Re: netmap on wireless NIC

2013-06-05 Thread Ivan Voras
On 04/06/2013 23:06, Chao Xu wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to hacking some wireless NIC driver (carl9170 for example)
> to enable netmap on it? I guess this is possible because wireless drivers
> also manage packets using ring buffers. My goal is to access the raw
> packets as quickly as possible, not to achieve high data rate. Is there any
> argument against doing so? Thank you.

Would using netmap on a wireless NIC make sense at all? There is no way
that current wifi technologies could achieve the PPS rates at which you
would need netmap, and there already are other ways (e.g. pcap) to
access raw packets.

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Re: kern/179299: [igb] Intel X540-T2 - unstable driver

2013-06-05 Thread Maxim Bourmistrov
The following reply was made to PR kern/179299; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Maxim Bourmistrov 
Subject: Re: kern/179299: [igb] Intel X540-T2 - unstable driver
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 13:18:10 +0200

 Switch is STABLE.
 Offload for rx/txcsum and tso for IPv6 IS NOT STABLE.
 After disabling those, X540-T2 became stable. (ifconfig ix0 -rxcsum6 =
 -txcsum6 -tso6)
 Question is WHAT ICMPv4 has to do with IPv6 offload?
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Re: netmap on wireless NIC

2013-06-05 Thread Jim Thompson

On Jun 5, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Ivan Voras  wrote:

> On 04/06/2013 23:06, Chao Xu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is it possible to hacking some wireless NIC driver (carl9170 for example)
>> to enable netmap on it? I guess this is possible because wireless drivers
>> also manage packets using ring buffers. My goal is to access the raw
>> packets as quickly as possible, not to achieve high data rate. Is there any
>> argument against doing so? Thank you.
> Would using netmap on a wireless NIC make sense at all? There is no way that 
> current wifi technologies could achieve the PPS rates at which you would need 
> netmap, and there already are other ways (e.g. pcap) to
> access raw packets.

802.11ad and 8 antenna 802.11ac could pass 7gbps, in theory. 
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Re: netmap on wireless NIC

2013-06-05 Thread Luigi Rizzo
On Tue, Jun 04, 2013 at 04:06:35PM -0500, Chao Xu wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to hacking some wireless NIC driver (carl9170 for example)
> to enable netmap on it? I guess this is possible because wireless drivers
> also manage packets using ring buffers. My goal is to access the raw
> packets as quickly as possible, not to achieve high data rate. Is there any
> argument against doing so? Thank you.

as other said, there is no negative argument but it does not
seem worthwhile, because at least with current packet rates
you should be able to extract packets using pcap.
Unless, of course, you are running a 300Mbit/s interface
on a slow embedded CPU, in which case the efficiency of
netmap might be helpful.

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Re: netmap on wireless NIC

2013-06-05 Thread Chao Xu
Thank you Adrian and Luigi. My goal is to reduce the latency, i.e. get the
packet as soon as it arrives on the NIC, and send the packet from user
space to NIC quickly. I think netmap will help because it skips the socket
layer and kernel network stack.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Luigi Rizzo  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 04, 2013 at 04:06:35PM -0500, Chao Xu wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Is it possible to hacking some wireless NIC driver (carl9170 for example)
> > to enable netmap on it? I guess this is possible because wireless drivers
> > also manage packets using ring buffers. My goal is to access the raw
> > packets as quickly as possible, not to achieve high data rate. Is there
> any
> > argument against doing so? Thank you.
> as other said, there is no negative argument but it does not
> seem worthwhile, because at least with current packet rates
> you should be able to extract packets using pcap.
> Unless, of course, you are running a 300Mbit/s interface
> on a slow embedded CPU, in which case the efficiency of
> netmap might be helpful.
> cheers
> luigi

Chao Xu
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Re: netmap on wireless NIC

2013-06-05 Thread Luigi Rizzo
On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 09:28:00AM -0500, Chao Xu wrote:
> Thank you Adrian and Luigi. My goal is to reduce the latency, i.e. get the
> packet as soon as it arrives on the NIC, and send the packet from user
> space to NIC quickly. I think netmap will help because it skips the socket
> layer and kernel network stack.

the difference is completely negligible.
we are talking about 1us or less


> On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Luigi Rizzo  wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 04, 2013 at 04:06:35PM -0500, Chao Xu wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > Is it possible to hacking some wireless NIC driver (carl9170 for example)
> > > to enable netmap on it? I guess this is possible because wireless drivers
> > > also manage packets using ring buffers. My goal is to access the raw
> > > packets as quickly as possible, not to achieve high data rate. Is there
> > any
> > > argument against doing so? Thank you.
> >
> > as other said, there is no negative argument but it does not
> > seem worthwhile, because at least with current packet rates
> > you should be able to extract packets using pcap.
> > Unless, of course, you are running a 300Mbit/s interface
> > on a slow embedded CPU, in which case the efficiency of
> > netmap might be helpful.
> >
> > cheers
> > luigi
> >
> -- 
> Regards,
> Chao Xu
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Re: How to compile ipoib module manually?

2013-06-05 Thread John Baldwin
On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:18:46 am Alex Liptsin wrote:
> I commented on that lines, because I want to compile and load that modules 
> I had succeed to compile and load mlx4, mlx4ib and mlxen from /sys/modules:
> [root@h-qa-033 mlxen]# kldstat
> Id Refs AddressSize Name
> 1   14 0x8020 13acbd8  kernel
> 21 0x81612000 21e5 if_mos.ko
> 33 0x81615000 124ebmlx4.ko
> 41 0x81628000 e225 mlx4ib.ko
> 51 0x81637000 ec60 mlxen.ko
> The problem is that IPOIB module is missing in /sys/modules.
> 1.  Where can I find it?
> 2.  How can I compile ipoib support?

You will have to create one.  You should be able to use the existing module 
Makefiles as a guide.

John Baldwin
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Re: How to compile ipoib module manually?

2013-06-05 Thread Alex Liptsin
Thanks a lot.

Alex L.

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 ביונ 2013, at 18:13, "John Baldwin">> wrote:

On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:18:46 am Alex Liptsin wrote:
I commented on that lines, because I want to compile and load that modules
I had succeed to compile and load mlx4, mlx4ib and mlxen from /sys/modules:

[root@h-qa-033 mlxen]# kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
1   14 0x8020 13acbd8  kernel
21 0x81612000 21e5 if_mos.ko
33 0x81615000 124ebmlx4.ko
41 0x81628000 e225 mlx4ib.ko
51 0x81637000 ec60 mlxen.ko

The problem is that IPOIB module is missing in /sys/modules.

1.  Where can I find it?

2.  How can I compile ipoib support?

You will have to create one.  You should be able to use the existing module
Makefiles as a guide.

John Baldwin
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Re: How to compile ipoib module manually?

2013-06-05 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Jun 5, 2013, at 10:22 AM, Alex Liptsin wrote:

> Thanks a lot.
> Alex L.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 5 ביונ 2013, at 18:13, "John Baldwin" 
>>> wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:18:46 am Alex Liptsin wrote:
> I commented on that lines, because I want to compile and load that modules
> manually.
> I had succeed to compile and load mlx4, mlx4ib and mlxen from /sys/modules:
> [root@h-qa-033 mlxen]# kldstat
> Id Refs AddressSize Name
> 1   14 0x8020 13acbd8  kernel
> 21 0x81612000 21e5 if_mos.ko
> 33 0x81615000 124ebmlx4.ko
> 41 0x81628000 e225 mlx4ib.ko
> 51 0x81637000 ec60 mlxen.ko
> The problem is that IPOIB module is missing in /sys/modules.
> 1.  Where can I find it?
> 2.  How can I compile ipoib support?
> You will have to create one.  You should be able to use the existing module
> Makefiles as a guide.

(Please don't cross-post multiple mailing lists)
See also: . Diff 
that branch and master to see what I've done so far to make the IB stuff into 
modules (example:
 ). It's not perfect, but it's a start. Something that I've wanted to push into 
the Isilon IB branch for some time, but it's going to take a while before 
that's committed back to FreeBSD proper I think.
Please credit me and add sponsored-by: EMC Isilon for the initial work 
if you push this elsewhere. Otherwise, it's all your's to play with :).
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