Re: Ruby 1.9 this weekend

2011-08-20 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
Do it! horray! horray!

On 08/20/11 00:09, Steve Wills wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I'm mailing you because you are listed as part of the ruby@ team on
> The last exp-run of my patch to make Ruby 1.9 default was very clean.
> There are still a good number of ports that are marked as broken with
> 1.9, but none too critical as far as I can tell.
> Unless there are objections, I plan to go ahead and commit my patch to
> make 1.9 the default this time tomorrow. Once it's committed, I'll keep
> an eye on lists and bug reports to catch anything I might have missed.
> What say you? Silence will be taken as acceptance. :)
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (FreeBSD)
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> =DrAo


1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
VP Infrastructure,Apache Software Foundation
Committer,FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant,   P6M7G8 Inc.
Sr. System Admin, Ridecharge Inc.

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
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FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently marked broken

2011-08-20 Thread linimon
Dear FreeBSD port maintainer:

As part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of problems in
the FreeBSD ports system, we periodically notify users of ports
that are marked as "broken" in their Makefiles.  In many cases
these ports are failing to compile on some subset of the FreeBSD
build environments.  The most common problem is that recent versions
of -CURRENT include gcc4.2, which is much stricter than older versions.
The next most common problem is that compiles succeed on the i386
architecture (e.g. the common Intel PC), but fail on one or more
of the other architectures due to assumptions about things such as
size of various types, byte-alignment issues, and so forth.

In occasional cases we see that the same port may have different
errors in different build environments.  The script that runs on the
build cluster uses heuristics to try to 'guess' the error type to
help you isolate problems, but it is only a rough guide.

One more note: on occasion, there are transient build errors seen
on the build farm.  Unfortunately, there is not yet any way for this
algorithm to tell the difference (humans are much, much better at
this kind of thing.)

The errors are listed below.  In the case where the same problem
exists on more than one build environment, the URL points to the
latest errorlog for that type.  (By 'build environment' here we
mean 'combination of 6.x/7.x/-current with target architecture'.)

(Note: the dates are included to help you to gauge whether or not
the error still applies to the latest version.  The program
that generates this report is not yet able to determine this

portname:   japanese/ruby-refe
broken because: incomplete plist
build errors:   none.

portname:   japanese/ruby-slang
broken because: does not build with ruby 1.9
build errors:   none.

If these errors are ones that you are already aware of, please
accept our apologies and ignore this message.  On the other hand, if
you no longer wish to maintain this port (or ports), please reply
with a message stating that, and accept our thanks for your efforts
in the past.

Every effort has been made to make sure that these error reports
really do correspond to a port that you maintain.  However, due to
the fact that this is an automated process, it may indeed generate
false matches.  If one of these errors fits that description,
please forward this email to the author of this software, Mark
Linimon , so that he can attempt to fix the
problem in the future.

Thanks for your efforts to help improve FreeBSD.
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