Re: fvwm 2.5.17 Issue
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Cy Schubert thusly... > > Fvwm2 2.5.17 was released, however it contains a nasty little bug > which causes it to ignore colour specification for the text in a > title bar. Until this issue is addressed, I will hold off on > updating the port. Thanks Cy for both being current with the fvwm release & holding back till the bug is fixed. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
A Perl program to make pretty-print-*-depends-list output readable
Below is a short program to make the single line output of pretty-print-*-depends-list actually readable. This prints the case insensitively sorted & merged output of both run & build dependencies. Feel free to modify. Each dependency is listed on its own line. #!perl use strict; use warnings; my @list = qx { make pretty-print-run-depends-list; make pretty-print-build-depends-list }; my $parse = qr{\b This \s+ port \s+ requires \s+ package .+? "([^"]+)" }x; my %seen; print join "\n" , sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } grep !$seen{ $_ }++ , map { m/$parse/ ? split ' ' , $1 : () } @list ; __END__ - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Migration to new SourceForge URL scheme part 2, SFE and some statistics
in message <20090902120700.gd1...@hades.panopticon>, wrote Dmitry Marakasov thusly... > > * Alex Dupre ( wrote: > > > heanet seems to be the only one that reach > 1MB/s from all the tested > > locations, maybe it could be the first in the SF list. > > Agreed. > > Also, I'd like at least one more result from USA. Hilo, Hawaii reports ... biznetnetworks: (68.6 KB/s) , (71.5 KB/s) dfn: failed , failed freefr: (155 KB/s) , (108 KB/s) garr: failed , failed heanet: (49.1 KB/s) , (41.9 KB/s) internode: (181 KB/s) , (183 KB/s) iweb: (260 KB/s) , (279 KB/s) jaist: (168 KB/s) , (250 KB/s) kent: (189 KB/s) , (194 KB/s) nchc: (190 KB/s) , (235 KB/s) osdn: (294 KB/s) , (215 KB/s) ovh: failed , failed softlayer: (256 KB/s) , (244 KB/s) sunet: (120 KB/s) , (109 KB/s) surfnet: (189 KB/s) , (171 KB/s) switch: (180 KB/s) , (156 KB/s) transact: (192 KB/s) , (173 KB/s) ufpr: failed , failed voxel: failed , (235 KB/s) - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
www/firefox - firefox-9.0.1,1 crashes during start up with "invalid system call"
Please CC: me. >Submitter-Id: current-users >Originator: >Organization: >Confidential: no >Synopsis: www/firefox - firefox-9.0.1,1 crashes during start up with >"invalid system call" >Severity: serious >Priority: <[ low | medium | high ] (one line)> >Category: ports >Class: sw-bug >Release: FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE i386 >Environment: uname -a ... FreeBSD holstein.holy.cow 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #2: Fri Apr 22 12:33:32 HST 2011 r...@holstein.holy.cow:/misc/obj/misc/src/sys/T61-SMP.8 i386 ident www/firefox/Makefile ... $FreeBSD: ports/www/firefox/Makefile,v 1.259 2011/12/22 21:00:50 beat Exp $ "sem" has already been loaded/compiled. www/firefox was compiled with ... # This file is auto-generated by 'make config'. # No user-servicable parts inside! # Options for firefox-9.0.1,1 _OPTIONS_READ=firefox-9.0.1,1 WITHOUT_DBUS=true WITHOUT_PGO=true WITH_DEBUG=true WITH_LOGGING=true WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=true >Description: Firefox 9.0 has been crashing for sometime now, either during startup or when opening a page. I had tried running with extensions turned off, and even without them to no avail. This particular time I moved existing ~/.mozilla out of way. On start up from xterm ... # firefox ... it crashed with message attached (I had a recent problem with long lines that caused PR to come out butchered on the web interface). Crash is consistently repeatable. >How-To-Repeat: Compile www/firefox with above options & environment, and have it crash after/during start up with "invalid system call". >Fix: Unknown. - parv -- nsStringStats => mAllocCount: 5 => mReallocCount:3 => mFreeCount: 3 -- LEAKED 2 !!! => mShareCount: 1 => mAdoptCount: 0 => mAdoptFreeCount: 0 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(compMgr) failed: file /misc/work/ports/misc/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-release/xpcom/build/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 90 nsStringStats => mAllocCount: 5 => mReallocCount:3 => mFreeCount: 3 -- LEAKED 2 !!! => mShareCount: 1 => mAdoptCount: 0 => mAdoptFreeCount: 0 WARNING: dependent window created without a parent: file /misc/work/ports/misc/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-release/toolkit/components/startup/nsAppStartup.cpp, line 523 ++DOCSHELL 0x2d111600 == 1 ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x2d4cf688) [serial = 1] [outer = 0x0] pldhash: for the table at address 0x2e8e90d0, the given entrySize of 48 probably favors chaining over double hashing. ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x2d4cf308) [serial = 2] [outer = 0x2d4cf640] pldhash: for the table at address 0x2f16af54, the given entrySize of 44 probably favors chaining over double hashing. pldhash: for the table at address 0x2f16af74, the given entrySize of 44 probably favors chaining over double hashing. WARNING: OpenGL-accelerated layers are not supported on this system.: file /misc/work/ports/misc/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-release/widget/src/xpwidgets/nsBaseWidget.cpp, line 853 --DOCSHELL 0x2d111600 == 0 WARNING: 1 sort operation has occurred for the SQL statement '0x305f6b08'. See details.: file /misc/work/ports/misc/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-release/storage/src/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp, line 144 ###!!! ASSERTION: mTempFile not equal to mTargetFile: 'Error', file /misc/work/ports/misc/ports/www/firefox/work/mozilla-release/netwerk/base/src/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 803 ++DOCSHELL 0x2d7cf800 == 1 ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x2d140708) [serial = 3] [outer = 0x0] zsh: invalid system call firefox ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: www/firefox - firefox-9.0.1,1 crashes during start up with "invalid system call"
Please do CC: me. I had requested to be carbon copied originally... I had to import the response below from ... in message <>, wrote Jason Hellenthal thusly... > > On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 03:41:05AM -1000, parv wrote: > > ++DOCSHELL 0x2d7cf800 == 1 > > ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x2d140708) [serial = 3] [outer = 0x0] > > zsh: invalid system call firefox > > Does this repeat if you change your shell to /bin/sh ? Yes (I had removed old ~/.mozilla & changed the login shell, and tried in another shell+X11 session), firefox still crashes with the same messages as originally sent. - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
x11-wm/fvwm2 - Cannot *build* version 2.6 while 2.5 is installed
Hi Cy, Thanks for bringing fvwm 2.6.1 to The Ports. Currently I have fvwm 2.5.31 installed. I tried to build the latest version ... make build -DBATCH ===> fvwm-2.6.1 conflicts with installed package(s): fvwm-2.5.31 They install files into the same place. You may want to stop build with Ctrl + C. ===> License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE ===> Found saved configuration for fvwm-2.6.1 ===> fvwm-2.6.1 conflicts with installed package(s): fvwm-2.5.31 They will not build together. ... I understand the conflict with installing the new port (without force) while old one is installed. I don't understand the need to remove old version while building the newer version. Could you please clarify the issue? - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: results of ports re-engineering survey
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Phillip N. thusly... > > Im not really reading this threads.. > > But.. has this something to do with this? > O' don't scare me. Yet Again. Naughty boy. It was quite near the end I thought about that day of April. For a while, I did get my knickers in a knot. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: TeTeX and TeXLive
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Hiroki Sato thusly... ... > I have tried to create TeXLive port and have some working results, > but I cannot commit it because the following issues still remain: > > 1. Compatibility with other packages which uses TeX. Some depend > on old teTeX structure, some depend on hard-coded directory > structure, and so on. teTeX in the current ports tree has > various glues for such software which are not integrated into > teTeX yet. > > 2. Finer-grained package management is needed. Creating a > TeXLive port as "one very large package" is possible but I do > not think it would work well. There are many people who do > not want to install such a large package (TeXLive needs >500MB > disk space) for a simple use, and who can install it but want > to update some specific macro packages after that. Also, I > want to solve a situation that we have print/tex and > print/teTeX separately. ... (finally some news) Thanks much Hiroki for the update! I will look forward to the upcoming ports, and if I could help with testing. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Testing p5-DBIx-Simple upgrade to 1.32
Hi Ports, Initially when I submitted the databases/p5-DBIx-Simple port, committer had to make some changes. So, could somebody please test before I submit a PR to upgrade the port to version 1.32? Here is the patch ... FWIW, "port test", from porttools, seems to be happy with the changes. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Partially OT - Re: Upgrading the Installed package
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Hans Lambermont thusly... > > Jeremy Chadwick wrote: > ... > > The way you upgrade a port/package on a FreeBSD machine is that > > you pkg_delete (deinstall) the old one before pkg_add'ing > > (installing) the new one. All package management systems on > > every platform I've used (Solaris, Linux, and FreeBSD) behave > > this way. > > The dreadful RPM system does not work this way. It leaves the > files that get no update untouched, adds new stuff next to them > and then removes the obsoleted files. rpm -Uvv shows the upgrade > behaviour : > > * Run %pre of new package (2) > * Install new files > * Run %post of new package (2) > * Run %preun of old package (1) > * Delete any old files not overwritten by newer ones > * Run %postun of old package (1) So, if anything makes the upgrade to halt after the 3d step, only mess is left to clean up (if one is aware & willing)? - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Portmaster and added dependencies
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Felippe de Meirelles Motta thusly... > ... > Well ... I like normal user, I always get much the lastest version > of the software to use. But I as a developer, with the minimal > version required (core-mod or no) is ok. Interesting, as I would have thought the opposite. > Now ... thinking better, if i as maintainer of some p5-* ports, if > i always use the version of core-mod, i'll in some way, "force" > the user to almost always be a newer version of perl (usually even > 5.8.0 or 5.6.0). So we still think that the version setting > minimum dependence, it would be the best way for all. Because > then can be any version of perl, but with a module later (if > needed). I would say to always specify the dependency on the module if present in ports. If the minimum version of module is already available either as part of Perl installation or module itself, fine. Otherwise, install the module of course. Perhaps that is what you had already written. BTW, new stable version of Perl is 5.10. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Port dependencies on p5-Test-*
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Anton Berezin thusly... > ... > I almost wish to rip off dual-life modules from our cores to > simplify situation. Oh, that would be most wonderful (if not only to keep only one (latest) version of module)! - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: fvwm themes instalation script error
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Siju George thusly... > > I got this error trying to install fvwm-themes > > > checking for fvwm-config... /usr/local/bin/fvwm-config > checking for FvwmM4... /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.4.20/FvwmM4 > configure: error: > You have fvwm-2.4.20, which is not up to date > You need at least fvwm-2.5.8 > ===> Script "configure" failed unexpectedly. > Please report the problem to [EMAIL PROTECTED] [maintainer] and > attach the ... > fvwm-imlib-2.4.20_1 As the error message implies you need to install the development version of fvwm from x11-wm/fvwm2-devel (currently 2.5.23) instead of the stable version. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: using pkgdb
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Chuck Robey thusly... > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > I'm using pkgdb because I wanted to try portupgrade, and it > required it. portupgrade does not require pkgdb. pkgdb is part of portupgrade; portupgrade installs pkgdb. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: [patch] ghostscript-gpl: don't link against libiconv
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Helge Oldach thusly... > > >Description: > > print/ghostscript-gpl will link against an installed libiconv, > even if the OPVP/OPRP drivers are not enabled. However, only those > two drivers require libiconv; this library is otherwise unused. > Avoid this linkage bloat. Thanks much Helge for your efforts. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
devel/git to be static
( Please do carbon copy me the replies for I am not a ports@ subscriber. ) Hi there, Within The Ports, is it possible to compile and install devel/git (with subversion & Perl support) as (a collection of) static port? The problem that I want to workaround just appeared: I use git (installed with Perl & subversion support) much; subversion is currently used only to update FreeBSD ports & src trees. subversion-1.7.8 was marked to be vulnerable; I thought I could remove 1.7.8 version, and compile & install a newer version. Turned out git had to be de installed also (sans force) before subversion 1.7.8 could be removed. (Or, if subversion was removed with force, I would have then needed to do library shuffle to be able to run git at all.) I could have lived with older version of subversion support statically compiled in with git files, (possibly) to be updated after newer subversion version was installed **successfully**. Would I need to compile git outside of The Ports to achieve the desired result? -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
When trying to run www/firefox 35.0_1,1: "Bus error (core dumped)"
Please CC me as I am not subscribed to any of gecko@ & ports@ lists. Hi there, While trying to run firefox 35.0_1,1, I get ... Bus error (core dumped) "sem" has been already complied in kernel of ... FreeBSD holstein.holy.cow 8.4-STABLE FreeBSD 8.4-STABLE #1 r277822: Tue Jan 27 21:38:21 HST 2015 r...@holstein.holy.cow:/misc/obj/misc/src.svn/8/sys/X200-SMP.8 i386 # kldtstat -v | fgrep sem 231 sysvsem 233 sem ... loading via /boot/loader.conf does not make a difference. And now, ident ... # ident /usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile /usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile: $FreeBSD: head/www/firefox/Makefile 378529 2015-02-06 12:08:43Z jbeich $ "Bus error" happens every time when trying to run firefox. - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Working of "pkg audit "
(Sent to -questions@ on Oct 3 but hadn't got any reply, so sending to @ports now. Also, situation below is before www/firefox was updated to 41.0.) I want to know if running "pkg audit" makes any sense for a port installed that has not been updated officially yet. Also, is it possible to supplement the vuxml catalog for such ports installed? Firefox 39 or 40 had been installed from ports. I got tired of seeing package being vulnerable on every ports tree update process that rebuilds "security/vuxml". As the "www/firefox" port has not been updated yet, so I fetched source of firefox 41.0.1; updated distinfo; installed (after rebuilding databases/sqlite3 with DBSTAT option & moving out "files/patch-bug702179" out of "files"). Now I see vulnerability warnings going back to 2004, which are just useless & rather amusing. At least the installed firefox is not vulnerable any more (yet). Apparently per pkg-version # pkg version -t 41.0.1 41.0,1 < ... & ... ... 41.0.1 is still vulnerable. But according to ... ... there are no outstanding vulnerabilities. Now I am confused. -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: portupgrade to Perl 5.10.0 ??
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Gerard thusly... > > On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 03:40:38 -0700 David Southwell > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Just wondered when an upgrade to 5.10.0 could be expected. > > Perhaps they are planning on releasing it with, and hopefully > including it in the FreeBSD-7.1 release. That would be darn too long not to install on my own (unless 7.1 is coming out in a month)! - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: portupgrade to Perl 5.10.0 ??
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH thusly... > > > On 2008 Jul 11, at 10:31, Vivek Khera wrote: > >> When I talk to some linux folks they just laugh that we don't >> have a perl 5.10 yet. It is embarrassing, actually, to go out >> and evangelize FreeBSD when there are delays like this. > > As a practical matter, is 5.10 really all that urgent? > (Bleeding-edge Linuxers don't count; FreeBSD is a production OS.) We are talking about a port here, not part of the base FreeBSD OS. Expecting a recent stable perl version six months after its release, in relative quietness, is not considered urgent, I think. Mind that perl was separated from base OS in order to have relatively fresh perl around, and not to wait for FreeBSD releases to get perl updated. A perl5.10 can easily exist with perl5 & perl5.8 ports. Some of the reasons for my excitement are faster performance of regex engine, named captures, ability to relocate (which would be interesting to see if that works or advisable within Ports infrastructure). - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: portupgrade fails - how to fix?
Mind that I am looking at the problem purely from a programmer's perspective. I am a rather light user of portupgrade (mainly "pkgbd -F") & don't upgrade the port itself much. With that out of the way ... in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Torfinn Ingolfsen thusly... > > And here portupgrade fails again, on another machine: Is your version of portupgrade is the latest in the ports? (So that I can install the same & investigate.) > [EMAIL PROTECTED] portupgrade -R nasm pcre xterm mplayer gscan2pdf ImageMagick What are the exact names of the ports|packages installed? Many ways to list; here is a simple one ... sh pkg_info -Qox nasm pcre xterm mplayer gscan2pdf ImageMagick \ | sed -e 's/:/ /' # Type exit to exit /bin/sh session; missing here as it might # actually exit your actual shell session. > /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkginfo.rb:74:in `initialize': : Not > in due form: - (ArgumentError) > from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:614:in `new' Seems like portupgrade is dying when a port name-version format does not match the expected regular expression. Or, the program encounters a non-port string. > As always, a single port as the argument to portupgrade doesn't > fail. If portupgrade is indeed successful individually for all the above listed ports, then the second scenario is more likely (the "non-port thing" one). - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: portsdb error
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Tom Eagle of thusly... > > Here is the output of portsdb -Uu. > > > -Original Message- > From: Charlie Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 11:54 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: > > Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait.."Makefile", line 56: Could not find > > make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue > ===> sysutils/apcupsd failed > *** Error code 1 > > > Before reporting this error, verify that you are running a supported > version of FreeBSD (see and that you > have a complete and up-to-date ports collection. (INDEX builds are > not supported with partial or out-of-date ports collections -- in > particular, if you are using cvsup, you must cvsup the "ports-all" > collection, and have no "refuse" files.) If that is the case, then > report the failure to [EMAIL PROTECTED] together with relevant > details of your ports configuration (including FreeBSD version, > your architecture, your environment, and your /etc/make.conf > settings, especially compiler flags and WITH/WITHOUT settings). > > Note: the latest pre-generated version of INDEX may be fetched > automatically with "make fetchindex". > ... Hi Tom, Could you please sent a copy of your email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] who is the current maintainer of portupgrade{,-devel} ports? Also, could you please file a PR via send-pr (do "man send-pr") or through the web interface ... ... (instructions & such are there)? - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: pulseaudio - main.c: Daemon startup failed
in message <20090403154943.ga51...@holstein.holy.cow>, wrote thusly... > > I am finally annoyed enough the message produced by pulseaudio ... ^ ^ "by" > Apr 3 05:15:12 holstein pulseaudio[91444]: main.c: Daemon startup failed. > > > ... whenever flash plugin (graphics/swfdec, www/swfdec-plugin) is > invoked in Firefox. ... > Could anybody tell me please if there is any other way to get > pulseaudio to produce sound through the above mentioned flash > plugin? I just rebuilt swfdec* with OSS driver instead for I thought graphics/swfdec might have the option to use another method for audio. WELCOME TO THE TALKIES! At this point, I could not care less for the pulseaudio problem. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
pulseaudio - main.c: Daemon startup failed
I am finally annoyed enough the message produced by pulseaudio ... Apr 3 05:15:12 holstein pulseaudio[91444]: main.c: Daemon startup failed. ... whenever flash plugin (graphics/swfdec, www/swfdec-plugin) is invoked in Firefox. I tried building the port with default options selected, and no option selected at all. Same difference. When pulseaudio is run by itself (again, either with default options or none) on the console, it produces ... pulseaudio I: caps.c: Dropping root privileges. W: main.c: High-priority scheduling enabled in configuration but not allowed by policy. W: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting. E: module-console-kit.c: Unable to contact D-Bus system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory E: module.c: Failed to load module "module-console-kit" (argument: ""): initialization failed. E: main.c: Module load failed. E: main.c: Failed to initialize daemon. I do not see any dbus process running in ps(1) output if that would be the real reason for pulseaudio to carp. I do have these in /etc/make.conf ... WITHOUT_HAL=yes WITHOUT_DBUS= yes ... if that matters. After commenting out dbus variable, there was no change. I have these ports installed ... devel/dbus dbus-1.2.1 devel/dbus-glib dbus-glib-0.76 sysutils/halhal-0.5.11_1 Could anybody tell me please if there is any other way to get pulseaudio to produce sound through the above mentioned flash plugin? - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: Portupgrade still broken?
in message , wrote Chris Rees thusly... > > I recall from > > that there was a bug in portupgrade last year, causing it to break > when a port is recursively (-R) upgraded; it's surfacing for me > too :( > > [ch...@amnesiac]/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade% portupgrade --version > portupgrade 2.4.6 > > Is this a 'fixed' version, or not? I think it's the most recent... > > [ch...@amnesiac]/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade% sudo portupgrade > -rR emacs xterm curl php5-mbstring > otp-md5 488 am9338 ext > Password: > [Updating the pkgdb in /var/db/pkg ... - 263 > packages found (-3 +3) (...)... done] > [Gathering depends for editors/emacs > ... > done] > [Exclude up-to-date packages > ... > done] > /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkginfo.rb:74:in `initialize': : Not > in due form: - (ArgumentError) > from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:614:in `new' > from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:614:in `main' ... Does this Perl (5.8 & onwards) program ... ... produces anything when run *without any arguments*? Purpose of the program is to find a port name (based on directory name in /var/db/pkg) which fails to match the regular expression /^(.+)-([^-]+)$/ used in pkginfo.rb, among other files of portupgrade. If the Perl program is run with any arguments, then a sorted list of matched names will be printed, something like ... aalib-1.4.r5_4 : aalib 1.4.r5_4 acroread8-8.1.2_2 : acroread8 8.1.2_2 acroreadwrapper-0.0.20080906 : acroreadwrapper 0.0.20080906 agg-2.5_5 : agg 2.5_5 aircrack-ng-1.0.r1 : aircrack-ng 1.0.r1 amspsfnt-1.0_5 : amspsfnt 1.0_5 ... - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: Portupgrade still broken?
in message , wrote Chris Rees thusly... > > 2009/4/9 Parv : > > in message , > > wrote Chris Rees thusly... > >> > >> I recall from > >> > >> that there was a bug in portupgrade last year, causing it to break > >> when a port is recursively (-R) upgraded; it's surfacing for me > >> too :( ... > >> [ch...@amnesiac]/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade% sudo portupgrade > >> -rR emacs xterm curl php5-mbstring > >> otp-md5 488 am9338 ext ... > >> /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkginfo.rb:74:in `initialize': : Not > >> in due form: - (ArgumentError) > >> from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:614:in `new' > >> from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:614:in `main' ... > > Does this Perl (5.8 & onwards) program ... > > > > > > > > > > ... produces anything when run *without any arguments*? > > > > Purpose of the program is to find a port name (based on directory > > name in /var/db/pkg) which fails to match the regular expression > > /^(.+)-([^-]+)$/ used in pkginfo.rb, among other files of > > portupgrade. ... > No, sorry, no messages :( Thank you Chris & Kent. No output means that all the port names (based on directory names) match the expected format in pkginfo.rb which tries to parse the names. So that implies that whatever name is being sent to pkginfo.rb is not really a port name per expectation. Internal API seemed to have changed (since whenever), but somebody failed to update the name parsing code, and/or to generate the complete name from partial name before passing it to port name-version parsing code. What was the last working version? It would be simpler for this Ruby simpleton to generate a patch than to debug through the stack trace. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Status of (teTeX &) Tex Live port(s)
Apparently teTeX development/support ended on May 2006 (according to and people (from the accounts on comp.text.tex newsgroup) seem to be moving, or already have moved, to Tex Live. How long would teTeX ports remain available? Will there be any Tex Live port in our future? I did not find anything suitable via search for "tex live" or "texlive" on To do my part, I volunteer to be a tester of Tex Live port(s). - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Status of (teTeX &) Tex Live port(s)
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Rong-en Fan thusly... > > On 5/3/07, Parv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Apparently teTeX development/support ended on May 2006 > > (according to ... > > Will there be any Tex Live port in our future? I did not find > > anything suitable via search for "tex live" or "texlive" on > > To do my part, I volunteer to be > > a tester of Tex Live port(s). > > I asked hrs@ (current teTeX maintainer) yesterday, I am feeling some shame as that was what I was thinking of doing but instead opted to ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] > he told me that he is working on porting TeX Live and should be > available soon. Ah, nice! Thanks for the update. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: 7.2 ports merged into the FreeBSD Ports Tree
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Peter Jeremy thusly... > > On 2007-May-19 15:10:07 -0700, Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > Peter Jeremy wrote: > > > >> I presume there will be followup commits at some stage to fix > >> src/etc/defaults/rc.conf src/etc/defaults/periodic.conf and > >> src/etc/login.conf ... > If you upgrade to xorg 7.2 but don't cleanup the /etc files then > rc.d and periodic scripts are processe twice. (I was getting > warned about ports with security problems twice). I am using FreeBSD 6. I haven't tried xorg 7.2 port(s) yet, but recently did merge /usr/X11R6 to /usr/local (programs reinstalled, made link to X11R6 to local, and such). On a reboot after that, scripts indeed ran twice. That was very annoying. and mildly surprising, as the scripts are currently dumb enough not to realize that /usr/X11R6 is a symbolic link to /usr/local. That was fixed by, in /etc/rc.conf, ... local_startup="/usr/local/etc/rc.d" local_periodic="/usr/local/etc/periodic" - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: 7.2 ports merged into the FreeBSD Ports Tree
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Doug Barton thusly... > > Parv wrote: > > > I am using FreeBSD 6. I haven't tried xorg 7.2 port(s) yet, but > > recently did merge /usr/X11R6 to /usr/local (programs reinstalled, > > made link to X11R6 to local, and such). On a reboot after that, > > scripts indeed ran twice ... > Could you try restoring the default rc.conf entry, and apply the > patch I posted to /etc/rc.subr? It would be nice to get testing > from someone who was actually affected by the problem. Doug, after commenting out $local_{periodic,startup} lines in /etc/rc.conf, the patch posted in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> failed to stop double execution of scripts. I do not see how the statement on line 1490 ... 1489 case "$local_rc" in 1490 *[\ ]*${f}[\ ]*|*[\ ]*${f}) ;; 1491 *) local_rc="${local_rc} $f" ;; 1492 esac ... work without actually resolving the paths, at least in case of ... lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 11 May 16 16:30 /usr/X11R6@ -> /misc/local lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 11 Dec 21 2004 /usr/local@ -> /misc/local ... since 'X11R6' will always be different than 'local'. Please look over the attached patch (where, at least in my case, after resolving directories in $local_startup, already_seen function calls can be omitted just before making file list). The patch is against this /etc/rc.subr version ... # $FreeBSD: src/etc/rc.subr,v 2007/03/16 15:34:09 yar Exp - Parv -- --- /etc/rc.subr--OLD Mon May 21 01:36:05 2007 +++ /etc/rc.subr Mon May 21 01:57:53 2007 @@ -1454,19 +1454,60 @@ echo ${devices2} } +# Check if a string, $1, already exists in a space separated collection +# of strings, $2. +# +already_seen () { + local _subset _set _rc + _subset="$1" + _set="$2" + _rc= + case "$_set" in + *[\ ]${_subset}[\ ]* | *[\ ]${_subset} | ${_subset}[\ ]* ) + _rc=0 + ;; + * ) + _rc=1 + ;; + esac + return $_rc +} + +# Resolve paths, remove duplicates. Values are stored in $real_paths, a +# space separated string. +# +path_resolve () { + local _tmp + real_paths='' + for f in $@; do + _tmp=$( realpath "$f" ) + already_seen "$_tmp" "${real_paths}" && continue + real_paths="$_tmp $real_paths" + done + real_paths=${real_paths% } +} + # Find scripts in local_startup directories that use the old syntax # find_local_scripts_old () { zlist='' slist='' - for dir in ${local_startup}; do + path_resolve ${local_startup} + for dir in ${real_paths}; do + if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then for file in ${dir}/[0-9]*.sh; do + +already_seen "$file" "${zlist}" && continue + grep '^# PROVIDE:' $file >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue zlist="$zlist $file" done for file in ${dir}/[^0-9]*.sh; do + +already_seen "$file" "${slist}" && continue + grep '^# PROVIDE:' $file >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue slist="$slist $file" @@ -1476,14 +1517,22 @@ } find_local_scripts_new () { + local dir f local_rc='' - for dir in ${local_startup}; do + path_resolve ${local_startup} + for dir in ${real_paths}; do + + already_seen "$dir" "${local_startup}" && continue + if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then - for file in `grep -l '^# PROVIDE:' ${dir}/* 2>/dev/null`; do -case "$file" in + for f in `grep -l '^# PROVIDE:' ${dir}/* 2>/dev/null` + do +case "$f" in *.sample) ;; -*) if [ -x "$file" ]; then - local_rc="${local_rc} ${file}" +*) + already_seen "$f" "${local_rc}" && conitnue + if [ -x "$f" ]; then + local_rc="${local_rc} $f" fi ;; esac ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: sed errors through portupgrade
(Updated the otherwise highly misleading subject of only "sed errors".) in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Ivan Voras thusly... > > I've recently started getting these errors while running portupgrade: > > sed: 1: "s|^\(@comment[": unbalanced brackets ([]) > sed: 1: "s|^\(@comment[": unbalanced brackets ([]) > sed: 1: "s|^\(@comment[": unbalanced brackets ([]) > sed: 1: "s|^\(@comment[": unbalanced brackets ([]) > > The above lines are displayed twice: once when portupgrade starts and > once when it finishes. What version of portupgrade is producing the error message? What command did/do you issue? - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: bugzilla Error 503 Service Unavailable
in message <>, wrote Anton Shterenlikht thusly... > > Not sure who to alert to this: > > > > Error 503 Service Unavailable > > Backend status: Service Unavailable Mercifully now a message shows that people are apparently aware of the problem & to try later. Thanks to whoever did that. - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: ruby gems, use ports or not?
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Vivek Khera thusly... > > > either install everything ... by hand or everything using your > package management system of choice. Anything else will > eventually end up causing you confusion and difficulty in > upgrades. > > It is for this very reason that I've been submitting quite a > number of perl library ports rather than just using the CPAN > install of them, which would have been easier short-term. I much appreciate your porting efforts. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Rebuild ports statically linked to libcrypto(3)
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Dmitry Marakasov thusly... > > for port in `pkg_info -oaq`; do > grep OPENSSL /usr/ports/$port/Makefile >/dev/null && > echo $port; > done > > This will list all ports that use OPENSSL, and no need to search > for executables/libs linked with libcrypto dynamically or > statically. That sees to miss security/nss port (apparently used by firefox). Running ldd(1) on some of the installed files (say "certutil") shows linking with libssl3 (on 6-STABLE) ... # ldd /misc/local/bin/certutil /misc/local/bin/certutil: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1ac99000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1acc) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1ace3000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1ad52000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1ad7d000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1ada7000) => /lib/ (0x1addb000) => /lib/ (0x1ae02000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x1aef8000) - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: xorg 7.x and non-standard X11BASE
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Doug Barton thusly... > > When xorg 7 is imported, it will be installing into /usr/local. > Shortly thereafter the plan is to do away with the X11BASE stuff > altogether, and have all ports install into /usr/local. > > In order to prepare for this change, and to fix as many ports as > possible before it happens, the ports cluster has started running > experimental builds with X11BASE set to something that is not > /usr/X11R6 AND not /usr/local. So, you can easily reproduce this > condition by doing the same thing yourself. ... > There are two ways to do this. Either way you choose, you have to > put something like this in /etc/make.conf: X11BASE= > /usr/local/xorg I chose that directory for my experiment, you can > use whatever directory works for you that is NOT /usr/X11R6 or > /usr/local. I have been using X11BASE=/misc/local/X (set in /etc/rc.conf; /usr/X11R6 is symlinked to it) at least since Dec 2006 (Xorg 6.2). So far I have not noticed any problems with 343-some ports (which do not have a great deal of GNOME or KDE). Short of testing with full blown GNONE|KDE, is there anything else I can try to test? Should I try without the /usr/X11R6 symlink? - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: is it safe to upgrade ruby18?
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Armin Arh thusly... > > On Sat, Dec 23, 2006 at 08:21:22PM -0600, Scott Bennett wrote: > > The portmanager program wants to upgrade ruby18. Is is safe to > > let it? I made the mistake of trying to do a "portupgrade ruby18" under > good question. > As ruby is crucial to the portmanager special care should be taken. Ruby is CRUCIAL for things portupgrade but not portmanager. For the latter a C compiler, make, etc. is needed, which FreeBSD already provides. portmanager OPTIONALLY needs ruby to convert pkgtools.conf (portupgrade) to its configuration format (by way of running pkgtools-to-portmanager.rb). > Good luck there are almost no dependencies for ruby itself: Indeed, unlike python or the pig that is gnome. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: is it safe to upgrade ruby18?
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Scott Bennett thusly... > > On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 Parv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ... > >portmanager OPTIONALLY needs ruby to convert > >pkgtools.conf (portupgrade) to its configuration format (by way > >of running pkgtools-to-portmanager.rb). ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > Really? How does it do that? As i wrote earlier with pkgtools-to-portmanager.rb. > The string "ruby" doesn't appear in the portmanager binary > anywhere. Neither does "pkg", "port", "tool", or "rb". Use the source ... cd ${PORTSDIR:-/usr/ports/}/sysutils/portmanager \ && make extract \ && { src=$( make -V WRKSRC ) find "$src" -type f -name pkgtools-to-portmanager.rb sleep 2 {PAGER:-less} "$src/programmer-notes.txt" # search 'pkgtools' } - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: is it safe to upgrade ruby18?
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Parv thusly... > {PAGER:-less} "$src/programmer-notes.txt" # search 'pkgtools' Curses, forgot a symbol! Above should be ... ${PAGER:-less} "$src/programmer-notes.txt" # search 'pkgtools' - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: cannot upgrade p5-Pod-Simple
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Lars Kristiansen thusly... > > I am having a problem upgrading p5-Pod-Simple. But i do not know > perl. Can one tell from this output if it is something wrong with > my installation or if it is something wrong with the port? I just tried the port installation of the same version as listed below, which worked without any problems. Note that I did not have any version of the port installed previously. > [EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/ports/textproc/p5-Pod-Simple# make reinstall Did you deinstall-ed the port before (re)install-ing? > ===> Installing for p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 > ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 depends on file: > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Text/ - found > ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 depends on file: > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Pod/ - found > ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found > ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found > ===> Generating temporary packing list > ===> Checking if textproc/p5-Pod-Simple already installed > Can't locate Pod/ in @INC (@INC contains: When I tried to re-install the port (once it was already installed), process failed w/ saner & understandable error ... ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 depends on file: /misc/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 depends on file: /misc/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found ===> Generating temporary packing list ===> Checking if textproc/p5-Pod-Simple already installed ===> p5-Pod-Simple-3.05 is already installed You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly. If you really wish to overwrite the old port of textproc/p5-Pod-Simple without deleting it first, set the variable "FORCE_PKG_REGISTER" in your environment or the "make install" command line. *** Error code 1 ... > /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/BSDPAN > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/mach > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7 > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl > /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/mach /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8 .) at > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Pod/ line 35. Here, /misc/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Pod/ (1.37) has ... 32 use strict; 33 use subs qw(makespace); 34 use vars qw(@ISA %ESCAPES $PREAMBLE $VERSION); 35 36 @ISA = qw(Pod::Parser); - Parv > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Pod/ line 35. > Compilation failed in require at > /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ExtUtils/Command/ line 92. > *** Error code 2 -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Problems running pkgdb -fF
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Joe Marcus Clarke thusly... > > Running pkgdb -Ff today gives me the following error: > > Stale origin: 'multimedia/totem-gstreamer': perhaps moved or obsoleted. > -> The port 'multimedia/totem-gstreamer' was moved to 'multimedia/totem' on > 2007-03-19 because: > "multimedia/totem now uses gstreamer by default" > sed: 1: "s|^\(@comment[": unbalanced brackets ([]) > Failed to rewrite /var/db/pkg/totem-gstreamer-2.16.5/+CONTENTS: Command > failed [exit code 1]: "sed" "\"s|^(@comment[\"" "\"\"" "\"][\"" "\"\"" > "\"]*ORIGIN:).*\\\$|1multimedia/totem|\"" "<" > "/var/db/pkg/totem-gstreamer-2.16.5/+CONTENTS" ">" "/tmp/+CONTENTS.71426.0" > > This is with portupgrade 2.2.6_2,2 on both 6-STABLE i386 and > 7-CURRENT amd64. I don't think I did anything funky with the > totem MOVED entry. This seems to be a problem with pkgdb. Looks like sed command gets broken on unescaped|uncared-for otherwise important space character. The command is being made in modify_origin() in pkgtools.rb ... 792 if grep_q_file(/[EMAIL PROTECTED] \t]+ORIGIN:/, contents_file) 793 command = shelljoin('sed', 794 "s|^\\(@comment[ \t][ \t]*ORIGIN:\\).*$|\\1#{origin}|") 795 else 796 command = "(cat; echo '@comment ORIGIN:#{origin}')" 797 end 798 799 filter_file(command, contents_file) ... which is being executed in filter_file() ... 838 xsystem("#{command} < #{file} > #{tmpfile}") Here is minimized case which causes above problem ... # for shelljoin() require "pkgmisc" origin = 'some/where' file = '/tmp/in-file' tmpfile = '/tmp/out-file' cmd = shelljoin('sed', "s|^\\(@comment[ \t][ \t]*ORIGIN:\\).*$|\\1#{origin}|") system("#{cmd} < #{file} > #{tmpfile}") Perhaps another version of shelljoin() is needed specifically tuned for sed. I myself would do the substitution in Ruby itself, or failing that in Perl or awk. - Parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
DBIx::Simple: Any user? New maintainer?
I am the current maintainer of databases/p5-DBIx-Simple port (last updated on CPAN is 1.35 in 2011). Are there any user of the port? Have there been problems otherwise? (If it is not obvious, I am not an user.) While here, would anybody want to pick up the maintainership? -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: DBIx::Simple: Any user? New maintainer?
in message <20140223095134.ga1...@holstein.holy.cow>, wrote parv@p thusly... ... Forgot to add that I am not subscribed to ports@ list. Do send me please a copy of your reply. -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: DBIx::Simple: Any user? New maintainer?
Hi there, in message , wrote Chris H thusly... > > > I am the current maintainer of databases/p5-DBIx-Simple port (last > > updated on CPAN is 1.35 in 2011). > > > > Are there any user of the port? Have there been problems otherwise? > > (If it is not obvious, I am not an user.) > > > > While here, would anybody want to pick up the maintainership? > > Yes, I use it. Good to hear. > Yes. I have time, and would be happy to maintain it. Rather overwhelming display of love DBIx::Simple got! :-) I have submitted a PR to reset port maintainer; keep an eye out for it. I cannot appoint anyone to be one; please choose amongst yourselves. -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: how to install ruby18
Gryd T L wrote (from ... > The following helped me identity the ports with bad files: > > find /var/db/pkg -type f -exec iconv -t US-ASCII {} > /dev/null \; > > Reinstalling the indicated ports solved it for me. I'm currently > using pkg-tools, ruby19 and portupgrade with no problems on > FreeBSD 8.3. ... Thanks much, Gryd, for your find-iconv command. - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Problem on 8-STABLE installing ports: pkg_add: could not find package broken_contents
(-ports@ people, please CC me.) I am having problems installing ports via "portmaster" or "make" on 8-STABLE & ports tree is at r354272 during "pkg_add" stage. Error via "portmaster x11-toolkits/gtk20" ... ===> Installing for gtk2-2.24.22_3 ===> Checking if x11-toolkits/gtk20 already installed pkg_add: could not find package broken_contents ! *** Error code 1 Stop in /misc/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20. *** Error code 1 ... or error via "make install" ... ===> Checking if x11-toolkits/gtk20 already installed pkg_add: could not find package broken_contents ! *** Error code 1 Stop in /misc/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20. ... done [1] install in /misc/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20 I searched the web but could not find a solution; did find something related ... - identify the installed ports' +CONTENTS with empty "@pkgdep" Above error has started happening recently. Earlier, same problem was with libgsf, which I had installed as a package instead and added "+IGNOREME" for portmaster to skip it. Is this PR ... devel/libgsf fix installation of GObject Introspection files ... related or of any significance? What is creating broken package contents (manifest?) of newly built port to be installed? Or, how could I go finding the culprit? - parv -- ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""