Re: ZFS - abysmal performance with samba since upgrade to 8.2-RELEASE

2011-02-27 Thread Damien Fleuriot
On 24 February 2011 08:55, Jeremy Chadwick  wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 08:30:17AM +0100, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I've recently upgraded my home box from 8.2-PRE to 8.2-RELEASE and since
>> then I've been experiencing *abysmal* performance with samba.
>> We're talking transfer rates of say 50kbytes/s here, and I'm the only
>> client on the box.
> I have a similar system with significantly less disks (two pools, one
> disk each; yes, no redundancy).  The system can push, via SMB/CIFS
> across the network about 65-70MBytes/sec, and 80-90MByte/sec via FTP.
> I'll share with you my tunings for Samba, ZFS, and the system.  I spent
> quite some time messing with different values in Samba and FreeBSD to
> find out what got me the "best" performance without destroying the
> system horribly.
> Please note the amount of memory matters greatly here, so don't go
> blindly setting these if your system has some absurdly small amount of
> physical RAM installed.
> Before getting into what my system has, I also want to make clear that
> there have been cases in the past where people were seeing abysmal
> performance from ZFS, only to find out it was a *single disk* in their
> pool which was causing all of the problems (meaning a single disk was
> performing horribly, impacting everything).  I can try to find the
> mailing list post, but I believe the user offlined the disk (and later
> replaced it) and everything was fast again.  Just a FYI.
> System specifications
> ===
> * Case - Supermicro SC733T-645B
> *   MB - Supermicro X7SBA
> *  CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
> *  RAM - CT2KIT25672AA800, 4GB ECC
> *  RAM - CT2KIT25672AA80E, 4GB ECC
> * Disk - Intel X25-V SSD (ada0, boot)
> * Disk - WD1002FAEX (ada1, ZFS "data" pool)
> * Disk - WD2001FASS (ada2, ZFS "backups" pool)
> Samba
> ===
> Rebuild the port (ports/net/samba35) with AIO_SUPPORT enabled.  To use
> AIO you will need to load the aio.ko kernel module (kldload aio) first.
> Relevant smb.conf tunings:
>  [global]
>  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=131072 SO_RCVBUF=131072
>  use sendfile = no
>  min receivefile size = 16384
>  aio read size = 16384
>  aio write size = 16384
>  aio write behind = yes
> ZFS pools
> ===
>  pool: backups
>  state: ONLINE
>  scrub: none requested
> config:
>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>        backups     ONLINE       0     0     0
>          ada2      ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
>  pool: data
>  state: ONLINE
>  scrub: none requested
> config:
>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>        data        ONLINE       0     0     0
>          ada1      ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
> ZFS tunings
> ===
> Your tunings here are "wild" (meaning all over the place).  Your use
> of vfs.zfs.txg.synctime="1" is probably hurting you quite badly, in
> addition to your choice to enable prefetching (every ZFS FreeBSD system
> I've used has benefit tremendously from having prefetching disabled,
> even on systems with 8GB RAM and more).  You do not need to specify
> vm.kmem_size_max, so please remove that.  Keeping vm.kmem_size is fine.
> Also get rid of your vdev tunings, I'm not sure why you have those.
> My relevant /boot/loader.conf tunings for 8.2-RELEASE (note to readers:
> the version of FreeBSD you're running, and build date, matters greatly
> here so do not just blindly apply these without thinking first):
>  # We use Samba built with AIO support; we need this module!
>  aio_load="yes"
>  # Increase vm.kmem_size to allow for ZFS ARC to utilise more memory.
>  vm.kmem_size="8192M"
>  vfs.zfs.arc_max="6144M"
>  # Disable ZFS prefetching
>  #
>  # Increases overall speed of ZFS, but when disk flushing/writes occur,
>  # system is less responsive (due to extreme disk I/O).
>  # NOTE: Systems with 8GB of RAM or more have prefetch enabled by
>  # default.
>  vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable="1"
>  # Decrease ZFS txg timeout value from 30 (default) to 5 seconds.  This
>  # should increase throughput and decrease the "bursty" stalls that
>  # happen during immense I/O with ZFS.
>  #
>  #
>  vfs.zfs.txg.timeout="5"
> sysctl tunings
> ===
> Please note that the below kern.maxvnodes tuning is based on my system
> usage, and yours may vary, so you can remove or comment out this option
> if you wish.  The same goes for vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem.  As for
> vfs.zfs.txg.write_limit_override, I strongly suggest you keep this
> commented out for starters; it effectively "rate limits" ZFS I/O, and
> this smooths out overall performance (otherwise I was seeing what
> appeared to be incredibl

using freebsd-update to update jails and their host

2011-02-27 Thread Dan Naumov
I have a 8.0 host system with a few jails (using ezjail) that I am gearing
to update to 8.2. I have used freebsd-update a few times in the past to
upgrade a system between releases, but how I would I go about using it to
also upgrade a few jails made using ezjail? I would obviously need to point
freebsd-update to use /basejail as root which I assume isn't too hard, but
what about having it merge the new/changed /etc files in individual jails?

I've also discovered the "ezjail-admin install -h file://" option which
installs a basejail using the host system as base, am I right in thinking I
could also use this by first upgrading my host and then running this command
to write the /basejail over with the updated files from the host to bring
them into sync? I still don't know how I would then fix the /etc under each
individual jail though.

- Sincerely,
Dan Naumov
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Re: using freebsd-update to update jails and their host

2011-02-27 Thread Michael Butler
Hash: SHA1

On 02/27/11 08:48, Dan Naumov wrote:
> I've also discovered the "ezjail-admin install -h file://" option which
> installs a basejail using the host system as base, am I right in thinking I
> could also use this by first upgrading my host and then running this command
> to write the /basejail over with the updated files from the host to bring
> them into sync? I still don't know how I would then fix the /etc under each
> individual jail though.

I've been using ..

ezjail-admin update -i

 .. to update the binaries after a full update of the host system and
something like ..

for JAIL in {list-your-jails-here}
mv /usr/src /usr/local/jails/${JAIL}/usr
JAIL_ID=`jls | grep $JAIL | awk '{ print $1 };'`
echo "Updating: ${JAIL}"
jexec ${JAIL_ID} mergemaster -scvi
mv /usr/local/jails/${JAIL}/usr/src /usr

 .. to update/merge with jail-specific config data,


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Re: using freebsd-update to update jails and their host

2011-02-27 Thread Michael Butler
Hash: SHA1

Apologies .. correcting myself here ..

>  .. to update the binaries after a full update of the host system and
> something like ..
> #!/bin/sh
> for JAIL in {list-your-jails-here}
> do
> mv /usr/src /usr/local/jails/${JAIL}/usr
> JAIL_ID=`jls | grep $JAIL | awk '{ print $1 };'`
> echo "Updating: ${JAIL}"
> jexec ${JAIL_ID} mergemaster -scvi
> mv /usr/local/jails/${JAIL}/usr/src /usr
> done

This should, of course, be ..

rmdir /usr/local/jails/basejail/usr/src
mv /usr/src /usr/local/jails/basejail/usr/src
for JAIL in {list-your-jails-here}
JAIL_ID=`jls | grep $JAIL | awk '{ print $1 };'`
echo "Updating: ${JAIL}"
jexec ${JAIL_ID} mergemaster -scvi
mv /usr/local/jails/basejail/usr/src /usr
mkdir /usr/local/jails/basejail/usr/src


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ath(4) panic + stuck beacon issue

2011-02-27 Thread Jeremy Chadwick
I have a crash report to provide (for RELENG_8 dated 2010/02/12), but
I'd like to know who's maintaining ath(4) at this point in time.

I also need to discuss a commonly-reported issue with AR5416 and/or
AR9280 cards (e.g. D-Link DWA-552 running in 802.11g mode w/ WEP)
spitting out "stuck beacon" errors, which are what I was trying to
resolve when the kernel crashed.  (I induced the crash, but I'm not sure
exactly why/how).

Given that the issue has existed for years now...  (recent & thorough!)

...and "bintval 1000" does not solve it, let's work together to find a
solution.  If you need hardware I will be more than happy to buy you
(brand new) cards which you can keep.  If you have beta/test drivers
and/or can provide *thorough* debugging instructions, I will be more
than happy to do what I can.

I'll also point out the Linux madwifi folks have an *entire page*
dedicated to this problem, which is quite interesting:

If a workaround or solution isn't plausible, what cards do people
actually recommend that work reliably / have reliable drivers?  I was
under the impression Atheros cards were reliable/decent compared to,
say, Broadcom.  Is iwn(4) reliable?

| Jeremy Chadwick |
| Parodius Networking |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.   PGP 4BD6C0CB |

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Re: mps(4) driver (LSI 6Gb SAS) commited to stable/8

2011-02-27 Thread Hubert Tournier

Yes, thank you Ken (and everybody involved) for this driver!

Ken, i think you left out the mps.4 man page from CURRENT in the 8-STABLE

Damien, i've made an archive that you can drop down into 8.2 RELEASE or
RELENG /usr/src, if needed:

Best regards,

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Re: ZFS - abysmal performance with samba since upgrade to 8.2-RELEASE

2011-02-27 Thread Marc UBM Bocklet
On Wed, 23 Feb 2011 23:55:17 -0800
Jeremy Chadwick  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 08:30:17AM +0100, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
> > Hello list,
> > 
> > I've recently upgraded my home box from 8.2-PRE to 8.2-RELEASE and
> > since then I've been experiencing *abysmal* performance with samba.
> > 
> > We're talking transfer rates of say 50kbytes/s here, and I'm the
> > only client on the box.

[tuning tips]

Wow, thanks a lot! :-)

Those tips have finally stopped "chopiness" with our fileserver as well
as giving consistent throughput with samba.


Marc "UBM" Bocklet 
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