Re: UPDATING 20111016 and net/linphone-base -- can not be built.

2011-10-24 Thread Alberto Villa
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Alberto Villa  wrote:
> Ok, ortp is just an old version of the one in linphone-base. I'll try
> to build kopete with linphone-base and, should it work, I'll replace
> the dependency.

kopete builds fine, so I'm about to replace the dependency.

> I can try libjingle on i386, too.

Can anyone test the attached patch for me on i386?
# cd /usr/ports/net-im/libjingle && patch < $thepatch
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer

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Re: Update for x11-toolkits/swt-devel failed

2011-10-24 Thread Leslie Jensen

2011-10-21 00:37, Pedro Giffuni skrev:

Its finding webkit now. You will have to add flags to
disable both mozilla and webkit :(.


On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 22:25:55 +0200, Leslie Jensen  wrote:

2011-10-20 21:37, Pedro Giffuni skrev:

Hi leslie;

make rmconfig

And disable mozilla.


It was already disabled.

I did make deinstall and the make reinstall and got a different error.

Please see below.

===> Building for swt-devel-3.6.2,1
Buildfile: /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel/work/build.xml


[javac] /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel/work/build.xml:32:
warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 582 source files to
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

[exec] make: don't know how to make make_webkit. Stop
[exec] Model is amd64
[exec] libgnomeui-2.0 found, compiling SWT program support using GNOME
[exec] Cairo found, compiling SWT support for the cairo graphics
[exec] Using libxul for gecko support
[exec] WebKit found, compiling webkit embedded browser support.
[exec] found, the SWT/AWT integration library will be
[exec] Building SWT/GTK+ for freebsd amd64

/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel/work/build.xml:62: exec returned: 2

Total time: 7 seconds
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel.
*** Error code 1


I've tried to deselect all three choices in the config menu. It doesn't 
change anything. It won't build.


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Re: math/atlas not detected in many ports

2011-10-24 Thread b. f.
> The situation with $subj: many ports' Makefiles are trying to detect if
> math/atlas is to be used by looking for ${LOCALBASE}/lib/
> Since last update math/atlas does not build the lib** and so none of
> those ports could see and use atlas. The Makefiles affected:
> /usr/ports/math/arpack++/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/blocksolve95/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/freemat/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/lapack++/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/lapack95/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/libtsnnls/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/mumps/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/octave-devel/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/octave/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/petsc/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/scalapack/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/sdpa/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/sdpara/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/suitesparse/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/superlu/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/superlu_mt/Makefile
> /usr/ports/math/taucs/Makefile
> This is a simplest `grep -l` in math/*/Makefile so there could be more
> Makefiles in another categories or files/patch-*.
> Fix is obious: replace all those lib* by lib*.so (and say -latlas_r
> by -latlas and so on).

Yes, I know.  But I have not yet finished updating math/atlas-devel,
which still has the old libraries.  Also, I think that not only the
detection bits, but also some of the link lines, can or should be
changed.  For the moment, you could simply use symlinks or
libmap.conf(5) to associate the new math/atlas library names with the
old ones, where needed, or use math/atlas-devel. I will work with the
maintainers of the affected ports to change all of them over a bit
later.  Two maintainers have already decided to switch to the new
names.  (This only affects non-default options.)


P.S.  Please cc me next time if you have a question about atlas, so I
will see it sooner.
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Re: [PATCH] multimedia/libdvdnav

2011-10-24 Thread Ganael LAPLANCHE
On Sat, 22 Oct 2011 15:10:00 +, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote


> > [...]
> > Can this be included in ports?
> I would suggest notifying maintainer about this patch. 
>  Perhaps filing a PR is a right thing to do.

I will update libdvdnav/libdvdread to 4.2.0 once 9.0-RELEASE is out. I
will have a look at your patch then.

Thanks for your contribution,

FreeBSD: martymac ,
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Re: Alpine mail client discontinued?

2011-10-24 Thread Gautam
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 2:41 AM, Sean C. Farley  wrote:

>  On 10/16/2011 15:49, Ted Hatfield wrote:
>>> re-alpine
>>> Of course, this could (should?) wait until 9 is out the door.
> Alpine is also documented in the handbook ; so that also should
be updated.

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Re: KWin no longer compositing?

2011-10-24 Thread Andriy Gapon
on 24/10/2011 07:07 Greg Lewis said the following:
> So it seems like even the newest version we support in ports is an
> antique :(.  I'm going to guess upgrading it is not going to be easy.

Almost trivial in a sense.
I've been using xorg-dev for quite a while and it works great (for me).  Mesa is
at 7.11 in those ports.

Andriy Gapon
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Current unassigned ports problem reports

2011-10-24 Thread FreeBSD bugmaster
(Note: an HTML version of this report is available at .)

The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users.
These represent problem reports covering all versions including
experimental development code and obsolete releases.

S Tracker  Resp.  Description

f ports/161951mail/dovecot2-antispam-plugin hangs fails when built w
f ports/161948ports-mgmt/bpkg: Fixed syntax error on 9.x in shell sc
o ports/161938New port www/pyLoad a fast, lightweight and full featu
f ports/161933[UPDATE] textproc/py-creole to 1.0.0
o ports/161932net-mgmt/net-snmp reports bogus data in UCD-SNMP-MIB::
o ports/161930graphics/gpsman update overlooked minor pkg-descr chan
o ports/161922[maintainer][patch] math/saga: cleanup unneeded helper
o ports/161918[patch] update math/R-cran-car from 2.0-10 to 2.0-11
o ports/161910[UPDATE] games/darkplaces
o ports/161894New port databases/datamodeler: Database modeling tool
o ports/161867Revised Port: www/web-traceroute
o ports/161863devel/geany-plugins: More broken options in devel/gean
f ports/161845[update] [patch] multimedia/mplayer-skins Bring in ups
f ports/161844[PATCH] graphics/geos: update to 3.3.1
o ports/161832[maintainer] update databases/mysql-connector-odbc to 
o ports/161827[maintainer] www/trac-bzr: update to 20110228
o ports/161820port update news/sabnzbdplus
o ports/161814[patch] security update www/linux-opera to 11.52
o ports/161800[new ports] 2 new Pure bindings: math/pure-mpfr & deve
f ports/161790Update security/metasploit port
o ports/161770New port graphics/tinyows - A High Performance WFS-T s
o ports/161698New port databases/pecl-mysqlnd_ms
o ports/161696[maintainer] [patch] java/jrosetta Update to 1.0.4
f ports/161694sysutils/dvd+rw-tools: growisofs fails to close disc
o ports/161690New port: games/prboom-plus Port of ID Software's Doom
o ports/161678New port: sysutils/acpi_call kernle module for calling
o ports/161578devel/strace is not working
f ports/161570deskutils/vym: [UPDATE] to 1.99.0
f ports/161569[MAINTAINER] audio/libaacplus: aacplus.h has comma at 
o ports/161539New port: audio/gmusicbrowser - Jukebox for large amou
f ports/161536www/php-yaf: rename to www/pecl-yaf
f ports/161518[patch] update/add devel/scons version 2.1.0
f ports/161470[patch] www/squid31 unintentionally picks up libmd5 as
o ports/161467[UPDATE] textproc/py-creole to 0.9.1
o ports/161462net-mgmt/zabbix-agent: Zabbix_agentd opens a lot of fi
o ports/161455multimedia/transcode should depend on ffmpeg
o ports/161442[MAINTAINER] devel/gps: Update to version 5.0.1
o ports/161440[NEW PORT] devel/libk8055: Velleman K8055 USB experime
f ports/161406[PATCH] net-mgmt/netdisco: update to 1.1
o ports/161379security/openssl compile error caused by abbreviated-r
o ports/161302[patch] math/giacxcas update to 0.9.3
f ports/161299science/paraview: CLANG:  Linking CXX shared library .
f ports/161271[patch] x11/cl-clx: loading with clozure fails, dep-op
o ports/161268sysutils/fusefs-ntfs fails to mount ntfs "invalid argu
f ports/161244[PATCH] audio/libmikmod: fix failed patching
o ports/161239Graphics/pgplot fails to build w/gcc46
o ports/161231[NEW PORT] www/sencha-touch: The First HTML5 Mobile We
o ports/161226security/fprint_demo: Updates to last git version
o ports/161225security/pam_fprint: Updates to the last git version
o ports/161167security/botan configure does not work with python 3.1
o ports/161139restore sysutils/gpart
f ports/161119Update textproc/lucene to version 3.4.0
f ports/161117[patch] games/sl fix build under clang
o ports/161106sysutils/openipmi is dropping core
f ports/161072update mail/davmail to 3.9.4
o ports/161070infinite loop for graphics/xfig on 9.0-CURRENT
f ports/161005graphics/geos: CLANG : for functional-style cast from 
f ports/160991net/opennx : Unexpected termination of nxssh
f ports/160969[patch] sysutils/zfs-snapshot-mgmt: embed ruby version
f ports/160927lang/gauche: needs upgrade
f ports/160891[UPDATE]: audio/qmpdclient Update to new release, 1.2.
o ports/160870www/mod_security port not updated
o ports/160861New port: security/racoon-tool Manage setkey a

Re: Update for x11-toolkits/swt-devel failed

2011-10-24 Thread Eitan Adler
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:43 AM, Leslie Jensen  wrote:
> I've tried to deselect all three choices in the config menu. It doesn't
> change anything. It won't build.

As the committer who last touched this port I'm somewhat responsible.
However, I can not reproduce the problem. Can you please try
portdowngrade to see if the old version builds?

Eitan Adler
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Re: databases/postgresql90-contrib fails to build

2011-10-24 Thread Sergio de Almeida Lenzi
Em Dom, 2011-10-23 às 11:35 +0200, Rainer Hurling escreveu:

> When I try to build databases/postgresql90-contrib, it stops with not 
> finding the right uuid lib:
> #cd /usr/ports/databases/databases/postgresql90-contrib
> # make
> ===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
> ===>  License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE
> ===>  Extracting for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
> => SHA256 Checksum OK for postgresql/postgresql-9.0.5.tar.bz2.
> ===>  Patching for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
> ===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
> ===>   postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on executable: gmake - found
> ===>   postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on executable: bison - found
> ===>   postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on shared library: xslt.2 - found
> ===>   postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on shared library: xml2.5 - found
> ===>   postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on shared library: pq.5 - found
> ===>  Configuring for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
> checking build system type... amd64-portbld-freebsd9.0
> [..SNIP..]
> checking for -lreadline... yes (-lreadline)
> checking for inflate in -lz... yes
> checking for CRYPTO_new_ex_data in -lcrypto... yes
> checking for SSL_library_init in -lssl... yes
> checking for xmlSaveToBuffer in -lxml2... yes
> checking for xsltCleanupGlobals in -lxslt... yes
> checking for uuid_export in -lossp-uuid... no
> checking for uuid_export in -luuid... no
> configure: error: library 'ossp-uuid' or 'uuid' is required for OSSP-UUID
> ===>  Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
> Please report the problem to [maintainer] and attach the
> "/usr/ports/databases/postgresql90-contrib/work/postgresql-9.0.5/config.log"
> including the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be
> a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system
> (e.g. an `ls /var/db/pkg`).
> *** Error code 1
> Obviously the port would like to have misc/ossp-uuid installed. But this 
> conflicts with misc/e2fsprogs-libuuid, which was installed by KDE4.
> An old PR shows 
> some more complexity with this issue. There Jørgen Kjærsgaard told about 
> a possible solution, but the PR was reopened in December 2009.
> Is there anybody working on this or is there a workaround?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rainer Hurling
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for me i disabled GSSAPI on postgresql-server port and rebuild the
server and client...

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Re: databases/postgresql90-contrib fails to build

2011-10-24 Thread Rainer Hurling

Am 24.10.2011 14:05 (UTC+1) schrieb Sergio de Almeida Lenzi:

Em Dom, 2011-10-23 às 11:35 +0200, Rainer Hurling escreveu:

When I try to build databases/postgresql90-contrib, it stops with not
finding the right uuid lib:

#cd /usr/ports/databases/databases/postgresql90-contrib
# make
===>   Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>   License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE
===>   Extracting for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
=>  SHA256 Checksum OK for postgresql/postgresql-9.0.5.tar.bz2.
===>   Patching for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
===>   Applying FreeBSD patches for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
===>postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on executable: gmake - found
===>postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on executable: bison - found
===>postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on shared library: xslt.2 - found
===>postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on shared library: xml2.5 - found
===>postgresql-contrib-9.0.5 depends on shared library: pq.5 - found
===>   Configuring for postgresql-contrib-9.0.5
checking build system type... amd64-portbld-freebsd9.0
checking for -lreadline... yes (-lreadline)
checking for inflate in -lz... yes
checking for CRYPTO_new_ex_data in -lcrypto... yes
checking for SSL_library_init in -lssl... yes
checking for xmlSaveToBuffer in -lxml2... yes
checking for xsltCleanupGlobals in -lxslt... yes
checking for uuid_export in -lossp-uuid... no
checking for uuid_export in -luuid... no
configure: error: library 'ossp-uuid' or 'uuid' is required for OSSP-UUID
===>   Script"configure"  failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem    
[maintainer] and attach the
including the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be
a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system
(e.g. an `ls /var/db/pkg`).
*** Error code 1

Obviously the port would like to have misc/ossp-uuid installed. But this
conflicts with misc/e2fsprogs-libuuid, which was installed by KDE4.

An old PR  shows
some more complexity with this issue. There Jørgen Kjærsgaard told about
a possible solution, but the PR was reopened in December 2009.

Is there anybody working on this or is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance,
Rainer Hurling

for me i disabled GSSAPI on postgresql-server port and rebuild the
server and client...

Hmm, I am afraid GSSAPI option is disabled on my postgresql90-server 
port :-(

For me as a workaround it help to comment out line 17 and the option 
'--with-ossp-uuid' in line 29 of the contrib Makefile.

Thanks for answering and for your advice,
Rainer Hurling
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What "exp-run" means and how one do this?

2011-10-24 Thread Ruslan Mahmatkhanov


1. What is in it's name - "experimental run", "expressive run", 
"exploitation run"? :)
2. How this is done - someone prepares a list of affected ports and just 
feed them to tinderd or something other?



Tinderboxing kills... the drives.
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Re: What "exp-run" means and how one do this?

2011-10-24 Thread Erwin Lansing
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 04:41:10PM +0400, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:
> Hi.
> 1. What is in it's name - "experimental run", "expressive run", 
> "exploitation run"? :)

Short for experimental, though the other are good possibilities
sometimes as well :-)

> 2. How this is done - someone prepares a list of affected ports and just 
> feed them to tinderd or something other?
Someone prepares a patch against the ports and/or src tree, which
someone from portmgr applies on the pointyhat cluster.  Pointyhat and
tinderbox do share a lot of code, but are separate systems.  The (quite
detailed, not so much high-level overview) documentation is in the
portbuild article[1].  Note that the new codebase mentioned there has moved
to projects/ in svn.



Erwin Lansing
Prediction is very difficult
especially about the
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Re: Alpine mail client discontinued?

2011-10-24 Thread Glen Barber
On 10/24/11 5:49 AM, Gautam wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 2:41 AM, Sean C. Farley  wrote:
>>  On 10/16/2011 15:49, Ted Hatfield wrote:


 Of course, this could (should?) wait until 9 is out the door.
>> Alpine is also documented in the handbook
> ; so that also should
> be updated.

Does the way in which re-alpine is used differ?  If so, the Handbook can
be updated if/when alpine is replaced with re-alpine, that's not a
problem.  I suspect, based on this thread, it won't be necessary other
than noting the port is mail/re-alpine instead of mail/alpine.

The Documentation people would be happy to update the alpine section in
the Handbook in either case.  Though, not all doc people are subscribed
to ports@ - can someone ping us if/when re-alpine is in the tree as a

Glen Barber |
FreeBSD Documentation Project
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2011-10-24 Thread Paul Schenkeveld

Recently sysutils/syslog-ng (version 1) moved to sysutils/syslog-ng1
and version 3 became the standard.  The Makefile for syslog-ng1 says:

DEPRECATED= Suggested by syslog-ng upline, no longer supported
FORBIDDEN=  Vulnerable since 2008-11-18,

and says:

I have not had the time to analyze all of syslog-ng code. But by
reading the code section near the chroot call and looking at strace
results I believe that syslog-ng does not chdir to the chroot jail's
location before chrooting into it.

This opens up ways to work around the chroot jail.

However, if I look at the code (main.c function main() near line 514):

if (chroot_dir) {
if (chdir(chroot_dir) < 0) {
werror("Error chdiring, exiting.\n");
return 3;
if (chroot(".") < 0) {
werror("Error chrooting, exiting.\n");
return 3;

it looks like the chdir is already present (main.c dates back to Mar 14,
2006).  This is the only occurrence of chroot() in the sources.

Am I missing something here?

My reason for bothering is that I use syslog-ng on man systems that have
no persistent storage to send logging to a central logserver over TCP.

Syslog-ng versions 2 and 3 pull in way too many ports to be useful in
embedded systems so I'd really like to see version 1 survive, unless
someone else has a suggestion for a replacement.  BTW, the log servers
also run syslog-ng and our configuration uses too many features of
-ng to switch to another syslog replacement but we can consider using
version 2 or 3 there.

What does it take to keep version 1 maintained and in the ports tree?

Best regards,

Paul Schenkeveld
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Re: Update for x11-toolkits/swt-devel failed

2011-10-24 Thread Pedro F. Giffuni
The problem is that Leslie has webkit installed. There
must be some configure flag to disable it but my
desktop motherboard toasted so I cant look at it.


--- On Mon, 10/24/11, Eitan Adler  wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:43 AM,
> Leslie Jensen 
> wrote:
> > I've tried to deselect all three choices in the config
> menu. It doesn't
> > change anything. It won't build.
> As the committer who last touched this port I'm somewhat
> responsible.
> However, I can not reproduce the problem. Can you please
> try
> portdowngrade to see if the old version builds?
> -- 
> Eitan Adler
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[SOLVED] Re: Snort failing after latest PostGreSQL upgrade

2011-10-24 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 10/19/11 14:25, Andrea Venturoli wrote:


# uname -a
FreeBSD xx.yy 7.3-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE-p7 #2: Thu
Oct 6 07:57:52 CEST 2011
root@xx.yy:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/XX amd64

This morning I upgraded Postgres:

# pkg_info | grep postgres
postgresql-client-8.4.9 PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-server-8.4.9 The most advanced open-source database
available anywhere

After that, Snort won't start anymore:

# snort
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol

Neither it will upgrade:

# portversion -v|grep snort
snort-2.9.1 < needs updating (port has
# portupgrade -R snort

 > ...

checking for PQexec in -lpq... no

ERROR! libpq (postgresql) not found!

===> Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks go to Ryan Steinmetz for helping me on this.
I had GSSAPI enabled in postgresql-client config and solved by disabling it.

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Re: What "exp-run" means and how one do this?

2011-10-24 Thread Ruslan Mahmatkhanov

Thanks, Erwin, for explanation.

Erwin Lansing wrote on 24.10.2011 16:47:

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 04:41:10PM +0400, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:


1. What is in it's name - "experimental run", "expressive run",
"exploitation run"? :)

Short for experimental, though the other are good possibilities
sometimes as well :-)

2. How this is done - someone prepares a list of affected ports and just
feed them to tinderd or something other?

Someone prepares a patch against the ports and/or src tree, which
someone from portmgr applies on the pointyhat cluster.  Pointyhat and
tinderbox do share a lot of code, but are separate systems.  The (quite
detailed, not so much high-level overview) documentation is in the
portbuild article[1].  Note that the new codebase mentioned there has moved
to projects/ in svn.




Tinderboxing kills... the drives.
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Annoying cyrus-sasl messages

2011-10-24 Thread Andrea Venturoli
It's not at all critical, but I thought I'd report that we seem to be 
hit by this too:

Don't know if this is a bug or feature or whether it should be turned 

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photofilmstrip 1.4.4

2011-10-24 Thread ajtiM
Photofilmstrip 1.4.4 iwas installed without problem on my FreeBSD 8.2 release 
but it doesn't work:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/photofilmstrip/photofilmstrip-", line 54, in 
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/photofilmstrip/photofilmstrip-", line 49, in main
from gui.PhotoFilmStripApp import main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-
packages/photofilmstrip/gui/", line 28, in 
from gui.FrmMain import FrmMain
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/photofilmstrip/gui/", 
line 29, in 
from core.PhotoFilmStrip import PhotoFilmStrip
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-
packages/photofilmstrip/core/", line 25, in 
import sqlite3
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/sqlite3/", line 24, in 
from dbapi2 import *
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/sqlite3/", line 27, in 
from _sqlite3 import *
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ Undefined 
symbol "sqlite3_load_extension"

Thanks in advance.

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