FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

2019-02-27 Thread portscout
Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port| Current version | New version
emulators/mame  | 0.200   | mame0207
emulators/mess  | 0.200   | mame0207
x11/lxpanel | 0.9.3   | 0.10.0

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:

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poudriere 3.3.0: sed RE error

2019-02-27 Thread Mark Martinec

Now that poudriere has been upgraded from 3.2.8 to 3.3.0,
when I press ^T during interactive bulk build, I see:

  sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator 
operand invalid

with many (but not all) build jobs. For example:

[00:19:10] [01] [00:00:00] Building devel/dee | dee-1.2.7_11
[00:20:32] [07] [00:07:21] Finished x11-toolkits/gtk20 | gtk2-2.24.32: 

[00:20:34] [07] [00:00:00] Building net/mtr | mtr-0.92_1
[00:20:53] [15] [00:01:51] Finished devel/dconf | dconf-0.28.0: Success
[00:20:55] [15] [00:00:00] Building devel/gconf2 | gconf2-3.2.6_5
[00:21:01] [16] [00:03:35] Finished sysutils/bareos-traymonitor | 
bareos-traymonitor-17.2.7_1: Success
[00:21:01] [16] [00:00:00] Building sysutils/sysadm-client | 

load: 63.30  cmd: sh 15186 [nanslp] 1281.32r 0.71u 3.78s 0% 3796k
[112amd64-srv-default] [2019-02-27_18h22m27s] [parallel_build:] Queued: 
216 Built: 143 Failed: 4   Skipped: 0   Ignored: 1   Tobuild: 68   Time: 
[01]: devel/dee | dee-1.2.7_11  
configure(00:00:37 / 00:02:13)
sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator 
operand invalid

tail: stdout
[02]: x11-toolkits/open-motif   | open-motif-2.3.8  
build(00:12:51 / 00:16:04)
[03]: lang/mono | mono-  
build-depends(00:00:04 / 00:02:38)
[04]: java/openjdk8 | openjdk8-8.202.8  
package  (00:02:40 / 00:14:41)
sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator 
operand invalid
[05]: print/texlive-base| texlive-base-20150521_32  
build(00:08:52 / 00:11:06)
sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator 
operand invalid

tail: stdout
[06]: x11-servers/xorg-server   | xorg-server-1.18.4_11,1   
build(00:04:00 / 00:07:25)
[07]: net/mtr   | mtr-0.92_1
lib-depends  (00:00:25 / 00:00:49)
[08]: graphics/qt5-opengl   | qt5-opengl-5.12.1 
configure(00:01:37 / 00:03:12)
[09]: x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme | adwaita-icon-theme-3.28.0 
stage(00:06:30 / 00:07:37)
sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator 
operand invalid

tail: stdout
[10]: x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative | qt5-declarative-5.12.1
build(00:02:41 / 00:03:50)
[11]: graphics/ImageMagick6-nox11 | 
ImageMagick6-nox11-,1 stage(00:02:19 / 00:05:55)
[12]: graphics/opencv   | opencv-3.4.1_13   
configure(00:00:17 / 00:03:19)
sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator 
operand invalid
[13]: www/qt4-webkit| qt4-webkit-4.8.7_3
build(00:02:11 / 00:05:27)
[14]: graphics/librsvg2 | librsvg2-2.40.20  
configure(00:01:00 / 00:02:19)
[15]: devel/gconf2  | gconf2-3.2.6_5
build-depends(00:00:19 / 00:00:28)
[16]: sysutils/sysadm-client| sysadm-client-1.1_1   
lib-depends  (00:00:04 / 00:00:22)

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Re: Config inconsistency for firefox-esr on rpi2

2019-02-27 Thread bob prohaska
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:54:23AM +0100, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Take a look at a dependencies of firefox-esr
> in build dependencies:
> gtk3>=3.14.6 : x11-toolkits/gtk30
> in library dependencies:
> : x11-toolkits/gtk20
> : x11-toolkits/gtk30
> quite confusing gtk20 vs gtk30...
> gtk20 has not option WAYLAND so you need to rebuild gtk30 with option 
> WAYLAND enabled.
For some reason gtk30 stops with
root@www:/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk30 # gdkkeys-wayland.c:34:10: fatal error: 
'fribidi.h' file not found

I tried compiling gtk20 in the hopes it might provide the missing file,
but it completed successfully and fribidi.h remains absent. 

Last resort was to remake wayland, but that didn't help, gtk30 still
stops with missing fribidi.h

Is there a way out of this box?

Thanks for reading,

bob prohaska

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Re: Config inconsistency for firefox-esr on rpi2

2019-02-27 Thread Walter Schwarzenfeld

Install converters/fribidi.

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Re: Config inconsistency for firefox-esr on rpi2

2019-02-27 Thread bob prohaska
On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 07:42:57PM +0100, Walter Schwarzenfeld wrote:
> Install converters/fribidi.

Already present, and reinstalled to see if it helps. No luck.
The file is in /usr/local/include/fribidi/fribidi.h so there
must be some sort of path issue.

Thanks for reading!

bob prohaska

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Re: FreeCAD 0.17 && /lib//

2019-02-27 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
Hi Tijl, hi everyone, 

and let me add Andreas who has been helping on the GCC side (both 
ports, viz. his work on arm and powerpc, and upstream) and toolchain@!

And first of all, let me apologize.  Clearly the experience both Tijl
as a contributor made, as well as the one some of our users including 
some of you was not what I'd like to experience myself as a contributor 
and user, nor what I want to provide to others.

There were some personal reasons, not related to Tijl or FreeBSD at all, 
but that does not change a thing about those experiences, and I am truely 
sorry for those and will work hard to avoid such a case in the future.

On Sun, 24 Feb 2019, Tijl Coosemans wrote:
> GCC_4.3.0 instead of GCC_3.3.0.  The gcc commit that changed this
> doesn't explain why this was done, but we'll have to make the same
> change in FreeBSD ARM libgcc_s to be ABI compatible (since _Unwind* is
> part of the ABI).  This isn't a blocker for the patch.
> I emailed the patch to gerald on 2017-02-21.  He responded in the usual
> way that he prefers patches submitted upstream and because I thought the
> patch would not be accepted upstream he proposed an alternative solution
> where gcc would always add -rpath on FreeBSD so you didn't have to
> specify it on the command line.  I responded this wouldn't fix the case
> where clang was used as a linker (e.g. to combine fortran and c++ code
> in one program) and that the FAQ on the gcc website said it was a bad
> idea for other reasons.  I also said upstream might accept my patch if
> it was a configure option but that the gcc configure scripts are
> complicated and I didn't know where to add it exactly.  Then silence.

To move this forward, let me include an updated version of the patch
Tijl shared on 2017-02-21 (which still was in my inbox/todo list) for 
consideration for our ports collection, initially for lang/gcc8 given 
that this is the default in the ports collection.

(The lang/gcc* ports actually do carry local patches, e.g. for arm or 
powerpc or -fuse-ld=lld, but you are right that I usually try to get 
things upstream first, fixing things upstream myself when I can, or 
asking for help. The problem in this specific case was/is that I'm 
quite not enough into this area so cannot really assess and clearly
stalling over that was not good.)

Find patch-gfortran-libgcc attached which should simply plug into 
lang/gcc8/files and lang/gcc8-devel/files.

Feedback very welcome!

GeraldGCC has two runtime libraries:  The static library libgcc.a (-lgcc) and
the shared library (-lgcc_s).  Both implement many of the
same functions but they also each have their unique functions.  When
gcc links programs and libraries there are three possibilities:

1. gcc -static-libgcc or gcc -static: -lgcc
   => Just use libgcc.a.

2. gcc -shared-libgcc: -lgcc_s -lgcc
   => Link with libgcc_s first, so libgcc.a is only used for its unique

3. gcc: -lgcc -Wl,--as-needed -lgcc_s -Wl,--no-as-needed
   => Link with libgcc.a first so libgcc_s is only used for its unique
  functions (_Unwind_* functions).

Approach 3 is the default for gcc and it's also what clang and clang++ use;
approach 2 is the default for gfortran, g++ and probably other front ends.

This patch make 3 the default for gfortran.  It significantly reduces
the use of libgcc_s.  The _Unwind_* functions are also available in the
old base system libgcc_s which means this reduces the need for
-rpath /usr/local/lib/gccN in ports that depend on libraries built with
gfortran.  Consider a dependency tree like this:

  prog -> libA -> libgcc_s (old base system libgcc_s is fine)
   -> libB -> libgcc_s (libB built with gfortran, needs new libgcc_s)

Here prog needs to be linked with -rpath /usr/local/lib/gccN even if it's
a normal C program compiled with clang.  Without -rpath it will fail to
start because it loads old libgcc_s first as a dependency of libA and then
it fails to load libB.  With this patch libB works with old base system
libgcc_s or may not need libgcc_s at all, so prog does not need to be
linked with -rpath.

Upstream is unlikely accept a patch like this because libgfortran calls
some _Unwind_* functions and so always needs libgcc_s.  Also because
every Fortran program and library links to libgfortran it makes sense
that option 2 above is the default.  On FreeBSD where clang and GCC
compiled code can be mixed and where multiple libgcc_s may be installed,
option 3 is just a lot easier to deal with.

The bug that sparked this is PR 208120 (but note there's a lot of
misleading information in that bug.  CMake is not actually doing
anything wrong.)

--- UTC
--- gcc/fortran/gfortranspec.c.orig 2015-06-26 17:47:23 UTC
+++ gcc/fortran/gfortranspec.c
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ For more information about these matters
+#if 0
   if (library)
   unsigned int i;

--- libgfortran/ 14:22:13.0 +

Re: poudriere 3.3.0: sed RE error

2019-02-27 Thread Charlie Li via freebsd-ports
On 27/02/2019 12:51, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Now that poudriere has been upgraded from 3.2.8 to 3.3.0,
> when I press ^T during interactive bulk build, I see:
>   sed: 1: "s,^\[( *[0-9]+%|[0-9]+/ ...": RE error: repetition-operator
> operand invalid
> with many (but not all) build jobs. For example:
This was caught and just fixed:

You will need to patch poudriere yourself if you want the fix before it
hits the ports tree, though.

Charlie Li
Can't think of a witty .sigline today…

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