Re: newconfig/new-bus

1999-04-13 Thread Rick Whitesel
I just wanted to say that I see this as very important work. BSD and
Linux interoperability is the best way to insure the BSDs survive (and maybe
better) the Linux mania.

Rick Whitesel

"If it is easy it probably sucks."

- Original Message -
From: UCHIYAMA Yasushi 
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 3:58 AM
Subject: newconfig/new-bus
This is newest newconfig patch against to 4.0-CURRENT(990410).

 FreeBSD/newconfig provides NetBSD compatible frame work ,bus_space(9)
(bus_memio.h,bus_pio.h are no longer required.) and `bus
 and also provides resource management.
 This feature makes easy to implement and feedback drivers among *BSD.
As a sample, dev/pcmcia/ directory was imported from NetBSD. The
amounts of #ifdef __FreeBSD__ is little.
 I'm working CardBus (dev/cardbus/) driver with NetBSD people.
(originary written for NetBSD)

 Newconfig may not to be seem exciting, but this is powerful and
flexible implementation in fact. please see this patch.

Following table is guide map for comparison.

 newconfig  new-bus
 kern/subr_autoconf.c   kern/subr_bus.c
 sys/device.h   sys/bus.h
resource management:
 kern/subr_rman.c   kern/subr_rman.c
 i386/i386/resource.c   i386/i386/nexus.c

ISA bus:
 i386/isa/isa_machdep.c i386/i386/nisa.c
PCI bus:
 i386/pci/pci_machdep.c pci/pci.c

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Re: newconfig/new-bus

1999-04-13 Thread Rick Whitesel
I should have been more clear. BSD driver interoperability is a seperate
issue from Linux application interoperability but I think both are

Rick Whitesel

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

- Original Message -
From: Doug Rabson 
To: Rick Whitesel 
Cc: ; UCHIYAMA Yasushi 
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: newconfig/new-bus

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Rick Whitesel wrote:

> Hi:
> I just wanted to say that I see this as very important work. BSD and
> Linux interoperability is the best way to insure the BSDs survive (and
> better) the Linux mania.

I think the work is important too but it won't improve interoperability
with Linux driver code...

Doug Rabson Mail:
Nonlinear Systems Ltd. Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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Re: newbus and modem(s)

1999-04-19 Thread Rick Whitesel
Just wanted to say that I think the lack of a free-for-all CVS is
exactly what is required to consistently move FreeBSD forward. If someone
feels they would like to take a different approach, then I say by all means
do so. If you can convince people to join your development effort then
great!, if not, then great!.

Rick Whitesel

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

- Original Message -
From: W Gerald Hicks 
To: Alex Zepeda 
Cc: Brian Feldman ; Daniel C. Sobral ;
Jordan K. Hubbard ; current ;

Sent: Monday, April 19, 1999 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: newbus and modem(s)

> > I saw this and just had to note something to you. THINK what branch you
> > are using. This is _WHERE_ things are being aired publically, and merged
> > eventually to the STABLE branch.
> Gosh, thank you, without your wonderful help and understanding, I NEVER
> would have been able to realize this.  You are so smart.  Will you commit
> my code which breaks a few things and causes a panic?  Wouldya? Huh? Huh?
> Huh?

Don't forget that the GNATS database is a wonderful resource for
acquiring patches and submitting things experimental and/or broken
for consideration by others.


Jerry Hicks

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Re: newbus and modem(s)

1999-04-19 Thread Rick Whitesel
Sorry for my lack of clarity. What I meant was that we DO need control
on the cvsup updates. I am perfectly happy with the way the FreeBSD team
runs the show.


- Original Message -
From: Wilko Bulte 
To: Rick Whitesel 
Cc: ; ; ;
; ; ;

Sent: Monday, April 19, 1999 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: newbus and modem(s)

As Rick Whitesel wrote ...
> Hi:
> Just wanted to say that I think the lack of a free-for-all CVS is
> exactly what is required to consistently move FreeBSD forward. If someone

Free-for-all as in 'everybody can do commits' ?

This is a joke I hope. There already exists such a thing. It is called Linux
(and even there the kernel is controlled).

> feels they would like to take a different approach, then I say by all
> do so. If you can convince people to join your development effort then
> great!, if not, then great!.
> Rick Whitesel
> Scientist
> NBase-Xyplex

Groeten / Cheers,
_ __
 |   / o / /  _  Arnhem, The Netherlands
 |/|/ / / /( (_) Bulte WWW  :
___ Powered by FreeBSD ___ _

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1999-04-22 Thread Rick Whitesel
I have been using the new IDE drivers on a ASUS P2B-DS (Dual P II
with Adaptec SCSI) motherboard without any problems until yesterday
afternoon. I noticed that when I booted up yesterday afternoon with the
latest build that I no longer had a IDE CD-ROM. In fact dmesg shows that
only one controller channel is found, e.g. ata-pci0, ata0 and ad0. I
reverted to the "standard" IDE drivers and everything was fine. Anyone have
any ideas what has happened?

Rick Whitesel

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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Re: New IDE

1999-04-22 Thread Rick Whitesel
I am using /sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c rev 1.11. All this worked just fine
with the new IDE drivers until yesterday.


- Original Message -
From: Soren Schmidt 
To: Rick Whitesel 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: New IDE

It seems Rick Whitesel wrote:
> Hi:
> I have been using the new IDE drivers on a ASUS P2B-DS (Dual P II
> with Adaptec SCSI) motherboard without any problems until yesterday
> afternoon. I noticed that when I booted up yesterday afternoon with the
> latest build that I no longer had a IDE CD-ROM. In fact dmesg shows that
> only one controller channel is found, e.g. ata-pci0, ata0 and ad0. I
> reverted to the "standard" IDE drivers and everything was fine. Anyone
> any ideas what has happened?

Be sure you have /sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c rev 1.10 or later, there was
problems in the first round of Peters changes..


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Re: New IDE

1999-04-22 Thread Rick Whitesel
No change. I forget to mention that there is an ATM card in the system.
I am going to build a version that does not support the ATM card or the
SCSI. I will let you know what happens.


- Original Message -
From: Soren Schmidt 
To: Rick Whitesel 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: New IDE

It seems Rick Whitesel wrote:
> Hi:
> I am using /sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c rev 1.11. All this worked just fine
> with the new IDE drivers until yesterday.

Hmm, wierd, I see no problems here..
Try do a config -r configfile, make depend, make and see if the problem
is still there...


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Re: New ATA driver and crash dumps

1999-04-22 Thread Rick Whitesel
I built a version that removed the SCSI and ATM support with no change.
Something has changed such that only one channel of the PCI IDE controller
is reported. I will continue my investigation.


- Original Message -
From: Soren Schmidt 
To: Christopher Masto 
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: New ATA driver and crash dumps

It seems Christopher Masto wrote:
> My machine panicked today for the first time since switching to the
> new ATA drivers, and I noticed that I no longer have crash dumps.
> Is this something that is expected to be put back in soon?
> I know Søren's a busy guy, and I'm glad we have the results of his
> work.  I just hope the old drivers don't get killed off until the
> replacement has the same functionality.
> Then again, wddump() is only 100 lines of code, so I should probably
> try to fix it myself before whining.

I know :), it has just not been done yet. It will be done eventually
but I have other areas in the driver I want finish first.

Also the old wd driver will probably not be killed off entirely, as
its the only one we have that support old ST506/ESDI drives.


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New IDE drivers problem

1999-04-22 Thread Rick Whitesel
As I had stated earlier, the new IDE drivers broke on me yesterday.
I have done some investigation and discovered that the ATA driver no longer
believes I have any devices on ata1 (I think!). I have included the dmesg
text. Any help in solving the problem would be greatly appreciated.

Rick Whitesel

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Copyright (c) 1992-1999 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #5: Thu Apr 22 16:05:29 EDT 1999
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
CPU: Pentium II/Xeon/Celeron (686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x652  Stepping=2

real memory  = 268435456 (262144K bytes)
avail memory = 258252800 (252200K bytes)
Programming 24 pins in IOAPIC #0
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor motherboard
 cpu0 (BSP): apic id:  1, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee0
 cpu1 (AP):  apic id:  0, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee0
 io0 (APIC): apic id:  2, version: 0x00170011, at 0xfec0
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc031b000.
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled, default memory type is uncacheable
Probing for PnP devices:
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0:  on motherboard
pci0:  on pcib0
chip0:  at device 0.0 on pci0
chip1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
isab0:  at device 4.0 on pci0
ata-pci0:  at device 4.1 on pci0
ata-pci0: type=71118086 class=01 subclass=01 cmd=0285
ata-pci0: Busmastering DMA supported
ata0: iobase=0x01f0 altiobase=0x03f6
ata0: mask=03 status0=50 status1=00
ata0: mask=03 status0=50 status1=00
ata0: devices = 0x1
ata0 at 0x01f0 irq 14 on ata-pci0
ata1: iobase=0x0170 altiobase=0x0376
ata1: mask=03 status0=a5 status1=50
ata1: mask=03 status0=50 status1=50
ata1: devices = 0x0
chip2:  at device 4.3 on pci0
ahc0:  at device 6.0 on pci0
ahc0: interrupting at irq 19
ahc0: aic7890/91 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/255 SCBs
fxp0:  at device 9.0 on pci0
fxp0: interrupting at irq 19
fxp0: Ethernet address 00:a0:c9:b7:be:e9
fxp1:  at device 10.0 on pci0
fxp1: interrupting at irq 18
fxp1: Ethernet address 00:a0:c9:b7:bf:5f
hea0:  at device 11.0 on pci0
hea0: interrupting at irq 17
isa0:  on motherboard
fdc0: interrupting at irq 6
fdc0:  at port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
atkbdc0:  at port 0x60 on isa0
atkbd0:  on atkbdc0
atkbd0: interrupting at irq 1
psm0:  on atkbdc0
psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0
psm0: interrupting at irq 12
vga0:  on isa0
sc0:  on isa0
sc0: VGA color <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x0>
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio0: interrupting at irq 4
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A
sio1: interrupting at irq 3
sio2: not probed (disabled)
sio3: not probed (disabled)
ppc0 at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: SMC-like chipset (ECP/EPP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppc0: FIFO with 16/16/9 bytes threshold
ppc0: interrupting at irq 7
APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery
APIC_IO: routing 8254 via pin 2
ds0 XXX: driver didn't set ifq_maxlen
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
ata0: master: settting up UDMA2 mode on PIIX4 chip OK
ad0:  ATA-4 disk at ata0 as master
ad0: 13783MB (28229040 sectors), 28005 cyls, 16 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S
ad0: piomode=4, dmamode=2, udmamode=2
ad0: 16 secs/int, 31 depth queue, DMA mode
Waiting 5 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
sa0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 6 lun 0
sa0:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa0: 5.000MB/s transfers (5.000MHz, offset 15)
changing root device to wd0s1a

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New IDE Drivers

1999-04-23 Thread Rick Whitesel
I believe the problems I started having with the new IDE drivers may
be related to the bugs in the SMP IRQ handler described by Roger Hardiman. I
am going to wait until Roger fixes the bug to see if my IDE problem
disappears. I tried the latest drivers on a non SMP motherboard and they
work fine!

Rick Whitesel

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Re: Problems with ahc (2940U2W) and USB

1999-04-28 Thread Rick Whitesel
I am seeing the same thing on a ASUS P2B with a Adaptec 2940??


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 11:38 AM
Subject: Problems with ahc (2940U2W) and USB

With the current sources, there seems to be a problem with the Adaptec
2940U2W driver when using USB.

Whenever I try to boot a kernel with the USB driver, the boot process
gets to the "Waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle" and stops.
If I compile a kernel with an nearly identical config, only the USB
driver has been commented out, it boots all right.

My computer has a Spacewalker 661 mainboard, which is a 440BX based card.
The SCSI controller is an Adaptec 2940U2W.

Kernels compiled before the integration of new-bus works fine.

Now, this is not a critical situation for me, as I have no USB devices,
but I thought someone else would want this information.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Erik H. Bakke, Habatech AS  | To be or not to be... |
E-Mail:| Is simply a question of binary logic. |
This message was sent by XFMail |   |

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Re: cvs commit: src/sys/pci pcisupport.c

1999-05-12 Thread Rick Whitesel
While I confess to not having the whole picture here, I do, of course,
have an opinion. In general I believe that dynamic configuration of the
system is extremely useful to both the development community and the user
community. The development community has a much easier time if they can load
/ unload drivers. As for the users, my rule of thumb is  that a computer
should never ask a human the answer to a question that it can find out for
itself. I think this is especially true for configuration information. In
addition, the need for dynamic system (re)configuration will only increase
as features like PCI hot swap become the standard.

Rick Whitesel

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

- Original Message -
From: Noriyuki Soda 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/pci pcisupport.c

NOTE: Please Cc:, I am not subscribing this mailing
list, because I am a NetBSD user. :-)

> > It depends on old-config, so poor mechanism. newconfig already
> > implimented best match probe/attach.
> And a very useful mechanism it is. Which is why I implemented priority
> ordered probes in -current.

Hmm, I thought this cannot be done correctly on new-bus, because
the new-bus kicks match/attach routine from SYSINIT(). It is apparent
that this fails in dynamic configuration case, because a potencial
candidate of drivers which is dynamically loaded first always matches.
This behaviour can not be called as "best match", but "first match". :-)
Of course, dynamic configuration of newconfig solves this problem.

Was this behaviour of the new-bus changed in -current ?

BTW, there are many fundamental design flaws in new-bus, so I don't
think new-bus is comparable with newconfig, yet, even if priority
probe is implemented. For example:

- newconfig can cope with both static configuration and dynamic
  configuration. new-bus can handle dynamic configuration only.

This is because critical information for configuration is
represented in C source internally. e.g. The bus/device
hierarchy information is embedded in DRIVER_MODULE() on
On newconfig, such information is represented externally
in "files" file. Thus the information can be used in
both static and dynamic configuration case.
As a result, newconfig can support same configuration
syntax in both static and dynamic configuration,
the new-bus never can do it.

- new-bus cannot support on-demand device driver loading,
  dynamic configuration for newconfig can do it, though.

This is because new-bus doesn't have the way to represent meta
information like a mapping from device name to driver filename.
If new-bus have this, there is no need to specifiy
"kldload if_fxp", but just say "I need fxp0", then configuration
framework can automatically load fxp driver, if it is not
loaded yet. This is how configuration works in both newconfig
and even oldconfig (look at static kernel configuration file
for oldconfig, there is the line "device fxp0" which demands
fxp driver to be loaded).
The way to specify a driver to be linked on new-bus is
retrogression to the age before 4.0BSD (4.0BSD introduced
oldconfig and it was released on 1980 :-)). Why does a user
have to specify file name instead of device name? Mmmm,
perhaps do new-bus people believe MS-DOSism or Linuxism? :-)

The way on new-bus will cause compatibility problem when
OS is upgraded, because the implementation (filename) may
be changed between versions and versions.

- new-bus heavily depends on oldconfig which is known to be obsolete
  and machine dependent (look at usr.sbin/config/config.y, there are
  many definitions which depends on ISA bus, e.g. PORT, IOMEM, IOSIZE,
  ... newconfig can defines such attributes dynamically on demand.),
  and lacks many features which newconfig already has.

- configruration hint which can be accessed from
  static configuration
- bus/device hierarchy information which can be accessed
  from static configuration
- inter module dependency information based on module
  attributes. new-bus completely lacks this feature,
  and depends on oldconfig about this.
- mapping information from device name to object file name.
  new-bus completely lacks this feature, and depends on
  old config about this.

Therefore, FreeBSD eventually will have to choose one of the following

[a] gives up static configuration.

But this doesn't solve the following problems:
- at least console driver should be linked statically,
  unless you statically link this, you cannot get the
  error about dynamic loading critical drivers. :-)
- in some applications, static configuration is good enough
  and dynamic configuration is merely overkill. FreeBSD

Re: cvs commit: src/sys/pci pcisupport.c

1999-05-12 Thread Rick Whitesel
Since newconfig appears technically superior, what are the issues that
are hindering its acceptance?

Rick Whitesel

- Original Message -
From: Noriyuki Soda 
To: Rick Whitesel 
Cc: Noriyuki Soda ; 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/pci pcisupport.c

>>>>> On Wed, 12 May 1999 09:35:36 -0400,
"Rick Whitesel"  said:

> In general I believe that dynamic configuration of the system is
> extremely useful to both the development community and the user
> community. The development community has a much easier time if they
> can load / unload drivers. As for the users, my rule of thumb is
> that a computer should never ask a human the answer to a question
> that it can find out for itself. I think this is especially true for
> configuration information. In addition, the need for dynamic system
> (re)configuration will only increase as features like PCI hot swap
> become the standard.

Of course, I completely agree with you.

The reason I prefer newconfig is it actually can support dynamic
configuration better than the new-bus. All features which new-bus has
can be implemented on newconfig, too. And, more. (See the description
about on-demand dynamic loading in my previous post.)

Furthremore, newconfig does static configuration better than the
new-bus, and newconfig has a option which removes dynamic configuration
entirely from kernel. New-bus apparently doesn't have this option.

So, which is flexible ? :-)
-- Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan
(Noriyuki Soda) Advanced Technology Group.

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Re: New ATA driver still can't attach to ISA controllers

1999-05-14 Thread Rick Whitesel
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the work you have/are
doing. The disk drive performance under IDE is very important for the
practical use of FreeBSD.

Thank you!

Rick Whitesel

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

- Original Message -
From: Soren Schmidt 
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: New ATA driver still can't attach to ISA controllers

It seems Maxim Sobolev wrote:

>Dear Soren,
>Do you remember that currently your famous driver (after new-bus
>announcement) don't probed on ISA hardwsre (in my case Toshiba CDX445)?

Yes, and I have the patches right here, I just need to test it a bit
more and get the time to commit it (hopefully this weekend).


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