kernel trap 9

2000-03-28 Thread Wm Brian McCane

I am having a serious problem trying to build a new kernel for my machine.
I was running 'current' and have now 'downgraded' to 4.0-RELEASE to try
and fix the problem.  When I try to boot my machine, it goes into the
bootstrap loader okay, and waits 10 seconds, then the screen flashes and
the following message pops up on the screen:

kernel trap 9 with interrupts disabled

Fatal trap 9: general protection fault in kernel mode

processor eflags = resume, IOPL = 0
current process = Idle
interrupt mask = net tty bio cam
trap number = 9
panic: general protection fault
Uptime: 0s

My machine is a PIII-500 on an Asus P2B-S motherboard.  I have 128MB of
RAM and 2 Video Cards installed.  I am using using a 'dc0' type NIC.  I
suspect the problem is in the build process (or some residual flag),
because I can boot kernel.GENERIC from the 4.0-RELEASE without a hitch.
If someone would be interested in giving me a hand with this, I would be
happy to send them my config files, &etc.


He rides a cycle of mighty days, and \ Wm Brian and Lori McCane
represents the last great schizm among\ McCane Consulting
the gods. Evil though he obviously is, \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he is a mighty figure, this father of   \
my spirit, and I respect him as the sons \
of old did the fathers of their bodies.   \
Roger Zelazny - "Lord of Light"\

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: kernel trap 9

2000-03-29 Thread Wm Brian McCane

Sorry, I didn't know what was needed.  I have also located the
problem (well, sort of).  I built a GENERIC kernel, and then made
incremental changes until I had my old working kernel back.  The problem
appears to be in the code for one of the following options:


I don't need these anymore (my machine figures out the clock speed when it
boots without them), so I didn't try to isolate which was at fault.  If
people would like, I can turn these on one at a time and see which is
causing it.  If I remember correctly from when I last looked at the code,
CLK_CALIBRATION_LOOP turns on the feature and the other 2 select
variations on how it is handled.


He rides a cycle of mighty days, and \ Wm Brian and Lori McCane
represents the last great schizm among\ McCane Consulting
the gods. Evil though he obviously is, \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he is a mighty figure, this father of   \
my spirit, and I respect him as the sons \
of old did the fathers of their bodies.   \
Roger Zelazny - "Lord of Light"\

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Chris Costello wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 28, 2000, Wm Brian McCane wrote:
> > Fatal trap 9: general protection fault in kernel mode
> > 
>Why did you remove the vital information needed to track down
> and fix the problem?
> -- 
> |Chris Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> |A paperless office has about as much chance as a paperless bathroom.
> `

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Buildworld problems

2001-09-14 Thread Wm Brian McCane

I am having problems doing a buildworld.  When I run it, I get the
following error:

cd /home/src/usr.bin/xinstall;  make obj;  make depend;  make all;  make
cc -O -pipe-I/usr/obj/home/src/i386/usr/include   -static -o xinstall
xinstall.o: In function `main':
xinstall.o(.text+0x8f): undefined reference to `strtofflags'

I checked in /usr/lib/libc.a and got:

root@china (/usr/src)> nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep strtofflags
0088 T strtofflags

So I know it exists.  I did a 'ranlib /usr/lib/libc.a', and also did an
'ar s /usr/lib/libc.a', neither seemed to help.  I did an upgrade from
install floppies to the 20010909 snapshot from, and I
still get the same error.  I was able to rebuild my kernel successfully
after I updated, so I know the compiler and linker are mostly working.

I tried to rebuild some out of date utilites (zip-5.40 upgrade to
zip-5.42), as another experiment and I get:

cc -o zip -s zip.o zipfile.o zipup.o fileio.o util.o globals.o crypt.o
ttyio.o  unix.o crc32.o crctab.o deflate.o trees.o match.o crc_i386.o
fileio.o: In function `tempname':
fileio.o(.text+0xc8e): warning: mktemp() possibly used unsafely; consider
using mkstemp()
unix.o: In function `version_local':
unix.o(.text+0x8a2): undefined reference to `__xuname'

Once again I checked with 'nm' and I got:

root@china (/usr/ports/archivers/zip)> nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep __xuname
 U __xuname
 U __xuname
 T __xuname

So it also exists.  Then, out of boredom/desperation, I did:

root@china (/tmp)> ar x /usr/lib/libc.a __xuname.o
root@china (/tmp)> ar ruv /usr/lib/libc.a __xuname.o
r - __xuname.o
root@china (/tmp)> ranlib /usr/lib/libc.a

And I still get the same results from the make in zip.

Anybody else have another suggestion?

- brian

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Re: Buildworld problems

2001-09-14 Thread Wm Brian McCane

Actually, I was already at 5.0-CURRENT.

FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT (CHINA) #7: Thu May 10 05:25:14 CDT 2001

- brian

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:

> Please try the attached patch.  I'm going to attempt to unbreak
> the upgrade path from 4.1-RELEASE to 5.0-CURRENT sometimes in
> the near future.
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 10:15:00AM -0500, Wm Brian McCane wrote:
> > I am having problems doing a buildworld.  When I run it, I get the
> > following error:
> >
> > cd /home/src/usr.bin/xinstall;  make obj;  make depend;  make all;  make
> > install
> > cc -O -pipe-I/usr/obj/home/src/i386/usr/include   -static -o xinstall
> > xinstall.o
> > xinstall.o: In function `main':
> > xinstall.o(.text+0x8f): undefined reference to `strtofflags'
> >
> > I checked in /usr/lib/libc.a and got:
> >
> > root@china (/usr/src)> nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep strtofflags
> > strtofflags.o:
> > 0088 T strtofflags
> >
> > So I know it exists.  I did a 'ranlib /usr/lib/libc.a', and also did an
> > 'ar s /usr/lib/libc.a', neither seemed to help.  I did an upgrade from
> > install floppies to the 20010909 snapshot from, and I
> > still get the same error.  I was able to rebuild my kernel successfully
> > after I updated, so I know the compiler and linker are mostly working.
> >
> > I tried to rebuild some out of date utilites (zip-5.40 upgrade to
> > zip-5.42), as another experiment and I get:
> >
> > cc -o zip -s zip.o zipfile.o zipup.o fileio.o util.o globals.o crypt.o
> > ttyio.o  unix.o crc32.o crctab.o deflate.o trees.o match.o crc_i386.o
> > fileio.o: In function `tempname':
> > fileio.o(.text+0xc8e): warning: mktemp() possibly used unsafely; consider
> > using mkstemp()
> > unix.o: In function `version_local':
> > unix.o(.text+0x8a2): undefined reference to `__xuname'
> >
> > Once again I checked with 'nm' and I got:
> >
> > root@china (/usr/ports/archivers/zip)> nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep __xuname
> >  U __xuname
> >  U __xuname
> > __xuname.o:
> >  T __xuname
> >
> > So it also exists.  Then, out of boredom/desperation, I did:
> >
> > root@china (/tmp)> ar x /usr/lib/libc.a __xuname.o
> > root@china (/tmp)> ar ruv /usr/lib/libc.a __xuname.o
> > r - __xuname.o
> > root@china (/tmp)> ranlib /usr/lib/libc.a
> >
> > And I still get the same results from the make in zip.
> >
> >
> > Anybody else have another suggestion?
> --
> Ruslan ErmilovOracle Developer/DBA,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sunbay Software AG,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]FreeBSD committer,
> +380.652.512.251  Simferopol, Ukraine
> http://www.FreeBSD.orgThe Power To Serve
> Enabling The Information Age

He rides a cycle of mighty days, and \ Wm Brian and Lori McCane
represents the last great schizm among\ McCane Consulting
the gods. Evil though he obviously is, \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he is a mighty figure, this father of   \
my spirit, and I respect him as the sons \
of old did the fathers of their bodies.   \
Roger Zelazny - "Lord of Light"\

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Email being rejected

2001-03-07 Thread Wm Brian McCane

I am using the standard created during a buildworld.  I have
started noticing that I am missing/rejecting a lot of emails from places
like:  It is a valid domain name, and I can't imagine why
I would not want to get their emails (well, actually I can, but that is
beside the point :). It appears that the problem is that they do not have
a machine named "".  I have been looking in the sendmail
config stuff, and I have not yet figured out what rule I would need to
change, but I need it fixed soon, customers are complaining.  I think what
needs to be done is add a rule that says (if it is a TLD, go ahead and
accept it).  And, yes, I realize that means I will get a lot of emails
from places like:, but a "whois" lookup would be WAY

- brian

He rides a cycle of mighty days, and \ Wm Brian and Lori McCane
represents the last great schizm among\ McCane Consulting
the gods. Evil though he obviously is, \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he is a mighty figure, this father of   \
my spirit, and I respect him as the sons \
of old did the fathers of their bodies.   \
Roger Zelazny - "Lord of Light"\

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: Email being rejected

2001-03-08 Thread Wm Brian McCane

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Gregory Neil Shapiro wrote:

> root> I am using the standard created during a buildworld.  I
> root> have started noticing that I am missing/rejecting a lot of emails
> root> from places like:
> It would be helpful to show the actual log message so we can determine why
> it is being rejected.  If it is something like:
> Mar  7 18:45:51 horsey sendmail[69643]: f282jdlg069643: ruleset=check_mail, 
>reject=501 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender address 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist
Yes, that is it.  I actually started noticing the problem in my email for
the daily (nightly) run.  I went to look in the maillog, however, and that
is the essence of the error (I think the PID might have been different ;).

> Then at the time the mail came in, was not resolvable.  You
> can check with:
> nslookup -q=
> nslookup -q=A
> nslookup -q=MX
I did this and it does resolve for that one, but it doesn't for an ISP
that one of my clients is trying to receive an email from.  I emailed the
owner of the ISP who promptly informed me that you should never setup an
IP for your domain name, just for things like the ;).
However, the MX does (and has all along) resolved for his domain.  I
thought sendmail would do the DNS lookup/RDNS double-check thing for the
MX machine instead of the origination machine, which was why I was so

> root> I have been looking in the sendmail config stuff, and I have not yet
> root> figured out what rule I would need to change, but I need it fixed
> root> soon, customers are complaining.  I think what needs to be done is
> root> add a rule that says (if it is a TLD, go ahead and accept it).  And,
> root> yes, I realize that means I will get a lot of emails from places
> root> like:, but a "whois" lookup would be WAY TOO
> root> SLOW.
> >From /usr/share/sendmail/cf/README:
> FEATURE(accept_unresolvable_domains)
>   Normally, MAIL FROM: commands in the SMTP session will be
>   refused if the host part of the argument to MAIL FROM:
>   cannot be located in the host name service (e.g., an A or
>   MX record in DNS).  If you are inside a firewall that has
>   only a limited view of the Internet host name space, this
>   could cause problems.  In this case you probably want to
>   use this feature to accept all domains on input, even if
>   they are unresolvable.
Saw this, and didn't like the sound of it one darn bit.  I am on a AT&T
T1, which has been extremely reliable, and have never (that I know of) had
problems resolving names unless the other persons bind or connection to
the net is shakey.

> ...
> An ``access'' database can be created to accept or reject mail from
> selected domains.  For example, you may choose to reject all mail
> originating from known spammers.  To enable such a database, use
>   FEATURE(`access_db')
> ...
>   OK  Accept mail even if other rules in the
>   running ruleset would reject it, for example,
>   if the domain name is unresolvable.
Okay, just call me stupid :).  I use this feature already to allow relays
from/to my various domain names, reject email from spammers, etc.  I can
even control it directly from webmin instead of looking at all those
strange rules in the .cf file.

- brian

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Re: CURRENT instability

2001-03-20 Thread Wm Brian McCane

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Pierre Beyssac wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 08:30:12AM +0100, Pascal Hofstee wrote:
> > AMD K6-2 350
> > 
> > I noticed the vague stack smashes posting earlier ... and i think it's very
> > likely this is the same bug
> Same here, random crashes -- AMD K6-2 300; no panic, no crash dump,
> just a complete system freeze if you happen to use too much CPU.
> I had to temporarily revert to an older kernel.

Another "data point".  It was happening here as well on a Pentium 200/MMX.
The crash occurred, almost everytime, in a bcopy called from vm_fault
according to the kernel debugger (on the rare occassions I could still use
it).  Whenever I couldn't use the debugger, the Instruction pointer was
usually 08:.  I stuck an old P-III 800MHz/PC133 machine in its
place and everything has worked flawlessly since.

- brian

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Problem installing on T20

2000-12-29 Thread Wm Brian McCane

I have an IBM T20 laptop that I want to run FreeBSD on.  I have run
Partition Magic and shrunk the disk to 4GB (leaving 8GB for FreeBSD).
I downloaded 4.2-RELEASE and installed it on the box.  Everything looked
good until I tried to reboot the machine.  At that point, it would show
the ThinkPad Logo, tinker, then the screen would dim, the hard drive light
stuck on, and the box just sat there (for 3 hours, as a test 8).

The company we lease the machine from had to give me a new hard drive to
fix the problem.  Luckily I don't keep anything I care about on this
machine.  Assuming the problem was a hardware issue, I tried it again,
with the same results.  This time I got IBM involved, and they said that
the T20 checks for data on the hard drive (kinda sounded like the CMOS was
too small for all the stuff they saved between boots).  From what they
told me, the data is stored somewhere in those 62 sectors after the boot
block, before the first partition.

Okay, so I am now on my third hard drive, and I decided to try it one more
time (glutton for punishment).  This time I tried a 5.0 snapshot dated
2000/12/23.  The install looked good, and I even got it to boot both NT
and FreeBSD from the drive (in that order).  After I gave FreeBSD the
3-finger salute to shut it down, the system would no longer boot.
Through experimentation, I have found that I can:

1) Pull hard drive out
2) power on and wait until red error saying drive is missing
3) plug drive in hot (don't tell IBM 8)
4) boot from FreeBSD boot/root disks
5) drive works when mounted using custom install option then a
holographic shell.

I can even copy files to/from the hard drive across the network (okay, I
am bored and desparate).  Everything works except booting from the drive.
Using dd|od -c, it appears that boot0 is overlapping onto the second 
sector (which I thought was a no-no).  Also, boot1 or boot2 (I forget
which now) was in sectors 3-x, and I thought those should be in the boot
area of the FreeBSD partition, right?  I have attempted to replace the
boot record (even using a standard MBR).  I finally got so frustrated that
I dd'd /dev/zero into those 62 sectors in hope the IBM would assume it was
a new drive and re-create the data it needed.

Any ideas?
- brian

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memory/swapping problem

2002-06-27 Thread Wm Brian McCane

I am having a problem with a new server that I am setting up to host my
UseNet news and email.

1.26GHz 512MB/L1 Cache
768MB PC133 Memory
4x60GB UDMA100 IDE Drives
4x36GB 160MBit SCSI Drives

OS: 5.0-CURRENT (yes I know, but I have been CURRENT since 386bsd 0.1)
INN 2.3.3
Sendmail w/amavisd milter

This machine has been running for about 2 months on CURRENT with no
problems, but I recently upgraded the CPU from an 866 to the new one.  At
that time, I also planned to replace the motherboard with a new Intel SAI2
dual processor board, add a 2nd processor and drop in 3x512MB ECC
Registered DIMMs.  So I built and installed a more current CURRENT and
added SMP to the config for my kernel.  The motherboard was defective, so
I put back in the original board and memory chips, while I wait for the
replacement board.  The 2nd night after the build was done, I started
having memory/swap/wired problems.  I rebuilt the kernel for UP operation,
but the problems have not gone away.

Machine averages about 95% idle all day except during news expiration.
For the first day, it averages around 45M wired.  'inn' process is about
137MB RSS.  During expiration there is an understandable spike in CPU and
Swap activity.  'expire' process is about 259MB RSS.  When the expiration
completes there is about 254MB still wired.  The second night it goes to
500+MB wired and the system never finishes expiration before I get a call
that email is down.  I have actually gone out and killed every process
running on the machine that I can (including inetd, syslogd, cron, sshd,
sendmail and inn).  The wired memory is never released until I reboot the

Any ideas (other than going to STABLE :)?

- brian

He rides a cycle of mighty days, and \ Wm Brian and Lori McCane
represents the last great schizm among\ McCane Consulting
the gods. Evil though he obviously is, \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he is a mighty figure, this father of   \
my spirit, and I respect him as the sons \
of old did the fathers of their bodies.   \
Roger Zelazny - "Lord of Light"\

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: 5.0-RUSH: -current install testers wanted!

2002-10-22 Thread Wm Brian McCane
Wow, spooky, I used to live at:

8716 W 70th Terr
Shawnee Mission, KS 66204

Of course, that was back in the early 70's ;).  Anyway, I might be able to
get you a copy if you want 1.  I have a spare 5.0-DP somewhere at one of
my customers in Lenexa, or I could make a newer version.  Unfortunately, I
cannot get to my broadband connection until Thursday because I am staying
with my wife at the hospital.  If noone else sends you one, I will try to
make one for you and mail it then.

- brian

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Juli Mallett wrote:

> * De: Soeren Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [ Data: 2002-10-22 ]
>   [ Subjecte: Re: 5.0-RUSH: -current install testers wanted! ]
> > It seems Juli Mallett wrote:
> > > > Find another box where it has already been successfully installed,
> > > > and an ISO image has been built from sources.
> > >
> > > I don't have a CD burner.  I have no ability to burn a CD at all.
> >
> > Where do you live ? I'm sure we can find someone with a CD burner
> > near you willing to make a copy and snailmail it to you...
> (Consider this a beg for anyone close enough for it to be cost
> effective to send me a 5.0-CURRENT snapshot CD, on which I can
> somehow disable the atkbdc/atkbd stuff at bootup, or which has
> them out of the kernel...)
>   Juli Mallett
>   11145 W 76th Terrace
>   Shawnee, KS 66214
>   United States
> Thanks for the idea :)
> juli.
> --
> Juli Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | FreeBSD: The Power To Serve
> Will break world for fulltime employment. | finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  | Support my FreeBSD hacking!
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

He rides a cycle of mighty days, and \ Wm Brian and Lori McCane
represents the last great schizm among\ McCane Consulting
the gods. Evil though he obviously is, \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he is a mighty figure, this father of   \
my spirit, and I respect him as the sons \
of old did the fathers of their bodies.   \
Roger Zelazny - "Lord of Light"\

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Is Adaptec ATA Raid Supported

2002-02-27 Thread Wm Brian McCane

I am looking for a mid-range Raid solution for my database server.  I hate
to put down a significant chunk of change for SCSI Raid for a website that
still doesn't quite pay its bills.  Now for my question.  I was looking at

Adaptec ATA RAID 2400A controller card.  It is a four channel ATA/100 raid
controller with up to 128MB onboard cache and it support Levels 0,1,0+1
and 5.  Looks real promising, but I cannot see any support for it in
ata-raid.[ch].  Will the current code support this card?  Or are there
plans to add it in the near future?

- brian

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