FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

2018-09-16 Thread portscout
Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port| Current version | New version
devel/codequery | 0.21.0  | v0.21.1
devel/lua-luarocks  | 3.0.1   | 3.0.3

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:

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New port: selectors2

2018-09-16 Thread John W. O'Brien
Hello FreeBSD Python,

Are there any friendly neighborhood committers willing and able to take
this bug [0]. I would appreciate any feedback or to have it added to the
ports tree.

Also, the absence of this port is a blocker for updating
net-mgmt/py-ncclient to the latest version [1].

[0] [NEW PORT] devel/py-selectors2: Backported, durable, and portable
I/O selectors for python
[1] net-mgmt/py-ncclient: Update to 0.6.2

Thank you,

John W. O'Brien
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Re: pkg-plist and stage directory for new port

2018-09-16 Thread Rainer Hurling
Hi Marco,

just a few comments about your port stub.

Am 14.09.18 um 17:31 schrieb Marco Beishuizen:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2018, the wise Lorenzo Salvadore via freebsd-ports wrote:
>> Show us your makefile please.
> The Makefile I have so far:
> PORTNAME=    pgadmin4
> CATEGORIES=    databases
> MASTER_SITES=    PGSQL/pgadmin/pgadmin4/v${PORTVERSION}/source/

I would insert the next line, because it is common for Postgres ports
for years now, to hold the distfiles under distfiles/postgresql/


I think, the following line is not necessary, the port fetches and build
fine without it:
> DISTNAME=    pgadmin4-${PORTVERSION}

> COMMENT=    PostgreSQL Administration Tool
> LICENSE=    PostgreSQL
> BUILD_DEPENDS    sphinx-build:textproc/py-sphinx
> USES=    pgsql python qmake:outsource qt:5
> USE_QT=    core gui network widgets
> .include 
>> When I created my first port, I remember I had some difficulty to
>> understand staging: imho it needs to be explained better in the
>> documentation. Are you aware of the variable ${STAGEDIR}? You probably
>> need to add to your makefile some lines similar to the followings:
>> do-install:
>>   ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/??/pgAdmin4 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
> Quite possible that it's something like this. I'll dig into it.

Most of the needed stuff seems to be under ${WORKSRC}/runtime and

HTH a little bit.


> Thanks,
> Marco

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Re: emulators/i386-wine-devel

2018-09-16 Thread Rozhuk Ivan
On Sat, 15 Sep 2018 10:06:01 +0200
David Naylor  wrote:

> Hi
> > What happen with emulators/i386-wine-devel ?  
> Honestly, I've lost interest in compiling the port.  I'm working on a
> means to avoid manual compilation [1][2].  I've attached the scripts
> I use to build and update the ports - if anyone is interested.  
> > I use it on FreeBSD 11.2 x64 to run old win32 apps.  
> The above mentioned work will also make running win64 apps
> concurrently with win32 apps.  
> Regards
> [1]
> [2]

I already subscribe to this and post few comments.
I have no choice - I need wine to few win programs.

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Re: RUN_DEPENDS and portmaster

2018-09-16 Thread Matthias Fechner
Am 10.09.18 um 12:16 schrieb Mathieu Arnold:
> Reading Mk/ at line 5274, run-depends are installed before
> do-install runs.

thanks, I see it the same way and created a PR for it, to get this fixed
in portmaster.


"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
Rich Cook

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