Looking for commiter

2018-12-05 Thread abi


can you check https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=233289

I fear zoneminder-h264 will expire before a commit :P

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Create directory for www:www

2016-04-01 Thread abi


I'm porting ZoneMinder, it needs folder, writable under web server user.

I wrote in post-install something like this 

${INSTALL} -d -g ${WWWGRP} -o ${WWWOWN} ${STAGEDIR}${WWWDIR}/images 

I can see right permissions in a stage directory, however, after
installation a destination folder has root:wheel owner. 

How can create directory in a proper way? 

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Re: Create directory for www:www

2016-04-01 Thread abi

Great! Looks like I missed certain parts of Porter's Handbook 

Baptiste Daroussin писал 2016-04-01 13:31: 

> On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 01:12:10PM +0300, a...@abinet.ru wrote: 
>> Hello! 
>> I'm porting ZoneMinder, it needs folder, writable under web server user.
>> I wrote in post-install something like this 
>> ${INSTALL} -d -g ${WWWGRP} -o ${WWWOWN} ${STAGEDIR}${WWWDIR}/images 
>> I can see right permissions in a stage directory, however, after
>> installation a destination folder has root:wheel owner. 
>> How can create directory in a proper way?
> Do not set the credential in the stage a simple mkdir is enough
> In the plist
> @dir(%%WWWOWN%%,%%WWWGRP%%,) %%WWWDIR%%/images
> Best regards,
> Bapt

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Re: gentoo's package.provided equivalent?

2016-04-03 Thread abi

If library in port tree you can fetch old version of the port from svn
manually or with portdowngrade. 

anat...@kazanfieldhockey.ru писал 2016-04-03 04:54: 

> Sometimes i need to build specific version of some library from source,
> not from ports. How can I tell port system about it. There was no problem
> with old pkg_, because I was able just to put dummy directory into
> /var/db/pkg and port system knows it is installed (although maybe that was
> ugly hack). But what I can do with pkgng now? For example, Gentoo linux
> has /etc/portage/profile/package.provided file for such a situation. Is
> there some equivalent?
> ___
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Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-23 Thread abi


I'm porting Zoneminder, however I have bad luck compiling v4l support.
The program uses smale and has the following check:

check_include_file("libv4l1-videodev.h" HAVE_LIBV4L1_VIDEODEV_H)
check_include_file("linux/videodev.h" HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV_H)
check_include_file("linux/videodev2.h" HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H)

this block failing me completely.

from cmake error log:
Determining if the include file libv4l1-videodev.h exists failed with 
the following output:
Change Dir: 

Run Build Command:"/usr/local/bin/gmake" "cmTC_bd985/fast"
gmake[2]: Entering directory 
/usr/local/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/build.make 
gmake[3]: Entering directory 

Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o
/usr/bin/cc-O2 -pipe  -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -o 
CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o   -c 
fatal error: 'libv4l1-videodev.h' file not found

1 error generated.
CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/build.make:65: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o' failed

gmake[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o] Error 1
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

Makefile:126: recipe for target 'cmTC_bd985/fast' failed
gmake[2]: *** [cmTC_bd985/fast] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

I have this header file:
abishai@freezm:~/zoneminder % ls -la /usr/local/include/ | grep 

-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   7135 Apr 23 23:13 libv4l1-videodev.h

Any ideas ? path problem?
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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-23 Thread abi

If speak about general purpose solution, acceptable by upstream, I should
1. make cmake variable like INCLUDE_DIR_EXTRA
2. if set, include it contents.
3. add default value if platform is FreeBSD
Am I right?

On 24.04.2016 00:55, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 11:51:00PM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:

/usr/bin/cc-O2 -pipe  -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -o
CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o   -c
fatal error: 'libv4l1-videodev.h' file not found
1 error generated.

Note lack of -I/usr/local/include in the command.  So cmake isn't
looking there.  You'd need to somehow get that in the list.

Of course, it'd actually be spelled $LOCALBASE, presumably.  Actually,
libv4l does install pkgconf stuff, so if the cmake process could be
tweaked to pull that in, that may be the "best" solution.  Look at the
FindPkgConfig module in cmake

Of course, that does mean doing a fair amount more surgery in the
CMakeFile.  Simpler may just be to pass $LOCALBASE in via CMAKE_ARGS
and then manually add that via include_directories().

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread abi
I go the first way, however it seems that include directory is ignored 
in include tests.

-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/local/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.28")
-- Checking for module 'libv4l1'
--   Found libv4l1, version 1.6.3

gmake[3]: Entering directory 

Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_c7b01.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o
/usr/bin/cc-O2 -pipe  -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -o 
CMakeFiles/cmTC_c7b01.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o   -c 
fatal error: 'libv4l1-videodev.h' file not found


No -I, like before.
Should I try CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ? However, I don't know the effect 
of this on linux systems.

On 24.04.2016 10:13, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 01:28:35AM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:

If speak about general purpose solution, acceptable by upstream, I should
1. make cmake variable like INCLUDE_DIR_EXTRA
2. if set, include it contents.
3. add default value if platform is FreeBSD
Am I right?

I'd say it depends on how much work you wanna put in, and how
interested upstream is.

The pkgconfig path is fairly simple.  In a quick test:

 pkg_check_modules(LIBV4L1 libv4l1)

seems to set things right here (I assume from the libv4l1-videodev.h
that it wants v4l_1_ rather than v4l_2_).  That may be trivially
upstreamable, since it should just quietly have no effect in the cases
where v4l isn't in pkgconf, and DTRT when it is.  Of course, it won't
work if a system doesn't have pkg-config installed, so unless you
wanted to add that as a build dep (it _is_ pretty tiny, but it's an
extra dep), you couldn't assume it was there on the system.

A somewhat more verbose solution that passes more control to the port
level would be to patch in a block like

 foreach(dir ${EXTRA_INCDIRS})

relatively early into the CMakeLists.txt and then add $LOCALBASE into
the cmake command with something like


in the port Makefile (untested).  Aside from potential need to redo
the patch if the CMakeLists.txt changes between releases, that doesn't
really need any upstream involvement at all, it can just be carried in
the port.  OTOH, it's probably not too objectionable (possibly with
tweaks to variable naming) to upstream either.

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread abi

Nope, the same behavior.
ZM has OS detection block, I added there
set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "/usr/include" "/usr/local/include") if 
system is BSD.

Now I have
-- Looking for libv4l1-videodev.h
-- Looking for libv4l1-videodev.h - found
-- Looking for linux/videodev2.h
-- Looking for linux/videodev2.h - found

and tests are passed/entire project is builded. Is hardcoded directory 
includes considered evil and I should find (read - ask here :)) ) better 
solution ?

On 24.04.2016 12:00, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 11:44:31AM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:

I go the first way, however it seems that include directory is ignored
in include tests.

Oh, right.  That's annoying.

Should I try CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ? However, I don't know the
effect of this on linux systems.

I'd skip worrying about that for now.  Get a patch working for the
port, then worry later about if/how to upstream it.


seems like it might do the trick.

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread abi
port Makefile.

Looks like the best solution - no need to poke upstream or make patch.

On 24.04.2016 12:43, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 12:09:53PM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:

On 24.04.2016 12:00, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:


seems like it might do the trick.

Nope, the same behavior.

Did you add those along with and after the EXTRA_INCDIRS stuff?  Else
the extra bits wouldn't have been stuck into INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES yet.

Is hardcoded directory includes considered evil and I should find
(read - ask here :)) ) better solution ?

LOCALBASE != /usr/local is liable to be pretty rare, but I think it's
still theoretically supported, so...

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread abi

You mean that the checks are passed, but actual support of V4L - is not?
V4L is the optional feature, so lack of it is not a critical error. From 
what I see in cmake files is that header files are detected and several 
knobs are set.
Should I check that these headers somehow used ? I don't have local or 
analog video cameras :(
Or, assuming that if header files are detected and included, failure to 
include them in compilation phase will lead to fatal error, I shouldn't 

On 24.04.2016 12:59, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 12:48:58PM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:

port Makefile.
Looks like the best solution - no need to poke upstream or make patch.

Interesting.  It's not clear from the docs that
CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES affects the actual build of the program (or
anything except the check_include_file() from a look around,
actually).  Well, if it works...

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Making a port part II : bind: Who ate a byte ?

2016-04-26 Thread abi


I'm porting ZoneMinder and making pull requests to avoid FreeBSD 
specific patches as upstream is happy to merge them.

I've noticed that sock files ZM creates has 'soc' extension. This make 
these file haunt sock folder as they are not cleared for obvious reason 
after they are not needed.

The code, that produces such effect is here:
If I increment buffer to 1 (strlen() + sizeof() + 1) created files have 
correct endings.

I can just add +1 if platform is FreeBSD and send this to upstream, 
however, being not a programmer, I can't tell why it's happening. The 
code looks generic enough to work on any posix system. How can we lost 
the byte here? Maybe there is a more proper solution, without #if ?

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Re: FreeBSD Port: owncloud-9.0.1_1

2016-04-28 Thread abi

Please, make this optional! I don't want samba on my server. 

Miroslav Lachman писал 2016-04-28 10:32: 

> Then somebody should fix it's dependency. net/pecl-smbclient depends on 
> net/samba36 which is deprecated, expired 2016-04-01 and is waiting for 
> removal from the ports tree.

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Zoneminder - call for testers

2016-06-01 Thread abi


I'm updating the ZoneMinder security camera solution 
(http://www.freshports.org/multimedia/zoneminder/). Developers made huge 
efforts to make it compatible with FreeBSD.

As this is my first attempt, can you look into it before I open a PR ? :)



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Re: Zoneminder - call for testers

2016-06-02 Thread abi

Looks like it doesn't work with mysql57-client :(
mysql56-client works.

On 01.06.2016 22:27, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


I'm updating the ZoneMinder security camera solution
(http://www.freshports.org/multimedia/zoneminder/). Developers made huge
efforts to make it compatible with FreeBSD.

As this is my first attempt, can you look into it before I open a PR ? :)

It looks promising, but there's this cmake error coming up during
the configure phase:

-- Looking for mysql/mysql.h - not found
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:396 (message):
   ZoneMinder requires MySQL headers - check that MySQL development packages
   are installed

I do have mysql 5.7.12 installed, the file is in


Any idea how to allow cmake to find it ?

Btw, I suggest you check the port with portlint -AC, as well.

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Ports test system setup

2016-06-08 Thread abi


can you give me advice for system to test ports if I want to test ports 
against 9, 10 and 11 versions and keep my installation compact? 11a + 
poudriere with necessary userlands ? I don't know if 10.3 can drive 11a 

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wait for mysql availability

2016-06-11 Thread abi


I have a daemon depended on mysql database, however
REQUIRE: mysql
is not enough as mysql databases are not available immediately after 
mysql start, so my daemon fails to start.

Are there any way to check mysql availability that would by mysql setup 

I have 2 ideas: use sleep() or standalone script using application 
credentials in prestart.

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Re: wait for mysql availability

2016-06-11 Thread abi

That's zoneminder and it doesn't survive mysql restart :-]

On 11.06.2016 13:54, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


I have a daemon depended on mysql database, however
REQUIRE: mysql
is not enough as mysql databases are not available immediately after
mysql start, so my daemon fails to start.

Are there any way to check mysql availability that would by mysql setup

I have 2 ideas: use sleep() or standalone script using application
credentials in prestart.

The second one is much better. The daemon should retry anyway if
the mysql connection is not available. Otherwise, how does it
cope if the mysql database is restarted ?

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Re: Jail's emails

2016-06-11 Thread abi
Most of work is done by host, so the plan is to disable some of periodic 
stuff, leaving only serious matters like port security.

This can be done by creating /etc/periodic.conf.local file with contents 
like this:

## This is JAILED systems periodic configuration ##

# Daily options

daily_status_disks_enable="NO"  # Check disk status




# Weekly options

weekly_whatis_enable="NO"   # our jails are read-only /usr


With this config files most of the time jail has nothing to report.

On 11.06.2016 14:10, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
I have a couple of jails and every day I am receiving an email from 
each about the status of that jail. Then there are additional weekly 
emails and additional monthly email. It doesn't take much time to 
review and delete them all but I am wondering if there is any standard 
way of dealing with those emails in installations where there is many 
more jails than in my case? Would it be possible to receive a general 
email covering all jails (best if containing just deviations from the 
standard instead of all default and non-default information)?


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Re: wait for mysql availability

2016-06-11 Thread abi
Yep, that's innodb. It can warm up less than a second, but it's enough 
sometimes. Actually, from my point of view, mysql loader should return 
control after it's properly initialized. I doubt every port maintainer 
must invent their own bicycle if port depends on mysql.

On 11.06.2016 19:40, Michael Gmelin wrote:

On 11 Jun 2016, at 08:11, Mathieu Arnold  wrote:

+--On 11 juin 2016 13:48:52 +0300 abi  wrote:
| Hello,
| I have a daemon depended on mysql database, however
| REQUIRE: mysql
| is not enough as mysql databases are not available immediately after
| mysql start, so my daemon fails to start.
| Are there any way to check mysql availability that would by mysql setup
| agnostic?
| I have 2 ideas: use sleep() or standalone script using application
| credentials in prestart.

The mysql server should be ready to use after its rc script returns, you
should open a PR with mysql for this to be fixed.

There's a difference between starting MySQL and it becoming available to 
clients, e.g. when innodb is recovering from a crash, which can take a long 
time and is not necessarily something you want to wait for on boot.

- m

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Re: Ports test system setup

2016-06-12 Thread abi
OK, I installed 11-a2 and poudriere. Now I'm running testport, however I 
have a question - poudriere wiki describes situation where developer 
patches port and runs it to test. This looks like final precaution 
before commit to port tree.

What if I don't know yet what to patch, but need to experiment a little? 
I want 'make extract', then patch by hand, then try to compile. Is it 

On 08.06.2016 23:30, Matthew Seaman wrote:

On 08/06/2016 16:16, abi wrote:

can you give me advice for system to test ports if I want to test ports
against 9, 10 and 11 versions and keep my installation compact? 11a +
poudriere with necessary userlands ? I don't know if 10.3 can drive 11a

You can do this fairly easily with poudriere -- just create poudriere
jails of the appropriate versions and CPU architectures.

However there are some limitations:

* You can build for arch=i386 on arch=amd64 but not the other way

* Your poudriere jails cannot be newer than your host system.  So if
  you want to do test builds on 9.x, 10.x and 11.x, then you're
  going to have to upgrade your machine to 11.x.

Then all you need is a fairly trivial shell script to run 'poudriere
testport' against all the different combinations of OS version and



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Re: Ports test system setup

2016-06-12 Thread abi
My question was that poudriere testport tries to build port 
automatically. What to do if I want some manual steps with port sources 
between make extract and make patch steps ? I'm asking about 
interactivity with port testing.

On 12.06.2016 13:19, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


OK, I installed 11-a2 and poudriere. Now I'm running testport, however I
have a question - poudriere wiki describes situation where developer
patches port and runs it to test. This looks like final precaution
before commit to port tree.

What if I don't know yet what to patch, but need to experiment a little?
I want 'make extract', then patch by hand, then try to compile. Is it

I do this kind of testing in the 11 environment ('loaded with other ports')
and only if it builds there, I copy the patched port to the poudriere tree
and run the testbuilds there.

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Re: www/nextcloud port added

2016-06-14 Thread abi


how to migrate an existing owncloud installation? Maybe it's worth to be
mentioned in UPDATING? 

Loïc BLOT писал 2016-06-15 09:07: 

> Hi
> nextcloud have many chances to replace owncloud as many owncloud
> founders and developpers left owncloud company to create nextcloud
> which is better for community.
> I have ported nextcloud using owncloud port this morning.
> Everything works well as the changeset from owncloud to nextcloud is
> little.
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=210295
> Please commit asap for community :)
> Thanks

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Re: what to do when base openssl isn't suitable

2016-07-02 Thread abi
I tried to build www/nginx today, however it seems ignoring 

Old style knobs works.

On 02.07.2016 19:10, Don Lewis wrote:

On  2 Jul, Gerard Seibert wrote:

I have to admit that this whole discussion has gotten me confused. I
use "openssl" from ports, always have and probably always will. I use
to use the now apparently depreciate statement in the /etc/make.conf


That's what I've been doing to build my own package set.

 From what I am reading, I would replace that line with the following

DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=openssl

I believe that is correct.

to force the use of the "ports" version of "openssl". Is that correct,
or is my interpretation of this incorrect?


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pkg-fallout complaining about libexecinfo

2016-07-12 Thread abi


I've received messages with port build failure

&& /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/zma.dir/link.txt
/usr/bin/c++   -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall
-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -O2   -fstack-protector
CMakeFiles/zma.dir/zma.cpp.o  -o zma  libzm.a -lexecinfo -lrt -lz
/usr/local/lib/libcurl.so /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so -lssl -lcrypto
-lpthread /usr/local/lib/libgnutls.so
/usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so /usr/local/lib/libavformat.so
/usr/local/lib/libavcodec.so /usr/local/lib/libavdevice.so
/usr/local/lib/libavutil.so /usr/local/lib/libswscale.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lexecinfo

There are no recent alterations in the port itself. Something has
changed in build infrastructure? My poudriere host a little bit outdated
and everything compiles there. 
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committer for multimedia/zoneminder

2016-07-14 Thread abi


can anybody commit
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=210939 ? 

It status was changed, but assignee is not, I suspect no one is aware
about this particular PR. 
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Re: committer for multimedia/zoneminder

2016-07-21 Thread abi


how it's going ? :)  I fixed qa warnings, so I think it could be commited.

On 14.07.2016 10:57, Torsten Zuehlsdorff wrote:


can anybody commit
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=210939 ?

It status was changed, but assignee is not, I suspect no one is aware
about this particular PR.

I will have a look at it.

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Fetch branch from github

2016-07-24 Thread abi


is it possible to fetch specific branch+commit from GitHub in port 
makefile? I found only release fetch or master+commit one.

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Re: Fetch branch from github

2016-07-24 Thread abi
It is not. I read handbook - and I found no explanation how to fetch 
branch and failed to achieve results tinkering options randomly :P

Here is example

1. Account is ZoneMinder
2. Project is ZoneMinder

I need a branch here, they have plenty of them. |GH_TAGNAME is working 
only for releases or for commit id. The latter tries master branch.|

On 24.07.2016 22:15, Bradley T. Hughes wrote:

On 24 Jul 2016, at 18:23, abi  wrote:


is it possible to fetch specific branch+commit from GitHub in port makefile? I 
found only release fetch or master+commit one.

Yes, it's possible. The Porter's handbook has a great explanation of it:


Bradley T. Hughes

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Needed committer, multimedia/zoneminder forgotten again :(

2016-08-21 Thread abi


can anyone commit 
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211681 ?

This fixes build under CURRENT.
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xfce - confusing rights to shutdown without polkit rules

2016-08-23 Thread abi


I have something mysterious on my installation. I reinstalled, but I
still have the issue. 

xfce4-session states that I must write ck rules to get rights for reboot
and shutdown. However, I have all rights (reboot, shutdown, suspend
hibernate) without any rules at all. All I need is start session with
--with-ck-launch. My user has no additional predefined groups and after
reinstall I have xfce only. 

Maybe I decade :) ago, I remember that ck rules was mandatory. What I'm
missing ? I feel frustrated - it's the first time FreeBSD game me more
rights, not less =/ 
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Re: xfce - confusing rights to shutdown without polkit rules

2016-08-23 Thread abi
I see, memory played a trick with me. I was sure that --with-ck-launch 
is complimentary part of rules. Later, I realized ck is activated by dbus.

To my excuse:

1. polkit sets wrong permissons on /usr/local/etc/polkit-1 folder and 
has no rights to read directory

2. example rules have logic error in braces.
3. slim (if used) must be compiled without ck support

Baah, I lost 2 days :)

Thank you, now I cooked xfce properly!

On 23.08.2016 19:24, Olivier Duchateau wrote:

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 16:44:32 +0300
a...@abinet.ru wrote:



I have something mysterious on my installation. I reinstalled, but I
still have the issue.

xfce4-session states that I must write ck rules to get rights for reboot
and shutdown. However, I have all rights (reboot, shutdown, suspend
hibernate) without any rules at all. All I need is start session with
--with-ck-launch. My user has no additional predefined groups and after
reinstall I have xfce only.

Maybe I decade :) ago, I remember that ck rules was mandatory. What I'm
missing ? I feel frustrated - it's the first time FreeBSD game me more
rights, not less =/


You need to write your own polkit rules, for shutdown, reboot, suspend and so 

See pkg info -D xfce4-session

Stop to launch your session with option --with-ck-launch (usually it's wrong) 
x11-wm/xfce4-session provides xinitrc script, uses it!

For more details, see this thread on the forum [1] and my Xfce's FAQ [2].


[1] https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/53490/
[2] https://people.freebsd.org/~olivierd/xfce-faq.html


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Re: xfce - confusing rights to shutdown without polkit rules

2016-08-23 Thread abi

3. You will get all rights without polkit rules.

On 23.08.2016 21:25, Olivier Duchateau wrote:

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:01:56 +0300
abi  wrote:

I see, memory played a trick with me. I was sure that --with-ck-launch
is complimentary part of rules. Later, I realized ck is activated by dbus.

To my excuse:

1. polkit sets wrong permissons on /usr/local/etc/polkit-1 folder and
has no rights to read directory
2. example rules have logic error in braces.
3. slim (if used) must be compiled without ck support

2. examples rules have no logic error, it's rather cosmetics changes (my point 
of view), see polkit(8) examples and you can see no additional braces.

3. x11/slim is compiled with ConsoleKit support, why not uses it?

Baah, I lost 2 days :)

Thank you, now I cooked xfce properly!

On 23.08.2016 19:24, Olivier Duchateau wrote:

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 16:44:32 +0300
a...@abinet.ru wrote:



I have something mysterious on my installation. I reinstalled, but I
still have the issue.

xfce4-session states that I must write ck rules to get rights for reboot
and shutdown. However, I have all rights (reboot, shutdown, suspend
hibernate) without any rules at all. All I need is start session with
--with-ck-launch. My user has no additional predefined groups and after
reinstall I have xfce only.

Maybe I decade :) ago, I remember that ck rules was mandatory. What I'm
missing ? I feel frustrated - it's the first time FreeBSD game me more
rights, not less =/


You need to write your own polkit rules, for shutdown, reboot, suspend and so 

See pkg info -D xfce4-session

Stop to launch your session with option --with-ck-launch (usually it's wrong) 
x11-wm/xfce4-session provides xinitrc script, uses it!

For more details, see this thread on the forum [1] and my Xfce's FAQ [2].


[1] https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/53490/
[2] https://people.freebsd.org/~olivierd/xfce-faq.html


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libressl and strongswan

2016-08-25 Thread abi
After I recompiled my ports with libressl support (openntpd asked for it), I 
have an issue with security/strongswan
Or 2 issues, actually:
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[LIB] plugin 'openssl' failed to load: 
/usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-openssl.so: Undefined symbol 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 05[IKE] configured DH group MODP_3072 not 

I tried different DH groups without any success, so I suppose strongswan is 
I read UPDATING and applied 

No effect at all. Any workarounds or confirmation?

Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[DMN] Starting IKE charon daemon (strongSwan 
5.5.0, FreeBSD 11.0-RC1, amd64)
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[LIB] plugin 'openssl' failed to load: 
/usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-openssl.so: Undefined symbol 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[NET] could not open socket: Address family 
not supported by protocol family
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[NET] could not open IPv6 socket, IPv6 disabled
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG] loading ca certificates from 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[LIB] building CRED_CERTIFICATE - X509 failed, 
tried 3 builders
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG]   loading ca certificate from 
'/usr/local/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/ipsec-ca-cert.pem' failed
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG] loading aa certificates from 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG] loading ocsp signer certificates from 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG] loading attribute certificates from 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG] loading crls from 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG] loading secrets from 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[LIB] building CRED_PRIVATE_KEY - RSA failed, 
tried 4 builders
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[CFG]   loading private key from 
'/usr/local/etc/ipsec.d/private/ipsec-sphinx-key.pem' failed
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[LIB] loaded plugins: charon aes des blowfish 
rc2 sha2 sha1 md4 md5 random nonce x509 revocation constraints pubkey pkcs1 
pkcs7 pkcs8 pkcs12 pgp dnskey sshkey pem fips-prf xcbc cmac hmac attr 
kernel-pfkey kernel-pfroute resolve socket-default stroke updown eap-identity 
eap-md5 eap-mschapv2 eap-tls eap-ttls eap-peap whitelist addrblock
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 00[JOB] spawning 16 worker threads
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx ipsec_starter[96396]: charon (96397) started after 20 ms
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 01[CFG] received stroke: add connection 'abinet'
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 01[LIB] building CRED_CERTIFICATE - ANY failed, 
tried 1 builders
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 01[CFG]   loading certificate from 
'ipsec-sphinx-cert.pem' failed
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 01[CFG] added configuration 'abinet'
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 05[CFG] received stroke: initiate 'abinet'
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 05[IKE] initiating IKE_SA abinet[1] to 

Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 05[IKE] configured DH group MODP_3072 not 
Aug 25 17:14:59 sphinx charon: 05[MGR] tried to checkin and delete nonexisting 

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security/strongswan start=route issue

2016-08-26 Thread abi

I'd like to open PR on upstream, but I want be sure that the problem exists not 
only for me, as the problem looks strange.
The issue is that tunnel behaves different if it autostarts (auto=start) and 
when it starts when traffic registered between left and right side. 

The latter method not works. I see tunnel up, route table updated, but no 
traffic flows.
So, the test is very easy:
1. Stop strongswan
2. Change /usr/local/etc/ipsec.conf tunnel config to auto=route
3. Start strongswan and try to ping the right side.
4. The tunnel should up, but no reply to pings.

If it matters, I use virtual ip (as it's a laptop without left network and 
without external ip). 

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Re: security/strongswan start=route issue

2016-08-26 Thread abi

Strange indeed. Yes, I ping correctly and auto=start works flawless.

Is OPNsense tracking 10 branch? I'm on 11-RC1

On 26.08.16 10:05, Franco Fichtner wrote:


On 26 Aug 2016, at 9:00 AM, abi  wrote:

I'd like to open PR on upstream, but I want be sure that the problem exists not 
only for me, as the problem looks strange.
The issue is that tunnel behaves different if it autostarts (auto=start) and 
when it starts when traffic registered between left and right side. 

This works fine in our OPNsense setups.

Make sure you use ping with the option "-S $LEFT_IP", it will
only auto-route local traffic that originates from within your


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graphics/zathura links against sysutils/file

2016-08-27 Thread abi

Hello again!

graphics/zathura has sysutils/file in LIB_DEPENDS for libmagic.so 
However we already have this lib in base since FreeBSD 7.0

zathura links to external one and somehow confuses pkg. pkg autoremove 
suggests to remove sysutils/file, breaking zathura.

After I removed sysutils/file from port Makefile, it linked to the base lib.

The thing that confuses me is that in poudriere zathura links correctly, 
but 11 jail there is rather outdated.

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What exactly are slave ports?

2016-09-14 Thread abi


I want to add to existing port another one for the same program, but 
with different git branch and (possibly) with slightly different 
dependencies. Is this a good case for slave port ?
Slave ports are not documented in porter handbook and I'm not sure how 
they work and when used.

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Re: What exactly are slave ports?

2016-09-15 Thread abi

I see. So, I'll create new one instead of slave.

On 14.09.2016 22:20, Kevin Oberman wrote:

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:03 PM, abi  wrote:


I want to add to existing port another one for the same program, but with
different git branch and (possibly) with slightly different dependencies.
Is this a good case for slave port ?
Slave ports are not documented in porter handbook and I'm not sure how
they work and when used.


A slave port is a minor modification of the port to support different
functions. E.g. security/ssh-guard has slightly different builds, all from
a common source.  One for each of the commonly used firewalls; ipfw, pf,

If the sources are different, a slave is not appropriate. Examples are the
various versions of postfix and clang.
Kevin Oberman, Part time kid herder and retired Network Engineer
E-mail: rkober...@gmail.com
PGP Fingerprint: D03FB98AFA78E3B78C1694B318AB39EF1B055683
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Re: FreeBSD Port: zoneminder-1.30.0_3

2016-09-19 Thread abi


not many reasons exist
1. rights issue (www:www should read and write to path)
2. fcgiwrap is not working. zms is called by it when user enters monitor 
socket_sendto is not critical error, php front queries zms socket for 
some data like fps.

On 19.09.2016 23:17, Chris Kiakas wrote:


This is in regards to the zone minder port on freebsd. I installed it and 
everything seems to work except for the streaming.

I get socket_sendto( /files/zoneminder/temp/zms-075981s.sock ) failed: No such 
file or directory

I left it in the default location and also changed it to the web folder.

Any ideas to get it running?

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Needed newer version of multimedia/mp4v2

2016-09-27 Thread abi


this port looks very outdated and I have an issue with saving mp4 files 
in development branch of multimedia/zoneminder. Linux version of ZM 
linked against 2.0.0 version, so it's worth to try to update this port 
first and see if something improves. However, looks like sources are 
gone recently.

Any ideas? :)
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Re: Needed newer version of multimedia/mp4v2

2016-09-27 Thread abi

No, I haven't. Thanks to point me.

I'm not sure what is it looks like fork with unknown origins. 
Original code was 2.0.0 before google code died and 2.0.0 is adopted in 
lunux world, however not sure how they are going to build it now.

On 27.09.2016 23:23, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


this port looks very outdated and I have an issue with saving mp4 files
in development branch of multimedia/zoneminder. Linux version of ZM
linked against 2.0.0 version, so it's worth to try to update this port
first and see if something improves. However, looks like sources are
gone recently.

Any ideas? :)

Have you seen


which discusses an update ? Can you comment on that PR ?

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multimedia/zoneminder - a message from pkg-fallout with linker error

2016-10-04 Thread abi
I received the pkg-fallout message for port I'm maintaning, however
error is rather strange

/usr/local/lib/libopencv_core.so.2: undefined reference to
`std::ctype::_M_widen_init() const@GLIBCXX_3.4.11'

My poudriere system is outdated and it will compile stuff for whole
night to get to this point, maybe more experienced folks can give me
suggestion? Issue with build infrastructure itself, like glibc was
updated in the middle of the process ?
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Looking for a commiter

2016-12-05 Thread abi


looking for anyone with some spare time to commit new port 

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Re: Looking for a commiter

2016-12-05 Thread abi

05.12.2016 11:39, Kurt Jaeger пишет:


looking for anyone with some spare time to commit new port

What is the difference to multimedia/zoneminder ?

Is it an add-on or ... ?

This is a special version of multimedia/zoneminder with ability to write 
data to h.264 containers instead of plain jpeg files

It uses another branch in upstream, so can't be a slave port.

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Re: The ports collection has some serious issues

2016-12-17 Thread abi
I tried to switch from portmaster to synth yesterday. Tests was 
sponsored by zfs snapshots.

I still have strong opinion that synth IS NOT replacement for portmaster 
and not usable at all.

Yes, synth build ports, however it's just builds them. I don't receive 

1. Why it builds exactly this list of ports, what has changed when I 
upgraded my ports.

2. It doesn't provide dialog for port options, so
2.1 I don't receive information if port options have changed. I don't 
know what else will be pulled to my system after port tree update.
2.2 If I make option files for all ports, synth fails to rebuild 
repository if port and it's options are out of sync.
2.3 When port infrastructure switch to newer default version I must be 
aware that this change occur and set damn options for new default port.

So, synth is just a dumb port building tool. If you need your own port 
options you are in risk. Developer of synth said that the problem is in 
my 'portmaster thinking' I should change.

And now I see that he tried to deprecate portmaster!

Fuck it. Until synth gets interactive mode. Probably I will switch to 
Linux (yes, I know nobody cares) if the ability to keep custom port 
options will be lost. The only tool for this now is portmaster.

Maybe it's my 'portmaster thinking' but I don't understand how one can 
use synth if he or she want at least be slightly aware what's going on 
in his/her system.

On 17.12.2016 10:49, Hrant Dadivanyan wrote:

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:42 AM, Peter Jeremy  wrote:

On 2016-Dec-15 19:31:22 +0100, list-freebsd-ports at jyborn.se wrote:
Interestingly, the most vocal proponent of deleting portmaster and
portupgrade is the author/maintainer of synch.

It's not interesting at all.  Synth was in a large part created because
people were irrationally sticking with portmaster and more frighteningly
gaining new users.

Please don't judge what's rational and what's not, because it's community
and when many people, even irrationally from your POV, sticking with
portmaster, then it's worth to consider and look for a way to keep it up.

The point is that these tools are in great shape and to imply otherwise
needs proof.  It's portmaster that's not receiving updates.

In current shape it works well for many people (and demanded by) in
community, so why should it be removed ? You can warn as much as you want
against, but you can't decide to remove.

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Re: The ports collection has some serious issues

2016-12-17 Thread abi

2. It doesn't provide dialog for port options, so
2.1 I don't receive information if port options have changed. I don't
know what else will be pulled to my system after port tree update.

which of course is a false statement.
If you set port options which then change, Synth will stop and tell 
you to reconfigure or remove the saved port options.

Not at all. For example, let's assume I go recommended way and have 
options for ports with not default settings. Let's say, I have perl with 
default options (no OPTIONS file). Let's say port maintainer adds new 
option, [NSA Backdoor]
Perl will be silently compiled with that option, right? This is not 
paranoia, here is example from real world - I rebuilded one port and 
noticed new option - [USE GCC] with default On. I really don't want that 
gnu beast in my system, so I investigated the problem and suggested 
patch to compile port under clang. Everyone happy. We can search PR 
database if you don't believe me.

If I was synth user, I've ended with gcc pulled.

2.2 If I make option files for all ports, synth fails to rebuild
repository if port and it's options are out of sync.

yes, of course.  If you give it impossible instructions, it will stop 
and ask you to fix them.  Any reasonable person would want to be 
informed when the options are incorrect.  Did you also notice that 
extended use of portmaster resulted in dozens of obsolete options 
files that you weren't aware of?  So your criticism here is that you 
think Synth should just ignore these bad configurations?
No, I didn't notece obsolete options. Maybe my /var/db/ports is a 
complete mess and I should cry in tears. but when portmaster encounters 
new options it invokes dialog4ports and let me fix the problem. If this 
leaves some staled OPTIONS file, I'd say it's portmaster bug, not design 
feature. We all know that portmaster is in rather poor shape.

2.3 When port infrastructure switch to newer default version I must be
aware that this change occur and set damn options for new default port.

Another false statement.
The ports framework has a DEFAULT_VERSIONS support which you can 
override via a profile mk.conf, just as poudriere does.  Doing so 
avoid surprises.  There is also an UPDATING file in the ports tree but 
that's more for portmaster and portupgrade users.
First of all, synth ignores /etc/make.conf completely. Yes, we 
definitely need another place to keep global make options, however 
DEFAULT_VERSIONS suggestion is a bad advice here.
Here is example: recently ports framework deprecated perl 5.20 and 
switched to 5.24
portmaster users should recompile all ports depended on perl (from my 
point of view this is done not very reliable), but when it comes to new 
perl, portmaster will invoke dialog4ports.
synth user with non-default perl options will receive new perl with 
default one. I hit this very problem during my synth test when I noticed 
pgadmin3 liked to postgresql93-client and added DEFAULT_VERSIONS to 96.

So, synth is just a dumb port building tool. If you need your own port
options you are in risk. Developer of synth said that the problem is in
my 'portmaster thinking' I should change.

An absurd assertion spoken loudly by someone that is ill-informed on 
the topic.
I see how synth can be used in pkg framework, I even agree that synth is 
poudriere done right and I feel I will use synth test feature for ports 
I maintain, what I fail to see, how I can use it to keep my laptop 
updated. I'm not asking for pony here, the examples I provided (if true) 
lead to overcomplexity maintaining packages up to date.

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Re: Wine & PlayOnBSD

2017-01-01 Thread abi

On 01.01.2017 18:28, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
I am using FreeBSD 10.3 x64. I understand that to run Windows 
applications on that configuration I can use only one of the following:

1. playonbsd-4.2.10_1
2. wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
3. i386-wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
4. wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
5. i386-wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
6. wine-1.8.6,1
7. i386-wine-1.8.6,1

Currently I have installed playonbsd, which is good but it seems that 
not all applications I would like to install can be installed on it.

Which one of those options would give me the most compatibility with 
office-type and multimedia applications (e.g. DVD player, SoftPhone, 
applications that access USB), not necessarily games?

Should I prefer some of these ports over others for my x64 system?

When switching from one port to another (e.g. wine to playonbsd) can I 
keep the currently installed Windows applications or I would need to 
reinstall any of the applications/libraries installed on the previous 

It seems that front-end ports (q4wine, swine) default to 4. from the 
list (wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1). Is there any reason for that? Can they 
run without problems on a x64 system?

Many thanks for any insights.

Probably you need i386-wine-devel and emulators/winetricks
playonbsd is a wrapper for wine. No need to use it at all, just get 
installer for you program, create new wineprefix and install software 
into it

Personally, I make 1 wineprefix for 1 program (or program group ) with
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wineboot
sandbox it with winetricks if needed
copy installer into $HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2/drive_c/Distr
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wine cmd
navigate to Distr and run installer

ck2 is example prefix for crusader kings II. I love Paradox games :P
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Re: Wine & PlayOnBSD

2017-01-05 Thread abi

On 05.01.2017 22:12, Grzegorz Junka wrote:

On 01/01/2017 17:28, abi wrote:

On 01.01.2017 18:28, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
I am using FreeBSD 10.3 x64. I understand that to run Windows 
applications on that configuration I can use only one of the following:

1. playonbsd-4.2.10_1
2. wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
3. i386-wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
4. wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
5. i386-wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
6. wine-1.8.6,1
7. i386-wine-1.8.6,1

Currently I have installed playonbsd, which is good but it seems 
that not all applications I would like to install can be installed 
on it.

Which one of those options would give me the most compatibility with 
office-type and multimedia applications (e.g. DVD player, SoftPhone, 
applications that access USB), not necessarily games?

Should I prefer some of these ports over others for my x64 system?

When switching from one port to another (e.g. wine to playonbsd) can 
I keep the currently installed Windows applications or I would need 
to reinstall any of the applications/libraries installed on the 
previous version?

It seems that front-end ports (q4wine, swine) default to 4. from the 
list (wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1). Is there any reason for that? Can they 
run without problems on a x64 system?

Many thanks for any insights.

Probably you need i386-wine-devel and emulators/winetricks
playonbsd is a wrapper for wine. No need to use it at all, just get 
installer for you program, create new wineprefix and install software 
into it

Personally, I make 1 wineprefix for 1 program (or program group ) with
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wineboot
sandbox it with winetricks if needed
copy installer into $HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2/drive_c/Distr
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wine cmd
navigate to Distr and run installer

ck2 is example prefix for crusader kings II. I love Paradox games :P

Thank you for the tips. Any reason why I shouldn't be using the x64 
versions? And also, wasn't playonbsd designed to give a greater 
compatibility with Windows applications? What benefit is it to use 
playonbsd over normal wine with winetricks then? I mean, why is it in 

x64 version lacks WoW subsystem, so it can't execute 32-bit programs at 
all. playonbsd can't give greater compatibility as it's wrapper for 
wine. It can set compatibility options or install common software, 
however you can find your program in wine database and look for recipes 
yourself. I doubt playonbsd tracks wine precisely, wine changes too 
fast, so probably not all recipes are up to date and it's not very 
complex to do all steps manually after all. Why it's in port is a 
rhetoric question, ports are user driven. Maybe someone like it or maybe 
maintainer is a developer. I dunno, but ability to choose is always for 

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Re: Wine & PlayOnBSD

2017-01-10 Thread abi

10.01.2017 12:41, Stefan Esser пишет:

Am 09.01.2017 um 21:20 schrieb Grzegorz Junka:

Thank you for the additional information. The PlayOnLinux documentation
mentions some dedicated application to actually install or run the
Windows apps from some UI. Is this supported in PlayOnBSD?

Yes, there is an UI that allows to modify settings (e.g. whether to use
some native DLL) for supported Windows applications.

You can also create Desktop Icons that let you directly start Wine with
the covered Windows applications.

Somebody reported, that these icons were not correctly created. I have
tried to implement a fix, but I'm not sure that it works (do not use KDE
or any other XDG compatible WM). If you give PlayOnBSD a try and find,
that these icons do not work, than I'll take another look at the script
that creates these icons and puts the required path and options into
the parameters for that icon.

Also, is there any reason why PlayOnBSD depends on a 64-bit version of
wine? I would have thought that 32-bit version could give a better

See this comment for "${ARCH} == amd64" in emulators/wine/Makefile:

% # Wine is composed of three parts:
% #  - wine (aka this port) is the 32-bit component and runs 32-bit
programs (on FreeBSD/i386)
% #  - wine64 (aka this part of this port) is the 64-bit component and
runs 64-bit programs
% #(on FreeBSD/amd64)
% #  - wow64 (a subset of emulators/i386-wine-devel) is a part of the
64-bit component that runs
% #32-bit programs (on FreeBSD/amd64)
% # We also currently have:
% #  - "wine32" (aka emulators/i386-wine-devel) is the 32-bit component
and runs 32-bit programs
% #(on FreeBSD/amd64).  This will be superseded by wow64.

I do not have any i386 systems (except for poudriere jails used to build
and test new/modified ports), but IMHO i386-wine is compiled for a real
i386 as "host" and runs 32 bit Windows programs only (for lack of 64
bit support in the host processor).

I have tested a number of 32 bit Windows applications with the 64 bit
version of Wine (i.e. built for amd64), and they worked as expected.
i386-wine is created for amd64 systems. wine on amd64 can't execute 
32-bit programs.

See emulators/wine/Makefile
# Wine assumes a WoW64 package is available however WoW64 is not yet 
available on FreeBSD.

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Re: portmaster showstopper

2017-01-24 Thread abi

24.01.2017 16:00, The Doctor пишет:


===>>> The x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev port has been deleted: Linux only driver
===>>> Aborting update

on portmaster -a .

What do I need to stop this from happening?

Probably, delete this package from your system :) fbdev shouldn't work 
on FreeBSD at all

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Re: Firefox and sndio

2017-01-29 Thread abi

On 29.01.2017 05:10, Jan Beich wrote:

Mike Clarke  writes:

On Sat, 28 Jan 2017 14:58:51 +
Grzegorz Junka  wrote:

On 28/01/2017 11:37, Tobias Kortkamp wrote:

On Sat, Jan 28, 2017, at 11:23, Grzegorz Junka wrote:

Audio in Firefox seems to be working fine when ALSA is enabled. But when
ALSA is disabled and only SNDIO is enabled there is no sound. In either
case I had PULSEAUDIO disabled. What's the expected configuration for
this to work?

Is sndiod running?  If not:

  sysrc sndiod_enable=YES
  service sndiod start

Thanks Tobias. That helped. Out of interest. Is there any reason why I
should prefer either SNDIO, PUlSEAUDIO or ALSA?

This currently creates a problem for those of us using Firefox from
packages because the default build has SNDIO turned off.

$ pkg info firefox


 ALSA   : on




 SNDIO  : off

Only backends that support lazy bindings are enabled by default i.e.,
try PULSEAUDIO, if N/A fallback to ALSA, if N/A fallback to native OSS.
SNDIO has lower priority than ALSA in libcubeb but higher in WebRTC and
cannot fallback to native OSS as well. SNDIO currently doesn't work
inside jail and neither sndiod nor Firefox support Capsicum sandboxing,
so falling back to ALSA (or OSS) is important.

Why OSS is not added to port options? OSS is that, probably, all of us have.
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Proper reaction on security PR

2017-02-04 Thread abi


I have a PR assigned in me.
I disagree that my port is affected. What should I do to close this issue?
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Re: Status of synth following expulsion of John Marino?

2017-02-15 Thread abi

15.02.2017 12:26, Thomas Mueller пишет:

Expulsion of John Marino was a shocker to me, caught me by surprise.

Now my question is what is the status of synth?

Should I switch from portmaster to synth?

If synth is deprecated or dropped, after I switch from portmaster to synth, 
then I have to switch back, and this would be a monster mess of extra work.

Not to be inflammatory here, just want to know where I/we stand and don't want 
to go too far off course updating my ports.


John said that he will continue to develop synth and new maintainer has 
assigned already.

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Re: Status of synth following expulsion of John Marino?

2017-02-15 Thread abi

On 15.02.2017 18:00, Adam Weinberger wrote:

On 15 Feb, 2017, at 2:26, Thomas Mueller  wrote:

Expulsion of John Marino was a shocker to me, caught me by surprise.

Now my question is what is the status of synth?

Should I switch from portmaster to synth?

If synth is deprecated or dropped, after I switch from portmaster to synth, 
then I have to switch back, and this would be a monster mess of extra work.

Not to be inflammatory here, just want to know where I/we stand and don't want 
to go too far off course updating my ports.

I don't recommend portmaster for anybody. It's unmaintained, it already causes 
headaches on upgrades, and even though it works now, it is unlikely to keep 
working as the ports tree evolves.

This is FUD. Yes, portmaster can be less maintained, but it works 
without observable issues, at least I don't see any problems with it on 
my systems. synth and poudriere lacks the ability to set and maintain 
port options recursively, eliminating any practical (from user 
perspective, not developer) use of such software stand alone.

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Re: Status of synth following expulsion of John Marino?

2017-02-15 Thread abi

On 15.02.2017 21:58, Adam Weinberger wrote:

On 15 Feb, 2017, at 11:47, abi  wrote:

On 15.02.2017 18:00, Adam Weinberger wrote:

On 15 Feb, 2017, at 2:26, Thomas Mueller  wrote:

Expulsion of John Marino was a shocker to me, caught me by surprise.

Now my question is what is the status of synth?

Should I switch from portmaster to synth?

If synth is deprecated or dropped, after I switch from portmaster to synth, 
then I have to switch back, and this would be a monster mess of extra work.

Not to be inflammatory here, just want to know where I/we stand and don't want 
to go too far off course updating my ports.

I don't recommend portmaster for anybody. It's unmaintained, it already causes 
headaches on upgrades, and even though it works now, it is unlikely to keep 
working as the ports tree evolves.

This is FUD. Yes, portmaster can be less maintained, but it works without 
observable issues, at least I don't see any problems with it on my systems. 
synth and poudriere lacks the ability to set and maintain port options 
recursively, eliminating any practical (from user perspective, not developer) 
use of such software stand alone.

Sure it does.

poudriere options -j jailname editors/vim

Sets options recursively.

Not seeing any problems with it right now isn't the point of my message. The 
point is that portmaster WILL break when new features (currently in progress) 
are added to the ports build system, and being unmaintained, there's no 
guarantees that it will ever unbreak.

Poudriere can't be considered as an option for everyone due to it's 
connection to jails, synth can't set options recursively, however it's 
extremely simple to use.

According to current port tree, portmaster has maintainer and it's 
simple enough to be fixed by virtually everyone.

Can you provide link to new features? Never saw that port tree has some 
drastically changes.

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Re: The future of portmaster

2017-02-16 Thread abi

17.02.2017 00:22, Chris H пишет:

On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 15:48:57 -0500 Baho Utot  wrote

On 02/16/17 15:40, George Mitchell wrote:

On 02/16/17 15:33, Baho Utot wrote:

On 02/16/17 14:01, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Baho Utot  writes:

On 02/16/17 06:08, Luca Pizzamiglio wrote:

I'm looking for constructive critics, feedbacks, anything that can
help me to make portmaster an actively maintained and used tool.

If you can have it build in a clean chroot or jail then you'll get my

What kind of special support?

I use it with a chroot that mounts /usr/ports (and src) read-only, and
aside from the initial base system install, it took about fifteen
minutes to set up.

Using chroot or jails to build each individual package

While I understand the interest in chroot/jails as an optional
feature, I hope it doesn't become required.  The current non-use
of chroot/jails is, for me, a feature -- not a bug.-- George

Having built and packaged linux from scratch using the rpm package
manager, I came to find that if one is building packages to be used on
multiple machines, one needs to build each package in a chroot
environment or the package could inherit things from the parent not
found in the target machine.  Here by making the package unusable.

Hello. You shouldn't have any difficulty accomplishing your goal
by simply setting up a jail, and using portmaster within that jail(8).
portmaster really doesn't care where it's run. So long as it has
everything it needs to accomplish it's job(s). :-)

From my point of view, jails are overkill. Chroot should be enough and 
it would be nice if portmaster starts building in clean environment.

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Looking for committer (clang4 patch for zoneminder)

2017-02-26 Thread abi

https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=216627 is the PR  

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Looking for committer (clang4 patch for zoneminder)
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 21:01:50 +0300
From: abi 
To: freebsd-ports@freebsd.org


I was asked to patch ZM for upcoming llvm4 in the base, however looks
like it was forgotten.

New ZM was released a week ago and I'd like to tie the loose ends before
I'll start port upgrade.


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Looking for committer (clang4 patch for zoneminder)

2017-02-26 Thread abi


I was asked to patch ZM for upcoming llvm4 in the base, however looks 
like it was forgotten.

New ZM was released a week ago and I'd like to tie the loose ends before 
I'll start port upgrade.

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multimedia/zoneminder and clang4 - Jan Beich (mail not working)

2017-03-08 Thread abi


it's nice that your mail is not working, unfortunately mine is, so can 
you please commit this stuff and save my mail from pkg-fallout hammering.


Thank you.
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Re: port of nss-passwords

2017-03-28 Thread abi

On 28.03.2017 11:32, Matthias Apitz wrote:


I was searching for some cmd line tool to extract the 'saved logins'
from my firefox; I know that there is some mozilla add-on, but I do not
want to use this.

I came across this little piece of software 
which seems to do exactly this, following the README:

This program reads passwords from a Mozilla keyring. It can run
entirely in text mode. It is merely a higher level version of
pwdecrypt, which is no longer convenient for direct use with
SQLite-based and JSON-based keyrings of recent versions of Firefox.

The problem is that I do not understand, what the Makefile is doing (in
Debian), for example:

OCAMLC = ocamlfind ocamlc -g -package fileutils.str,sqlite3,atdgen
OCAMLOPT = ocamlfind ocamlopt -g -package fileutils.str,sqlite3,atdgen

ML_CFLAGS = $(foreach u,$(shell pkg-config --cflags nss),-ccopt $(u))
ML_LFLAGS = $(foreach u,$(shell pkg-config --libs nss),-cclib $(u))
%.cmo: %.ml
$(OCAMLC) -c $<

Anybody out here who knows what ports could bring the required
infrastructure ocamlfind...? I have installed ocaml-4.02.3, but this has
no 'ocamlfind'.

Probably, this one http://www.freshports.org/devel/ocaml-findlib/

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Looking for a committer

2017-05-03 Thread abi

Hello, can you commit zoneminder updates?

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nginx is not linking against libressl

2017-05-07 Thread abi


I tried to upgrade my jail to the latest versions of ports and nginx is 
not building correctly.

objs/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.o: In function `ngx_ssl_get_ciphers':
src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c:(.text+0x3de6): undefined reference to 
src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c:(.text+0x3e66): undefined reference to 

cc: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
*** Error code 1


WRKDIRPREFIX= /var/ports
DISTDIR= /var/ports/distfiles
PACKAGES= /var/ports/packages
INDEXDIR= /usr/ports


Anyone has the same problem?

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Re: nginx is not linking against libressl

2017-05-08 Thread abi

08.05.2017 00:06, Adam Weinberger пишет:

On 7 May, 2017, at 13:55, abi  wrote:


I tried to upgrade my jail to the latest versions of ports and nginx is not 
building correctly.

objs/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.o: In function `ngx_ssl_get_ciphers':
src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c:(.text+0x3de6): undefined reference to 
src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c:(.text+0x3e66): undefined reference to 
cc: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
*** Error code 1

I have no idea why this is the case, but it will build successfully if you 
re-enable the IPV6 option.
You are right. The error is gone if IPv6 is enabled. Look like a 
regression. I always compiled nginx without IPv6 (I don't need it and 
probably it's even removed from my custom kernel)

Also, turning off the DSO and THREADS options seems unusual; under normal 
circumstance you want both those things enabled.
While DSO is mostly a matter of taste (it's OK for me to restart the 
daemon), thread pools was introduced in 2015 to overcome issues in 
partial Linux AIO implementation[1]. We have better AIO support, 
probably thread pools are needed in special conditions under high load, 
but I doubt I can imagine it for my case.

Should we open PR ?

[1] http://lse.sourceforge.net/io/aio.html
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Re: nginx is not linking against libressl

2017-05-12 Thread abi

On 11.05.2017 04:58, Adam Weinberger wrote:

On 10 May, 2017, at 18:42, Sergey A. Osokin  wrote:

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 11:13:05PM +, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 10:56:26PM +, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 04:04:52PM -0600, Adam Weinberger wrote:

On 10 May, 2017, at 15:51, Sergey A. Osokin  wrote:

can't reproduce it on my laptop with FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #5: Sun Apr 16.
Would you mind to raise a problem report with details, i.e. OS version,
ident Makefile, config.log, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Sergey -

Set DEFAULT_VERSIONS= ssl=libressl, and then turn off the IPV6 option in nginx. 
It's reproducible for me.

Got it, thanks Adam for the point, looks like a regression.


Thanks, Sergey. Builds successfully for me with that patch.

# Adam

Confirm, patch works.
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Re: Firefox and OSS

2017-06-03 Thread abi


AFAIK OSS support is not complete (WebRTS doesn't use it)

On 04.06.2017 05:17, Rozhuk Ivan wrote:


Why we have no option OSS in www/firefox?
If we build always with OSS (patch-bug1021761) then why user cant unselect all 
options in audio section?

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Re: Upgrade PHP to 7.0

2017-06-04 Thread abi

On 04.06.2017 22:39, Paul Schmehl wrote:

--On June 4, 2017 at 9:28:29 PM +0200 Kurt Jaeger  wrote:


 PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function

I noticed that there was no php70-mysql extension any more. Is there
something that replaces that?


Btw, you can migrate to php71, as well. Not much difference.

That was installed. Is there a configuration option that needs to be 
set or changed?

You must fix the code and migrate to mysqli or pdo, mysql was deprecated 
for more than 5 years.

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Re: Upgrade PHP to 7.0

2017-06-04 Thread abi

On 04.06.2017 21:42, scratch65...@att.net wrote:

[Default] On Sun, 04 Jun 2017 12:10:46 -0500, Paul Schmehl

Are there any instructions explaining how to upgrade php from 5.6.30 to
7.0? Is it fairly straightforward? Or are there some gotchas one needs to
know about?

php.net has some info, but if you're not doing anything fancy you
shouldn't have any trouble.  I always mind Tony Hoare's advice
and avoid the fancy stuff, so when I installed 7.0 instead of 5.6
everything ran fine.
As OP problem was solved, it's time to hijack the thread a little :) I'm 
considering to migrate as well, what is recommended path for upgrade ? 
Uninstall all php56 ports or replace them (I believe, -o key in portmaster).

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[SAMBA] and file content caching

2017-06-23 Thread abi


I need to organize file exchange between between daemon and windows 
program. Daemon is sitting in jail, windows - in bhyve, both on the same 
host. Daemon is writing lines into file, windows program reads them.

The obvious choose was to install samba46 into jail and provide share to 
windows. I opened 445 port, so I suppose I use SMB2. However, looks like 
file contents are cached on windows site.

After line inserted on FreeBSD side I see outdated file in windows for 
quite amount of time. (maybe, it's minute!). Is this due to inotify not 
available on FreeBSD ?

I found this article and set setting to 0, but they are not affecting 
the issue https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff686200(v=ws.10).aspx

I ticked FAM option for samba, can it be bug into it ?

Suggestions are welcome. I never expected that I'd hit issue in so 
simple task, it's so frustrating =/

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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-09-30 Thread abi

30.09.2017 20:06, Kevin Oberman пишет:

As a result, I am no longer able to track HEAD and, if the issue is not
resolved in some manner before 11 support ends, will be forced to move from
FreeBSD after an using it for over 2 decades. I certainly hope that this is
not what happens.

Is it absolutely necessary to be so overdramatic ? synth is rather young 
project and it's failure was very probable - written on long dead 
language and supported by 1 person. It can't even be replacement for 
portmaster as contains only preliminary support if port options.

You can use COMPAT11 on CURRENT as workaround for ADA issue, but this is 
a dead end anyway - synth doesn't look supported anymore, especially 
with FLAVORS on horizon.

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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-02 Thread abi

01.10.2017 01:44, Jonathan Chen пишет:

On 1 October 2017 at 11:29, abi  wrote:

30.09.2017 20:06, Kevin Oberman пишет:

As a result, I am no longer able to track HEAD and, if the issue is not
resolved in some manner before 11 support ends, will be forced to move
FreeBSD after an using it for over 2 decades. I certainly hope that this
not what happens.

Is it absolutely necessary to be so overdramatic ? synth is rather young
project and it's failure was very probable - written on long dead language
and supported by 1 person. It can't even be replacement for portmaster as
contains only preliminary support if port options.

What sort of port options can portmaster support better than synth?
1. When port doesn't have options cached portmaster invokes dialog4ports 
(poudriere can't do it in proper way, synth doesn't do it at all)

2. When options become outdated portmaster invokes dialog4ports
3. portmaster gives me summary what it would like to do
4. portmaster shows why it wants to build port A - it gives me 
dependency chain. For example I spent 2 hours trying to figure what's 
going on with poudriere (it pulls TEST dependencies - why?)

So, I'd say we have only 1 tool designed for end user.
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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-02 Thread abi

02.10.2017 12:07, Carmel NY пишет:

While it will undoubtedly work, it is still more complex than the average
desktop user requirers.
Building from ports is already more complex thing than one could expect 
from desktop user. I don't think ports are recommended way to keep 
system updated. It you use ports, you change port options (why would you 
use them if not), so you are on narrower path - non-default options are 
not QA tested, can conflict with each other and within dependency chain, etc

Synth fits the bill nicely by being, for the most
part, easy to understand and run. I am already on my forth "ports maintenance"
program having used portmanager, portmaster, portupgrade and now synth. At
this point, I would almost rather switch to a new OS before abandoning synth
for something that IMHO is just overkill for the average user.
You know, this is open source, right? You may  pick up ADA stack, I'm 
sure J Marino will give you some ideas how to overcome ino64 issue.

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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-02 Thread abi

02.10.2017 12:22, Thomas Mueller пишет:

Downside of dialog4ports is burying options in a tree under /var/db/ports not 
intended for direct modification by user.

Direct modification assumes you edit it directly, I leave this job for 

I had to delete /var/db/ports/* but keep empty /var/db/ports and put the 
options in

And how you are going to support make.conf options ?
Let's say, if you need custom ffmpeg or nginx, how many lines you need 
to put in that file? Probably 2, but they will be long.
How are you going to be notified for new options ? nginx options changes 
fast and if they enabled by default, you *silently* receive them. Maybe 
changes will be incompatible with your custom build, like HTTPv2 without 
make.conf way is a long term failure. It's not Gentoo portage with meta 

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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-02 Thread abi

02.10.2017 12:51, Vlad K. пишет:

On 2017-10-02 09:02, abi wrote:

1. When port doesn't have options cached portmaster invokes
dialog4ports (poudriere can't do it in proper way, synth doesn't do it
at all)

What do you mean it can't?

' in proper way.

Issues I encountered when switched to poudriere

1. Test deps pulled. I received very strange requests for some ports.

2. Dependency chain is not updated - if I disable B feature on port A, 
poudriere asks me for options of ports implementing B. I have to Ctrl+C 
after any option change.

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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-02 Thread abi

02.10.2017 13:25, Matt Smith пишет:

On Oct 02 12:05, Vlad K. wrote:

On 2017-10-02 11:57, abi wrote:

2. Dependency chain is not updated - if I disable B feature on port A,
poudriere asks me for options of ports implementing B. I have to
Ctrl+C after any option change.

I find that annoying as well, but isn't that just how the 
config-recursive ports framework target works? Poudriere is really 
using the ports make targets here.

Do synth or portmaster do it differently?

Synths philosophy was that you should have the absolute bare minimum 
of options set and John wrote a script to do just this in 
/usr/ports/Tools/scripts/redundant-opt-files.sh to delete any which 
just have defaults in them.

The thing John doesn't explain why we need to purge "redundant options". 
They are not redundant, they inform user that port options are not 
changed after ports tree update. Synth softly suggests user *not* to 
change ports options, because it's hard to manage them and stay in synth 

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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-02 Thread abi

02.10.2017 13:05, Vlad K. пишет:

On 2017-10-02 11:57, abi wrote:

2. Dependency chain is not updated - if I disable B feature on port A,
poudriere asks me for options of ports implementing B. I have to
Ctrl+C after any option change.

I find that annoying as well, but isn't that just how the 
config-recursive ports framework target works? Poudriere is really 
using the ports make targets here.

Do synth or portmaster do it differently?

portmaster has special handling for that - after dialog4ports 
invocation, it updates dependency chain of edited port with applied 
options and proceeds with real dependencies only. The thing poudrere 
could borrow, from my point of view.

synth doesn't have tools to edit options, it reads only.

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intellij-ultimate looking for a commiter

2017-12-13 Thread abi


can you review and commit 
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=222472 ? I use it for 
2 months for myself and it's definitely works.

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poudriere options: -c flag explanation

2018-03-03 Thread abi


Assuming that -n flag suggests that options run recursivly for deps 
chain, isn't  -c flag should always invoke dialog4ports for every port 
with options ?

For example, poudriere options -c editors/libreoffice asks for options 
through all dep chain if runs the first time, on subsequent run it asks 
for options only for original port or if it find no cached options.

This looks confusing, is it intended?

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Re: poudriere options: -c flag explanation

2018-03-04 Thread abi

On 04.03.2018 02:26, Le Baron d’Merde wrote:

On Sat, Mar 03, 2018 at 01:02:23PM +0300, abi wrote:


Assuming that -n flag suggests that options run recursivly for deps chain,
isn't  -c flag should always invoke dialog4ports for every port with options ?

For example, poudriere options -c editors/libreoffice asks for options
through all dep chain if runs the first time, on subsequent run it asks for
options only for original port or if it find no cached options.

This looks confusing, is it intended?

The default behavior of ports-mgmt/poudriere is to open the dialog to set 
for each selected port (targets) and all its dependencies, unless they were
already set.

Issuing 'poudriere options -n' will just open the dialog to the target(s) and 
not its
dependencies. Again, but for those which already have OPTIONS set.

The -c flag in 'poudriere options' delete the previous selected options to the
specified target(s) and open the dialog to set them again - what may include
dependencies without OPTINOS set already.

Isn't this behaviour incorrect? If -c skips dependencies with OPTIONS, 
it is impossible to revisit them? For example, if I want to re-think all 
dependencies of java and check their options, how can I do this? Man 
suggests that -c behaviour is recursive (if -n is not provided).

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Re: Is IPV6 option still necessary?

2019-10-08 Thread abi via freebsd-ports

07.10.2019 09:18, Yasuhiro KIMURA пишет:

On October 10, 2012 IPV6 option of all ports was enabled by
default. Commit message said "We are in 2012, it is time to activate
IPV6 options by default everywhere".

And now we are in 2019. IPv6 is more widely used than 2012. So I
wonder if IPV6 option is still necessary.

If you use official packages then you always use IPv6-enabled
binaries. And even if you build packages by yourself you still use
IPv6-enabled ones unless you disable IPV6 option. So I think at most
only a few people uses IPv6-disabled packages.

Are there anybody who still disables IPV6 option for some serious
reason such as working around IPv6-related problem? If there aren't
then I think it's time to remove IPV6 option from ports framework.

I'm writing from 2019 and I build kernel and ports without IPv6. For all 
this years I fail to understand why I need it.

My home devices fit nicely, I have faith in NAT and I 
encountered no IPv6-only sites.

But I saw CVEs in IPv6 stack.

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Re: Is IPV6 option still necessary?

2019-10-12 Thread abi via freebsd-ports

09.10.2019 09:15, Baptiste Daroussin пишет:

I'm writing from 2019 and I build kernel and ports without IPv6. For all
this years I fail to understand why I need it.

My home devices fit nicely, I have faith in NAT and I
encountered no IPv6-only sites.

But I saw CVEs in IPv6 stack.

Plenty of FreeBSD things are ipv6 only in the FreeBSD cluster. In particular if
you do look at the build machines in the cluster, no ipv6 will mean no access to
the build log in case of failures.

I agree I don't see the reason why we should keep that ipv6 option. When off
this option does not bring much value to the users as the code for apps to
support ipv6 mostly reside in the libc. Actually that was my intent in 2012 to
first turn it on by default everywhere and then drop the option entirely.

Are you going to keep IPv6 kernel option? If off and ports can detect 
ipv6 availability in

runtime, I don't see problem at all.

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Zoneminder update: looking for a committer

2020-11-03 Thread abi via freebsd-ports


looking for a committer for 

@lwhsu had pointed me to some issues, however he didn't reply after I 
fixed them.

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Re: Sudden trouble with net/rdesktop

2020-11-15 Thread abi via freebsd-ports

On 12.11.2020 19:12, Yuri Pankov wrote:

Andrea Venturoli wrote:


After many year of happy usage, since yesterday rdesktop dumps core 

% rdesktop xx
Assertion failed: ((len * 2) < size), function _utils_data_to_hex, 
file utils.c, line 499.

Abort (core dumped)

This is systematic with 4 servers out of 5; the 5th still works 
perfectly, but I have no idea in which way it might differ from the 

I don't think this has anything to do with the upgrade to 1.9.0, 
since I was able to use 1.9.0 for a while.

Anyone else seeing this?
Where do I go and look?

I see a similar report on github:


Could it be something that changed on remote side, e.g. any recent 

As a workaround, try increasing the buf size to e.g. 512 in 

I have the same problem, however I'm sure that nothing has changed on 
remote side (Windows Update is completely disabled). I updated my 
FreeBSD workstation though to 12.2 and all ports.

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Re: portmaster new development

2020-12-28 Thread abi via freebsd-ports

On 28.12.2020 12:44, David Gessel wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: portmaster new development
From: LuMiWa via freebsd-ports 
To: freebsd-ports@freebsd.org
Date: 2020-12-27 02:00+0300

On Sun, 27 Dec 2020 11:16:23 +0100
Michael Grimm  wrote:

Matthias Apitz  wrote:

El día domingo, diciembre 27, 2020 a las 09:22:42a. m. +0100, Kurt
Jaeger escribió:

That works as well. I have a checkout of the ports tree, use
make config to define non-default port options. This stores the
selected OPTIONs in /var/db/ports/, and poudriere uses those
options just fine.

Re/ the options, I copy them into the jail with something like this

# cd /usr/ports/mail/mutt
# make config

# mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/freebsd-head-options/mail_mutt
# cp /var/db/ports/mail_mutt/options

'freebsd-head' is the name of the poudriere jail (I have some of
them) and the ports options stay there, as well the make.conf
options in /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/freebsd-head-make.conf

I am following stable, and my jail's name has been set to stable.

All of poudriere's settings/configs are kept in:


The subject is 'portmaster new development' but again start pushing
poudriere to FreeBSD users. I do not use zfs file system and I do not
use poudriere and I do not want to use on my computer for building some
ports and then spending hours and hours with poudriere with not enough
machine. For me is portmaster perfect as is now.

I have to agree, portmaster works for certain user cases where 
poudriere doesn't, like mine.  The answer seems to be just (buy) a 
high end machine and dedicate it to build with lots of RAM, high end 
CPU's, and a big ZFS array with the right combination of SSDs etc and 
it is fast and stable!

I build my ports in poudriere in VM without zfs or ssd on pre-Sandy 
Bridge CPU. I don't have enough memory or disk space, so I don't use 
tmpfs or ccache either. I migrated from portmaster when it was abandoned 
several years ago and don't think I'll come back, especially if new 
portmaster will be written on bash. The idea behind portmaster was zero 
dependencies, so it doesn't brake after major upgrades.

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Re: portmaster new development

2020-12-28 Thread abi via freebsd-ports

On 28.12.2020 16:16, Stefan Esser wrote:
Am 28.12.20 um 11:11 schrieb abi via freebsd-ports:> I build my ports 
in poudriere in VM without zfs or ssd on pre-Sandy
Bridge CPU. I don't have enough memory or disk space, so I don't use 
tmpfs or ccache either. I migrated from portmaster when it was 
abandoned several years ago and don't think I'll come back, 
especially if new portmaster will be written on bash. The idea behind 
portmaster was zero dependencies, so it doesn't brake after major 

You are free to use poudriere and it definitely is the official tool
for FreeBSD package building (and I have to use it myself and it has
cost me a lot of time rebuilding broken poudriere jails and keeping
them in state that I can use them to test new ports on a number of
different releases as well as i386 plus amd64).

And while you are free to never again use portmaster, telling people
that it has been abandoned is just a _lie_ and I'd want to ask you to
stop telling it. It has been continuously maintained for decades.

I remember portmaster marked as deprecated in 2016. I've switched to 
poudriere because of that. So, it _was_ abandoned when I migrated. It is 
good that it is not, the more options - the better. But some people here 
telling that poudriere requires ZFS and powerful dedicated hardware, I 
just pointed that they are wrong.

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