numeric jail name in jail.conf

2013-03-22 Thread Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas
Hi, when using a numeric names for a jails something like:

10 {
exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";


20 {
exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";


the name (numeric) becomes the jail ID when, therefore when I type a jls
command i see the  10,and 20 as the jails ID's,

My question is, is this the proper way to explicitly set the id when
using jail.conf ?

For me, this as been working fine and I can match the jail ids to use
rctl on every reboot, but just want to be sure if this is the correct
way of doing it.

thanks in advance.

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Re: Handbook Jail Chapter rewrite available for critique

2013-03-22 Thread Ian Smith
On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:21:29 -0400, Alejandro Imass wrote:
 > On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Ian Smith  wrote:
 > > On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:53:30 +0100, Dirk Engling wrote:

[.. also chopping mercilessly ..]

 > >  > # Copyright  2010,  Qjail project. All rights reserved.
 > >  >
 > >  > offensive. I am usually quite open with the license of my software,
 > >  > beerware is as permissive as it gets. I just can not take some script
 > >  > kiddie right out copying my code verbatim and selling it as his, not
 > >  > even acknowledging me as the original author.
 > >  >
 > >  > Anyone here with suggestions how to properly react to this kind of 
 > > "fork"?
 > >
 > > Yes.  Publicity.  Making sure the FreeBSD community gets to finds out.
 > >
 > [...]
 > > To that end I'm cross-posting this to -questions, where Mr Barbish has
 > > also posted about his proposed "rewrite" of Chapter 16 of the Handbook,
 > > which is nothing but a huge and poorly written manual for 'the qjail
 > > way', with its peculiar assumptions and unique "jailcell" terminology.
 > > "Fourth Generation", no less!
 > >
 > +1
 > Thank you Ian for cross-posting here.
 > The first thing I did when I got the new chapter for review was search
 > for the work EzJail and I was curious as to why EzJail is not
 > mentioned anywhere in this new proposal and why it isn't mentioned in
 > the current handbook either under in section "16.5.2 High-Level
 > Administrative Tools in the FreeBSD Ports Collection". If there is
 > __any__ tool that should be mentioned in the jails chapter it is
 > EzJail because it's really easy to use and does a damn good job.

Actually, ezjail has been explicitly mentioned in '16.6 Application of 
Jails' since 
revision 30226 by danger, Mon May 28 20:02:46 2007 UTC, which section 
was just 6 weeks ago updated with a (preceding) similar port reference 
to qjail:


 > NOW some things start to make sense to me, when I posted a problem
 > with EzJail here last year that very few people, if any, knew what I
 > was talking about. An how could they? if it's not mentioned anywhere
 > in the handbook or that jail man page(s).

man pages aren't an appropriate place to recommend particular ports; 
there are others, and there will be more.  The above are mentioned in 
the handbook page in the context of simpler alternatives to following 
the more detailed procedures presented to actually teach one how jail 
technology may be implemented, which - in my view - is the Good Stuff.

There have been about 20 messages in freebsd-jail@ referring to ezjail 
this year so far before this thread, as in previous years; try browsing 
the archives from

OTOH, I've seen no prior posts in jail@ about qjail before this thread.

cheers, Ian
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Re: Handbook Jail Chapter rewrite available for critique

2013-03-22 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Ian Smith  wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:21:29 -0400, Alejandro Imass wrote:
>  > On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Ian Smith  wrote:
>  > > On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:53:30 +0100, Dirk Engling wrote:


>> mentioned anywhere in this new proposal and why it isn't mentioned in
>> the current handbook either under in section "16.5.2 High-Level
>> Administrative Tools in the FreeBSD Ports Collection". If there is
>> __any__ tool that should be mentioned in the jails chapter it is


> Actually, ezjail has been explicitly mentioned in '16.6 Application of
> Jails' since
> revision 30226 by danger, Mon May 28 20:02:46 2007 UTC, which section
> was just 6 weeks ago updated with a (preceding) similar port reference
> to qjail:

Never seen it before. First time I read about service jails it wasn't
there. Further to my point doesn't it make more sense to mention them
under "16.5.2 High-Level Administrative Tools in the FreeBSD Ports
Collection" or in both places?


> There have been about 20 messages in freebsd-jail@ referring to ezjail
> this year so far before this thread, as in previous years; try browsing
> the archives from

I posted on the wrong list then ;-)

Subscribing today, thanks!

Alejandro Imass
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Re: how to measure bandwidth per jail

2013-03-22 Thread Sami Halabi
Jnettop has the ability to:
Measure bandwidth/packets in partecular intergace.
Simply use:
0,1..9 to switch between interfaces.
p to switch between packets/bandwidth
b to measure in bytes/bits
You better define your local ips in the .jnettop file, once that done your
measurs would be more accurate specially when you aggregate traffic (in
local/remote) by ip/protocol...

Additional option is content filter mainly in web traffic.

You can also add custom ips to measure using .jnettoo file.

On Mar 22, 2013 1:05 PM, "Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas" <> wrote:

>  Hi, I tried jnettop but is something like 'trafshow', I am searching
> something like vnstat, that could help me measure the rx/tx & total
> consumed bandwidth.
> any ideas?
> On 03/21/2013 18:48, Sami Halabi wrote:
> Hi
> Try jnettop from ports... exactly what your looking at.
> However its old, so the counters are 32 bit rather than 64 which means its
> pretty effective on 100mbit links
> plus its cpu consumer by design
> Sami
> On Mar 21, 2013 8:27 PM, "Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas" <
>> wrote:
>> Hi, one strange behavior I notice (freeBSD 9.1) is that I don't see the
>> Obytes per IP only for the bce0 interface, but I do for the cloned
>> interface lo1:
>> here is a link with the output of netstat -ib
>> any ideas ?
>> regards.
>> On 03/21/2013 18:12, Scott Lambert wrote:
>> > On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 01:26:13AM +, Nicolas de Bari Embriz
>> Garcia Rojas wrote:
>> >> Hi, any tool, idea or method for measuring the bandwidth consumed per
>> >> jail ? (or by IP)
>> >>
>> >> What about using pflow ( pseudo-device pflow) any advice ?
>> > I found a thread about this topic yesterday via Google.  It was on
>> > the mailing list sometime in 2005 if I
>> > remember correctly.
>> >
>> > They came up with a few options
>> >
>> >   netflow,
>> >
>> >   counting rules in IPFW/pf/ipf
>> >
>> >   netstat -rni ( which gets you packet counts,
>> >   -rnbi gives you in-bytes and out-bytes)
>> >
>> >   bandwidthd (in ports I believe)
>> >
>> >   I suppose ntop could do similar things.
>> >
>> > My favorite option was netstat -rnbi | awk '{print $8,$11}' and
>> > feeding that to MRTG.  I have not gotten it implemented yet.
>> >
>> > One consideration is that on FreeBSD 8 and older, you don't get out
>> > traffic per IP address with netstat, as far as I can tell.  We're
>> > moving to FreeBSD 9 pretty quickly anyway.
>> >
>> ___
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Re: Handbook Jail Chapter rewrite available for critique

2013-03-22 Thread Fbsd8

Ian Smith wrote:

On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:53:30 +0100, Dirk Engling wrote:
 > On 18.03.13 20:16, wrote:
 > > to configure things themselves. In my experience, ezjail is a much better

 > > solution. I also see that you are the maintainer/author of qjail and like
 > > to shovel your opinion as the only solution, both in this "rewrite" and
 > > all over the FreeBSD forums.
 > Taking a look at the qjail code I can not help to notice several odd

 > similarities with the ezjail-admin script, down to the very basic bail
 > out routines. I would not go so far to claim it was just a global
 > search/replace job but to me the code looks familiar enough to find the
 > # Copyright  2010,  Qjail project. All rights reserved.
 > offensive. I am usually quite open with the license of my software,

 > beerware is as permissive as it gets. I just can not take some script
 > kiddie right out copying my code verbatim and selling it as his, not
 > even acknowledging me as the original author.
 > Anyone here with suggestions how to properly react to this kind of "fork"?

Yes.  Publicity.  Making sure the FreeBSD community gets to finds out.

You may be polite and un-selfserving enough to not go so far Dirk, but 
I will.  Huge swathes of qjail are direct copies of your code, in most 
cases only with the names of the variables changed from ezjail_* to 
qjail_*.  I found it cute renaming 'flavour' to the American spelling.

Anyone looking at bin/qjail from qjail-2.1.tbz alongside the latest 
ezjail-admin (mine downloaded from your cvsweb) cannot fail to notice
within the first couple of screens.  Sure there are changes, additions 
and deletions, but to fail to acknowledge the original authorship of 
this code, and the implication that Joe Barbish (aka 'Qjail project') is 
its original author is entirely outrageous; not ethical, even if legal.

To that end I'm cross-posting this to -questions, where Mr Barbish has 
also posted about his proposed "rewrite" of Chapter 16 of the Handbook, 
which is nothing but a huge and poorly written manual for 'the qjail 
way', with its peculiar assumptions and unique "jailcell" terminology.  
"Fourth Generation", no less!

The idea that the "doc gang" would entertain the idea of removing all of 
the worthy content of the present Chapter 16 - even if it does need some 
updating - and replace it with this effort is laughable, yet stranger 
things have happened if there's any disconnect between developers and 
documenters .. witness the Handbook firewalls section, by Joe Barbish.

cheers, Ian

Boy this simple critique request sure has gotten out of hand. So lets 
set the record straight.

On the subject ezjail not being referenced in the document like it is in 
the current version of the online handbook is just a writing content 
error. The document being critiqued is the first public draft. Pointing 
out over sights like not included ezjail in that section is the type of 
constructive feedback that is desired. Any inference it was done on 
purpose is just crazy. When it comes to the question of the handbook 
jail chapter needing updating, A member of the document team has already 
offered to partner up with me to get it added to the handbook as fast as 
possible. To me that means the document team is already aware the 
current handbook jail chapter is outdated and has just been waiting for 
someone to write a update which is just what I did. If you people have a 
beef with that, take it up with the document team not me. If any of you 
think you can do a better job then NOW is the time to step up or shut up.

On the subject of qjail being a fork of ezjail, of course it is.
Qjail was developed by the qjail project team who are a group of FreeBSD 
users who live around Angeles City, Philippines. Of the seven members 2 
are foreigners living in the area, one American and one British. Our 
British member concluded that the author of ezjail must be British based 
solely on the spelling of the flavour directory. He also convinced us 
that his Beerware license was British humor, a joke, and should not be 
taken serous. In our review of other jail ports we did not see this 
Beerware license again or for that matter, see it in any of the 5000+ 
ports we looked at or use. So the group coincided to the British members 
view point as sound advice.

If you inspect the qjail source, you should recognize the comments at 
the beginning as a copy of what is included in every FreeBSD config 
file. It was inserted in the front like they have. We though that was 
how you make software opensource which was the intention. There are no 
formal copyright documents; it's just a extrapolation from the FreeBSD 
comments. Maybe our local view of worldly subjects like this is not 
correct, so please forgive us and help use learn what the accepted 
viewpoint should be. I was chosen the project leader and public voice 
only because my English was the best among us. If the Freebsd c

[no subject]

2013-03-22 Thread sib
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Fbsd8  wrote:
> Boy this simple critique request sure has gotten out of hand. So lets
set the record straight.

You got exactly what you asked for.

> On the subject ezjail not being referenced in the document like it is in
the current version of the online handbook is just a writing content

With all the spam you've put on the forums and mailing list(s) about
qjail, I wonder how true it is that you just "whoops, forgot to mention
ezjail" in your propaganda rewrite.

> When it comes to the question of the handbook jail chapter needing
> updating, A member of the document team has already offered to partner up
> with me to get it added to the handbook as fast as possible.

The documentation team will never accept such poorly-written stuff that's
laced with "use qjail use qjail use qjail - it's the only way!" I'll
believe it when I see it.

> On the subject of qjail being a fork of ezjail, of course it is.

Forks don't completely overwrite the copyright of a project and claim it
as their own, while just changing variable names and renaming the tool
something else. This is not a fork, it's a complete rip-off that gives no
credit to the original author (who did MUCH more of the work).

> Qjail was developed by the qjail project team

No it wasn't. It was developed by the ezjail author, and you just made
small changes and called it your own.

>Our British member concluded that the author of ezjail must be British
based solely on the spelling of the flavour directory. He also convinced
us that his Beerware license was British humor, a joke, and should not be
taken serous.

I think the GPL is a joke, but people still take it seriously. You can't
just decide a license should be completely ignored.

>I was chosen the project leader and public voice only because my English
was the best among us.

It gives me a headache trying to read some of the stuff you write. You've
got an American guy and a British guy and neither of their native English
is better than yours?

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2013-03-22 Thread Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas
Guys, please don't take me bad, but better stop this "@%!" and use your
talent to help me found a way to properly measure bandwidth per jails in
a long period.

I am using sysutils/jail2 port to start/stop jails, My working
configuration so far is this:

I use the jid so that later I can use in /etc/rctl.conf with something like:


my jail.conf looks like

* {
  exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
  exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
  securelevel = 3;

www {
  jid = 10;
  name = www;
  host.hostname = $;
  ip4.addr =;
  path = /jails/www;

vpn {
  jid = 20;
  name = vpn;
  host.hostname = $;
  ip4.addr =,;
  path = /jails/vpn;

guest {
  jid = 30;
  name = guest;
  host.hostname = $;
  ip4.addr =;
  path = /jails/guest;

On 03/22/2013 22:32, wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Fbsd8  wrote:
>> Boy this simple critique request sure has gotten out of hand. So lets
> set the record straight.
> You got exactly what you asked for.
>> On the subject ezjail not being referenced in the document like it is in
> the current version of the online handbook is just a writing content
> error.
> With all the spam you've put on the forums and mailing list(s) about
> qjail, I wonder how true it is that you just "whoops, forgot to mention
> ezjail" in your propaganda rewrite.
>> When it comes to the question of the handbook jail chapter needing
>> updating, A member of the document team has already offered to partner up
>> with me to get it added to the handbook as fast as possible.
> The documentation team will never accept such poorly-written stuff that's
> laced with "use qjail use qjail use qjail - it's the only way!" I'll
> believe it when I see it.
>> On the subject of qjail being a fork of ezjail, of course it is.
> Forks don't completely overwrite the copyright of a project and claim it
> as their own, while just changing variable names and renaming the tool
> something else. This is not a fork, it's a complete rip-off that gives no
> credit to the original author (who did MUCH more of the work).
>> Qjail was developed by the qjail project team
> No it wasn't. It was developed by the ezjail author, and you just made
> small changes and called it your own.
>> Our British member concluded that the author of ezjail must be British
> based solely on the spelling of the flavour directory. He also convinced
> us that his Beerware license was British humor, a joke, and should not be
> taken serous.
> I think the GPL is a joke, but people still take it seriously. You can't
> just decide a license should be completely ignored.
>> I was chosen the project leader and public voice only because my English
> was the best among us.
> It gives me a headache trying to read some of the stuff you write. You've
> got an American guy and a British guy and neither of their native English
> is better than yours?
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: Handbook Jail Chapter rewrite available for critique

2013-03-22 Thread Fbsd8 wrote:

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Fbsd8  wrote:

Boy this simple critique request sure has gotten out of hand. So lets

set the record straight.

You got exactly what you asked for.

On the subject ezjail not being referenced in the document like it is in

the current version of the online handbook is just a writing content

With all the spam you've put on the forums and mailing list(s) about
qjail, I wonder how true it is that you just "whoops, forgot to mention
ezjail" in your propaganda rewrite.

When it comes to the question of the handbook jail chapter needing
updating, A member of the document team has already offered to partner up
with me to get it added to the handbook as fast as possible.

The documentation team will never accept such poorly-written stuff that's
laced with "use qjail use qjail use qjail - it's the only way!" I'll
believe it when I see it.

On the subject of qjail being a fork of ezjail, of course it is.

Forks don't completely overwrite the copyright of a project and claim it
as their own, while just changing variable names and renaming the tool
something else. This is not a fork, it's a complete rip-off that gives no
credit to the original author (who did MUCH more of the work).

Qjail was developed by the qjail project team

No it wasn't. It was developed by the ezjail author, and you just made
small changes and called it your own.

Our British member concluded that the author of ezjail must be British

based solely on the spelling of the flavour directory. He also convinced
us that his Beerware license was British humor, a joke, and should not be
taken serous.

I think the GPL is a joke, but people still take it seriously. You can't
just decide a license should be completely ignored.

I was chosen the project leader and public voice only because my English

was the best among us.

It gives me a headache trying to read some of the stuff you write. You've
got an American guy and a British guy and neither of their native English
is better than yours?

Sib your unfounded ranting and raving only demonstrates you are off your 
medication for your anti social behavior mental condition.

Sending the above post to the list after removing the subject line to 
hide from your fellow list subscribers only confirms your mental 
condition. I have re-applied the correct subject line so the list 
readers can see how sick you really are.

Your post is un-professional and borders on slander. In some circles it 
would label you as a flame war inciter and get you banned from the list. 
Best you read what you write before posting it so you can reconsider the 
tone of what you have written. Please present a more professional manner 
in your list post content. Thank you in advance for your attention to 
this matter in future posts to this list and any other Freebsd lists you 
may belong to.

If you are unable to control your anti social impulses I suggest you 
seek medical treatment immediately before you do bodily harm to your 
self or to someone who loves you. I am only expressing my concern for 
you physical and mental health well being.

If you contuine to pursue this nonsense your actions will force me to 
contact the list administrator to have you banned. This is your only 

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Re: numeric jail name in jail.conf

2013-03-22 Thread Jamie Gritton

On 03/22/13 05:25, Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas wrote:

Hi, when using a numeric names for a jails something like:

10 {
 exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
 exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";

20 {
 exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
 exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";

the name (numeric) becomes the jail ID when, therefore when I type a jls
command i see the  10,and 20 as the jails ID's,

My question is, is this the proper way to explicitly set the id when
using jail.conf ?

For me, this as been working fine and I can match the jail ids to use
rctl on every reboot, but just want to be sure if this is the correct
way of doing it.

thanks in advance.

That's a fine and proper way to do it. You can also set it in the body
of the jail definition with e.g. "jid = 10". For that matter, these two
definitions are nearly equivalent:

10 {
name = "foo";

foo {
jid = 10;

I say "nearly" because while they'll create the same jail, you would use
10 or foo respectively on the command line if you were operating on one
of them. For example, if you wanted to start only one jail in a conf
file, "jail -c foo" would work only for the second definition.

- Jamie
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