poudriere i386 jail settings

2014-12-06 Thread Beeblebrox
lang/python27 is failing to build in my i386 poudriere jail, so I'd like to 
confirm the environment settings necessary for such build jail.

Currently all the jail has is
This comes from the setting in poudriere.d/jails/i386/arch

Yet, the wine wiki suggests additional settings 
setenv MACHINE i386
setenv UNAME_m i386
setenv UNAME_p i386

Should I add these additional settings to the jail environment? If yes, where - 
/etc/make.conf I would have presumed, but adding UNAME and MACHINE 
settings to that file did not solve my lang/python27 build problem.

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FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

2014-12-06 Thread portscout
Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port| Current version | New version
graphics/ipe| 7.1.5   | 7.1.6
misc/floatator  | 0.2.1   | 0.4.0
textproc/py-jaxml   | 3.02| 17.01

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:


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BS 2015 - Five Days Left for Abstract Submission

2014-12-06 Thread BS 2015

View this email in your browser: 

BS2015: Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission - Dec 10, 2014

Dear All,

We would like to inform you that the last date for submitting abstracts for 
Building Simulation Conference 2015(BS 2015) is 10thDecember, 2014 (ONLY 6 DAYS 
It is the 14thInternational Conference of the International Building 
Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) going to be held in Hyderabad, India 
from December 7-9, 2015
For submission of abstracts, and further details, please visit the conference 
website - [1] www.bs2015.in

You can also send a mail to [2] info@bs2015.infor further clarifications / 
details, as needed
Looking forward to receive your abstracts related to Building Simulation based 
research / application
  Vishal Garg

  Organising Chair BS 2015

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  Scientific Chair BS 2015

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  Organized by


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[CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2

2014-12-06 Thread Baptiste Daroussin

We have released a new 1.4.0 rc2 version of pkg (available in
ports-mgmt/pkg-devel) since first beta it has received tons of bug fixes and
should be now way more reliable and able to handle ootb without mistakes
upgrades like the gettext one and the perl one.

All reported issues should have been fixed since.

Please test that new version I would like to make it the final release if

Best regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2

2014-12-06 Thread Jeffrey Bouquet via freebsd-ports

On 12/06/14 04:40, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> Hi,
> We have released a new 1.4.0 rc2 version of pkg (available in
> ports-mgmt/pkg-devel) since first beta it has received tons of bug fixes and
> should be now way more reliable and able to handle ootb without mistakes
> upgrades like the gettext one and the perl one.
> All reported issues should have been fixed since.
> Please test that new version I would like to make it the final release if
> possible.
> Best regards,
> Bapt
The upgrade of pkg-devel went slightly more without problems.  Did not test
a direct deinstall/reinstall though.

OTOH "pkg install xorriso xombrero" still wants to remove w3m-img , install
w3m, guile 1.8, x246,  along with the reinstall of those two.

For which I "n" and
pkg delete xorriso xombrero
cd ../cache/pkg
pkg clean
pkg install xorr[tab] xomb[tab] to complete and install manually
Works, but a few more commands in the way.

I seem to have no guile installed (was using v2 for mcron) and libx264
Just ignoring guile for now probably.
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Re: [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2

2014-12-06 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
On Sat, Dec 06, 2014 at 05:12:12AM -0800, Jeffrey Bouquet wrote:
> On 12/06/14 04:40, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have released a new 1.4.0 rc2 version of pkg (available in
> > ports-mgmt/pkg-devel) since first beta it has received tons of bug fixes and
> > should be now way more reliable and able to handle ootb without mistakes
> > upgrades like the gettext one and the perl one.
> >
> > All reported issues should have been fixed since.
> >
> > Please test that new version I would like to make it the final release if
> > possible.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Bapt
> The upgrade of pkg-devel went slightly more without problems.  Did not test
> a direct deinstall/reinstall though.
> OTOH "pkg install xorriso xombrero" still wants to remove w3m-img , install
> w3m, guile 1.8, x246,  along with the reinstall of those two.
> For which I "n" and
> pkg delete xorriso xombrero
> cd ../cache/pkg
> pkg clean
> pkg install xorr[tab] xomb[tab] to complete and install manually
> Works, but a few more commands in the way.
> I seem to have no guile installed (was using v2 for mcron) and libx264
> installed.
> Just ignoring guile for now probably.

Sounds like a port problem that pkg is showing I'll dig into it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2

2014-12-06 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
On Sat, Dec 06, 2014 at 05:12:12AM -0800, Jeffrey Bouquet wrote:
> On 12/06/14 04:40, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have released a new 1.4.0 rc2 version of pkg (available in
> > ports-mgmt/pkg-devel) since first beta it has received tons of bug fixes and
> > should be now way more reliable and able to handle ootb without mistakes
> > upgrades like the gettext one and the perl one.
> >
> > All reported issues should have been fixed since.
> >
> > Please test that new version I would like to make it the final release if
> > possible.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Bapt
> The upgrade of pkg-devel went slightly more without problems.  Did not test
> a direct deinstall/reinstall though.
> OTOH "pkg install xorriso xombrero" still wants to remove w3m-img , install
> w3m, guile 1.8, x246,  along with the reinstall of those two.

Right so the is a problem in the way ports express dependencies and can only be
solved with some provides/requires we do not know yet how to express with the
ports tree :(


Description: PGP signature

Re: eTeX in TeXlive

2014-12-06 Thread Michael
Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Michael  wrote
>   in <547ec79e.2040...@gmail.com>:
> mi> I am not sure which port to install to have an etex program again.
>  etex was missing and I fixed in r373858.  Please try the latest ports
>  tree and upgrate print/tex-formats.
Thank you for your answer!
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Re: p5- ports not installing

2014-12-06 Thread Kevin Oberman
On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 10:03 AM, David Wolfskill 

> On Fri, Dec 05, 2014 at 09:08:18AM -0800, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > After handling the recent perl5.18 upgrade with no apparent problems,
> today
> > I tried upgrading two p5- ports, p5-IO-Socket-IP and 5-URI, and both
> failed
> > to install due to packing list issues with the .packlist file. (Hmm. A
> > .packlist packing list problem.)
> > pkg-static:
> >
> lstat(/usr/ports/net/p5-URI/work/stage/usr/local/./usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.18/auto/URI/.packlist):
> > No such file or directory
> >
> > Is this an isue with my system (something not updated correctly) or is
> > there a perl issue?
> > ...
> The following is largely based on ports/UPDATING entry 20141127.
> After I encountered that kind of thing, did the "svn revert -R
> /usr/ports/net/p5-IO-Socket-INET6/" got net/p5-IO-Socket-INET6 to
> install OK, but then net/p5-IO-Socket-IP had a similar failure, so I
> just "svn revert -R /usr/ports/net" -- and didn't have further problems
> for today's update.
> Peace,
> david
> --
> David H. Wolfskill  da...@catwhisker.org
> Actions have consequences ... as do inactions.
> See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

Thanks, David.

Adam already pointed this out in a private message and that fixed it
nicely. I had read the UPDATING entry back on the 27th, but the problem
didn't appear until a week later and I failed to associate the error I got
with the UPDATING entry. My bad!
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
E-mail: rkober...@gmail.com
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Re: FreeBSD Port: xtrabackup-2.1.7_1

2014-12-06 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> > could you please update the xtrabackup port in near future? It's
> > quite old now.
> There's a patch in this PR now:
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=195164

The port is now updated.

p...@opsec.eu+49 171 3101372 6 years to go !
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Re: [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2

2014-12-06 Thread Willem Jan Withagen
On 6-12-2014 13:40, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> Hi,
> We have released a new 1.4.0 rc2 version of pkg (available in
> ports-mgmt/pkg-devel) since first beta it has received tons of bug fixes and
> should be now way more reliable and able to handle ootb without mistakes
> upgrades like the gettext one and the perl one.
> All reported issues should have been fixed since.
> Please test that new version I would like to make it the final release if
> possible.

I missed the previous announcement, but this is "bothering" me for some
time already

I'm using this simple cronic script to reduce traffic from scripts with
nothing serious to report. But pkg still triggers:
# sudo cronic pkg audit -F
Cronic detected failure or error output for the command:
pkg audit -F


pkg: vulnxml file up-to-date

And I wonder why this informational message is reported on STDERR, and
other real problems on STDOUT...

sudo cronic pkg audit
Cronic detected failure or error output for the command:
pkg audit



phpMyAdmin-4.2.13 is vulnerable:
phpMyAdmin -- XSS and DoS vulnerabilities
CVE: CVE-2014-9219
CVE: CVE-2014-9218
WWW: http://portaudit.FreeBSD.org/c9c46fbf-7b83-11e4-a96e-6805ca0b3d42.html

1 problem(s) in the installed packages found.

I would atleast to have case 1) also write to STDOUT.
And perhaps have case 2) report on STDERR.


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