Re: mysql signal 11

2006-07-13 Thread Koen Martens
Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> On Wednesday, 12 July 2006 at 10:05:17 -0700, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 06:43:01PM +0200, Koen Martens wrote:
>>> I tried mysql-5.0.22 as a freebsd package, tried the official mysql
>>> binary for freebsd-6.x and tried a fresh compile from the mysql
>>> source tarball, all with the same problem.
>>> I then tried the 4.1 binary from, that worked fine, also
>>> tried the 5.1 beta binary from, and that was fine too.
>>> Not sure what to do with this info, i'll probably try to make a
>>> test-case for it and submit it to the mysql bug system.
> (Koen) Yes, please do.

> You might like to take a look at
> ; we can
> certainly do with the information requested there.  Note also
> , which was caused by a bug in
> the thread library.  It was fixed by 5.5, I think, but potentially
> it's Koen's problem.

Ok, I did submit the bug (#21009), with the specific query that
triggers the signal 11 and a gdb backtrace. Now, I cannot reproduce
it yet without using the specific database i've seen this on (a
wordpress database with some 300 articles), which i can't disclose.

I will try to get it reproducible with a more generic example
database later if i find the time, as well as see if i can get it to
run with --with-debug. I did use CCFLAGS="-g" already for the



K.F.J. Martens, Sonologic,
Networking, hosting, embedded systems, unix, artificial intelligence.
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Re: Porting ardour

2006-07-13 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Laganakos Vassilis:

> I will attempt to port ardour  -I'm not shure which version yet-
> (
> I play the guitar, and I would like to record my songs using the
> specific software, but  I don't want to move back  to linux just
> because of this.
> Any advice,  like if I  should try this or  not, or any  kind of
> help is more than welcome!

What is the progress of your work?

It seems that the problem with porting Ardour is that the code links to
Alsa directly, see this post at

All the best,
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana Qwerty
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Re: [HEADSUP] coda5/coda6 support

2006-07-13 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Mark Linimon:

> The coda  ports have been failing  to build for a  while on both
> 5-STABLE and  6-STABLE.  There are  packages for 5.5 and  6.1 so
> this must have been something fairly recent.
> However, when investigating these errors,  I found that coda5 is
> no longer even fetchable from the mastersite, and the coda6 bits
> we are using are about 18 months old.  Further, the coda6_server
> build was marked as IGNORE on 6 since it causes a kernel error.
> I have  gone ahead and  marked these ports DEPRECATED  and reset
> the maintainer of coda6 since I didn't get an answer to an email
> asking about status.

I noticed the same issues, and I didn't get a reply either.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana Qwerty
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Re: portupgrade portupgrade leaves an error....

2006-07-13 Thread gareth
On Mon 2006-07-03 (05:56), Donald J. O'Neill wrote:
> OK, then you're going to have to get a bit more aggressive. This is what I 
> did 
> to take care of the problem on my 6.1-STABLE system:
> mv /usr/ports/INDEX-6.db -->
> mv /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db -->
> pkg_delete portupgrade-,2
> pkg_delete ruby18-bdb-0.5.9
> pkg_delete ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2
> pkg_delete db4-4.0.14_1,1
> pkg_delete db41-4.1.25_3
> pkg_delete db42-4.2.52_4
> I left db43-4.3.29, It would be needed later and reomoving it would cause too 
> many other things to have to be rebuilt (or I get a bite in the ass if I 
> don't).
> 'cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade'
> 'make conf' ?- select bdb4, it'll use db43 as that's what's installed.
> 'make package-recursive'
> 'pkgdb -F'fix the dependencies and rebuild pkgdb.db
> portversion -v |grep needs??rebuilds portsdb (and rechecks pkgdb.db) and 
> I 
> find out what ports need upgrading.
> 'portsnap fetch update'
> 'portversion -v |grep needs'
> It works and I now have a working portupgrade-,2
> I did a lot of reading about this problem and a lot of looking at 
> dependencies 
> using pkg_info -r and -R to come up with the way I corrected the problem. I 
> have two other 6.1 systems (one STABLE, one RELEASE) to fix the problem on. 
> They are a little different as they don't have the same things installed on 
> them that are on my personal system, but they are similar in what I'm going 
> to do to fix them.

hi, i tried all've that, but when i get to 'pkgdb -F', this's what it says:

# pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
[Updating the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: 
unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument; rebuild needed] [Rebuilding 
the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: 
unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument: Cannot update the pkgdb!]: 
Cannot update the pkgdb!]
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2006-07-13 Thread Vasil Dimov
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 08:10:01PM -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 08:59:08PM -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 19:56 -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 04:48:39PM -0700, Fred Cox wrote:
> > > > Those man pages for whatis are pretty radically
> > > > different in size.  Maybe they are mergeable, but
> > > > there's going to be a fair amount of work doing that
> > > > for all possible conflicts.
> > > 
> > > They are generated files see makewhatis(1).  There will probably be a
> > > few real conflicts, but it's unlikely to be a serious issue.
> > 
> > It may be more serious than you think.  Currently, GNOME and KDE will
> > conflict with each other if this move happens.  We will have to either
> > come up with a new pseudo-port to handle common files, or find some
> > other way of consolidating things.
> That should be a pretty easy thing to check out.  Just installing GNOME
> and KDE on the same machine and then running:
> "cat /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS | sort | uniq -d"

I have Gnome, KDE, IceWM and Xfce installed, here is what I got:

% for f in `cat /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS | sort | uniq -d |grep -v '[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]'` ; do grep "^$f\$" /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS; echo ; done





















Vasil Dimov

Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.
-- Edsger W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Installation directory best practices

2006-07-13 Thread Babak Farrokhi

I wonder if there is any particular guideline for installation of web based
application (the ports which install web pages, like www/wordpress,
www/serendipity or databases/phpmyadmin).

Some ports install web pages into "www/${PORTNAME}" while others install
into "www/data-dist/${PORTNAME}" or even into "share/${PORTNAME}".
However most of these ports let you override the installation path by
defining particular variables, but user should review Makefile before
installation to find out which variable should be set.

Is there any guideline on this subject? Or does it just depend on porters

-- Babak Farrokhi

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Re: Installation directory best practices

2006-07-13 Thread Frank Laszlo

Babak Farrokhi wrote:


I wonder if there is any particular guideline for installation of web based
application (the ports which install web pages, like www/wordpress,
www/serendipity or databases/phpmyadmin).

Some ports install web pages into "www/${PORTNAME}" while others install
into "www/data-dist/${PORTNAME}" or even into "share/${PORTNAME}".
However most of these ports let you override the installation path by
defining particular variables, but user should review Makefile before
installation to find out which variable should be set.

I believe that installing into www/data-dist/${PORTNAME} is a security 
risk, installing unconfigured applications into a web readable directory 
is bad.

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2006-07-13 Thread Peter Jeremy
On Thu, 2006-Jul-13 01:53:47 +0200, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote: It should be
>possible to make a shell skript that seds through shell scripts,
>moves everything around and fixes /var/db/pkg without having to
>rebuild anything.

.la files have absolute pathnames embedded in them.  I think you can
virtually guarantee that there will also be absolute pathnames in
executables and .so's that need fixing.

> I guess most things would just work that way.

The problem isn't the "most things would just work", it's confirming
that this is indeed true and detecting and handling the ones that
don't just work.

Despite the pain, a complete rebuild is probably the safest approach.
If you're doing a major upgrade on X, this is probably a good idea
in any case.

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Re: portupgrade portupgrade leaves an error....

2006-07-13 Thread gareth
On Thu 2006-07-13 (11:43), gareth wrote:
> hi, i tried all've that, but when i get to 'pkgdb -F', this's what it says:
> # pkgdb -F
> --->  Checking the package registry database
> [Updating the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... 
> /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument; 
> rebuild needed] [Rebuilding the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... 
> /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument: 
> Cannot update the pkgdb!]: Cannot update the pkgdb!]
> # 

ok, don't mind me, i was deleting /usr/ports/INDEX*, but when i delete
pkgdb.db as well, it works (i think, still chugging away ..)
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Re: UPDATING? - terminus font installation directory changed

2006-07-13 Thread Renato Botelho

On 7/13/06, Andriy Gapon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I accidentally noticed that I started to have troubles with terminus
font (x11-fonts/terminus-font) after recent update to version 4.20. No
wonder, it seems that the port now installs font files into a separate
directory lib/X11/fonts/terminus-font instead of previous

I think that such a change warrants a note in UPDATING, so that people
know to add the new path to their font paths.

I forgot to do it before, done now. Sorry!

Renato Botelho
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Re: shoutcase on current?

2006-07-13 Thread Gábor Kövesdán

will /usr/ports/audio/linux-shoutcast run on -current?

Probably, yes, since it doesn't depend on the FreeBSD version itself, 
just on the linux emulation layer. Anyway, the native port, 
audio/shoutcast should also run on -current with misc/compat5x installed.


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What the hell is going on with mplayer?

2006-07-13 Thread Heino Tiedemann

just beat me, to be sure that is not a nightmare.

I just wanted to so a simple »portupgrade mplayer-gtk«, and see what

** Detected a package name change: mplayer-gtk (multimedia/mplayer) -> 
'mplayer-gtk2-esound' (multimedia/mplayer)
What a surprise, name change. Not mentioned in UPDATING

--->  Upgrading 'mplayer-gtk-0.99.7_15' to 'mplayer-gtk2-esound-0.99.8' 
--->  Building '/usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer'

===>  Cleaning for rtc-2004.02.24.1_8
===>  Cleaning for libcaca-0.9_3
===>  Cleaning for linux-realplayer-
   ^^^ WHAT?!

===>  Cleaning for liveMedia-2006.07.04,1
===>  Cleaning for libdts-0.0.2
===>  Cleaning for xanim-2.92.0
===>  Cleaning for gmake-3.81_1
===>  Cleaning for sdl-1.2.9_2,2
===>  Cleaning for intltool-0.35.0
===>  Cleaning for pkg-config-0.20_2
===>  Cleaning for png-1.2.8_3
===>  Cleaning for lame-3.96.1
===>  Cleaning for nvidia-driver-1.0.8762
   ^ WHAT?!

===>  Cleaning for arts-1.5.3_1,1
===>  Cleaning for fribidi-0.10.7
===>  Cleaning for cdparanoia-3.9.8_8
===>  Cleaning for libungif-4.1.4_1
===>  Cleaning for libdv-0.104_1
===>  Cleaning for lirc-0.7.2
===>  Cleaning for libmad-0.15.1b_2
===>  Cleaning for svgalib-1.4.3_5
===>  Cleaning for aalib-1.4.r5_2
===>  Cleaning for libtheora-1.0.a6
===>  Cleaning for x264-0.0.20060621

===>  Cleaning for xvid-1.1.0,1
===>  Cleaning for xmms-1.2.10_6
===>  Cleaning for freetype2-2.1.10_3
===>  Cleaning for libiconv-1.9.2_2
===>  Cleaning for esound-0.2.36_1
===>  Cleaning for atk-1.11.4_1
===>  Cleaning for glib-2.10.3
===>  Cleaning for gtk-2.8.20
===>  Cleaning for pango-1.12.3
===>  Cleaning for xorg-libraries-6.9.0
===>  Cleaning for mplayer-skins-1.1.2_2
===>  Cleaning for win32-codecs-3.1.0.p7_2,1
===>  Cleaning for linux_base-fc-4_6
   I am using FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE no Linux.

===>  Cleaning for imlib2-
===>  Cleaning for rpm2cpio-1.2_2
Why RPM?

===>  Cleaning for linux-gtk2-2.6.10
   Whats Wring with FreeBSD gtk2?

===>  Cleaning for linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5
   I Habe xorg-libs installed!

===>  Cleaning for imake-6.9.0
===>  Cleaning for gettext-0.14.5_2
===>  Cleaning for nasm-0.98.39,1
===>  Cleaning for perl-5.8.8
===>  Cleaning for p5-XML-Parser-2.34_2
===>  Cleaning for compat5x-i386-
===>  Cleaning for qt-3.3.6_2
===>  Cleaning for libtool-1.5.22_2

sorry, but what the Hell is that?

I just wanna like to use mplayer like before.


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Re: What the hell is going on with mplayer?

2006-07-13 Thread Edwin Groothuis
On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 03:23:07PM +0200, Heino Tiedemann wrote:
> ===>  Cleaning for libcaca-0.9_3
> ===>  Cleaning for linux-realplayer-
>^^^ WHAT?!

It's disabled by default, but it checks the wrong WITH_ option.
If the default is WITHOUT_, it should check for WITH_.

Running "make config" once and saving the configuration file will
overcome your issues. Unless of course you chose to install the
realplayer codecs :-)

Edwin Groothuis  |Personal website:
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Re: Installation directory best practices

2006-07-13 Thread Eric
Frank Laszlo wrote:
> Babak Farrokhi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder if there is any particular guideline for installation of web
>> based
>> application (the ports which install web pages, like www/wordpress,
>> www/serendipity or databases/phpmyadmin).
>> Some ports install web pages into "www/${PORTNAME}" while others install
>> into "www/data-dist/${PORTNAME}" or even into "share/${PORTNAME}".
>> However most of these ports let you override the installation path by
>> defining particular variables, but user should review Makefile before
>> installation to find out which variable should be set.
> I believe that installing into www/data-dist/${PORTNAME} is a security
> risk, installing unconfigured applications into a web readable directory
> is bad.
> -Frank

I believe i have seem port comments (or maybe it was UPDATING)
mentioning moving things out of the data-dist directory to a
subdirectory of www, so this seems to be the preferred way to do things
and then add an alias to apache. some ports, like gallery2, still dump
to data-dist, but most seem to place themselves into www by default
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2006-07-13 Thread Dejan Lesjak
On Thursday 13 July 2006 02:25, michael johnson wrote:
> On 7/13/06, Dejan Lesjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thursday 13 July 2006 01:20, michael johnson wrote:
> > > I agree we should move a lot of software out of X11BASE but there
> > > will need to be a lot of work (esp. for gnome). I'm curious of the
> > > time frame in which xorg 7 will be committed to the tree? I'm not
> > > speaking for the entire freebsd gnome team but if we did decide
> > > to take on this task it would probably take several months to fully
> > > test and get everything working well in LOCALBASE. I think the
> > > major hurdle for us isn't moving everything to LOCALBASE it's
> > > more of the upgrade path people will have to take, having to
> > > rebuild all gnome components and all the bugs that will follow..
> >
> > We certainly can't throw xorg 7 that installs in LOCALBASE in tree if
> > that would break entire gnome :-) Hopefully we can come up with
> > transition that would annoy users as well as maintainers the least. One
> > option is to wait with xorg until most ports that now install under
> > X11BASE are converted. Another one is perhaps to find out whether gnome
> > for example would work installed under X11BASE with xorg itself installed
> > under LOCALBASE. There's
> > possibility we add xorg-7 to X_WINDOW_SYSTEM flavours (as non-default
> > one),
> > default X11BASE to LOCALBASE in that case. Would that help with
> > converting and testing?
> I might have taken your first email wrong, I was assuming you want to
> remove X11BASE all together?

Well, yes that is the general intention but one of the reasons for mail is to 
see what are the obstacles of doing so and after finding that out, how do we 
transition to X11BASE-free ports (the other reason being to see whether those 
obstacles outweigh benefits of doing so).
After we switch to modular xorg builds there will most probably never be and 
upgrade of all of xorg ports at one time, so this seems like the best time to 
switch PREFIX for xorg ports.
If we need to wait with xorg-7 becoming the default until gnome is converted 
to LOCALBASE prefix, then we should wait (in the mean time we could even have 
xorg-7 as a non-default X_WINDOW_SYSTEM that installs under X11BASE but with 
some large warning somewhere that before switching to default it will be 
moved to LOCALBASE or something like that...).

> Moving xorg to LOCALBASE won't be a problem for gnome, I'm just saying
> the gnome ports might stick around in X11BASE for a while unless
> we (gnome team) get some motivation to move. We've talked about
> moving gnome to LOCALBASE in the past but I think we've not attempted
> this because it's quite a bit of work for not a whole lot of gain. Wanting
> to remove X11BASE might be the kick we need.

The conflicts seemed most worrying so far; judging from vd's mail this doesn't 
seem so horrible though. You said in other mail that gnome installed with 
X11BASE=${LOCALBASE} just works, so perhaps there won't be so much pain after 
all. If we however find out that this is too much pain for too little gain we 
can still just drop the idea, but if we want to do it we might as well start 
planning it now.
Could the change be perhaps done with next gnome release (when would that be?) 
when users will have to upgrade stuff in any case? Would it help to 
coordinate xorg upgrade with gnome upgrade?

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2006-07-13 Thread Alexander Leidinger

Quoting Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:49:06 +0300):

I have Gnome, KDE, IceWM and Xfce installed, here is what I got:

% for f in `cat /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS | sort | uniq -d |grep -v   
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'` ; do grep "^$f\$" /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS; echo ; done

You can get rid of the linux stuff here.







What depends upon the v1.4 gnome libs below?










Somewhere in Tenafly, New Jersey, a chiropractor is viewing "Leave it
to Beaver"!

http://www.Leidinger.netAlexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7   netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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Re: What the hell is going on with mplayer?

2006-07-13 Thread Alexander Leidinger
Quoting Heino Tiedemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Thu, 13 Jul  
2006 15:23:07 +0200):

I just wanted to so a simple »portupgrade mplayer-gtk«, and see what

** Detected a package name change: mplayer-gtk (multimedia/mplayer)   
-> 'mplayer-gtk2-esound' (multimedia/mplayer)

What a surprise, name change. Not mentioned in UPDATING

Does it needs to be mentioned? portupgrade is able to handle it  
without *special* instructions in UPDATING.

===>  Cleaning for linux-realplayer-
   ^^^ WHAT?!

This was already answered...

===>  Cleaning for nvidia-driver-1.0.8762
   ^ WHAT?!

Don't know.

===>  Cleaning for x264-0.0.20060621

Do you ask because it has a zero version number, or because you know  
about instabilities?

===>  Cleaning for linux_base-fc-4_6
   I am using FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE no Linux.

A requirement for the linux-realplayer.

===>  Cleaning for rpm2cpio-1.2_2
Why RPM?

Needed by the linux stuff, we fetch binary RPMs and install the files in them.

===>  Cleaning for linux-gtk2-2.6.10
   Whats Wring with FreeBSD gtk2?

Nothing, except that linux programs like realplayer can't use it.

===>  Cleaning for linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5
   I Habe xorg-libs installed!

But you need the linux ones to be able to use linux programs which  
want to use X11.


Grelb's Reminder:
Eighty percent of all people consider themselves to be above
average drivers.

http://www.Leidinger.netAlexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7   netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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2006-07-13 Thread Vasil Dimov
On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 04:28:29PM +0200, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> What depends upon the v1.4 gnome libs below?
> >/var/db/pkg/gnome-libs-1.4.2_5/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-default-dlg.png
> >/var/db/pkg/libgnomeui-2.14.1_1/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-default-dlg.png
> >
> >/var/db/pkg/gnome-libs-1.4.2_5/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-error.png
> >/var/db/pkg/libgnomeui-2.14.1_1/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-error.png
> >
> >/var/db/pkg/gnome-libs-1.4.2_5/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-info.png
> >/var/db/pkg/libgnomeui-2.14.1_1/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-info.png
> >
> >/var/db/pkg/gnome-libs-1.4.2_5/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-question.png
> >/var/db/pkg/libgnomeui-2.14.1_1/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-question.png
> >
> >/var/db/pkg/gnome-libs-1.4.2_5/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-warning.png
> >/var/db/pkg/libgnomeui-2.14.1_1/+CONTENTS:share/gnome/pixmaps/gnome-warning.png
> >

% pkg_info -R /var/db/pkg/gnome-libs-1.4.2_5 /var/db/pkg/libgnomeui-2.14.1_1
Information for gnome-libs-1.4.2_5:

Required by:

Information for libgnomeui-2.14.1_1:

Required by:


Anyway any of these would depend on gnome-libs if I had it installed:

% portsearch -R gnome-libs-1.4 -o path
Path:   /usr/ports/astro/spacechart

Path:   /usr/ports/audio/cantus

Path:   /usr/ports/audio/gdam


Path:   /usr/ports/x11-wm/icepref

Path:   /usr/ports/x11-wm/wmDeskGuide

Path:   /usr/ports/x11-wm/wmg

131 ports

Vasil Dimov

Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.
-- Edsger W. Dijkstra

Description: PGP signature

Re: What the hell is going on with mplayer?

2006-07-13 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 04:35:15PM +0200, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Heino Tiedemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Thu, 13 Jul  
> 2006 15:23:07 +0200):
> >I just wanted to so a simple ??portupgrade mplayer-gtk??, and see what
> >habens:
> >
> >
> >** Detected a package name change: mplayer-gtk (multimedia/mplayer)   
> >-> 'mplayer-gtk2-esound' (multimedia/mplayer)
> >^^^
> >What a surprise, name change. Not mentioned in UPDATING
> Does it needs to be mentioned? portupgrade is able to handle it  
> without *special* instructions in UPDATING.

This port should not set its name based on configured (or in this case
automagicaly detected and thus ever changing) features unless it does so
as part of a slave port.  This has been a minor annoyance for ages.  The
port should be named mplayer, always.

-- Brooks

Description: PGP signature

Re: emulators/wine - linker error

2006-07-13 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> The latest version of the port fails with the following output on my 
> system (FBSD 6.1):
> cc -c -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include  -D__WINESRC__  -D_REENTRANT 
> -fPIC -Wall -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -gstabs+ -Wdeclaration-after-statement 
> -Wpointer-arith -I/usr/local/include -O2 -pipe -march=pentium-m  -o parse.o 
> parse.c
> parse.c: In function `ldap_parse_sort_controlW':
> parse.c:238: warning: implicit declaration of function 
> `ldap_parse_sort_control'
> parse.c: In function `ldap_parse_vlv_controlW':
> parse.c:292: warning: implicit declaration of function 
> `ldap_parse_vlv_control'

My guess is you have some packages installed, which make Wine's
configure detect support for LDAP, but the implementation is not
sufficient to really build.

One of the weaknesses of the FreeBSD Ports Collection is that building
on your local machine may find packages, and change the behavior of the
build, which the package maintainer never has seen nor tested against.

I believe that if you do a 

  % pkg_info | grep ldap

you will find packages different from openldap-client, and if you remove
all (or some) of these, the Wine build will succeed.

Looking at upstream changes, it looks as if some things have changed 
in the meantime.

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Re: What the hell is going on with mplayer?

2006-07-13 Thread Heino Tiedemann
Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Quoting Heino Tiedemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Thu, 13 Jul
> 2006 15:23:07 +0200):
>> I just wanted to so a simple »portupgrade mplayer-gtk«, and see what
>> habens:
>> ** Detected a package name change: mplayer-gtk (multimedia/mplayer)
>> -> 'mplayer-gtk2-esound' (multimedia/mplayer)
>> ^^^
>> What a surprise, name change. Not mentioned in UPDATING
> Does it needs to be mentioned? portupgrade is able to handle it
> without *special* instructions in UPDATING.

Well, okay. this is not necessary.

But all the new kobs (specially the new defaults!) should be

>> ===>  Cleaning for linux-realplayer-
>>^^^ WHAT?!
> This was already answered...
>> ===>  Cleaning for nvidia-driver-1.0.8762
>>^ WHAT?!
> Don't know.
>> ===>  Cleaning for x264-0.0.20060621
> Do you ask because it has a zero version number, or because you know
> about instabilities?
>> ===>  Cleaning for linux_base-fc-4_6
>>I am using FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE no Linux.
> A requirement for the linux-realplayer.
>> ===>  Cleaning for rpm2cpio-1.2_2
>> Why RPM?
> Needed by the linux stuff, we fetch binary RPMs and install the files in them.
>> ===>  Cleaning for linux-gtk2-2.6.10
>>Whats Wring with FreeBSD gtk2?
> Nothing, except that linux programs like realplayer can't use it.
>> ===>  Cleaning for linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5
>>I Habe xorg-libs installed!
> But you need the linux ones to be able to use linux programs which
> want to use X11.

All the stuff is configurable with "make config". But how should
someone know, that this is specially this time necessary. I 've
mplayer installed, a long time ago. All portupgrades were trouble-free,
since now.

It COULD be trouble-free, if any information about the new knobs will
be transfered to the users (e.g. in UPDATING).

A Tip that it is better to run "make config", would be enough.


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2006-07-13 Thread Mikhail Teterin
> That said, GNOME's move to LOCALBASE will not be too problematic.  In
> fact, the number of required patches might drop off.  I'd be willing to
> bet that if someone did X11BASE=${LOCALBASE} and installed GNOME on a
> clean machine right now, it would work.

I have both of these -- X11BASE and LOCALBASE -- set to "/opt" on all of my 
machines since about 6 years ago. Works fine.

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Re: What the hell is going on with mplayer?

2006-07-13 Thread Simon L. Nielsen
On 2006.07.13 10:16:27 -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 04:35:15PM +0200, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> > Quoting Heino Tiedemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Thu, 13 Jul  
> > 2006 15:23:07 +0200):
> > 
> > >I just wanted to so a simple ??portupgrade mplayer-gtk??, and see what
> > >habens:
> > >
> > >
> > >** Detected a package name change: mplayer-gtk (multimedia/mplayer)   
> > >-> 'mplayer-gtk2-esound' (multimedia/mplayer)
> > >^^^
> > >What a surprise, name change. Not mentioned in UPDATING
> > 
> > Does it needs to be mentioned? portupgrade is able to handle it  
> > without *special* instructions in UPDATING.
> This port should not set its name based on configured (or in this case
> automagicaly detected and thus ever changing) features unless it does so
> as part of a slave port.  This has been a minor annoyance for ages.  The
> port should be named mplayer, always.

Yes, please!

Ports which change their name are very annoying, especially for people
working with VuXML since we have to list all possible names there.

When there is a 1-to-1 mapping of possible names and slave ports, then
it's no problem, it's the other ones that are painful...

I just haven't had the energy to really take this up with the
maintainers for the ports that does this.

Simon L. Nielsen

Description: PGP signature


2006-07-13 Thread Chuck Swiger

Mikhail Teterin wrote:

That said, GNOME's move to LOCALBASE will not be too problematic. šIn
fact, the number of required patches might drop off. šI'd be willing to
bet that if someone did X11BASE=${LOCALBASE} and installed GNOME on a
clean machine right now, it would work.

I have both of these -- X11BASE and LOCALBASE -- set to "/opt" on all of my 
machines since about 6 years ago. Works fine.

I can second that using /opt as a target seems to work fine, although I've 
only done so for a few machines which had a big /opt partition handy for one 
reason or another; I don't use /opt by default.  :-)


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Re: Installation directory best practices

2006-07-13 Thread Shaun Amott
On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 01:27:20PM +0330, Babak Farrokhi wrote:
> I wonder if there is any particular guideline for installation of web based
> application (the ports which install web pages, like www/wordpress,
> www/serendipity or databases/phpmyadmin).

The guidelines we have now are that most ports should install into
www/${PORTNAME}; this means default/unsecured scripts are not visible
until they have been configured, and also avoids using a directory which
is server (apache?) specific.

I think www/data/${PORTNAME} is probably acceptable if the script is
simple and/or needs no configuration.

> Some ports install web pages into "www/${PORTNAME}" while others install
> into "www/data-dist/${PORTNAME}" or even into "share/${PORTNAME}".

Installing into www/data-dist is completely wrong.

> However most of these ports let you override the installation path by
> defining particular variables, but user should review Makefile before
> installation to find out which variable should be set.

I tend to use WWWDIR (which excludes PREFIX); but as you say, there is
no consistency amongst ports.

Shaun Amott [ PGP: 0x6B387A9A ]
Scientia Est Potentia.
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Re: Installation directory best practices

2006-07-13 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 07:36:19PM +0100, Shaun Amott wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 01:27:20PM +0330, Babak Farrokhi wrote:
> > I wonder if there is any particular guideline for installation of web based
> > application (the ports which install web pages, like www/wordpress,
> > www/serendipity or databases/phpmyadmin).
> The guidelines we have now are that most ports should install into
> www/${PORTNAME}; this means default/unsecured scripts are not visible
> until they have been configured, and also avoids using a directory which
> is server (apache?) specific.
> I think www/data/${PORTNAME} is probably acceptable if the script is
> simple and/or needs no configuration.

Since www/data is usually www/data-dist this would also be wrong.

-- Brooks

Description: PGP signature

Re: vmware server now is free,can anyone bring it to ports?

2006-07-13 Thread Benjamin Lutz
On Thursday 13 July 2006 04:29, lveax wrote:
> vmware server 1.0 was released and free for download,there are windows
> and linux version,would anyone bring the linux version to freebsd
> ports?

Unlikely to happen, since VMWare uses a linux kernel module.


Description: PGP signature


2006-07-13 Thread pfgshield-freebsd

Just here mumbling...

It would be interesting to set 

X11BASE=/usr/X11 when using XFree86 and
X11BASE=${LOCALBASE} when using XOrg.

Not only due to historical consistency (/usr/X11 is the path recommended in
XFree86 manpages), but as a way to be able to use XFree86 and keep the system
somewhat cleaner.



Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!* 
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Question re: batch conversion of m4a files....

2006-07-13 Thread Karl Denninger
Not sure this is the right list but. couldn't find one that was a
better "fit".

Anyone know if there's a port (or combination of ports) that would allow
conversion of file(s) from m4a format to mp3?

M4a is a "lossless" format and is similar to what Apple's Itunes uses, but
unprotected (no DRM embedded, so no problem with "reading" them) - I have 
a buttload of them but need them in MP3 format for a media player that can't
"eat" m4a native.

There are Windows "pay for" software solutions, but of course, if there are
ports in the FreeBSD collection that can do this (either singularly or as a
pipeline) that'd be even better

A quick look through the ports descriptions hasn't resulted in a "Eureka!",
so I figured I'd ask here perhaps someone else has faced the same

Thanks in advance!

Karl Denninger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist
http://www.denninger.netMy home on the net - links to everything I do!   Your UNCENSORED place to talk about DIVING!
http://genesis3.blogspot.comMusings Of A Sentient Mind

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2006-07-13 Thread Edwin Groothuis
On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 12:24:03AM +0200, Dejan Lesjak wrote:
> Quite some people were, when creating a new port that depends on X11, 
> wandering whether to put it in X11BASE or LOCALBASE. More than once a 
> question of whether the prefix /usr/X11R6 should be just dropped or at least 
> only retained for core X11 distribution. With the upcoming 7.x ports 
> there is perhaps the opportunity to do the prefix merger along that.

One of the issues is, what will be the policy for ports which use
imake? The rest of "my" ports are happily living in /usr/local now,
but only games/sol isn't done because I don't kno whow to tackle
the imake thing.


Edwin Groothuis  |Personal website:
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Re: Question re: batch conversion of m4a files....

2006-07-13 Thread Brandon Cash
Well, I don't know of anything that does specifically that, but there is 
audio/faad and audio/lame.  The purpose of faad is to read in various 
formats, and it can output wav.  Likewise, LAME can read in wav and 
output mp3.

With this in mind, you can have faad write to stdout, and have LAME read 
from stdin:

faad -o - in.m4a | lame -h -b 128 - out.mp3

If you wanted to put that in a script, you could just have it `sed' out 
the 'm4a' in favor of 'mp3' in the file name.

Another option would be to use multimedia/mplayer, but I'm not sure of 
the syntax for that.

Hope I could help,
-- Brandon Cash

Karl Denninger wrote:

Not sure this is the right list but. couldn't find one that was a
better "fit".

Anyone know if there's a port (or combination of ports) that would allow
conversion of file(s) from m4a format to mp3?

M4a is a "lossless" format and is similar to what Apple's Itunes uses, but
unprotected (no DRM embedded, so no problem with "reading" them) - I have 
a buttload of them but need them in MP3 format for a media player that can't

"eat" m4a native.

There are Windows "pay for" software solutions, but of course, if there are
ports in the FreeBSD collection that can do this (either singularly or as a
pipeline) that'd be even better

A quick look through the ports descriptions hasn't resulted in a "Eureka!",
so I figured I'd ask here perhaps someone else has faced the same

Thanks in advance!


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Re: make: Max recursion level (500) exceeded.: Resource temporarily unavailable

2006-07-13 Thread Matthew Fry
I hope this is the right place to post this.  I've noticed some circular
dependency problems on a 5.4 system I'm building.  Just installed
php5-mbstring and got the "Max recursion level (500) exceeded.:
Resource temporarily unavailable" message.  I opened another SSH window
and here's what I saw with ps -ax:

18249  p0  I+ 0:00.20 make install
18380  p0  I+ 0:00.01 [sh]
18382  p0  I+ 0:00.00 [sh]
18383  p0  I+ 0:00.15 make package-depends
18384  p0  I+ 0:00.01 /usr/bin/grep -v -E this_port_does_not_exist
18385  p0  I+ 0:00.00 /usr/bin/sort -u
18397  p0  I+ 0:00.01 [sh]
18398  p0  I+ 0:00.01 [sh]
18399  p0  I+ 0:00.01 /usr/bin/awk {print $1":"$3}
18412  p0  I+ 0:00.18 make CHILD_DEPENDS=yes PARENT_CHECKED=
18431  p0  I+ 0:00.01 [sh]
18446  p0  I+ 0:00.17 make CHILD_DEPENDS=yes PARENT_CHECKED=
18465  p0  I+ 0:00.01 [sh]
(this repeats a whole bunch of times)

When running the 'make clean' after installation, here's something
else I saw:

/usr/ports/converters/php5-mbstring# make clean
php5-mbstring-5.1.4: "/usr/ports//usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl"
non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
===>  Cleaning for php5-5.1.4
===>  Cleaning for autoconf-2.59_2
===>  Cleaning for openldap-client-2.2.30
===>  Cleaning for pkg-config-0.20_2
===>  Cleaning for libxml2-2.6.26
===>  Cleaning for perl-5.8.8
===>  Cleaning for m4-1.4.4
===>  Cleaning for help2man-1.36.4_1
===>  Cleaning for gmake-3.81_1
===>  Cleaning for openssl-0.9.8b_1
===>  Cleaning for libiconv-1.9.2_2
===>  Cleaning for p5-gettext-1.05_1
===>  Cleaning for gettext-0.14.5_2
===>  Cleaning for libtool-1.5.22_2
===>  Cleaning for php5-mbstring-5.1.4

Notice the /usr/ports//usr/ports/www/... problem with the apache
dependency above.  

Anyone got a fix?  Just CVSupped yesterday morning.

Here's my make.conf file:


And when I 'grep USE_EMACS /usr/ports/Mk/'  I get:

if defined(USE_EMACS)

Let me know if you need anything else to help fix this.


Matthew Fry
Division Point Multimedia
Technology and Marketing Solutions 
Phone: 703-467-5600
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Re: Question re: batch conversion of m4a files....

2006-07-13 Thread Karl Denninger
That might work thanks - will look into it...

Didn't know the faad port would do m4a files - its not in the

Karl Denninger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist
http://www.denninger.netMy home on the net - links to everything I do!   Your UNCENSORED place to talk about DIVING!
http://genesis3.blogspot.comMusings Of A Sentient Mind

On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 12:17:52AM -0500, Brandon Cash wrote:
> Well, I don't know of anything that does specifically that, but there is 
> audio/faad and audio/lame.  The purpose of faad is to read in various 
> formats, and it can output wav.  Likewise, LAME can read in wav and 
> output mp3.
> With this in mind, you can have faad write to stdout, and have LAME read 
> from stdin:
> faad -o - in.m4a | lame -h -b 128 - out.mp3
> If you wanted to put that in a script, you could just have it `sed' out 
> the 'm4a' in favor of 'mp3' in the file name.
> Another option would be to use multimedia/mplayer, but I'm not sure of 
> the syntax for that.
> Hope I could help,
> -- Brandon Cash
> Karl Denninger wrote:
> >Not sure this is the right list but. couldn't find one that was a
> >better "fit".
> >
> >Anyone know if there's a port (or combination of ports) that would allow
> >conversion of file(s) from m4a format to mp3?
> >
> >M4a is a "lossless" format and is similar to what Apple's Itunes uses, but
> >unprotected (no DRM embedded, so no problem with "reading" them) - I have 
> >a buttload of them but need them in MP3 format for a media player that 
> >can't
> >"eat" m4a native.
> >
> >There are Windows "pay for" software solutions, but of course, if there are
> >ports in the FreeBSD collection that can do this (either singularly or as a
> >pipeline) that'd be even better
> >
> >A quick look through the ports descriptions hasn't resulted in a "Eureka!",
> >so I figured I'd ask here perhaps someone else has faced the same
> >issue...
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> >
> >--
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Re: shoutcase on current?

2006-07-13 Thread Randy Bush
>> will /usr/ports/audio/linux-shoutcast run on -current?
> Probably, yes, since it doesn't depend on the FreeBSD version itself, 
> just on the linux emulation layer. Anyway, the native port, 
> audio/shoutcast should also run on -current with misc/compat5x installed.


   cvsup -g -s -L 2 cvs-supfile 2>&1 | tee cvsup.log
   pkgdb -Ff
   portupgrade -Nv audio/shoutcast
   portupgrade -Nv misc/compat5x
   cd /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
   mv shoutcast
   /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
/libexec/ /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol 


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