.63 and php5

2009-04-11 Thread Claus Guttesen
> Strange, i have a apache web 2.0.63 and php5 on a 6.4-STABLE, but every time
> i reboot the server, the php pages does not work at all, especially some
> self tools made with sh scripts and sudo (tail cat and some php buttons),
> refresh of the page does not solve the matter..
> For fix it, i need to make a simple apachectl stop and start, then the php
> pages start to works...
> the logs did tell anything...
> any ideas?

Could be an apache module which is not started if the hostname is
required but not yet known, since ethernet is not up and the server
can't perform a dns-query.

You can try to add the hostname to /etc/hosts.


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Re: I need to add commands that starts every time at system boot.

2009-06-07 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I need to add commands that starts every time at system boot.
> which script is the one that starts first and where can I find it?

You can also try to add something like this to root's crontab:

@reboot /sbin/mount -a


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Re: 8.0-RC1 NFS client timeout issue

2009-10-27 Thread Claus Guttesen
> I see an annoying behaviour with NFS over TCP. It happens both with nfs
> and newnfs. This is with FreeBSD/amd64 8.0-RC1 as client. The server is
> some Linux or perhaps Solaris, I'm not entirely sure.

I used nfs with tcp on a 7.2-client without problems on a solaris
nfs-server. When I upgraded to RC1 I had 'server not responding -
alive again' messages so I swithced to udp which works flawlessly. I
haven't had time to investigate it though.

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Re: tcp/udp performance

2006-08-30 Thread Claus Guttesen

test 1: writing to a NetApp filer via NFS/UDP
   FreeBSD  Linux
1- Average: 18.48   32.61
2- Average: 15.69   35.72
3- Average: 16.61   29.69
(interstingly, doing NFS/TCP instead of NFS/UDP shows an increase in speed of
around 60% on FreeBSD but none on Linux)

I've always used tcp when doing nfs between my (former) FreeBSD 5.3
fileserver and my FreeBSD 6.x webservers. I increased the read- and
write-packetsize to 32768 and achieved the best performance using this
packetsize and tcp.

Using udp sometimes gave me the "server not responding", but never
appeared using tcp. So stick to tcp.

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Re: Several issues on Dell 1950/2950 servers (6-STABLE and 7-CURRENT)

2006-09-02 Thread Claus Guttesen

> mpt0: Timedout requests already complete. Interrupts may not be functioning.
I've seen this on Supermicro EM64T in the past on 7-current, but that
went away about 3-4 weeks ago. It really seemed to me that this was
indeed an interrupt related problem.

Yup, sounds like a mess here.

But is there a solution or workaround rather than just concluding?

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