Question about process rlimits

2010-12-02 Thread Andrew Duane

I've been poking at some bugs we have around pushing user memory to/past the 
limits of our box, and decided to try seeing what happens on a stock FreeBSD 
system (7.1 in this case).

Basically I have a program that mallocs big memory chunks and zeros them to 
consume both physical and virtual memory. I had expected the program to stop 
malloc'ing when brk() reaches the process' RLIMIT_DATA (512MB cur and max). It 
didn't. It happily malloc'd many gigabytes of memory until I stopped it.

On our 6.2 based product boxes, RLIMIT_DATA correctly stops the malloc from 
continuing, just like the manuals say.

Am I missing something?


Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551 10 Technology Park Dr   Westford, MA  01886-3418
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Strange problems in the old libc malloc routines

2011-02-02 Thread Andrew Duane
We are still using the FreeBSD 6 malloc routines, and are rather suddenly 
having a large number of problems with one or two of our programs. Before I dig 
into the 100+ crash dumps I have, I thought I'd see if anyone else has ever 
encountered this.

The problems all seem to stem from some case of malloc returning the pointer 
"1" instead of either NULL or a valid pointer. Always exactly "1". Where this 
goes bad depends on where it happens (in the program or inside malloc itself), 
but that pointer value of "1" is always involved. Some of the structures like 
page_dir look corrupted too. It seems as if maybe the "1" is coming from 
sbrk(0) which is just returning the value of curbrk (which is correct, and not 
even close to "1"). 

Does this ring any bells?

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418
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RE: reverse of getchar() read() open() fopen() ?

2011-02-11 Thread Andrew Duane
I've never seen any such thing, but I've done similar things a lot. I'd say 
malloc/read the whole file in and use a decrementing pointer to return the 
"previous" character.

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Julian H. Stacey []
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 4:32 PM
Subject: reverse of  getchar() read() open() fopen() ?

Hi hackers@,
Do we have C libraries with reverse of getchar() [ & maybe read()
] & fopen() [ & maybe open() ] etc, to read from end of file toward
beginning ?  I dont see anything in the See Also sections.  I'm not
looking to write, just read.  I'm looking for something that returns
last char in file as first etc, I'm not interested in wchars etc,
I could write some C functions, with seek etc & probably will, if
none exist, but no point if they already exist ?

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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RE: seeking into /dev/{null,zero}

2011-02-22 Thread Andrew Duane
I thought seeking past EOF was valid; writing something creates a file with a 
hole in it. I always assumed that was standard semantics.

As for /dev/zero and /dev/null, you could easily ask "who cares about the file 
position?" But I think some programs might want to seek around and check 
values, and those shouldn't change behaviour if someone uses /dev/null as a 
test file. It seems pretty trivial to update it, so why not make it behave the 

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Garrett Cooper []
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 11:22 AM
To: Alexander Best
Subject: Re: seeking into /dev/{null,zero}

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Alexander Best  wrote:
> hi there,
> there's a PR [1] regarding seeking into /dev/null and /dev/zero. i just wanted
> to ask what the overall opinion is on this matter. technically it's quite easy
> to seek into those files upon fwrite(3) and fread(3). the point is, if the 
> file
> position should be repositioned according the the amount of bytes read or
> written.
> the zero(4) and null(4) manual pages claim that both devices act as "ordinary"
> files. right now only reading from /dev/zero will seek into the file. writing
> to /dev/zero and reading/writing to /dev/null will *not* adjust the file
> position.

lseek on CURRENT (and its assorted functions) is funky. Try this as an example:

1. Create a zero character file.
2. lseek with SEEK_SET to byte 1.

2. will always return 1.

My Fedora Linux 13 VM on the other hand actually reports the error
when you try and seek outside the bounds of the file descriptor (this
makes more sense IMO because it accurately reflects reality). This is
an extension to the POSIX spec though as the spec doesn't say whether
or not seeking past the bounds of the descriptor is legal or illegal.
So what I'm trying to say is that the seek family functions in general
don't report helpful data except with success.

Found this when trying to write testcases for lseek(2) the night before last.

I'll get back to you about the POSIXness of those /dev's in the most
recent spec once I get access back to the OpenGroup download section

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RE: New Boot-Loader

2011-03-28 Thread Andrew Duane
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andriy Gapon
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 8:00 AM
To: Alexander Best
Cc: FreeBSD Hackers
Subject: Re: New Boot-Loader

Please note that graphical loaders are not very serial console friendly ;-)

Andriy Gapon

Amen, and we have a whole lot of platforms that are only serial consoles (and 
9600 baud at that).
Also, I like the letters instead of numbers for boot options, for those of us 
that have known for years that "s" is single user mode, "v" is verbose, etc

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
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RE: looking for error codes

2011-04-01 Thread Andrew Duane
AFAIK, FreeBSD does not really detect read-only media. This was something I had 
to add as a small project here at work, and was considering cleaning up to try 
to get into CURRENT. If there's a real need for it, I could speed that up.

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Warner Losh []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 10:51 AM
To: Andriy Gapon
Cc: FreeBSD Hackers; FreeBSD Arch
Subject: Re: looking for error codes

On Apr 1, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Andriy Gapon wrote:

> I am looking for error codes that would unambiguously signal that a disk 
> drive has
> readonly or write-protected media and that disk drive has no media at the 
> moment.
> I foresee these error codes being used mostly between disk peripheral drivers 
> and
> filesystem drivers.
> I will appreciate your suggestions.
> P.S.
> I see that Linux uses EROFS and ENOMEDIUM for these purposes.
> I am not sure about EROFS in this role.
> And we don't have ENOMEDIUM (nor EMEDIUMTYPE).

Maybe we could add ENOMEDIA for that (spelled however Linux spells it) after 


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RE: looking for error codes

2011-04-01 Thread Andrew Duane
My work is absolutely NOT in any shape at all to even consider, it's a really 
tailored point solution to a specific platform issue. I've been working with 
another engineer to expand it and make it more generic, but that effort is 
stalled at the moment.

My plan was to add something like an ioctl to a device that would query it for 
read/write status, and percolate that up through the geom layer to capture it 
for mount requests. The correct place to stop it is at mount time. Even 
mounting a read-only device as read-write will eventually panic the system as 
super-block flag updates will not be able to complete. Once that is done, any 
attempt to open a file for writing fails.

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418

From: Andriy Gapon []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 11:18 AM
To: Andrew Duane
Cc: Warner Losh; FreeBSD Hackers; FreeBSD Arch
Subject: Re: looking for error codes

on 01/04/2011 18:04 Andrew Duane said the following:
> AFAIK, FreeBSD does not really detect read-only media. This was something I 
> had to add as a small project here at work, and was considering cleaning up 
> to try to get into CURRENT. If there's a real need for it, I could speed that 
> up.

Yes, that's exactly the problem that I am looking at.
So if you have anything to share it will be greatly appreciated at least by me.
But I think many more people could benefit from it (e.g. those having 

> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Warner Losh []
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 10:51 AM
> To: Andriy Gapon
> Cc: FreeBSD Hackers; FreeBSD Arch
> Subject: Re: looking for error codes
> On Apr 1, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Andriy Gapon wrote:
>> I am looking for error codes that would unambiguously signal that a disk 
>> drive has
>> readonly or write-protected media and that disk drive has no media at the 
>> moment.
>> I foresee these error codes being used mostly between disk peripheral 
>> drivers and
>> filesystem drivers.
>> I will appreciate your suggestions.
>> P.S.
>> I see that Linux uses EROFS and ENOMEDIUM for these purposes.
>> I am not sure about EROFS in this role.
>> And we don't have ENOMEDIUM (nor EMEDIUMTYPE).
> Maybe we could add ENOMEDIA for that (spelled however Linux spells it) after 

Andriy Gapon
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RE: looking for error codes

2011-04-02 Thread Andrew Duane
My work around read-only systems extended this, to allow a general FreeBSD 
system to come up with "main media" write locked. In the RC files, MFS 
partitions were made for /tmp, /var, and other places we needed to write. Now 
that we're upgrading to a later BSD, I hope to refit these with union 
filesystems instead, to save space and complexity.

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Warner Losh []
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: looking for error codes

On Apr 2, 2011, at 1:50 AM, wrote:
>> With respect to my knowledge , no one of the operating systems
>> has a facility to separate read-only and modifiable parts ...
> SunOS 4 had a partial solution to this, by rearranging the FS layout
> so that /usr could be mounted read-only (and often, from a server --
> IIRC a single /usr could be shared among multiple diskless clients).
> They used quite a few symlinks so that things could be found in
> their accustomed places although actually located elsewhere.  The
> scheme was fairly well described in the SunOS 4 manual set; granted
> _finding_ a SunOS 4 manual set these days may be a challenge :)

FreeBSD can do this too.  In fact, NanoBSD relies heavily on having most of the 
system mounted read-only, and has MFS partitions for /etc and /var.


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RE: retry mounting with ro when rw fails

2011-04-08 Thread Andrew Duane
I had been letting this discussion settle a little bit before jumping in, but 
we've done some work in this area for a few of our platforms. The work was 
rather ham-fisted, but I've been looking for a way to try to get it cleaned up 
and back to FreeBSD.

Basically, we have a way of detecting that our disk is physically 
write-protected, a pretty common scenario. Given that, I made some surgical 
changes to the mount path to prevent read-write mounts of the disk at all. You 
can't allow that, because even attempts to update the superblock or timestamp 
will fail and leave buffers outstanding. Over time, this eventually panics the 
system. My implementation simply drops the read-write flag and mounts the FS 
readonly, rather than return a failure (which stopped the startup RC scripts).

What I was hoping to do was design a better mechanism for passing that R/O 
detection from the device to the filesystem code. Our implementation uses a 
platform sysctl that checks the incoming device name against some hardware or 
software settings. Ick. I don't know enough about device/GEOM calls to do it 
better though.

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
m  +1 603-770-7088


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bruce Evans
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 8:20 AM
To: Andriy Gapon
Cc: Garrett Cooper;; Jeremy Chadwick; FreeBSD Hackers
Subject: Re: retry mounting with ro when rw fails

On Fri, 8 Apr 2011, Andriy Gapon wrote:

> on 08/04/2011 03:00 Jeremy Chadwick said the following:
>> On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 01:20:53PM -0700, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>>> As a generic question / observation, maybe we should just
>>> implement 'errors=remount-ro' (or a reasonable facsimile) like Linux
>>> has in our mount(8) command? Doesn't look like NetBSD, OpenBSD, or
>>> [Open]Solaris sported similar functionality.
>> I was going to recommend exactly this.  :-)
>> I like the idea of Andriy's patch, but would feel more comfortable if it
>> were only used if a mount option was specified (-o errors=remount-ro").
> Having the option is appealing, but my main motivation was the simplicity that
> comes from having that enabled by default.
> That is, you absolutely want an R/W mount then use -o rw, you need R/O then
> explicitly -o ro, you "just want" to get that media mounted then the default
> behavior tries its best.

But the default behaviour is backwards, especially for read-mostly
removable media.  The default should be ro, possibly with an automagic
upgrade to rw iff the media really needs to be written too.  Writing
timestamps for file system and inode access times doesn't count as
"really needs to be written to".

I think I prefer requiring an explicit upgrade to rw.  rw implies
writing access times unless you also use noatime, and I wouldn't want
noatime to be set automagically depending on whether rw is set explicitly,
so I would want noatime to be set explicitly, and once you do that
then you can easily set rw or ro at the same time.  A new rm (read mostly)
or "rwa" (read or write automagically) flag could give automatic upgrade
from ro to rw.  I'd also like automatic downgrade to ro after a file
system has not been written to for some time (this would avoid fscks
in most cases for read-mostly file systems.  The ro flag should be
per-cylinder-group in ffs so that on big disks, most parts are read-only
most of the time and don't need to be checked).

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RE: retry mounting with ro when rw fails

2011-04-08 Thread Andrew Duane
For SCSI-attached disks, yes. But other hardware has write-protect sensing (SD 
cards, CD-roms, our platform). So if you can do that, you should

Cleaning up after a failed write is a real problem, one that I needed to avoid. 


-Original Message-
From: Andriy Gapon [] 
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 11:23 AM
To: Andrew Duane
Cc: Bruce Evans;; FreeBSD Hackers;
Subject: Re: retry mounting with ro when rw fails

on 08/04/2011 15:36 Andrew Duane said the following:
> What I was hoping to do was design a better mechanism for passing that R/O
> detection from the device to the filesystem code. Our implementation uses a
> platform sysctl that checks the incoming device name against some hardware or
> software settings. Ick. I don't know enough about device/GEOM calls to do it
> better though.

I am actually not aware of any way to inquiry write-protection status from
hardware.  There are distinct SCSI sense codes for that, but you get them only
after a failed write attempt.

But there are many things that I don't know about...

Andriy Gapon
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RE: DEBUG - analysing core dumps

2011-05-25 Thread Andrew Duane
Damien Fleuriot wrote:
> Hello list,
> We've got these boxes at work running FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE amd64 and
> serving as firewalls and openvpn gateways.
> We use CARP interfaces to provide an active-passive fault tolerant
> system. 
> Today, we received a nagios alert from the master box saying it's
> rsyslogd process had crashed.
> I logged on to it and tried to relaunch it, to no avail:
> pid 2303 (rsyslogd), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
> I would like advice on how to debug the output from the core dump.
> This is what I get from gdb:
> # gdb
> GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
> Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
> you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under
> certain conditions.
> Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
> There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
> details. This GDB was configured as "amd64-marcel-freebsd".
> (gdb) core rsyslogd.core
> Core was generated by `rsyslogd'.
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> #0  0x004258ec in ?? ()
> Sadly, getting a backtrace with "bt" gives me more lines with "??",
> which is totally not helpful:
> [SNIP]
> #13 0x7f1f9d70 in ?? ()
> #14 0x in ?? ()
> #15 0x6f70732f7261762f in ?? ()
> #16 0x6c737973722f6c6f in ?? ()
> #17 0x5f6e70766f2f676f in ?? ()
> #18 0x746174732e676f6c in ?? ()
> #19 0x0065 in ?? ()
> #20 0x in ?? ()
> [SNIP]
> I am not sure what steps I should follow to get more information ?
> Also, I believe that often, core dumps with signal 11 = RAM problems
> and I would like a confirmation here.
> I am concerned because rsyslogd is the only process that crashes in
> this way, even after I rebooted the firewall.
> Thanks for your input :)

For what it's worth, the addresses shown in frames 15, 16, 17, and 18 are ASCII:


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Dumping core over NFS

2011-08-11 Thread Andrew Duane
We have a strange problem in 6.2 that we're wondering if anyone else has seen. 
If a process is dumping core to an NFS-mounted directory, sending SIGINT, 
SIGTERM, or SIGKILL to that process causes NFS to wedge. The nfs_asyncio starts 
complaining that 20 iods are already processing the mount, but nothing makes 
any forward progress.

Sending SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, or SIGABRT seem to work fine, as does any signal if 
the core dump is going to a local filesystem.

Before I dig into this apparent deadlock, just wondering if it's been seen 


Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
m  +1 603-770-7088

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Soliciting opinions on an extension of the bootinfo structure

2011-09-08 Thread Andrew Duane

I'm proposing an extension framework for the bootinfo structure used to pass 
information from the bootstrap/loader to the kernel. Although I'm only 
proposing this for the MIPS bootinfo, it's completely applicable to any of them.

What I propose is adding an optional platform extension structure: 
bootinfo_pext, surrounded by #ifdef BOOTINFO_PEXT

struct bootinfo {

u_int32_t   bi_kernend; /* end of kernel space */
u_int32_t   bi_envp;/* environment */
u_int32_t   bi_modulep; /* preloaded modules */
+   struct bootinfo_pextbi_pext;/* platform extensions if 
defined */

Then, any vendor, platform, architecture, family, or developer could define a 
new header file (or expand an existing one) with a definition of struct 
bootinfo_pext, and a #define BOOTINFO_PEXT. Include the new (or existing) 
header file in your source, and you have whatever extensions you want, without 
affecting other platforms, architectures, families, or developers. The file 
we're looking to add is sys/mips/cavium/bootinfo_octeon.h:

+ * Platform bootinfo extensions for OCTEON bootinfo structure
+ *
+ * Specific vendors can add their own bootinfo_pext structures
+ * surrounded by #ifdef OCTEON_VENDOR_XXX
+ */
+#include "opt_cvmx.h"  /* For OCTEON_VENDOR_XXX definitions */
+#define BOOTINFO_PEXT  /* include bootinfo_pext in main structure */
+struct bootinfo_pext {
+int pext_i2cid;
+u_int32_t   pext_flags;
+u_int32_t   pext_magic; /* Magic number for octeon 
pext */
+u_int32_t   pext_version;   /* Version of pext */
+u_int16_t   pext_uboot_major_rev;
+u_int16_t   pext_uboot_minor_rev;
+u_int16_t   pext_loader_major_rev;
+u_int16_t   pext_loader_minor_rev;

Reasonable? Unreasonable? Insane?

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418
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RE: Soliciting opinions on an extension of the bootinfo structure

2011-09-09 Thread Andrew Duane
That's correct. This is actually part of a larger effort to open up the MIPS 
code to a range of new bootstraps. Some bootstraps use the bootinfo facility 
extensively. It's an easy way to pass some simple information to the kernel 
without the clutter of metadata and other such things.

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
m  +1 603-770-7088


-Original Message-
From: Peter Wemm [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 6:48 PM
To: Peter Grehan
Cc: Andrew Duane;;
Subject: Re: Soliciting opinions on an extension of the bootinfo structure

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Peter Grehan  wrote:
>> I'm proposing an extension framework for the bootinfo structure used
>> to pass information from the bootstrap/loader to the kernel. Although
>> I'm only proposing this for the MIPS bootinfo, it's completely
>> applicable to any of them.
>> What I propose is adding an optional platform extension structure:
>> bootinfo_pext, surrounded by #ifdef BOOTINFO_PEXT
>  Any reason not to put the vendor bits into another piece of loader metadata
> ? That seems the extensible way to add additional info from the loader,
> rather than extending bootinfo (as was the case pre-loader days).
> later,

It sounds like they're not using loader, which is probably a
reasonable thing for their environment.

Peter Wemm -;;; KI6FJV
"All of this is for nothing if we don't go to the stars" - JMS/B5
"If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete
themselves upon execution." -- Robert Sewell
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RE: Soliciting opinions on an extension of the bootinfo structure

2011-09-12 Thread Andrew Duane
Since this has turned out to be a more contentious idea than I thought, and the 
upcoming FDT work will probably remove the need for it at all, I'm withdrawing 
the idea. Although our current code uses such a platform extension structure, 
we can make do with either metadata or environment variables for the time being.

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
m  +1 603-770-7088


-Original Message-
From: John Baldwin [] 
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 8:32 AM
Cc: Peter Wemm; Peter Grehan;; Andrew Duane
Subject: Re: Soliciting opinions on an extension of the bootinfo structure

On Thursday, September 08, 2011 6:48:19 pm Peter Wemm wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Peter Grehan  wrote:
> >> I'm proposing an extension framework for the bootinfo structure used
> >> to pass information from the bootstrap/loader to the kernel. Although
> >> I'm only proposing this for the MIPS bootinfo, it's completely
> >> applicable to any of them.
> >>
> >> What I propose is adding an optional platform extension structure:
> >> bootinfo_pext, surrounded by #ifdef BOOTINFO_PEXT
> >
> >  Any reason not to put the vendor bits into another piece of loader 
> > ? That seems the extensible way to add additional info from the loader,
> > rather than extending bootinfo (as was the case pre-loader days).
> >
> > later,
> It sounds like they're not using loader, which is probably a
> reasonable thing for their environment.

That doesn't stop you from adding metadata to the kernel.  It is just an array 
of variable length blobs appended after 'end'.  Any boot loader can support
adding metadata.

John Baldwin
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RE: Hello World assembly language

2011-09-28 Thread Andrew Duane
Add a 0x0d to the end of the string (0xa = LF, 0xd = CR)

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
m  +1 603-770-7088


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Colin Barnabas
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Hello World assembly language
> I found a hello world program written in assembly language which
> runs on my amd64 8.2 stable box. However, I can not seem to get
> it to print a new line. Any suggestions on how to print a line
> feed in assembly?
> Here is the code-
> section .data
> message:
> db  'hello, world!', 0x0a
> section .text
> global _start
> _start:
> mov rax, 4
> mov rdi, 1
> mov rsi, message
> mov rdx, 13
> syscall
> mov rax, 1
> xor rdi, rdi
> syscall
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RE: BUG: 'glabel label' name's lenght, is truncated without err/warn

2011-11-08 Thread Andrew Duane
Checking the return code of strlcpy won't say if the entire string fit 
(exactly) correctly, or if it was truncated. I think explicitly checking the 
length of label first is cleaner and more correct. 

I would, however, replace "15" with "sizeof(md.md_label) - 1" both in the check 
and the printf.

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
o   +1 978 589 0551
m  +1 603-770-7088


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Ed Schouten
> Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 6:34 AM
> To: Lucas Holt
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: BUG: 'glabel label' name's lenght, is truncated without
> err/warn
> * Lucas Holt , 2005 15:24:
> > --- src/sbin/geom/class/label/geom_label.c  2008/11/21 21:05:31
>   1.3
> > +++ src/sbin/geom/class/label/geom_label.c  2011/11/05 14:15:23
>   1.4
> > @@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ label_label(struct gctl_req *req)
> > return;
> > }
> >
> > +   label = gctl_get_ascii(req, "arg0");
> > +   if (strlen(label) > 15) {
> > +   gctl_error(req, "Label cannot exceed 15 characters");
> > +   return;
> > +   }
> > +
> > /*
> >  * Clear last sector first to spoil all components if device
> exists.
> >  */
> > @@ -131,7 +137,6 @@ label_label(struct gctl_req *req)
> >
> > strlcpy(md.md_magic, G_LABEL_MAGIC, sizeof(md.md_magic));
> > md.md_version = G_LABEL_VERSION;
> > -   label = gctl_get_ascii(req, "arg0");
> > strlcpy(md.md_label, label, sizeof(md.md_label));
> > md.md_provsize = g_get_mediasize(name);
> > if (md.md_provsize == 0) {
> Why not simply perform the strlcpy and check whether
>   if (strlcpy(...) >= sizeof(md.md_label)
> ?
> --
>  Ed Schouten 
>  WWW:
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RE: mount_nfs does not like exports longer then 88 chars

2012-04-19 Thread Andrew Duane
MNAMELEN is used to bound the Mount NAMe LENgth, and is used in many many 
places. It may seem to work fine, but there are lots of utilities and such that 
will almost certainly fail managing it. Search the source code for MNAMELEN.

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
+1 978-589-0551 (o)
+1 603-770-7088 (m)


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Mark Saad
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 3:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: mount_nfs does not like exports longer then 88 chars
> Hello Hackers
>   I was wondering if anyone has come across this issue. This exists in
> FreeBSD 6, 7, and 9 , and probably in 8 but I am not using it at this time.
> When a nfs export path and host name total to more then 88 characters
> mount_nfs bombs out with the following error when it attempts to mount it.
> mount_nfs: nyisilon2-13.grp2:/ifs/clients/www/csar884520456/files_cms- 
> stage-BK/imagefield_default_images:
> File name too long
> I traced this down to a check in mount_nfs.c . This is about line 560
> in the 7-STABLE version  and  734 in the 9-STABLE version
> /*
>  * If there has been a trailing slash at mounttime it seems
>  * that some mountd implementations fail to remove the mount
>  * entries from their mountlist while unmounting.
>  */
> for (speclen = strlen(spec);
> speclen > 1 && spec[speclen - 1] == '/';
> speclen--)
> spec[speclen - 1] = '\0';
> if (strlen(hostp) + strlen(spec) + 1 > MNAMELEN) {
> warnx("%s:%s: %s", hostp, spec, strerror(ENAMETOOLONG));
> return (0);
> }
> Does any one know why the check for hostp + spec +1 to be less then
> MNAMELEN is there for ?
>  I removed the check on my 9-STABLE box and it mounts the long mounts fine
> I submitted a pr for this its kern/167105
> as there is no
> mention of this in the man page and I cant find any reason for the check at 
> all.
> --
> mark saad |
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RE: GSoC Project: Automated Kernel Crash Reporting System - Discussion

2012-05-16 Thread Andrew Duane
I'm interested in the server side of this project, as it's something we've been 
working on here. We are developing an internal tool for our own crash reporting 
that does analysis of backtraces and provides a pretty accurate synopsis of 
what happened. I have a set of heuristics that can find various panic and trap 
issues across different CPU architectures, and walk up the trace to the real 
culprit. This includes, for example, that if memset traps the real problem was 
memset's caller, not memset itself.

We then use this information to be able to search for duplicate bug reports 
before opening new ones, and can help assign to the right team based on some 
lists of file and/or routine patterns. There is also a "hint" facility to 
extend the crash dump data collection for different kinds of crashes (e.g. 
memory exhaustion, lock issues, etc.)

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
+1 978-589-0551 (o)
+1 603-770-7088 (m)


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RE: proper newfs options for SSD disk

2012-05-24 Thread Andrew Duane
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Tim Kientzle
> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 12:49 AM
> To: Warren Block
> Cc:; Matthias Apitz
> Subject: Re: proper newfs options for SSD disk
> GPart's alignment option doesn't work for MBR slices.
> It rounds to the requested alignment, and then rounds again
> to the track size, which defaults to 63 sectors.
> I'm not convinced this is a bug in the design of MBR.  I don't
> think anything in the MBR design requires that partitions
> be track-aligned.
> Tim

It really doesn't. This is old school thinking based around minimizing seek and 
rotation time on slow multiplatter HDDs. It also helped the redundant 
superblock layout scheme of UFS make that spiral striping down a set of disk 
platters. My bet is no one has ever bothered to rethink this in the 25 years 

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
+1 978-589-0551 (o)
+1 603-770-7088 (m)


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RE: /proc filesystem

2012-07-12 Thread Andrew Duane
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Ian Lepore
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:42 PM
> To: Wojciech Puchar
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: /proc filesystem
> On Tue, 2012-06-19 at 06:47 +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> > that is what i need.
> >
> > but still need some explanation after using it and reading manual
> >
> > say:
> >   1378   0x40   0x5ac000 r-x  385  415   2   1 CN- vn 
> > /usr/local/bin/Xorg
> >   1378   0x7ab000   0x7bc000 rw-   170   1   0 C-- vn 
> > /usr/local/bin/Xorg
> >   1378   0x7bc000   0x80 rw-   140   1   0 C-- df
> >   13780x8007ab0000x8007c3000 r-x   240  32   0 CN- vn 
> > /libexec/
> >   13780x8007c30000x8007f rw-   430   1   0 C-- df
> >   13780x8007f0x8007f2000 rw-10   4   0 --- dv
> >   13780x8007f20000x8007f4000 rw-20   4   0 --- dv
> >   13780x8007f40000x800874000 rw-   110   4   0 --- dv
> >   13780x8008740000x800884000 rw-   160   4   0 --- dv
> >   13780x8008840000x800895000 rw-   100   1   0 CN- df
> >   13780x8009c20000x8009c5000 rw-30   1   0 C-- df
> >
> > 1) Xorg is mapped twice - IMHO first is text/rodata second is data. But
> > what "REF" really means here and why it is 2 once and 1 second.
> >
> > 2) what really PRES ("private resident") means? df (default) mappings are
> > IMHO anonymous maps==private data of process. so why RES is nonzero while
> > PRES is zero, while on shared code PRES is nonzero and large. what does it
> > really means?
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> I'm catching up on threads I was following before I went on vacation,
> and it looks like there was never a response to this.  I'm interested in
> the answers to these questions too, so today I did some spelunking in
> the code to see what I could figure out.  I don't think I really
> understand things too well, but I'll just say what I think I found and
> hopefully the experts will correct anything I get wrong.
> I think you're right about the first two mappings in that procstat
> output.  The REF value is the reference count on the vm object (the
> vnode for the exe file, I presume).  I think the reason the reference
> count is 2 is that one reference is the open file itself, and the other
> is the shadow object.  I've always been a bit confused about the concept
> of shadow objects in freebsd's vm, but I think it's somehow related to
> the running processes that are based on that executable vnode.  For
> example, if another copy of Xorg were running, I think REF would be 3,
> and SHD would be 2.
> I don't know why there is no shadow object for the writable data mapping
> and why the refcount is only 1 for that.

BSS that doesn't exist in the file?

Andrew Duane
Juniper Networks
+1 978-589-0551 (o)
+1 603-770-7088 (m)


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RE: Multiple page size support on FreeBSD?

2013-04-10 Thread Andrew Duane
Like all "performance" items (especially VM), it depends on the hardware and 
the load. On systems with small TLBs it helps more than with large TLBs. With 
software that needs access to lots of different areas the TLB gets more traffic 
so large ones help more. The answer for your firefox browser box with i386 is 
probably different from my compilation engine running MIPS, or his web server 
running AMD.

Back at Digital, we spent a lot of time trying to find the "one true answer" to 
superpages, only to discover there wasn't one. We ended up with a combination 
of automatic use from big allocations, a rarely used API to advise for big 
TLBs, and some background work that coalesced when possible.

Andrew L. Duane
Resident Architect - AT&T Technical Lead
m   +1 603.770.7088
o   +1 408.933.6944 (2-6944)
skype: andrewlduane

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alfred Perlstein
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 4:00 PM
To: Benjamin Kaduk
Cc: Wojciech Puchar; Sebastian Feld;
Subject: Re: Multiple page size support on FreeBSD?

On 4/10/13 11:42 AM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2013, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>>> How do your tests work?  Do you examine PTEs directly to check for 
>>> superpages or are you relying on the vm.pmap.pde sysctls?
>> the later.
>> anyway - algorithm described on list - that heuristics detects 
>> consecutive page access doesn't really help the urgent case - RANDOM 
>> access to large amount of memory.
> The algorithm is not a heuristic based on consecutive accesses, 
> promotion occurs when the entire superpage's worth of memory has 
> actually been accessed.  If I remember correctly, the performance gain 
> from superpages was only a few percent, so spending more time trying 
> to decide when to use them would make the algorithm a net wash.
> You should really watch the talk I linked to if you're interested, it 
> was quite interesting.
>> sequential access will get minimal improvement.
>> IMHO the only way that really make sens is to add options to madvise 
>> to give kernel information about usage.
> Maybe.

It is cool that FreeBSD got this work via Alan Cox and the others that 

I am wondering if it makes sense to have an explicit model.

At one place, for a platform with high performance but a very small TLB, we 
made it possible to explicitly request a large TLB for our process and it made 
a BIG difference for performance.

Sometimes being "general purpose" means that you can expose such low level 
things for the user to tune instead of requiring them to fit the app to a 
heuristic that may change.


> -Ben Kaduk
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RE: ``Stopping RAM access''

2007-10-31 Thread Andrew Duane
Well, if the system stops accessing RAM, you had better make sure that *all* 
the instructions you need are already loaded into the L1 and L2 caches. 
Otherwise you won't be able to turn RAM back on. That would involve carefully 
preloading everything through use of the system's appropriate PREFETCH calls, 
locking down the cache lines to make sure nothing else disturbs them, turning 
off interrupts, and probably more.

To actually turn off RAM, you'd have to power down or otherwise disable the 
memory controller interface on your board. The procedures for that would be 
highly platform dependent.

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-freebsd-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Maslan
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 5:02 PM
> To: Jaroszewski Łukasz
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: ``Stopping RAM access''
> > Can anyone give me a clue, how one can ``stop'' system from accessing
> > RAM, and then allow it again?

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RE: trap 12 with interrupts disabled, need help

2008-01-08 Thread Andrew Duane
Obvious question: is your stack set up properly, and is it big enough?
It could be that you haven't set up a bigger kernel stack yet, and have
overrun the small boot stack that the processor was running on. Do you
know what the stack pointer is? If it is a few bytes below a page
boundary, then overrunning the stack is a good guess.

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-freebsd-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharad Chandra
> Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: trap 12 with interrupts disabled, need help
> Hi,
>   I got a message on first boot "pid  (): trap 12 with
> interrupts
> disabled", then it hanged and hard boot is required.
> It does not appears all the time.
> I tried to figure out the problem, trap 12 is stack exception, find at
> last
> and is coming from kernel,
> The location of this message is /usr/src/
> sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c: "pid %ld (%s): trap %d
> interrupts disabled\n",
> What does this exception mean, and what could be possible reason that
> program is doing wrong? How to handle it
> Platform: freebsd 6.1 on amd64
> --
> Thanks
> Sharad Chandra
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NOR flash drivers

2008-02-08 Thread Andrew Duane
I may have asked this once before, but are any NOR flash drivers
available in FreeBSD? I have support that I put into the bootstrap I'm
building, interfaced to libstand, but it is read-only, and far from
useful for a real UFS.


Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551 10 Technology Park Dr
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Westford, MA  01886-3418
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RE: bad RAM? prove it with a crash dump?

2010-05-06 Thread Andrew Duane wrote:
> On Thu, 6 May 2010, Boris Kochergin wrote:
>> My experience with bad memory is that if it causes the machine to
>> crash, it won't always happen while the machine is running the same
>> process (or kernel thread)--so look for it crashing in a wide
>> variety of places--and upon inspection of the core dump, a pointer
>> somewhere will be pointing to garbage.
> so really i'd need to collect two or more crash dumps, and if they
> point to different addresses then i can reasonably say the RAM is bad?
> thanks...

It's not just that they point to different addresses, it is garbage in many 
completely independent places. For example, pulling bad registers/return 
addresses off the stack, or garbage in random unrelated 
buffers/structures/pointers. On the other hand, if you often have garbage in 
some structure's "foo" pointer, that indicates a problem (maybe locking) in how 
your code manages setting that foo pointer. It's a subtle difference.

It is also useful to make sure that the garbage itself is different. As 
mentioned before, a single bit error in an otherwise valid value, or maybe a 
missing/scrambled byte, these are good indications of memory problems. If 
random places are often overwritten with something else, that could just be 
another piece of misbehaving code that is writing someplace it shouldn't. I've 
often found code that writes some buffer into e.g. a piece of memory it no 
longer owns that looks like memory corruption until you realize the garbage is 
always something specific like a vnode structure.


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RE: loader prompt: list / on other device

2010-06-23 Thread Andrew Duane
You *should*  be able to use device1s2a:/ as a syntax, but I noticed a bug in 
our old loader code that parses devicenames like that where it wouldn't work 
correctly with unit numbers. I don't know if that bug is still around, but 
setting currdev did work around it.


> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 12:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: loader prompt: list / on other device
> I've escaped to loader prompt:
> Current device is disk0s3a, from which this loader is running.
> My USB stick is device1 and device1s2a is UFS /, on which I 
> would like to reach some file or simply list directory.
> Syntax? 
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RE: Q: case studies about scalable, enterprise-class firewall w/ IPFilter

2008-08-05 Thread Andrew Duane
Well, there are always Juniper Networks boxes :-)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Matthias Apitz
Sent: Tue 8/5/2008 4:05 AM
Subject: Fwd: Q: case studies about scalable,enterprise-class firewall w/ 


I've posted the attached mail in the IP Filter mailing list; the only
responses have been bad configured vacation replies :-(

someone from freebsd-hackers has an idea? thanks in advance


- Forwarded message from Matthias Apitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Matthias Apitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 08:24:15 +0200
Subject: Q: case studies about scalable, enterprise-class firewall w/ IPFilter


We're currently protecting our network (and as well some FreeBSD laptops
standalone) with IPFilter... I'm wondering if there are any case studies
about scalable, enterprise-class firewall solutions, redundancy with
state-full failover, and application-level inspection, and all that a
like, based on IPFilter and FreeBSD;

thanks in advance for any pointers

Matthias Apitz
We should all learn from the peoples of The Netherlands, France and Ireland.
Aprendamos todos de los pueblos de Holanda, Francia e Irlanda.

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RE: Spin down HDD after disk sync or before power off

2010-02-04 Thread Andrew Duane

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Warren Block []
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 7:43 PM
To: Erich Dollansky
Subject: Re: Spin down HDD after disk sync or before power off

On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> In case of a reboot, it is already known when the command is given that the 
> machine will restart without being powered of.
> If you spin-down the disk, you lose one start cycle.
> It is not that important but if it can be done with just one if, please, just 
> do it.

AFAICT ad_shutdown can't tell whether it's called for a reboot or a
poweroff, it's just told to "shut down".  So maybe it's one if, but it's
somewhere above ata-disk.c but below reboot(RB_POWEROFF).

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

You can register for a shutdown even that *does* get to know the "howto" 
variable; we do this quite a bit on some of our platforms that need special 
handling at power-off versus halt.

extern void jsrxnle_poweroff_devices(void *junk, int howto);

/* Registering power-off handler to be called at the system shutdown */
EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(shutdown_final, jsrxnle_poweroff_devices, NULL, 

The howto argument can be checked for RB_POWEROFF:

    if (howto & RB_POWEROFF) {
   /* Spin Down */

Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551  10 Technology Park Dr  Westford, MA  01886-3418

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RE: Future CPUs - 128 threads

2010-02-12 Thread Andrew Duane wrote:
> Artem Belevich wrote:
>>> Seriously, simply because of curiosity - are MIPS CPUs used in any
>>> kind of "general purpose" machines?
>> I'm not aware of any multi-core general-purpose MIPS box.
>> Low-end MIPS CPUs are ubiquitous in low-end networking gear.
>> High-end multicore MIPS chips are mostly going into mid-to-high end
>> networking gear like firewalls.
> However several companies are using FreeBSD as a base kernel for their
> appliance, based on these chips. So they are of direct interest to us.
>> They are probably not a very good fit for general purpose computing.
>> --Artem

I believe I know of one such company... :-)


Andrew Duane Juniper Networks
978-589-0551 10 Technology Park Dr   Westford, MA  01886-3418

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RE: Dead store elimination in the kernel?

2010-03-08 Thread Andrew Duane wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm asking if FreeBSD is safe regarding dead store elimination made
> by gcc? 
> By example, in crypto drivers, sensitive datas are cleared by a
> bzero() after use to avoid potential leakages.  But the bzero() by
> itself is useless, is it removed by gcc?
> Thanks, regards.
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I would think the "correct" way to handle this is to make sure all appropriate 
items are declared volatile. This would eliminate dead store elimination, as 
the compiler can tell they are not dead.

Unfortunately, the history of drivers (or any code) correctly using volatile 
declarations is intermittent at best.


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