Freeglut not installing on 9.1?
Hi all -- Just a quick question... Is it just me or is anyone else having issues with freeglut not building (and, as a consequence, a whole bunch of stuff that relies on graphics)? I've searched, but couldn't find out if there's a general problem here, FreeBSD-realted, or if it's an upstream issue. TIA, Hank ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Re: Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/jasper
I am also getting similiiar errors with Jasper. Something is wrong Henry ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Jasper - error - jasper-1.900.1_5 has no origin recorded
g_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/images/pngnow.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/images/right_triangle.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/images/right_triangle_option.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/index.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/AUTHORS.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Changelog.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Copyright.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/FAQ.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/GraphicsMagick.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-mac.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-unix.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-vms.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-windows.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/ImageMagickObject.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Blob.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Cache.fig' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Cache.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Cache.svg' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/ChangeLog.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/CoderInfo.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Color.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Documentation.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Drawable.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Drawable_example_1.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Enumerations.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Exception.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/FormatCharacters.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Future.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Geometry.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Image.fig' doesn't exist pkg_delete: couldn't entirely delete package (perhaps the packing list is incorrectly specified?) agora# ^Dexit Script done on Fri Aug 3 17:38:45 2007 Any ideas? TIA. Henry Lenzi ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Jasper - error - jasper-1.900.1_5 has no origin recorded
g_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/images/pngnow.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/images/right_triangle.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/images/right_triangle_option.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/index.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/AUTHORS.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Changelog.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Copyright.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/FAQ.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/GraphicsMagick.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-mac.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-unix.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-vms.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/INSTALL-windows.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/ImageMagickObject.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Blob.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Cache.fig' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Cache.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Cache.svg' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/ChangeLog.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/CoderInfo.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Color.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Documentation.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Drawable.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Drawable_example_1.png' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Enumerations.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Exception.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/FormatCharacters.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Future.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Geometry.html' doesn't exist pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/share/doc/GraphicsMagick/www/Magick++/Image.fig' doesn't exist pkg_delete: couldn't entirely delete package (perhaps the packing list is incorrectly specified?) agora# ^D exit Script done on Fri Aug 3 17:38:45 2007 Any ideas? TIA. Henry Lenzi ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Icon programming language
Hello -- The FreeBSD makefile reads: PORTNAME= icon PORTVERSION=9.4.3 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}.v${PORTVERSION:S/.//g}src EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= [EMAIL PROTECTED] COMMENT=The Icon programming language ALL_TARGET= All MAN1= icont.1 ARCH_NAME= bsd ICONDIR=${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME} BINS= icont iconx rtt BINXS= colrbook colrpick fontpick palette vib wevents xgamma It does not include graphics in BINXS. Is Icon expected to be usable for graphics on FreeBSD? TIA. Henry ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
DJVU - djview doesn't work
Hi -- Regarding the new djvu port...It seems the viewer for djvu documents (djview) doesn't work. Is this correct? Does it work for you? I couldn't get it to work. Maybe some build dependency missing? Regs, Henry Lenzi ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
EiffelStudio 5.7 (GPL) for FreeBSD ! (and OpenBSD, Linux an Solaris)
Hi * This is to let you know that Eiffel Software has released their premier Eiffel development IDE/compiler, called, EiffelStudio for FreeBSD 32 and 64 bits (and OpenBSD, Linux, and Solaris) under a dual-licensing scheme: for GPLed projects, you may use Eiffel Studio without paying for a license. Eiffel is an Object Oriented language with built-in safe programming features (Design by Contract, Garbage Collection) and performance on par with C++. This is great news, everyone! Yet another commercial software company betting their chips the FreeBSD platform (recently, a major Common Lisp vendor - Lispworks - also announced their IDE for FreeBSD). I think some of you hackers out there will appreciate this news. (*) Hopefully, someone will write a port for it. Best regards, Henry Lenzi (*) I realise this GPL choice will not result in any *BSD using it for system software. Nevertheless, some might find it usefull (e.g., the scientific community). ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Re: Porting a Linux application to FreeBSD
I can't answer your specific question, but you might like to read "Porting UNIX Software", available at Greg Great book! I love it! *Highly* recomended. Cheers. Henry Lenzi ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"