Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Shane Ambler

On 13/10/2016 15:09, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:

One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer changed
contents of some directories between couple of machines. As rsync 3
isn't open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in order to keep the
system untainted.

The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown
mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends using
maybe tar/ssh might do.


sysutils/cpdup provides similar functionality to rsync and is bsd licensed.

FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing

Shane Ambler

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portsnap tardis

2016-10-13 Thread Randy Bush
a bunch of my 10.3 systems are whining as follows:

Looking up mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from done.
Latest snapshot on server is older than what we already have!
Cowardly refusing to downgrade from Wed Oct 12 01:05:13 UTC 2016
to Mon Oct 10 19:04:19 UTC 2016.
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PR commit request

2016-10-13 Thread Yasuhiro KIMURA
Dear committers,

Would someone please commit following PR's with maintainter timeout?

Bug 212142 - devel/magit: update to 2.8.0

Bug 212482 - devel/dash.el: update to 2.13.0

Best Regards.

Yasuhiro KIMURA
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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Matthias Andree
Am 13.10.2016 um 07:20 schrieb Peter Beckman:
> 2. Why is GPL3 out of the question? Is the user going to resell the
> device
>as a service? If the user is simply "using" the software, no
> disclosure
>of other software is necessary. Only if your user is attempting to
> "make
>money" from the sale of the software or service powered by rsync does
>the source need to be disclosed. 
What does the GPLv3 have to do with reselling software as a service?
The _Affero_ GPL variants are what copyleft software-as-a-service, not
the plain GPLv3 itself.

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Re: portsnap tardis

2016-10-13 Thread Kubilay Kocak
On 13/10/2016 6:58 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
> a bunch of my 10.3 systems are whining as follows:
> Looking up mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
> Fetching snapshot tag from done.
> Latest snapshot on server is older than what we already have!
> Cowardly refusing to downgrade from Wed Oct 12 01:05:13 UTC 2016
> to Mon Oct 10 19:04:19 UTC 2016.
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Hi Randy,

For issues with portsnap (the service, not the base binary), please open
a bug report in Bugzilla under Services -> Portsnap.

It will be assigned to the appropriate contacts

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Re: portsnap tardis

2016-10-13 Thread Mark Linimon
On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 04:58:56PM +0900, Randy Bush wrote:
> Fetching snapshot tag from done.

IIUC there was an outage on this server and it has been fixed.

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Re: portsnap tardis

2016-10-13 Thread Randy Bush
>> Fetching snapshot tag from done.
> IIUC there was an outage on this server and it has been fixed.

how do we apply for refunds?  :)
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Re: harder and harder to avoid pkg

2016-10-13 Thread David Demelier
2016-10-12 10:04 GMT+02:00 Andrea Venturoli :
> On 10/12/16 09:24, Matthieu Volat wrote:
>> And GNU/Linuxes can be a PITA when you have to track -dev(el) packages
>> (which sometimes really requires -bin, -app or whatever), or worst, describe
>> to people how they are supposed to build your software with weird subpackage
>> names.
>> I really like that ports provides the software project as intended by
>> upstream (modulo options).
> Just a "me too" here!

Could not agree more.

Please forget that idea.

I just hate having to install libfoo, libfoo-dev, libfoo-dbg,
libfoo-doc, libfoo-whatever each time I need to develop on Linux.
Please do not transform FreeBSD as a Linux distribution :)

I love the way FreeBSD and some very sparse Linux distributions
provide the packages exactly how it would be installed by hand (=

FreeBSD offers some options and very few changes for better
integration but packages are provided vanilla. You want a package? You
install /packagename/ nothing more, nothing less. I really would like
to see simple vanilla packages for the next 10 years.

The FreeBSD ports is already extremely complicated, do not make it
even harder :(


Demelier David
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Re: stripped warning

2016-10-13 Thread Mathieu Arnold
Le 12/10/2016 à 20:15, Kyle Evans a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Mathieu Arnold  wrote:
>> The warning will never be turned into errors. Maybe add a comment to the
>> makefile saying that files must not be stripped. Maybe a bit like go
>> ports do it, something like:
>> STRIP= # Elf firmwares, do not strip
> Thanks for the suggestion! I've implemented this. Given the strong
> wording you've used here (will never be turned into errors), would you
> consider revising the comment @
> ? It's easy to derive uncertainty from the wording used in the
> comment.

Well, one day, soon(tm), stripping will be done some other way, allowing
the debug symbols to be extracted into a debug package, something like:
So, while it won't be an error, it may be done automatically, and if
parts need to not be stripped, it should be noted right now :-)

Mathieu Arnold

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ports capable of coping with --relocate?

2016-10-13 Thread David Demelier
2016-10-10 7:39 GMT+02:00 Julian Elischer :
> On 9/10/2016 10:35 PM, Julian Elischer wrote:
>> for packages I'm using :
>> * PKG_DBDIR=/$(FOO)/var/db/pkg pkg add --relocate /$(FOO) $(PKGNAME)*
>> to build up an image in location "$FOO"  that I can tar up and install
>> onto a machine.
>> however some other ports fail to find that a dependency has been
>> installed..
>> e.g.
>> libglib2 is installed in the manner above, but then open-vm-tools-nox11
>> fails with:
>> *checking for glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0 (via pkg-config)... no**
>> **configure: error: glib >= 2.6.0 is required.**
>> *
>> is there  away to make the vmware port look in $FOO, or do I need to
>> install libglib into the base system before vmware-tools will find it?
> I just noticed that
>glib-2.46.2Some useful routines of C programming
> (current stable version)
> IS already on the base system..  how can I get past this?

Huh, there is no glib in FreeBSD base system.

Demelier David
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Re: ports capable of coping with --relocate?

2016-10-13 Thread Mathieu Arnold
Le 10/10/2016 à 07:35, Julian Elischer a écrit :
> for packages I'm using :
> * PKG_DBDIR=/$(FOO)/var/db/pkg pkg add --relocate /$(FOO) $(PKGNAME)*
> to build up an image in location "$FOO"  that I can tar up and install
> onto a machine.

--relocate does not do what you think it does.  It tells pkg to not
install a package in /usr/local but somewhere else.

What you want is to do:

pkg -r /${FOO} add $(PKGNAME)

Mathieu Arnold

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: harder and harder to avoid pkg

2016-10-13 Thread Miroslav Lachman

David Demelier wrote on 2016/10/13 14:42:

2016-10-12 10:04 GMT+02:00 Andrea Venturoli :

On 10/12/16 09:24, Matthieu Volat wrote:

And GNU/Linuxes can be a PITA when you have to track -dev(el) packages
(which sometimes really requires -bin, -app or whatever), or worst, describe
to people how they are supposed to build your software with weird subpackage

I really like that ports provides the software project as intended by
upstream (modulo options).

Just a "me too" here!

Could not agree more.

Please forget that idea.

I just hate having to install libfoo, libfoo-dev, libfoo-dbg,
libfoo-doc, libfoo-whatever each time I need to develop on Linux.
Please do not transform FreeBSD as a Linux distribution :)

I love the way FreeBSD and some very sparse Linux distributions
provide the packages exactly how it would be installed by hand (=

FreeBSD offers some options and very few changes for better
integration but packages are provided vanilla. You want a package? You
install /packagename/ nothing more, nothing less. I really would like
to see simple vanilla packages for the next 10 years.

The FreeBSD ports is already extremely complicated, do not make it
even harder :(

+1 for this!

Miroslav Lachman

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Re: harder and harder to avoid pkg

2016-10-13 Thread RW via freebsd-ports
On Tue, 11 Oct 2016 11:59:47 -0700
Julian Elischer wrote:

> As the number of dependencies between packages get ever higher, it 
> becomes more and more difficult to compile packages and the
> dependence on binary precompiled packages is increased. However
> binary packages are unsuitable for some situations.  We really need
> to follow the lead of some of the Linux groups and have -runtime and
> -devel versions of packages,  OR  we what woudlbe smarter, woudl be
> to have several "sub manifests" to allow unpacking in different
> environments.
> A simple example:   libxml2
> This package installs include files and libraries and dicumentation
> etc.
> yet if I build an appliance , I want it to only install a singe file.
> /usr/local/lib/

What practical problem does installing the include files and man pages
cause you?
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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 18:13:39 +1030, Shane Ambler wrote:
> On 13/10/2016 15:09, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:
>> One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer changed
>> contents of some directories between couple of machines. As rsync 3
>> isn't open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in order to keep the
>> system untainted.
>> The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown
>> mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends using
>> maybe tar/ssh might do.
> sysutils/cpdup provides similar functionality to rsync and is bsd licensed.

Does anybody have information on how efficient it is in comparison
with rsync?  Apart from that, I agree with the other comments.  But if
Reko wants a non-GPL3 package, for whatever reason, what's wrong with
an older version of rsync?

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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports

Thanks a lot for your suggestions!

Franco and Shane - I will definitely check cpdup out. Georges suggestion is 
sadly for this usage pattern zfs isn't ideal - lack of memory, files are 
between freebsd and linux etc. but it's definitely something I'll have to 

for the future.

Greg, I've actually put some thought in making a local port of rsync2. I've 
some research on it and it seems to be fairly usable and security patched 


-Original Message- 
One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer changed 
contents of some directories between couple of machines. As rsync 3 isn't 
open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in order to keep the system 

The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown 
mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends using 
maybe tar/ssh might do.

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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Shane Ambler

On 14/10/2016 08:56, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 18:13:39 +1030, Shane Ambler wrote:

On 13/10/2016 15:09, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:

One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer changed
contents of some directories between couple of machines. As rsync 3
isn't open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in order to keep the
system untainted.

The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown
mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends using
maybe tar/ssh might do.

sysutils/cpdup provides similar functionality to rsync and is bsd licensed.

Does anybody have information on how efficient it is in comparison
with rsync?  Apart from that, I agree with the other comments.  But if
Reko wants a non-GPL3 package, for whatever reason, what's wrong with
an older version of rsync?

A new port could be created to build an older version - unless there is
a wider interest in maintaining the older version, the drawback will be
that it will use an old unsupported code base that will need to be
maintained by the one person using it and will likely only get limited
testing within the scope of their use case.

There is a chance that others want to stay away from gplv3 so a fork of
rsync 2.6.9 could be the start of a new rsync alternative project - not
just a port to build an old version.

FreeBSD - the place to B...Saving Data

Shane Ambler

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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Eduardo Morras via freebsd-ports

Sorry for commenting on this reply to Greg to answer Shane Ambler, I
joined maillist today.

On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 09:26:03 +1100
Greg 'groggy' Lehey  wrote:

> On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 18:13:39 +1030, Shane Ambler wrote:
> > On 13/10/2016 15:09, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:
> >> One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer
> >> changed contents of some directories between couple of machines.
> >> As rsync 3 isn't open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in
> >> order to keep the system untainted.
> >>
> >> The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown
> >> mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends
> >> using maybe tar/ssh might do.
> >
> > sysutils/cpdup provides similar functionality to rsync and is bsd
> > licensed.

cpdup in ports comes from old matt dillon pages and is version1.18.
DragonflyBSD has version 1.32 at [1][2] and compiles with low effort on

> Does anybody have information on how efficient it is in comparison
> with rsync?  Apart from that, I agree with the other comments.  But if
> Reko wants a non-GPL3 package, for whatever reason, what's wrong with
> an older version of rsync?

For me it has better performance, the BSD licence and promote/use BSD
borned tools, for me it's a plus.

> Greg


---   ---
Eduardo Morras 
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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Franco Fichtner

> On 14 Oct 2016, at 7:54 AM, Eduardo Morras via freebsd-ports 
>  wrote:
> Sorry for commenting on this reply to Greg to answer Shane Ambler, I
> joined maillist today.
> On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 09:26:03 +1100
> Greg 'groggy' Lehey  wrote:
>> On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 18:13:39 +1030, Shane Ambler wrote:
>>> On 13/10/2016 15:09, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:
 One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer
 changed contents of some directories between couple of machines.
 As rsync 3 isn't open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in
 order to keep the system untainted.
 The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown
 mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends
 using maybe tar/ssh might do.
>>> sysutils/cpdup provides similar functionality to rsync and is bsd
>>> licensed.
> cpdup in ports comes from old matt dillon pages and is version1.18.
> DragonflyBSD has version 1.32 at [1][2] and compiles with low effort on
> FreeBSD.

If there is interest in updating the port we should do it.  I can talk
to Matt, see if he is willing to release an updated portable version
with required build fixes (if any).

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Re: harder and harder to avoid pkg

2016-10-13 Thread Loïc BLOT
FreeBSD ports are complicated ?
Does someone of you tryed to do a Debian package, it's even more
complicated as you should modify many path, split package in multiple
packages, do the service engineering with systemV or systemD, etc ?
Best regards,
Loïc BLOT, 
UNIX systems, security and network engineer

Le jeudi 13 octobre 2016 à 18:08 +0200, Miroslav Lachman a écrit :
> David Demelier wrote on 2016/10/13 14:42:
> > 2016-10-12 10:04 GMT+02:00 Andrea Venturoli :
> > > On 10/12/16 09:24, Matthieu Volat wrote:
> > > 
> > > > And GNU/Linuxes can be a PITA when you have to track -dev(el)
> > > > packages
> > > > (which sometimes really requires -bin, -app or whatever), or
> > > > worst, describe
> > > > to people how they are supposed to build your software with
> > > > weird subpackage
> > > > names.
> > > > 
> > > > I really like that ports provides the software project as
> > > > intended by
> > > > upstream (modulo options).
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Just a "me too" here!
> > 
> > Could not agree more.
> > 
> > Please forget that idea.
> > 
> > I just hate having to install libfoo, libfoo-dev, libfoo-dbg,
> > libfoo-doc, libfoo-whatever each time I need to develop on Linux.
> > Please do not transform FreeBSD as a Linux distribution :)
> > 
> > I love the way FreeBSD and some very sparse Linux distributions
> > provide the packages exactly how it would be installed by hand (=
> > vanilla).
> > 
> > FreeBSD offers some options and very few changes for better
> > integration but packages are provided vanilla. You want a package?
> > You
> > install /packagename/ nothing more, nothing less. I really would
> > like
> > to see simple vanilla packages for the next 10 years.
> > 
> > The FreeBSD ports is already extremely complicated, do not make it
> > even harder :(
> +1 for this!
> Miroslav Lachman
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: Alternatives to rsync

2016-10-13 Thread Dewayne Geraghty
On 14 October 2016 at 17:01, Franco Fichtner  wrote:

> > On 14 Oct 2016, at 7:54 AM, Eduardo Morras via freebsd-ports <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Sorry for commenting on this reply to Greg to answer Shane Ambler, I
> > joined maillist today.
> >
> > On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 09:26:03 +1100
> > Greg 'groggy' Lehey  wrote:
> >
> >> On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 18:13:39 +1030, Shane Ambler wrote:
> >>> On 13/10/2016 15:09, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:
>  One of my users is needing rsync like functionality to transfer
>  changed contents of some directories between couple of machines.
>  As rsync 3 isn't open source, but GPL3 it's out of question in
>  order to keep the system untainted.
>  The software should be relatively lightweight - no fullblown
>  mirroring/backup is needed. Also hints how to achieve similar ends
>  using maybe tar/ssh might do.
> >>>
> >>> sysutils/cpdup provides similar functionality to rsync and is bsd
> >>> licensed.
> >
> > cpdup in ports comes from old matt dillon pages and is version1.18.
> > DragonflyBSD has version 1.32 at [1][2] and compiles with low effort on
> > FreeBSD.
> If there is interest in updating the port we should do it.  I can talk
> to Matt, see if he is willing to release an updated portable version
> with required build fixes (if any).
> Cheers,
> Franco
> ___
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Franco, That's probably a good idea as the cpdup homepage has source for

Could we be so lucky to include extended attributes and MAC labels in cpdup?
Regards, Dewayne
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