BSDstats Maintainer Update

2014-01-05 Thread A.J. Kehoe IV (Nanoman)

Can someone please commit the patch that I included in PR 175879?

I've now had three people ask for this to be fixed.  I'm sure there are more 
people affected who haven't commented publicly.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: how to install ruby18

2014-01-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sat, 4 Jan 2014, the wise Steve Wills wrote:

I'm not sure this is the right solution. Most of those types of problems 
have disappeared now that rdoc isn't a dependency. If you remove 
rubygem-rdoc, does the problem go away?

Rubygem-rdoc wasn't installed at all, so this isn't it either I'm afraid.


The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she
knows that the average man can see much better than he can think.
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FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

2014-01-05 Thread portscout
Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port| Current version | New version
multimedia/p5-Audio-M4P | 0.51| 0.53

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:

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Re: how to install ruby18

2014-01-05 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Sun, 5 Jan 2014, the wise Gyrd Thane Lange wrote:


I had a similar problem some time ago. Some intermediate combination of
pkg-tools/ruby/portupgrade installed bad metadata. The following
helped me identity the ports with bad files:

find /var/db/pkg -type f -exec iconv -t US-ASCII {} > /dev/null \;

Reinstalling the indicated ports solved it for me. I'm currently using
pkg-tools, ruby19 and portupgrade with no problems on FreeBSD 8.3.

Well thank you Gyrd! This was actually the problem. Your commandline 
showed that jpilot had bad metadata, and after removing it the pkgdb seems 
clean again.

Thanks all for the help.


Person clever enough to be born in the right place at the right
time of the right sex and to follow up this advantage by saying
all the right things to all the right people.
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bind99 port overwriting named.conf

2014-01-05 Thread Jim Ohlstein


I upgraded ports yesterday and (much to my chagrin) found that 
/usr/local/etc/named/named.conf had been overwritten.

I initially reported it to the maintainer and was told "now, you know it 
does that and you can save it before upgrading.".

This seems to be counter to the way most (all?) other ports work, 
especially when it was not even a minor version upgrade.

Further, looking at, it seems 
the intent is:

"Install named.conf as named.conf.sample and don't overwrite on upgrade".

So which is it going to be going forward?

Please cc me on replies as I do not subscribe to this list.

Jim Ohlstein
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Problem with ports after upgrade of Perl to 5.16.3_6 - overload arg '..' is invalid at Math/ line 153.

2014-01-05 Thread Miroslav Lachman


I upgraded Perl from 5.12 to 5.16:

   portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 perl-5.12.5

Then I reinstalled all dependent ports:

   portmaster -x fastresolve -R -r perl5-5.16.3_6

(the full list of reinstalled dependencies are on the end of the message)

After this upgrade, each port using Math/ shows warning:

# service sqlgrey restart
Stopping sqlgrey.
Waiting for PIDS: 986.
Starting sqlgrey.
overload arg '..' is invalid at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16/Math/ line 153.

# mrtg --check
overload arg '..' is invalid at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16/Math/ line 153.

Usage: mrtg 

Is it known problem? Should I file a PR?
I found some questions about this problem from year 2012, but not known 
fix / workaround.

The system in question is FreeBSD 8.4-RELEASE-p4 i386 GENERIC

Full list of Perl dependent ports:

===>>> The following actions were performed:
Upgrade of apr- to apr-
Upgrade of m4-1.4.16_1,1 to m4-1.4.17,1
Upgrade of help2man-1.43.3 to help2man-1.43.3_1
Upgrade of autoconf-wrapper-20130530 to autoconf-wrapper-20131203
Re-installation of autoconf-2.69
Upgrade of libtool-2.4.2_1 to libtool-2.4.2_2
Upgrade of apache22-2.2.25 to apache22-2.2.26
Upgrade of p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.062 to 

Upgrade of p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.062 to p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.063
Upgrade of p5-IO-Compress-2.062 to p5-IO-Compress-2.063
Upgrade of p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.32,1 to 

Re-installation of p5-PathTools-3.4000
Re-installation of p5-SNMP_Session-1.13_2
Re-installation of mrtg-2.17.4_4,1
Re-installation of p5-URI-1.60
Re-installation of p5-Net-SSLeay-1.55
Upgrade of p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.953 to p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.962
Re-installation of p5-Net-HTTP-6.06
Upgrade of p5-Archive-Zip-1.30_1 to p5-Archive-Zip-1.34
Re-installation of p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03
Re-installation of p5-Convert-BinHex-1.123
Re-installation of p5-IO-stringy-2.110
Re-installation of p5-TimeDate-2.30_1,1
Re-installation of p5-Mail-Tools-2.12
Upgrade of p5-MIME-Tools-5.504,2 to p5-MIME-Tools-5.505,2
Upgrade of automake-wrapper-20130530 to automake-wrapper-20131203
Re-installation of automake-1.14
Re-installation of sysconftool-0.17
Re-installation of p5-Pod-Parser-1.61
Upgrade of p5-Term-ReadKey-2.30 to p5-Term-ReadKey-2.31
Re-installation of p5-Storable-2.45
Upgrade of mysql-client-5.1.71 to mysql51-client-5.1.73
Upgrade of p5-DBI-1.628 to p5-DBI-1.630
Upgrade of p5-DBD-mysql-4.023 to p5-DBD-mysql-4.025
Upgrade of libltdl-2.4.2_1 to libltdl-2.4.2_2
Upgrade of courier-authlib-base-0.65.0 to 
Upgrade of courier-authlib-mysql-0.65.0 to 

Upgrade of courier-imap-4.13,2 to courier-imap-4.14,2
Re-installation of p5-version-0.99.04
Re-installation of p5-Net-XWhois-0.90_4
Upgrade of p5-Socket6-0.23 to p5-Socket6-0.25_1
Re-installation of p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.69
Upgrade of p5-Net-DNS-0.72 to p5-Net-DNS-0.73
Re-installation of p5-Net-IP-1.26
Upgrade of awstats-7.2,1 to awstats-7.2_1,1
Upgrade of p5-BerkeleyDB-0.53 to p5-BerkeleyDB-0.54
Upgrade of p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.123 to 

Re-installation of p5-Convert-UUlib-1.40,1
Re-installation of p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21
Upgrade of p5-Module-CoreList-2.97 to p5-Module-CoreList-3.01
Re-installation of p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1
Re-installation of p5-Module-Load-0.24
Re-installation of p5-Params-Check-0.38
Re-installation of p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301
Re-installation of p5-IO-Zlib-1.10_1
Installation of devel/p5-Perl-Tidy (p5-Perl-Tidy-20130922)
Re-installation of p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13
Re-installation of p5-Error-0.17021
Upgrade of gettext-0.18.3 to gettext-
Re-installation of p5-Locale-gettext-1.05_3
Re-installation of p5-IO-String-1.08
Re-installation of p5-Carp-Clan-6.04
Re-installation of p5-Bit-Vector-7.3
Upgrade of p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008 to p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.010
Re-installation of p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.44.04
Upgrade of p5-CPAN-Meta-2.132510 to p5-CPAN-Meta-2.133380
Re-installation of p5-Date-Calc-6.3
Upgrade of p5-JSON-PP-2.27202 to p5-JSON-PP-2.27203
Upgrade of p5-Perl-OSType-1.005 to p5-Perl-OSType-1.006
Upgrade of p5-Module-Build-0.4007 to p5-Module-Build-0.4203
Re-installation of p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.2802.12,1
Re-installation of p5-Math-BigInt-1.997
Upgrade of p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.003 to 

Re: FreeBSD 10.0-RC4 AMD64 binutils / arm-eabi-binutils locales conflict

2014-01-05 Thread Lowell Gilbert
CeDeROM  writes:

> There still is a conflict of binutils and arm-eabi-binutils in binary
> packages / ports - they install locale files into same destination.
> This blocks ARM development and/or other tools that depends on
> binutils. Please note that binutils are also dependency of various
> other packages (i.e. openjdk).

I'd have to check what I did at work, but I think I just used a
different  PREFIX to install to a different place. My cross-compile
build system needs the tools specified in environment variables 
anyway, so I don't even need to adjust my path.
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Re: Problem with ports after upgrade of Perl to 5.16.3_6 - overload arg '..' is invalid at Math/ line 153.

2014-01-05 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> After this upgrade, each port using Math/ shows warning:
> # service sqlgrey restart
> Stopping sqlgrey.
> Waiting for PIDS: 986.
> Starting sqlgrey.
> overload arg '..' is invalid at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16/Math/ line 153.
> Is it known problem?

I have seen it before. Fix:

Comment out the line 153 in

Root cause is in math/p5-Math-BigInt:

It overloads lots of operations, one of them isn't even in perl yet 8-}

# not supported by Perl yet
'..'=>  \&_pointpoint,

> Should I file a PR?

Yes, please.

-- 171 3101372 6 years to go !
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Re: FreeBSD 10.0-RC4 AMD64 binutils / arm-eabi-binutils locales conflict

2014-01-05 Thread CeDeROM
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Lowell Gilbert
> CeDeROM  writes:
>> There still is a conflict of binutils and arm-eabi-binutils in binary
>> packages / ports - they install locale files into same destination.
>> This blocks ARM development and/or other tools that depends on
>> binutils. Please note that binutils are also dependency of various
>> other packages (i.e. openjdk).
> I'd have to check what I did at work, but I think I just used a
> different  PREFIX to install to a different place. My cross-compile
> build system needs the tools specified in environment variables
> anyway, so I don't even need to adjust my path.

The problem is with the package installation, binaries are installed
correctly, only some localization files are blocking and makes
binutils/arm-eabi-binutils exclusive.. Otherwise build works fine with
no environmental variables/changes :-)

Best regards :-)

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Re: Please close ports/168479

2014-01-05 Thread Fernando Apesteguía
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Baptiste Daroussin  wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 12:24:17AM +0100, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> > It's a trivial patch to a trivial problem I posted 19 months ago.
> >
> > Please resolve as fixed or wontfix or whatever you like. Leaving it
> > open without any response is pointless.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Michael Gmelin
> Close thanks.

Running portaudit -X 14 reports this on my system:

The portaudit tool is now obsolete, please remove portaudit and use the
command 'pkg audit' instead.  See man pkg-audit(8) for more information.

Shouldn't we then remove the invocation to portaudit in and
replace it with pkg-audit?


> regards,
> Bapt
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Re: Please close ports/168479

2014-01-05 Thread Fernando Apesteguía
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Michael Gmelin  wrote:

> On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 17:23:47 +0100
> Fernando Apesteguía  wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Baptiste Daroussin 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 12:24:17AM +0100, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> > > > It's a trivial patch to a trivial problem I posted 19 months ago.
> > > >
> > > > Please resolve as fixed or wontfix or whatever you like. Leaving
> > > > it open without any response is pointless.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Michael Gmelin
> > >
> > > Close thanks.
> > >
> >
> > Running portaudit -X 14 reports this on my system:
> >
> > The portaudit tool is now obsolete, please remove portaudit and use
> > the command 'pkg audit' instead.  See man pkg-audit(8) for more
> > information.
> >
> >
> > Shouldn't we then remove the invocation to portaudit in
> > and replace it with pkg-audit?
> >
> >
> detects automatically if your system is using pkg or the old
> pkg tools and invokes the correct tool.
> Since the old pkg tools are not deprecated yet (8.x and 9.x), removing
> it from would be premature and harmful.

Thanks for the clarification!

> --
> Michael Gmelin
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Re: Please close ports/168479

2014-01-05 Thread Michael Gmelin
On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 17:23:47 +0100
Fernando Apesteguía  wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Baptiste Daroussin 
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 12:24:17AM +0100, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> > > It's a trivial patch to a trivial problem I posted 19 months ago.
> > >
> > > Please resolve as fixed or wontfix or whatever you like. Leaving
> > > it open without any response is pointless.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Michael Gmelin
> >
> > Close thanks.
> >
> Running portaudit -X 14 reports this on my system:
> The portaudit tool is now obsolete, please remove portaudit and use
> the command 'pkg audit' instead.  See man pkg-audit(8) for more
> information.
> Shouldn't we then remove the invocation to portaudit in
> and replace it with pkg-audit?
> detects automatically if your system is using pkg or the old
pkg tools and invokes the correct tool.

Since the old pkg tools are not deprecated yet (8.x and 9.x), removing
it from would be premature and harmful.

Michael Gmelin
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hal, ntfs, and 10.0-RC3

2014-01-05 Thread Kevin Oberman
Since I updated to 10.0-RC3 (from 9), hald no longer works with my ntfs
partitions. I can mount them manually with ntfs-3g, but when not mounted,
hal does not see them at all.
> ls /dev/ntfs

> gpart show ada0
=>63  1465149105  ada0  MBR  (699G)
  631985- free -  (993K)
2048 2457600 1  ntfs  (1.2G)
 2459648   958765056 2  ntfs  (457G)
   961224704   47104 3  ebr  (225G)
  143226470432878592 4  ntfs  (16G)
  14651432965872- free -  (2.9M)
> lshal | grep ada0
  block.device = '/dev/ada0'  (string)
  freebsd.device_file = '/dev/ada0'  (string)
> lshal | grep Windows7
Exit 1

I mount on NTFS partition and:
> lshal | grep ada0
  block.device = '/dev/ada0'  (string)
  freebsd.device_file = '/dev/ada0'  (string)
  block.device = '/dev/ada0s1'  (string)
  block.device = '/dev/ada0s2'  (string)
  block.device = '/dev/ada0s3'  (string)
  block.device = '/dev/ada0s5'  (string)
  block.device = '/dev/ada0s4'  (string)
> lshal | grep Windows7
  block.device = '/dev/ntfs/Windows7_OS'  (string)
  info.product = 'Windows7_OS'  (string)
  volume.label = 'Windows7_OS'  (string)
After a umount, all slices vanish again.

Might this be fall-out of the removal of ntfs (read-only) support? I have
not looked through the hald sources to see how it detects these slices. I
do find it interesting that mounting one NTFS file system causes all of the
other ones appear to hald.

Any suggestions?
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
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why science/paraview not available from

2014-01-05 Thread Anton Shterenlikht

On amd64 11-current I'm getting:

# pkg install science/paraview
Updating repository catalogue
pkg: No packages matching 'science/paraview' available in the repositories

I'm using the default FreeBSD.conf and pkg.conf files.

Any reason why this package is not available?


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pkg amd64 11-current: several packages installed via pkg install do not work, but work when built/installed directly via ports

2014-01-05 Thread Anton Shterenlikht

Before I PRs on this, I wanted to check
if nobody else has seen this problem.

In particular:


give errors when installed via pkg install.
This is on 11.0-CURRENT #8 r257910 with
default /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf and pkg.conf.


KLD nvidia.ko: depends on kernel - not available or version mismatch
linker_load_file: Unsupported file type


$ monsterz
/usr/local/share/monsterz/ could not open data from 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/share/monsterz/", line 1994, in 
  File "/usr/local/share/monsterz/", line 1983, in main
data = Data(sharedir)
  File "/usr/local/share/monsterz/", line 305, in __init__, 'sound', 'music.s3m'))
pygame.error: Unrecognized music format

games/monsterz indirectly depends on audio/sdl_mixer.

When rebuilt via ports directly - no errors.

So, has anybody else seen this?



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Re: why science/paraview not available from

2014-01-05 Thread Mathieu Arnold
+--On 5 janvier 2014 13:20:13 -0800 Anton Shterenlikht 
| Hi
| On amd64 11-current I'm getting:
|# pkg install science/paraview
| Updating repository catalogue
| pkg: No packages matching 'science/paraview' available in the repositories
| I'm using the default FreeBSD.conf and pkg.conf files.
| Any reason why this package is not available?

First that comes to mind is that it doesn't build, which was the right
guess :

Other reason would be that it had depended on something that didn't build

Mathieu Arnold
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Re: why science/paraview not available from

2014-01-05 Thread Raphael Kubo da Costa
Anton Shterenlikht  writes:

> On amd64 11-current I'm getting:


> Any reason why this package is not available?

It fails to build in the cluster:

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Re: why science/paraview not available from

2014-01-05 Thread Anton Shterenlikht
>It fails to build in the cluster:


I submitted a PR on this:

although, I guess the maintainer would've seen the status already:


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Re: Request for strongSwan and Poptop (pptpd) ports update

2014-01-05 Thread Dewayne Geraghty
On 5/01/2014 6:08 AM, dycuo123 wrote:
> Hi,there
> Do you guys have some time to update these two? Many thanks!
> ___
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Its probably better if you direct your request to the maintainer of the
port, ideally using, identifying the
upgrade benefits and further details to pique their interest.  For
example, strongswan:

Current ports version is 5.0.4 and released version by strongswan is
5.1.1 (version 5.1.2 is scheduled for February)

Reasons for the request are:
1. Rectification of security vulnerabilities allowing Denial of Service:

2. Rectification of security vulnerabilities allowing user impersonation
and bypassing access restrictions
CVE-2013-6075 (above)

3. Refer to change log,
specifically ...

But of course the first thing to do is to use to check if the request
has already been made.  And in this instance it has!
Please refer to

And given the outstanding CVEs I'd suggest that you apply the patches,
if you're going to use this port; pending maintainer's availability.

Francois, I've included you, as the CVE's should push this update from a
low priority/non-critical category to a medium given that it can be
DOS'ed via the network without authentication.  (And unfortunately IKEv1
is required for iPhone clients using IPSEC)

Regards, Dewayne.
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