Re: Performance issues with VNET/bridge/VLAN

2019-02-28 Thread Patrick M. Hausen

just a quick info - I need some more time because this is getting weirder and 
weirder …

Changing the „complaint“ host from VLANs to dedicated interfaces fixed
the perceived TCP performance issue for that host. Then I tried to reproduce
the problem on another host *with* the VLAN based setup.
Same OS version, identical setup (all Ansible here) - *no* performance issue.
Everything running „fast“.

I’ll try to build a reliable test scenario with reproducibly problematic results
and report back.

Kind regards
-- GmbH   Internet - Dienstleistungen - Beratung
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how to determine primary (source) IP address in jail

2019-02-28 Thread Miroslav Lachman
Is there some easy way to determine the primary (source) address which 
is used in jail with multiple IP addresses?

I came to this problem with running local_unbound in jail. Unbound 
refuses queries originating in this jail because the do not come from 
real (which is the only one allowed by default). Unbound in 
jail see requests come from jails IP. It is easy to determine (in shell 
script) if jail has only one IP.
But what in case where jail has multiple IPs? Is there some sysctl or 
some call to ifconfig or any other util to get the IP which will be used 
as source address for queries on local services in jail?

I know I can allow all IPs of jail in
access-control: a.b.c.d/32 allow
access-control: e.f.g.h/32 allow

I am just curios if there is some way to get "primary" IP in jail 
without calling anything from the host environment.

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
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Re: how to determine primary (source) IP address in jail

2019-02-28 Thread James Gritton

On 2019-02-28 03:58, Miroslav Lachman wrote:

Is there some easy way to determine the primary (source) address which
is used in jail with multiple IP addresses?

I came to this problem with running local_unbound in jail. Unbound
refuses queries originating in this jail because the do not come from
real (which is the only one allowed by default). Unbound in
jail see requests come from jails IP. It is easy to determine (in
shell script) if jail has only one IP.
But what in case where jail has multiple IPs? Is there some sysctl or
some call to ifconfig or any other util to get the IP which will be
used as source address for queries on local services in jail?

I know I can allow all IPs of jail in
access-control: a.b.c.d/32 allow
access-control: e.f.g.h/32 allow

I am just curios if there is some way to get "primary" IP in jail
without calling anything from the host environment.

There's nothing reliable that I know of.  Lists of address like that
from "ifconfig -a" or "netstat -rn" are in the order that they exist on
the host, filtered so only in-jail addresses show up.  While this may
work for jails that always create aliases for their addresses in the
defined order (as jail(8) will). they don't work in cases where the
address already exists.  It will also have problems when the addresses
are on different interfaces.

- Jamie
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Re: how to determine primary (source) IP address in jail

2019-02-28 Thread BulkMailForRudy
One way to fix the problem is to use VNET in your jails and you will 
get  a lo0 with inside the jail.


On 2/28/19 2:58 AM, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Is there some easy way to determine the primary (source) address which 
is used in jail with multiple IP addresses?

I came to this problem with running local_unbound in jail. Unbound 
refuses queries originating in this jail because the do not come from 
real (which is the only one allowed by default). Unbound in 
jail see requests come from jails IP. It is easy to determine (in 
shell script) if jail has only one IP.
But what in case where jail has multiple IPs? Is there some sysctl or 
some call to ifconfig or any other util to get the IP which will be 
used as source address for queries on local services in jail?

I know I can allow all IPs of jail in
access-control: a.b.c.d/32 allow
access-control: e.f.g.h/32 allow

I am just curios if there is some way to get "primary" IP in jail 
without calling anything from the host environment.

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
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Re: how to determine primary (source) IP address in jail

2019-02-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 28 Feb 2019, at 10:58, Miroslav Lachman wrote:

Is there some easy way to determine the primary (source) address which 
is used in jail with multiple IP addresses?

I came to this problem with running local_unbound in jail. Unbound 
refuses queries originating in this jail because the do not come from 
real (which is the only one allowed by default). Unbound in 
jail see requests come from jails IP. It is easy to determine (in 
shell script) if jail has only one IP.
But what in case where jail has multiple IPs? Is there some sysctl or 
some call to ifconfig or any other util to get the IP which will be 
used as source address for queries on local services in jail?

Bind the listen socket of the local unbound to any IP of your jail and 
other services (unless the source port got bound) will select the same 
IP address as the destination if both are in the same jail.

I know I can allow all IPs of jail in
access-control: a.b.c.d/32 allow
access-control: e.f.g.h/32 allow

I am just curios if there is some way to get "primary" IP in jail 
without calling anything from the host environment.

Open a UDP socket; bind to 127.1; call getsockname;   is currently having a similar issue 
solving it exactly that way.

There were people who in the past added a 127.{2,3,4,5,..}  for each 
jail and then used that one instead of 127.1 but I’ve never been a 
huge fan of that, especially given one  may run the resolver for other 
services outside that jail (maybe in others) as well and they need to be 
able to reach that in a reliable way.

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