Re: net/p5-Net-Twitter broken

2009-07-14 Thread Cezary Morga

andrew clarke pisze:

I don't think there's anything missing?  My ports tree is up-to-date.

But not neccessarily all ports are up-to-date in regard to upstream. Or, 
maybe even though all the ports are installed the Perl installer for 
given module (Net::Twitter in this case) might not be able to find them.

As it turned out later on (Philip Golluci's mail) not all ports in Ports 
Tree had been updated.

cd /usr/ports/net/p5-Net-Twitter && make clean build
cd work/Net-Twitter-3.01000 && make test

Ah, I wasn't aware of the "test" target.  That should help.

This is Perl's ExtUtils::MakeMaker target.

Cezary Morga
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ejabberd 2.0.5 + erlang-r13b01_5 : failure

2009-07-14 Thread Olivier Mueller

For the people around using ejabberd:

erlang-r13b01_5,1   A functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-mysql-1.0_2  Native MySQL driver for Erlang
ejabberd-2.0.5  Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber serv

doesn't seem to work (epmd starts, but then nothings seems to happen and
no log written), but after downgrading erlang, it's ok again:

erlang-r12b5_2,1A functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-mysql-1.0_2  Native MySQL driver for Erlang
ejabberd-2.0.5  Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber serv

I don't see the reason yet, I just get a bunch of
erl_crash_20090714-n.dump files in /var/log/ejabberd with r13 and
everything is fine with r12.   But it is maybe related to a rather old
freebsd version (7.0-RELEASE-p11).   (no, it's not related to the
uid/gid port change as specified in ports/UPDATING). 


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Re: ejabberd 2.0.5 + erlang-r13b01_5 : failure

2009-07-14 Thread Ulrich Spörlein
On Tue, 14.07.2009 at 09:34:10 +0200, Olivier Mueller wrote:
> Hello,
> For the people around using ejabberd:
> erlang-r13b01_5,1   A functional programming language from Ericsson
> erlang-mysql-1.0_2  Native MySQL driver for Erlang
> ejabberd-2.0.5  Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber 
> serv
> doesn't seem to work (epmd starts, but then nothings seems to happen and
> no log written), but after downgrading erlang, it's ok again:
> erlang-r12b5_2,1A functional programming language from Ericsson
> erlang-mysql-1.0_2  Native MySQL driver for Erlang
> ejabberd-2.0.5  Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber 
> serv
> I don't see the reason yet, I just get a bunch of
> erl_crash_20090714-n.dump files in /var/log/ejabberd with r13 and
> everything is fine with r12.   But it is maybe related to a rather old
> freebsd version (7.0-RELEASE-p11).   (no, it's not related to the
> uid/gid port change as specified in ports/UPDATING). 

Hi Olivier,

peruse the ejabberd forums/mailing lists. They don't support building with
erlang-r13 yet. It's as simple as that, and I, too, wasted a whole day
figuring that out.

A suitable CONFLICT in the ejabberd port would be nice.

Ulrich Spörlein
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Re: [Custom LOCALBASE/PREFIX] www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA - fails: mtree

2009-07-14 Thread Matthew Seaman

Cezary Morga wrote:

Here's your problem:

Installing /usr/wombat/lib/RT/

doesn't exist

The port actually installs in ${PREFIX}/lib while pkg-plist expects 
files in ${PREFIX}/rt38/plugins.

${PREFIX}/rt38/plugins is correct for the layout introduced with RT-3.8.x,
(although not for the layout used with rt36) and installing these extension
modules anywhere else makes no sense at all.  It's simply broken.

It's quite the same problem as with www/p5-RTx-Statistics 

An ugly assumption that environment variable PREFIX actually points to 
${PREFIX}/rt38. I think letting Perl figure out where RT actually is is 
a better idea.

Hmmm... RT's idea of what PREFIX means is quite different to what the ports
uses it for.  In fact, it seems to me that RT treats $PREFIX pretty much
as if it was identical to $RTHOME.  It's all particularly confusing since RT
itself expects to be installed with everything under it's own directory tree
rooted at ${PREFIX}/rt3 (for FreeBSD values of PREFIX) and the rt38 port now
spreads everything across a number of different locations.

All the correct paths are already enumerated in ${SITE_PERL}/
(or ${PREFIX}/rt3/lib/ for 3.6.x).  Most of the effort in the RT Extension
ports I maintain is telling each of those modules where to find
-- except that when $PREFIX is set in the environment it overrides that.
Even when $PREFIX is set to the default case of /usr/local it breaks the build
-- so instead of looking for ${SITE_PERL}/ it looks instead for 

I think that your patch essentially does that, but see ports/136656 where
I have a simpler solution -- just remove $PREFIX from the environment
during configuration.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Possibly unbuildable ports reminder

2009-07-14 Thread Bill Fenner
Dear porters,

  This is just a reminder to please periodically check the list of
unbuildable ports at .
A list by MAINTAINER is

so you can easily check the status of ports that you maintain.  In
addition, the list of ports with no MAINTAINER with build problems is

Since no one is responsible for these ports, the problem won't get
fixed unless someone on this list takes the initiative.

Thanks for your help!

Bill "annoying port email" Fenner
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Re: [Custom LOCALBASE/PREFIX] www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA - fails: mtree

2009-07-14 Thread Cezary Morga

Matthew Seaman pisze:

I think that your patch essentially does that, but see ports/136656 where
I have a simpler solution -- just remove $PREFIX from the environment
during configuration.

I don't think removing PREFIX is a good idea. FreeBSD is supposed to 
support PREFIX for users wishing to install ports elsewhere than 
/usr/local, that's what this QAT tests 'Custom LOCALBASE/PREFIX' are about.

The problem with inc/Module/Install/ from www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA 
is that it assumes that PREFIX is always correct:

my @prefixes = (qw(/opt /usr/local /home /usr /sw ));
my $prefix   = $ENV{PREFIX};
if ($prefix) {
 $RT::LocalPath = $prefix;
 $INC{''} = "$RT::LocalPath/lib/";
} else {

and does not even try loading the module, as

( eval { require RT; $RT::LocalPath } )

is located in else{}. Then it goes to using $RT variables

my $local_lib_path = "$RT::LocalPath/lib";
$RT::LocalVarPath  ||= $RT::VarPath;
$RT::LocalPoPath   ||= $RT::LocalLexiconPath;
$RT::LocalHtmlPath ||= $RT::MasonComponentRoot;
$RT::LocalLibPath  ||= "$RT::LocalPath/lib";

which are not set.

Removing PREFIX will skip if ($prefix) {} part and trigger else{} but 
with installed elsewhere than locations listed in @prefixes it 
will still fail.

Not to mention the different meanings of environment variable PREFIX 
from FreeBSD ports and RT points of view. For RT PREFIX==LOCALBASE, 
which might not be true in FreeBSD world.

If you really want to fiddle with environment settings, I'd suggest no 
to remove PREFIX from the environment, but set it to RTHOME (if RTHOME 

The problem with LOCALBASE!=PREFIX will remain unsolved either way.

Cezary Morga
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Re: [Custom LOCALBASE/PREFIX] www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA - fails: mtree

2009-07-14 Thread Matthew Seaman

Cezary Morga wrote:

Matthew Seaman pisze:

I think that your patch essentially does that, but see ports/136656 where
I have a simpler solution -- just remove $PREFIX from the environment
during configuration.

I don't think removing PREFIX is a good idea. FreeBSD is supposed to 
support PREFIX for users wishing to install ports elsewhere than 
/usr/local, that's what this QAT tests 'Custom LOCALBASE/PREFIX' are about.

That is not the effect of my patch at all.

You are failing to distinguish between $PREFIX set as an environment variable
and $PREFIX the make variable.  PREFIX the make variable already controls what
the p5-RT-Extension ports do as variables like SITE_PERL are defined in
terms of it already.   As I said in an earlier post: these ports already honour
PREFIX correctly when it is defined eg. in /etc/make.conf. (The same applies to
LOCALBASE for that matter, but LOCALBASE means nothing to perl configure 
so this whole question doesn't arise)

In fact, it's the make variable which is the important thing for the ports, and
the confusion here arises because different Makefiles or scripts are 
the value from the environment instead of inheriting the settings from
superior makes.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
 Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
 Kent, CT11 9PW

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Custom LOCALBASE/PREFIX] www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA - fails: mtree

2009-07-14 Thread Cezary Morga

Matthew Seaman pisze:

You are failing to distinguish between $PREFIX set as an environment variable
and $PREFIX the make variable.

You're right :)

  PREFIX the make variable already controls what

the p5-RT-Extension ports do as variables like SITE_PERL are defined in
terms of it already.

So, if I would cd into www/p5-RT-Extension-SLA and type:

env PREFIX=/home/therek make install

would it install p5-RT-Extension-SLA and all of it's dependencies 
(including rt38) in /home/therek?

Cezary Morga
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Re: ejabberd 2.0.5 + erlang-r13b01_5 : failure

2009-07-14 Thread Alexander Leidinger
Quoting Ulrich Spörlein  (from Tue, 14 Jul 2009  
10:35:51 +0200):

peruse the ejabberd forums/mailing lists. They don't support building with
erlang-r13 yet. It's as simple as that, and I, too, wasted a whole day
figuring that out.

Patches at (I haven't tested any patch):


The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them.
-- Lenny Bruce

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more ports more deps harder index

2009-07-14 Thread Peter Vereshagin
Wake me up when September ends, freebsd-perl!

I maintain some module on CPAN and its p5- port as well.
Module has a feature and impose some more dependencies to satisfy system 
administrators, e. g. the most of FreeBSD users. ;-)
The feature in question is programmer-interfaced because of agile Perl nature. 
But wanted for admins, too.
Recently I noticed the feature was taken as the only reason to put someone 
else's module on a CPAN.
The code of the module itself, besides its *.t tests is no more than 10 lines 
of code but due to the Perl nature it's not a reason to decline it. Anyway, 
it's nice for my module to extend it and make it easier cause the feature in 
question will be implemented by another CPAN author in this case ( and probably 
more properly, too ).
The drawback for this case will be the ongoing Ports index overhead. Imagine 
there will be 1 more port, more index length, longer portupgrades and so on. 
Only because of that 10 lines of code to work in conjunction. The more such a 
cases, the harder regular system maintanence becomes. How good is all that 
about to be still this way?
Since it is a good practice to put more CPAN modules on a Ports, yes, I had put 
my module to a Ports some time ago. But there are several features  in, so I 
thought twice before. Now I'm about to make development more distributed wioth 
CPAN, right. But in terms of ports collection this can make it closer to 
monster-style bloatware, isn't it? That's a question.
Yes, I can simply incorporate those ~10 lines of code into my CPAN module but 
that is not why the social stuff like CPAN,github,sourceforge, etc. exist in 
terms of best coding and porting practices, right?  Secondly, the module itself 
is the primary thing in relation to its' port, right? So I'm about to guide in 
my development by the code quality interests' considerations, not the porting 
Technically, the difficulties appear on difference of CPAN and ports use. With 
CPAN, there is no need on special packages index, the dependencies are checked 
by mean of regular module including by far, With FreeBSD Ports/Packages, there 
are /var/db/pkg directory search and pkgdb/portsdb reindexing after every 
module install, and this make system portupgrade process significantly longer 
and less predictable on every port addition to the index.
I know that agile Perl people do never rely on system packages cause those use 
to be outdated for them, for example for FreeBSD the one should file a PR even 
for every small but sometimes so-sad-it-is-not-yet-in change on a module. There 
is no such a need to update a CPAN module. No, PRing is not that bad or hard 
work, it is not that significant but wanted stuff, e. g. if some FreeBSD user 
is satisfied with module he/she will use it with no problem at all and no 
his/her attention is needed for such a problem to be a problem of someone 
other's system, not his/her, so this shouldn't be an announce.
I differentiate such a Perl modules ports questions cause such kind of software 
is rare to be used as a development preview before to be packaged as a system 
package. It's hard to make an unusable but forthcoming code in ~10 lines of 
code. But this can consume ~30+ lines of code for OS packagers to write up, is 
it a good practice?
Partially, such kind of problem should be solved by mean of tools like 
Slackware's cpan2tgz or Red Hat's cpan2rpm, but this should be more 
dependency-walky and system-integrated solution, since for my module's target 
audience, the system administrators, the dependencies are the matter of OS.
Yes, this could be a much wider question, like same can go her for php's PEAR, 
tex's CTAN and so on. But the most care in terms of ports quantity and my 
person is, yes, Perl p5-* ports. Potentially we can make 16K p5-* modules, is 
it any good for FreeBSD to have that amount volume of packages more that can 
make it almost twice bigger?
So, what I can see from out there is: the unified interface for such kind of 
modules, standing in a cloud as an automated porting system spreading on 
peer-to-peer base with no care about the module porters who admin these ports 
for their own. And, sharing them. If such a share should be with the Ports 
collection system, ok. If via the something different (web or p2p resource like 
that easy to use openbittorrent), this should be ok, too. But the FreeBSD 
regents, in my opinion at least have to take care on conflicts resolving in 
such a cases the users can have these days when FreeBSD Perl users do install 
modules via the despite them exist in a ports. This is another reason 
of Ports out-of-sync-ing, right?
Besides the reason of my own to think about it mentioned before, another one 
is: the perl6 is stabilizing at recent years and the p6-* ports seem to be 
their way.

73! Peter
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portmaster -x not working?

2009-07-14 Thread Miroslav Lachman


I tried -x to exclude some port from recursive upgrade, but it seems not 

# portmaster -x mysql-client-* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

is still trying to upgrade mysql-client before upgrade of phpMyAdmin.

I workaround this issue by interactive mode (-i) which is working fine.

Is -x not working or am I using it wrong way?
Is it / will it be possible to specify -x more then one time to exclude 
more ports from upgrade process?

Miroslav Lachman
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Re: portmaster -x not working?

2009-07-14 Thread Frederique Rijsdijk

Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried -x to exclude some port from recursive upgrade, but it seems not
> working.
> # portmaster -x mysql-client-* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

Escape the asterix:

portmaster -x mysql-client-\* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

That should work.

-- Frederique

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Re: portmaster -x not working?

2009-07-14 Thread Lawrence Stewart

Frederique Rijsdijk wrote:


Miroslav Lachman wrote:


I tried -x to exclude some port from recursive upgrade, but it seems not

# portmaster -x mysql-client-* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

Escape the asterix:

portmaster -x mysql-client-\* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

That should work.

Hijacking the thread slightly, but is there a way to exclude multiple 
ports using the -x switch (or multiple -x switches)? Logically, I want 
to be able to do something like this:

portmaster -a -x '*foo*' -x '*bar*'

I so far haven't been able to figure out with casual prodding how to 
achieve the desired behaviour on the command line.

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Re: portmaster -x not working?

2009-07-14 Thread Miroslav Lachman

Frederique Rijsdijk wrote:


Miroslav Lachman wrote:


I tried -x to exclude some port from recursive upgrade, but it seems not

# portmaster -x mysql-client-* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

Escape the asterix:

portmaster -x mysql-client-\* phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

That should work.

It is my bad, that I forgot to add backslash in command in original 
e-mail, but I use it in real command and here is the output (it starts 
cleaning and building for mysql-client)

r...@track ~/# portmaster -x mysql-client-\* phpMyAdmin-3.1.4

===>>> Currently installed version: phpMyAdmin-3.1.4
===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/databases/phpmyadmin
===>>> Launching 'make checksum' for databases/phpmyadmin in background
===>>> Gathering dependency list for databases/phpmyadmin from ports
===>>> Starting recursive 'make config' check
===>>> Launching child to update mysql-client-5.0.77_1 to 

phpMyAdmin-3.1.4 >> mysql-client-5.0.77_1

===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-client
===>>> Gathering dependency list for databases/mysql50-client from ports
===>>> Starting recursive 'make config' check
===>>> Recursive 'make config' check complete for databases/mysql50-client
phpMyAdmin-3.1.4 >> mysql-client-5.0.77_1

===>>> Continuing 'make config' dependency check for databases/phpmyadmin
===>>> Recursive 'make config' check complete for databases/phpmyadmin

===>>> Starting build for databases/phpmyadmin <<<===

===>>> Starting check for build dependencies
===>>> Gathering dependency list for databases/phpmyadmin from ports
===>>> Starting dependency check
===>>> Launching child to update mysql-client-5.0.77_1 to 

phpMyAdmin-3.1.4 >> mysql-client-5.0.77_1

===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-client
===>>> Starting check for build dependencies
===>>> Gathering dependency list for databases/mysql50-client from ports
===>>> Starting dependency check
===>>> Dependency check complete for databases/mysql50-client
phpMyAdmin-3.1.4 >> mysql-client-5.0.77_1

===>  Cleaning for mysql-client-5.0.83

=> mysql-5.0.83.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
=> Attempting to fetch from


Same happens if I use:

portmaster -x 'mysql-client-*' phpMyAdmin-3.1.4
portmaster -x mysql-client-5.0.77_1 phpMyAdmin-3.1.4

This is why I wrote original post.

Are there somebody with working example of -x usage?

Miroslav Lachman
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Re: Possibly unbuildable ports reminder

2009-07-14 Thread Charlie Kester

On Tue 14 Jul 2009 at 03:00:04 PDT Bill Fenner wrote:

Dear porters,

 This is just a reminder to please periodically check the list of
unbuildable ports at .
A list by MAINTAINER is

so you can easily check the status of ports that you maintain.  In
addition, the list of ports with no MAINTAINER with build problems is

Is the portstree updated before running these build tests?

My sysutils/rdup port is shown as failing a build test on 7 July, and
that it's using the port's Makefile v 1.1, dated 19 June.  But I already
submitted a fix for the reported error , and it was committed on 4 July
as Makefile v 1.2.

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Excluding multiple ports with -x (Was: Re: portmaster -x not working?)

2009-07-14 Thread Doug Barton
Lawrence Stewart wrote:
> Hijacking the thread slightly,

Generally better to start a new one, FYI.

> but is there a way to exclude multiple
> ports using the -x switch 

Not at this time, you'll want to use the -i option.


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Re: portmaster -x not working?

2009-07-14 Thread Doug Barton
Try using just this:

portmaster -x mysql-client- phpMyAdmin-3.1.5

That should work. If it does not, please let me know.

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Re: Possibly unbuildable ports reminder

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Linimon
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:07:48AM -0700, Charlie Kester wrote:
> Is the portstree updated before running these build tests?

The unbuildable ports script has errors.  I have it on my list of things to
go look at.

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Re: Possibly unbuildable ports reminder

2009-07-14 Thread Glen Barber
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Charlie Kester wrote:
> On Tue 14 Jul 2009 at 03:00:04 PDT Bill Fenner wrote:
>> Dear porters,
>>  This is just a reminder to please periodically check the list of
>> unbuildable ports at .
>> A list by MAINTAINER is
>> so you can easily check the status of ports that you maintain.  In
>> addition, the list of ports with no MAINTAINER with build problems is
> Is the portstree updated before running these build tests?
> My sysutils/rdup port is shown as failing a build test on 7 July, and
> that it's using the port's Makefile v 1.1, dated 19 June.  But I already
> submitted a fix for the reported error , and it was committed on 4 July
> as Makefile v 1.2.

I swear I asked about this a few weeks ago...

The problems I reported then are still present in the latest build
error report.

Glen Barber
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Re: Possibly unbuildable ports reminder

2009-07-14 Thread Charlie Kester

On Tue 14 Jul 2009 at 15:15:25 PDT Glen Barber wrote:

I swear I asked about this a few weeks ago...

The problems I reported then are still present in the latest build
error report.

I guess that's why the subject of this thread is *possibly* unbuildable

It's kinda frustrating, however, when what I really want is confirmation
that my fix worked.
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INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-14 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: p5-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8

Committers on the hook:
araujo kmoore miwi pgollucci 

Most recent CVS update was:
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Re: INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-14 Thread Philip M. Gollucci

Erwin Lansing wrote:

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: p5-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8

Committers on the hook:
araujo kmoore miwi pgollucci 

not me.

export PORTSDIR=/space/portstrees/$1/ports
export LOCALBASE=/nonexistent
export ARCH=amd64
export __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null
export PORT_DBDIR=/nonexistent
export PKG_DBDIR=/nonexistent
export INDEX_JOBS=24
export INDEX_QUIET=1

now=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)

time make -j4 index  1>&2 > ~/make_index-${now}
cat ~/make_index-${now}

Generating INDEX-8 - please wait..
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_4
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: p5-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8


1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
Consultant  - P6M7G8 Inc.
Senior Sys Admin- RideCharge, Inc.
ASF Member  - Apache Software Foundation
FreeBSD Committer   - FreeBSD Foundation

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
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INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-14 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: p5-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8

Committers on the hook:
miwi pgollucci vanilla 

Most recent CVS update was:
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Re: unable to make package for php-5.2.10

2009-07-14 Thread Doug Barton
Anton - Valqk wrote:
> works now, but now the libiconv breaks with missing mans...
> there is something wrong in whole thing...

You need to report these problems to the maintainers of the affected




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Re: unable to make package for php-5.2.10

2009-07-14 Thread Alex Dupre

Doug Barton wrote:

works now, but now the libiconv breaks with missing mans...
there is something wrong in whole thing...

You need to report these problems to the maintainers of the affected

Rather I'd say he need to understand why all ports fail with missing 
mans :-)

Alex Dupre
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INDEX build failed for 6.x

2009-07-14 Thread Erwin Lansing
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait..pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
pkg_info: not found
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: p5-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8

Committers on the hook:
kuriyama pgollucci vanilla 

Most recent CVS update was:
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