Re: devel/sdl12 update and version bump

2006-09-01 Thread Marcus von Appen
On, Thu Aug 31, 2006, Stanislav Sedov wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:10:15 +0200
> Marcus von Appen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:
> > 
> > No, it won't, if I see that right.
> > 
> > DIRFB   "Include support for DirectFB" Off \
> > 
> > and 
> > .if defined(WITH_DIRECTFB)
> > LIB_DEPENDS+=  directfb-0.9.16:${PORTSDIR}/devel/directfb
> > ...
> > 
> > will not do the wanted stuff. Basically the patch set of ports/99943 (you
> > used it partially for devel/sdl12) is broken in several ways.
> > 

I just looked into devel/directfb and noticed, that it has a reference
to sdl through USE_SDL = yes. Won't this lead to circular references
breaking the build for both under various circumstances?

Either directfb needs to be updated to be built without SDL support
(which in turn needs testing its dependant ports) or we drop directfb
support in the updated devel/sdl12 for now.

(directfb maintainer CC'ed for feedback)


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Re: World-writable files installed by ports

2006-09-01 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 9/1/06, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 10:19:24AM -0400, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 06:15:18PM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
> > Under no circumstances should a port install world-writable
> > files or directories. In most cases this opens the system to all
> > kinds of attacks. A simple grep brings the following list of
> > makefiles to attention. I imagine that samba ports are
> > somehow justified, as for the other ones, I hope secteam and
> > committers will do something about them.
> The install process will warn about this (as well as group writable),
> so you can also grep for the warning message in the pointyhat logs.

Here's the list of world-writable from the last i386 6.x build:

Thanks, Kris! I'll be working on patches for some of them
this weekend.
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List of patches running at experimetal pointyhat builds

2006-09-01 Thread Boris Samorodov

Where may I find a list of patches which are now running at
experimantal builds at poityhat?


PS. I'm interested if the patch at the PR:
is being tested.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: devel/sdl12 update and version bump

2006-09-01 Thread Marcus von Appen
On, Thu Aug 31, 2006, Stanislav Sedov wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:10:15 +0200
> Marcus von Appen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:
> > 
> > No, it won't, if I see that right.
> > 
> > DIRFB   "Include support for DirectFB" Off \
> > 
> > and 
> > .if defined(WITH_DIRECTFB)
> > LIB_DEPENDS+=  directfb-0.9.16:${PORTSDIR}/devel/directfb
> > ...
> > 
> > will not do the wanted stuff. Basically the patch set of ports/99943 (you
> > used it partially for devel/sdl12) is broken in several ways.
> > 
> > I did not have the time to check the complete patch set for now (still
> > setting up a jail for testing), but as soon as it is done (tomorrow or
> > so), I'll post a revised set, which incorporates my changes for
> > devel/sdl12.
> > 
> > My changes for devel/sdl12 do not differ from your changes that much
> > however.
> > 
> Thank for your review. I've updated patch (i've missed some issues
> in previous) and will upload it tomorrow. I would be glad to see
> your modifications here, since I've not tested directfb/aalib
> feature yet.

I started reviewing and testing your patch set and had to make some
critical changes. First of all, your approach fails, because
you do not strip the release name completely (which I would not do

Thus every check for will fail, because will
be installed (which should be kept in my opinion). I changed
several parts of your patch, including and the pkg-plist of

The usage of iconv needed some additional changes to sdl-config and
sdl.pc to set the correct include directories. Otherwise any dependant
port will break.
I removed the DIRECTFB support from devel/sdl12 for now (see the other
mail about that) and tested GGI and aalib support successfully using the
shipped examples. The GGI video driver seems to be unstable in some
cases, but I did not track those issues down. aalib works fine, but
threw some warnings on compile time about compat/ on my
RELENG_6 system. I did not check where this came from, but'll do on the

The usb hack is not needed anymore. Afaik RELENG_4 and RELENG_5 also
have and usbhid.h installed for some time now. SDL-1.2.11
does a good job on detecting those on BSD systems.

The following ports were tested for successful compilation and
installation so far:


All of the above compile and install without problems on my RELENG_6
system. Working with pygame (which uses all of the above) turned out to
be as stable as before. No problems so far.

I'll run more tests on the weekend.

The revised patch set can be fetched from:


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Re: problems with ruby18

2006-09-01 Thread Sergey Matveychuk
Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago wrote:
> Hi. I'm trying to compile ruby (my system is up to date stable 6.1). And
> it fails saying:
> panix# cd /usr/ports/lang/ruby18
> panix# make
> You can enable pthread support by defining WITH_PTHREADS variable,
> but not recommended since this might break some ruby apps.
> => ruby/ruby-1.8.5.tar.gz is not in /usr/ports/lang/ruby18/distinfo.
> => Either /usr/ports/lang/ruby18/distinfo is out of date, or
> => ruby/ruby-1.8.5.tar.gz is spelled incorrectly.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/lang/ruby18.
> panix#
> In the distfiles is the version 1.8.4, and I can't find were it is
> version  1.8.5.. Someone with some help?

It looks like you refreshed Mk/ but not all ports tree. A version number
for ruby is set in

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recent gnustep update

2006-09-01 Thread Andriy Gapon

I've upgraded my ports today and noticed that a port that I maintain
games/oolite stopped working because it was linked against older gnustep
shared libs. I guess it needs its revision bumped to pick up the change.
Was this port accidentally overlooked or maybe this gnustep update
warrants a notice in UPDATING to rebuild all dependent ports ?


Andriy Gapon
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FreeBSD Port: httrack-3.40_2

2006-09-01 Thread charles peters
andrew does it work. i have downloaded thefree bsd and do not know what to do 
with it.

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Re: Jabberd vs PostgreSQL

2006-09-01 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 10:33:45PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> Jiawei Ye wrote:
> > I can see that postgresql requires LOGIN, but jabberd is BEFORE:LOGIN,
> > what is the proper solution?
> If I understand correctly, pgsql runs as an unprivileged user, which means
> it needs to REQUIRE LOGIN. OTOH, there is no reason that jabberd should run
> BEFORE LOGIN, and I suspect that is an artifact of copying and pasting a
> script that had that in it for no good reason. In fact,
> ports/net-im/jabber/files/ does not have that line, so I am
> wondering what port you're working with here.

I'd agree that pgsql should REQUIRE LOGIN, but I think the reason is
subtilly different.  In my mind the key with LOGIN is that the system
is ready security wise to allow users to interact with the machine via
methods other than the administrative console.  This should mean the
secure level is elevated and any other security bootstrapping is done.
IIRC this is actually not the case and should be fixed.  Running as an
unprivleged user isn't usable as a differentiating feature.  For example
dhclient runs in part as an unpriveleged user.

> In any case, the proper fix here seems to be to have jabber REQUIRE
> postgresql. Try that, and if it works, you're golden.

There are a couple problems with "REQUIRE postgresql" in general:
 - There's no requirement that you run a database on the machine the
   application is on.  (This is why ports depend on the -client not the
   -server port).
 - Several ports will work out of the box with either postgres or mysql
   so depending one or the other is wrong.  As is depending on both.

I think the right thing is create a stub DATABASE provider that mysql
and postgres can be BEFORE.  Ports that want a database can just depend
on that.  It will insure that ordering is correct if the server is local
without causing problems if it isn't or requiring script modifications
for ports that can use more than one database from the same package.

-- Brooks

Description: PGP signature

Re: List of patches running at experimetal pointyhat builds

2006-09-01 Thread Mark Linimon
On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 01:36:34PM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> Where may I find a list of patches which are now running at
> experimantal builds at poityhat?

If it's assigned to portmgr and in state 'analyzed', it was in the
current run, which I need to analyze the results of today (possibly
tomorrow, depending on personal obligations).

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Re: List of patches running at experimetal pointyhat builds

2006-09-01 Thread Boris Samorodov
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 10:41:54 -0500 Mark Linimon wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 01:36:34PM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> > Where may I find a list of patches which are now running at
> > experimantal builds at poityhat?

> If it's assigned to portmgr and in state 'analyzed', it was in the

Assigned to portmgr but is in state "open". :-(

> current run, which I need to analyze the results of today (possibly
> tomorrow, depending on personal obligations).

Thanks for clarification.

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: Linphone port for FreeBSD...

2006-09-01 Thread Soeren Straarup

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, William Bulley wrote:

I don't know who is the correct person, or even if there
is a ports maintainer for the linphone port.  A friend of
mine told me he is unable to build the port in 6.1-STABLE
since so many other dependencies have changed, or need to
change.  Is there any feedback on this situation?  I had
no problem building linphone 1.3.5 just after 6.1-REL was
announced.  The linphone author recently announced the
availability of linphone - thanks for your help.

You could update it and send a pr if possible or even adopt the port.
I haven't had time to look at it, but if nothing happens i might have
a go at it.



William Bulley Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Soeren Straarup   | aka OZ2DAK aka Xride
FreeBSD wannabe   | FreeBSD since 2.2.6-R
  If a program is not working right, then send a patch
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Re: Jabberd vs PostgreSQL

2006-09-01 Thread Doug Barton
Jiawei Ye wrote:
> On 9/1/06, Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ports/net-im/jabber/files/ does not have that line, so I am
>> wondering what port you're working with here.
> Well, it is here in mine:

Strange, I must have been looking in the wrong place, sorry for the confusion.



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Re: Jabberd vs PostgreSQL

2006-09-01 Thread Doug Barton
Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 10:33:45PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
>> Jiawei Ye wrote:
>>> I can see that postgresql requires LOGIN, but jabberd is BEFORE:LOGIN,
>>> what is the proper solution?
>> If I understand correctly, pgsql runs as an unprivileged user, which means
>> it needs to REQUIRE LOGIN. OTOH, there is no reason that jabberd should run
>> BEFORE LOGIN, and I suspect that is an artifact of copying and pasting a
>> script that had that in it for no good reason. In fact,
>> ports/net-im/jabber/files/ does not have that line, so I am
>> wondering what port you're working with here.
> I'd agree that pgsql should REQUIRE LOGIN, but I think the reason is
> subtilly different.  In my mind the key with LOGIN is that the system
> is ready security wise to allow users to interact with the machine via
> methods other than the administrative console.  This should mean the
> secure level is elevated and any other security bootstrapping is done.
> IIRC this is actually not the case and should be fixed. 

That's an interesting idea, I'll have to give it some more thought.

>> In any case, the proper fix here seems to be to have jabber REQUIRE
>> postgresql. Try that, and if it works, you're golden.
> There are a couple problems with "REQUIRE postgresql" in general:

I wasn't speaking in general. :) I probably should have
s/here/in your situation/ to make it more clear what I meant.

> I think the right thing is create a stub DATABASE provider that mysql
> and postgres can be BEFORE.  Ports that want a database can just depend
> on that.  It will insure that ordering is correct if the server is local
> without causing problems if it isn't or requiring script modifications
> for ports that can use more than one database from the same package.

No objections on my side, but I am not in a position to develop or test it,
since I'm not using any database stuff at the moment and don't have any
spare cycles. This topic came up on the -rc list a while back and no one bit
the apple, so if there is a user (or committer) here who wants to work this
one out, please feel free to take this project up, and report your findings



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Re: Jabberd vs PostgreSQL

2006-09-01 Thread Brooks Davis
On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 11:05:43AM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 10:33:45PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> >> Jiawei Ye wrote:
> >>
> >>> I can see that postgresql requires LOGIN, but jabberd is BEFORE:LOGIN,
> >>> what is the proper solution?
> >> If I understand correctly, pgsql runs as an unprivileged user, which means
> >> it needs to REQUIRE LOGIN. OTOH, there is no reason that jabberd should run
> >> BEFORE LOGIN, and I suspect that is an artifact of copying and pasting a
> >> script that had that in it for no good reason. In fact,
> >> ports/net-im/jabber/files/ does not have that line, so I am
> >> wondering what port you're working with here.
> > 
> > I'd agree that pgsql should REQUIRE LOGIN, but I think the reason is
> > subtilly different.  In my mind the key with LOGIN is that the system
> > is ready security wise to allow users to interact with the machine via
> > methods other than the administrative console.  This should mean the
> > secure level is elevated and any other security bootstrapping is done.
> > IIRC this is actually not the case and should be fixed. 
> That's an interesting idea, I'll have to give it some more thought.

This is what LOGIN has to say for it self:

#   This is a dummy dependency to ensure user services such as xdm,
#   inetd, cron and kerberos are started after everything else, in case
#   the administrator has increased the system security level and
#   wants to delay user logins until the system is (almost) fully
#   operational.

> >> In any case, the proper fix here seems to be to have jabber REQUIRE
> >> postgresql. Try that, and if it works, you're golden.
> > 
> > There are a couple problems with "REQUIRE postgresql" in general:
> I wasn't speaking in general. :) I probably should have
> s/here/in your situation/ to make it more clear what I meant.

I suspected that was the case, but wanted to insure this didn't get

> > I think the right thing is create a stub DATABASE provider that mysql
> > and postgres can be BEFORE.  Ports that want a database can just depend
> > on that.  It will insure that ordering is correct if the server is local
> > without causing problems if it isn't or requiring script modifications
> > for ports that can use more than one database from the same package.
> No objections on my side, but I am not in a position to develop or test it,
> since I'm not using any database stuff at the moment and don't have any
> spare cycles. This topic came up on the -rc list a while back and no one bit
> the apple, so if there is a user (or committer) here who wants to work this
> one out, please feel free to take this project up, and report your findings

The big question in my mind is, do we make a port to do this or add it
to the base?  I think we'd need a port for compatability so we might
just want to create one and always use it.

-- Brooks

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FreeBSD Port: gnustep-1.13.0

2006-09-01 Thread g

how do i download gnustep source file using the terminal.



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[headsup] portsmon upgrade in progress

2006-09-01 Thread Mark Linimon
Some of the work that I'm currently doing to add the status of packages
to the portsmon reports has meant that I needed to push out some earlier
changes.  For the first time, this has involved a Flag Day involving one
of the attribute names in the database.  In _theory_ this should not
affect anything, but if it does, please contact me off-list.  Thanks.

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Re: portmaster patch for testing CONFLICTS and dependency list (Was:

2006-09-01 Thread Doug Barton

On Fri, 25 Aug 2006, B Briggs wrote:

Sorry to have to reply to my own post, but:
B Briggs wrote:

Like I said, running for a few days now, and no problems. The main 
difference that I can see is what happens with +REQUIRED_BY with 
portupgrade tools. For instance:
make deinstall && make install does not seem to update +REQUIRED_BY, 
neither does make deinstall && portmaster /usr/ports/X/Y - there is no 
+REQUIRED_BY after make deinstall. (This is probably because of make).
The only way to get REQUIRED_BY back is to run pkgdb -F, and I want to 
remove portupgrade. So the question is, is REQUIRED_BY just a portupgrade 
thing? If so, then I'd make a request that portmaster only uses the 
IMMEDIATE requirements in that file, run depends list and build depends 
list or maybe just run depends list. bitstream-vera is listed on a bunch of 
my ports in REQUIRED_BY files, but it's only required in xorg-fonts-ttfonts 
to run, and this comes from the x11/xorg metaport. On the other hand, if 
+REQUIRED_BY is used for packages, then I can understand the recursive 
dependency. Bottom line is that it's much more meaningful to me to see the 
direct dependencies.

What I meant to say is that all of the +REQUIRED_BY files of the dependant 
port are updated in this manner, not that the IMMEDIATE requirements of the 
port are placed in its +REQUIRED_BY file. Sorry for any confusion.

As an example of bitstream-vera, I can remove it using make deinstall. 
Firefox lists it as a dependency in +REQUIRED_BY, but it's not listed in

make build-depends-list run-depends-list.
Firefox will run just fine without it (albeit with crummy fonts)

Ok, I think I understand your point now, thanks. What portmaster does is 
compare the contents of the +REQUIRED_BY file for a port with the @pkgdep 
listings in the rest of the ports, and makes sure that they match up. It 
does not try (and I don't think it should try) to use any kind of judgment 
about which are the really important dependencies.




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