INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x

2015-01-28 Thread Ports Index build

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Selecting at least one option out of multiple groups

2015-01-28 Thread Elizabeth Myers

I am porting a piece of software (purple-plugin-pack) to FreeBSD. It
contains numerous plugins for Pidgin all under one pack (over 50). They
all compile, but I want to make it configurable which plugins are
installed, but it makes no sense unless at least one plugin is set. So
far I have the following:

8<== snip ==>8
BIT \ ...
8<== snip ==>8

Which is fine and works as expected (at least one option must be
selected). However, here is my dilemma. Some of the plugins provide
additional protocols. I'd like to group them under their own section,
since there's at least 5 or so, and it's logical for those who just want
additional protocols without the other fluff.

However, out of the entire pack, only one plugin needs to be enabled at
all (including *or* excluding a protocol plugin). So, I am wondering
what the "correct" way would be to go about ensuring at least one option
out of two groups is selected. I hope I've managed to make sense here.

Elizabeth Myers
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FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

2015-01-28 Thread portscout
Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port| Current version | New version
audio/oss   | 4.2-build2009   | 

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:

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Re: powerdns meta packages?

2015-01-28 Thread Joe Holden

On 12/01/2015 16:53, Chris H wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:42:45 + Joe Holden  wrote

On 12/01/2015 16:05, Chris H wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:10:12 + Joe Holden  wrote

Hi guys,

What is the process for adding/submitting "meta" packages for ports for
example powerdns that have multiple backend options and the default
isn't suitable, or failing that have the ability to install powerdns
with default backend but allow the installation of others?

Currently the port defaults to postgres, in this case I'd like sqlite
backend for some servers (slaves), at the moment I'm just building that
manually but it does mean I can't just do 'pkg upgrade'

As I understand it, you want to create a custom "meta-port".
You might do well to have a look at some of the other meta-ports
available, for the best way to accomplish it for your needs;


are some that come to mind.
Best wishes.

This is what I'd normally do but I was hoping with the new pkg stuff we
could have some sort of virtual packages but this will do I guess!

Will need to read up on package building now - seems a bit silly to have
my own repo just for -mysql, -sqlite type packages though

Well, I thought you might want to make the (meta)port, and submit it.
Then other like-minded people could also benefit from your
contribution. :) If you submit it as a port, the pkg(8) business takes
care of itself.

So, I made an attempt on my poudriere box, package builds - 
powerdns-backend-sqlite3, just includes the .so and the schema in plist 
however pkg says it conflicts.  My interpretation from the handbook is 
that the % option stuff in plist is only used if that option is 
selected, so I can't see why powerdns (without any backends) and my 
slave port would conflict... I used mysql server/client ports as a base:

Makefile :-

PORTNAME=   powerdns
PKGNAMESUFFIX=  -backend-sqlite3

COMMENT=PowerDNS sqlite3 backend

MASTERDIR=  ${.CURDIR}/../powerdns

PKGMESSAGE= mustnotexist
PLIST=  ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist


.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"

pkg-plist :-



I also made powerdns port not have PGSQL set by default.

Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?


All the best.





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Re: Problem updating emulators/wine-compholio from 1.7.34,1 to 1.7.35,1

2015-01-28 Thread David Wolfskill
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 06:33:38AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> ...
> FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #1452  
> r277722M/277745:1001506: Mon Jan 26 05:37:52 PST 2015 
>  i386
> (as part of the usual daily routine), I then attempted to update
> the installed ports (for which I use portmaster).
> The ports tree is an SVN working copy of the head of the ports tree at
> r377931; I had previously (yesterday) updated the installed ports as of
> r377881.
> ... 
> gmake[2]: Entering directory 
> '/common/ports/emulators/wine-compholio/work/wine-1.7.35/patches'
> WARNING: Using this Makefile is deprecated!
> "/common/ports/emulators/wine-compholio/work/wine-1.7.35/patches/"
>  DESTDIR="/common/ports/emulators/wine-compholio/work/wine-1.7.35" --all
> Applying 
> /common/ports/emulators/wine-compholio/work/wine-1.7.35/patches/ws2_32-WriteWatches/0001-ntdll-Handle-write-watches-in-virtual_uninterrupted_.patch
> fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /common)
> Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
> This script is not compatible with *BSD utilities. Please install git,
> which provides the same functionality and will be used instead.
> ERROR: Failed to apply patch, aborting!
> Makefile:10: recipe for target 'install' failed
> gmake[2]: *** [install] Error 1
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
> '/common/ports/emulators/wine-compholio/work/wine-1.7.35/patches'
> *** Error code 2
> Stop.

This appears to be resolved as of:

FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #1454  
r277819M/277828:1001507: Wed Jan 28 04:29:44 PST 2015  i386

with ports at r378055:

===>>> The following actions were performed:
Upgrade of linux_base-c6-6.6_1 to linux_base-c6-6.6_2
Upgrade of sqlite3-3.8.8 to sqlite3-
Upgrade of wine-compholio-1.7.34,1 to wine-compholio-1.7.35,1
Upgrade of linux-c6-flashplugin-11.2r202.438 to 

Thanks! :-)

David H. Wolfskill
Those who murder in the name of God or prophet are blasphemous cowards.

See for my public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: www/squid does not shutdown via rc

2015-01-28 Thread Dr. Peter Voigt
On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:51:51 +0100
Marko Cupać  wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:11:10 +
> Matthew Seaman  wrote:
> > On 2015/01/27 03:52, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> > > Doesn't installing a custom kernel break freebsd-update ?
> > 
> > No.  freebsd-update has always supported using a custom kernel.  It
> > helps if you name your kernel something other than GENERIC, which
> > you do by creating a modofoed kernel config file
> > in /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf (or i386 if that's your architecture):
> > eg.
> > 
> > % cat FOO
> > include GENERIC
> > 
> > ident FOO
> > 
> > and then add:
> > 
> > 
> > to /etc/make.conf
> > 
> > You should also edit /etc/freebsd-update.conf and change the
> > 'Components' line to remove 'kernel' from the list.
> > 
> > None of this is absolutely necessary, but it will help you avoid
> > accidentally ending up with the generic kernel.
> > 
> > In any case, what you will need to do is rebuild your kernel and
> > reinstall it any time freebsd-update touches the kernel.  You can
> > use freebsd-update to maintain the kernel sources, which will pull
> > in the needed updates to the kernel sources.
> The timing for this is really unfortunate for me, because I have just
> re-installed my FreeBSD fleet of some 20 virtual servers without
> sources included, and I just introduced "binary only" policy (ok I do
> build my own ports on one server in poudriere, but all other servers
> use packages).
> I guess theoretically it is possible to make "kernel build server"
> which will build custom kernel for distribution to other servers. I
> am just not sure how will RELEASE userland tolerate STABLE kernel.
> Does this sound reasonable? Any tips?
> Thank you in advance,

Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.

Your outline of kernel patching procedure is helpful and corresponds
in most aspects what I have thought so far. I aggree with you that
patching, building and installing a custom kernel can be managed. And I
am sure that I can do it.

So getting a custom kernel installed is one thing but keeping your
system in a manageable way is another. Kurt and Mattew pointed out that
you want to keep freebsd-update working in a reliable way and this
obviously needs some manual interaction. Information about it is
not too easily gathered and answers given here still leave some
question open to me.

I have had a hard time with freebsd-update when upgrading 10.0-RELEASE
-> 10.1-RELEASE:
and I do not want to get even more trouble letting
freebsd-update confuse my system with a mixture of GENERIC and custom
kernels ending in a situation where none of them is able to boot.

I have learned that I can advice freebsd-update to not update my kernel
but am still confused whether it is the version under /boot/GENERIC or
the one under /boot/kernel. And I would like to know how to tell
FreeBSD how to boot a certain kernel. All I know so far is that if a
kernel fails to boot you have to boot into recovery and move kernel.old
to kernel. Is there a boot menu available with the FreeBSD boot loader
which would simplify life a lot?

Furthermore, installing a custom kernel influcences a subsequent build
world process in  a way that I do not yet fully understand.

If all above is clarified I could go the way of using a custom kernel.
But to be honest: I would do it only, because I have just one
FreeBSD server to mannage this way. The other FreeBSD based servers
have FreeNAS and pfSense and are managed differently. But if I was an
administrator with several FreeBSD servers, this would not be a way to

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Re: powerdns meta packages?

2015-01-28 Thread Chris H
On Wed, 28 Jan 2015 11:17:20 + Joe Holden  wrote

> On 12/01/2015 16:53, Chris H wrote:
> > On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:42:45 + Joe Holden  wrote
> >
> >> On 12/01/2015 16:05, Chris H wrote:
> >>> On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:10:12 + Joe Holden  wrote
> >>>
>  Hi guys,
>  What is the process for adding/submitting "meta" packages for ports for
>  example powerdns that have multiple backend options and the default
>  isn't suitable, or failing that have the ability to install powerdns
>  with default backend but allow the installation of others?
>  Currently the port defaults to postgres, in this case I'd like sqlite
>  backend for some servers (slaves), at the moment I'm just building that
>  manually but it does mean I can't just do 'pkg upgrade'
> >>> As I understand it, you want to create a custom "meta-port".
> >>> You might do well to have a look at some of the other meta-ports
> >>> available, for the best way to accomplish it for your needs;
> >>>
> >>> x11/xorg
> >>> x11/xorg-minimal
> >>> x11/xorg-apps
> >>> lang/php5-extensions
> >>>
> >>> are some that come to mind.
> >>> Best wishes.
> >>>
> >> This is what I'd normally do but I was hoping with the new pkg stuff we
> >> could have some sort of virtual packages but this will do I guess!
> >>
> >> Will need to read up on package building now - seems a bit silly to have
> >> my own repo just for -mysql, -sqlite type packages though
> > Well, I thought you might want to make the (meta)port, and submit it.
> > Then other like-minded people could also benefit from your
> > contribution. :) If you submit it as a port, the pkg(8) business takes
> > care of itself.
> >
> So, I made an attempt on my poudriere box, package builds - 
> powerdns-backend-sqlite3, just includes the .so and the schema in plist 
> however pkg says it conflicts.  My interpretation from the handbook is 
> that the % option stuff in plist is only used if that option is 
> selected, so I can't see why powerdns (without any backends) and my 
> slave port would conflict... I used mysql server/client ports as a base:
> Makefile :-
> PORTNAME=   powerdns
> PKGNAMESUFFIX=  -backend-sqlite3
> COMMENT=PowerDNS sqlite3 backend
> MASTERDIR=  ${.CURDIR}/../powerdns
> PKGMESSAGE= mustnotexist
> PLIST=  ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist
> .include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
> pkg-plist :-
> %%LUA_LIBDIR%%/pdns/
> %%PORTDOCSDOCSDIR%%/dnssec-3.x_to_3.4.0_schema.sqlite3.sql
> %%PORTDOCSDOCSDIR%%/nodnssec-3.x_to_3.4.0_schema.sqlite3.sql
> %%PORTDOCSDOCSDIR%%/schema.sqlite3.sql
> #
> I also made powerdns port not have PGSQL set by default.
> Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?
Off the top of my pointy head; I'm going to guess it's wanting
to install PowerBSD, but it's already installed?

Because you haven't already said so; the following may help
shed some light:

in /etc/make.conf:

When testing your port

make -DBATCH check-plist

portlint(1) is your friend - ports-mgmt/portlint


> Cheers
> > All the best.
> >
> > --Chris
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >>> --Chris
>  Cheers,
>  J



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