Trial Offer. Disinfectant Kills Flu/MRSA For 24 Hours.
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]3D"AliMed® [3]3D"View View on Handheld [4]3D"Forward [5]Forward to Friend 3D"" 3D"" [6]Home 3D"" | 3D"" [7]Online Catalog 3D"" | 3D"" About Us 3D"" | 3D""= [8]Contact Us 3D"= | 3D"" [9]Help | 3D"" [10]Catalog Request 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" New!<= /b> 3D"" 3D"" [11]<= b>Spectrum 24 Disinfectant Trial Offer Ends 12/4 2 Bottles For $18.99! Kills In Minutes, Keeps Killing For 24 Hours Powerful And Safe Saves Time and Money Spectrum 24's long l= asting formula helps reduce the risk of spreading infection in crowded envi= ronments. And, because you don't have to treat surfaces so often, you'll sa= ve time and money. Get your trial bottles now. You'll want more! [12]<= /a> [13]LEARN MORE 3D"" 3D"" Welcome to AliMed eNews 3D"" 3D"" [14]Spectrum 24 Disinfectant Trial Offer 3D"" [15]= 3D"Spectrum 3D"" Spectrum 24's s= ilver-based formula kills pathogens in minutes including salmonella, staph,= E. coli, VRE, MRSA, and viruses like Influenza A. It requires no rinsing a= nd keeps on killing for up to 24 hours --- making it more convenient and ec= onomical than conventional disinfectants. Spectrum 24 has= the EPA's lowest toxicity rating. So, it's powerful enough to use in medic= al and commercial facilities, but safe enough to use around children. Get y= our trial bottles now. You'll want more! 3D"" = ;&n= bsp; [16] 3D"Learn [17]...See more infection control solutions 3D"" [18]3D"Alimed" 3D"" [19]3D"Physical 3D"" [20]3D"Podiatry" 3D"" [21]3D"Arista 3D"" [22]3D"Ergonomics" 3D"" 3D"" [23]Add to Address Book 3D""= = | 3D"" [24]Subscribe 3D"" | 3D"" [25]Unsubscribe 3D= | 3D"" [26]Terms & Conditions 3D"" | 3D"" [27]Privacy Policy 3D"" | 3D"" [28]= Shipping & Handling 3D"" 3D"" References Visible links 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D"http://ali=/ 4. 3D"http://ali=/ 5. =" 6. 3D" 7. 3D"http://alime=/ 8. 3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D"http://a=/ 14. file://localhost/tmp/3D"ht 15. 3D" 16. 3D"http://alimed.acc0=/ 17. 3D" 18. 3D" 19. 3D" 20. 3D" 21. 3D" 22. 3D" 23. 3D" 24. 3D"http://a=/ 25. 3D" 26. 3D" 27. 3D"http://alimed.=/ 28. =" Hidden links: 29. =" mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
Flu-Season Sale. 24-Hour Hand Sanitizer. Save 30% Free Shipping.
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]3D"AliMed [vie=] [3]View on Handheld [for=] [4]Forward to Friend 3D"" [=] [5]Home 3D"" | 3D"" Online Catalog <= img alt="" height="1" src=""; = width="20">| 3D"" [6]About Us 3D"" | 3D"" [7]Contact Us= 3D"" | 3D"" [8]Hel= p 3D"" | 3D"" [9]Catalog Request [alimed=] 3D"" [=] Save = 30%. Free Shipping! 3D"" 3D"" [10]Pre-fenz Hand Sanitizer Lasts Through 10 Hand Washings Flu Season Special: SAVE 30%! FREE SHIPPING! Use Coupon Code "HANDS10" (Code is for free U.S. ground shipping = only. Must purchase Pre-fenz. Coupon code is case-sensitive.) Flu season typically= peaks in January/February. The CDC reports that flu activity has increased= and the number of states reporting widespread activity is growing.<= /p> Fight colds and flu = with Pre-fenz. Its revolutionary formula gives you everything you want= in a hand sanitizer -- 24-hour effectiveness, gentleness, safety, and econ= omy. Don't wait until flu= season peaks. Stock up now. [11]LEARN MORE 3D"" 3D"" Welcome to AliMed eNews [=] 3D"" [12]Pre-fenz 24-Hour Hand Sa= nitizer 3D"" [13]3D"Pre-fenz 3D"" * Kills germs for = up to 24 hours with just one application * Typical hand san= itizer needs to be applied 10-17 times per day * Lasts through 10= hand washings! * Kills bacteria, = viruses and fungi, including MRSA * Safe for kids! A= ll natural, 100% poison free, alcohol free * Soothing botanic= als help prevent dryness and chapping so its more likely to be used<= /li> * Dries faster tha= n alcohol products * Active ingredien= t Amosilq, is a Silica Complex that creates invisible protective film * Don't wait until= the flu is widespread in your area. Stock up now and be ready * Save 30% and get= free shipping, too! Use coupon code, HANDS10 for free shipping. 3D"" = ;&n= bsp; [14] 3D"LEARN [15] ...See more infection control solutions 3D"" [16]3D"AliMed" 3D"" [17]3D"Physical 3D"" [18]3D"Podiatry" 3D"" [19]3D"Arista 3D"" [20]3D"Ergonomics" 3D"" [=] [21]Add to Address Book 3D= | 3D"" [22]Subscribe 3D"" | 3D"" [23]Unsubscribe | 3D"" [24]Terms & Conditions 3D"" | 3D"" [25]Privacy Polic= y 3D"" | 3D"" = [26]Shipping & Handling [3D"http:=] 3D"" References 1. =" 2. 3D"http://tracking.searchmarketing.=/ 3. file://localhost/tmp/3D"h 4. 3D"http: 5. 3D"http://tracking.searchm=/ 6. 3D" 7. 3D"http://alimed.a=/ 8. file://localhost/tmp/3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D" 14. 3D" 15. 3D" 16. 3D"http://tracking.searchmarket=/ 17. 3D"http://tracking.searchmarket=/ 18. 3D"http://tracking.searchmarket=/ 19. 3D"http://tracking.searchmarket=/ 20. 3D"http://tracking.searchmarket=/ 21. 3D" 22. 3D"http:/ 23. 3D" 24. 3D" 25. 3D"http://=/ 26. 3D" mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
MRSA...Kill it dead
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]3D"AliMed® [3]View on Handheld [4]Forward to Friend 3D"" [alime=] Home =[5]Online Catal= og About Us = ; [6]Contact Us = [7]Help [8]Catalog Requ= est [alime=] 3D"" [alime=] MRSA-= Fighters [alime=] 3D"" [9]3D"Touchstone On Sale! Touchstone Silver Hand-Sanitizing S= pray Ne= w! Treat hands less often. Innovative, silver-based, safe, gentle, for= mula kills 650+ pathogens longer. Hurry! Limited time trial offer. [10]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [11]3D"Citrus Only $1.02 Each! Citrus II® Hand-Sanitizin= g Lotion. Us= e anywhere! Needs no water. Economical, moisturizing. Fresh, natural c= itrus scent. Kills in seconds. [12]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [13]3D"GOJO GOJO® Purell® Bag-In-Box Dispenser Ma= kes it easy to fight disease throughout your facility. Easy-to-refill dispe= nser for water-free, towel-free hand sanitizer. [14]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [15]3D"Citrus Citrus II® Antibacterial So= ap Ge= ntle, but powerful. Moisturizer-rich with pleasant citrus scent. Unique, pa= tented formula wipes out a broad spectrum of germs. [16] LE= ARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [17]<= span style=" font-family: Arial;">...See more infection-control solutions 3D"" 3D"" [alime=] AliMe= d eNews: MRSA Bulletin #2 [alime=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" TACKLING MRSA THREAT= S: [18]FREQUENT INTERPERSONAL CONTACT The CDC has identifi= ed specific factors that make conditions ideal for the transmission of MRSA= . Whether in healthcare settings, schools, the workplace, prisons/jails or = elsewhere, these "Five C's" can help MRSA thrive: * Crowding * [19]Frequent Interpersonal Contact * Compromised Skin * Contaminated Items & Surface * Lack of Clea= nliness Prevent the spread o= f MRSA in your facility by recognizing when these factors are present and h= aving a clear plan to counter their effects. This week we'll look at how yo= u can tackle the threat of frequent interpersonal contact. [20]<= span style=" font-family: Arial;">LEARN MORE ABOUT FIGHTING MRSA WHERE FR= EQUENT INTERPERSONAL CONTACT IS COMMON 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [images.a=] AliMe= d Websites [alime=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [21]3D"AliMed®3D"" [22]3D"AliMed® 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [23]3D" 3D"" [24]3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [25]3D"Arista 3D"" [26]3D" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [alime=] [27]Add to Address Book |&= nbsp; [28]Subscribe | [29]Unsubscribe <= font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FF" size="1">| [30]Terms & Conditions |&nbs= p; [31]Privacy Policy | [32]Shipping = & Handling [alime=] Copyright©2008 AliMed. All Rights Reserved. AliMed, Inc. 297 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Th= is is an advertisement. [click?q=375%3B66887911%3BuEwlvdyof=] References 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D"http://a=/ 4. 3D"http://a=/ 5. 3D" 6. 3D"http://ali=/ 7. 3D" 8. 3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D" 14. 3D" 15. 3D" 16. 3D" 17. 3D" 18. 3D" 19. 3D" 20. 3D"
Wipe Out The MRSA Threat
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]="AliMed® [3]View on Handheld [4]Forward to Friend 3D"" [images.accu=] Home = [5]Online Catalog [6]About= Us Contact Us [7]Help= ; [8]Catalog Request [images.accu=] 3D"" [images.accu=] MRSA = Killers [images.accu=] 3D"" [9]3D"SaniGuard SaniGuard® Sanitizing Fogger Sanitize every nook and cranny of rooms and vehicles. Just open t= he can and leave. Use the area again in only 15 minutes! [10]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [11]3D"SaniGuard <= /a> SaniGuard® Sanitizing Spray Th= e worlds' first dry-on-contact sanitizer. No wiping or waiting. Kills 99.9%= of all fungi, bacteria, and viruses on contact. Safe for food- prep a= reas, fabrics, electronics.! [12]LEARN MORE _ [13]...See more infection control products [images.accu=] AliMe= d eNews [images.accu=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" Sanitize Cells, Vehicles, and Medical Treatment Areas in Minutes Th= e MRSA "superbug" is spreading out of healthcare settings w= here it has historically been found. Do all you can to protect yourself and= others from this potentially deadly threat as well as 38 other more c= ommon bacteria, viruses and fungi. Use SaniGuard to quickly disinfect high-= risk areas and surfaces. [14]SaniGuard Fogge= r and SaniGuard Spray share unique features that make them unlike any other disinfec= tants: * Human safe * 99.9% efficacy * Dry on contact * No wiping or rinsing * Odorless * No protective equipment needed * EPA approved * Long shelf life Stock up now. Be r= eady. Be safe. [15]Learn more about SaniGuard now. 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [3D"h=] AliMe= d Websites [images.accu=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [16]3D"AliMed®3D"" [17]3D"AliMed® 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [18]3D" 3D"" [19]3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [20]3D"Arista 3D"" [21]3D" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [images.acc=] [22]Add to Address Book <= font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FF" size="1">| [23]Subscribe | [24]Unsubscribe &= nbsp;| [25]Terms & Conditions | [26]Privacy Policy | [27]Shipping & Handli= ng [images.acc=] Copyright©2008 AliMed. All Rights Reserved. AliMed, Inc. 297 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Th= is is an advertisement. [click?q=375%3B66889716%3BT0JaKGqw4=] References Visible links 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D" 4. 3D" 5. 3D" 6. 3D" 7. file://localhost/tmp/3D"htt 8. 3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D" 14. 3D" 15. 3D" 16. 3D"http://alimed=/ 17. 3D"http://alimed=/ 18. 3D"http://alimed=/ 19. 3D"http://alimed=/ 20. 3D"http://alimed=/ 21. 3D"http://alimed=/ 22. 3D"http://a=/ 23. 3D"http://alimed.acc0=/ 24. 3D" 25. 3D"http://alime=/ 26. 3D"http://alimed.acc0.=/ 27. 3D" Hidden links: 28. 3D" 29. file://localhost/tmp/3D"ht___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Don't Let MRSA Get Under Your Skin!
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]<= img height="30" border="0" alt="AliMed® - Medical and Ergonomic Pro= ducts for Healthcare, Business, and Home" width="297" src="http://image="> [3]View on Handheld [4]Forward to Friend 3D"" [3D"http:=] [5]Home &n= bsp; [6]Onli= ne Catalog [7]About Us [8]Contact Us &nbs= p; [9]Help Catalog Request [3D"http:=] 3D"" [3D"http:=] MRSA-= Fighters [3D"http:=] 3D"" [10]3D"DermaSaver [11]<= /a> New! DermaSaver(TM) Skin Protection Re= volutionary products help protect against skin breakdown from hea d-to-toe. Antimicrobial MicroSpring(TM) fabric is comfortable launderabl= e, durable. [12]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [13]3D"HandClens HandClens Hand Sanitizer Ma= kes it easy and convenient to keep hands sanitized. Alcohol-free, needs no = water, softens like a lotion. Kills 99.9% of germs in 15 seconds. [14]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [15]3D"Aero AeroCell II(TM) Pressure-Relieving Cushio= ns Ad= justable air cell cushions conform to the user's body to help protect again= st pressure sores. Includes washable nylon cover and free bulb inflator. [16]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [17]3D"AliMed AliMed® Inert Alert Alarm He= lp avoid pressure sores. Tone sounds at intervals to remind caregiver or pa= tient that it's time to reposition. Works as a fall alarm, too! [18] LE= ARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [19]...[20]See m= ore infection-control solutions 3D"" 3D"" [3D"http:=] AliMe= d eNews: MRSA Bulletin #3 [3D"http:=] 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" TACKLING MRSA THREAT= S: [21]COMPROMISED SKIN The CDC has identifi= ed specific factors that make conditions ideal for the transmission of MRSA= . Whether in nursing homes, rehab centers, hospitals, surgical centers, med= ical offices or elsewhere, these "Five C's" can help MRSA th= rive: * Crowding * Frequent Interperso= nal Contact * [22]C[23]ompromised Skin<= /span> * Contaminated Items & Surface * Lack of Clea= nliness Prevent the spread o= f MRSA in your facility and among your patients by recognizing when th= ese factors are present and having a clear plan to counter their effects. T= his week we'll look at how you can tackle the threat of compromised skin. [24]LEARN MORE ABOUT FIGHTING MRSA WHE<= /a>[25]N COMPROMISED SKIN IS A RISK. 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [navy_left.gif"] AliMe= d Websites [3D"http:=] 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [26]3D"Ali= 3D"" [27]3D"Ali= 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [28]3D"Erg= 3D"" [29]3D"Eas= 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [30]3D"Ari= 3D"" [31]3D"PTD= 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [3D"http:=] [32]Add to Address Book | [33]Subscribe | [34]Unsubscribe<= /font> | [35]Terms & Conditions | [36]Privacy Policy <= font size="1" color="#FF" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">| [37]Shipping & Handling [3D"http:=] Copyright©2008 AliMed. All Rights Reserved. AliMed, Inc. 297 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Th= is is an advertisement. [click?q=375%3B66896097%3BxuaaBMHfb=] References Visible links 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D"http: 4. 3D"http: 5. 3D" 6. 3D" 7. 3D"http://alimed.acc=/ 8. 3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D" 14. 3D" 15. 3D" 16. 3D" 17. 3D" 18. 3D" 19. 3D"http://al=/ 20. 3D"http://alime=/ 21. 3D"http://al=/ 22. 3D" 23. 3D" 24. 3D"http://=/ 25. 3D"
How To Kill MRSA On Any Surface
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]<= img height="30" alt="AliMed® - Medical and Ergonomic Products for Hea= lthcare, Business, and Home" width="297" border="0" src="http://image="> [3]View on Handheld [4]Forward to Friend 3D"" [3D"http:=] Home &nbs= p;[5]= Online Catalog [6]About U= s Contact Us = [7]Help&= nbsp; [8]Catalog Request [3D"http:=] 3D"" [3D"http:=] MRSA-= Fighters [3D"http:=] 3D"" [9]3D" Citrus II® Hospital Germicidal Deodorizing= Cleaner Do= n't fool around with ordinary cleaners. This hospital-strength cleaner can = be used just about anywhere. Kills MRSA, other bacteria, viruses, and fungi= . [10]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [11]3D"SaniGuard SaniGuard® Sanitizing Fogger Wi= pe out germs and viruses in every nook and cranny of rooms and vehicles in = 15 minutes. Ideal for offices, waiting rooms, exam rooms, locker rooms, foo= d-prep areas, cars, buses, cells, and more. [12]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [13]3D"SaniGuard SaniGuard® Sanitizing Spray Sa= nitizes and dries on contact! No wiping needed. Perfect for fabrics, athlet= ic gear, hook and loop fasteners, hard surfaces, hard-to-reach places, even= paper! [14]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [15]3D"Agion SilverClene 24(TM) Disinfe= ctant Re= duce cross-contamination risk. Keep your surfaces safe from germs for 24 ho= urs! Innovative silver-based formula keeps on killing. [16] LE= ARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [17]...[18]See mor= e infection-control solutions 3D"" 3D"" [3D"http:=] AliMe= d eNews: MRSA Bulletin #4 [3D"http:=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" TACKLING MRSA THREAT= S: [19]CONTAMINATED SURFACES The CDC has identifi= ed specific factors that make conditions ideal for the transmission of MRSA= . Whether in medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes, rehab facilities, s= chools, prisons/jails or elsewhere, these "Five C's" can help MRS= A thrive: * Crowding * Frequent Interperso= nal Contact * Compromised Skin * [20]C[21]o= ntaminated Surfaces * Lack of Clea= nliness Prevent the spread o= f MRSA in your facility by recognizing when these factors are present and h= aving a clear plan to counter their effects. This week we'll look at how yo= u can tackle the threat of contaminated surfaces. [22]LEARN MORE ABOUT FIGHTING MRSA ON C= ONTAMINATED SURFACES[23]. 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [navy_left.gif"] AliMe= d Websites [3D"http:=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [24]3D"AliMed® 3D"" [25]3D"AliMed® 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [26]3D"Ergobilities.c= 3D"" [27]3D" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [28]3D"Arista 3D"" [29]3D"PTDirectOnline.c= 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [3D"http:=] [30]Add to Address Book <= font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FF">| [31]Subscribe | [32]Unsubscribe | [33]Terms & Conditions &nbs p;= | [34]Privacy Policy | [35]Shipping & Handling [3D"http:=] Copyright©2008 AliMed. All Ri= ghts Reserved. AliMed, Inc. 297 High Street Dedham, MA 02026<= br> This is an ad= vertisement. [click?q=375%3B66905000%3B9Zw4PKp3C=] References Visible links 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D" 4. 3D" 5. 3D" 6. 3D" 7. 3D"http: 8. 3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D" 14. 3D" 15. 3D"
How To Kill MRSA On Any Surface
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]3D"AliMed® [3]View on Handheld [4]Forward to Friend 3D"" [3D"http:=] Home =[5]Online Cat= alog [6]About Us &nb sp; [7]Contact Us&n= bsp; [8]Help [9]Catalog Req= uest [3D"http:=] 3D"" [3D"http:=] MRSA-= Fighters [3D"http:=] 3D"" [10]3D"Citr Citrus II® Hospital Germicidal Deodorizing= Cleaner Do= n't fool around with ordinary cleaners. This hospital-strength cleaner can = be used just about anywhere. Kills MRSA, other bacteria, viruses, and fungi= . [11]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [12]3D"SaniGuardSaniGuard® Sanitizing Fogger Wi= pe out germs and viruses in every nook and cranny of rooms and vehicles in = 15 minutes. Ideal for offices, waiting rooms, exam rooms, locker rooms, foo= d-prep areas, cars, buses, cells, and more. [13]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [14]3D"SaniGuard SaniGuard® Sanitizing Spray Sa= nitizes and dries on contact! No wiping needed. Perfect for fabrics, athlet= ic gear, hook and loop fasteners, hard surfaces, hard-to-reach places, even= paper! [15]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [16]3D"Agion SilverClene 24(TM) Disinfe= ctant Re= duce cross-contamination risk. Keep your surfaces safe from germs for 24 ho= urs! Innovative silver-based formula keeps on killing. [17] LE= ARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [18]...[19]See more infe= ction-control solutions 3D"" 3D"" [3D"http:=] AliMe= d eNews: MRSA Bulletin #4 [3D"http:=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" TACKLING MRSA THREAT= S: [20]CONTAMINATED SURFACES The CDC has identifi= ed specific factors that make conditions ideal for the transmission of MRSA= . Whether in medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes, rehab facilities, s= chools, prisons/jails or elsewhere, these "Five C's" can help MRS= A thrive: * Crowding * Frequent Interperso= nal Contact * Compromised Skin * [21]C[22]ontaminat= ed Surfaces * Lack of Clea= nliness Prevent the spread o= f MRSA in your facility by recognizing when these factors are present and h= aving a clear plan to counter their effects. This week we'll look at how yo= u can tackle the threat of contaminated surfaces. [23]LEARN MORE ABOUT FIGHTING MRSA ON CONTAMI= NATED SURFACES[24]. 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [navy_left.gif"] AliMe= d Websites [3D"http:=] 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [25]3D"AliMed®3D"" [26]3D"AliMed® 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [27]3D" 3D"" [28]3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [29]3D"Arista 3D"" [30]3D" 3D"" 3D"" 3D""3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" [3D"http:=] [31]Add to Address Book | [32]Subscribe | [33]Unsubscribe = | [34]Terms & Conditions | [35]Privacy Policy | [36]= Sh= ipping & Handling [3D"http:=] Copyright©2008 AliMed. All Ri= ghts Reserved. AliMed, Inc. 297 High Street Dedham, MA 02026<= br> This is an ad= vertisement. [click?q=375%3B66904998%3BAz2PM4X8J=] References Visible links 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D" 4. 3D" 5. 3D" 6. 3D" 7. 3D"http://a=/ 8. 3D" 9. 3D" 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D" 14. 3D" 15. 3D" 16. 3D" 17. 3D" 18. 3D"http://al=/ 19.
Westcot Beds. Buy Any Quantity At The 1,000 Piece Price.
If you are having trouble viewing this email, [1]click here. 3D"" [2]View on Handheld [3]Forward to Friend 3D"" [images.accu=] [4]Home [5]Online Catalog &nbs= p; [6]About Us [7]Contact Us [8]Help = [9]Catalo= g Request [images.accu=] 3D"" [images.accu=] Limit= ed-Time Price Reduction [images.accu=] 3D"" [10]3D"Westcot Westcot(TM) 40= 0 Medical Beds Aluminum fold= ing frame, reinforced decking and other heavy-duty and safety features. Don= 't compromise on quality, take advantage of this special pricing now. [11]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [12]3D"Westcot Westcot(TM) Ac= cessories Configure the= beds you need with your choice of accessories -- mattress, IV pole, bed ra= ils. [13]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [14]3D"Westcart Westcart(TM) R= olling Rack The efficient= , neat way to store and deploy Westcot(TM) medical beds. So compact it c= an pass through almost any doorway. [15]LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [16]3D"Westcot Westcot(TM) Ha= nging Draw One pocket fi= ts a clipboard, the other provides for the Westcot Four-Color Triage Flip F= lag (sold separately). [17] LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [18]<= span style=" font-family: Arial; font-size: medium;">...See more emergenc= y preparedness solutions 3D"" 3D"" [images.accu=] Welco= me to AliMed eNews [images.accu=] 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [19]<= b>Huge Price Reduct= ion! On Westcot(TM),The Trusted Name In American-Made Medical Beds Buy As Little As 1 --- Get The 1,000 Piece Pric= e! Westcot(TM) me= dical beds offer quality and features not found with other brands. When an = emergency strikes you'll have peace of mind knowing you have beds you can c= ount on. Now there's no ne= ed to compromise on quality. For a limited time we're able to pass along tr= emendous savings (up to 38%!) no matter how many Westcot(TM) beds you bu= y. Don't Wait! Get the Westcot(TM) Beds and Accessories You Need= Now! Special Pricin= g Expires On 8/30/2008. [20]LEARN MORE 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [3D"h=] AliMe= d Websites [images.accu=] 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [21]3D"A= <= /td> 3D"" [22]3D"Ali= 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [23]3D"Erg= 3D"" [24]3D"Eas= 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [25]3D"Ari= 3D"" [26]3D"PTDir= 3D"" 3D"" ="" 3D"" ="" 3D"" 3D"" [images.accu=] [27]Add to Address Book | [28]Subscribe | [29]Unsubscribe | [30]Terms= & Conditions | [31]Privacy Policy | [32]Shipping & Handling [images.accu=] Copyright©2008 AliMed. All Rights Reserved. AliMed, Inc. 297 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Th= is is an advertisement. [click?q=375%3B67006448%3BwyK71ryiV=] References Visible links 1. =" 2. 3D" 3. 3D" 4. 3D" 5. 3D"http://a=/ 6. 3D" 7. file://localhost/tmp/3D 8. 3D" 9. 3D""; 10. 3D" 11. 3D" 12. 3D" 13. 3D&