Re: Error 8192 with phpldapadmin

2018-02-08 Thread Carmel NY
On Wed, 7 Feb 2018 23:41:13 +, Matthew Seaman stated:

>The phpldapadmin codebase has not seen significant work for some years
>now.  This is a symptom of that neglect -- the code has not been adapted
>to upstream changes in php.  At the moment despite being self-described
>as an 'error', this is really no more than a warning, and you can pretty
>much ignore it for now.

Thanks Matthew :)

Exactly how do I ignore it? The error pops up and I am not allowed to
continue. I cannot find a way to create a new or edit an existing entry.

I will try your suggestion for web2ldap. The port version is several versions
behind the current release. I wrote the maintainer and asked him to please
update it.

In any case, perhaps it is time to mark this port broken or state that it does
not work with newer versions of PHP. Just a thought, but it might save someone
a lot of wasted time.


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Re: Error 8192 with phpldapadmin

2018-02-08 Thread Matthew Seaman

On 08/02/2018 11:44, Carmel NY wrote:

In any case, perhaps it is time to mark this port broken or state that it does
not work with newer versions of PHP. Just a thought, but it might save someone
a lot of wasted time.

Yeah -- I'll mark the port as incompatible with php 7.2+



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Bug report commit requiest

2018-02-08 Thread Yasuhiro KIMURA
Dear committers.

Would someone please commit following bug report?

Bug 225545 - security/vuxml: document multiple vulnerabilities in tiff

I also submitted bug 225544 to fix these vulnerabilities and it was
already committed. But bug 225545 is left uncommitted.

Yasuhiro KIMURA
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Re: FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

2018-02-08 Thread Chris H

On Wed, 7 Feb 2018 15:37:54 +0100 "Andreas Andersson" 

So, moonchild (that's his actual name (or tilltalsnamn in swedish) ) might
own the trademark. But atleast Swedish trademark laws
grants usage to other parties as long as "other parties" does not make
money off of the name or the product. For him to actually enforce this it
has to be registered by the swedish PRV and subsequently
worldwide  by wipo. I've looked through PRVs database and nor does a search
on his name, full name or the variations of pale moon turn up any results
in a search.

Not saying we should keep this in ports tree and keep using the name. Just
stating that there is nothing he could do about it unless he registers the
trademark and get's it registered (varumärkesskyddat in swedish.).

The reaction to the repo in question is also very weird to me, and possibly
what worries me the most. He is hurting his own trademarked (heh) product
by doing this.

For the record; the name Pale Moon is owned by the Blue Moon Ale Company,
and has been in their use for some 20 years. As well as Kassiks Pale Moon Ale,
Kassiks Brewery; Kenai, Alaska (retired).
The assertion by the PaleMoon Browser author/maintainer,... is _completely_
unfounded. He can NOT claim copyright/ownership of the name, as he claims.
Nor has he attained as much.

Just trying to keep it real. :-)


2018-02-07 10:28 GMT+01:00 Kurt Jaeger :

> Hi!
> > > After your recent harassment of OpenBSD
> > > ( I decided to
> > > investigate our own packaging of Palemoon. As expected, we are also
> > > building against system libraries. You can review our build log
> > > here:
> >
> > Huh. I would have nuked the port after about the 5th post in that
> > thread.
> While I'm also surprised about the interpretation of the open
> source spirit, I'm also a very satisfied palemoon user right now,
> after the latest firefox changes. So I'm happy that we try to
> keep palemoon, even if we call it newmoon 8-}
> If there's something I can do to help (test etc), I'll try...
> --
> 171 3101372 2 years to
> go !
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Re: Bug report commit requiest

2018-02-08 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> Would someone please commit following bug report?
> Bug 225545 - security/vuxml: document multiple vulnerabilities in tiff


-- 171 3101372 2 years to go !
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Problem building mate port

2018-02-08 Thread Montgomery-Smith, Stephen
When I build straight from ports:
cd /usr/ports/x11/mate && make install clean

I get error messages like this:
===>  gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10_4 needs Python 2.7 at most, but 3.6 was
*** Error code 1

If I do this:
cd /usr/ports/textproc/gnome-doc-utils && make install
it works just fine.  So somehow, when textproc/gnome-doc-utils is built 
as a dependency of mate, the PYTHON variable is incorrectly set.

I had this same problem several months ago, so it is an old issue. 
Presumably most people build their ports using one of those scripts that 
build the dependency ports separately, and maybe this is why this 
problem hasn't been observed or fixed.

Thanks, Stephen
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Re: Problem building mate port

2018-02-08 Thread Walter Schwarzenfeld

don't know if it is python.

A similar problem is with x11-wm/marco. If you want pull in with the 
mate port it complains that it needs pango with xlft2.

If you change to the marco port, it builds and installs fine.

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committer for textproc/xqilla

2018-02-08 Thread Walter Schwarzenfeld

Please, could someone commit

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Re: Bug report commit requiest

2018-02-08 Thread Yasuhiro KIMURA
From: Kurt Jaeger 
Subject: Re: Bug report commit requiest
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 18:02:35 +0100

>> Would someone please commit following bug report?
>> Bug 225545 - security/vuxml: document multiple vulnerabilities in tiff
> Done.

Thank you for committing.

Yasuhiro KIMURA
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Re: FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

2018-02-08 Thread Michelle Sullivan

LuKreme wrote:

On Feb 7, 2018, at 20:06, Michelle Sullivan  wrote:

Just saying telling people not to call the product the same as the trademark if 
there are any changes to the product is the way to protect the trademark.

But is there a trademark? It seems not from an earlier post.

Don't know - Trademarks don't always have to be registered to be a 
Trademark... a Registered Trademark can carry the symbol and has had all 
the due diligence done so its more 'protectable' but the lack of the 
registration doesn't make it 'not a trademark' just that it's not as 
defensible for violations.


Michelle Sullivan

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Re: FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

2018-02-08 Thread Le Baron d’Merde
That also depends on the jurisdiction. Sweden, seems to be the case.

Un-registered trademarks has almost no protection in my country (not sweden) for
instance. It is possible to win a legal dispute for a un-registered trademark 
in some situations in here, if one can proof an
early actual commercial use of that trademark BUT that involve a very long legal

Based on US practice (IIRC) ™ for un-registred trademarks and ® for registred. 
I guess
the un-registred trademark must carry the ™ thing to be enforced, but I am not 

Just 2c.

On Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 11:52:16AM +1100, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> LuKreme wrote:
> > On Feb 7, 2018, at 20:06, Michelle Sullivan  wrote:
> > > Just saying telling people not to call the product the same as the 
> > > trademark if there are any changes to the product is the way to protect 
> > > the trademark.
> > But is there a trademark? It seems not from an earlier post.
> > 
> Don't know - Trademarks don't always have to be registered to be a
> Trademark... a Registered Trademark can carry the symbol and has had all the
> due diligence done so its more 'protectable' but the lack of the
> registration doesn't make it 'not a trademark' just that it's not as
> defensible for violations.
> Michelle
> -- 
> Michelle Sullivan
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Best Regards.
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Re: FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

2018-02-08 Thread @lbutlr
On 08 Feb 2018, at 17:52, Michelle Sullivan  wrote:
> Don't know - Trademarks don't always have to be registered to be a 
> Trademark... a Registered Trademark can carry the symbol and has had all the 
> due diligence done so its more 'protectable' but the lack of the registration 
> doesn't make it 'not a trademark' just that it's not as defensible for 
> violations.

Speaking with some experience it is nearly impossible to enforce a ™ trademark, 
especially if there are other trademarks of the word or phrase or name. If you 
want to use McDonald’s in your name for a hardware store you better be sure you 
get a ® for it if you want to defend it, since there is already an established 
® (more than one, in fact) in place.

Pale Moon is not unique, so at least in the US, not having a fully registered 
trademark means that any claim of ™ is basically meaningless.

(And in the US you can thrown a ™ on anything you want, it doesn’t mean 
anything other than that you intend to defend a potential trademark. As an 
example, at one point an RPG company (TSR?) put a ™ on every instance of the 
word “Nazi” in one of their rule books.

There are three extant trademarks in the US for “Pale moon”, two for beer and 
one for “Pale Moon Gang” which appears to be a musical group. There are no 
trademarks for “palemoon”

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