MySQL 5.0.24 Installation fails
Hi folks, I use the option WITH_SSL=YES the configure script exists with the message: checking for OpenSSL... Could not find an installation of OpenSSL OpenSSL is a part of the FreeBSD basic system, so I did not install the port. Should I install /usr/ports/security/openssl-stable? The last MySQL-Version 5.0.22 installed without problems. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Daniel Prinz Dipl. Inf. (FH) Suchtreffer AG Projektleiter IT Bleicherstr. 20 D-78467 Konstanz Germany fon: +49-(0)7531-89207-17 fax: +49-(0)7531-89207-13 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] internet: ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
p7zip broken?
Good morning everyone, When I try to install port p7zip, make install stops with following error: c++ -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=opteron -fPIC -s -DNDEBUG -D_REENTRANT -DENV_UNIX -DEXTERNAL_CODECS -DCOMPRESS_MT -DCOMPRESS_BZIP2_MT -DCOMPRESS_MF_MT -D_7ZIP_LARGE_PAGES -shared -o ../../../../bin/ wine_date_and_time.o myGetTickCount.o CRC.o IntToString.o MyString.o StringConvert.o StringToInt.o MyVector.o UTFConvert.o MyWindows.o Wildcard.o ArchiveExports.o CodecExports.o DllExports2.o FileDir.o FileFind.o FileIO.o PropVariant.o Synchronization.o System.o LZOutWindow.o PPMDDecoder.o PPMDEncoder.o PPMDRegister.o ARM.o ARMThumb.o BCJ2Register.o BCJRegister.o BranchCoder.o BranchRegister.o IA64.o PPC.o SPARC.o x86.o x86_2.o LZMADecoder.o LZMAEncoder.o LZMARegister.o CopyCoder.o CopyRegister.o RangeCoderBit.o Deflate64Register.o DeflateDecoder.o DeflateEncoder.o DeflateNsisRegister.o DeflateRegister.o BZip2CRC.o BZip2Decoder.o BZip2Encoder.o BZip2Register.o BlockSort.o ImplodeDecoder.o ImplodeHuffmanDecoder.o Lzx86Converter.o LzxDecoder.o ZDecoder.o ArjDecoder1.o ArjDecoder2.o ByteSwap.o ByteSwapRegister.o ShrinkDecoder.o QuantumDecoder.o LzhDecoder.o MyAES.o 7zAES.o 7zAESRegister.o HmacSha1.o Pbkdf2HmacSha1.o RandGen.o Sha1.o Sha256.o RarAES.o Rar20Cipher.o Rar20Crypto.o WzAES.o ZipCipher.o ZipCrypto.o CreateCoder.o FilterCoder.o InBuffer.o InOutTempBuffer.o LimitedStreams.o LockedStream.o LSBFDecoder.o LSBFEncoder.o MemBlocks.o MethodId.o MethodProps.o VirtThread.o OffsetStream.o OutBuffer.o OutMemStream.o ProgressMt.o ProgressUtils.o StreamBinder.o StreamObjects.o StreamUtils.o 7zCompressionMode.o 7zDecode.o 7zEncode.o 7zExtract.o 7zFolderInStream.o 7zFolderOutStream.o 7zHandler.o 7zHandlerOut.o 7zHeader.o 7zIn.o 7zOut.o 7zProperties.o 7zRegister.o 7zSpecStream.o 7zUpdate.o RarHandler.o RarHeader.o RarIn.o RarItem.o RarRegister.o RarVolumeInStream.o ArjHandler.o ArjIn.o ArjRegister.o bz2Register.o BZip2Handler.o BZip2HandlerOut.o BZip2Update.o CabBlockInStream.o CabHandler.o CabHeader.o CabIn.o CabRegister.o ChmHandler.o ChmHeader.o ChmIn.o ChmRegister.o CoderMixer2.o CoderMixer2MT.o CrossThreadProgress.o DummyOutStream.o InStreamWithCRC.o HandlerOut.o ItemNameUtils.o MultiStream.o OutStreamWithCRC.o ParseProperties.o CpioHandler.o CpioHeader.o CpioIn.o CpioRegister.o DebHandler.o DebHeader.o DebIn.o DebRegister.o GZipHandler.o GZipHandlerOut.o GZipHeader.o GZipIn.o GZipOut.o GZipRegister.o GZipUpdate.o IsoHandler.o IsoHeader.o IsoIn.o IsoRegister.o LzhCRC.o LzhHandler.o LzhIn.o LzhOutStreamWithCRC.o LzhRegister.o NsisDecode.o NsisHandler.o NsisIn.o NsisRegister.o RpmHandler.o RpmIn.o RpmRegister.o SplitHandler.o SplitHandlerOut.o SplitRegister.o TarHandler.o TarHandlerOut.o TarHeader.o TarIn.o TarOut.o TarRegister.o TarUpdate.o ZHandler.o ZRegister.o ZipAddCommon.o ZipHandler.o ZipHandlerOut.o ZipHeader.o ZipIn.o ZipItem.o ZipOut.o ZipRegister.o ZipUpdate.o MatchFinder.o MatchFinderMt.o HuffmanEncode.o BranchARM.o BranchARMThumb.o BranchIA64.o BranchPPC.o BranchSPARC.o BranchX86.o WimHandler.o WimIn.o WimRegister.o OutStreamWithSha1.o 7zCrc.o Sort.o Threads.o Aes.o ComHandler.o ComIn.o ComRegister.o -pthread /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libpthread.a(thr_syscalls.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/lib/libpthread.a: could not read symbols: Bad value *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/archivers/p7zip/work/p7zip_4.57/CPP/7zip/Bundles/Format7zFree. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/archivers/p7zip/work/p7zip_4.57. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/archivers/p7zip. --- Port Info: PORTNAME= p7zip PORTVERSION=4.57 CATEGORIES= archivers - /etc/make.conf: CPUTYPE?= opteron BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes Anyone has a hint? Regards, Daniel ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Syntax Highlighting not working in vim and vim-lite
Hi, I tried to activate syntax highlighting in vim with "syntax on". I get the error message: >Error detected while processing /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/syntax/syntax.vim: >line 42: >E216: No such group or event: filetypedetect BufRead >Press ENTER or type command to continue I tried using the port vim-lite, but same result. Anyone can help? Regards, Daniel -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Daniel Prinz Dipl. Inform. (FH) Suchtreffer AG Projektleiter IT Bleicherstr. 20 D-78467 Konstanz Germany fon: +49-(0)7531-89207-17 fax: +49-(0)7531-89207-13 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] internet: ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
NMAP 4.20 Port broken?
Hi, I can't compile NMAP 4.20 with my freshly updated ports collection. It stops when compiling the file Here is the error message: c++ -c -Ilibdnet-stripped/include -I/usr/local/include -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=opteron -Wall -I/usr/include -Ilibpcap -Inbase -Insock/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNMAP_VERSION= \"4.20\" -DNMAP_NAME=\"Nmap\" -DNMAP_URL=\"\"; -DNMAP_PLATFORM=\"amd64-portbld-freebsd6.1\" -DNMAPDATADIR= \"/usr/local/share/nmap\" -o output.o In function `void log_vwrite(int, const char*, __va_list_tag*)': error: incompatible types in assignment of `__va_list_tag*' to `__va_list_tag[1]' gmake: *** [output.o] Error 1 *** Error code 2 Stop in /usr/ports/security/nmap. Is there a problem with nmap or a depending library? Regards, Daniel ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"