Re: Cross compiling GCC for aarch64

2017-10-10 Thread Mark Millard
On 2017-Oct-9, at 11:22 PM, Tarjei Jensen  wrote:

>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:26 PM, Mark Millard  wrote:
>> Tarjei Jensen tarjei99 at wrote on
>> Mon Oct 9 17:16:41 UTC 2017 :
>> > This does NOT concern making a cross compiler. It is about cross compiling
>> > gcc from ports so that it will work on aarch64 FreeBSD 12-CURRENT.
>> >
>> > I have managed to create my own ports which allow me to use gcc6 as a cross
>> > compiler on x86 Freebsd 11.1 with aarch64 FreeBSD 12-CURRENT being the
>> > target. It seems to work fine.
>> >
>> > The problem is that I want the GNU Ada compiler (gnat). It requires a
>> > working Ada compiler to compile parts of the compiler. There is a gcc6-aux
>> > pkg and port which uses v11 binaries. However it does *not* work on FreeBSD
>> > 12. It can compile, but the resulting executables does not work. And the
>> > gdb skills needed to find out why is simply beyond me.
>> >
>> > As I understand, what I am attempting is called a Canadian Cross.
>> >
>> > My plan would be to use the ports system to do this. e.g. by doing a "make
>> > build". Create a tarball of the result and unpack on the target system and
>> > do a "make install". Or make a pkg. Whatever works.
>> >
>> > I seem to have found the parameters to use for running the configure
>> > script, but I would very much like to use the ports way.
>> >
>> > Can anybody explain or point to an article which explains how to use the
>> > Canadian Cross to cross compile gcc?
>> >
>> > Suggestions and pointers to documentation are very much appreciated.
>> I had trouble following this. I had to look up
>> "Canadian Cross", which I found in:
>> Canadian Cross has 3 "machines": A, B, and C.
>> (A) is used to bootstrap a compiler/toolchain
>> to run native on (B). (This can have multiple
>> stages, including a cross compile stage.)
>> (B) is used to bootstrap a cross compiler/toolchain
>> to run on (B) to produce materials for (C).
>> (C) runs the output from (B)'s cross compiler
>> but normally does not have its own self-hosted
>> compiler/toolchain or any cross compilers.
>> If I read what you wrote correctly you are looking
>> more for (B) and (C) not being distinct.
>> Or am I wrong and you want(?):
>> (A) to be a amd64 (i386?) FreeBSD 11.1 context
>> (B) to be amd64(?) FreeBSD 12 for
>> cross compiling to aarch64 FreeBSD 12
>> and used to produce an aarch64 compiler
>> for use on aarch64 FreeBSD 12
>> (C) to be aarch64 FreeBSD 12 having its own
>> compiler for targeting itself [copied from
>> (B)].
>> ?
> From the first paragraph :
>  It is about cross compiling gcc from ports so that it will work on aarch64 
> FreeBSD 12-CURRENT. 
> I have a working cross compiler.

You also wrote (see earlier above):

>> Can anybody explain or point to an article which explains how to use the
>> Canadian Cross to cross compile gcc?

That and "I have a working cross compiler" together
still leaves me just as confused for how the
"Canadian Cross" pattern is supposed to be involved,
at least for the description I found of what the
phrase refers to. Two stages of producing cross
compilers (A->B and B->C) seemed essential to what
is described as the pattern involved.

Clearly I'm to be of no help for this. Sorry to have
wasted your time.

Mark Millard
markmi at

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Re: New pkg audit FNs

2017-10-10 Thread Stefan Esser
Am 10.10.17 um 00:03 schrieb Steve Wills:
> Hi,
> On 10/09/2017 17:55, Jan Beich wrote:
>> Why not
>> teach pkg-audit(8) to query NVD based on CPE annotations in *binary*
>> packages?
>> Doing so would also provide a workaround for VuXML entries cancelled
>> to reduce bloat.
> I agree, pkg-audit needs to be taught to do that. Along those lines, we
> could create a port for cvechecker:

I have a mostly working port of cvechecker, which I plan to commit

Regards, STefan
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Files conflicts in ports

2017-10-10 Thread Rodrigo Osorio

Dear port maintainers,

It appears that a number of ports install files with the same names at 
the same locations,

causing file conflicts and unexpected behaviors for users.

To help solving this issue I ran a tool to list per maintainer the 
conflicting ports with

the list of impacted files ; the list is updated every day at 4am UTC.

I believe most of the conflicts are trivial and can be solved with a 
proper declaration in the CONFLICTS variable.
So take a look at it and don't hesitate to come back to me if you have 

best regards,

- rodrigo

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Re: FreeBSD Port: sudo-1.8.21p2 - 1.8.21p2 SegFaults

2017-10-10 Thread David P. Discher
I’m going forward with 11.1-stable, and the 1.8.21p2 packages on  also segfaults on bare metal.

David P. Discher •
Director, Information Technology
iXsystems, Inc.
Office: 408.943.4100 x150
Mobile: 408.368.3725

> On Oct 1, 2017, at 2:34 PM, David P. Discher  wrote:
> Hi Renato & ports :
> I was just stumble over this, with 12.0-CURRENT r323934, sudo 1.8.21p2 
> SegFaults when run in a bhyve VM - however, seemly on bare metal, its fine.
> sudo-1.8.20p2_3 runs just fine in bhyve VM.  There are all my own builds of 
> 12- and ports (via poudriere).  I recompiled sudo on the Bhyve, and still had 
> the same issue.
> --
> David P. Discher •
> Director, Information Technology
> iXsystems, Inc.
> Office: 408.943.4100 x150
> Mobile: 408.368.3725

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