Asterisk 1.6 on 8.0 beta 2 broken?

2009-08-03 Thread Gorbatovsky Dmitry


I was use asterisk on my FreeBSD.
I see after install asterisk 1.6 on FreeBSD user 8.0-BETA2 FreeBSD 
8.0-BETA2 #2: Wed Jul 22 17:10:33 MSD 2009 
root@:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/MY  i386

this error:

10:45 r...@local >asterisk -v
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer 
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' 
for details.

This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it 

certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log
Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
[Aug  3 10:45:16] NOTICE[45097]: loader.c:869 load_modules: 1 modules 
will be loaded. => (String handling dialplan functions)
[Aug  3 10:45:16] NOTICE[45097]: cdr.c:1430 do_reload: CDR simple 
logging enabled.

Asterisk PBX Core Initializing
Registering builtin applications:
Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
[Aug  3 10:45:16] NOTICE[45097]: loader.c:869 load_modules: 174 modules 
will be loaded.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Asterisk 1.6 on 8.0b2 has been broken?
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FreeBSD Port: psi-0.12.1_2 need update to 0.13

2009-08-03 Thread Alexey Golodov
Please, note that psi has been updated to0.13.
Also, if you can, see psi+ ( and,
probably, good idea to add this to ports.

Regards, Alexey Golodov aka Nirnroot.
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Compile error mail/alpine

2009-08-03 Thread David Southwell
 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed Jun 24 00:14:35 UTC 2009 r...@amd64-  amd64
on intel quad core

cc -std=gnu99 -g -D_THREAD_SAFE -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -
DLDAP_DEPRECATED -rpath=/usr/local/lib -o alpine addrbook.o adrbkcmd.o after.o 
alpine.o arg.o busy.o colorconf.o confscroll.o context.o dispfilt.o 
flagmaint.o folder.o help.o imap.o init.o kblock.o keymenu.o ldapconf.o 
listsel.o mailcmd.o mailindx.o mailpart.o mailview.o newuser.o pattern.o 
pipe.o print.o radio.o remote.o reply.o roleconf.o send.o setup.o signal.o 
status.o takeaddr.o titlebar.o smime.o date.o  -lcrypt -lpam -L/usr/lib -
L/usr/local/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../pico/libpico.a 
../pico/osdep/libpicoosd.a ../pith/libpith.a ../pith/osdep/libpithosd.a 
../pith/charconv/libpithcc.a osdep/libpineosd.a ../c-client/c-client.a 
/usr/local/lib/ -lcrypto -ltinfo /usr/local/lib/ -lssl -
Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
../c-client/c-client.a(osdep.o)(.text+0x68a1): In function `ssl_onceonlyinit':
/usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/imap/c-client/osdep.c:335: warning: 
warning: tmpnam() possibly used unsafely; consider using mkstemp()
after.o(.text+0x36d): In function `start_after':
/usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/alpine/after.c:77: undefined reference 
to `pthread_create'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/alpine.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/alpine.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/alpine.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/alpine.

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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Matthew
Seaman wrote:
> Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> Peter Jeremy wrote:
>>> In this specific case, p5-RT-* depends on www/rt38 depends on
>>> graphics/p5-GD depends on graphics/gd depends on graphics/jpeg.  When
>>> jpeg is bumped, gd needs to be bumped because it LIB_DEPENDS on jpeg.
>>> p5-GD then needs to be bumped because it LIB_DEPENDS on gd.  rt38 does
>>> not need to be bumped because it has no LIB_DEPENDS on p5-GD.  p5-RT-*
>>> does not need to be bumped because rt38 is not bumped.
>>> This is slighly more complex than
>>>  cd /usr/ports && \
>>>  for i in */*; do [ -d "$i" ] && cd "$i" && make all-depends-list ; done
>>> | \
>>>  grep jpeg
>>> because you need to actually follow the dependency tree, but is not
>>> impractical.  The only issues I can see with this approach are:
>>> 1) Mapping the shared library reported by 'make lib-depends' back to the
>>>   port than installs it.
>>> 2) You are relying on LIB_DEPENDS being correct:  In my general example
>>>   above, if A is missing a LIB_DEPENDS on C, this may not be detected
>>>   in the build process because of the implicit dependency on C via B.
>>> No sample script because I'm not sure of the correct approach to 1) off
>>> the top of my head.
>> Doing (1) using my p5-FreeBSD-Portindex code is pretty easy.  It's about
>> time I released an update anyhow -- I'll code up a little app that
>> processes
>> the LIB_DEPENDS linkages already stored in the cache and lists each port
>> that has a LIB_DEPENDS, together with all the ports it depends on
>> cumulatively.
> I've got this working now -- I still need to do some more testing, update
> documentation and stuff before I release version 2.2 of
> p5-FreeBSD-Portindex,
> but as a taster, here's the result of generating this on my machine just
> now:
> (Note that this includes the effect of a number of local settings in
> /etc/make.conf)
> It's similar to the ports INDEX file, when decompressed.  There's one row of
> the file for each port, and each row contains 3 fields separated by '|'
> characters:
>  package-name|port/origin|space separated list of lib_depends port origins
> So, to extract the list of ports depending on www/jpeg:
> happy-idiot-talk:/tmp:% grep graphics/jpeg SHLIBS | cut -d '|' -f 1-2 | head
> -10
> accerciser-1.6.1_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/accerciser
> at-poke-0.2.3_4|/usr/ports/accessibility/at-poke
> at-spi-1.26.0_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/at-spi
> dasher-4.10.1_1,2|/usr/ports/accessibility/dasher
> gnome-mag-0.15.8|/usr/ports/accessibility/gnome-mag
> gnopernicus-1.1.2_6|/usr/ports/accessibility/gnopernicus
> gok-2.26.0_1,1|/usr/ports/accessibility/gok
> kdeaccessibility-3.5.10_2|/usr/ports/accessibility/kdeaccessibility
> kdeaccessibility-4.2.4_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/kdeaccessibility4
> mousetweaks-2.26.3_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/mousetweaks
> Again, this has a number of deficiencies.  For instance, programs that
> embed a perl interpreter will link against =>
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/mach/CORE/, but none of them register
> a LIB_DEPENDS on lang/perl5.10. [See for example net-mgmt/net-snmpd,
> www/mod_perl2]
> Similarly, programs that declare 'USE_MYSQL=NN' will have a LIB_DEPENDS on
> added to their dependency mix even if they contain
> no compiled ELF binaries [See net-mgmt/cacti databases/phpmyadmin]
> However, I think that the deficiencies are not too intractable to fix,
> and this approach shows some promise.

There actually may be a much easier solution to this problem.

Gentoo Linux (I know -- Gentoo + Linux -- we're FreeBSD... blah :P)
has a script called `revdep-rebuild' which goes and runs ldd on all
pieces of software that are installed in portage (ok, substitute ports
here). What I'm driving at is that we can use pkg_info and/or the
mtree generated files to determine what files are installed, find out
which packages have been broken up an update, then rebuild the port
and all dependencies (LIB_DEPENDS?). What say you to that :)?

If no one cares about the language, I can whip up a really quick
python script which solves this problem and we can migrate to a more
longterm solution in bourne shell if desired.

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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Emanuel Haupt
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Matthew
> Seaman wrote:
> > Matthew Seaman wrote:
> >
> >> Peter Jeremy wrote:
> >>>
> >>> In this specific case, p5-RT-* depends on www/rt38 depends on
> >>> graphics/p5-GD depends on graphics/gd depends on graphics/jpeg.
> >>>  When jpeg is bumped, gd needs to be bumped because it
> >>> LIB_DEPENDS on jpeg. p5-GD then needs to be bumped because it
> >>> LIB_DEPENDS on gd.  rt38 does not need to be bumped because it
> >>> has no LIB_DEPENDS on p5-GD.  p5-RT-* does not need to be bumped
> >>> because rt38 is not bumped.
> >>>
> >>> This is slighly more complex than
> >>>  cd /usr/ports && \
> >>>  for i in */*; do [ -d "$i" ] && cd "$i" && make
> >>> all-depends-list ; done
> >>> | \
> >>>  grep jpeg
> >>> because you need to actually follow the dependency tree, but is
> >>> not impractical.  The only issues I can see with this approach
> >>> are:
> >>> 1) Mapping the shared library reported by 'make lib-depends' back
> >>> to the port than installs it.
> >>> 2) You are relying on LIB_DEPENDS being correct:  In my general
> >>> example above, if A is missing a LIB_DEPENDS on C, this may not
> >>> be detected in the build process because of the implicit
> >>> dependency on C via B.
> >>>
> >>> No sample script because I'm not sure of the correct approach to
> >>> 1) off the top of my head.
> >
> >> Doing (1) using my p5-FreeBSD-Portindex code is pretty easy.  It's
> >> about time I released an update anyhow -- I'll code up a little
> >> app that processes
> >> the LIB_DEPENDS linkages already stored in the cache and lists
> >> each port that has a LIB_DEPENDS, together with all the ports it
> >> depends on cumulatively.
> >
> > I've got this working now -- I still need to do some more testing,
> > update documentation and stuff before I release version 2.2 of
> > p5-FreeBSD-Portindex,
> > but as a taster, here's the result of generating this on my machine
> > just now:
> >
> >
> >
> > (Note that this includes the effect of a number of local settings in
> > /etc/make.conf)
> >
> > It's similar to the ports INDEX file, when decompressed.  There's
> > one row of the file for each port, and each row contains 3 fields
> > separated by '|' characters:
> >
> >  package-name|port/origin|space separated list of lib_depends port
> > origins
> >
> > So, to extract the list of ports depending on www/jpeg:
> >
> > happy-idiot-talk:/tmp:% grep graphics/jpeg SHLIBS | cut -d '|' -f
> > 1-2 | head -10
> > accerciser-1.6.1_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/accerciser
> > at-poke-0.2.3_4|/usr/ports/accessibility/at-poke
> > at-spi-1.26.0_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/at-spi
> > dasher-4.10.1_1,2|/usr/ports/accessibility/dasher
> > gnome-mag-0.15.8|/usr/ports/accessibility/gnome-mag
> > gnopernicus-1.1.2_6|/usr/ports/accessibility/gnopernicus
> > gok-2.26.0_1,1|/usr/ports/accessibility/gok
> > kdeaccessibility-3.5.10_2|/usr/ports/accessibility/kdeaccessibility
> > kdeaccessibility-4.2.4_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/kdeaccessibility4
> > mousetweaks-2.26.3_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/mousetweaks
> >
> > Again, this has a number of deficiencies.  For instance, programs
> > that embed a perl interpreter will link against =>
> > /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/mach/CORE/, but none of them
> > register a LIB_DEPENDS on lang/perl5.10. [See for example
> > net-mgmt/net-snmpd, www/mod_perl2]
> >
> > Similarly, programs that declare 'USE_MYSQL=NN' will have a
> > LIB_DEPENDS on added to their dependency mix
> > even if they contain no compiled ELF binaries [See net-mgmt/cacti
> > databases/phpmyadmin]
> >
> > However, I think that the deficiencies are not too intractable to
> > fix, and this approach shows some promise.
> There actually may be a much easier solution to this problem.
> Gentoo Linux (I know -- Gentoo + Linux -- we're FreeBSD... blah :P)
> has a script called `revdep-rebuild' which goes and runs ldd on all
> pieces of software that are installed in portage (ok, substitute ports
> here). What I'm driving at is that we can use pkg_info and/or the
> mtree generated files to determine what files are installed, find out
> which packages have been broken up an update, then rebuild the port
> and all dependencies (LIB_DEPENDS?). What say you to that :)?

sysutils/bsdadminscripts provides a script called pkg_libchk which does
a similar thing.


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Re: FreeBSD Port: psi-0.12.1_2 need update to 0.13

2009-08-03 Thread Max Brazhnikov
On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 18:50:07 +1100, Alexey Golodov wrote:
> Please, note that psi has been updated to0.13.
> Also, if you can, see psi+ ( and,
> probably, good idea to add this to ports.

I'm busy this week, will update it at the weekend.
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audio/libmtp broken on -current

2009-08-03 Thread Peter Jeremy
I have a Samsung YP-T10 MP3 player that talks MTP.  On 7.x, it works
fairly well with libmtp (subject to the rather primitive "example"
applications and serious lack of error checking in libmtp).

The general problems with error checking include:
- SEGV unless $LANG is set to a supported locale
- SEGV if _any_ USB device is inaccessible
I'm not immediately concerned with these at present.

The 8.x problem is that it reads OK but writes fail with:
libmtp version: 0.3.1
PTP: Opening session
PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface
PTP: Opening session
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
No devices.

Has anyone got any suggestions for getting writes to work?

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Current unassigned ports problem reports

2009-08-03 Thread FreeBSD bugmaster
(Note: an HTML version of this report is available at .)

The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users.
These represent problem reports covering all versions including
experimental development code and obsolete releases.

S Tracker  Resp.  Description

o ports/137383[maintainer update] add/update claws mail plugins homp
o ports/137381Minor patch for collectd Makefile allowing collection 
o ports/137378Advisory locks fail with ports/security/cfs on FreeBSD
f ports/137375net/ekiga doesn't build for want of PWLib: what's that
o ports/137362net/asterisk-app-ldap - PLIST files handling minor fix
o ports/137356devel/libusb: drop maintainership
o ports/137340[NEW PORT] multimedia/flvmeta: Manipulation tool for A
o ports/137338[MAINTAINER] sysutils/duplicity-devel: update to 0.6.0
o ports/137324update of devel/quilt port to latest version
o ports/137312[patch] devel/lemon: update from 1.39 to 1.69
o ports/137308[NEW PORT] converters/igbinary: Replacement for the st
o ports/137297[PATCH] emulators/dynamips-devel: -m can't parse Cisco
o ports/137295[NEW PORT] databases/sqlite-ext-inet: Library will pro
f ports/137289astro/gpsd port fails to compile
f ports/137282[patch] www/aswedit: Master sites fixed
o ports/137276Update port: net-im/prosody to 0.5.1
o ports/137275[patch] mail/dcc-dccd update to 1.3.113
o ports/137274mail/nullmailer master.passwd variable replacement err
o ports/137259[PATCH] archivers/rpm5 update
o ports/137254New port: net/unssh Fast way to delete entries from Op
f ports/137251update multimedia/vlc
o ports/137249New port: mail/roundcube-groupvice - theme for RoundCu
o ports/137244[x11-toolkits/plib] add support for linux-js
f ports/137220net-p2p/verlihub port version update
o ports/137203New port: misc/ipa_conv IPA accounting/database module
o ports/137200New port: devel/p5-Async-MergePoint (fixes broken IO::
f ports/137196www/woadaptor - mod_webobjects doesn't support ssl
f ports/137192security/openssh-portable: Kerberos/GSSAPI support for
o ports/137177sysutils/smartmontools: command13 fix
o ports/137172New port: www/free-sa-devel - development version of F
o ports/137162Change in port math/vtk5: add GL2PS knobs to OPTIONS
o ports/137157mark broken ports/net/ssmping for FreeBSD 7.x dan Free
o ports/137151lang/slib-guile using latest 3b1 version of slib fails
o ports/137115net/pptpclient: pptp client for freebsd 7.1
o ports/137112[mail/courier] update to 0.62
o ports/137105sysutils/freebsd-snapshot not handling non C LANG/LC_A
f ports/137100security/openssh-portable: Add BSM audit support knob
f ports/137046Port upgrade: databases/postgresql-odbc: 08.03.0400 ->
f ports/137043[patch] multimedia/mplayer: add SSSE3 support
o ports/137020New port: comms/dfu-programmer Programmer for USB Atme
f ports/136984textproc/xerces-2 port no longer needs gcc_pic patch i
f ports/136934devel/root is marked as BROKEN but OK with GCC 3.4
o ports/136892mail/prayer: fixup username in prayer-cyclog
o ports/136886multimedia/mplayer does not play CSS enrypted DVDs
f ports/136882kdenlive (multimedia/kdenlive port) project rendering 
f ports/136615[update] converters/pdf2djvu: update to 0.5.9
f ports/136611security/swatch: leaves zombies behind
o ports/136427can't make devel/gwenhywfar
o ports/136359New port - lang/gnat-gcc44
f ports/136258Port for sysutils/heartbeat (1.2.5_6) fails to build
f ports/136227science/Gramps Crashes When Opening a Family File
o ports/136133New port: net/callweaver Open source IP PBX based on A
f ports/136132Update port: devel/srecord to 1.49
f ports/136129multimedia/kbtv won't build & install on 7.2
o ports/136124sysutils/bsdstats needs timeout settings
o ports/136089New port: devel/mercurialeclipse A mercurial plugin fo
f ports/135867net-im/gajim 0.12.3: wrong $path in bin file
f ports/135541[PATCH] math/p5-NetCDF cannot load module with netcdf-
o ports/135019sysutils/bubblemon-dockapp 1.46_6 memory usage meter i
o ports/134946[PATCH] textproc/highlight: update to 2.9
o ports/134750[Update]textproc/py-markdown:update to 2.0.1
f ports/134743devel/Monotone and pthreaded dependencies
o p

Re: devel/boost: new patch for testing update to 1.39

2009-08-03 Thread Alexander Churanov

I've try to prepeare boost-python-libs and boost-pyste split. However,
I can not promise any specific deadline. Perhaps, it will be done
within a month.

Alexander Churanov,
maintainer of devel/boost-*

2009/7/31 Alexander Churanov :
> Mel,
> Now It's clear. Thank you for explanation.
> The WITH_PYSTE was not in the options framework, that's why I've
> missed this part of work.
> I see two possible solutions:
> 1) Put the WITH_PYSTE variable back.
> 2) Create a separate port like devel/boost-pyste.
> The first is easy, however leads to dependeny issues like 'let's
> verify that  boost-python-libs is installed with PYSTE support'.
> Provided that Pyste is actually used by someone, this may re-introduce
> bug ports/123927 (see
> The second is much more robust, but requires more work. This is also
> harder because I am not a user of Boost.Pyste. Thus, correctness
> verification would be expensive.
> Folks, is there a user of Boost.Pyste, willing to volunteer with
> devel/boost-pyste quality verification?
> Sincerely,
> Alexander Churanov
> maintainer of devel/boost-*
> 2009/7/30 Mel Flynn :
>> On Thursday 30 July 2009 03:20:56 Alexander Churanov wrote:
>>> I do not understand.
>>> Is it correct that you are discussing the issue of Pyste being part of
>>> boost and depending on gccxml port, which has issues of its own?
>>> I do not use Pyste and did not performed any specific testing of it,
>>> but all of boost-python-libs builds and installs, including
>>> dependencies.
>>> Please, describe what do you expect from ports and what do you
>>> observe, what negative outcome the issue has.
>> The previous boost-python port had an *optional* dependency on pyste.
>> The current one does not. This means that boost-python now pulls in
>> gccxml which pulls in lang/gcc34 on anything but 6.x.
>> I'm currently building boost-python-libs with the pyste stuff
>> ifdef'd out[1] and will try to build packages kdeedu3, kdebase4,
>> games/wesnoth to see if there's any adverse side-effects.
>> --
>> Mel
>> [1]
>> --- Makefile.orig       2009-07-28 03:44:50.0 -0800
>> +++ Makefile    2009-07-30 07:19:26.0 -0800
>> @@ -25,9 +25,11 @@
>>                PYTHON_LIB_PATH="${PYTHON_LIBDIR}"
>> ${PREFIX}/lib/${BOOST_SHARED_LIB_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/boost-libs
>> -RUN_DEPENDS+=  gccxml:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gccxml \
>> -               
>> ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/elementtree/${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-elementtree
>> ${LOCALBASE}/lib/${BOOST_SHARED_LIB_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/boost-libs
>> ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/elementtree/${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-elementtree
>> +.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
>> +RUN_DEPENDS+=  gccxml:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gccxml
>> +.endif
>>  BUILD_DEPENDS+=        ${BJAM}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/boost-jam
>>  BUILD_DEPENDS+=        
>> ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/elementtree/${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-elementtree
>> @@ -39,12 +41,13 @@
>>  post-patch: customize-boost-build
>> -
>> +.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
>>  post-configure:
>>  # Configure pyste, the Boost.Python code generator
>>       �...@cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/libs/python/pyste/install && \
>>        ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${PYTHON_CMD} ${PYSETUP} \
>>                config ${PYDISTUTILS_CONFIGUREARGS}
>> +.endif
>>  do-build:
>>  # build the library
>> @@ -52,11 +55,12 @@
>>                ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${BJAM} ${BJAM_OPTIONS} 
>> --prefix=${PREFIX}\
>>                --toolset=${BOOST_TOOLS} --with-python
>> +.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
>>  # Build pyste, the Boost.Python code generator
>>        cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/libs/python/pyste/install && \
>>        ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${PYTHON_CMD} ${PYSETUP} \
>>                build ${PYDISTUTILS_BUILDARGS}
>> -
>> +.endif
>>  # Remove non-python headers
>>        cd ${WRKSRC} && \
>>        ${FIND} boost -not -path '*python*' -delete
>> @@ -79,10 +83,12 @@
>>        ${FIND} boost -type f -a \! -name "*.orig"\
>>                -exec ${INSTALL_DATA} \{\} ${PREFIX}/include/\{\} \;
>> +.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
>>  # Install pyste, the Boost.Python code generator
>>        cd ${WRKSRC}/libs/python/pyste/install && \
>>        ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${PYTHON_CMD} ${PYSETUP} \
>>                install ${PYDISTUTILS_INSTALLARGS}
>> +.endif
>>  post-install:
>>  # display pkg-message
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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Matthew Seaman
Garrett Cooper wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Matthew
> Seaman wrote:
>> Matthew Seaman wrote:
>>> Peter Jeremy wrote:
 In this specific case, p5-RT-* depends on www/rt38 depends on
 graphics/p5-GD depends on graphics/gd depends on graphics/jpeg.  When
 jpeg is bumped, gd needs to be bumped because it LIB_DEPENDS on jpeg.
 p5-GD then needs to be bumped because it LIB_DEPENDS on gd.  rt38 does
 not need to be bumped because it has no LIB_DEPENDS on p5-GD.  p5-RT-*
 does not need to be bumped because rt38 is not bumped.

 This is slighly more complex than
  cd /usr/ports && \
  for i in */*; do [ -d "$i" ] && cd "$i" && make all-depends-list ; done
 | \
  grep jpeg
 because you need to actually follow the dependency tree, but is not
 impractical.  The only issues I can see with this approach are:
 1) Mapping the shared library reported by 'make lib-depends' back to the
   port than installs it.
 2) You are relying on LIB_DEPENDS being correct:  In my general example
   above, if A is missing a LIB_DEPENDS on C, this may not be detected
   in the build process because of the implicit dependency on C via B.

 No sample script because I'm not sure of the correct approach to 1) off
 the top of my head.
>>> Doing (1) using my p5-FreeBSD-Portindex code is pretty easy.  It's about
>>> time I released an update anyhow -- I'll code up a little app that
>>> processes
>>> the LIB_DEPENDS linkages already stored in the cache and lists each port
>>> that has a LIB_DEPENDS, together with all the ports it depends on
>>> cumulatively.
>> I've got this working now -- I still need to do some more testing, update
>> documentation and stuff before I release version 2.2 of
>> p5-FreeBSD-Portindex,
>> but as a taster, here's the result of generating this on my machine just
>> now:
>> (Note that this includes the effect of a number of local settings in
>> /etc/make.conf)
>> It's similar to the ports INDEX file, when decompressed.  There's one row of
>> the file for each port, and each row contains 3 fields separated by '|'
>> characters:
>>  package-name|port/origin|space separated list of lib_depends port origins
>> So, to extract the list of ports depending on www/jpeg:
>> happy-idiot-talk:/tmp:% grep graphics/jpeg SHLIBS | cut -d '|' -f 1-2 | head
>> -10
>> accerciser-1.6.1_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/accerciser
>> at-poke-0.2.3_4|/usr/ports/accessibility/at-poke
>> at-spi-1.26.0_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/at-spi
>> dasher-4.10.1_1,2|/usr/ports/accessibility/dasher
>> gnome-mag-0.15.8|/usr/ports/accessibility/gnome-mag
>> gnopernicus-1.1.2_6|/usr/ports/accessibility/gnopernicus
>> gok-2.26.0_1,1|/usr/ports/accessibility/gok
>> kdeaccessibility-3.5.10_2|/usr/ports/accessibility/kdeaccessibility
>> kdeaccessibility-4.2.4_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/kdeaccessibility4
>> mousetweaks-2.26.3_1|/usr/ports/accessibility/mousetweaks
>> Again, this has a number of deficiencies.  For instance, programs that
>> embed a perl interpreter will link against =>
>> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/mach/CORE/, but none of them register
>> a LIB_DEPENDS on lang/perl5.10. [See for example net-mgmt/net-snmpd,
>> www/mod_perl2]
>> Similarly, programs that declare 'USE_MYSQL=NN' will have a LIB_DEPENDS on
>> added to their dependency mix even if they contain
>> no compiled ELF binaries [See net-mgmt/cacti databases/phpmyadmin]
>> However, I think that the deficiencies are not too intractable to fix,
>> and this approach shows some promise.
> There actually may be a much easier solution to this problem.
> Gentoo Linux (I know -- Gentoo + Linux -- we're FreeBSD... blah :P)
> has a script called `revdep-rebuild' which goes and runs ldd on all
> pieces of software that are installed in portage (ok, substitute ports
> here). What I'm driving at is that we can use pkg_info and/or the
> mtree generated files to determine what files are installed, find out
> which packages have been broken up an update, then rebuild the port
> and all dependencies (LIB_DEPENDS?). What say you to that :)?
> If no one cares about the language, I can whip up a really quick
> python script which solves this problem and we can migrate to a more
> longterm solution in bourne shell if desired.

If it's going to scan *all* of the installed files known to the pkg 
database to identify packages that depend on a particular shared library
then it's going to take a pretty long time to run on a typical desktop
package load.

It would make sense to scan the installed files at package installation
time and cache the result for each installed package, which is pretty 
much where I was at with the Bourne shell script I posted up-thread.

There was a question about apps that use dlopen() to load libraries, 
rather than letting do the work for them.  I don't think that

Re: Error when using 'portupgrade -ay' (and several others) [Second attempt]

2009-08-03 Thread David Southwell

> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 5:29 PM, David Southwell wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm getting really weird problems when trying to upgrade my ports. I've
> > > already discussed this with Dan Naumov on the stable mailing list, and
> > > he is out of ideas on what I am to do. I've tried to fix the problem
> > > using many different methods (i.e. csup stable-ports-supfile;
> > > Portmaster
> >
> > -a/-af,
> >
> > > portupgrade -ay, nuking the entire ports tree and then doing fetch
> > > ports; extract, and similar stuff), but everyone seems to get the same
> > > error,
> >
> > and
> >
> > > not come any further. The ports my system is trying to update is not in
> >
> > the
> >
> > > ports tree anymore either, so it is really strange that it is trying to
> > > update it self.
> > >
> > > Here is some outputs I've already posted on the stable mailinglist:
> > >
> > > Running 'portupgrade -ay'. Got this output:
> > >
> > > --->  Session started at: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:58:30 +0200
> > > ** Port directory not found: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga
> > > ** Port marked as IGNORE: x11-drivers/xf86-video-via:
> > > requires pciVideoPtr typedef
> > > ** Port directory not found: x11/xorg-protos
> > > ** Port directory not found: x11/xphelloworld
> > > --->  Skipping 'x11-drivers/xorg-drivers' (xorg-drivers-7.3_3) because
> > > a requisite package 'xf86-video-vga-4.1.0_2'
> > > (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga) failed (specify -k to force)
> > > --->  ** Upgrade tasks 3: 0 done, 4 ignored, 1 skipped and 0 failed
> > > --->  Skipping 'x11/xorg-apps' (xorg-apps-7.3) because a requisite
> >
> > package
> >
> > > 'xphelloworld-1.0.1_1' (x11/xphelloworld) failed (specify -k to force)
> > > --->  ** Upgrade tasks 3: 0 done, 4 ignored, 2 skipped and 0 failed
> > > --->  Skipping 'x11/xorg' (xorg-7.3_2) because a requisite package
> > > 'xorg-drivers-7.3_3' (x11-drivers/xorg-drivers) failed (specify -k to
> > > force) --->  ** Upgrade tasks 3: 0 done, 4 ignored, 3 skipped and 0
> >
> > failed
> >
> > > --->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed) -
> > > x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga (port directory error)
> > > - x11-drivers/xf86-video-via (marked as IGNORE)
> > > - x11/xorg-protos (port directory error)
> > > - x11/xphelloworld (port directory error)
> > > * x11-drivers/xorg-drivers (xorg-drivers-7.3_3)
> > > * x11/xorg-apps (xorg-apps-7.3)
> > > * x11/xorg (xorg-7.3_2)
> > > --->  Packages processed: 0 done, 4 ignored, 3 skipped and 0 failed
> > > --->  Session ended at: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:58:46 +0200 (consumed
> >
> > 00:00:15)
> >
> > > [r...@machine ~]# portupgrade -ay
> > > --->  Session started at: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 18:30:36 +0200
> > >
> > > ** Port directory not found: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga
> > > ** Port marked as IGNORE: x11-drivers/xf86-video-via:
> > > requires pciVideoPtr typedef
> > > ** Port directory not found: x11/xorg-protos
> > > ** Port directory not found: x11/xphelloworld
> > > [Updating the portsdb  in /usr/ports ... - 20501 port
> > > entries found
> >
> > .1000.2000.3000.4000.5000
> >.6
> >
> > >000.7000.8000.9000.1.11000..
> > >
> > >
> > >...12000.13000.14000.15000.16000
> > >.170 00.18000.19000.2. . done]
> > >
> > > --->  Skipping 'x11-drivers/xorg-drivers' (xorg-drivers-7.3_3) because
> > > a requisite package 'xf86-video-vga-4.1.0_2'
> > > (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga) failed (specify -k to force)
> > > --->  ** Upgrade tasks 3: 0 done, 4 ignored, 1 skipped and 0 failed
> > > --->  Skipping 'x11/xorg-apps' (xorg-apps-7.3) because a requisite
> >
> > package
> >
> > > 'xphelloworld-1.0.1_1' (x11/xphelloworld) failed (specify -k to force)
> > > --->  ** Upgrade tasks 3: 0 done, 4 ignored, 2 skipped and 0 failed
> > > --->  Skipping 'x11/xorg' (xorg-7.3_2) because a requisite package
> > > 'xorg-drivers-7.3_3' (x11-drivers/xorg-drivers) failed (specify -k to
> > > force) --->  ** Upgrade tasks 3: 0 done, 4 ignored, 3 skipped and 0
> >
> > failed
> >
> > > --->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed) -
> > > x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga (port directory error)
> > > - x11-drivers/xf86-video-via (marked as IGNORE)
> > > - x11/xorg-protos (port directory error)
> > > - x11/xphelloworld (port directory error)
> > > * x11-drivers/xorg-drivers (xorg-drivers-7.3_3)
> > > * x11/xorg-apps (xorg-apps-7.3)
> > > * x11/xorg (xorg-7.3_2)
> > > --->  Packages processed: 0 done, 4 ignored, 3 skipped and 0 failed
> > > --->  Session ended at: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 18:30:59 +0200 (consumed
> >
> > 00:00:22)
> >
> > > [r...@machine ~]#
> > >
> > > [r...@machine ~]# portsdb -Uu; portupgrade -ay
> > > Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please
> > > wait..Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_4
> > >  Done.
> > > done
> > > [Upda

apr-gdbm-db42 upgrade conflicting with libtool

2009-08-03 Thread Troy
I was trying to upgrade apr-gdbm-db42- to and ran
into the following error.  My libtool was just upgraded to libtool-2.2.6a
so there may be a conflict there.  Anyone have ideas?

checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking for library containing strerror... none required
checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no
performing libtool configuration...
./configure: 9753: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
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Re: apr-gdbm-db42 upgrade conflicting with libtool

2009-08-03 Thread N.J. Mann
In message <>,
Troy ( wrote:
> I was trying to upgrade apr-gdbm-db42- to and ran
> into the following error.  My libtool was just upgraded to libtool-2.2.6a
> so there may be a conflict there.  Anyone have ideas?
> checking minix/config.h usability... no
> checking minix/config.h presence... no
> checking for minix/config.h... no
> checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
> checking for library containing strerror... none required
> checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no
> performing libtool configuration...
> ./configure: 9753: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
> *** Error code 2
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.

I am also having problems updating devel/apr.  In my case it gets past
the configure stage and fails during the compile stage:


===>  Building for apr-gdbm-db43-
cd /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7; /usr/bin/env 
TMPDIR="/home/njm/tmp" TMPDIR="/home/njm/tmp" SHELL=/bin/sh NO_LINT=YES 
ACLOCAL=/usr/local/bin/aclocal-1.9 AUTOMAKE=/usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 
AUTOMAKE_VERSION=19 AUTOCONF=/usr/local/bin/autoconf-2.62 
AUTOIFNAMES=/usr/local/bin/ifnames-2.62 AUTOM4TE=/usr/local/bin/autom4te-2.62 
AUTORECONF=/usr/local/bin/autoreconf-2.62 AUTOSCAN=/usr/local/bin/autoscan-2.62 
AUTOUPDATE=/usr/local/bin/autoupdate-2.62 AUTOCONF_VERSION=262 
LIBTOOL=/usr/local/bin/libtool LIBTOOLIZE=/usr/local/bin/libtoolize 
LIBTOOL_M4=/usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 PREFIX=/usr/local  
LOCALBASE=/usr/local X11BASE=/usr/local  MOTIFLIB="-L/usr/local/lib -lXm -lXp" 
LIBDIR="/usr/lib"  CC="cc" CFLAGS="-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe" CXX="c++" 
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe"  MANPREFIX="/usr/local" 
BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM="install  -s  -m 555"  BSD_INSTALL_SCRIPT="install   -m 
555"  BSD_INSTALL_DATA="install   -m 444"  BSD_INSTALL_MAN="install   -m 444" 
/bin/sh /libtool --silent --mode=compile cc   -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe 
-I/usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7/include  -o 
passwd/apr_getpass.lo -c passwd/apr_getpass.c && touch passwd/apr_getpass.lo
/libtool: Can't open /libtool: No such file or directory
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.


I have not had time to try to figure out what is going wrong, but I may
have time tomorrow.


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Re: apr-gdbm-db42 upgrade conflicting with libtool

2009-08-03 Thread David Southwell
> In message <>,
>   Troy ( wrote:
> > I was trying to upgrade apr-gdbm-db42- to and ran
> > into the following error.  My libtool was just upgraded to libtool-2.2.6a
> > so there may be a conflict there.  Anyone have ideas?
> >
> >
> > checking minix/config.h usability... no
> > checking minix/config.h presence... no
> > checking for minix/config.h... no
> > checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
> > checking for library containing strerror... none required
> > checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no
> > performing libtool configuration...
> > ./configure: 9753: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
> > *** Error code 2
> >
> > Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
> > *** Error code 1
> >
> > Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
> I am also having problems updating devel/apr.  In my case it gets past
> the configure stage and fails during the compile stage:
> %
> ===>  Building for apr-gdbm-db43-
> cd /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7; /usr/bin/env
> TMPDIR="/home/njm/tmp" TMPDIR="/home/njm/tmp" SHELL=/bin/sh NO_LINT=YES
> ACLOCAL=/usr/local/bin/aclocal-1.9 AUTOMAKE=/usr/local/bin/automake-1.9
> AUTOMAKE_VERSION=19 AUTOCONF=/usr/local/bin/autoconf-2.62
> AUTOHEADER=/usr/local/bin/autoheader-2.62
> AUTOIFNAMES=/usr/local/bin/ifnames-2.62
> AUTOM4TE=/usr/local/bin/autom4te-2.62
> AUTORECONF=/usr/local/bin/autoreconf-2.62
> AUTOSCAN=/usr/local/bin/autoscan-2.62
> AUTOUPDATE=/usr/local/bin/autoupdate-2.62 AUTOCONF_VERSION=262
> LIBTOOL=/usr/local/bin/libtool LIBTOOLIZE=/usr/local/bin/libtoolize
> LIBTOOL_M4=/usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 PREFIX=/usr/local 
> LOCALBASE=/usr/local X11BASE=/usr/local  MOTIFLIB="-L/usr/local/lib -lXm
> -lXp" LIBDIR="/usr/lib"  CC="cc" CFLAGS="-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe"
> CXX="c++" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe"  MANPREFIX="/usr/local"
> BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM="install  -s  -m 555"  BSD_INSTALL_SCRIPT="install   -m
> 555"  BSD_INSTALL_DATA="install   -m 444"  BSD_INSTALL_MAN="install   -m
> 444" /usr/bin/make /bin/sh /libtool --silent --mode=compile cc   -O2
> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -DHAVE_CONFIG_H-I./include
> -I/usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7/include/arch/unix
> -I./include/arch/unix
> -I/usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7/include/arch/unix
> -I/usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7/include  -o
> passwd/apr_getpass.lo -c passwd/apr_getpass.c && touch
> passwd/apr_getpass.lo /libtool: Can't open /libtool: No such file or
> directory
> *** Error code 2
> Stop in /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
> %
> I have not had time to try to figure out what is going wrong, but I may
> have time tomorrow.
> Cheers,
I also have problems:

uname -a
FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed Jun 
24 00:14:35 UTC 2009 r...@amd64-  amd64

Built on Intel quad Core

/usr/bin/sed -i.bak -e 's,-lpthread,-pthread,g'  
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/python2.6 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.9 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/autoconf-2.62 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/libtool - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on shared library: 
expat.6 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on shared library: 
gdbm.3 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on shared library: 
ldap-2.4.7 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on shared library: 
iconv.3 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on shared library: 
mysqlclient.15 - found
===>   apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql- depends on shared library: 
db-4.2.2 - found
===>  Configuring for apr-nothr-gdbm-db42-ldap-mysql-
cd /usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7 ;  /usr/bin/env CC="cc" CFLAGS="-O2 -
fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include/mysql -DHAVE_MYSQL_H -
DLDAP_DEPRECATED" LIBS="" PYTHON="/usr/local/bin/python2.6" SHELL=/bin/sh 
CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/sh ACLOCAL=/usr/local/bin/aclocal-1.9 
AUTOMAKE=/usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 AUTOMAKE_VERSION=19 

Re: Compile error mail/alpine

2009-08-03 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Aug 3, 2009, at 3:34 AM, David Southwell wrote:

FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed Jun 24 00:14:35 UTC 2009  
r...@amd64-  amd64
on intel quad core

../c-client/c-client.a(osdep.o)(.text+0x68a1): In function  

warning: tmpnam() possibly used unsafely; consider using mkstemp()
after.o(.text+0x36d): In function `start_after':
/usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/alpine/after.c:77: undefined  

to `pthread_create'
*** Error code 1

It builds fine for me on amd64, but I'm on 7.2-STABLE.  Do you have  
the latest version of the port?  I see it was modified on July 20, 2009?

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Re: apr-gdbm-db42 upgrade conflicting with libtool

2009-08-03 Thread Philip M. Gollucci

Troy wrote:

I was trying to upgrade apr-gdbm-db42- to and ran
into the following error.  My libtool was just upgraded to libtool-2.2.6a
so there may be a conflict there.  Anyone have ideas?

checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking for library containing strerror... none required
checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no
performing libtool configuration...
./configure: 9753: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

I think its you.  You might have cleanuped up sufficently.


1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
Consultant  - P6M7G8 Inc.
Senior Sys Admin- RideCharge, Inc.
ASF Member  - Apache Software Foundation
FreeBSD Committer   - FreeBSD Foundation

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Tijl Coosemans
On Monday 03 August 2009 14:31:23 Matthew Seaman wrote:
> There was a question about apps that use dlopen() to load libraries, 
> rather than letting do the work for them.  I don't think that
> using ldd(1) will pick up any app that does that, but then again I 
> don't know if this is a widespread practice, and if it is, whether
> there is any simple way to pick out packages that need reinstallation
> because of it other than by using manually defined LIB_DEPENDS
> settings in port Makefiles.

The most common use case for dlopen are plugins and there it's the app
that controls the API, not the lib, so an update of the plugin without
recompiling the app shouldn't be a problem.

Use of dlopen to load normal libraries is rare, but an example is Wine.
IMHO it's a bug if such libs aren't listed in LIB_DEPENDS. They are
direct dependencies.
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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
Garrett Cooper wrote:

> Gentoo Linux (I know -- Gentoo + Linux -- we're FreeBSD... blah :P)
> has a script called `revdep-rebuild' which goes and runs ldd on all
> pieces of software that are installed in portage (ok, substitute ports
> here). What I'm driving at is that we can use pkg_info and/or the
> mtree generated files to determine what files are installed, find out
> which packages have been broken up an update, then rebuild the port
> and all dependencies (LIB_DEPENDS?). What say you to that :)?

I was experimenting with various scripts using ldd in parallel to my
most recent portmaster update and I think there is a problem with that
solution. If libA is linked against libB which in turn is linked
against libMISSING (such as for example) then ldd against
libA will show libMISSING even though that problem can be solved by
simply updating libB (i.e., without recompiling libA). This same issue
applies to the idea of running ldd against things at install time and
recording the list.

Perhaps someone smarter than I about ldd can come up with a solution
to this, but until then I think that using ldd after the fact is a
stopgap measure to repair things if the ports infrastructure fails us.

In theory the dependency graphing in our existing ports infrastructure
should deal with this problem. In practice at the moment I personally
feel that we record too many "indirect" dependencies (such as libA
above) and that we would serve our users better if we stuck to direct
dependencies only (libB in the example above).

What should have happened in this case is that the ports that depend
DIRECTLY on libjpeg should have had their revisions bumped at the same
time as the update to libjpeg. Since that is what usually happens,
hopefully we can stop flogging this horse soon.

That said, if anyone really really wants to pursue the dependency
graphing issue further, can I suggest a new thread focused on that topic?




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Re: FreeBSD Port: psi-0.12.1_2 need update to 0.13

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
Alexey Golodov wrote:
> Please, note that psi has been updated to0.13.
> Also, if you can, see psi+ ( and,
> probably, good idea to add this to ports.

You might want to take a look at
and figure out how to do this work yourself. It is just like any other
skill, it gets easier with practice. :)



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Re: Compile error mail/alpine

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
FYI, In the future you're likely to get faster results if you send
your problem report to the port's maintainer as well as the
freebsd-ports@ list.

David Southwell wrote:
>  FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed Jun 24 00:14:35 UTC 2009 r...@amd64-
>  amd64
> on intel quad core
> cc -std=gnu99 -g -D_THREAD_SAFE -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -
> DLDAP_DEPRECATED -rpath=/usr/local/lib -o alpine addrbook.o adrbkcmd.o 
> after.o 
> alpine.o arg.o busy.o colorconf.o confscroll.o context.o dispfilt.o 
> flagmaint.o folder.o help.o imap.o init.o kblock.o keymenu.o ldapconf.o 
> listsel.o mailcmd.o mailindx.o mailpart.o mailview.o newuser.o pattern.o 
> pipe.o print.o radio.o remote.o reply.o roleconf.o send.o setup.o signal.o 
> status.o takeaddr.o titlebar.o smime.o date.o  -lcrypt -lpam -L/usr/lib -
> L/usr/local/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../pico/libpico.a 
> ../pico/osdep/libpicoosd.a ../pith/libpith.a ../pith/osdep/libpithosd.a 
> ../pith/charconv/libpithcc.a osdep/libpineosd.a ../c-client/c-client.a 
> /usr/local/lib/ -lcrypto -ltinfo /usr/local/lib/ -lssl -
> Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
> ../c-client/c-client.a(osdep.o)(.text+0x68a1): In function `ssl_onceonlyinit':
> /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/imap/c-client/osdep.c:335: warning: 
> warning: tmpnam() possibly used unsafely; consider using mkstemp()
> after.o(.text+0x36d): In function `start_after':
> /usr/ports/mail/alpine/work/alpine-2.00/alpine/after.c:77: undefined 
> reference 
> to `pthread_create'
> *** Error code 1

I just tried building it on a 7.2-STABLE amd64 from June 13th
(r194101) and didn't have any problems. Can you please post the
contents of /var/db/ports/alpine/options? Also, do you have any
options related to thread libraries in /etc/make.conf, and are you
using openssl from the ports, or in the base?



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Re: Getting a lot of - pkg_version: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
eculp wrote:
> I'm getting a lot of the following messages and have no idea how to find
> which package is causing the problem. 

This is one of those times that opening up the files and having a look
for yourself might be a good way to start. :)

> pkg_version: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring

egrep '(pkgdep$|pkgdep $)' /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS

However, you indicate below that you are using 'portmaster
--check-depends' which should be fixing those for you. So try this:

cd /var/db/
cp -Rp pkg pkg-before
portmaster --check-depends
diff -ur pkg-before pkg > ~/pkg-dir.diff1
cp -Rp pkg pkg-after
portmaster --check-depends
diff -ur pkg-after pkg > ~/pkg-dir.diff2
cd pkg
egrep -l '(pkgdep$|pkgdep $)' */+CONTENTS > ~/pkg-dir.egrep

Ideally pkg-dir.diff2 pkg-dir.egrep should both be empty there. If
not, you will need to rebuild all of the ports listed in the egrep
file. One easy way to do that would be to use vi to strip everything
but the directory name out of that file then do this:

portmaster `cat ~/pkg-dir.egrep`

> While I'm bothering you, could someone give me some tips on the best
> ways to find corrupted files in /var/db/pkgs, /var/db/ports and any
> other places that they might be hiding.  I run
>  portmaster --check-depends
>  portmaster --check-port-dbdir

Those are both good examples from my perspective. :)  One thing
though, --check-port-dbdir won't find anything that is corrupt, it
will only find things that don't apply to your currently installed ports.




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Re: Error when using 'portupgrade -ay' (and several others) [Second attempt]

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
[If you reply, please strip off freebsd-stable@, thanks.]

Jens Rasmus Liland wrote:
> That seems to have have done something more. But I still got some funky
> errors after running portmaster -a:

> ===>>> The x11/xphelloworld port has been deleted: Xprint application,
> deprecated upstream
> ===>>> Aborting update

That's just telling you that it can't update that app because the port
doesn't exist anymore. You have several options at that point. If you
want to keep it you can read the portmaster man page about +IGNOREME
files. If you don't need it anymore (and in this case you almost
certainly do not) then you can use 'portmaster -e xphelloworld' to
delete it (or just good old 'pkg_delete -f').




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Re: recent update causes perl5.10 build failure

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
Scott Bennett wrote:
>  An update yesterday or today results in perl5.10's build aborting.  When
> it failed under portmaster, the messages from several processes were too
> jumbled for me to see easily what had happened, so I tried portinstall 
> instead.

If you get a non-obvious port build failure in portmaster your next
step should be to try just building the port itself without any tools
(i.e., cd /usr/ports/foo/bar ; make clean ; make). That will give you
the idea of whether or not the error is related to the tool, or the
port itself.

>  At least on a first look, it seems that perl5.10 has "MAKE_JOBS_SAFE= 
> yes"
> in its Makefile, but that it should not.  I changed that to

The ports infrastructure does not care what the value of the define
is, it just cares if it is defined. You need to do this:

cd /usr/ports/lang/perl5.10
vi Makefile (replace the MAKE_JOBS_SAFE with MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE)
make clean
make config

Then report your results.




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FreeBSD Port: dovecot-1.2.x

2009-08-03 Thread Frank Leonhardt

I'm trying to track down a very weird issue with Dovecot and MS Outlook
2003, and it'd be good to be using 1.2.x in the tests. Any idea when it
might be coming? If it's going to be a while I might have a go myself (or
use Linux!); if not I'll wait.

Is there anything I should know about before I try it myself?

Thanks, Frank.

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Re: Don't know how to make /usr/ports/dns/bind96/work/.build....

2009-08-03 Thread Doug Barton
Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Doug Barton wrote:
>> Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
>>> The fact that the error occurs AT ALL is the bug and what is
>>> counterintuitive, and many people would not think to try typing "make"
>>> again, and instead would just assume the thing's broken.
>> Ok, I actually misunderstood the problem that you were reporting. I
>> thought that the reference to .build_done.bind96._usr_local indicated
>> that the port had already been built once, but that is not the case.
>> To reproduce the bug, you need to do the following:
>> 1. Make sure there is nothing in /var/db/ports/bind96
>> 2. cd /usr/ports/dns/bind96
>> 3. make
>> 4. Enable the "replace base" option
>> 5. Save the config
>> You will then see the following error:
>> make: don't know how to make
>> /usr/local/tmp/usr/local/ports/dns/bind96/work/.build_done.bind96._usr_local.
>> Stop
>> *** Error code 2
>> I think Mel is right that the problem is changing PREFIX, but that's
>> the whole purpose of the option.
>> Could you please open a PR about this with a subject something to the
>> effect of "OPTIONS that change PREFIX cause an error after 'make
>> config'" and describe how to reproduce this?
> Done, just got the mail from gnats: 137250.

Looks good, thanks!



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Re: x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Saturday 01 August 2009 15:34:34 Tom Uffner wrote:
> x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT

In your kernel config.
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Re: FreeBSD Port: dovecot-1.2.x

2009-08-03 Thread Yarema
Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to track down a very weird issue with Dovecot and MS Outlook
> 2003, and it'd be good to be using 1.2.x in the tests. Any idea when it
> might be coming? If it's going to be a while I might have a go myself (or
> use Linux!); if not I'll wait.
> Is there anything I should know about before I try it myself?
> Thanks, Frank.

I'm working on the update to 1.2.x  Hopefully in the next day or two I
should have something ready to commit..

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Re: diablo-jdk with FreeBSD-8.0

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Friday 31 July 2009 13:57:34 b. f. wrote:
> "Stephen Montgomery-Smith"  wrote:
> >I am running a very recent amd64 version of FreeBSD-8.0.  diablo-jdk is
> >no longer working.  I am guessing it is the bumped shared library
> >versions (because I did do "make delete-old-libs" as part of my
> >installation).
> Yes, this came up earlier.  libmap.conf(5) is your friend here, until
> an update.  Or you can try building java/openjdk6, but that takes some
> time and resources.

Have you tried it? openjdk requires a native jdk to build, doesn't accept the 
linux ones, so chicken and egg.
Trying to build java/jdk16 with a linux one also does not work, because of 
unsafe functions in the make program that it builds as one of the first 
things. Also, the linux jdk6 requires one to dig into archives as the port is 
at update 10 while Sun is at update 14.
So for the time being, libmap.conf is the only working solution and to make it 
more specific, it needs The error message java generates points no 
where near libz, so kudos to whoever found out it's that library.
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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Saturday 01 August 2009 14:43:23 Peter Jeremy wrote:
> [I was also dismayed when I saw the bump].
> On 2009-Aug-01 18:33:43 +0100, Matthew Seaman
>  wrote:
> >You could, for instance, run ldd(1) against each of the files a port
> > installs and then record in /var/db/pkg/portname-1.2.3/+SHLIBS or
> > equivalently in the .tbz package tarball a sorted and uniq'd list of all
> > the shared libraries linked against.
> Unfortunately, this isn't sufficient because a non-trivial number of
> ports dlopen() libraries rather than directly linking against them.
> (The Xorg server is probably the most widely used culprit here).
> >  Or you could resolve the shlib filenames back to the ports
> >that supply them, and create a 'SHLIB_PORTS_NEEDED' variable in the port
> >Makefiles.
> A third approach is to more carefully recurse through the dependency
> tree: Given A depends on B depends on C, B only needs bumping if it
> LIB_DEPENDS on A and C only needs bumping if it LIB_DEPENDS on B and
> B was bumped.

Unfortunately, qt4-* ports slice this idea. Because they don't use
LIB_DEPENDS, but a version dependant RUN and BUILD depends. I've coded a
"patch-recursive" target in my Mk/ that can't depend just on
LIB_DEPENDS for this very reason (I needed the target so I can debug
crashes in kde4 programs, and have gdb's `list' command working).


checked=""; \
while [ -n "$$L" ]; do  \
l="";   \
for d in $$L; do\
case $$checked in   \
$$d\ *|*\ $$d\ *|*\ $$d)\
continue;;  \
esac;   \
checked="$$checked $$d";\
if [ ! -d $$d ]; then   \
${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" non-existent -- dependency 
list incomplete" >&2; \
continue;   \
fi; \
${ECHO_CMD} $$d;\
if ! children=$$(cd $$d && ${MAKE} -V _LIB_DEPEND_DIRS); then\
${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$d\" erroneous -- dependency list 
incomplete" >&2; \
continue;   \
fi; \
for child in $$children; do \
case "$$checked $$l" in \
$$child\ *|*\ $$child\ *|*\ $$child)\
continue;;  \
esac;   \
l="$$l $$child";\
done;   \
done;   \
L=$$l;  \

@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${LIB-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
echo "===> $${dir}"; \
${MAKE} -C $${dir} patch; \

@for dir in ${.CURDIR} $$(${LIB-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
echo "===> $${dir}"; \

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Re: devel/boost: new patch for testing update to 1.39

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Friday 31 July 2009 04:29:06 Alexander Churanov wrote:

> Now It's clear. Thank you for explanation.
> The WITH_PYSTE was not in the options framework, that's why I've
> missed this part of work.
> I see two possible solutions:
> 1) Put the WITH_PYSTE variable back.
> 2) Create a separate port like devel/boost-pyste.
> The first is easy, however leads to dependeny issues like 'let's
> verify that  boost-python-libs is installed with PYSTE support'.
> Provided that Pyste is actually used by someone, this may re-introduce
> bug ports/123927 (see
> The second is much more robust, but requires more work. This is also
> harder because I am not a user of Boost.Pyste. Thus, correctness
> verification would be expensive.

I think for the time being PySTE support should be off by default, because it 
pulls in a second libc and databases/akonadi plus kdeedu[34] use boost-python 
and because gccxml looks like a dead project.

I've attached a patch that does exactly this and also fixes WITH_DEBUG 
building. There's one issue commented in the Makefile that I'm unable to 
relate to anything I did, but am assuming it's from WITH_DEBUG as well.

ports/123927 could be solved/prevented by using a WANT_BOOST_PYSTE in 
dependent ports that rely on boost having PYSTE and using PKGNAMESUFFIX plus 
pkg_info to verify if boost-python-libs is boost-python-pyste-libs - as a 

--- Makefile.orig	2009-07-28 03:44:50.0 -0800
+++ Makefile	2009-08-03 00:55:34.0 -0800
@@ -25,9 +25,23 @@
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	gccxml:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gccxml \
-		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/elementtree/${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-elementtree
+RUN_DEPENDS+=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/elementtree/${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-elementtree
+.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
+RUN_DEPENDS+=	gccxml:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gccxml
+PLIST_SUB+=	PYSTE="@comment "
+.if defined(WITH_DEBUG)
+# No idea how this gets enabled, but I'm getting it
+OPTIM_SPEED=	optimization-speed/
+BOOST_BUILD=	release
 BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${BJAM}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/boost-jam
 BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/elementtree/${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-elementtree
@@ -39,12 +53,13 @@
 post-patch: customize-boost-build
+.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
 # Configure pyste, the Boost.Python code generator
 	@cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/libs/python/pyste/install && \
 # build the library
@@ -52,19 +67,20 @@
 		${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${BJAM} ${BJAM_OPTIONS} --prefix=${PREFIX}\
 		--toolset=${BOOST_TOOLS} --with-python
+.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
 # Build pyste, the Boost.Python code generator
 	cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/libs/python/pyste/install && \
 # Remove non-python headers
 	cd ${WRKSRC} && \
 	${FIND} boost -not -path '*python*' -delete
 # Install libraries
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-4.2.1/release/link-static/threading-multi/libboost_python.a ${PREFIX}/lib
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-4.2.1/release/threading-multi/${PORTVERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/${BOOST_SHARED_LIB_VER}
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-4.2.1/${BOOST_BUILD}/link-static/${OPTIM_SPEED}threading-multi/libboost_python.a ${PREFIX}/lib
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-4.2.1/${BOOST_BUILD}/${OPTIM_SPEED}threading-multi/${PORTVERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/${BOOST_SHARED_LIB_VER}
 # Create symlink for shared library
 	cd ${PREFIX}/lib/ && \
@@ -79,10 +95,12 @@
 	${FIND} boost -type f -a \! -name "*.orig"\
 		-exec ${INSTALL_DATA} \{\} ${PREFIX}/include/\{\} \;
+.if defined(WITH_PYSTE)
 # Install pyste, the Boost.Python code generator
 	cd ${WRKSRC}/libs/python/pyste/install && \
 # display pkg-message
--- pkg-plist.orig	2009-07-28 03:44:50.0 -0800
+++ pkg-plist	2009-08-02 12:29:56.0 -0800
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -213,71 +213,71 @@

Re: freebsd-update & userland sources

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Sunday 02 August 2009 16:10:37 Tom Mende wrote:
> Is there a way to get freebsd-update to keep userland sources up to
> date?

Since it is for binary upgrades, it doesn't make much sense, but ...

> By way of background, I am trying not to use csup / cvsup and like
> processes as their past, admittedly incorrect, usage by me, combined
> with my incompetent salvage operations, has hosed my systems to the
> point of needing to be reinstalled from scratch. I have been using a
> combination of portsnap and freebsd-update to keep my 7.2-RELEASE
> system up to date and commenced this at about 6.3-RELEASE and have
> managed to not hose the system since that time. It now however appears
> I need to have userland sources to keep fusefs-kmod up to date.
> /usr/ports/sysutils/fusefs-kmod>make install clean
> ===>  fusefs-kmod-0.3.9.p1.20080208_6 requires the userland sources to
> be installed. Set SRC_BASE if it is not in /usr/src.
> *** Error code 1

This is one case where one requires sources. You would still need csup/cvsup 
and if you're tracking a -RELEASE branch, it does not do very much. Also, 
because you're not actually going to build world/kernel, the risk of "hosing 
your system" is limited.

What freebsd-update could however do, is maintain a 'standard-supfile' that 
would have the correct tag at all times. For example:

Would you like to install a supfile for this release in /etc? [y/n] y
   Please choose a mirror [cvsup$]:

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Re: diablo-jdk with FreeBSD-8.0

2009-08-03 Thread b. f.
On 8/3/09, Mel Flynn  wrote:
> On Friday 31 July 2009 13:57:34 b. f. wrote:
>> "Stephen Montgomery-Smith"  wrote:
>> >I am running a very recent amd64 version of FreeBSD-8.0.  diablo-jdk is
>> >no longer working.  I am guessing it is the bumped shared library
>> >versions (because I did do "make delete-old-libs" as part of my
>> >installation).
>> Yes, this came up earlier.  libmap.conf(5) is your friend here, until
>> an update.  Or you can try building java/openjdk6, but that takes some
>> time and resources.
> Have you tried it? openjdk requires a native jdk to build, doesn't accept
> the
> linux ones, so chicken and egg.

Obviously not. :)  I was mentioning it only as a possibility that I
hadn't explored, and that the OP may wish to look into -- I should
have made that clear.  I see now that it (unfortunately) requires one
of a number of bootstrap JVMs that are now broken , as you say. Thanks
for pointing that out, and for mentioning the problems below with some
of the other JVMs.

> Trying to build java/jdk16 with a linux one also does not work, because of
> unsafe functions in the make program that it builds as one of the first
> things. Also, the linux jdk6 requires one to dig into archives as the port
> is
> at update 10 while Sun is at update 14.
> So for the time being, libmap.conf is the only working solution and to make
> it
> more specific, it needs The error message java generates points
> no
> where near libz, so kudos to whoever found out it's that library.

Perhaps not, but ldd(1) and a number of other tools will show that
${WRKSRC}/bin/unpack200 expects to find this library, and also show
what other libraries the precompiled binaries need.  In any event, it
was helpful of Carlos to post his notes -- thanks.

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Re: freebsd-update & userland sources

2009-08-03 Thread Colin Percival

On Sunday 02 August 2009 16:10:37 Tom Mende wrote:

Is there a way to get freebsd-update to keep userland sources up to

Yes.  If you have source code installed (for the right version of FreeBSD)
in /usr/src, then freebsd-update will keep it updated.

(Slight complication: Because freebsd-update builds are normally done before
patches are committed to SVN, you won't get the updated SVN revision numbers
or the new entries in UPDATING via freebsd-update -- but you will get all of
the security/errata fixes.)

Colin Percival
Security Officer, FreeBSD | | The power to serve
Founder / author, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid
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INDEX build failed for 8.x

2009-08-03 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-8 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
make_index: linux-systemsimcell-3.0.22: no entry for 
make_index: linux-systemsimcell-3.0.22: no entry for 

Committers on the hook:
araujo bsam dhn dougb nivit 

Most recent CVS update was:
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Re: apr-gdbm-db42 upgrade conflicting with libtool

2009-08-03 Thread Jeremy Messenger
On Mon, 03 Aug 2009 11:39:33 -0500, David Southwell   

In message <>,

Troy ( wrote:
> I was trying to upgrade apr-gdbm-db42- to and  
> into the following error.  My libtool was just upgraded to  

> so there may be a conflict there.  Anyone have ideas?
> checking minix/config.h usability... no
> checking minix/config.h presence... no
> checking for minix/config.h... no
> checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
> checking for library containing strerror... none required
> checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no
> performing libtool configuration...
> ./configure: 9753: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
> *** Error code 2
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.

I am also having problems updating devel/apr.  In my case it gets past
the configure stage and fails during the compile stage:


===>  Building for apr-gdbm-db43-

-I/usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7/include  -o
passwd/apr_getpass.lo -c passwd/apr_getpass.c && touch
passwd/apr_getpass.lo /libtool: Can't open /libtool: No such file or
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.workdir/usr/ports/devel/apr/work/apr-1.3.7.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.


I have not had time to try to figure out what is going wrong, but I may
have time tomorrow.


I also have problems:

uname -a
FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0:  
Wed Jun

24 00:14:35 UTC 2009 r...@amd64-  amd64

Built on Intel quad Core

/bin/sh ./buildconf
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: python not found.
   You need python installed
   to build APR from SVN.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/apr.
*** Error code 1

I can't reproduce it. Pav has ran pointyhat-exp a few times and devel/apr  
has never came up, which it always passed build. Did all of you follow the  


--  -
FreeBSD GNOME Team  -
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Re: apr-gdbm-db42 upgrade conflicting with libtool

2009-08-03 Thread Philip M. Gollucci

I also have problems:

uname -a
FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed Jun 
24 00:14:35 UTC 2009 r...@amd64-  amd64
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: python not found.
   You need python installed
   to build APR from SVN.

Whats in your /etc/make.conf and related?


What do the symlinks look like in /usr/local/bin/py* ?

I've built it on well over 20 tbs with different configs, and on 
6-stable, 7-stable, 8-stable, and on amd64/i386.

I've seen 3 issues so far on the lists, all are local to the users in 

I'd like to help with it, but I don't know where to start, and they 
aren't problems with apr itself.

IMHO, when in doubt --
pkg_delete -af
make install



1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
Consultant  - P6M7G8 Inc.
Senior Sys Admin- RideCharge, Inc.
ASF Member  - Apache Software Foundation
FreeBSD Committer   - FreeBSD Foundation

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
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java broken on recent -current?

2009-08-03 Thread Dmitry Marakasov
% uname -a
FreeBSD hades.panopticon 8.0-BETA2 FreeBSD 8.0-BETA2 #0: Fri Jul 31 16:00:15 
MSD 2009 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/HADES  i386
(cvsup date=2009.

% pkg_info | grep jdk
diablo-jdk- Java Development Kit 1.6.0_07.02

% java
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Unable to load ZIP library: /usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/

% ldd /usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/
/libexec/ /usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/ 
Unexpected  inconsistency: dependency not found
/usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/ exit status 1

% file `locate` 
/usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/client/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared 
object, Intel 80386, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked, not stripped
/usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/server/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared 
object, Intel 80386, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked, not stripped

Dmitry Marakasov   .   55B5 0596 FF1E 8D84 5F56  9510 D35A 80DD F9D2 F77D  ..:  jabber: amd...@jabber.ru
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Re: java broken on recent -current?

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Monday 03 August 2009 15:56:55 Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
> % uname -a
> FreeBSD hades.panopticon 8.0-BETA2 FreeBSD 8.0-BETA2 #0: Fri Jul 31
> 16:00:15 MSD 2009 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/HADES  i386 (cvsup
> date=2009.
> % pkg_info | grep jdk
> diablo-jdk- Java Development Kit 1.6.0_07.02

Thou shall search the archives before posting. The short and curlies:
% cat /etc/libmap.conf


Or set the map globally, if you don't care finding out "what else is broken".
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INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x

2009-08-03 Thread Erwin Lansing

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Re: x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT

2009-08-03 Thread Tom Uffner

Mel Flynn wrote:

On Saturday 01 August 2009 15:34:34 Tom Uffner wrote:

x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT

In your kernel config.

no. it was in my kernel config. my problem was that the port would not
compile w/o the definition in the port makefiles.
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Re: x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT

2009-08-03 Thread Mel Flynn
On Monday 03 August 2009 19:09:49 Tom Uffner wrote:
> Mel Flynn wrote:
> > On Saturday 01 August 2009 15:34:34 Tom Uffner wrote:
> >> x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT
> >
> > In your kernel config.
> no. it was in my kernel config. my problem was that the port would not
> compile w/o the definition in the port makefiles.

Right, my bad, did my testing on a 7.x machine with my brain screwed on
wrong. Anyway, interesting reading in the svn log:
r191919 | ed | 2009-05-08 12:06:37 -0800 (Fri, 08 May 2009) | 9 lines

Burn TTY ioctl bridges in compat layers.

I really don't want any pieces of code to include ioctl_compat.h, so let
the ibcs2 and svr4 compat leave sgtty alone. If they want to support
sgtty, they should emulate it on top of termios, not sgtty.

The code has been marked with BURN_BRIDGES for a long time. ibcs2 and
svr4 are not really popular pieces of code anyway.

So, the real fix should come from upstream. For the time being, this
should work, marked MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE while I was in there. The OSVERSION
leaves a three week hole where things won't work, but that should be

--- x11-toolkits/xview/Makefile.orig2009-08-03 21:38:34.0 -0800
+++ x11-toolkits/xview/Makefile 2009-08-03 22:05:39.0 -0800
@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@
 SUB_FILES= pkg-message

 MAN1=  xview.1

 X11BASE2FIX=   clients/olwmslave/help_file.c   lib/libxview/help/help_file.c   
lib/libxview/misc/gettext.h lib/libxview/textsw/txt_e_menu.c


+.if ${OSVERSION} > 800089
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's+/usr/local+${PREFIX}+;' \

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Re: ports/*/jpeg "Thanks a lot guys"

2009-08-03 Thread Matthew Seaman

Doug Barton wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:

Gentoo Linux (I know -- Gentoo + Linux -- we're FreeBSD... blah :P)
has a script called `revdep-rebuild' which goes and runs ldd on all
pieces of software that are installed in portage (ok, substitute ports
here). What I'm driving at is that we can use pkg_info and/or the
mtree generated files to determine what files are installed, find out
which packages have been broken up an update, then rebuild the port
and all dependencies (LIB_DEPENDS?). What say you to that :)?

I was experimenting with various scripts using ldd in parallel to my
most recent portmaster update and I think there is a problem with that
solution. If libA is linked against libB which in turn is linked
against libMISSING (such as for example) then ldd against
libA will show libMISSING even though that problem can be solved by
simply updating libB (i.e., without recompiling libA). This same issue
applies to the idea of running ldd against things at install time and
recording the list.

Is that sufficient?  If the ABI changes to libMISSING change its size
such that it uses a different number of 4k memory pages, doesn't that
change the load address of any subsequently loaded shlibs?  

Showing direct vs indirect linkage seems to be what 'ldd -a' does, although
I think given the above you'ld have to rebuild anything that linked, directly
or indirectly, against libMISSING.

Perhaps someone smarter than I about ldd can come up with a solution
to this, but until then I think that using ldd after the fact is a
stopgap measure to repair things if the ports infrastructure fails us.

A script for scanning the ldd(1) output would be useful for port maintainers
primarily IMHO.

In theory the dependency graphing in our existing ports infrastructure
should deal with this problem. In practice at the moment I personally
feel that we record too many "indirect" dependencies (such as libA
above) and that we would serve our users better if we stuck to direct
dependencies only (libB in the example above).

What should have happened in this case is that the ports that depend
DIRECTLY on libjpeg should have had their revisions bumped at the same
time as the update to libjpeg. Since that is what usually happens,
hopefully we can stop flogging this horse soon.

What usually seems to happen is that any port with a RUN_DEPENDS on the
port providing the shlib in question gets a portrevision bump, including
many where it makes no sense to do so.   Tracking LIB_DEPENDS would be
my choice for dealing with this problem, but as you say, there would need
to be a ports-wide review and rationalisation of LIB_DEPENDS settings. 

That said, if anyone really really wants to pursue the dependency
graphing issue further, can I suggest a new thread focused on that topic?

What's wrong with the thread we've already got?



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: x11-toolkits/xview requires COMPAT_43TTY defined to build on -CURRENT

2009-08-03 Thread Tom Uffner

Mel Flynn wrote:

So, the real fix should come from upstream. For the time being, this
should work, marked MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE while I was in there. The OSVERSION
leaves a three week hole where things won't work, but that should be

Thank you for the patch.

I'm guessing an upstream fix is pretty unlikely. I'd be surprised if
there were even 10 people still using xview for anything other than
legacy apps. My interest is because it's a dependency for sysutils/contool.

and unfortunately it may all be pointless anyway because contool
won't run on my system for reasons i have yet to determine.


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