Re: TrueCrypt 5.0

2008-02-11 Thread Dierk Sacher
Cancel that one. Still not there. It took me just a little longer
to freeze the device. :-(

At least the display bug (black images) is gone now. 

Zitiere Dierk Sacher vom Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 02:41:39PM +0100:
> Hi,
> I'm now able to confirm success running truecrypt 5.0 on 
> FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 #3: Sun Jan 20
> 00:44:35 CET 2008
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VOXX  i386

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Re: TrueCrypt 5.0

2008-02-11 Thread Dierk Sacher

I'm now able to confirm success running truecrypt 5.0 on 

FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 #3: Sun Jan 20
00:44:35 CET 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VOXX  i386

Remaining issue (here):

Images appear all in black now. May be a local problem of the test
environment not related to truecrypt.

The initial width of the "Slot" column doesn't seem to have enought room to
display 2 digit numbers. Just enlarge the column using the table header


 GPG Fingerprint: D14C 12BB 37A6 6745 7F4F  F420 9E59 D79E A492 2A96
 GPG KeyID  : A4922A96  

Description: PGP signature

obexftp - call for testers

2008-02-15 Thread Dierk Sacher

today I discovered that the RC of obexftp now seems to work on freebsd.
I've been able to sync the phonebook and calendar of my SE K750i from
the telecom/* sources (which needs synch which in turn is the reason a
can not use obexapp).

This is a 'works for me' port. I've only been able to test it with
6.2-RELEASE on i386 with only one mobile over bluetooth. I did not test
anything else (usb, IR ...).

As the working version of obexftp is still unstable, I'm not shure
it's even a candidate for a commit. 

So this call for testing is also a call for comment and feedback.

MD5: 3c38f7dc81ae55602f323de95b72597b
Some hints:


 GPG Fingerprint: D14C 12BB 37A6 6745 7F4F  F420 9E59 D79E A492 2A96
 GPG KeyID  : A4922A96  

Description: PGP signature

Re: obexftp - call for testers

2008-02-17 Thread Dierk Sacher

thank you for your feedback.

For doing obex over bluetooth, obexftp needs both the

(1) BD_ADDR in raw format (it's _not_ resolving literal device names)
(2) the Channel (by using the -B option)

So, on my K750i, which has  I do something like this (I will use long
options for better understanding):

# get the capability list:
obexftp --bluetooth `bthost -b k750ieva` --channel 6 --capability

Channel 6 is OBEX File Transfer on that phone. IrMC (8 for me) will also
do. You won't be succesful doing this on OBEX Object Push.

If you need to find out the proper channel for your mobile, do something

  sdpcontrol -a k750ieva Browse

The whole point of using obexftp over obexapp is (for me), that obexapp
is not able to retrieve all the telecom/ nodes, which won't show up in
filebrowsing and return an error if you try to traverse the path level
by level.
Thatswhy you have to specify the path as a whole in 'get' command
to successfully retrieve them. This is AFAIK only a restriction of some
(including obviously all my) mobile phones.

So this is where the -S (--nopath) parameter comes handy:

obexftp --bluetooth `bthost -b k750ieva` --channel 6 --nopath \
  --uuid SYNCH --get telecom/devinfo.txt

(You may also try telecom/pb.vcf or telecom/cal.vcs and *PLEASE* backup
your contacts first! It's perfectly possible to bust your databases so
all your valuable contacts go down the drain and I won't be the one to
be put in charge for that.)

As you see, I also need to specify the SYNCH (IRMC will also do). Please
look up the manpage, cause my understanding of this rather limited (in
other words: I'm just using it).

One final note: my mobiles firmware obviously left the drawing table a
bit, uhm, early. You may have to reset your bluetooth devices and/or the
whole mobile (by removing batteries in my case :-() after doing some
transfers. This is *not* a problem specific to obexftp. Its happening
with a lot of other peers and usage scenarios too.


Zitiere Alex Keda vom Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 06:01:22PM +0300:
> Peter Jeremy ?:
> >On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 02:50:36PM +0100, Dierk Sacher wrote:
> >  
> >>This is a 'works for me' port. I've only been able to test it with
> >>6.2-RELEASE on i386 with only one mobile over bluetooth. I did not test
> >>anything else (usb, IR ...).
> >>
> >
> >I wouldn't mind having obexftp to talk to my phone but unfortunately
> >this port doesn't work for me on 6.3-PRERELEASE/amd64 over bluetooth,
> >though that could be just that I'm not driving it correctly:
> >
> >turion# obexftp -b PeterPhone -v -x
> >Scanning for PeterPhone ...
> >Browsing PeterPhone ...
> >Connecting...failed: connect
> >Still trying to connect
> >Connecting...failed: connect
> >Still trying to connect
> >Connecting...failed: connect
> >Still trying to connect
> >turion# 
> >
> >And hcidump shows no data so I suspect it's not even trying BlueTooth.
> >ktrace shows that it's not searching /etc/bluetooth/hosts but directly
> >specifying the BD_ADDR has no improvement and the connect() is returning
> >  
> With - nokia-6085 - obexapp-1.4.8 work correct.
> But this port:
> ussr$ obexftp --bluetooth nokia-6085 -x
> Scanning for nokia-6085 ...
> Browsing nokia-6085 ...
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> ussr$ obexftp --bluetooth siemens-sl56 -x
> Scanning for siemens-sl56 ...
> Browsing siemens-sl56 ...
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> ussr$ obexftp --bluetooth siemens-sl56 -X
> Scanning for siemens-sl56 ...
> Browsing siemens-sl56 ...
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> ussr$ obexftp --bluetooth nokia-6085 -X
> Scanning for nokia-6085 ...
> Browsing nokia-6085 ...
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> ussr$ uname -a
> FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE #0: 
> Sun Jan 20 09:47:57 MSK 2008 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/color-console  
> i386
> ussr$ obexftp --bluetooth siemens-sl56 -p 
> /usr/home/lissyara/Desktop/nokia_freebsd.txt
> Scanning for siemens

Re: obexftp - call for testers

2008-02-22 Thread Dierk Sacher
Thank you very much for testing.

As of the L6i failing: maybe it's just another UUID (like siemens and
sharp - see the obexftp(1) -U ). But this is way beyond the scope of
my attempt. Judging from the upstreams wiki at

the L6i is just not on the list of supported devices.

Zitiere Peter Jeremy vom Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 06:12:01PM +1100:
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 05:19:01AM +0100, Dierk Sacher wrote:
> >(1) BD_ADDR in raw format (it's _not_ resolving literal device names)
> >(2) the Channel (by using the -B option)
> OK.  This works on my Motorola L6i but it seems that Motorola didn't
> bother with the telecom/ nodes or capability support so obexftp can't
> do anything that obexapp can't (unfortunately).
> turion% obexftp --bluetooth `bthost -b PeterPhone` --channel 9 -v -l picture
> Connecting...failed: connect
> Still trying to connect
> Connecting...done
> Receiving "picture"...|
>  modified="20080220T180803Z" user-perm="RW" />
> done
> Disconnecting...done
> turion% 
> >One final note: my mobiles firmware obviously left the drawing table a
> >bit, uhm, early. You may have to reset your bluetooth devices and/or the
> >whole mobile (by removing batteries in my case :-() after doing some
> >transfers. This is *not* a problem specific to obexftp. Its happening
> >with a lot of other peers and usage scenarios too.
> I don't see that but usually have to execute commands multiple times for
> the phone to acknowledge.
> -- 
> Peter Jeremy
> Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
> an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.

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Re: TrueCrypt 5.0 - Built, short test result: Ok.

2008-02-22 Thread Dierk Sacher
Are you able to transfer let's say the content of /usr/local/bin to it?
I'm still able to deadlock the whole vfs by doing something like that.

Zitiere Olivier Cochard-Labbe vom Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 02:07:38PM +0100:
> Hi all,
> > Port at has updated checksums.
> I'm using  it  under FreeBSD 7.0 RC2 with  a  1Gb file (created with a
> previous Truecrypt release under Windows), and working on my OOo files on
> this encrypted volume without problem.
> Thanks for your works.
> Olivier
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 GPG Fingerprint: D14C 12BB 37A6 6745 7F4F  F420 9E59 D79E A492 2A96
 GPG KeyID  : A4922A96  

Description: PGP signature

Re: TrueCrypt 5.0 - Built, short test result: Ok.

2008-03-02 Thread Dierk Sacher
Zitiere Olivier Cochard-Labbe vom Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 11:22:12AM +0100:
> Hi,
> 2008/2/23, Dierk Sacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Are you able to transfer let's say the content of /usr/local/bin to it?
> > I'm still able to deadlock the whole vfs by doing something like that.
> I've just done your test.. and crash my laptop (no more access to the
> filesystem).


> I didn't encounter this problem during working on my few (about 4) small
> files (about 1 MB) on the truecrypt volume.

That's the exact behavior I'm facing with all tests. Once a single fd
is open, it seems safe to write any amount of data to it. I've also not been
able to trigger it by just reading.


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