Error in 7.0p5 upgrade

2008-11-20 Thread Jordi Espasa Clofent

Hi all,

I'm upgrading a FreeBSD amd64 box from 6.2p9 to 7.0p5.
After update the sources amd make world with success, I get this error:

newfs.lo(.text+0x659): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
newfs_msdos.lo(.text+0x13): In function `mklabel':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
restore.lo(.text+0xc60): In function `mkentry':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
restore.lo(.text+0xa6d6): In function `rmthost':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
sysctl.lo(.text+0xf9f): more undefined references to `__mb_sb_limit' follow
tar.lo(.text+0x28f4): In function `read_archive':
: undefined reference to `archive_read_support_compression_program'
tar.lo(.text+0x3a81): In function `yes':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
tar.lo(.text+0x432a): In function `safe_fprintf':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
tar.lo(.text+0x6156): In function `tar_mode_c':
: undefined reference to `archive_write_set_compression_program'
vi.lo(.text+0x2f80): In function `cut':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
vi.lo(.text+0x2fb0): In function `cut':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
vi.lo(.text+0x311e): In function `cut':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
vi.lo(.text+0x5c29): In function `v_key_name':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
vi.lo(.text+0x5cf3): In function `v_key_name':
: undefined reference to `__mb_sb_limit'
vi.lo(.text+0x63b8): more undefined references to `__mb_sb_limit' follow
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/obj/usr/src/rescue/rescue.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/rescue/rescue.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/rescue.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

after try the classical kernel compilation ( cd /usr/src && make 

I've not found any related info in the net. Anyones knows about? Last 
week I upgraded two others 6.2 amd boxes without problem.

PD1. I use the "classical" method over "new" binary method because of my 
kernel is customized.
PD2. I use -DINSTALL_NODEBUG flag because of my / partition is so small 
and need to preserve the maximum space.

Jordi Espasa Clofent
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Want one of the affected systems for your lab? (Was: 6.4 RC1 locks up solid on first reboot)

2008-11-20 Thread Jo Rhett
John, I can ship you one of these machines for your own testing if you  
like.  Or send me a public key and I can give you SSH access to the  
console serial port, whichever would be easiest for you to get what  
you need.

Let me know how I can help.

On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Oct 27, 2008, at 8:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

On Friday 24 October 2008 02:48:13 pm Jo Rhett wrote:
So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to  

via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.

/boot.config: -Dh
Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single char

This confirms it is hanging in one of the two BIOS routines to  
output a
character.  One thing you can do would be to boot up and do the  

dd if=/dev/mem bs=0x400 count=1 of=idt.out
dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k iseek=15 count=1 of=bios.out

Then place those files some place I can fetch them.

Both files are at

FYI, this is notable -- the keyboard does not respond at the boot  
prompt.  I mean the menu where you can escape to the loader prompt,  
with the fat freebsd ascii art.  No keyboard presses are observed  
here.  This is also true for the boot menu on the 6.4 installation  
CD too.

No problems with 6.2 or 6.3

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: Will XFS be adopted

2008-11-20 Thread martinko

Bartosz Stec wrote:
Well it's not simple indeed. I use ZFS on my home (not critical) box 
(RAIDZ1). After 4 weeks uptime with varied workload I assumed it's 
stable. Unfortunately ZFS crashed next week ;)

How did it crash ?  Just the system went down or did you lose any data ?

I'm planning to build new home server and put all my valuable data on 
ZFS but after reading all the mailing lists I'm not so sure about it. :(


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2008-11-20 Thread Ulrich Spoerlein

I'm running my RELENG_7 kernel with WITNESS and there's always a LOR
when pf(4) is enabled:

lock order reversal:
 1st 0xc09ca828 ifnet (ifnet) @ /usr/src/sys/net/if.c:849
 2nd 0xc45d604c pf task mtx (pf task mtx) @ 
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c08df797,fb671764,c0630e8e,c08e1c96,c45d604c,...) at 
kdb_backtrace(c08e1c96,c45d604c,c45d3b1c,c45d3b1c,c45d379e,...) at 
witness_checkorder(c45d604c,9,c45d379e,394,c08e9058,...) at 
_mtx_lock_flags(c45d604c,0,c45d379e,394,fb6717dc,...) at _mtx_lock_flags+0xbc
pfi_attach_group_event(0,c445,c08e9058,374,c44a920c,...) at 
if_addgroup(c441c000,c08f70d6,4,0,0,...) at if_addgroup+0x2c7
if_clone_createif(0,0,c08e9563,87,0,...) at if_clone_createif+0x81
if_clone_create(fb671943,4,0,44,180,...) at if_clone_create+0x8c
tunclone(0,c461e400,fb671943,4,fb67195c,...) at tunclone+0x17a
devfs_lookup(fb6719d0,fb6719d0,fb671b7c,c418de04,2,...) at devfs_lookup+0x50e
VOP_LOOKUP_APV(c0928f40,fb6719d0,c412f230,c08e77ef,2a9,...) at 
lookup(fb671b7c,c08e77ef,c6,bf,c461e92c,...) at lookup+0x58e
namei(fb671b7c,c412f230,fb671a74,246,c0983774,...) at namei+0x34b
vn_open_cred(fb671b7c,fb671c78,ce8,c461e400,c4460558,...) at vn_open_cred+0x2c9
vn_open(fb671b7c,fb671c78,ce8,c4460558,c05e807d,...) at vn_open+0x33
kern_open(c412f230,80a0f18,0,3,808ecfa,...) at kern_open+0xe7
open(c412f230,fb671cfc,c,c08e28c3,c092c0b8,...) at open+0x30
syscall(fb671d38) at syscall+0x2b3
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
--- syscall (5, FreeBSD ELF32, open), eip = 0x2835a65b, esp = 0xbfbfeafc, ebp = 
0xbfbfeb38 ---

And there are these LORs when I shut down my external firewire attached

fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc1, gen=2, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 2 nodes, maxhop <= 1, cable IRM = 1 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 1 (me)
uma_zalloc_arg: zone "16" with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex sbp r = 0 (0xc402f7ac) locked @ 
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c08df797,f93a931c,c0630007,c08dfb5a,f93a9330,...) at 
kdb_backtrace(c08dfb5a,f93a9330,4,1,0,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x29
witness_warn(5,0,c0901ae5,c08c59ce,86,...) at witness_warn+0x1d7
uma_zalloc_arg(c1472960,0,2,2,f93a93e0,...) at uma_zalloc_arg+0x34
malloc(b,c09308c0,2,c05be59a,c08d7a2c,...) at malloc+0xd2
notify(c4150a00,4,c08d7856,34f,c05be4ea,...) at notify+0x49
destroy_devl(f93a9410,c046a6ce,c4150a00,0,c3f18370,...) at destroy_devl+0x236
destroy_dev(c4150a00,0,c3f18370,c3f69000,f93a9690,...) at destroy_dev+0x10
passcleanup(c3f69000,c08b50c7,0,0,0,...) at passcleanup+0x2e
camperiphfree(c3f69000,0,f93a96b0,c04568dd,c3f69000,...) at camperiphfree+0xbb
cam_periph_invalidate(c3f69000,c0983774,f93a96e4,c046a5ea,c3f69000,...) at 
cam_periph_async(c3f69000,100,c418a260,0,f93a96e0,...) at cam_periph_async+0x2d
passasync(c3f69000,100,c418a260,0,c42f8c00,...) at passasync+0xca
xpt_async_bcast(0,4,c08b53c5,11a5,c404d280,...) at xpt_async_bcast+0x32
xpt_async(100,c418a260,0,89b,0,...) at xpt_async+0x194
sbp_cam_detach_sdev(c402f45c,0,c402f418,0,f93a982c,...) at 
sbp_cam_detach_target(c14729a8,c14729a8,c08250c6,c7373b40,10,...) at 
sbp_post_explore(c402f400,f93a9ce8,f93a9ce4,675,0,...) at sbp_post_explore+0xa2
fw_bus_probe_thread(c404f000,f93a9d38,c08d8d0f,31c,c402b570,...) at 
fork_exit(c0513500,c404f000,f93a9d38) at fork_exit+0xb8
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x8
--- trap 0, eip = 0, esp = 0xf93a9d70, ebp = 0 ---
(da0:sbp0:0:0:0): lost device
(da0:sbp0:0:0:0): removing device entry
cam_periph_alloc: attempt to re-allocate valid device pass1 rejected
passasync: Unable to attach new device due to status 0x6: CCB request was 
cam_periph_alloc: attempt to re-allocate valid device da1 rejected
daasync: Unable to attach to new device due to status 0x6
fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc0, gen=3, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 1 nodes, maxhop <= 0, cable IRM = 0 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 0 (me)
uma_zalloc_arg: zone "16" with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex sbp r = 0 (0xc402f7ac) locked @ 
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c08df797,f93a931c,c0630007,c08dfb5a,f93a9330,...) at 
kdb_backtrace(c08dfb5a,f93a9330,4,1,0,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x29
witness_warn(5,0,c0901ae5,c08c59ce,86,...) at witness_warn+0x1d7
uma_zalloc_arg(c1472960,0,2,2,f93a93e0,...) at uma_zalloc_arg+0x34
malloc(b,c09308c0,2,c05be59a,c08d7a2c,...) at malloc+0xd2
notify(c4150d00,4,c08d7856,34f,c05be4ea,...) at notify+0x49
destroy_devl(f93a9410,c046a6ce,c4150d00,0,c3f18370,...) at destroy_devl+0x236
destroy_dev(c4150d00,0,c3f18370,c42c6700,f93a9690,...) at destro

Re: LORs in RELENG_7

2008-11-20 Thread Michael Proto
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Ulrich Spoerlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running my RELENG_7 kernel with WITNESS and there's always a LOR
> when pf(4) is enabled:
> lock order reversal:
>  1st 0xc09ca828 ifnet (ifnet) @ /usr/src/sys/net/if.c:849
>  2nd 0xc45d604c pf task mtx (pf task mtx) @
> /usr/src/sys/modules/pf/../../contrib/pf/net/pf_if.c:916
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> db_trace_self_wrapper(c08df797,fb671764,c0630e8e,c08e1c96,c45d604c,...) at
> db_trace_self_wrapper+0x26
> kdb_backtrace(c08e1c96,c45d604c,c45d3b1c,c45d3b1c,c45d379e,...) at
> kdb_backtrace+0x29
> witness_checkorder(c45d604c,9,c45d379e,394,c08e9058,...) at
> witness_checkorder+0x6de
> _mtx_lock_flags(c45d604c,0,c45d379e,394,fb6717dc,...) at
> _mtx_lock_flags+0xbc
> pfi_attach_group_event(0,c445,c08e9058,374,c44a920c,...) at
> pfi_attach_group_event+0x4e
> if_addgroup(c441c000,c08f70d6,4,0,0,...) at if_addgroup+0x2c7
> if_clone_createif(0,0,c08e9563,87,0,...) at if_clone_createif+0x81
> if_clone_create(fb671943,4,0,44,180,...) at if_clone_create+0x8c
> tunclone(0,c461e400,fb671943,4,fb67195c,...) at tunclone+0x17a
> devfs_lookup(fb6719d0,fb6719d0,fb671b7c,c418de04,2,...) at
> devfs_lookup+0x50e
> VOP_LOOKUP_APV(c0928f40,fb6719d0,c412f230,c08e77ef,2a9,...) at
> lookup(fb671b7c,c08e77ef,c6,bf,c461e92c,...) at lookup+0x58e
> namei(fb671b7c,c412f230,fb671a74,246,c0983774,...) at namei+0x34b
> vn_open_cred(fb671b7c,fb671c78,ce8,c461e400,c4460558,...) at
> vn_open_cred+0x2c9
> vn_open(fb671b7c,fb671c78,ce8,c4460558,c05e807d,...) at vn_open+0x33
> kern_open(c412f230,80a0f18,0,3,808ecfa,...) at kern_open+0xe7
> open(c412f230,fb671cfc,c,c08e28c3,c092c0b8,...) at open+0x30
> syscall(fb671d38) at syscall+0x2b3
> Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
> --- syscall (5, FreeBSD ELF32, open), eip = 0x2835a65b, esp = 0xbfbfeafc,
> ebp = 0xbfbfeb38 ---
Are you using user or group rules in your pf.conf? IIRC there is still a
known LOR in the socket layer with rules using the user or group filters.

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Modest MFC request: src/Makefile.inc1, rev. 1.614 (SVN rev 184860)

2008-11-20 Thread David Wolfskill
I'm writing to encourage an MFC for src/Makefile.inc1, rev. 1.614.

I tested it for the committer.  :-}  And if we're to make use of
amd64 arch "build" machines at $WORK, we'll need that change.
(Symptoms prior to the commit are that 32-bit executables that use
crypto libraries will fail to run because the 32-bit crypto libraries
won't be found.  And since the version of CVS that our developers use
is linked against crypto libraries (as that's the default), that's just
one example of a fairly basic bit of infrastructure that would be

It's been in CURRENT for over a week --and as obrien@ noted, we've been
building the libraries all along; the install32 target just didn't
include them, so we weren't installing them.

Please?  Thanks!

David H. Wolfskill  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See for my public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: LORs in RELENG_7

2008-11-20 Thread Sean Bruno

And there are these LORs when I shut down my external firewire attached

fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc1, gen=2, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 2 nodes, maxhop <= 1, cable IRM = 1 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 1 (me)
uma_zalloc_arg: zone "16" with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex sbp r = 0 (0xc402f7ac) locked @ 
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c08df797,f93a931c,c0630007,c08dfb5a,f93a9330,...) at 
kdb_backtrace(c08dfb5a,f93a9330,4,1,0,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x29
witness_warn(5,0,c0901ae5,c08c59ce,86,...) at witness_warn+0x1d7
uma_zalloc_arg(c1472960,0,2,2,f93a93e0,...) at uma_zalloc_arg+0x34
malloc(b,c09308c0,2,c05be59a,c08d7a2c,...) at malloc+0xd2
notify(c4150a00,4,c08d7856,34f,c05be4ea,...) at notify+0x49
destroy_devl(f93a9410,c046a6ce,c4150a00,0,c3f18370,...) at destroy_devl+0x236
destroy_dev(c4150a00,0,c3f18370,c3f69000,f93a9690,...) at destroy_dev+0x10
passcleanup(c3f69000,c08b50c7,0,0,0,...) at passcleanup+0x2e
camperiphfree(c3f69000,0,f93a96b0,c04568dd,c3f69000,...) at camperiphfree+0xbb
cam_periph_invalidate(c3f69000,c0983774,f93a96e4,c046a5ea,c3f69000,...) at 
cam_periph_async(c3f69000,100,c418a260,0,f93a96e0,...) at cam_periph_async+0x2d
passasync(c3f69000,100,c418a260,0,c42f8c00,...) at passasync+0xca
xpt_async_bcast(0,4,c08b53c5,11a5,c404d280,...) at xpt_async_bcast+0x32
xpt_async(100,c418a260,0,89b,0,...) at xpt_async+0x194
sbp_cam_detach_sdev(c402f45c,0,c402f418,0,f93a982c,...) at 
sbp_cam_detach_target(c14729a8,c14729a8,c08250c6,c7373b40,10,...) at 
sbp_post_explore(c402f400,f93a9ce8,f93a9ce4,675,0,...) at sbp_post_explore+0xa2
fw_bus_probe_thread(c404f000,f93a9d38,c08d8d0f,31c,c402b570,...) at 
fork_exit(c0513500,c404f000,f93a9d38) at fork_exit+0xb8
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x8
--- trap 0, eip = 0, esp = 0xf93a9d70, ebp = 0 ---
(da0:sbp0:0:0:0): lost device
(da0:sbp0:0:0:0): removing device entry
cam_periph_alloc: attempt to re-allocate valid device pass1 rejected
passasync: Unable to attach new device due to status 0x6: CCB request was 
cam_periph_alloc: attempt to re-allocate valid device da1 rejected
daasync: Unable to attach to new device due to status 0x6
fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc0, gen=3, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 1 nodes, maxhop <= 0, cable IRM = 0 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 0 (me)
uma_zalloc_arg: zone "16" with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex sbp r = 0 (0xc402f7ac) locked @ 
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c08df797,f93a931c,c0630007,c08dfb5a,f93a9330,...) at 
kdb_backtrace(c08dfb5a,f93a9330,4,1,0,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x29
witness_warn(5,0,c0901ae5,c08c59ce,86,...) at witness_warn+0x1d7
uma_zalloc_arg(c1472960,0,2,2,f93a93e0,...) at uma_zalloc_arg+0x34
malloc(b,c09308c0,2,c05be59a,c08d7a2c,...) at malloc+0xd2
notify(c4150d00,4,c08d7856,34f,c05be4ea,...) at notify+0x49
destroy_devl(f93a9410,c046a6ce,c4150d00,0,c3f18370,...) at destroy_devl+0x236
destroy_dev(c4150d00,0,c3f18370,c42c6700,f93a9690,...) at destroy_dev+0x10
passcleanup(c42c6700,c08b50c7,c09eff00,4,c08db41b,...) at passcleanup+0x2e
camperiphfree(c42c6700,0,f93a96b0,c04568dd,c42c6700,...) at camperiphfree+0xbb
cam_periph_invalidate(c42c6700,c0983774,f93a96e4,c046a5ea,c42c6700,...) at 
cam_periph_async(c42c6700,100,c418a250,0,f93a96e0,...) at cam_periph_async+0x2d
passasync(c42c6700,100,c418a250,0,c42f8a00,...) at passasync+0xca
xpt_async_bcast(0,4,c08b53c5,11a5,c404d280,...) at xpt_async_bcast+0x32
xpt_async(100,c418a250,0,89b,0,...) at xpt_async+0x194
sbp_cam_detach_sdev(c402f4c8,0,c402f484,1,f93a982c,...) at 
sbp_cam_detach_target(c14729a8,c14729a8,c08250c6,c44263f0,10,...) at 
sbp_post_explore(c402f400,f93a9ce8,f93a9ce4,675,0,...) at sbp_post_explore+0xa2
fw_bus_probe_thread(c404f000,f93a9d38,c08d8d0f,31c,c402b570,...) at 
fork_exit(c0513500,c404f000,f93a9d38) at fork_exit+0xb8
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x8
--- trap 0, eip = 0, esp = 0xf93a9d70, ebp = 0 ---
(da1:sbp0:0:1:0): lost device
(da1:sbp0:0:1:0): removing device entry

I reckon these problems should appear in -STABLE ...

Ulrich Spoerlein
You are able to make this happen simply by powering off your Firewire 
Hard Drive?  What about pulling the cable out?

Sean Bruno
MiraLink Corporation
6015 NE 80th Ave, Ste 100
Portland, OR 97218
Cell 503-358-6832
Phone 503-621-5143
Fax 503-621-5199

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(actually ZFS) Re: Will XFS be adopted

2008-11-20 Thread Rudy

martinko wrote:

Bartosz Stec wrote:
Well it's not simple indeed. I use ZFS on my home (not critical) box 
(RAIDZ1). After 4 weeks uptime with varied workload I assumed it's 
stable. Unfortunately ZFS crashed next week ;)

How did it crash ?  Just the system went down or did you lose any data ?

Read my previous email on tuning your system so ZFS doesn't crash.

I'm planning to build new home server and put all my valuable data on 
ZFS but after reading all the mailing lists I'm not so sure about it. :(

I've been using it on a shared machine with hundreds of customers for over 8 months.  It has worked 
flawlessly.  People who complain about the crashes often have not searched the net for: "freebsd zfs 

Speaking of losing data on a ZFS system, I haven't yet (knock on wood) had a disk failure.  Anyone 
have a disk failure occur and have an easy/hard time replacing the bad disk?

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Re: (actually ZFS) Re: Will XFS be adopted

2008-11-20 Thread Andrew Snow

Rudy wrote:
Speaking of losing data on a ZFS system, I haven't yet (knock on wood) 
had a disk failure.  Anyone have a disk failure occur and have an 
easy/hard time replacing the bad disk?

On a system with AHCI, I can literally yank the SATA disks, zfs keeps 
working after a pause, and when I replace them, it rebuilds without 

However with the latest 8-current this stopped working and now the 
system crashes when I try this without using "atacontrol". But it seems 
related to ATA code and not ZFS.

- Andrew
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Re: (actually ZFS) Re: Will XFS be adopted

2008-11-20 Thread Wes Morgan

On Thu, 20 Nov 2008, Rudy wrote:

martinko wrote:

Bartosz Stec wrote:

Well it's not simple indeed. I use ZFS on my home (not critical) box 
(RAIDZ1). After 4 weeks uptime with varied workload I assumed it's stable. 
Unfortunately ZFS crashed next week ;)

How did it crash ?  Just the system went down or did you lose any data ?

Read my previous email on tuning your system so ZFS doesn't crash.

I'm planning to build new home server and put all my valuable data on ZFS 
but after reading all the mailing lists I'm not so sure about it. :(

I've been using it on a shared machine with hundreds of customers for over 8 
months.  It has worked flawlessly.  People who complain about the crashes 
often have not searched the net for: "freebsd zfs tuning".

Speaking of losing data on a ZFS system, I haven't yet (knock on wood) had a 
disk failure.  Anyone have a disk failure occur and have an easy/hard time 
replacing the bad disk?

I had a Samsung drive fail on me a few months back. Samsung does not do 
"advance shipment" like Seagate or WD. I had to run a raidz one drive 
short for about a week. The replacement was as simple as you'd expect - 
"zpool replace ..."

Note, I will not be purchasing any more Samsung drives :)

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Re: Will XFS be adopted

2008-11-20 Thread Bartosz Stec

martinko pisze:

Bartosz Stec wrote:
Well it's not simple indeed. I use ZFS on my home (not critical) box 
(RAIDZ1). After 4 weeks uptime with varied workload I assumed it's 
stable. Unfortunately ZFS crashed next week ;)

How did it crash ?  Just the system went down or did you lose any data ?

I'm planning to build new home server and put all my valuable data on 
ZFS but after reading all the mailing lists I'm not so sure about it. :(

I didn't loose any data , and system was up (ping and packet filter did 
still working), but filesystem was unaccesible so any kind of process 
which need hdd acces didn't work correctly (like ssh shell or mail 
server). Hard reboot was one and only solution ;)
Feel free to test ZFS for yourself. Good tuning should made it stable 
enough for you. You also shouldn't worry for your data, ZFS problems are 
mainly related to kernel memory exhaustion, not a data corruption 
(Backups however are always recomended before tasks like this). Check 
the ZFS tuning guide and good luck.

My home system is i386 with 1,5GB of memory and tuned with:


   options KVA_PAGES=512



It's a very simple tuning, just for tests. My system probably needs ARC 
settings or vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable=1 to be (more) stable. I'll do more 
tests, but you probably should do your own - there's no one good tuning 
solution for every system configuration. Just search this list - there's 
a lot of examples and hints. Jeremy Chadwick explained a lot of those 
settings too.

Bartosz Stec

AUXILIA Spółka z o.o.
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